Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio
Julia Mercorella
Strategic Writing
December 4, 2014
Elon University
When the first week of classes rolled around this past fall I was especially
hesitant to walk into Strategic Writing. I was hesitant because while writing is
something I enjoy; I often struggle with executing my writing pieces effectively. I
enjoy writing creatively but writing strategically can be a challenge for me, as I had
learned in my media writing class sophomore year. Unlike the media writing class, I
was unsure of what to expect from a strategic writing class.
When I heard about the client portfolio I immediately thought of doing the
tennis club I had worked at for many years in Connecticut. However, after reading
about the new media analytics major, I was determined to do work for them. I was
interested in this client mostly because their program is so new and there were
endless possibilities for me to create work for them. One of the exciting things about
choosing this client was that I would be able to have direct access to one of the
creators of the major, Don Grady. I was also excited because my work would be
fresh since they have never had anyone work with them before to promote the
Throughout the semester I was able to interview a couple people who are
involved in media analytics to get more information and insight on the major. I
interviewed Don Grady, who is the associate dean and associate professor in the
School of Communications. From the information I obtained from the interview, I
was able to make a biography about him which would be included as part of a larger
Elon Newsletter. I also had the opportunity to interview an Elon sophomore who is
majoring in media analytics. I created a feature story about the sophomore with the
information from her interview. Conducting interviews proved to be a useful
strategy because I was able to gain insight and inside knowledge about the program
that was not available in outside sources.
I found that it was difficult to find credible outside sources on the Internet
that talked about the importance of media analytics. Since media analytics is
generally a new field it was hard to find articles that related to the points I wanted
to make in my pieces. I was able to find useful facts and statistics about the rise of
social media and media use by consumers. These statistics were beneficial to several
of my portfolio pieces such as the fact sheet and opinion editorial.
My experience with the media analytics major as my client this semester was
mostly a positive one. I was able to explore why media analytics is important and
create several pieces that are beneficial to promoting their program. Since there are
no statistics or data about the Elon media analytics program yet, I was not able to
provide audiences information about the credibility and success of the program. I
definitely feel as though the quality of my writing has improved throughout the
semester. I am more confident with using AP Style as well as how to structure news
releases and feature stories.
Broadcast Advertisement on
ELN Radio
Announcer 1: Heres a statistic that might shock you. Almost five billion people now
own mobile phones. Seem like a lot? Well, less people than that own a toothbrush!
Announcer 2: (confused voice) Sowhat youre saying is that owning a mobile
phone is more important than people than owning a toothbrush now?
Announcer 1: (laughs) Thats what the statistics are saying, yes. Since many of these
people with mobile phones are going on social media websites, businesses are
struggling to track their audiences.
Announcer 2: Yes, operating on several different devices is really becoming quite
popular, but definitely an issue for companies.
Announcer 1: Which is exactly why Elon has stepped up their game and addressed
this problem by introducing a new major called media analytics.
Announcer 2- Wow how exciting! Students can help these companies to track
consumer behavior by starting a career in media analytics.
Announcer- Go to w-w-w dot-elon-dot-e-d-u slash media analytics to find out more
about the new major.
Media Analytics
School of Communications
(336) 278-2000
Time Log
Working on Portfolio
Research done on media analytics
September 171 hr
September 2830 min
October 51 hr
November 51 hr
November 201 hr
December 11 hr
Time spent working on pieces
September 20- 1 hr- Worked on client research
October 630 min- developed client
portfolio plan
October 152 hr- worked on biography
October 161 hr- worked on biography
October 282 hr- worked on opinion editorial
November 3- 30 min- worked on opinion
November 18- 2 hr- worked on broadcast
November 21- 2 hr- worked on feature story
November 23- 1 hr- created flier
November 26- 2 hr- edited feature story,
broadcast, and opinion editorial
November 29- 2 hr- created social media tweets
and brochure
December 2- 1 hr- created infographic
December 3- 3 hr- put together portfolio and
On Site:
Meetings with Don Grady
September 18
1 hr
September 29
1 hr
October 27
30 min
November 20 1 hr
Interview with Media Analytics Student
November 21
1 hr