Milestones: Children 0-4 Years: Parent Easy Guide 77

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Children 04 years
Parent Easy Guide 77

Babies and young children develop quickly in the first few years of life.
This is a guide to what you might expect in their first four years often
called developmental milestones. All children are different and some will do
things faster or slower than others.
If you think your child is out of step for their age, check with a Child and
Family Health nurse or your doctor.
It is important that children get help early if they need it.

Brain development

By 8 weeks they may:

In the early years a babys brain grows faster than at

any other time. What they feel, see and hear at this
time affects how their brain develops. Good
experiences lead to good brain development.

> smile at you

Babies need warm, loving people to care for them

and to respond to their needs kindly and
consistently. They need to feel safe and secure in
the world. This helps them to develop confidence
and trust.

> seem to listen to you and watch your face

> lift their head when lying on their tummy

> kick both legs strongly
> make sounds other than crying, and talk back
to you
> have sleep patterns which vary greatly.
By 23 months they should follow your face or
a moving light with their eyes.

The first year

Out of step?

Babies 03 months
Babies have feelings from birth. They may feel
content or uncomfortable but are not able to think
about why they feel that way. They may pick up on
and match your feelings such as when you are
happy, calm or upset.
From birth babies may:
> watch your face when you talk to them
> turn to the side to suck when their cheek
is touched
> blink at sudden noises such as hand claps or
door slamming
> open their eyes to normal speech sounds just as
they doze off
> suck well from breast or bottle.

> move both eyes together most of the time

not smiling by 8 weeks

not calming down, at least for a little while,
when picked up
being unusually floppy or stiff
having different muscle tone or strength in
an arm and leg on one side compared with
the other side
having unusually good head control due to
stiff muscles
always holding fingers in a tight fist
not startled by sudden noises
having feeding problems beyond normal
range find out more from your Child and
Family Health nurse

What babies hear, see and feel in the early

years affect how their brain develops. They
develop best in warm, nurturing

Helping parents be their best

Parent Easy Guide 77 Milestones: Children 04 years

crying for long periods, or ongoing problems settling

being unusually good and not demanding
not watching your face when you speak to them
by 3 months
not making sounds other than crying by 3 months.

Babies 36 months
Relationships and feelings

Learning to talk
> make lots of little voice sounds such as squeals or grunts
> take turns when talking with parents
> turn their head towards a person talking by 5 months.
Out of step?
dont make many voice sounds.

> make eye contact as you smile at each other

> enjoy being played with, laugh and kick by 4 months
> chuckle softly and laugh aloud by 35 months.

Responding to babies cries warmly and consistently

helps them feel safe and secure.

Out of step?
dont seem interested in things around them
dont show delight in being with people
dont seem to know parents or other familiar people.

Babies 69 months
Relationships and feelings
> know familiar people and are unsure of strangers

Doing, seeing and hearing

> are upset when separated from main carer

> enjoy looking at people and bright objects

> delight in playing peek-a-boo games.

> enjoy watching people do things

Out of step?

> react to familiar things by smiling, cooing and

excited movements
> turn their head to moderate sounds such as a normal
speaking voice by 3 months
> look at their own hands and play with their fingers
by 3 months.
By 35 months:
> hold on to an object placed in their hand and
briefly look at it

dont show pleasure when seeing people they know well

dont make eye contact
cannot be comforted by a parent or close carer.
> swap small items from one hand to the other
> pick up items with their thumb and one finger
> bang objects together
> roll from their back to their tummy

> lift their head and chest when lying on their tummy

> sit for several minutes without using their hands for support

> quieten or smile at the sound of your voice, or if they

see you

> get into a crawling position on their hands and knees

> turn their head or eyes towards you when you speak from
beside or behind them.
By 57 months roll from their back to their tummy.
Out of step?

dont open hands or straighten fingers

dont kick legs
arms and legs are bent most of the time
dont use both hands and both legs equally well
dont follow activities with eyes
dont make eye contact with people
dont turn to look for you when you speak
not startled by loud noises
unhappy or unsettled most of the time.

> start to look at and feel objects before taking them to

their mouth
> start to hold food such as a biscuit and feed themselves
> look in the right direction for things that have fallen down
> start to drink from a cup held by an adult by 69 months
> move around more and roll and creep on their tummy by
8 months.
Out of step?

not starting to move around by any means

dont show an interest in or reach for objects
dont recognise parent or main carer
not interested in surroundings or new objects.

Hearing and learning to talk

> turn towards quiet sounds
> babble with sounds like dada and baba and then try to put
babbling sounds together
> recognise several words, e.g. looks for Daddy if
Daddy is said
> copy sounds made by other people.
Out of step?
babbling is not developing.

page 2

Babies 912 months

Out of step?
dont babble or make other sounds when someone talks
to them.

Relationships and feelings

> know familiar people and withdraw from strangers by
9 months
> give cuddles

Sharing a book with babies every day is important for

healthy development. It is never too early to start.

> become anxious if main carer is out of sight

> stretch up arms to be picked up
> love to be talked to and played with

Children 12 years

> copy gestures such as coughing or waving

This is a year of firsts first steps, first words, first tantrums.

Most children are moving freely, running, climbing and
exploring. They are self-centred and see everything and
everyone as being there for them alone.

> cannot understand no or danger.

Out of step?
dont show pleasure when seeing people they know well
dont make eye contact
cannot be comforted by parent or close carer.

Relationships and feelings

By 18 months:


> enjoy cuddles

> point with their index finger

> drop and throw things on purpose

> show different feelings and easily move from happy

to sad to angry

> pass objects easily from one hand to the other

> likely to be afraid of strangers

> sit unsupported

> show a strong attachment to parents or main carer

> move around by crawling or bottom shuffling

> pull up to standing

> show distress when left by a parent is often clingy when the
parent returns.

> walk while holding on to furniture

Out of step?

> find a toy hidden under a cloth

dont show preference for people they know well

dont seem to like cuddles.

> pick up a crumb with tips of finger and thumb

> stand by themselves and take a few steps forward by
1113 months.

By 2 years:

Out of step?

> play near other children, but not yet with them unless the
other children adapt their play to fit the 2year-old

holds their body stiff and cannot be put in a

sitting position
not moving around in any way
not interested in new objects and dont reach for them
not sitting by 9 months.

> unable to share or take turns.

By 12 months:
> pull themselves up on a lounge chair
> side step around the chair whilst holding on
> push a small trolley along in a straight line, but cant
turn corners.

Babies are born ready to learn. They learn and

develop best when you spend time talking and
playing with them.

By 18 months:
> walk at first with feet wide apart, but as balance improves,
walk with feet closer together and straighter

Hearing and learning to talk

> walk downstairs while holding your hand

> look for quiet sounds made out of sight

> fall over if they try to run

> shake their head for no and nod their head for yes

> climb on to low furniture

> show pleasure in babbling loudly

> place objects such as 3 small blocks on top of each other

> like to look at picture books and can say some sounds at
certain pictures

> use a spoon right side up

> start to scribble with a pencil

> turn to the direction a sound comes from by 1012 months

> turn pages of a book

> know and respond to their own name by 12 months

> babbling develops further. Can say 3 words such as mama,
baba dada by 12 months.

> try to kick a large ball if shown how

> pick up small objects.

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Parent Easy Guide 77 Milestones: Children 04 years

Out of step?
not yet walking
not holding a spoon or not able to get food into
their mouth
not picking up small objects.
By 2 years:

By 2 years:
> use at least 50 recognisable words
> listen to things that are said to them
> start to put 2 words together such as daddys car
> remember 2 things at a time such as please get the ball
and bring it to Daddy

> explore more widely, open doors and drawers

and push buttons

> join in with songs and nursery rhymes

> run fast without falling over when turning corners

or stopping

> babble while playing, with a few recognisable words in

the babble

> squat steadily to pick up objects

> tell you most of what they want with words, such as
outside, milk, want more or go away.

> bring a small chair to the table and sit on the chair
at the table
> walk backwards pulling a toy or trolley
> get up without using their hands.
Out of step?
not walking steadily by 2 years, or is limping.

> point to 6 body parts

Out of step?

still mostly silent while playing

dont respond when people talk to them
not pointing to objects when named
uses signs, grunts or gestures but not words when they
want something.

Learning to talk
By 18 months:
> babble loudly to themselves and others
> listen to what is said and understand a few things such as
no or stop
> point to one or two body parts
> follow a few simple instructions such as please get
your shoes

Children 23 years
This is a time when toddlers want to become more
independent. They have new things to learn and strong
feelings to deal with. They can lose control of feelings and this
can scare them. They need lots of physical contact and
reassurance that they are lovable.
Relationships and feelings

> identify a few familiar objects when they are named such as
show me the ball or where is the spoon?

By 2 years:

> know and use 8 or more words in addition to mama and

dada. The words may be unclear but you can tell what
they mean.

> not able to control feelings, and tantrums are common

especially when they are tired or frustrated

Out of step?
not babbling much
not starting to use some meaningful words
not listening when people speak to them.

> try hard to be independent and say no a lot, or me do

> not able to share with others or take turns

> resist attempts to stop them doing things
> play imaginative games such as putting a doll to bed,
driving a car around on the floor or feeding toys.
Out of step?

Tummy play on the floor helps babies strengthen

their neck, back and legs for crawling. Never leave
them alone on their tummy.

has frequent tantrums

dont play with adults or older children.
By 3 years:
> try to copy adults and is able to be helpful, such as
putting toys away
> play games using lots of imagination and joins in with other
childrens play.

page 4

Parent Easy Guide 77 Milestones: Children 04 years

Out of step?
not playing imaginative games
becomes obsessed with certain objects
not using toys as they are meant to be used such as
only playing with the wheels of a car rather than
pushing it along a road
are mostly in their own world rather than interacting
with others.
By 2 years:
> climb on and off furniture
> run smoothly and climb on play equipment
> throw a ball more or less where they want it to go
> kick a large ball gently but not always where they want
it to go

Learning to talk
By 2 years:
> understand a lot more than they can say
> use well over 100 recognisable words. Many of the words
will be unclear as they cannot say all of the sounds
> put words into short sentences such as look Mummy dog
> talk during play
> let people know what they want using words rather
than signs
> realise that language can get others to respond.
By 3 years:
> talk clearly enough for strangers to understand some of
what they say
> use words such as me and you correctly

> stack 56 blocks

> ask many questions starting with what, where and why

> climb up stairs

> listen to stories, and often ask for favourite stories

> feed themselves with a spoon and drink from an open cup

> make up long stories while playing.

> help to dress and undress themselves

Out of step?

> are very active and resist attempts to stop them doing
things. They dont understand about danger, even if they
say that something is dangerous.
Children learn by doing things. Encourage them to
play and explore new things safely. A caring adult is
their best toy.

Out of step?
not running smoothly, or has a limp
far more active or less active than other children
cannot feed themselves most of the time.
By 3 years:
> push or pull large wheeled toys around to where they
want them
> walk alone up and down stairs
> push the pedals on a toy such as a tricycle
> stand and walk on tiptoe

not using words to let others know what they want

not talking clearly enough for parents to know what
they want
in a world of their own and dont respond when others
speak to them.

Children 34 years
This is a time of moving from babyhood to childhood. They
know more words, can express some ideas and have a rich
imagination. They love to play and enjoy doing physical
things. They are learning how to get along with others, and to
share and take turns. They are now happier to spend some
time away from parents. They have less need for everything
right now.
Relationships and feelings
By 34 years:
> play cooperatively with other children some of the time
> share and take turns cannot manage competitive games

> jump with both feet

> can be apart from parents more easily in places they

know well

> kick a ball forcefully

> are more independent and dont want help

> throw and catch a ball with outstretched arms

> show caring for other children in distress

> undress and put on some simple clothes

> use complex make-believe play

> copy a straight line when shown

> find it hard to know what is pretend and what is real.

> eat with spoon and fork

> begin to manage toileting. Some children will not manage
this until they are nearly 4
> know that they are a girl or a boy.
Out of step?
not running as smoothly as other children
not climbing skilfully.
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Out of step?
dont interact with other children or adults in play
is overly aggressive with other children or withdrawn
from them
repeats the same simple play activity over and over again
for long periods.

Parent Easy Guide 77 Milestones: Children 04 years

During this year can usually begin to:
> climb ladders
> walk along a plank
> stand, walk and run on tiptoes
> use pedals on a tricycle and turn safely
> stand on one foot for several seconds
> hop up and down on either left or right foot at
least once without losing balance
> learn to cut with scissors
> roll or bounce a ball
> catch a ball with both hands, and throw a
ball overarm
> eat well with a spoon and fork
> manage toileting. They may still have accidents
when stressed, tired or forget to go to the toilet
when too busy playing. Many still wet the bed.
> enjoy helping adults around the house
> start to draw pictures of people
> sort and match identify small and big
> play pretend games such as super heroes and
imaginary friends
> dress without help (except zips and buttons)
> explore and collect things.
Out of step?
not doing above activities as well as
other children
cannot jump with two feet together
not able to be toilet trained and still wetting
during the day by 4 years
starting to wet again during the day after
becoming dry.
Learning to talk
> use 45 word sentences
> talk in complex sentences that are mostly
grammatically correct
> say things most people can understand even if
there are sounds they cannot make, e.g. s, r,
z, th, v, f
> enjoy stories and jokes

> ask lots of questions about the world such as

why? and how?
> can tell you how old they are
> can talk about what happened yesterday and
about tomorrow
> start to put together pieces of a simple puzzle.
Out of step?
dont speak clearly you cant understand them
most of the time
not talking in sentences of 3 or more words
not able to follow simple instructions
not talking during play
dont seem to understand what parents say
to them.

Seeking help
If you are worried that your child seems out of step
with others of the same age, talk with your doctor or
Child and Family Health nurse. This can help to assure
you that all is well, or to get help for your child if they
need it.

Want more information?

Child and Family Health Centres:
Phone 1300 733 606 9am4.30pm MonFri
For an appointment with a Child and Family
Health nurse at your local Centre
Parent Helpline:
Phone 1300 364 100
For advice on child health and parenting
For information on child health and parenting
For more Parent Easy Guides e.g. About
Babies, Learning to Talk, Living with Babies,
Living with Toddlers, Right from the Start,
Tantrums and Toilet Training, and parent
support groups in your local area
For information on raising children
For information on baby and toddler milestones

Parenting SA
Womens and Childrens Health Network
Telephone (08) 8303 1660
Revised 10/12
Parent Easy Guides are free in South Australia
Important: This information is not intended
to replace advice from a qualified practitioner.
Department of Health, Government of South Australia. All rights reserved.

Parenting SA
Helping parents be their best

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