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Screw Driver Sets Taparia
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Screw Driver Sets Taparia
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Screw Driver Sets Taparia
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TAPARIA TOOLS LTD. AN ISO-9001 COMPANY SCREW DRIVERS %& TAPARIA® Offer the most comprehensive range of screw drivers, made out of High Grade Steel and ‘Transparent green cellulose acetate handle, % Available in Engineer's, Electrician's with nsulation on full length of blade, Phillips, and Pozi drive Pattern. Also available with Black tip for superior performance, 4 The handle is made from high grade C A Plastic which is non flammable and unaffected by oll, petrol, grease, water etc. + The handle is precisely designed to give comfortable group even at higher torque. “% Available in wide variety of different tip size & length “* Hardness on the tip = 55 -SBH. A.CEran enon eaaks) Eeaemeneanskan a) eS ErRe en enske mec lenn 5 £ 4 3 — fo =e oe SS} ee ppp a aa [ae pee ee eee} eee Sea et et ee Sees ae — oe ee Sega eT eee Las aaa] ae de a eee T T TOT T T PS B62 100 2 toolee/6 [198] 60 | aay aaa] ae SEES Ee a ee = eae Cie ee 2 SEL eo ne S— SBE 7 ae BEE [areey See ee a ee ae Be Sa Re ee Lselzal oT ae et eee =) ose ee te. ee ue oes ss = Gee ae os ore ae BG Soe = eee ao mes aa oe to eae ae ed Lk eee we | a 954 B0x08 lesls0/6| 75] a0 S64 60x08 [so /s0/8 [700] — a5. SOx 0/3018 |r; 60 855 16 Dx PHILLIPS NOZIS013016 100] —a5 BUN ssa ena [SSeS a ze | 35205 [125/171 as/z00| a0 eg [38208 iso/171 aslee5l as ge_[ 38x08 le0o/171 as la7sl a0 aes [A008 [iso] 1a] a0 230] —a0 33_[ 40x08 —Te00/4e] 4012801 —a0 Sa ‘Sga_[ 8.0408 | 100/ze] $01 tas] 60 y a5_[ 0x08 [ie5 [221 8.0leti] 88 33g_[_ 50x08 [150/227 SO1za5| 60 oo TPSZE TIPSIE ra 837 [8.00.8 [00/221 S.olzesl 70 Ar fe ‘3g6_[ 5.008 eso] 22] S.0lsae| 60 i Las eee e ‘ag¢_[ 8.008 [300/221 8.01388] 90 Sha [85] 22] 6 [160] BOxO8 [BOxePHLLPS! To] BSSera en Waa RAR Re LS Sin esea uae uaa ——a CS AT} oessei0 | 7117 1S011ag1 ee Tara, ogs aee0 iso 17 TSO leis ae ele fey BGs 1e00t 75 [17 TSO TSO Be Coss iso sol 17 10 B 7 a asl Perea Mang aad WITH BIGGER SIZE HANDLES a NO Pies ee og | sel aol 5x05 [asa 0 Pubs [reel oe ea_{ fe lieliesl 0.08 [es TPHUBS eel ab ea [isielés| 0.08 | Sba08 neva S| Maes ha0e Bs OO RMLPSTTIO. oD 690 [200190 [2541S x BALLS! 80x | Pio [2801 a0 eS a a S51 100/28 [SOx FHILPSL 8012 BPS [2801 Top e205 1 6.00.8 [100186 sl1s6| 75 52-1 200]27 11618012 FHLOPSL 8 01 SAPS HS] 170 sess Teoxoe [ieplpeteless| a0 Sg | SSOTES ST 60a PALL NOT TaD Sra HS 8.00. [1s0lz8 [eZee | oe [ene {ioolzstae| 0x07 0x Phe BOI Bo SESHS [6.0.x 0.6 [S0TSS TE ]eSBy 100. eos [aol zelese|—eox08 [eoee paps sol 70 S645 | 6.00.8 [pa0les elaae| 110 06 [aole7leas] e008 18015 Baus tel Ts sags [6.0 x0'8 [ables /slasel—120 % The blade is made from high grade silicon manganese steel % The blade is fully hardened & tempered EI withstand high torque requirements. % The blade is magnetized to lift screws ete from confined spaces or to hold screw in Ea PASS position, eT 140 isoti7 Teotet 28 + The blade is effectively protected against a corrosion by Nickel Chrome plating. ao 1713s =o a7 Tas 35 Tai ze Ts. 161 0. Ts. yeo se [8.0 eset 80 T20ito 8s 18.0 Test 85 30 T=soL_[ oo 2s Teo [eset a0 T=a0- {tae 8 [8.0 Tso 120 =o. e0o1 28-1801 305 [180Erasmas karan) oat ty mi [SSN RSD aa A) L871 __[SQ. POKER] 95 [22/6/7180] 55 | Seas a asks) B21 STEEL |75|221 6 |175| Philips No.0; Philips No.0: 6 (GOULET ‘Ox0.6; Philips No.1: Philips No.2: Philios Noo Ea GLP [77/25] 6 [175] 2-5x0.4, 3.6:0.5,5x0.6, 630.6 TYPE, Philips No.0, 0,1 5 Eraaaea aaa) (SPECIAL WITH NEON BULBS), CUP [95/18] 6 ['75] 6.0x0.8; 3.5x0.5: Philips No. 0: TYPE: ‘Square Poker; Prilips No. 1 STEEL |SB/25) 6 200, 000.6; 35x06; Pigs No. O> COLLET| ‘Square Poker; Prilips No. 7 BOW 8: 420.6; 35x06; Sa Polar cue [S [ral 5 |i73] Prlps No.1; Philips No.2 TYPE ouns Poker, Woos Screw Ty Bi0x0.6; 4 3x0 6; 3.530 5; Sa Pober: ear] 8 | cur Sapa Spa Philips No.1; Philpa Noe 70 TYPE ound Poker; Wood Screw Ty. Bad | 6 | See. |SBI25| 6 [200 6. 0x0.8; 5,530.5; Philos No.0; COLLET [Exension Bar, Square Poker: Philips No.1] 185 Ber S| cup |SiTaSHTaS| 5x0 5, 25x02; 1.640. TYPE ‘Square Poker; Phil No, OO 50 SCREW DRIVERS KITS (HANGING POUCH) Eres a ea aeke cian) Ea Pos Ea Ee 1012 [Consisting of 8 Screw Drivers 827, 813. 1014 [Consisting of 7 Screw Drivers 824, P5 861 75, 824, 813.713, P5861 75, P5862 100, 919, 925, S95, 14 7073 [Consisting of 8 Screw Drver 713, 922, 725, 826, O17 [Consisting of § Philips Screw Driver P3 859 50, ig12, 712, 997, p5 661 75 PS 860 60.5 861 75, PB 862 100, PB ASS 200)LINE TESTER ‘ TAPARIA® Line Tester has high quality blade and cellulose acetate plastic Handle. ‘ Fully insulated blade ensures shock proof working, % Distinct glow of Neow lamp identifies line ‘live", ‘& Features a clip for safe carrying in pocket, ‘% Available in several sizes. SCREW DRIVERS (SPECIAL WITH NEON BULBS) rr ar WEIGHT [Xe a ae CCT era | ss [ asxo4 [17/6 |190| 25 aia 60 | 5x05 |14[6 [125] 20 eis [100 | 35x05 [18/6 [160] 35 os | 8] s5x08 [7[e[mo] ere | 60 | Sa poxen [ia] 6 |1e5| 20 evs [ita | a0x06 [1a] a feoo[ 90 THREE IN ONE TESTER %* Consists of a TAPARIA® Line Tester and an easily attachable extension cord with a Test Probe, * Easily checks ‘live’ or Neutral wire, continuity or break in circuit. Identifies two different phases. % Ideal for domestic use. —5 ut = —— a Pao Dea [emaeeas [ev-tais] asxos | te |MULTIPURPOSE DIGITAL TESTER (MDT 81) 7% TAPARIA’ Multipurpose Digital Testers are useful for a wide variety of electrical functions as folows 1) Te Measure 12V to 220V AG and OC Voltage 2) To locate break point of an insulated wire fo check flow of current in an insulated wire from outside. a , uu ob Ty EE MDT 81 0x0.5) MOT N 82] 20] 3.0x 0.5 ]18/130| 17 TIPS for use :- 1) For measuring voltage 2) The extreme right displayed voltage is the voltage of the wire tested, whether it is 12V, 36V, SSV, 110V, 220V. As shown in fia @ b ‘The Digital tester will display full voltage value @.9. 220 when atleast 70% of 220 voltage is measured or else it will show the lower step voltage ie. 110V. Te check DC voltage touch upper button of the tester @) To check below 12 volts touch induction button as in fia.® 2) To check continuity or break point of a wire. 4) For checking the Phase line and Neutral ine, place the tester blade on the PVC insulation of the wire. Only in case of Phase line flash mark will appear on the LCD Display as shown in fig. in the above drawing Ql ‘To check continuity on parallel lines, it is necessary to separate ‘them from each other, so as to eliminate interference. ©) Break point can be detected by touching the outside of PVC insulation of the wire. The exact break point will be at the place where ¥ fiash mark stops glowing as shown in case of fia @ TAPARIA TOOLS LTD. An 180-9001 Company TAPARIA® TAPARIA” TAPARIA® TAPARIA® oe
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