Wordprocessinglessonplan 1
Wordprocessinglessonplan 1
Wordprocessinglessonplan 1
Date: 10/2/14
Unit Objective
The Pasatiempos (Leisure Activities) lesson is part of a unit covering likes and dislikes as well as daily
activities. In this unit (unit 3), students are expected to display cultural competencies including the
cultural interaction: I can tell you what activities teenagers will do with their friends, cultural
practices: I can recognize some similarities and differences between my daily schedule and that of a
peer in another culture, and cultural practices: I can sometimes identify diversity in leisure activities in
other cultures.
Lesson Objective
Content Learning Goals and Objectives
1. Given the text of the video on Leisure Activities in Cuba, TLW select 3 graphic images that
represent what a Cuban teen might be doing in the morning, the afternoon and the evening.
(Blooms taxonomy: comprehension)
2. For each selected image, TLW write a phrase describing what the imaginary Cuban likes to do at
that time. (Blooms taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, analysis)
3. Given a computer and word processing software, TLW rewrite the phrases into complete
sentences and in paragraph form explaining three things the Cuban teen likes to do throughout
the day. They will then write one paragraph in English comparing and contrasting what they do
in the morning, afternoon, and evening with what the Cuban teenage does. (Blooms taxonomy:
Student Participation
The goal of this lesson is for students to demonstrate an understanding of the similarities and
differences in leisure activities in Cuba and in the U.S. Students will provide visual representations and
write reflections based on those similarities and differences.
State/District Standards
Level one course level expectations for Shelby County School World Languages include cultural
perspectives and practices: 2.1B Illustrate and explain, using visuals and/or props, the importance of
customs of target countries drawn from daily life, celebrations and traditions.
ISTE Standard(s)
1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to
generate new ideas, products, or processes b .Create original works as a means of personal or
group expression c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues d.
Identify trends and forecast possibilities
2. 3. Research and information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
information. a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,
and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media c. Evaluate and select
information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks d. Process
data and report results.
1. Begin by introducing problem statement, then let them know how they will be assessed and the criteria
for the product. The link for the video will be displayed on the smart board.(5min)
2. Give students 10 minutes to look up the web-site and watch the video at their computer.
3. Follow this with a brief discussion of what they found out and what are some similarities and
differences that could be highlighted in their product.(5min)
4. Have students open both MS Word and an Internet browser
5. Direct students to the MS Clipart Gallery website
6. Monitor and assist as needed (20min)
7. Have students save their finished product to the desktop and then email a copy to their teacher. (5min)
6. For closure, students can volunteer to share their reflections with the class. (5min)
Problem Statement
Have you ever wondered what life is like for teenagers living in other countries? What do they
do in their free time and what kinds of activities do they like? Are their daily routines the same
as yours? Today you will watch a video about the daily activities of teens and young adults living
in Cuba. Then, you will create a document displaying three activities that Cuban teenagers do in
the morning, afternoon and evening. Are these activities similar or different from yours?
Student Sample
Jugar beisbol
Escuchar msica
Por la maana, a Pablo le gusta comer juevos y tocino con el desayuno. Por la tarde, a
Pablo le gusta beisbol. Por la noche, a Pablo le gusta escuchar msica.
First, I learned that teens in Cuba eat more breakfast than American teens do and that
they eat the same things - except that they eat more kinds of pork. They also eat beans with
their breakfast, and I do not like beans. Then, I learned that in the afternoons they like to play
sports like baseball. Baseball is an American sport but it is more popular in Cuba than in the
United States. Finally I learned that Cubans love music, so they probably listen to and play
music in the evenings like we do. This project made me aware of more similarities than
differences between American and Cuban teens.