Tally - Erp 9 at A Glance
Tally - Erp 9 at A Glance
Tally - Erp 9 at A Glance
ERP 9 at a Glance
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd., (Tally in short) on the topics
discussed as of the date of publication. Because Tally must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a
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2009 Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Version: Tally.ERP 9 at a Glance/1.0/March 2009
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
Lesson 1: Complete Book-keeping ...............................................................................................4
1.1 Simple & Easy Voucher Entry ................................................................................4
1.2 Books & Registers ...................................................................................................7
1.3 Statements of Accounts .........................................................................................13
1.4 Credit Limits ..........................................................................................................19
1.5 Bank Reconciliation ..............................................................................................20
1.6 Flexible Reporting .................................................................................................22
Lesson 2: Why is Tally the best for basic Financial Management? ........................................26
2.1 Fund Flows ............................................................................................................26
2.2 Payment performance of Debtors (Receivables Turnover) ...................................27
2.3 Branch Accounting ................................................................................................28
2.4 Flexible Period Accounting ...................................................................................29
2.5 Budgeting and Control ..........................................................................................30
2.6 Cost centers / Profit centers with multiple Cost Categories ..................................32
2.7 Ratio Analysis .......................................................................................................34
2.8 Scenario Management ...........................................................................................35
Lesson 3: Why is Tally the best for advanced Financial Management ? ................................38
3.1 Multiple companies ...............................................................................................38
3.2 Multi-Currency ......................................................................................................39
3.3 Multiple financial year ..........................................................................................41
3.4 Multi-columnar reporting ......................................................................................41
3.5 Memo Vouchers ....................................................................................................42
3.6 Post dated Vouchers ..............................................................................................44
3.7 User defined Vouchers ..........................................................................................45
3.8 Sales and Purchase extracts ...................................................................................45
3.9 Cash Flows ............................................................................................................46
3.10 Daily Balance & Transaction Values ..................................................................47
3.11 Interest Calculations ............................................................................................49
3.12 Percentage Based Reporting ................................................................................50
Lesson 4: Why Tally is best for basic Inventory Management ? .............................................52
4.1 Flexible units of Measure ......................................................................................52
Power : Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to maintain multiple companies and with unlimited levels of classification & grouping capabilities. It also allows drill downfacility from report level
to transaction level.
Flexibility : Tally.ERP 9 provides flexiblity to generate instant reports for any given period
(month/year) or at any point of time besides providing the facility to toggle between
Accounting & Inventory reports of the same company or between companies.
Scalability : Tally.ERP 9 suits to any style of business needs and eliminates the necessity
for a business to change its style of operation, in order to adapt to the application.
Concurrent multi-lingual capability : Tally.ERP 9 offers you the exclusive capability of
maintaining your accounts in any Indian language, viewing them in another language and
printing them in yet another Indian language.
Real time processing : Immediate posting & updation of books of accounts as soon as the
transactions are entered, thereby facilitating instant statements & Reports. It also faciliaties
real-time multi-user environment.
Accounting without Codes : Tally.ERP 9 allows accounting with the regular names (the
way you spell them or use in normal parlance) without any account codes.
Technical support : Timely support is available from our experts at the Tally Service Partners (TSPs)
Online Help : The Tally.ERP 9 Online Help (Alt+H) provides instant assistance on basic
and advanced features or any other relevant topics of Tally.ERP 9.
Tally.NET : is an enabling framework which establishes a connection through which the
remote user can access the Client's data without copying / transferring the data.
Remote Access : Tally.ERP 9 provides remote capabilities to access the data from anywhere and anytime.
Control Centre : works as an interface between the user and Tally.ERP 9 installed at different sites and enables the user to centrally configure and administer Site/User belonging
to an account.
Support Centre : allows a user can directly post his support queries on the functional and
technical aspects of the Product.
Auditor's Edition : Tally.ERP 9 offers a special Auditors' Edition of Tally.ERP 9, which provides auditing and compliance capabilities exclusively for Chartered Accountants.
Lesson 1:
Complete Book-keeping
Tally.ERP 9 maintains all books of accounts starting from record of vouchers to ledgers etc. You
can use different types of vouchers like payment, receipt, sales, purchases, receipt notes, delivery
notes and adjustment entry vouchers like journals, debit & credit notes. Tally.ERP 9 inherits the
principle of double entry system of book keeping and thus reduces possibilities of errors during
voucher entry.
To view Outstandings:
Set Maintain Bill-wise Details to Yes in F11: Accounting Features
Create a Party (Ledger A/c) under Sundry Debtors / Sundry Creditors group
Set Maintain balances bill by bill to Yes for the parties during ledger creation
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Sales (F8) or Purchase (F9) accordingly and enter the transaction by specifying a Bill reference No. along with due dates for
the amount to be received or paid in the Bill Allocations for screen(you can also break up
the amount into multiple reference numbers with different due dates)
To view Receivables / Payables Reports
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Receivables
(to view due to the company).
The report displays bill-by-bill outstanding for all the parties with the pending amount alongwith
the due date.
To view amounts payable by your company, select Payables in the Outstandings menu. You can also toggle between Payables or Receivables
reports, by clicking F4.
You will get a report displaying bill-by-bill details of all outstandings for the concerned party along
with the total outstanding amount. You can also view details of cleared bills, by using the options
in the button bars.
You can also view Ageing Analysis of Oustandings, by defining various ranges of periods and
view outstanding across the specified time slabs. For eg., you can specify 0 to 30 days, 30 to 45
days and 45 to 75 days and so on.
To View Ageing Analysis Report
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display >Outstandings >Receivables or Payables
Select F6 (Age wise)
You may also view the Ageing Analysis report by due date or by bill date.
Different type of reports can be generated for each of the primary statement/ report generated in
Tally.ERP 9. It is to be noted that Tally.ERP 9 provides the columnar comparison of data for
different periods and budgets only for the Group Summary.
You can also define the Credit Limits for individual ledger accounts at the
time of creation /Alteration, in the Ledger Master screen.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Cash/Bank Book
Select the required Bank Account and press Enter on the required month (or F2 and
specify the required period from which you want to reconcile your bank accounts)
Press F5: Reconcile
Enter the date of clearing (date on which the transaction is being debited / credited) from
the Bank Statement.
After reconciliation, you may also toggle to other reports, by pressing the relevant buttons from
the Button Bar.
You may also specify the effective date of reconciliation in the Bank
Ledger Master to predefine the date of reconciliation for transaction starting
from where you want to reconcile.
The Statistics showing list of masters and vouchers will appear as shown :
Tally.ERP 9 allows you the flexibility to specify the payee's name other than the ledger account
under which the payment is accounted. Once the voucher is saved, Tally.ERP 9 prompts you to
print the cheque.
Lesson 2:
Tally.ERP 9 provides you the capability to generate various financial statements and Management
Information system reports, thereby facilitating better management, effective control and wellinformed decisions. Following are the some of salient features, which makes Tally.ERP 9 best for
basic financial management.
Fund Flows
Receivables Turnover (Payment performance of debtors)
Branch Accounting
Flexible Period Accounting
Budgeting and Control
Cost centers / Profit centers with multiple Cost Categories
Ratio Analysis
Scenario Management
Go to Gateway of Tally > Profit & Loss A/c.
Select F2: Period and specify the date range to view the report.
Variance Analysis
Once you have created Budgets, you can view the Variance Analysis Report which provides information on the difference between the actual versus the budgeted figures. This report helps management to figure out variances and work to remedy the situation with the ability to drill down to
the voucher level the user is able to understand which particular transaction or group of transaction brought about the variation.
To view a variance analysis report, you may set the option Show Variance to Yes, as explained
above or follow the steps given below :
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Trial Balance/Account Books (Group Summary)
Select the Budget Variance (Alt + B) - Type of budget
To view the variance report in detailed mode, press Alt+F1 from the above report.
To create a Scenario:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Scenarios > Create
Specify the name of the scenario
Set parameter Include Actuals to Yes/No (as required)
Set parameters relating to Exclude forex gains/loss and Exclude inventory tracking to
Yes/No (as required)
Specify the voucher types to be included/excluded (Use Exclude option only for those
Voucher Types that have been included previously).
To view Scenarios,
Select any report (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c, Cost Centre and so on)
Select Alt + C (New Column)
Select the scenario
Set parameter Show Variance to Yes/No
Reversing Journals and Optional vouchers are both non-accounting vouchers and hence will not
affect your books of accounts in any manner. The reversing Journal is a separate Voucher Type.
This voucher is effective only when called for in reports as a part of the scenario management. In
case of Reversing Journals, you can specify the date till which it is applicable.
To enter a Reversal Journal,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F10: Rev Jrnl.
Complete the transaction and specify a date till which it is applicable
To select an optional voucher,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers >
Press Ctrl + L: Optional to mark the chosen voucher as optional
This voucher is used when you have to enter a transaction but have incomplete information or the
transaction is not yet completed. It can be regularized at any time, by going into the alteration
mode and clicking on Regular (Ctrl+L) option.
Lesson 3:
Tally.ERP 9 provides you the capability to generate numerous advanced and critical Management
Information system reports and analytical tools, thereby facilitating better management, effective
control and well-informed decisions. Following are the some of salient features, which makes
Tally.ERP 9 best for advanced financial management.
Multiple companies
Multiple Financial year
Multi-columnar reporting
Memo Vouchers
Post dated Vouchers
User defined Vouchers
Sales and Purchase extracts
Cash Flows
Daily Balance & Transaction Values
Interest calculations
Percentage Based Reporting
3.2 Multi-Currency
Many Organizations have transactions in more than one currency. Such transactions have to be
recorded either in the base (home) currency or in the foreign currency. If the transactions are
recorded in home currency, the rate at which the foreign currency is exchanged should be
recorded as well.
Tally.ERP 9 allows you create and transact in multiple currencies. Tally.ERP 9 uses the term base
currency for the currency in which your account books are kept. Foreign Exchange is used interchangeably with foreign currency. The base currency is specified while creating the company.
Tally.ERP 9 makes it easy to manage multiple currencies, automatic calculations of exchange
rates, automatic conversion of any currency used to record a transaction to the currency of the
account, etc. You can generate an invoice for your foreign customers in their currency and also
receive payments in the same or different currency. The impact of gain or loss in Forex is reflected
immediately. You can also view and print Reports and Ledger Accounts in the currency of the
transaction that has been entered or base currency.
To use Multi-currency feature,
Step 1 : Enable Multi-Currency Feature
Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > F1: Accounting Features
Set Allow Multi Currency to Yes
Step 2 : Create Multi-Currency
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Currencies > Create
In the new financial year, the non revenue closing balances ( Balance Sheet
values ) are automatically brought forward as opening balance for the current
financial year. Also if, for some reason due to Audit entries the values are
affected in the previous financial year, the changed values are updated automatically in the current financial year.
You can also select a date range, by pressing Alt+C (New Column) and
specifying the period and then compare data of companies
Tally.ERP 9 displays a screen showing the Average as well as High and Low details for the
selected ledger. From the above report, you can also drill down to voucher level for any kind of
Tally.ERP 9 automatically calculates interest for ledgers for which interest calculations option is
To view Interest Calculation Report,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Accounts > Interest Calculations >
Receivables / Payables/Ledger
To specify or change the rate of interest at the time of entering the transaction, set Override Parameters for each Transaction to Yes in the Ledger
creation mode.
Lesson 4:
Tally.ERP 9 provides you the capability to record inventory transactions without changing the way
you do your business. It provides numerous predefined Inventory vouchers to suit your business
requirements and flexibility to create unlimited stock items, use simple to complex conversion
units and generate invoices with the required information and dimensions.
Following are the some of salient features, which makes Tally.ERP 9 best for basic inventory management.
Flexible units of Measure
Flexible Invoicing
Unlimited Grouping & Categorization of Stock items
Voucher Classes to expedite voucher Entry
Separate Actual and Billed Quantities
Gross Profits and Consumption Report
Use Stock Item Names and / or Part Numbers
POS Invoicing
For example, you may create Voucher Class under Receipt Voucher Type to automate Bank
Receipts or Bank Payments under Payment Voucher Type. You will find the procedure for creating
voucher classes for Bank Receipts is the same as that for Bank Payments. The only precaution is
that during transactions, you have to enter the details on the credit side only.
The Actual Qty affects the stock balances while the Billed Qty affects only
the Books of Accounts.
Lesson 5:
Tally.ERP 9 provides you the capability to record inventory transactions without changing the way
you do your business. It provides predefined Inventory vouchers to suit your business requirements besides allowing you to create userdefined voucher types and flexibility to track your
inventory at any point/stage/process and numerous other features.
Following are the some of salient features, which makes Tally.ERP 9 best for advanced inventory
Stock Query
Multiple Warehouses / Locations:
Stock transfers to Godowns
Multiple Stock Valuation
Batch-wise / Lot-wise & Expiry Date Handling
Sales and Purchase Order Processing
Tracking Inventory
Rejection In and Rejection Out
Additional Costs Incurred on Purchase
Unlimited Stock Item Classification
Bill of Materials
Tracking Additional Cost of Manufacturing
Job Costing
Stock Ageing Analysis
Batch Related Stock Ageing
Price List with Multi Price levels
Reorder Levels
Movement Analysis (Partywise/ Itemwise/ Stock Groupwise)
Profitability Analysis (Stock Groupwise / Stock Itemwise / Invoicewise / Locationwise)
Enter the required details in the stock item alteration screen as shown here.
Select F4 (Item) to change to another item or use arrow keys to move to the category pane
to select another item displayed
The Stock Query report provides you all details of closing balances & value, cost, standard and
last sale prices, purchase costs and dates. In addition, activate these parameters in F12:
Configure to see details like Remarks, Part No with alias;
Show Related items of same Group to Yes
Show all Aliases of the item to Yes
Show Remarks of the item to Yes
Tally.ERP 9 displays all Godowns in columnar format and also displays total column.
5.3 Sub-Godowns
Using Tally.ERP 9, you can create Sub-Godowns (multiple levels of Godowns). While creating
sub-Godowns you have to specify name and the parent Godown under which it has to be created.
Tally.ERP 9 also allows you to create Virtual Godowns. Virtual Godowns do not allow storage of
materials. They are useful when a city has more than one warehouse Godowns, e.g. in a city
where you have 2 warehouses you can have Godown such as Jayanagar or Indiranagar and
Bangalore being the city is setup as Godown where Allow Storage of Material is set to No. In
this case, Bangalore is a virtual godown, logically as it does not exist, but still you can generate a
stock statement for Bangalore godown.
The Stock Summary report will now display value of inventories in different Stock Valuation
The report shows information on Goods despatched but sales invoices not generated.
Tally.ERP 9 prompts for Additional Cost Details for screen for the Stock Items
Select Expenses ledgers like Freight, Packing and enter their rates
Save the voucher
Method 2:
At times, it may happen that you have completed the purchases entry and want to book additional
costs later. In such cases, follow the steps given below :
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create
In the Ledger Master creation screen, set Inventory values are affected to Yes
To view Report,
If you wish to view the additional cost details for stock items for purchases
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Movement Analysis > Stock Item
Select Stock Item from List of Items, Tally.ERP 9 displays details of item purchased
Press Enter to drill down to get information on Qty, Basic Rate & Value, Additional cost,
total value and effective rate etc.
Tally.ERP 9 displays the total additional cost, effective cost and the effective rate for each finished
To use Job Costing Feature in Tally.ERP 9, follow the steps given below :
Step 1: Create Cost Centres for Job Costing
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Cost Centres > Create
Enter the name of the Cost Centre in the Name field
In the Under field, select Primary from the List of Options
Set the option Use for Job Costing to Yes.(This cost centre will then be available in the
drop down for the Job Work Analysis report)
Save the screen
Step 4: Create Stock Journal Voucher Class for transfer and consumption
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts / Inventory Info. > Voucher Types > Alter
Tab down to Name of Class field and specify Transfer Class and press Enter
Set Use Class for Inter-Godown Transfers to Yes, you will prompted back to the Name
of Class field in Voucher Type creation/alteration screen
Type Consumption Class under Name of Class and press Enter
Set Use Class for Job Costing Consumption to Yes
Save screen
You can also insert (Alt+C) columns to display costing report for other Jobs and compare
margins/costing across jobs.
Tally.ERP 9 displays all stock items with their batch details, mfg date and expiry date. Using
(Alt+B) Expired batches, you can view those items that are past their expiry dates.
Tally.ERP 9 displays complete details with closing balances, Purchase Orders Pending, Sales
Order due, Reorder level, Shortfall, Min Reorder Qty and Order to be Placed etc. From this report
you can drill down to details (For eg., example, you can drill down to Specify Reorder Level
screen from the Reorder level column). To view those items below reorder levels, press (Alt + A)
Reorder Only.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Movement analysis > Stock Item
Select the required Stock Item and press Enter
Movement analysis of stock items shows party wise inward and outward movements of stock
items with basic rate and effective rate. Select any party to drill down further for more analysis
Lesson 6:
your Tally.ERP 9 running as an HTTP server and provide real-time information or remote data
input. The third party application can send a request to Tally.ERP 9 to get any report in XML or
even in HTML formats. Even new reports can be added by defining them in TDL (Tally Definition
Language). In the same way, a master or a voucher can be created in XML and sent to Tally.ERP
9 server as an HTTP-XML request and will be processed and stored by Tally.ERP 9.
This capability has been used to provide the synchronisation capability (explained in this
document later) which allows data to be replicated, exchange between multiple Tally.ERP 9
instances running at same or different locations just by configuring the same.
All Tally.ERP 9 reports can be readily exported in XML format.
Figure 6.1 XML Request -Schema for Export of Trial Balance Report
Load Company > Press Alt+F2 (Change Period)
Minimize Tally.ERP 9
Open a new Excel worksheet > Data > Import External Data > Data Import
Select Tally ODBC_9000 as Data Source
Click Open
Tally.ERP 9 connects to data source and displays Tally.ERP 9 Wizard query screen -> select the
columns you would want to include in the query.
Select the required columns (data). MS Excel displays the data selected.
In a similar manner you can select other data for import into Excel and format your reports as per
Go to column Disallow the following Facilities ->Specify the Type of access (i.e. Full
Access, Alter, Create, Create/Alter, Display, Display/Print etc)
Go to column Allow the following Facilities and specify the details
Save screen
Tally.ERP 9 allows you to create any number of levels.
Select Users and Passwords under the Security Control
Specify Name of the user, password and level
Save screen.
The Administrator can once again audit the entries that have been altered
after verifying the same.
The Tally.ERP 9 package is installed on the required drive of the system. You can find the
Tally.ERP 9 icon created on the desktop.
6.10 Others
Print Preview:
Before printing any report you would ideally like to view the content and format of reports /
Invoices / Vouchers. Tally.ERP 9 offers you a facility to preview the report before printing or
mailing. This is the print preview option.
Generation of Report
Go to Gateway of Tally > Balance Sheet
Click Alt+F1 to view a detailed report
By default the Share name is the name of the active folder, Data.
Select the option Share this folder.
Select Maximum allowed for User limit.
Click Apply & OK
Click Security.
Under Groups or user names, select the required option.
Under Permissions - Allow, check all the options.
Click Apply & OK.
This will facilitate the other users to carry out all functions for the shared folder
Login Tally.ERP 9 as a user
Go to Gateway of Tally > Click F1 (Select Cmp) to select a company
The Select Company screen with the List of Companies opens
Alternatively you can type the IP Address of the Administrator's system where the shared folder is
If your company's database has to be shared on a default basis, then make the following changes
in the Tally.ini file.
You can mention the system name
Enter the system's IP address.
After defining these steps you can use Tally.ERP 9 to work in a shared environment where more
than one user of Tally.ERP 9 silver can access the company database.
Click Export.
Select Restricted (ASCII only).
Select Excel (Spreadsheet) in Format.
Type the name of file for Output File Name as required.
Specify other details.
6.13 Tally.NET
Tally.NET is an enabling framework which establishes a connection through which the remote
user can access the Client's data without copying / transferring the data. In other words, the
remote user can access the company data, provided the Company is open and connected on
Using Tally.NET features, the user can create remote users (ids), authorize & authenticate them
for accessing the connected (available) companies. The remote users can be mapped to a particular user and assigned security controls based upon their security levels (viz., Tax Auditor /
Administrator, Data Entry etc.). The remote user can further create sub-ids under him to assign
tasks based on their security levels.
The user making the company available and a person accessing the data behave as clients to
Tally.NET, thereby rendering a secure exchange system.
Tally.NET Features
Tally.NET is a default feature available in the product and provides a host of capabilities.
Register and Connect companies from Tally.ERP 9
Create and maintain Remote Users
Remote access of data by any user (including BAP users)
Remote availability of Auditors' Edition of Tally License
Synchronization of data (via Tally.NET)
Lesson 7:
Save screen
Select VAT Ledger (Output VAT for Sales Voucher and Input VAT for Purchase
Save screen
VAT Forms
The VAT Return Forms are State specific VAT Forms and Annexures to be submitted by the registered VAT Dealer on Monthly / Quarterly basis.
To print VAT Return Forms
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Forms > VAT
Return Forms > Form VAT 100
The printed VAT Form 100 of Karnataka state will appear as shown :
Similarly, to generate VAT Annexures follow the path given below and print the annexures
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Forms > VAT
Save screen
Save screen
Save screen
To view the Service Tax Payable Report in detailed mode, press Alt+F1
Input Credit Form
If the assessee has availed credit of Service Tax, he/she is required to furnish a return in proforma
in terms of rule 5(4) of the service tax credit rules, along with his half yearly return. If the input
credit is in excess of output service tax payable during a particular month or quarter, the surplus is
transferred to the next period and is available for set off during that month or quarter, as the case
may be.
To view Input Credit Form,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit
Save screen
You can deduct TDS on a later date, if while booking expenses (using Journal
/ Payment Voucher) Deduct Tax is set to No in the TDS Details subscreen.
Similarly, you can generate eTDS Returns and TDS related reports.
Select Manufacturer / Dealer (as the case may be) from the Registration Types
Save screen
Select the applicable Excise duties, the Rate and Method of calculation is defaulted
Save screen
Similarly, create a Excise Sales Voucher Type for recording an excisable sales.
Set Yes to Show Statutory Details to verify/check the calculation of Assesable Value
Form RG 23D
The Form RG 23D report provides the details of Excise purchases and the corresponding Sales
Similarly, you can generate other Excise Reports for a Excise Dealer viz.,
Excise Purchase Bill Register
Sales and Purchase Extract
Form 2
Tally.ERP 9s simple yet powerful Excise feature enables you to record transactions related to
Excise with ease. The Excise for manufacturer functionality in Tally.ERP 9 is more advanced and
works similar to Excise for dealers functionality. Tally.ERP 9 provides the following reports for
Excise Manufacturers :
Excise Computation
PLA Register
Daily Stock Register
Form ER1
CENVAT Credit Availed report
Save screen
Save screen
Save screen.
Press Enter and you can view all ledgers of FBT Category.
The certificate of collection of Tax at Source has to be submitted in Form No. 27D by persons collecting tax at source within a week from the last day of the month in which the tax was collected.
The details in the screen comprise of the fields Name, Section and Payment Code and a table,
where you can view details such as Collectee Type, Applicable from, Exemption Limit and Rate.
Here you are viewing the details in the alteration mode.
The details of this screen comprises of the fields, Name, Residential and Collection Status. There
is a table, where you view details such as, Applicable From, Surcharge exemption Limit,
Surcharge %, Additional Surcharge (Cess) and Additional Education
Save screen
Similarly create ledger accounts for the sale of items that attract TCS.
Save screen
Save screen
CST is payable in the state from where you sell the goods and commence its movement. The tax
you pay is collected and retained by the state where the transaction originated. The CST collection and administration is performed by the authorities of your state's Sales Tax Dept. Thus, the
State Government Sales Tax officer who assesses and collects VAT (state) also collects and
assesses and CST.
The CST feature is enabled automatically once the VAT feature is enabled in Tally.ERP 9.
Save screen
Create the appropriate Purchase and Sales ledger accounts with the
required CST Classification for accounting CST purchase and sales transactions.
Figure 7.67
Lesson 8:
Payroll refers to a series of accounting transactions involved in the process of paying employees
for services rendered after taking into account all statutory and non-statutory deductions. The
efficient payroll system in Tally facilitates error-free, accurate and timely employee payments
while ensuring that the employment is well within the valid work permit.
Payroll in Tally.ERP 9 handles all the functional, accounting and statutory requirements of the
payroll department. It provides you with the flexibility to define earning & deduction heads and
supports the computation and deduction of ESI, EPF, Gratuity, etc. It supports user defined production units like attendance, production, time based remuneration, and other methods of calculating payroll. Comprehensive reports based on cost centers and employee wise cost can be
The Payroll Info. Screen is displayed. You can create masters for Employee Groups, Employees,
Units(Work), Attendance/Production Type, Pay Heads, Salary Details and Voucher Types.
To Configure Payroll:
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12:Configuration > Payroll Configuration
Set Show Statutory Details to Yes
Set Show Passport & Visa Details to Yes
Set Show Contact Details to Yes
Similarly you can create pay heads for DA, HRA, Conveyance etc..
Payment of Salaries
To record Salary Payment through Payroll Vouchers:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Vouchers > press Alt+A
In Employee Filters screen,
Type the date values in From and To fields.
Select the appropriate cost category from List of Categories.
Select the employee/group from List of Group/Employees.
Select the bank account for Payroll ledger.
Press Enter to return to payroll voucher screen. Under Particulars the values against the
Pay Heads and Amount appear automatically. This happens for Calculation Type being
Flat Rate and As Computed Value.
Type values for Pay Heads whose Calculation Type is User Defined Value.
Save screen.