Rachael E. Dorsey
Rachael E. Dorsey
Rachael E. Dorsey
Glenelg High School, Glenelg, Maryland, 2010-2014
GPA: 3.5
Howard Community College, Columbia, Maryland, 2013-2014
GPA: 3.7
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia, 2014-present
GPA: N/A (middle of first semester)
Bonner Service Scholar- national program based on civic engagement where 300 hours of
community service are completed each year.
Intern, Hampton Roads Center for Civic Engagement
Hampton, Virginia, Fall of 2014 to present
Board of initiative management
Help foster civic engagement and public works in the area
Camp Counselor, Camp Inclusion
Howard County, Maryland, Summers of 2012 to 2014
Taught camp attendees with special needs how to play various sports