Obligation and Contracts-ECE
Obligation and Contracts-ECE
Obligation and Contracts-ECE
(Arts 1156 1304, Civil Code.)
Chapter 1
Art.1156.An obligation is a juridical necessity to give,
to do or not to do. (n)
Meaning of obligation.
The term obligation is derived from the Latin word obligation which means
tying or bonding.
It is a tie or bond recognized by law by virtue of which one is bound in favor
of another to render something--- and thus may consist of giving a thing, doing a
certain act or not doing a certain act.
Civil Code definition.
Article 1156 gives the Civil Code definition of obligation, in its passive aspect.
Our law merely stresses the duty of the debtor or obligor (he who has the duty of
giving, doing, or not doing) when it speaks of obligation as a juridical necessity.
Meaning of Juridical Necessity.
Obligation is a juridical necessity because in case of noncompliance, the
courts of justice may be called upon by the aggrieved party to enforce its
fulfilment or, in default thereof, the economic value that it represents. In a proper
case, the debtor may also be made liable for damages, which represents the sum of
money given as a compensation for the injury or harm suffered by the creditor or
obligee (he who has the right to the performance of the obligation) for the
violation of his rights.
In other words the debtor must comply with his obligation whether he likes
it or not; otherwise, his failure will be visited with some harmful or undesirable
consequences. If obligations were not made enforceable, then people can
disregard them with impunity. If obligation cannot be enforced, it may be only a
natural obligation.
Nature of obligation under the Civil Code.
Obligations which give the creditor or obligee a right under the law to
enforce their performance in courts of justice are known as civil obligations. They
are to be distinguished from natural obligations, which, not being based on
positive law but on equity and natural law, do not grant a right of action to
enforce their performance although in case of voluntary fulfilment by the debtor,
the latter may not recover what has been delivered or rendered or rendered by
reason thereof. (Art.* 1423)
----- *Unless
Natural obligations are discussed under the Title dealing with Natural
Obigations. (Title III, Arts. 1423-1430)
Essential requisites of an obligation.
Every obligation has four essential requisites, namely;
1.) A passive subject (called debtor or obligor). --- the person who is bound to
the fulfilment of the obligation; he who has a duty;
2.) An active subject (called creditor or obligee). --- the person who is entitled
to demand the fulfilment of the obligation; he who has a right;
3.) Object or prestation (subject matter of the obligation). --- the conduct
required to be observed by the debtor.
It may consist in giving, doing, or not doing. Without the prestation, there
is nothing to perform. In bilateral obligations (see Art. 1191), the parties
are reciprocally debtors and creditors; and
4.) A juridical or legal tie (also called efficient cause). --- that which binds or
connects the parties to the obligation. The tie in an obligation an easily be
determined by knowing the source of the obligation. (Art. 1157)
Under a building contract, X bound himself to build a house for Y for
Here, X is the passive subject, Y is the active subject, the building of the
house is the object or prestation, and the agreement or contract, which is source
of the obligation, is the juridical tie.
Suppose X had already constructed the house and it was the agreement
that Y would pay X after the construction is finished, X then becomes the active
subject and Y, the passive subject.
Forms of Obligations.
The form of an obligation refers to the manner in which an obligation is
manifested or incurred. It may be oral, or in writing, or partly oral and partly in
writing. --(1) As a general rule, the law does not require any form in obligations arising
from contacts for their validity or binding force. (see Art. 1356)
(2) Obligations arising from other sources. (Art. 1157.) do not have any form
Obligation, right, and wrong distinguished.
(1) Obligation is the act or performance which the law will enforce.
(2) Right, on the other hand, is the power which a person has under the law,
to demand from another any prestation.
(3) A wrong (cause of action), according to its legal meaning, is an act or
omission of one party in violation of the legal right or rights (i.e.,
recognized by law) of another. In law, the term injury is also used to refer
to the wrongful violation of the legal right of another.
The essential elements of a legal wrong or injury are;
(a) A legal right in favor of a person (creditor/ oblige/ plaintiff);
(b) Correlative legal obligation on the part of another (debtor/
obligor/ defendant); and
(c) An act or omission by the latter in violation of said right with
resulting damage to the former. (Ma-ao Sugar Central Co. vs.
Barrios, 79 Phil. 66; see Teves vs.The Peoples Homesite Corp., 23
SCRA 1141.)
An obligation on the part of a person cannot exist without a
corresponding right in favor of another, and vice versa.
Kinds of obligations according to the subject matter.
From the viewpoint of the subject matter, obligation may be either real or
(1.) Real obligation (obligation to give) is that in which the subject matter is a
thing which the obligor must deliver to the obligee.
X (e.g., seller) binds himself to deliver a piano to Y (buyer).
(2.) Personal obligation (obligation to do or not to do) is that in which the
subject matter is an act to be done or not to be done. These are two kinds
of personal obligation:
(a.) Positive personal obligation or obligation to do or to render service.
(see Art. 1167)
X binds himself to repair the piano of Y.
(2) Contracts. --- when they arise from the stipulation of the parties. (Art.
The obligation to repay a loan or indebtedness by virtue of an
(3) Quasi- contracts. --- when they arise from lawful, voluntary and
unilateral acts which are enforceable to the end that no one shall be
unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another. (Art. 2142.) In a
sense, these obligations may be considered as arising from law.
The obligation to return money paid by mistake or which is not due.
(Art. 2154)
(4) Crimes or acts or omissions punished by law. --- when they arise from
civil liability which is the consequence of a criminal offense. (Art. 1161)
The obligation of a thief to return the car stolen by him; the duty of a
killer to indemnify the heirs of his victim.
(5) Quasi- delicts or torts. --- when they arise from damage caused to another
through an act or omission, there being fault or negligence, but no
contractual relation exists between the parties. (Art. 2176)
The obligation of the head of a family that lives in a building or a part
thereof to answer for damages caused by things thrown or falling from the same
(Art. 2193); the obligation of the possessor of an animal to pay for the damage
which it may have caused. (Art. 2183)
Sources classified.
The law enumerates five (5) sources of obligations. They may be classified as
(1) Those emanating from law; and
(2) Those emanating from private acts which may be further subdivided into:
(a) Those arising from licit acts, in the case of contracts and quasicontracts (infra.); and
(b) Those arising from illicit acts, which may be either punishable in
the case of delicts or crimes, or not punishable in the case of quasidelicts or torts. (infra.)
Actually, there are only two (2) sources: law and contracts, because
obligations arising from quasi- contracts, delicts, and quasi- delicts are really
imposed by law. (see Leung Ben vs. OBrien, 38 Phil. 182)
Art. 1158. Obligations derived from law are not presumed. Only
those expressly determined in this Code or in special laws are
demandable, and shall be regulated by the precepts of the law
which establishes them; and as to what has not been foreseen,
by the provisions of this book. (1090)
Legal obligations.
Article 1158 refers to legal obligations or obligations arising from law. They
are not presumed because they are considered a burden upon the obligor. They
are the exception, not the rule. To be demandable, they must be clearly set forth
in the law, i.e., the Civil Code or special laws.
Thus, an employer has no obligation to furnish free legal assistance to his
employees because no law requires this, and therefore, an employee may not
recover from his employer the amount he may have paid a lawyer hired by him
to recover damages caused to said employee by a stranger or strangers while in
the performance of his duties. (De la Cruz vs. Northern Theatre Enterprises, 95
Phil. 739). But a person who wins money in gambling has the duty to return his
winnings to the loser. This obligation is provided by law. (Art. 2014)
Under Article 1158, special laws refer to all other laws not contained in the
Civil Code. Examples of such laws are Corporation Code, Negotiable
Instruments Law, Insurance Code, National Internal Revenue Code, Revised
Penal Code, Labor code, etc.
Art. 1159. Obligations arising from contracts have the force of
law between the contracting parties and should be complied
with a good faith. (1019a)
Contractual obligations.
The above article speaks of contractual obligations or obligations arising from
contracts or voluntary agreements. It presupposes that the contracts entered into
are valid and enforceable.
A contract is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds
himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service.
(Art. 1305)
(1) Binding force. --- Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law
between the contracting parties, i.e. they have same binding effect of
obligations imposed by laws. This does not mean, however, that contract
is superior to the law. As a source of enforceable obligations, contract
must be valid and it cannot be valid if it is against the law.
(2) Requirement of a valid contract. --- A contract is valid (assuming all the
essential elements are present; Art. 1318) if it is not contrary to law,
morals, good customs, public order, and public policy. It is invalid or
void if it is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public
policy. (Art. 1306)
In the eyes of the law, a void contract does not exist (Art. 1409).
Consequently, no obligations will arise. A contract may be valid but cannot be
enforced. (see Art. 1403)
Compliance in good faith.
Compliance in good faith means compliance or performance in accordance with
the stipulations or terms of the contract or agreement. Sincerity and honesty
must be observed to prevent one party from taking unfair advantage over the
Non- compliance by a party with his legitimate obligations after receiving the
benefits of a contract would constitute unjust enrichment on his part.
If S agrees to sell his house to B and B agrees to buy the house of S,
voluntarily and willingly, then they are bound by the terms of their contract and
neither party may, upon his own will, and without any justifiable reason,
withdraw from the contract or escape from his obligations there under.
That which is agreed upon in the contract is the law between S and B and
must be complied with in good faith.
A contract whereby S will kill B in consideration of P1,000,000.00 to be
paid by C, is void and non- existent because killing a person is contrary to law.
Likewise, an agreement whereby S will render domestic service gratuitously
until his loan to B is paid, is void as being contrary to law and morals. (see Art.
1689 De Los Reyes vs. Alejado, 16 Phil. 499)
In both cases, S has no obligation to comply with his agreements.
A quasi- contract is that juridical relation resulting from lawful, voluntary and
unilateral acts by virtue of which the parties become bound to each other to the
end that no one will be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another.
(Art. 2142)
It is not properly a contact at all. In contract, there is a meeting of minds or
consent (see Arts. 1318, 1319.); the parties must have deliberately entered into a
formal agreement. In a quasi- contract, there is no consent but the same is
supplied by fiction of law. In other words, the law considers the parties having
entered into a contract, although they have not actually did so, and irrespective
of their intention, to prevent injustice.
Kinds of quasi- contracts.
The principal kinds of quasi- contracts are negotiorum gestio and solutio
(1) Negotiorum gestio is the voluntary management of the property or affairs
of another without the knowledge of consent of the latter. (Art. 2144)
X went to Baguio with his family without leaving somebody to look after
his house in Manila. While in Baguio, a big fire broke near the house of X.
Through the effort of Y, a neighbour, the house of X was saved from being
burned. Y, however, incurred expenses.
In this case, X has the obligation to reimburse Y for said expenses,
although he did not actually give his consent to the act of Y in saving his house,
on the principle of quasi- contract.
(2) Solutio Indebiti is the juridical relation with is created when something is
received when there is no right to demand it and it was unduly delivered
through mistake. (Art. 2154.) The requisites are:
(a) There is no right to receive the thing delivered; and
(b) The thing was delivered through mistake.
D owes C P1,000.00. If D paid T believing that T was authorized to
receive payment for C, the obligation to return on the part of T arises. If D paid C
P2,000.00 by mistake, C must return the excess of P1,000.00.
of infinite variety; and when for some reason recovery cannot be had on a true
contract, recovery may be allowed on the basis of a quasi- contract.
ART. 1161. Civil obligations arising from criminal offenses shall
be governed by the penal laws, subject to the provisions of
article 2177, and of the pertinent provisions of Chapter 2,
Preliminary Title, on Human Relations, and of Title XVIII of
this Book, regulating damages. (1092a)
Civil liability arising from crimes or delicts.
This article deals with civil liability arising from crimes or delicts.
Often times, the commission of a crime causes not only moral but to also
material damage. From this principle, the rule has been established that every
person criminally liable for an act or omission is also civilly liable. (Art. 100,
Revised Penal Code.)
In crimes, however, which cause no material damage (like contempt, insults
to persons in authority, gambling, violations of traffic regulations, etc.), there is
no civil liability to be enforced. But a person not criminally responsible may still
be liable civilly (Art. 29; Sec. 2[c], Rule 111, Rules of Court), such as failure to pay
a contractual debt; causing damage to anothers property without malicious or
criminal intent or negligence, etc.
Scope of civil liability.
The extent of the civil liability arising from crimes is governed by the Revised
Penal Code and the Civil Code.
This civil liability includes:
(1) Restitution;
(2) Reparation for the damages caused; and
(3) Indemnification for consequential damages. (Art. 104, Revised Penal
X stole the car of Y. If X is convicted, the court will order X: (1) to return
the car (or to pay its value if it was lost or destroyed); (2) to pay for any damage
caused to the car; and (3) to pay such other damages suffered by Y as a
consequence of the crime.
Obligations arising from quasi- delicts.
The above provision treats of obligations arising from quasi- delicts or torts.
(see Art. 2176 to 2194)
A quasi- delict is an act or omission by a person (torefeasor) which causes
damage to another giving rise to an obligation to pay for the damage done, there
being fault or negligence but there is no pre-existing contractual relation between
the parties. (Art. 2176)
Requisites of quasi- delict.
Before a person can be held liable for quasi- delict, the following requisites
must be present:
(1) There must be an act or omission;
(2) There must be fault or negligence;
(3) There must be damage caused;
(4) There must be a direct relation of cause and effect between the act or
omission and the damage; and
(5) There is no pre-existing contractual relation between the parties.
While playing softball with his friends, X broke the window glass of Y,
his neighbour. The accident would not have happened had they played a little
farther from the house of Y.
In this case, X is under obligation to pay the damage caused to Y by his
act although there is no pre-existing contractual relation between them because
he is guilty of fault or negligence.
need only be proved by prerespondence (i.e. superior or greater weight)
of evidence.
----- 1The
evidence must be very clear and convincing as will engender belief in an unprejudiced
mind that the accused is really guilty.
Define or give the meaning of the following:
1. Obligation
2. Quasi- contract
3. Compliance in good faith
4. Wrong
5. Solutio indebiti
II. Discussions
1. What are the essential requisites of an obligation? Give an
example to illustrate them.
2. Why are the obligations under the civil Code a juridical necessity?
3. What are the elements or requisites in order that a person may
acquire right of action in court against another to enforce the
performance of the latters obligation?
4. May a person incur obligations even without entering into any
contract or voluntary agreement? Explain.
III. Problems
1. X saw at about one (1:00 p.m.) in the afternoon a child alone in a
shopping mall. The child who strayed from Y, his mother, was in
tears and appeared very hungry. Out of pity, X took him to a
restaurant to eat for which is spent P150.00. Y did not give her
consent to the good deed of X. Furthermore, they were on their
way home before the child got lost. Is X entitled to be reimbursed
by Y for the amount of P150?
2. While the car of X was parked by the roadside, it was bumped at
the rear by a jeep belonging to Y. only the car of X suffered
damage. Under the circumstances, does it follow that Y is liable to
X for the damage?
3. In the same problem, has X the right to ask indemnity from R,
employer of X was then on his way to transact business with a
client of R?
4. D (debtor) borrowed P10,000 from C (creditor). On the due date of
the loan, D could not pay C because he lost to a robber the
P10,000 intended for C. In addition, he suffered financial reverses,
and he was short of cash even for his current familys needs. Is D
legally justified to refuse to pay C?
Chapter 2
Art.1156.Every person obliged to give something is also obliged
to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father of a
family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires
another standard of care. (1094a)
Meaning of specific or determinate thing.
The above provision refers to an obligation specific or determinate thing.
A thing is said to be specific or determinate particularly designated or
physically segregated others of the same class. (Art. 1459)
Specific thing and generic thing distinguished.
(1) A determinate thing is identified by its individuality. The debtor cannot
substitute it with another although the latter is of the same kind and
quality without the consent of the creditor. (Art. 1244)
(2) A generic thing is identified only by its specie. The debtor can give
anything of the same class as long as it is of the same kind.
If Ss obligation is to deliver to B a Bulova calendar watch, S can deliver
any watch as long as it is a Bulova with calendar.
But if Ss obligation is to deliver to B a particular watch, the one S is
wearing, S cannot substitute it with another watch without Bs consent nor can B
require S to deliver another watch without Ss consent although it may be of the
same kind and value. (see Arts. 1244, 1246)
If Ss obligation is to deliver to B one of his cars, the object refers to
a class which in itself is determinate.
Here, the particular thing to be delivered is determinable without
the need of a new contract between the parties (see Art. 1349.); it becomes
determinate upon its delivery.
Duties of debtor in obligation to give a determinate thing.
They are:
(1) Preserve the thing. --- In obligations to give (real obligations), the obligor
has the incidental duty to take care of the thing due with the diligence
of a good father of a family pending delivery.
(a) Diligence of a good father of a family. --- The phrase has been equated
with ordinary care or that diligence which an average (a reasonably
prudent) person exercises over his own property.
(b) Another standard of care. --- However, if the law or stipulation of the
parties provides for another standard of care (slightly or
extraordinary diligence), said law or stipulation must prevail. (Art.
Under the law, for instance, a common carrier (person or company
engaged in the transportation of persons and/or cargoes) is bound
to carry the passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
provide, using utmost (i.e., extraordinary) diligence of very cautious
persons, with a due regard for all the circumstances. (Art. 1755.) In
case of accident, therefore, the common carrier will be liable if it
exercised only ordinary diligence of a good father of a family.
The parties may agree upon diligence which is more or less than
that of a good father of a family but it is contrary to public policy (see
Art. 1306) to stipulate for absolute exemption from liability of the
obligor for any fault or negligence on his part. (see Art. 1173, 1174)
(c) Factors to be considered. --- The diligence required necessarily depends
upon the nature of the obligation and corresponds with the
circumstances of the person, of the time, and of the place. (Art. 1173)
It is not necessarily the standard of care one always uses in the
protection of his property. As a general rule, the debtor is not liable if
his failure to preserve the thing is not due to his fault or negligence
but to fortuitous events or force majeure. (Art. 1174)
S binds himself to deliver a specific horse to B on a certain date.
Pending delivery, S has the additional or accessory duty to take care of
the horse with the diligence of a good father of a family, like feeding the horse
regularly, keeping it in a safe place, etc. In other words, S must exercise that
diligence which he would exercise over another horse belonging to him and
which he is not under obligation to deliver to B.
But S cannot retrieve himself from liability in case of loss by claiming
that he exercised the same degree of care toward the horse as he would toward
his own, if such care is less than that required by the circumstances. If the horse
dies or is lost or becomes sick as a consequence of Ss failure to exercise proper
diligence, he shall be liable to B for damages.
The accessory obligation of S to take care of the horse is demandable
even if no mention thereof is made is made in the contract.
(d) Reason for debtors obligation. --- The debtor must exercise diligence to
insure that the thing to be delivered would subsist in the same
condition as it was when the obligation was contracted. Without the
accessory duty to take care of the thing, the debtor would be able to
afford being negligent and he would not be liable even if the property
is lost or destroyed, thus rendering illusory the obligation to give (8
Manresa, 35-37.);
(2) Deliver the fruits of the thing. --- This is discussed under Article 1164;
(3) Deliver the accessions and accessories. --- This is discussed under Article
(4) Deliver the thing itself. --- (Art. 1163, 1233, 1244; as to kinds of delivery, see
Arts. 1497 to 1501.); and
(5) Answer for damages in case for non- fulfilment or breach. --- This is discussed
under Article 1170.
Duties of debtor in obligation to deliver a generic thing.
They are:
(1) To deliver a thing which is of the quality intended by the parties taking
into consideration the purpose of the obligation and other circumstances
(see Art. 1246.); and
(2) To be liable for damages in case of fraud, negligence, or delay, in the
performance of hi obligation, or contravention of the tenor thereof. (see
Art. 1170)
Art. 1164. The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from
the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However, he shall
acquire no real right over it until the same ha been delivered to
him. (1095)
Different kinds of fruits.
The fruits mentioned by the law refer to natural, industrial, and civil fruits.
(1) Natural fruits are the spontaneous products of the soil, and the young, and
other products of animals.
Grass; all trees and plants on lands produced without the intervention of
human labor.
(2) Industrial fruits are those produced by lands of any kind through
cultivation or labor.
Sugar cane; vegetables; rice; and all products of lands brought about by
reason of human labor.
Right of creditor to the fruits.
The creditor is entitled to the fruits of the thing to be delivered from the time
the obligation to make delivery arises. The intention of the law is to protect the
interest of the obligee should the obligor commit delay, purposely or otherwise,
in the fulfilment of his obligation.
When obligation to deliver fruits arises.
(1) Generally, the obligation to deliver the thing due and, consequently, the
fruits thereof, if any, arises from the time of the perfection o the
contract. Perfection, in this case, refers to the birth of the contract or to
the meeting of minds between the parties. (Art. 1305, 1315, 1319.)
(2) If the obligation is subject to a suspensive condition or period (Art. 1179,
1189, 1193), it arises from the fulfilment of the condition or arrival of the
term. However, the parties may make a stipulation to the contrary as
regards the right of the creditor to the fruits of the thing.
(3) In a contract of sale, the obligation arises from the perfection of the
contract even if the obligation is subject to a suspensive condition or a
suspensive period where the price has been paid.
(4) In obligations to give arisng from law, quasi- contract, delicts, and quasidelicts, the time of performance is determined by the specific provisions
of the law applicable.
S sold his horse to B for P15,000.00. No date or condition was stipulated
for the delivery of the horse. While still in the possession of S, the horse gave
birth to a colt.
Who has a right to the colt?
In a contract of sale all the fruits shall pertain to the vendee from the
day on which the contract was perfected. (Art. 1537, 2nd par.) Hence, B is
entitled to the colt. This holds true even if the delivery is subject to a suspensive
condition (e.g., upon the demand of B) or a suspensive period (e.g., next month)
if B has paid the price.
But S has a right to the colt if it was born before the obligation to deliver
the horse has risen (Art. 1164) and B has not yet paid the purchase price. In this
case, upon the fulfilment of the condition or the arrival of the period, S does not
have to give the colt and B is not obliged to pay legal interest on the price since
the colt and the interest are deemed to have been mutually compensated. (see
Art. 1187)
Meaning of personal right and real right.
(1) Personal right is the right or power of a person (creditor) to demand from
another (debtor), as a definite passive subject, the fulfilment of the latters
obligation to give, to do, or not to do.
(2) Real right is the right or interest of a person over a specific thing (like
ownership, possession, mortgage), without a definite passive subject
against whom the right may be personally enforced.
Personal right and real right distinguished.
(1) In personal right, there is a definite active subject and a definite passive
subject, while in real right; there is only a definite active subject without
any definite passive subject. (see Art. 1156)
(2) A personal right is, therefore, binding or enforceable only against a
particular person, while a real right is directed against the whole world.
(see next example.)
X is the owner of a parcel of land under a torrens title registered in his
name in the Registry of Property. His ownership is a real right directed against
everybody. There is no definite passive subject.
If the land is claimed by Y who takes possession, X has a personal right
to recover from Y, as a definite passive subject, the property.
If the same land is mortgaged by X to Z, the mortgage, if duly registered,
is binding against third persons. A purchaser buys the land subject to mortgage
which is a real right.
S is obliged to give to B on July 25 a particular horse. Before July 25, B
has no right over the horse. B will acquire a personal right against S to fulfill his
obligation only from July 25.
If the horse is delivered on July 30, B acquires ownership or real right
only from that date. But if on July 20, S sold and delivered the same horse to C, a
third person (meaning that he is not a party to the contract between S and B) who
acted in good faith (without knowledge of the said contract), C acquires
ownership over the horse and he shall be entitled to it against B. S shall be liable
to B for damages. (Art. 1170)
S sells his piano to B for P10,000.00. If S refuses to comply with his
obligation to deliver the piano, B can bring an action for fulfilment or rescission
of the obligation with the payment of damages in either case. (Art. 1191.) In case
of rescission, the parties must return to each other what they have received. (Art.
The rights to demand fulfilment and rescission with damages (see Art.
1170) are alternative, not cumulative, i.e. the election of one is a waiver of the
right to resort to the other. (see Art. 1191) B may bring an action for damages
only if this is not expressly mentioned by Article 1165. (see Art. 1170)
S obliges himself to deliver to B 100 sacks of rice on December 4 for
If S does not comply with his obligation, B may buy rice from C, a third
person. If B paid C P55,000.00, he may recover (assuming B has not yet paid S)
P5,000.00 from S. furthermore, B can also hold S liable for damages in view of
Article 1170 as in the case of the delivery of a determinate thing. (par. 1)
Meaning of accessions and accessories.
(1) Accessions are the fruits of a thing or additions to or improvements upon a
thing (the principal).
House or trees on a land; rents of a building; air- conditioner in a car;
profits or dividends accruing from shares of stocks, etc.
(2) Accessories are things joined to or included with the principal thing for
the latters embellishment, better use, or completion.
Key of a house; frame of a picture; bracelet of a watch; machinery in a
factory; bow of a violin.
Note that while accessions are not necessary to the principal thing, the
accessory and the principal thing must go together. Both can exist only in
relation to the principal.
Right of creditor to accessions and accessories.
The general rule is that all accessions and accessories are considered included
in the obligation to deliver a determinate thing although they may not have been
mentioned. This rule is based on the principle. In order that they will be
excluded, there must be a stipulation to that effect.
But, unless otherwise stipulated, an obligation to deliver the accessions or
accessories of a thing does not include the latter. Thus, a sale of the
improvements (e.g., house) upon a land is not sufficient to convoy title or any
right to the land. But the lease of a building or house naturally includes the lease
of the lot on which it is constructed for the possession of the lot is implied in the
lease of the improvement.
Art. 1167. If a person obliged to do something fails to do it, the
same shall be executed at his cost.
This same rule shall be observed if he does it in contravention
of the tenor of the obligation. Furthermore, it may be decreed
that what has been poorly done be undone. (1098)
Situations contemplated in Article 1167.
Article 1167 refers to an obligation to do, i.e., to perform an act or render a
service. It contemplates three situations:
(1) The debtor fails to perform an obligation to do;
(2) The debtor performs an obligation to do but contrary to the terms thereof;
(3) The debtor performs an obligation to do but in poor manner.
Remedies of creditor in positive personal obligation.
(1) If the debtor fails to comply with his obligation to do, the creditor has the
(a) To have the obligation performed by himself, or by another, unless
personal considerations are involved, at the debtors expense; and
(b) To recover damages (Art. 1170)
(2) In case the obligation is done in contravention of the terms of the same or
is poorly done, it may be ordered (by the court) that it be undone if it is
still possible to undo what was done.
Performance by a third person.
A personal obligation to do, like a real obligation to deliver a generic thing,
can be performed by a third person. While the debtor can be compelled to make
the delivery of a specific thing (Art. 1165), a specific performance cannot be
ordered in a personal obligation to do because this may amount to involuntary
servitude which, as a rule, is prohibited under our Constitution. (Art. III, Sec.
18[2] thereof)
Where, however, the personal qualifications of the debtor are the
determining motive for the obligation contracted (e.g., to sing in a night club),
the performance of the same by another would be impossible or would result to
be so different that the obligation could not be considered performed. Hence, the
only feasible remedy for the creditor is indemnification for damages. But where
the obligation can still be performed at the expense of the debtor
notwithstanding his failure or refusal to do so, the court is not authorized to
merely grant damages to the creditor.
X binds himself to construct a house for B. Among other things, it was
stipulated that the house shall have 3 bedrooms, each of which to have an area of
5 meters by 4 meters and that the kitchen shall be painted all white.
If X does not construct the house, B may ask C to construct the house at
the expense of X.
Suppose X constructed the house but the size of the bedroom is not 5
meters by 4 meters or the kitchen is not painted all white.
In this case, B can ask it to have it done according to the specifications. If
X refuses, the obligation may be performed by C at the expense of X.
Now, if the kitchen was painted white but the painting was poorly done,
B may ask X that it be undone or, in case of Xs refusal, he may ask C to paint the
kitchen at the expense of X.
In no case, however, can X be compelled against his will to comply with
his obligation should he refuse to do so.
If the obligation contracted by X is to sing in the night club of B and he
fails to comply his obligation, the performance of the same by another would be
impossible or would result to be so different that the obligation could not be
considered performed.
Here, the personal qualification of X is the determinate motive for the
contract. In this case, the only practical remedy of B is indemnification for
Art. 1168. When the obligation consists in not doing, and the
obligor does what has been forbidden him, it shall also be
undone at his expense.(1099a)
Remedies of creditor in negative personal obligation.
In an obligation not to do, the duty of the obligor is to abstain from an act.
Here, there is no specific performance. The very obligation is fulfilled in not
doing what is forbidden. Hence, in this kind of obligation the debtor cannot be
guilty of delay. (Art. 1169)
As a rule, the remedy of the obligee is the undoing of the forbidden things
plus damages. (Art. 1170.) However, if it is not possible to undo what was done,
either physically or legally, or because of the rights acquired by third persons
who acted in good faith, or for some other reason, his remedy is an action for
damages caused by the debtors violation of his obligation. (see 8 Manresa 58)
B bought a land from S. it was stipulated that S would not construct a
fence on a certain portion of his land adjoining that sold to B.
Should S construct a fence in violation of the agreement, B can bring an
action to have the fence removed at the expense of S.
Art. 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in
delay from the time the obligee judicially or extra- judicially
demands from then the fulfilment of their obligation.
However, the demand by the creditor shall not be
necessary in order that delay may exist:
(1) When the obligation or the law expressly so declares; or
(2) When from the nature and the circumstances of the
obligation it appears that the designation of the time when
the thing is to be delivered or the service is to be rendered
was a controlling motive for the establishment of the
contract; or
(3) When demand would be useless, as when the obligor has
rendered it beyond his power to perform.
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if
the other does not comply or is not ready to comply in a proper
manner with what is incumbent upon him. From the moment
one of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the other
begins. (1100a)
Meaning of delay.
The word delay, as used in the law, is not to be understood according to its
meaning in common parlance. A distinction, therefore, should be made between
ordinary delay and legal delay (default or mora) in the performance of an
(1) Ordinary delay is merely the failure to perform an obligation on time.
(2) Legal delay or default is the failure to perform an obligation on time which
failure constitutes a breach of the obligation.
Kinds of delay or default.
They are:
(1) Mora solvendi or the delay on the part of the debtor to fulfill his obligation
(to give or to do);
(2) Mora accipiendi or the delay on the part of the creditor to accept the
performance of the obligation; and
(3) Compensatio morae or the delay of the obligors in reciprocal obligations
(like in sale), i.e. the delay of the obligor cancels the delay of the obligee,
and vice versa. The net result is that there is no actionable default on the
part of both parties.
No delay in negative personal obligation.
In an obligation not to do, non-fulfilment may take place but delay is
impossible for the debtor fulfills by not doing what has been forbidden him. (see
Art. 1168)
Requisites of delay or default by the debtor.
There are three conditions that must be present before mora solvendi can exist
or its effects may arise:
(1) Failure of the debtor to perform his (positive) obligation on the date
agreed upon:
(2) Demand (not mere reminder or notice) made by the creditor upon the
debtor to comply with his obligation which demand may be either
judicial (when a complaint is filed in court) or extra- judicial (when made
outside of court, orally or in writing); and
(3) Failure of the debtor to comply with such demand.
The above presupposes that the obligation is already due and demandable.
(see Art. 1279[4]). The creditor has the burden of proving that demand has been
made. Similarly, it is incumbent upon the debtor to prove that the delay was not
caused by his fault to relieve himself from liability. (see Art. 1173, 1174)
S obliged himself to deliver to B a specific refrigerator on December 10.
If S does not deliver the refrigerator on December 10, he is only in
ordinary delay in the absence of any demand from B although a period had been
fixed for the fulfilment of the obligation. The law presumes that B is giving S an
extension of time within which to deliver the refrigerator. Hence, there is no
breach of the obligation and S is not liable for damages.
If a demand is made upon S by B on December 15 and S fails to deliver
the refrigerator, S is considered in default only from the date.
If an action for specific performance is filed by B on December 20, the
payment of damages for the default must commence on December 15 when he
made the extrajudicial demand and not on December 20. In the absence of
evidence; as to such extra judicial demand, the effects of default arise from the
date of the judicial demand, that is, from the filing of the complaint.
Effects of delay.
(1) The following are the effects of mora solvendi:
(a) The debtor is guilty of breach or violation of the obligation;
(b) He is liable to the creditor for interest (in case of obligations to pay
money) (Art. 2209) or damages (in other obligations). (Art. 1170) In
the absence of extra-judicial demand, the interest shall commence
from the filing of the complaint; and
(c) He is liable even for a fortuitous event when the obligation is to
deliver a determinate thing. (Arts. 1165, 1170). However, if the debtor
can prove that the loss would have resulted just the same even if he
had not been in default, the court may equitably mitigate or reduce
the damages. (Art. 2215[4]).
In an obligation to deliver a generic thing, the debtor is not relieved
from liability for loss due to a fortuitous event. He can still be
compelled to deliver a thing of the same kind (see Art. 1263) or held
liable for damages. (Art. 1170)
(2) The effects of mora accipiendi are as follows:
(a) The creditor is guilty of breach of obligation;
(b) He is liable for damages suffered, if any, by the debtor;
(c) He bears the risk of loss of the thing due (see Art. 1262);
(d) When the obligation is to pay money, the debtor is not liable for
interest from the time of creditors delay; and
(e) The debtor may release himself from the obligation by the
consignation or deposit in court of the thing or sum due. (Art. 1256)
(3) In compensation morae, the delay of the obligor cancels the delay of the
obligee and vice versa. The net result is that there is no default or delay on
the part of both parties.
If the delay of one party is followed by that of the other, the liability of
the first infractor shall be inequitably tempered or balanced by the courts.
If it cannot be determined which of the parties is guilty of delay, the
contract shall be deemed extinguished and each shall bear his own
damages. (Art. 1192)
When demand is not necessary to put debtor in delay.
As a general rule, delay by the debtor begins only from the moment of a
demand, judicial or extra- judicial, for the fulfilment of the formers obligation is
made by the creditor. The exceptions are mentioned below.
(1) When the obligation so provides.--Example:
D promised to pay C the sum of P2,000.00 on or before November 30
without the need of any demand. Therefore, if D fails to pay on November 30, he is
automatically in default.
In this case, the parties stipulate to dispense with the demand.
The mere fixing of the period is not enough. The arrival of the period merely
makes the obligation demandable. Before its arrival, the creditor cannot demand
performance. The obligation must expressly so declare that demand is not
necessary or must use words to that effect, as for instance, the debtor will be in
default or I will be liable for damages.
The contract of loan between D and C provides that failure of D to pay
any instalment therein stipulated would mature the entire obligation. It does not
state that in such an event, D shall thereafter be in default.
Demand is still necessary to hold D in default upon failure to pay any
such instalments. He is not liable for any interest for default for the whole debt
except from the time that judicial or extra- judicial demand for payment is made
upon him.
In all the foregoing cases, the debtor is fully aware that the performance of
the obligation after the designated time would no longer benefit the creditor.
It is not necessary for the contract to categorically state that time is of the
essence; intent is sufficient. (Hanlon vs. Hauserman, 40 Phil. 766, infra.)
(3) When the demand would be useless.--Example:
S obliged himself to deliver a specific horse to B on September 5.
Through Ss negligence or deliberate act, or by reason for fortuitous event for
which S has expressly bound himself responsible (see Art. 1174), the horse died
on September 2.
Under this situation, any demand for the delivery of the horse on
September 5 would be useless as S has made it impossible for him to perform his
Demand is also unnecessary where it is apparent that it would be
unavailing, a where there has been a prior absolute refusal by S has manifested
an intention not to comply with his obligation.
ART. 1170. Those who in the performance of their obligations
are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay and those who in any
manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages.
Grounds for liability.
The above provision gives the four grounds for liability which may entitle the
injured party for damages (see Art. 2197) for all kinds of obligations mentioned
in Article 1157. Here, the breach of the obligation is voluntary; in Article 1174, it
is voluntary.
(1) Fraud (deceit or dolo). --- as used in Article 1170, it is the deliberate of
intentional evasion of the normal fulfilment of the obligation. (see 8
Manresa 72) As a ground for damages, it implies some kind of malice or
dishonesty and it cannot cover cases of mistake and errors of judgement
made in good faith. It is synonymous to bad faith. (Oleary Macondray &
Co., 45 Phil.812.)
S obliged himself to deliver to B 20 bottles of wine, of a particular brand.
Subsequently, SS delivered 20 bottles knowing that they contain cheaper wine. S
is guilty of fraud and is liable for damages to B.
P is a passenger in a taxi. Here, there is a considered a contract of
carriage between P and the owner of the taxi company. In consideration of the
fare to be paid by P, the owner of the taxi company, through the driver, agrees to
safely bring P to his destination. (Lasam vs Smith, 48 Phil. 657)
If, through the recklessness of the driver, like for example, driving at an
unjustified rate of speed or entering a one-way street, an accident occurs, as a
result of which P is injured, there is negligence which would make the owner
liable for damages. If the taxi contained defective parts, the failure to repair the
same constitutes also negligence on the part of the owner. (Ibid.)
(3) Delay (mora). --- This has already been discussed under Article 1169.
(4) Contravention of the terms of the obligation. --- This is the violation of the
terms and conditions stipulated in the obligation. The contravention must
not be due to a fortuitous event or force majeure. (Art. 1174)
E leased the apartment of R for PP8,000.00 a month to be paid in advance
during the first week of every month. The obligation of E, a lessee, is to pay the
stipulated rent. The obligation of R, as lessor, is to maintain E in the peaceful
possession of the apartment leased.
If E violates his obligation, R is entitled to eject him from the premises
and recover damages. If R does not maintain E in the peaceful possession of the
apartment (as when R is not the owner), and E is ejected, R may be held liable for
damages for violation of the terms of his obligation.
The measure of damages to be awarded to E or to R, as the case may be,
is left to the sound discretion of the court in accordance with the provisions of
the Civil Code on Damages. (Title XVIII.)
They are similar in that both are voluntary, that is, they are committed with
volition. Where, however, the negligence shows bad faith; or is so gross that it
amounts to malice or wanton attitude on the part of the defendant, the rules on
fraud shall apply. In such case, no more distinction exists between the two, at
least as to effects.
ART. 1171. Responsibility arising from fraud is demandable in
all obligations. Any waiver of an action for future fraud is void.
Responsibility arising from fraud demandable.
This provision refers to incidental fraud which is employed in the fulfilment
of an obligation. (Art. 1170)
Responsibility arising from fraud can be demanded with respect to all kinds
of obligation and unlike in the case or responsibility arising from negligence (Art.
1172), the court is not given the power to mitigate or reduce the damages to be
awarded. This is so because fraud is so serious and evil that its employment to
avoid the fulfilment of ones obligation should be discouraged.
Waiver of action for future fraud void.
According to the time of commission, fraud may be past or future.
A waiver of an action for future fraud is void (no effect, as is there is no
waiver) as being against the law and public policy. (Art. 1409[1]) a contrary rule
would encourage the perpetration of fraud because the obligor knows that even
if he should commit fraud, he would not be liable for it, thus making the
obligation illusory.
Waiver of action for past fraud valid.
What the law prohibits is waiver anterior to the fraud and to the knowledge
thereof by the aggrieved party.
A past fraud can be the subject of a valid waiver because the waiver can be
considered as an act of generosity and magnanimity on the part of the party who
is the victim of the fraud. Here, what is renounced is the effect of the fraud, that
is, the right to indemnity of the party entitled thereto.
S promised to deliver 120 cavans of rice of a particular brand and quality
to B at the rate of 10 cavans a month.
S cannot make an agreement with B, whereby B will not file an action in
court against S, should S commit fraud in the performance of his obligation. This
waiver of an action for future fraud is void. Hence, B can still bring an action
against S for damages arising from the fraud.
But once fraud is committed, B, with full knowledge thereof, can waive
his right to indemnity as an act of forgiveness on his part.
(2) Civil negligence (culpa aquiliana) or negligence which by itself is the source
of obligation between the parties not so related before by any pre-existing
contract. It is also called tort or quasi-delict (Art. 2176); and
(3) Criminal negligence (culpa criminal) or negligence resulting in the
commission of a crime. (Arts. 3, 365, Revised Penal Code.) The same
negligent act causing damages may produce civil liability arising from a
crime under Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code (supra.), or create an
action for quasi-delict under Article 2176, et seq., of the Civil Code.
In negligence cases, the aggrieved party may choose between a criminal
action under Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code or a civil action for damages
under Article 2176 of the Civil Code. What is prohibited under Article 2177 of the
Civil Code is to recover twice for the same negligent act.
(1) If S entered into a contract with B to deliver a specific horse on a certain day
and the horse died through the negligence of S before delivery, S is liable for
damages to B for having failed to fulfil a pre-existing obligation because of
his negligence. This is culpa contractual.
(2) Assume now, that the horse belongs to and is in the possession of B. The
negligence of S which results in the death of a horse is culpa aquiliana. In this
case, there is no pre-existing contractual relation between S and B. The
negligence itself is the source of liability. (Art. 1157[5].)
(3) A crime may be committed by negligence. If B wants, he can bring an action
for culpa criminal (damage to property through simple or reckless
imprudence). Hence, the crime is the source of the obligation of S to pay
damages. (Arts. 1157[4];1161.)
But B cannot recover damages twice for the same act or omission of S. I other
words, responsibility for quasi-delict is not demandable together with the civil
liability arising from a criminal offense. (Art. 2177)
(1) P is a passenger in a carefully driven bus. Without any warning, he jumped
off the bus, as a result of which, he suffered injuries.
The bus company is not liable for damages because the cause of Ps
injuries is his own negligence.
(2) Now suppose P was standing on the running board of the bus and was
repeatedly told by the conductor to go inside but he did not pay any
attention. Suddenly, the bus swerved to the left to avoid collision with
another vehicle, as a result of which, P was thrown off the bus. At the time of
the mishap, the driver was intoxicated and was driving recklessly at a very
high rate of speed.
In this case, P did not observe the diligence of a good father of a family
to avoid injury to himself. (Art. 1761) But his contributory negligence does
not bar recovery for damages for his death or injuries since the proximate or
direct cause thereof is the negligence of the common carrier. However, the
amount of damages shall be equitably reduced. (Art. 1762)
(3) Suppose in the second example, the bus rounded a curve causing P to lose
his balance and fall off the platform, sustaining injuries. The bus at the time
of the accident was travelling at a moderate rate of speed and there was no
infraction of law and regulations, and P was exposed to no greater danger
than that inherent in that particular mode of travel.
Here, P cannot recover. He should have been on his guard against a
contingency as natural as that of losing his balance to a greater or lesser
extent when the bus rounded the curve. (see Lasam vs. Smith, 45 Phil. 657.)
interests of another person, that degree of care, precaution and vigilance which
the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other person suffers injury.
(United States vs. Barrias, 23 Phil. 434)
Factors to be considered.
Negligence is a question of fact, its existence being dependent upon the
particular circumstances of each case. In determining the issue of negligence, the
following factors must be considered:
(1) Nature of the obligation.
Smoking while carrying materials known to be inflammable constitutes
In case of fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude, the obligor shall be
responsible for all damages which may be reasonably attributed to the nonperformance of the obligation.
S agreed to sell and deliver to B on a certain date 1,000 kilos of sugar of a
certain quality of P30,000.00. Then, B agreed to sell the sugar to be received from
S to C for P35,000.00. This contract with C was made known to S. On the date
designated, S did not deliver the sugar so that C bought sugar from another.
The breach of the obligation by S, resulting in the loss of the amount of
P5,000.00 as expected profit, so angered B that he suffered a heart attack for
which he was hospitalized for five (5) days.
In this case, if S acted in good faith, the damage which B ought to receive
should be the amount of P5,000.00, the profit which B failed to realize. (par. 1;
Art. 2200.)
But, if S acted in bad faith, he is also liable to pay for the hospitalization
expenses incurred by B which clearly originated from the breach although they
might not have been reasonably contemplated by the parties at the time they
entered into the contract. (par. 2.)
Fortuitous event distinguished from force majeure.
(1) Acts of man. --- Strictly speaking, fortuitous event is an event independent
of the will of the obligor but not of other human wills.
War, fire, robbery, murder, insurrection, etc.
(2) Acts of God. --- they refer to what is called majeure or those events which
are totally independent will of every human being.
Earthquake, flood, rain, shipwreck, lightning, eruption of volcano, etc.
In our law, fortuitous events and force majeure are identical in so far as they
exempt an obligor from liability. Both are independent of the will of the obligor.
Kinds of fortuitous events.
In speaking of the contract of lease, our Civil Code distinguishes between
two kinds of fortuitous events, namely;
(1) Ordinary fortuitous events or those events which are common and which
the contracting parties could reasonably foresee (e.g. rain); and
(2) Extra- ordinary fortuitous events or those events which are uncommon and
which the contracting parties could not have reasonably foreseen (e.g.
earthquake, fire, war, pestilence, unusual flood). (see Art. 1680, par. 2)
Requisites of a fortuitous event.
They are the following:
(1) The event must be independent of the human will or at least of the
debtors will;
(2) The event could not be foreseen, or if foreseen, is inevitable;
(3) The event must be of such a character as to render it impossible for the
debtor to comply with his obligation in a normal manner; and
(4) The debtor must be free from any participation in, of the aggravation of,
the injury to the creditor, that is, there is no concurrent negligence on his
part. (see Lasam vs. Smith, 45 Phil. 657; see General Enterprises, Inc. vs.
Llianga Bay Logging Co., Inc., 11 SCRA 733; Tugade vs. Court of Appeals,
85 SCRA 226.)
Mere pecuniary inability or poverty is not an excuse for the fulfilment of an
obligation. Neither is mere difficulty to foresee the happening of an event. The
event must be unforeseeable, or even if it could be foreseen, must be impossible
to avoid.
Rules as to liability in case of fortuitous event.
A person is not, as a rule, responsible for loss or damage caused to another
resulting from fortuitous events. In other words, his obligation is extinguished.
The exceptions are enumerated below.
(1) When expressly specified by law. --- In exceptions (a), (b), and (c) below, the
special strictness of the law is justified.
(a) The debtor is guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, or contravention of the
tenor of the obligation. (Arts. 1170, 1165, par. 3)
S is obliged to deliver a specific horse to B on August 10. S did not
deliver the horse o said date. If, on August 11 the horse died because it was hit
by lightning, S is not liable if no demand was made by B. his obligation is
If the horse died after a demand was made by B, S is liable for damages
because he is guilty of (legal) delay. In this case, the obligation of S to deliver the
horse is also extinguished (see, however, Art. 1262.) but it is converter into
monetary obligation to pay damages. (Art. 1165, par. 3)
If the horse would have died in any event even if no demand has been
made by B, S would still be liable even for loss due to a fortuitous event. (see Art.
1165) however, the court may reduce the amount of damages. (see Art. 2215[4])
(b) The debtor has promised to deliver the same (specific) thing or two or more
persons who do not have the same interest. (Ibid.)
If S promised to deliver the same car to B and C separately, S is liable
even for a fortuitous event. The reason is because it would be impossible for S to
comply with his obligation to both B and C even without any fortuitous event
taking place.
(c) the obligation to deliver a specific thing arises from a crime. (Art. 1268)
S stole the carabao of B. S has the obligation, arising from the crime, to
return the carabao. Even if the carabao dies or is lost through a fortuitous event,
S is still liable for damages unless B is in mora accipiendi. A person is responsible
for the results of whatever cause which flow from his criminal act. (see U.S. vs.
Mambang, 36 Phil. 348.)
(2) When declared by stipulation. --- the basis for this exception rests upon the
freedom of contract. (see Art. 1306.) Such a stipulation is usually intended
to better protect the interest of the creditor and procure greater diligence
on the part of the debtor in the fulfilment of his obligation. But the
intention to make the debtor liable even in case of a fortuitous event
should be clearly expressed.
(3) When the nature of the obligation requires the assumption of risk. --- Here, risk
or loss of damage is an essential element in the obligation.
B insured his house against fire for P100,000.00 with C, an insurance
company. Later, the house was destroyed by accident fire. Although the cause of
the loss is a fortuitous event, B may recover the amount of the policy.
In a contract of insurance, the insurer (C), in consideration of the
premium paid by the insured (B), undertakes to indemnify the latter for the loss
of the thing insured by reason of the peril insured against even if the cause of the
loss is a fortuitous event.
Meaning of usury.
Usury is contracting for or receiving interest in excess of the amount allowed
by law for the loan or use of money, goods, chattels, or credits. (Tolentino vs.
Gonzales, 50 Phil. 558.)
Requisites for recovery of interest.
In order that interest may be recovered, the following requisites must be
(1) The payment of interest must be expressly stipulated (Art. 1956)
(2) The agreement must be in writing; and
(3) The interest must be lawful. (Art. 1957)
A stipulation for the payment for the usurious interest is void, that is, as if
there is no stipulation as to interest. (see comments under Art. 1413)
Note: By virtue, however, of Central Bank Circular No.905 (Dec. 10, 1982)
issued by the Monetary Board under the authority granted to it by the Usury
Law, the rate of interest and other charges on a loan or forbearance of money,
goods, or credit, regardless of maturity and whether secured or unsecured, that
may be charged or collected shall not be subject to any ceiling prescribed under
the Usury Law. Usury is now legally non-existent. Parties are now free to
stipulate any amount of interest.
ART. 1176. The receipt of the principal by the creditor, without
reservation with respect to the presumption that said interest
has been paid.
The receipt of a later instalment of a debt without
reservation as to prior instalments, shall likewise raise the
presumption that such instalments have been paid. (1110a)
Meaning of presumption.
By presumption is meant the interference of a fact not actually known arising
from its usual connection with another which is known.
X was shot dead. Nobody witnessed the shooting. Y, however, was seen
at the scene of the crime just after its commission holding the fatal gun. The fact
not actually known is the person who fired the gun. The fact known is the
presence of Y at the scene of the crime holding the fatal gun.
The interference is hat Y is the person who killed X unless contradicted
by n evidence.
D borrowed P 1,000.00 from C. Later, D shows a receipt signed by C. the
fact not actually known is the payment by D. the fact known is the possession by
D f a receipt signed by C.
The presumption is that the obligation has been paid unless proved
otherwise by C as, for example that D forced C to sign the receipt.
reservation may be made in writing or verbally. Thus, in the preceding
examples, no presumption of payment arises where there is a reservation
by C or R that no payment has been made as to the interest or the rents
for February and March, as the case may be.
(2) Receipt without indication of particular instalment paid. --- The presumption
in paragraph 2 of Article 1176 is not applicable if the receipt does not
recite that it was issued for a particular instalment due as when the
receipt is only dated. Thus, in the preceding example (No. 2), the fact
alone that the receipt issued by R is dated April 5 does not justify the
inference that the rents for February and March had been paid.
(3) Payment of taxes. --- Article 1176 does not apply to payment of taxes. There
is no presumption that previous taxes have been paid by the payment of
later ones.
(4) Non-payment proven. --- Of course, Article 1176 is not applicable where the
non-payment of prior obligations has been proven. A presumption
cannot prevail over a proven fact.
ART. 1177. The creditors, after having pursued the property in
possession of the debtor to satisfy the claims, may exercise all
the rights and bring all the actions of the latter for the same
purpose, save those which are inherent in his person; they may
also impugn the acts which the debtor may have done to
defraud them. (1111)
Remedies available to creditors for the satisfaction of their claims.
In case the debtor does not comply with his obligation, the creditor may avail
himself of the following remedies to satisfy his claim:
(1) Exact fulfilment (specific performance) with the right to damages;
(2) Pursue the leviable (not exempt from attachment under the law) property
of the debtor.
(3) after having pursued the property in possession of the debtor, exercise
all the rights (like the right to redeem) and bring all the actions of the
debtor (like the right to collect from the debtor of his debtor) except those
inherent in or personal to the person of the latter (such as the right to
vote, to hold office, to receive legal support, to revoke a donation on the
ground of ingratitude, etc.); and
(4) Ask the court to rescind or impugn acts or contracts which the debtor
may have done to defraud him when he cannot in any other manner
recover his claim. (see Arts. 1380-1389)
The debtor is liable with all his property, present, and future, for the
fulfilment of his obligations, subject to the exemptions provided by law. (see Art.
On the due date, D could not pay C his obligation in the amount of
P400,000.00. However, D owns a car worth about P280,000.00 and X is indebted
to him for P40,000.00. Before the due date of the obligation, D sold his land worth
P200,000.00 to Y.
Under the circumstances, the rights granted to C under the law are as
(a) He may bring an action for the collection of the amount of P40,000.00 with a
right to damages.
(b) If, in spite of the judgment rendered, D fails to pay the amount due, C can
ask for the attachment of Ds car so that the car may be sold and payment
made from the proceeds of the sale.
(c) He may ask the court to order X not to pay D so that payment may be made
to him (C).
(d) He may ask the court to rescind or cancel the sale made by D to Y on the
ground that the transaction is fraudulent in case he (C) cannot recover in any
other manner his credit. Note that this last remedy can be resorted to only if
C could not collect in full his credit. (see Art. 1381[3], 1387.) He must first
exhaust the properties of the debtor or subrogate himself in the latters
transmissible rights.
(c) By the contract of commodatum, one of the parties delivers to another
something not consumable (e.g., car) so that the latter may use the
same for a certain time and return it. Commodatum is essentially
gratuitous. (Art. 1933)
(2) Prohibited by stipulation of the parties. --- When prohibited by stipulation of
the parties, like the stipulation that upon the death of the creditor, the
obligation shall be extinguished, or that the creditor cannot assign his
credit to another. Such stipulation, being contrary to the general rule,
must be clearly proved, or, at the very least, clearly implied from the
provisions of the contract itself. (Estate of K.H. Hernandez vs. Luzon
Surety Co., 100 Phil. 388)
Define or give the meaning of the following:
1. Generic or indeterminate thing
2. Personal right
3. Legal delay or default
4. Fortuitous event
5. Diligence of a good father of a family
II. Discussions
1. Give the rules as to the liability of a person for loss or damage
resulting from a fortuitous event.
2. What rights are given by law to the creditor in case the debtor fails
to comply with his obligation to deliver a specific thing?
3. What are included to be delivered in an obligation to give a
definite thing? Explain them.
4. Suppose the obligation of the debtor is to do something and he
fails to do it or performs it in contravention of the agreement, what
are the remedies available to the creditor?
5. Can a debtor be put in delay and consequently, incur liability even
without demand from creditor? Explain.
6. May an action arising from fraud be waived? Explain.
7. May an action arising from negligence be waived? Explain.
Explain or state briefly the rule or reason for your answer.
1. S (seller) sold to B (buyer) on July 5, a horse named Silver to be
delivered on July 20. However, on July 15, S sold again and
delivered the horse to T. who has a better right to Silver?
2. S sold to B a specific refrigerator which S agreed to deliver not
later than July 31, S did not deliver the refrigerator on said date. Is
S guilty of legal delay?
3. S promised to deliver to B a female horse named Suzie on July 10,
Suzie gave birth to a colt on July 5.
a.) What are the obligations of S?
b.) Who has a right to the colt?
c.) Who is the lawful owner of Suzie in case it was sold and
delivered by S to T on July 8?
4. D (debtor) borrowed P20,000 from C (creditor) payable after one
(1) year? Is D liable to pay interest?
5. R (lessor) issued a receipt that E (lessee) has paid the rent for the
months of March, 2003. Can R still collect from E the rents for
January and February, 2003?
Chapter 3
Classifications of obligations.
(1) Primary classification of obligations under the Civil Code:
(a) Pure and conditional obligations (Arts. 1179-1192);
(b) Obligations with a period (Arts. 1193-1198);
(c) Alternative (Arts. 1199-1205) and facultative obligations (Art. 1206);
(d) Joint and solidarity obligations (Arts. 1207-1222);
(e) Divisible and indivisible obligations (Arts. 1223-1225);
(f) Obligations with a penal cause. (Arts. 1226-1230);
(2) Secondary classification of obligations under the Civil Code:
(a) Unilateral and bilateral obligations (Arts. 1169-1191);
(b) Real and personal obligations (Arts. 1163-1168);
(c) Determinate and generic obligations (Art. 1165);
(d) Civil and natural obligations (Art.. 1423); and
(e) Legal, conventional, and penal obligations. (Arts. 1157, 1159, 1161)
Chapter 4
ART. 1231. Obligations are extinguished:
(1) By payment or performance;
(2) By the loss of the thing due;
(3) By the condonation or remission of the debt;
(4) By the confusion or merger of the rights of creditor and
(5) By novation;
Other causes of extinguishment of obligations such as
annulment, rescission, fulfilment of a resolutory condition, and
prescription, are governed elsewhere in this Code. (1156a)
Causes of extinguishment of obligations.
In addition to those enumerated in Article 1231, other causes are:
(1) Death of a party in case the obligation is a personal one (Art. 1311, par. 1);