Editors Commentary
By J. Elliot Streeter
The d6 Magazine is a labor of love for me. Indeed gaming itself is a myriad love affair I have with the rolling
of dice, fashioning stories, and projecting my imagination on others. Life is busier now though, than when I
was younger, and my ambitions call me in so many directions, I must choose a path. I am stepping away from
editing and laying out the d6 Magazine, with time and effort instead going to the pursuit of Westward, and the
other major projects in game worlds I am promised to for now. This magazine has been a foray into my musings of other ideas, though fleeting. I spend my downtime these days simply playing in someone elses world,
or in pursuit of something different. As well, I am moving in the direction of writing for the magazine on a
different vantage, instead only producing material for the magazine as a contributor. I am looking forward
to the future OpenD6 holds for us, it has indeed opened the doorway to something grander than any of us
have yet imagined. Only through the love and support from my family has the time been possible to achieve
so much, and I owe them this time back. You can always find me online, and my plan is to stay involved with
the d6 Magazine for as long as it shall have me.
Kind Regards,
. Elliot Streeter
Peter: For starters, tell the readers a little bit about yourself.
Where did you grow up? Where were you educated? Basically, your life story in a few hundred words or less :)
stuff from the newsstands all the time. Im sure I had old
70s issues of Uncle Scrooge, Spider-Woman, Marvel TeamUp, Ms. Marvel, X-Men, the Eternals, Howard the Duck, one
issue of Jack Kirbys 2001: A Space Odyssey and even The Human Fly - if anyone remembers him. I was very much into
the comic artists of the time, who I didnt know before but
later learned to be people like Gene Colan, Carl Barks, John
Byrne, Al Williamson, Russ Manning, Carmine Infantino,
etc. Then, upon discovering Star Wars RPG, which used
the D6 system, I was totally enamored with the illustrations
by Michael Vilardi.
Peter: Are you or have you ever been the stereotypical "starving artist" - and how did you make ends meet otherwise?
Hisham: I still am a starving artist more or less. I hope not Because of my work there, I was able to market myself as
to be in the future. But til then, I get extra cash by helping an artist by sending portfolios to companies online. My
to bronze elephant poop at the zoo.
first official job was the Future Players Companion by The
Game Mechanics and Green Ronin. Then I did some artPeter: As you 'grew up', and became a budding professional work for Savaged Strike Force 7 from Super Genius Games.
artiste, did you find your tastes in art changing?
I did some fantasy character artwork for Vonschlick Enterprise. Recently I did some work for Sages of RPGs Tugs!
Hisham: This is a fascinating question for me. I found my- card game and Superhuman Games Villains and Vigilanself lately very conscious of this issue. The short story is: I te card game. I am currently working on Josh Roby and
thought as grew up, my tastes had changed. It turned out Ryan Macklins Void Vultures RPG. And of course, Wicked
when I turned back
and looked at my tracks North Games Azamar RPG still has some extra work to
in the snow, that it
d i d be done in their adventure supplement titled The Paradise
try going one way
or the other but
more or less the
Peter: Which
been the same.
you find the
most fun?
For example, I
was fascinated
Hisham: They
with the new
all are equally
style of comic
fun! Every projartists
ect is all rainbow
popped up
and bunnies and
in the 90s.
But I am still
f a s c i n at e d
Peter: Did you ever
style and
have "one project
that got away" someof those
thing that you really
that came before them.
wanted to happen for
For example, Im still blown away by stuff
you, but alas, you had
I newly discover about Al Williamson and his contempo- t o
let go of for one reason
or another? If willing,
why did you lose that
Peter: In the past few years up until today, what were some
of the major art projects you have worked on? (RPG or oth- Hisham: I dont believe so. As someone who is relatively
new in the business, I dont get that many projects to work
on. Whatever I gets I takes unless I have to club baby seals.
Hisham: I started doing pro bono work for Star Wars and
Star Trek fanzines in the early 90s. Then I was busy with Peter: More on-topic to D6 Magazine : What RPG projects
other non-gaming things. What got me back on track was have you worked on, or are continuing to work on?
when I was out of a job in the early 2000s. A friend suggested that I got into web design, so I did. I came up with Tem- Hisham: Lets see, Ive done the cover for #1 and some inplate Facades, which was a free online character art ser- terior artwork for articles like Asphyxiation, Crack of the
vice for Star Wars RPG. That got me noticed by a bunch Whip, Graivs Magical Curiosities. Theyre all fun projof other kooks who asked me to join a new commu- ects to work on. I am glad to contribute to the legacy of
nity they were developing called the Star Wars Art- a gaming system that entertained my friends and me for
ists Guild, which did what Template Facades did but decades.
on a larger scale.
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ture of the birthing of RPG. What are your thoughts on this tion to make it a true comic book-RPG hybrid.
Peter: And finally , What words of wisdom or encourageHisham: There is no right or wrong way of doing this. If ment would you like to give to any budding artists in the
there are creators who write and illustrated their own prod- RPG community?
ucts and ultimately produce something admirable then let
it happen. I guess what Im saying is there are many ways of Hisham: 1. Practise, 2. Practise, 3. Practise, 4. Market yourpublishing RPGs. I can see pros and cons of each, but very self well, and 5. Be courteous. Basically, keep honing your
much welcome the diversity of production styles.
skills and make sure you learn about the industry and the
community and whats required of an artist. And be nice to
Peter: Do you like where RPGs are at in terms of art work? everyone. Its a small community, so youd more than probWhat if any different directions would you like to see in ably gain not just a client, but also a friend. Were all here to
RPG artwork in general? (Different mediums, styles?)
make friends and have fun.
Hisham: One thing Ive always been enamored with before
RPGs is comic art. And one thing Id like to see more is
a combination RPG and comic book. Earliest Ive seen of
this sort of hybrid is DCs Advanced Dungeons and Dragons comic in the 80s. It was a comic book, and it had
stats and gaming material in the back based on the
story. Im wondering if we could stretch this further
and create full trade paperback with a proper comic
book style story as well as integrating gaming informaPage | 6
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Optional Rule
After a Mortal is turned into a Vampire, use the Cinema Points as a representation of the amount of blood
the Vampire possesses within his or her body. When the
Cinema Points the Vampire has in its pool reaches 1, the
Vampire is in danger of being driven mad with hunger
and must make a Stamina check, DR: Difficult in order
to avoid loosing control and risk succumbing to the beast
Character Features
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Alexander Luminita
tal was born into wealth. Born in the year 1626, in Paris
Aptitude: 3d Operate 2d, piloting 2d, security 2d.
France, it would seem as if Alexander was wrapped up into
Equipment: Bowie Knife (1d+18/x2, DR: Moderate),
an elaborate plot since his very conception. Targeted by the Glock (Damage: 1d+30, range: 1-30/40/50, ammo: 7), Cell
ancient Vampires of Europe, he was converted when he Phone, standard civilian clothes (Street), drivers license.
reached the Mortal age of 35, the Vampires then manipuCharacter Features: Claws (3), Quickness (3), Shadow
lated his familys wealth claiming it as their own. The only
Puppets (3), Vampirism (Initiate: 5), Vigor (3).
human part of Alexanders conscience left, has
Background Data: Alexander targeted Jasta Reddings benever forgiven the Elders for what they have
cause of his physical prowess, background in military
done to him or his family. He secretly desires
training and in 1967, he turned the young man into a
Vampire. Jastas training and introduction into the life
Now in modern America, Alexander controls
of a Vampire was swift, Alexander uses Jastas modern
a majority of the activities on the East Coast.
connections and influence on the streets to bring new
Masquerading as a powerful businessman, he
fledgling enterprises into his fold, therefore Jasta is in
conducts his business while begrudgingly reporttouch with a number of street gang leaders who all
ing back to his elders located back in the old
report to him. However, Jastas primary function
country of Europe.
is Alexanders main bodyguard.
Alexanders ruthless greed, lack of respect toPhysical Appearance: Jasta towers at 68
wards the traditions and unquenchable lust
weighing in at approximately 235 lbs. and
for power has driven him to scheme against
often the size of him alone is enough to dishis European Masters. With his plan for tosuade most physical confrontations. Prefertal domination set in motion, only time will
ring to keep his style of dress up to modern
tell the final outcome on whether or not he
trends, Jasta typically wears dark colors,
will succeed in bringing forth a new, modern
blue jeans and is never without his distinct
era in the age of the Vampires.
black leather jacket.
Physical Appearance: Alexander stands 62
and weighs approximately 200 lbs. He is slenPotential Story Arc: One of the Player Charder for his height and has sharp, chiseled feaacters either owes a debt or is an archrival
tures. He keeps a thin beard neatly groomed
to Jasta who has mysteriously disappeared
to help mask his pale complexion. He has
from his gang for a few months. In his abbrown hair and striking brown eyes.
sence progression is made and it looks as
His presence demands respect.
if a truce is about to be reached. Then suddenly Jasta reappears more powerful and a
Jasta Reddings
little bit stranger
Character Type: Bodyguard - Vampire,
Where does the Players Character come in?
Race: Human, Male - Infected by Vampirism
Adventure Hook: The Missing
Apparent Mortal Age: 22
Setting: Modern, Any Major City
Vampirism Age: 22
Adventure Summary: late at night, starting off
Hit Points: 60 / 60
in the citys subway, Jastas minions are stalking
Initiative: 3d
the characters. With a high enough Streetwise
Move: 8
check, the players may recognize some as being
Vitality: 5d
active gang members.
Cinema Points: 8
Experience Value: 3
Dexterity: 3d Athletics 3d, brawl 4d, dodge 3d, melee
6d, ranged 4d, sneak 2d.
Strength: 5d Climb 2d, lift 3d, jump 2d, grapple 5d,
push-pull 3d, stamina 3d.
Persona: 3d Deception 2d, empathy 2d, gambling 3d, intimidation 4d, willpower 2d.
Intellect: 2d Law 2d, search 3d, streetwise 6d.
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Hell Hound
given to the Hell Hound. Several Legends mention that anyone seeing the eyes of the Hell Hound will die within a days
time. The Hell Hound is depicted in Scandinavian legend as
taking part in the Wild Hunt, seen throughout history as
a fore-boding trek across the nights sky, of demonic godlike
Creature description and stats by Peter Robbins,
forms led by hell dogs tracking their prey. In these Wild
Artwork by Khairul Hisham
Hunt legends, this demonic vision fore-tells of great turmoil
him of eagum stod ligge gelicost leoht unfaeger, or death in the near future. The Hell Hound throughout legfrom his eyes shone a fire-like, baleful light (Beowulf )
end has also been given the label of devourer of corpses, and
stealer of souls. The growl of the Hell Hound is depicted
as a symbol of the base animal nature of mankind in its lowest deadly form - that of devouring their fellow man in war,
A smoking ashen beast emerges from
the dark recesses
the culminating harbinger of death in all cultures throughout
of the nearby forest. Poised yet gruetime. Hence, the commonly quoted Shakesome, this Hound of Hell charges
speare, Cry Havoc!, and let slip the
quickly then leaps upon its
dogs of war. Pray your character
prey. Its fiery gaping jaw
never smells the ash and sulfur of
opens wide in an attempt
an approaching Hell Hound, as
to eat the head of its victim
soon Death will follow!
whole. After a quick snap of
the victims neck, sanguine
Hit Points: 90
wine squirts as the bond
Initiative: 5d , Vitality: 5d,
of death is completed. The
Move: 9
fiendish beast opens its fiery
Dexterity 5d , Strength 5d, Permouth, then sucks the ethesona 1d, Intellect 4d , Aptitude
real being of its victim, unlocks
its canine grip from the restful
Cinema Points: 15
prey. It then slowly looks for
Experience Value: 6
any on looking souls, potential additions to its masters
Attacks (natural)
collection. Then, in a smoke
filled burst of claws, muscle and
Fangs - The extremely toxic mouth of the
bounding energy, the Hell Hound
Hell Hound has a bite that is deadly. If
leaves as quickly as it entered into the
not killed by the ripping and tearing
rhythm of its bloody dance of death.
of the demon dogs fangs, surely the
victim will soon die of an almost immediate infection of the soul. (4D)
Claws - The strong, long, and extremeThroughout history, there have
ly sharp claws of the Hell Hound
been many legends of forebodscreech and click along most suring apparitions taking the shape
faces. These nearly unbreakable
of a wolf or dog-like demon. Similar
to the Banshee of
claws are more similar to the talIrish Lore, the Hell Hound is primarily depicted as a sign of o n s of a bird
of prey then a normal canine. (4D)
immanent Death to those it tracks down. The Hell Hounds Pounce / Grapple - The Hell Hound has the ability to launch into
ability to see (or fore-see) with greater clarity then a normal the air (range of 3 meters) and pounce on its prey. There is a grapcanine is depicted in ancient Vedic (Indo-European) lore as pling effect as they wrestle their target on the ground, in an attempt
a four-eyed beast dog. In the popular Greek Kerebus (Lat- to make the victim prone for additional fang or claw attacks. Addiin: Cerberus), we see the image of a three-headed dog tionally the Hell Hound can trip up a moving character, instead of
guarding the Gates Of Hades. In cultures which depict grappling the victim to the ground, allowing for additional members
Hel, Hell, or Hades as fiery in nature, there are several of the pack to attack the prone prey. (Roll the Hellhounds Agility
characteristics of flaming breath or flaming/glowing eyes against a DR of Moderate to successfully grapple, or topple the target)
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lant-King of http://www.ruleofthedice.com.
Pre-Cognition - The Hell Hound cannot be surprised. Additionally, they have the ability to fore-see elements of the
near future in short visions. They have the uncanny ability
to track down the where-about of those that have sold their
souls to demon or devil as they easily predict their targets
next actions. (Tracking + 10. Automatic 1st Round Initia- The simple idea of using a parallel Sanity level system alongtive) side the existing combat Wound Level system for Open D6
is genius. It is so simple that it is disgusting it has not been
written up before (which is the politically correct way of sayResearch Materials:
ing, why the heck didnt I think of that!). Anyhow, instead of
trying to tip toe around sorta being like what C.D. wrote I
asked permission of the ruleofthedice.com folks if I could re http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_ho...%26_Dragons%29
use and edit the material. They were gracious enough to allow
for it, and below will hopefully be useful to other GMs that
want the scare the pants off their players. Muuuuuuuuuuuuh http://www.examiner.com/rpg-in-natio...ness-hellhound
hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!! This system
works very well. It is simple but flexible, just like the overall
Open D6 gaming system. Above all else, it is fun. Your play http://greywulf.net/2011/01/random-monster-monday-5/
ers will enjoy this added layer of role-playing possibilities.
h t t p : / / w w w. p r i m i t i v i s m . c o m / h e l l h o u n d s . h t m
In this simple system, Sanity Levels work similar to how
Wound Levels work in Open D6. For Wounds, when you
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Sanity Levels:
13 *
4-8 **
16 or more
** Note that there are two levels that list 4-8 as the difference rolled. This is just used to denote an interim level of The following additional role-playing penalties are incurred
effect between Disturbed and Deranged. It is not a typo. as your Attributes are affected by your current Sanity Level.
The GM should reserve the right to adjust these at will to
Shaken - You are startled with fear and cannot act. You lose all suit the storyline of your campaign. A suggested result will
your actions for the next round. After that, you may operate be provided in parentheses at the end of each description.
normally, but you always have that horrible reminder somewhere in the back of your head of the terrible things you saw. Aptitude - Severe anxiety prevents the character from performing basic skills. The character feels tense most of the time,
Disturbed - Something you have seen has affected you and during situations of major stress they feel completely out
deeply. It will probably give you nightmares in the fu- of sync, have difficulty concentrating, and possibly develop
ture. Whenever you encounter a stressful situation, you irrational phobias. (Roll once on the Phobia Chart below)
must make a Moderate Willpower roll or suffer -1D on
a random attribute for the remainder of the scene.
Phobia Chart
Bacteriophobia- Fear of
Entomophobia- Fear of
Lachanophobia- Fear of
(or) GM
Intellect - The character suffers selective traumatic amnesia, suddenly forgetting random things for no apparent reason. They also have difficulty concentrating and performing deductive reasoning. (The character
suffers a significant lapse of short term memory once per week)
Hallucination Chart
Ghost children appear near you, grasping at your throat if allowed to touch you.
A white rabbit beckons you down a nearby hole, then does things to you that are not fit for writing!
(or) GM
*It is suggested that upon rolling doubles, the GM logical trauma. The character suffers from migraines, intense
takes a small post-it size paper and write the ef- muscle pain, nausea and other physically debilitating sympPage | 15
Severe Stuttering
Stomach Pain
Severe Hives
(or) GM Discretion
Healing Sanity
Several methods exist which will potentially (key word) allow
for the healing of Sanity Level.
Psychoanalysis - (an Intellect skill) can be performed by another character on the suffering individual for an extended
period of time (3 months or more) may allow the character
a roll to heal one Sanity level. (Roll a DR Difficult against
Psyche every 3 months to see if the character has successfully
been healed one level of Sanity)
Meditation - (a Psyche skill) can be used in certain circumstances to remove Sanity damage. (Once a week, you may
roll a DR Very Difficult against the Meditation skill to see if Sanitarium! - Similar to Extended Seclusion, but much more
one level of Sanity can be temporarily healed. The effect lasts intense, is a lovely stay at your not-so-friendly sanitarium.
Plush walls, rough toilet paper, abusive care-takers, meds,
for one day.)
Jack Nicholson and a very large mute Native American. You
Drugs or Alcohol - may temporarily remove one level of know, a psychos paradise! The results of a visit to a SanitariSanity damage, but the character must make an Endurance um can be double-edged in nature. You must spend at least
check or suffer the physical effects of the intoxication (and ONE month in lock-down seclusion, but weekly, there is a
risk chance of addiction). (Once a week, the character may chance of abuse, either physical or psychological in nature by
binge on alcohol or drugs to temporarily heal Sanity one your fellow inmates or your care-takers. Sanity wound treatlevel. The effect wears off after one day. The character must ment by Sanitarium can either be initiated by your character,
make a DR Difficult Endurance Roll to avoid severe ad- your fellow investigators, or by family and friends. Basically,
diction to the given drug or drink)
you are committed, and how you end up after your commitment to sanitarium depends on the luck of the die, and your
Religious Intervention - Intervention by a trusted requick insanity driven wit and charm. It is suggested that the
ligious advisor has similar effects to Psychoanalysis. (Roll
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-Read all of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecrafts works. Both
authors have fan sites online where you can read their public domain writings. Their works are usually short, but pack
a wallop. They are easy reads, but deeply emotive. Poe and
Lovecraft are the elder writing gods of insanity. No GM that
runs an rpg session that includes sanity rules should
go without reading every bit of their writings.
- Preternatural, a D6 fan-made offering
that contains horror mechanics.
Laughing, the pair duck through a crumbled archway and press themselves against a cool stone wall.
An out-jut of stone above their heads keeps out the
worst of the rain. Gentle touches and words are
exchanged, the man whispers something lewd into
the woman's ear, and she pushes him away playfully.
"Not here!" she giggles. "Where are we, anyway?"
The young man pulls out his travel book,
sopping wet from when he
slipped in a puddle on his way
across the field. The pages
are smeared and useless,
so he tosses the small tome
aside. "Who knows?" He
replies. "Might as well
make the best of it."
- Into The Shadows : another D6 fanmade game that includes horror elements.
- Read over this rather large phobia list. There are some fun possibilities listed there!
tourist perhaps? Trying to get out of the rain? Redcap who owns it. If the Redcap dies, the spear
They saw no cars or bicycles on the road...
loses it magical properties (and can be picked up),
and quickly rusts away.
The girl screams again, and points to the corner. Iron Shoes - The Redcap's magical shoes, though
"There! I saw him again! He's wearing a funny made of heavy iron, provide the creature with unlittle red hood or something."
natural quickness. Though he seems to move at
an average speed for a bipedal being of his size, if
And then they hear it - the scraping of metal the Redcap decides to chase a victim he cannot be
against stone. A heartbeat later the man appears outrun. No matter how fast the target can move,
again, a filthy, ancient man, a dwarf of some sort the Redcap can always catch them. Once the vicwith a long grey beard. He wears iron-shod boots tim realizes this, they must immediately make a
that stomp heavily upon the ground, and in his left Horror Check vs. Sanity (even if they successful
hand he holds a long black iron spear, that he drags made their original check upon encountering the
across the stones as he creeps along the inside of creature). The Redcap's Horror Level increases to
the wall toward them. Atop his head is a leather 4D for this check.
cap, stained red with blood.
The shoes also leave no footprints, making it very
difficult to track a Redcap. If the powrie dies, he
The blood is old and nearly dried. The monster shoes quickly rust away.
needs fresh blood to re-stain his hat...
Grab - The Redcap has supernatural strength. If
he succeeds in grappling or pinning an opponent
in combat, it becomes impossible for the victim
to escape through any normal means (this may
A Redcap (also known as a "powrie") is a mur- prompt another Horror check at the GM's discrederous goblin or dwarf-like creature that loves to tion). Killing the Redcap will of course end the
slaughter unwary travelers who stump into their grapple, and other characters may attempt to free
homes. Originally, they dwelled in abandoned ru- the victim normally (the magical strength only apins on the border of England and Scotland, espe- plies against the person actually being held).
cially those where blood has been shed, but they
may be encountered elsewhere.
Game Master Notes
The creature usually appears as a dwarf-sized old
man, wearing iron shoes or boots and carrying an
iron spear or pike. His cap is always damp with
fresh blood. The powrie must regularly dip his hat
in the blood of his victims, for it is said if the cap
ever dries out he will die.
Creature description and stats by
C.D. Gallant-King, Artwork by
Khairul Hisham
to disappear into the murk. When other, more human faces appear from the fog moments later, no sign of the mysterious assailant can be found.
So begins the legend of Spring-Heeled Jack...
Tales of Spring-Heeled
Jack's antics began in London
in the late 1830s and continued for
several decades. All the
tales tell a similar story - a
ghastly, frightening man
dressed in tight black
clothing leaping upon
unsuspecting victims,
then bounding away
with impossible jumps,
cackling into the night.
Most of the accounts
described him as looking devilish or demonic, and some even
witnessed him breathing fire. Though some
of his victims died
of fright or injuries
sustained when their
horses spooked and
their carriage overturned, Jack himself rarely
physically harmed his victims. He preferred to simply scare and humiliate
his targets, especially
women, before disappearing into the
It is widely believed
that the myth of Spring-Heeled
Jack was started by the Marquis Henry Beresford of Waterford, a famed womanizer, drunkard and trouble-maker
who lived in London in the 1830s. He was actually the
originator of the term "to paint the town red," when he and
his drunken companions rode through London one night,
literally slathering every building they passed with red
paint in a wild act of vandalism and prank. It is speculated
The apparition cackles, a rattling, piercing sound that that Henry made himself some sort of jumping apparatus,
echoes through the chill night as it leaps away from Mary dressed in black and went about town frightening young
as quickly as it appeared, bounding seemingly straight up women in the middle of the night on a dare.
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ons, but as stated previously he rarely strikes to kill or seriously injure. He prefers to scare and humiliate his victims.
Jack's touch is like that of a frozen corpse, and being struck
by his claws forces a Horror check against the victim's sanity, even if they previously saved upon first encountering
him. If aiming to kill, Jack's claws do 5D damage, though
he can choose to inflict less damage.
Breath of Fire - Jack can emit a gout of flame to terrify his
victims. He usually uses it to intimidate his target, and the
first time a character sees the scorching flames they suffer
a Horror check against their Sanity, even if the previously saved their Horror check upon first encountering him.
Though Jack rarely uses the fire as a weapon, if someone is
caught in the roughly 1.5-metre diameter burst, they will
suffer 5D+2 flame damage, and may catch fire at the GM's
Dexterity 6D, dodge 7D, jumping 10D, sneak 7D; Coordination 2D; Strength 4D, running 6D; Knowledge 2D;
Perception 2D, hide 6D, tracking 5D; Presence 3D, intimidate 5D, willpower 5D. Move: 20, Horror: 3D+2*, Body
Points: 25, Wound Levels: 6
Pounce - Without a doubt, Jack's favorite tactic is to leap
upon an unsuspecting victim, pinning them and cackling
maniacally in their face. Due to his powerful legs and supernatural nature, Spring-Heeled Jack can leap vertically
up to 5 meters or horizontally up to 10 meters with ease,
and possibly farther with a Very Difficult jump check. If
this attack hits, the target is automatically pinned if their
Strength is less than Jack's, though a character with equal
or greater Strength may make an opposed check to break
free. Jack will hold a pinned character for one round, forcing the initial Horror Check vs. Sanity, and if the victim
is alone the Horror damage is increased by +1D. If the
target fails the Sanity check, Jack will then jump away
gleefully and flee the scene, though if the victim manages to resist he may stick around to try one of his
other attacks.
Claws - Spring-Heeled Jack's claws are vicious weap-
Spring-Heeled Jack works best in a Victorian or classic Call-of-Cthulhu-style (1920s) setting, but he could be
encountered in modern times as well. It is up to the GM
whether a latter-day monster is the same creature that originally prowled the streets of London, some other host possessed by the same or similar demon, or some sick deviant
who has copied the original Jack's MO.
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By J. Elliot Streeter
Artwork by Khairul Hisham
Play tested by Wicked North Games, LLC
Down Below is an adventure for three to six (3 6)
players with newly created characters, typically run
by a GM experienced with OpenD6 gaming. Down
Below uses the Cinema6 RPG Framework, (c6), for
rules, which derives from the OpenD6 OGL. C6
uses only standard, six-sided dice for dice rolling and
a simple set of rules involving adding up the dice to
determine success or failure.
How it works
Players roll dice any time their Characters attempt
to use Skills (or Attributes) to accomplish something
and there is a chance of failing. The Game Master,
(GM), provides Players with the required Skill to roll;
they roll some dice, add up the values and provide
the sum to the GM. The sum of the rolled dice then
compares against a Difficulty Rating, (DR). Each DR
has a Target
Number (TN). The TN provides the sum needed for
a successful roll.
A player does not roll when doing an effortless task,
such as walking down the road.
Difficulty Rating
Very Difficult
Target Number
Cinema Points
As a Player plays through games, they earn Cinema
Points to represent experience, perseverance, and
personal growth. Cinema Points are the most important aspect of a Characters development and survival.
Players spend Cinema Points during Game Sessions,
as well as to improve every aspect of a Character between Episodes. Cinema Points provide the raw maPage | 21
Character features
Description: The character is a descendant of a long deepest parts of the ocean to function. The first deep sea
uncharted bloodline of Humans who are immune to monitoring station recently completed construction at the
the abilities of the Firstcomers.
(A Firstcomer cannot damage the life force of the
character, nor can the creature copy the character.
Any direct contact with the character exacts Damage: 1d+12 on a Firstcomer)
Diver, Cost: 3, Creation Only.
Description: Through trial and training, the character is a professional diver who can weather the most
dangerous diving expeditions.
(+21 Swim, +6 to all combat rolls while swimming) It is six months after the facility construction finished and
E7i43, [elite] Cost: 3, Creation Only.
Description: The character is an expert in hacking,
security, and electronics, and can likely bypass any
electronic device or alter it as desired.
(+21 Security)
Medic, Cost: 3, Creation Only.
Description: The character is a trained medic, having worked in hot zones under dire circumstances
and stress while saving lives.
(+21 First Aid, +12 Medicine)
Orator, Cost: 3, Creation Only.
Description: The character is especially good at
speaking and swaying people in a particular direction, whether telling the truth or otherwise.
(+18 Deception or Persuasion)
air, wearing air tanks. The air is thin, but apparently there
is oxygen is this small room. The crew of sub exits the sub.
The crew on the sub decided to move forward and take the
main sub up into the structure; they believe it will fit into
the archway and tunnel. As the crew moves the sub forward, the camera clearly shows stairs carved into the
floor of the ascending tunnel. They follow the water
up and shortly surface into the room. The camera is at When the submarine docks with the station, it slowly risfirst a little blurry and then they open the hatch and test
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es into a large submersion room, where the top of the sub Setting
surfaces and the hatch depressurizes. Some guns
Each room in the underwater power plant structure is herand other weapons (tasers, etc) are pointed at the
metically sealed from one another to prevent flooding,
opening by various personnel. A bloody hand
and other accidents from wiping out the entire
comes up from the sub hatch and pulls a perstation. The structure has five (5) decks, with
son, drenched in blood out. A person acthe main control room, submarine
cidentally fires, and a rain of bullets hits
docking bays one through five
the person, causing the target to slump
(1-5), and main engineerdead on the edge of the hatch and
ing room on the first
then slip back into the submarine.
deck. The rest
A technician dares to climb onto
of the decks
the sub, and walks up to look
are livinto the hatch. The technii n g
cian looks back down at
a n d
the group of personnel
surrounding the sub,
eyes wide, and the
research labs,
lights and power on
and a gym.
the station flickThe top deck of
ers, while dark
the power station
a splash ocstructure has fifty
curs, and the
three person escape
pods, more than double
is gone
needed for all the personwhen
nel onboard.
From the beginning of this
game, the GM should watch the
clock. Events will continue to ocpowcur during non-combat time based
er comes
the setting timeline. This game is
back on.
an open scenario and the GM can guide
the exploration of the story or let the PlayScene
ers decisions do the story telling.
The characters begin standing in the
main control room having witnessed these
series of events on the main camera feeds. The
power on the station cycles again as we begin and the
entire station goes to emergency power and lighting. No
Game Master Characters (GMCs) are in the main control
room at this time. A loud rumbling clank echoes throughout
the room, as if something metal and heavy just struck the
facility structure.
Searching in the
Those who make an Engineering (DR Moderate) will know that the Mirror Mirror
sound is the massive pressure change occurring as the massive power
To begin, one of the doors to the control room begins an unplant at the bottom of the ocean begins to shut down.
lock sequence. There is so screaming on the other side of the
Setting Timeline
still sealed door, and then some very loud pounding on the
door. The door begins another unlock sequence.
Approximately Three to Six (3 6) Hours
Page | 25
The Vault
A specialized decompression
chamber sits on an independent power supply from the
rest of facility. It is an autonomous system, promising a set
of five escape pods and a number of other systems, including
a bathroom, kitchen and dining area, and sleeping quarters.
Unfortunately, to access this
location, dubbed The Vault,
the characters must walk a half
mile in a pitch-black passageway where no one installed
emergency lighting. From the
windows of the facility, the
Vault remains with power and
bright beams of light reaching
out into the darkness of the
ocean. Getting there seems a
for the characters if they so desire it. If they choose to hunker down and survive in the Vault for two months, no rescue
vehicle comes as the authorities quarantined the whole facility from the surface. When the characters begin to run out
of power, supplies, etcetera, and open the sealed door, they
will discover that the air is thin and everything is dramatically more difficult. The timeline becomes very short without an independent oxygen supply. If the characters grabbed
the scuba gear from earlier, they could easily rig them into
oxygen masks and work out fine, without those though, the
characters will only have about twenty (20) minutes before
the air is too thin to stay alive
in the main facility.
The Maze
The Heads
Most of the heads (bathrooms/restrooms) in the facility are
still working, but have very little lighting. The head seen in
the Mirror Mirror scene earlier was down near the submarine
docking bays. If the characters journey to that head to investigate, they discover it abandoned, filled with gore and blood,
some body parts left behind, and the faucet still running. It
is a gruesome scene, and one repeated in several other heads
throughout the facility as time passes in the game. The heads
are typically a necessity for people, and the need is amplified
in a situation where a head
may present armed people
who are paranoid and will fire
at anything, to finding the remains of some poor soul.
Dining Areas
The Berthings are essentially large six to ten (6 10) person bunk rooms, stacked three bunks high, with some excess closets and attached heads. Most of the Berthings went
abandoned as the personnel fled the facility, leaving some be-
Melee Weapon, Diving Knife, Melee, Damage:
Str +18/x2
Firearm, Pistol, Damage: 1d+30/27/24, Range:
30/50/90, Magazine: 9 Ammo
First Aid Kit, +1d Hit Points on First Aid, DR
Kevlar Vest, +5 Vitality
Hand Taser 750k Volt, Stun 1d+72
Smoke Grenade, 50,000 cubic foot
There are twenty (20) Labs in the facility. Most of the Labs
lie adjacent to one another, most of them on the fourth (4th)
deck. These labs are primarily test labs, used for deep-sea
biological research; some possess micro pressure chambers,
precision cutting lasers, 3d model printers, fabrication suites,
Lab Equipment
and other similar setups. Specific labs with more classified Result
experiments include a chemical energy lab, an instruments
24 Hour Rebreather and Deep Submersion Suit
lab with many sensitive measurement devices, and a military
Plasma Cutter (Cuts through steel)
lab, used for NATO research. The classified labs reside on
Seismic Reflection Sensor (+21 Search)
the 3rd deck.
Sonar Pulse Device (Damage: 1d+60, area: 5)
Resourceful characters might turn to the labs for supplies,
Microwave Lance (Damage: Strength+72/69/66)
equipment, and weapons, but this is not an uncommon theme
MediPak +3d Hit Points (Instant)
for many of the people in the facility. As such, the characters
are likely to encounter others in various states of paranoia, Escape Pods
including those who have become violent. The Labs are likely
Up on the 5th deck, all but seven (7) escape pods remain
a refuge for a small band of scientists and researchers.
unscathed and still usable. The entire deck is a single massive
For a larger group of players, a GM might want to add in a room, with the remaining pods sitting as columns. In some
group of paranoid military personnel in the military lab, cases, there are pods that did not launch due to malfunctions
or other issues and the passengers tried to find other pods
where they acquired some kind of experimental weap- unsuccessfully, quickly meeting the creature or other people.
ons. The following table includes some sample, po- By all appearances, the characters can escape via the escape
tential experimental devices that the characters may pods, but only with a successful security override, Security
(DR Moderate). The difficulty is getting there...
find in the labs.
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The Firstcomers
Through some linguistics analysis, the pictographs are a form
of early Sanskrit, indicating this being is called the First, or
the Firstcomers. According to the writing in the room, the
First People (assumedly the first Humans) trapped the Firstcomer in this tomb and sealed it, imprisoning this being for
heinous crimes. It was one of the last of its kind.
ters who can see the true form may suffer some initial shock
or take on some dementia.
Dexterity 5d, Strength 6d, Persona 5d, Intellect 5d, Aptitude
The writing indicates that a Firstcomer has many amazing The Firstcomer can change into any form instantly.
abilities including the ability to take any form, the ability to (Sneak +80)
sense heat and vibration, the ability to absorb and consume
other living life forms in mere moments, and the ability to Extinguish
live thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years.
Except for Humans with the Descendant Character Feature,
The Firstcomer can instantly and forcibly remove the life
Then the records end.
from a target, consuming their very life essence, sometimes
Little else exists in Sanskrit or other markings around the called a soul. The Firstcomers use Human life forces as enworld talking about the Firstcomers or the First; mostly writergy sources to keep moving, also consuming them to feed
ing that was discounted as mythological. So drawings of
them depict a bipedal race, like Humans, who at one time themselves. This Firstcomer is extremely hungry.
co-existed with our kind on Earth. But soon Humans grew
(On touching a Human target, the Firstcomer deals Damage:
fearful of these beings, and began wiping them out, chasing
them across the stars. This is only speculation based on imag- Willpower, ignoring armor, once a Round until the target is
ery without writing, but one thing is certain, this Firstcomer dead or somehow escapes. Humans with Descendant ignores
is a descendant of a powerful and deadly race of beings, ca- all Damage, instead they may attempt to deal Damage on the
pable of great destruction. Long ago, somehow Humanity Firstcomer)
triumphed over them.
Note: The GM should keep track of the location of the Firstcomer throughout the facility as it moves about freely able to Anyone who looks upon the true form of a Firstcomer must
change shape and size as desired. It can replicate any inani- resist Dementia, or forever lose a part of their mind. A Firstmate or animate thing it contacts, including nuances of voice comer may choose to reveal their true form to intentionally
and basic looks, but it cannot duplicate memories of a per- startle and confuse enemies, with Humans it can kill them.
son, nor behavior. If the characters encounter the Firstcomer,
its initial reaction is to ambush them and prey on them from (A Human looking upon a Firstcomer is subject to the folbehind, picking them, off one by one. If they see it change or lowing results)
attack it, it changes into a combative form, something akin to
a giant spider-like being that uses many hook-and-scythe-like Willpower, DR Easy: The Character suffers immediate and
appendages to strike opponents. Once struck, the creature irreversible dementia, from catatonia and pigment loss to cocan absorb a targets life force almost instantly, killing them. matose states.
Typically, the Firstcomer moves towards the largest groups of
people. In the beginning of the game, the biggest group is the
horde of people fleeing to the escape pods, a group of around
fifteen to twenty people (15-20). After that, it is the various groups of people throughout the facility, who hunkered
down and prepared for attack by someone or something.
Willpower, DR Moderate: The Character goes into immediate shock, and must make roll Vitality or suffer immediate,
physiological Damage: 1d+72, typically involving bleeding
from various orifices, seizures, and death.
Willpower, DR Difficult and Above: The Character someA GM should use some judgment in how this creature ends how maintains all cognitive and physiological functions, able
up interacting, if at all, with the player characters. The First- to continue operating normally without much of a loss in
comer is intentionally a superior enemy and requires coordi- step. A Firstcomer will typically attack anyone who seems
nated work between the players to defeat or trap it.
cognizant before others, leaving the easy prey for later.
Visually, the Firstcomer appears as different things to all the
characters. Only a character with the Character Feature: Descendant, will see the true form of the Firstcomer. In true
form, the creature is readily indescribable, and most characPage | 29
Submission Guidelines
The D6 Magazine welcomes those contributors interested in publishing OpenD6-based material. These guidelines are meant to assist
you in submitting your material for publication into the D6 Magazine.
Before getting started, here are the basics:
Your submitted material must be your, (an an individual or representative of a publisher), own work and may not be copied in
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If you have any questions about any of these requirements, please
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4.How do I become a contributor?
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5.What content and material belongs in the D6 Magazine?
Material based upon the OpenD6 OGL Content License, for
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on, that align to a current D6 Magazine editions Theme, or a
core concept or genre.
For each edition of the D6 Magazine, a Theme will coincide. Each
issues Theme is a guiding idea that contributors may choose to
utilize for developing and producing material for submission. The
d6 online forum, located at (http://www.d6online.com) will announce and provide each D6 Magazine editions Theme via the
Backstage Pass for contributors, for permissions to view the Backstage Area, please submit a request per the above instructions
(Item 4). Each Theme details the core concept for each Edition of
D6 Magazine by which your submission(s) may tie into content.
For adventure submissions, please provide Character Creation
guidelines for assisting in gauging a character echelon. Some
games require more experienced and veteran Characters, where
others focus on new or novice Characters and this information
is important to Adventure flow and game play. The adventure
should closely tie into each D6 Magazines Theme or a core concept of genre.
Characters, creatures, equipment, locations or settings, and vehicles should tightly coincide with the current D6 Magazine Theme
or a core concept or genre. Each should provide playable statistics
and detailed background information, providing enough data so
that it is immediately usable for play by a Game Master.
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