Ieee MLSP 09 Luo Based
Ieee MLSP 09 Luo Based
Ieee MLSP 09 Luo Based
Bin Luo and Jocelyn Chanussot
GIPSA-Lab, 961 rue de la Houille Blanche, 38402 Grenoble, France.
([email protected])
Gocelyn. [email protected])
To reduce the data dimension, both supervised and non supervised methods are proposed. The supervised methods, such as
band selection [1] [2], Decision Boundary feature extraction
and Non-Weighted feature extraction [3], transform the data
according to the training set in order to improve the separability of the data. However, the supervised methods depend on
the quality of training set. The unsupervised methods, such
as PCA (principle component analysis) or ICA (independant
component analysis), optimise some statistical criteria (such
as the most un correlated components or the most independant
components) to project the data onto a sub space with lower
dimension. The application of these methods on hyperspectral data can be found in [4] [5] [6]. However, the components
obtained by optimising the statistical criteria do not necessarily have physical meanings. In this paper, we propose to
use Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) to reduce the dimension of hyperspectral data [7]. We suppose that the spectrum
of each pixel is a linear mixture of the spectra of different
chemical species (refered as endmembers). This linear mixture model is physically valid for the reflectance ofthe surface
of the Earth without being affected by the aerosol. The VCA
can separate the spectra of these endmembers and estimate
their spatial abundances. Since the number of the endmembers is much less than the number of spectral bands, these
abundance maps can be considered as a compact representation of spectral information provided by the hyperspectral
In order to extract the contextual information from remote
sensing images, one can find the methods based on Markov
Random Field (MRF) [8]. However, the MRF based methods provide only statistical information on the neighborhood
of the considered pixel. Another family of methods for contextual information extraction are based on morpholigical operators, which allow to extract descriptive features, such as
the geometrical features about the structures [9]. [4] [5] extract the extended morphological profiles (EMP) ofthe principle components ofhyper spectral images for the classification.
However, since all morphological methods require a structred
element, the features extracted by such methods depend on
the used structured element. Moreover, EMP increase con-
(Section 3)
Scale extraction
(Section 3)
Classification by SVM
siderably the feature dimension. For example, in order to describe the geometrical information of one pixel on a principle
component, the EMP method in [4] [5] uses 8 values. In [10],
based on topographic map of gray scale image, the authors
define a characteristic scale of each pixel in panchromatic remote sensing images. The main idea is that for each pixel , the
contrasted structure containing it is extracted, and the scale
of this structure is defined as the scale of this pixel. In this
paper, we try to extend the algorithm presented in [10] for
extracting a local characteristic scale for each pixel on hyperspectral images with the help of the abundance maps obtained
by VCA. The main advantages of our proposed method when
compared to EMP are two-fold. At one hand, no structured
element is required for this method. Secondly, we use only
one value (the local scale) to describe the geometrical feature
of a spatial position rather than the EMP which need many
The plan of this article can be illustrated by in Figure I.
In Section 2, we introduce very briefly the Vertex Component
Analysis (VCA) for estimating the abundance maps of endmembers in order to reduce the dimension of hyperspectral
data. In Section 3, we introduce the method presented in [10]
for extracting the local scale of panchromatic images and extend this method to hyperspectral images. In Section 4, we
classify a hyperspectral image by using both the spectral features and the scale feature in order to show the effeciency of
the local scale feature.
We note X the matrix representing the hyperspectral image cube , where X = {X I ,X2 , ... ,X N a } and
Xk =
{ XI ,k , X2 ,k , . . . ,xN,, ,d
Xl ,k is the value of the kth pixel at
the lth band. We assume that the spectrum of each pixel is a
linear mixture of the spectra of N; endmembers, leading to
the following model:
X = MS +n
map [11], which can be obtained by Fast Level Set Transformation (FLST) [12], represents an image by an inclusion
tree of the shapes (which are defined as the connected components of level sets) . An example of such inclusion tree is
shown in Figure 2. For each pixel (x, y), there is a branch
of shapes f i(X, y) (fi-l C f i) containing it. Note l(Ji) the
gray level of the shape f i(X, y), S(Ji) its area and P(Ji)
its perimeter. The contrast of the shape f i(X, y) is defined
as C(Ji) = II (Ji+ l ) - I( Ji) I. The most contrasted shape
Ji(x , y) of a given pixel is defined as the shape containing
this pixel, of which the contrast is the most important, i.e.
Ji(x , y)
ar gmax{C(Jj(x , y)}
C ,,40
E (x , y)
H :50
Fig. 2. Example ofFLST: (a) Synthetic image; (b) Inclusion
tree obtained with FLST.
object is mainly made by the nth endm ember, the scale values
calculated on the abundance maps of the other endmembers
for this object have no meaning. Therefore, we try to define
one single scale value for each pixel which corresponds to
the scale of this pixel on the most significant abundance map.
More precisely, since the values of different abundance maps
are comparable, the characteristic scale at the spatial position
(x, y) for a hyperspectral image is defined as
E (x , y)
L (k ,l )E! ; (X,y ) l( k, l)
S(Ji(x, y))
G 90
F 2:150
Since the optical instruments always blur remote sensing images, several shapes with very low contrasts can belong to
the same structure. In order to deal with the blur, the authors of [10] propose a geometrical criterion to cumulate the
contrasts of the shapes corresponding to one given structure.
The idea is that the difference of the areas of two succesive
shapes (for example f i and fi+l ) corresponding to a same
structure is proportional to the perimeter ofthe smaller shape ,
i.e. S(Ji+l) - S(Ji) rv >"P(Ji), where>" is a constant. It is
shown in [10] that this local scale corresponds very well to
the size of a structure and it is a very significant feature for
characterizing a structure in remote sensing images. Remark
that the most contrasted shapes extracted in an image form a
partition of this image. We can therefore have a simplified
image by defining the value of each pixel as the mean value
of the gray levels of the pixels in its most contrasted shape,
i.e. the value of (x, y) in the simplified image is
l(x y) _
D :5128
where I( k , l) is the gray level of the pixel (k , l) in the original image. This value is more significant for characterizing
spectrally the pixel than its original gray level since it takes
into account the context pixels.
In order to extend the estimation of local scale to hyperspectral images , the scales on all the abundance maps of the
p endmembers obtained by veA are first computed. Therefore, for each spatial position (x, y) in an hyperspectral image, there are p scale values. For the pixel (x, y) on the nth
abundance map, we note En (x, y) its local scale calculated by
Equation (3), Ji,n (x , y) the most contrasted shape extracted
by Equation (2), and In( x , y) its value of the simplified image defined by Equation (4). The simplest way to use the scale
features ofa pixel is to use all the En(x, y) values as features
for classification. However, the major drawback is that if an
Eft(x , y)
8(x ,y)
In this section , we use the features defined by Equation (6)
to classify a hyperspectral image taken by the instrument ROSIS (Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer) over
the University of Pavia, Italy (see Figure 3(a)). The image (with a spatial resolution of 1.3m) contains 340 x 610
pixels and 103 spectral bands covering visible and near infrared light. The image is manually classified into 9 classes
As phalt
B itume n
,~ 8
39 2
26 5
~ 31
Grave l
(p ainted ) metal sheets
Self-Blocking Bricks
, l~
M ead ows
Ba re So il
53 2
,~ o
In this article, we have proposed to integrate geometrical feature, the characteristic scales of structures, for the classification ofhyperspectral images. In order to reduce the dimension
ofthe data, we used a linear unmixing algorithm to extract the
Number of features
Original data
Feature vector e
Overall accuracy
(painted) metal sheets
Self-Blocking Bricks
Bare Soil
76 .01 %
98 .59 %
78.16 %
89 .02 %
64 .55 %
99 .89 %
91.01 %
64 .23 %
82 .72 %
94 .52 %
96 .27 %
99 .32 %
84 .61 %
99 .55 %
96 .30 %
85 .80 %
96 .56 %
92 .04 %
99 .22 %
94 .60 %
98 .87 %
73 .13 %
99 .55 %
90 .07 %
99 .10 %
88 .79 %
95 .23 %
96 .55 %
99 .35 %
96 .23 %
99 .10 %
83 .66 %
99 .48 %
98 .31 %
97 .58 %
92 .88 %
Fig. 5. (a)-(c) Abundance maps of the 3 endmembers extracted by VCA ; (d)-(f) the simplified images of these abundance maps.
endmembers and their abundance maps contained in a hyperspectral image. The abundance maps can be considered as a
compact representation of spectral information of this image,
since the number of endmembers contained in a hyperspectral image is much smaller than the number of spectral bands.
With the help ofthese abundance maps, we extend the method
proposed in [10] to hyperspectral images to estimate the characteristic scales of the structures. The experiments show that
the use of the scale feature, the classification results improve
considerably, especially for the objects made by the same material but with different semantic meanings. By using the features proposed, the classification results are very similar to
the results obtained by using the methods based on PCA and
EMP, even though the number of features proposed is much
Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Pro
Paolo Gamba, University of Pavia, for providing the data and
the ground truth of the classification.