Psychotherapy Assignment Completed
Psychotherapy Assignment Completed
Psychotherapy Assignment Completed
Lab 4
Justice Morath
*775 Words
Read the article Choosing Your Psychotherapist. Answer the following
questions. Make sure your responses add up to 750 words.
1. Overall, is psychotherapy effective? What evidence is there that therapy
is effective?
a. Psychotherapy is generally effective when there is a close, caring and
trusting relationship between the therapy and the client. All types of
therapy work towards the same goal, which is achieving a higher level
of happiness, quality, and productivity in a clients life. The challenge
in quantifying or assessing the effectiveness of psychotherapy as a
treatment option is that many/most of the studies conducted seem to
affirm the particular method used by the researchers themselves. This
may be bias, or it may represent a familiarity and fluency with their
preferred method, which leads them to being more proficient with
applying and interpreting that method in the study. Another aspect of
these therapy studies that makes it hard to have a general consensus
regarding effectiveness is that the studies are small in terms of the
number of subjects as well the diversity of research methods. They are
also spread out in a large landscape of books, journals, databases and
universities, which makes consolidating findings very difficult.
b. There was a study conducted by researchers at the University of
Colorado consolidating 375 separate studies attempting to determine
the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Many, but not all of the studies
only looked at specific types as opposed to the practice as a whole.
The study measured positive affects by the occurrence of changes
such as: increased self-esteem, reductions in anxiety, improvements in
schoolwork, and improvements in general adjustment. The average
age of all 25,000 participants was 22 years.
c. The study found that the average individual receiving therapy was
better off when compared to 75% of the untreated control
individuals. Only 12% of individuals were worse off following