of he fna appeation for payment including, but oe limite to, all supprting documento,
Cerifieations an wars of leis, encumbrances or eer secures required in connection
therewith and shal iy the SUBCONTRACTOR of the rests thew oto befor the end of
such thity (30) day psi
“The CONTRACTOR shal compare the Contact Pie with the toa pyment amount throu
the expiry date ofthe Period of Maintenance, Asa result theteof, excep forthe values forthe
(Change ln Works aswell asthe sons for duly permitted seing-o oF dedecton; () ifthe
Contac Price exceeds the total payment amount though the expiry date of the Peo of
‘Maintenance, thon the CONTRACTOR shall pay the elfereace tthe SUBCONTRACTOR as
the inl payaent, o (i) the tal payment amount tough the expiry date of the Period of
Maintenance exceeds he Contract Price, thn the SUBCONTRACTOR shall pay the eiference
tothe CONTRACTOR a the final psyment. The party required 0 make final pyment shall do
0 within thity (20) dys alter the CONTRACTOR delivers the foregoing recoeiistion notice
{0 the SUBCONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR still have 0 obligadon to make final
pyment unless te fil application for payment satisfies he reypitements of the
“The CONTRACTOR may a sole dserxon ermine all or any pat othe Weak or the
Contras, wih or witht caus, a any tine hy giving twenty-eight (28) days prior notice tothe
SUBCONTRACTOR. Terinatin hy the CONTRACTOR in accordance with this provision
‘al not conse a beach of the Contractor enti the SUBCONTRACTOR to any damages
clans Loses excep a expressly provided in the Contract,
In dhe event os ttt or pital termination ofthe Works ofthe Contact witout ease, but or
the CONTRACTOR'S eonvenisnce only, the CONTRACTOR stall pay the
SUBCONTRACTOR the sums of () he conesponding potion ofthe Contact Prive atibuable
to the progress of the Works actualy waged ae ofthe date of termiation, ithe value of any
‘oused or partly sed marae on the St, ane i) the ess, any, neuen peeing the
‘Woks and having the Site in a clan ad safe conion pura to erection of the Engiect.
dls of which shal e caleuated and aged by and herween the CONTRACTOR and the
In the event of such termination, upon CONTRACTOR'S writen request, the
SUBCONTRACTOR shall diver or wig tothe CONTRACTOR ny material, work ad
ocument sn progres including, but not Knted to, the SUBCONTRACTOR's subcontracts
‘entered into by and between the SUBCONTRACTOR and its subsubcontacors, as the
CONTRACTOR may equ For the purpose herein, the SUBCONTRACTOR sal in adsance
spate in she SUBCONTRACTOR’s sobconuacts with ts sub-subcontectors tht the sub
Subcontractor shall be lo obligate to apr upon sich delivery or assignment in seh case4
re CONTRACTOR my inmedney ermine the Cont by sending tie of termination
{othe SUBCONTRACTOR upin the occurence of one mare ofthe following events he
“vet of efaul™
(a) If te SUBCONTRACTOR dishonours any check oF note isbed by i unless the
SUBCONTRACTOR deronsrates hy writen evidence Gssued by the evan Financial
Fratton), win seven (7) day fom te date of such dshonour, that te dishonou iy
Casey aay eon theta Final problem of te SUBCONTRACTOR:
(b) If the SUBCONTRACTOR tecomes the subject of a proeeeding Cor the
SUBCONTRACTOR presents its petition) for bankrupey,rexeivership ecrganization in
fankeupcy,conpasiton,dislition o gudation (oer than 8 voluntary gudaion for
the pupone of amalgamation of seconsiucion, or makes an arrangement with or
tralgnment favor ofits creditors, or goss fo crt out the Contac under 8 comanites
‘of ispetion of the SUBCONTRACTOR's creditors or
(e)_Wite SUBCONTRACTOR assigns all or aay past ofthe Contract, without he consent of
the CONTRACTOR in advance, o as an execution ved on is goods
(the SUBCONTRACTOR fais 0 eet any of ts oigations under the Contac and seh
hire 16 aot ined by the SUBCONTRACTOR within fourteen (14) dys afer the
Engineer's aotizoequesting toca sich flue: oF
(e) I she Engineer certifies im writing 10 the CONTRACTOR st ia it opinion the
|) tasabandoned the Contact oF
thy without resonable excuse has filed to commence the Works, or hts sped the
proses of the Works for fourteen (14) days or more afer receving from the
Engineer notice to pocee
fi) has tad to remove any Equipment from the Site orto pall down and replace any
work for fureen (14) day of ore ar receiving the Engineer's notice that te
“Sai! Equ pment oe work had been condemned and rejected hy she Engineer unde
he Conse oF|
iy spite previous warings by th Enginootsporsstely nepleting ocr tts
lions ander tbe Carat:
1) has to the detriment of 20d workmanship, oF in deflance of the Engineer's
Promptly upon te terninaion by the CONTRACTOR de tothe SUBCONTRACTOR's Eve
of Default, te CONTRACTOR may, is soe ieretion
(a) Eater ypon th Ske and expel she SUBCONTRACTOR therefrom without thereby voiding
the Contactor releasing fhe SUBCONTRACTOR from any of is tables under the
Contactor afetng the sighs and powers confered on the CONTRACTOR of the
Engince by the Somat and
complete the Works by ite, or employ any other subsubconractor fo complet the
fs whereby the CONTRACTOR sty proceed aginst the Bank Guaranes oF any
yecuity ge by ot 0a behalf the SUBCONTRACTOR for is peformance usrast
“The SUBCONTRACTOR my trminate the Comet by sening a founeen (4) days pee
veriten notice of termination to the CONTRACTOR vpon the cccurenee of ane or more ofthe
following events:
(a) tf the CONTRACTOR, without due wasn, fils o py tothe SUBCONTRACTOR the
mount dae unke any cefifete ofthe Engineer with sixty (4) dys afer the sme
shall have become due ad payable nder the eens ofthe Contact, unless sch tres
Caused by the reson, iaclding, bu aot imted to, any deferment, withholiag or
‘deduction thatthe CONTRACTOR is etl to make under the Contac or
() Ifthe CONTRACTOR becomes the subject of & proceeding (or the CONTRACTOR
presenis is pttion) for bankrupley, receivership, reorganization in hankropey
Composition, dolar olution (the hana voluntary liquidation Fr the purpose
ff tnatgamatio or reconstvction), oF makes af aerangement with oF assigamest in
favour ofits editors, oe agrces to cary out the Contract under a commie oF ispetion
of he SUBCONTRACTOR’s creo.
Upon the rerminaton fered tn Sub-Clune 48 ere, the SUBCONTRACTOR stall, with
all reasonable devpach, remove from the Site all Construction Plant brought by the
tn the event of such txmiaton duc to default of tbe CONTRACTOR set forth inthis Clase,
the CONTRACTOR shall pay tothe SUBCONTRACTOR the sums of (@) she comesponding
portion ofthe Contract Price atbutbl othe pogres ofthe Works seal exeevied a ofthe
fhe of termination. the vl of any vnused or partialy wsed materials on the Ste and i)
the costs if any, need in protecting. the Works and leaving the Sie in a clean and safe
‘ondion prs retin ofthe Engineer,
The SUBCONTRACCOR shall defend, domi, and Wold hemes the CONTRACTOR, the
COMPANY, nny Poon acting fr oo bel of the CONTRACTOR anor the COMPANY
fi hee respective enployers, afin, agents, oiests, patie, ecto, shareblders, and
sign, from and agai:
(a) All hr pty hms, andl Lass fo body injury wr propery damage hat ecty or
Idetly ana tof or es oe, Buen toe extent
GW —neligen. reckless, oF eerwise tuous act of omission (including, but not
invited, sae Habis), ing te pecormance of te Works, or any euative
scion ander any watany following the performance of the Works of the
SUBCONTRACTOR or ay of is afiiaes, any of their subsibeontrators, oF
anyone stely oe indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose ats
sh Pesan ay be ae: oF
SS. i) boca the SUBCONTRACTOR of ny poison he Contact nor
Sw Lawes ined she CONTRACTOR, he COMPANY sno ny ofthe af
pen tc ats dtr has, st es hr ny es kd by he