Learn Boogie Woogie Piano - Colin Davey - CD Included - Info
Learn Boogie Woogie Piano - Colin Davey - CD Included - Info
Learn Boogie Woogie Piano - Colin Davey - CD Included - Info
Learn to play authentic Boogie Woogie piano in the styles of its three pioneers
- Albert Ammons, Pete Johnson and Meade "Lux" Lewis. This thorough guide will te
ach you to play, improvise, and compose dynamic, authentic Boogie Woogie piano.
Starting with bass lines, it leads you step-by-step through the techniques you n
eed for the style, from rhythmic chords in the right hand to turnarounds, sixths
, tremolos and other devices.
Learn Boogie Woogie Piano is for piano players who want to learn to play, improv
ise, and compose dynamic, authentic boogie woogie piano. It is geared towards pl
ayers who can read music and do any one of the following on the piano:
- Play along with a blues, folk, or early rock-and-roll song
- Play a jazz standard
- Play a Bach two-part invention or a classical piece of equivalent difficulty
Highly motivated less experienced piano players can use this book as well.
Ear players can learn from the CD of the exercises and examples.
Piano players with a classical background only will find the boogie woogie style
an excellent way to transition towards improvising popular music styles.
With this book, jazz, blues, rock-and-roll, and boogie woogie players can learn
to play in the authentic, roots boogie woogie style of the Boogie Woogie Trio.
Piano Teachers will find this a great text book for use with their students.