Thyroid Lumps11
Thyroid Lumps11
Thyroid Lumps11
TRH released by (arcuate nucleus and median sulcus) hypothalamus act on anterior
pituitary (activates G protein using PLC,breaks down PIP2 to IP3 and
DAG DAG act on PKC and IP3 increases Ca2+ increase TSH release.
Nb. Anatgonist of TSH release :
1. Somatostatin
2. Dopamine.
3. T3/T4
TSH release by Ant. Pituitary acts on thyroid to increase cAMP which exhibits these effects:
-increase metabolic activity to produce thyroglobulin and generate peroxide (oxidize I- to
I-0 .
- Increase I- uptake and iodination of thyroglobulin(produce MIT)
- Conjugation of iodinated Tg to prodice DIT.
-Endocytosis of DIT and MIT from colloid to follicle.
-protelysis of DIT and MIT to release T3 and T4
Thyroid Lumps:
Risk Factors:
- Malignancy increases with age and with previous benign dz.
- Thyroid cancers more common after radiation exposure.
- Usually asymptomatic
- Sometimes may cause pain and present with compression of trachea.
- TFTS: most lumps will be euthyroid.
- US: used to detect and characterize most nodules. (shows cystic lesions
2mm wide and solid lesions 3mm wide.
- Fine needle aspiration: usually under US guidance but if palpable can be
done without US
- Translumination: to check for cysts.
- Radionulide imaging: I-123 injected and signal detected
o Normal are warm
o Take up excess amount of iodine: HOT
o Do not take up iodine: COLD
o Nb.cannot distinguish or confirm cancer using I-123
o CT and MRI used to detect local and mediastinal spread to lymph
Superficial lumps: sebaceous cyst, lipma,abscess, dermoid cyst.
Lymph nodes
Anterior triangle
-If submandibular more likely to be lymph nodes BUT coud be cancer if
older(especially if feels firm and non tender)eg.TB, salivary calculus or tumor
- If doesnt move on swallowing :
1. Carotid aneurysm.
2. carotid body tumour
3. Branchial cyst
4. Cystic hygroma
5 . SCM tumour.
6. Laryngocele.
Posterior triangle:
- Multiple lumps: lymph nodes
1. TB
2. HIV
3. Lymphoma.
4. Metastasis. (could be metastasis from nasopharyngeal carcinoma)
Cervical rib
Branchial cyst: It forms when the second branchial cleft fails to disappear
in utero. Discharging sinuses and fistulae may occur. Aspiration may be
pus-like and can be rich in cholesterol crystals. The lump itself is soft and
fluctuant and may transilluminate.
Cystic hygroma : congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion that can arise
anywhere, but is classically found in the left posterior triangle of the neck.
Due to malformation of lymphatic vessels.
Subclavian artery aneurysm
Pharyngeal pouch.
- Lumps need ENT exam before biopsy.
- FNA, excision biopsy, CXR, US/CT/MRI (US better than CT for malignant
cerv. Lymph nodes)
- Culture samples.
70% of hyperthyroidism. (MC cause)
100-200 per 100000 in uk
women:men 8:1
presents 20-40 yrs.
Differential diagnosis
A long differential list is possible depending on the particular manifestations.
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Pituitary tumours
Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
Drugs (cocaine, amfetamines and other stimulant drugs)
Heart disease
Carcinoma of the colon (causing change in bowel habit)
Other causes of hyperthyroidism (drugs, toxic multinodular goitre, thyroiditis,
Exogenous thyroxine
Toxic thyroid adenoma
-SE of treatment : mainly agranulocytosis (due to drugs)
- Maternal Graves can lead to neonatal HYPERthyroidism.
- Thyroid cancer
- Heart dz (AF and HF)
- Osteoporosis (which in postmenopausal women will be SEVERE)
- Sarcopenia and myopathy
- Psych cognitive (anxiety and mood)
Iodinated contrast media and other iodine preparations.
Dopamine, levodopa.
Drugs which may cause analytical interference (increased FT4 by displacement) include:
High-dose aspirin (>2 g/day).
-Has high levels of iodine (one 100 mg tablet contains 250 x the recommended daily intake)
- Has direct toxicity on the thyroid.
It can induce hyperthyroidism (primarily in iodine-deficient areas of the world) or hypothyroidism.
Changes to TFTs in euthyroid patients on amiodarone
Amiodarone-associated hyperthyroidism is difficult to diagnose and should be based on high FT4 associated with
high or high/normal FT3 and undetectable TSH since, even in euthyroid individuals, amiodarone therapy causes
moderate elevation of FT4 with reduced FT3 because of its effect on the peripheral deiodination of T4 to T3. If this
condition is suspected, refer for specialist assistance, since further investigations may be required and management
is frequently complicated.
Graves dz
Follicular carcinoma of thyroid gland: Associated with metastatic dz.
Drugs eg. Amiodarone, lithium, exogenous iodine, dopamine,corticosteroids.
Ovarian teratoma.
o hashimotos thyroiditis (goiter): painless goiter of variable size with
rubbery consisterncy . Thyroid function could be normal,subclinical
or hypothyroid.
o Atrophic thyroiditis: end-stage of AI thyroiditis hypothyroidism.
- IATROGENIC: radio-iodine, surgery, radiotherapy to neck.
Treatment of hypothyroidism:
Give sufficient dose of thyroid (usually LEVOTHYROXINE-T4) to lower TSH to
within normal range(if symtpoms still there after a while then suspect non-thyroid
Initial dose of levothyroxine= 50-100 micrograms daily, adjusted in steps of 25-50
micrograms every 3-4weeks maintenance dose = 100-200 micrograms daily.
If canrdiac dz, sever hypothyroidism and patients over 50 25 micrograms once
daily, adjusted in steps of 25 micrograms every 4 weeks maintenance= 50-200.