Compania Vs City of Manila
Compania Vs City of Manila
Compania Vs City of Manila
City of Manila
1. NO, the term tax applies generally speaking to all kinds of exactions which
become public funds.It is often loosely used to include levies for revenue as well as
levies for regulatory purposes. Thus license fees are commonly called taxes. Legally
speaking, however, license fee is a legal concept quite distinct from tax; the former is
imposed in the exercise of police power for purposes of regulation, while the latter is
imposed under the taxing power for the purpose of raising revenues.
By reason thereof, the City Treasurer issued the regulations, according to which,
the term general merchandise, as used in said ordinances, includes all articles referred
to in chapter 1, Sections 123 to 148 of the National Internal Revenue Code. Of these,
Section 133-135 included liquor among the taxable articles.
Pursuant to said regulations, Tabacalera included its sales of liquor in its sworn
quarterly declaration submitted to the City Treasurer beginning from the third quarter of
1954 to the second quarter of 1957, with a total value of P722,501.09 and
correspondingly paid a wholesalers tax amounting to P13,688 and a retailers tax
amounting to P1,520, or a total of P15,208.
In 1954, the City, through its treasurer, addressed a letter to Messrs. Sycip, Gorres,
Velayo and Co., an accounting firm, expressing the view that liquor dealers paying the
annual wholesale and retail fixed tax under City Ordinance 3358 are not subject to the
wholesale and retail dealers taxes prescribed by City Ordinances 3634, 3301, and 3816.
Upon learning of said opinion, the Tabacalera stopped including its sales of liquor
in its quarterly sworn declarations submitted in accordance with the City Ordinances
3634, 3301, and 3816, and on 3 December 1957, it addressed a letter to the City
Treasurer demanding refund of the alleged overpayment.
As the claim was disallowed, the Tabacalera filed the action in the CFI Manila to
recover from the City of Manila and its Treasurer, Marcelino Sarmiento the sum of
P15,280.00 allegedly overpaid by it as taxes on its wholesale and retail sales of liquor
for the period from the third quarter of 1954 to the second quarter of 1957, inclusive,
under Ordinances 3634, 3301, and 3816.
The CFI Manila ordered the City Treasurer of Manila to refund the sum of P15,280
to Compaia General de Tabacos de Filipinas. Hence, the appeal.