Ben Werkman
4th Hour
World History
Svayambhu planted the seed of creation in to the waters, and grew into the
Hiranyagarbha, and entered the egg
Shiva Being the most powerful god in Hinduism, Shiva represents death and dissolution.
Brahma Brahma is the creator of the universe. Depicted with four heads, four arms and red skin, and
unlike any other gods he carries a water-pot, spoon, book of prayers and a lotus, rather than a weapon
Vishnu - Vishnu is the Hindu deity of peace and sustaining life. When the principles of order, righteousness
and truth are broken, Vishnu emerges and restores these.
Caste system
Atman is a word that means soul, inner-self or the essence of an individual
Atman is concealed by The Five Sheathes
- Annamaya Kosha (Food)
- Pranamaya Kosha (Vital-Air)
- Manomaya Kosha (Mind/Will)
- Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellectual Capacity)
- Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss)
- Atman
There is no single word English translation for this word
The root word dhr means to maintain or keep and dharm means path of
Hindus follow this to maintain and follow a correct way of living (Nonviolent, help others etc.)
The vedas
The Vedas is a sacred Hindu text
It is thought to be not of apauruseya (Human Agency) or created by Brahma
It is put apart from other religious texts because it is sruti (What is heard) rather than smrti (what
is remembered)
It is composed of 4 parts
- The Rigveda containing hymns to be recited by the presiding priest
- The Yajurveda which has hymns to be recited by the officiating priest
- The Samaveda holds formulas to be sung by the priest who chants
- The Atharvaveda which has spells and incantations, charms to avert evil and speculative hymns
Curiosity Discovery