Block Plan Rubric1

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Block Plan (20 Pts) Meets requirements for SLO 3

Block Plan (20 Pts).

(SLO 3)
(It is recommended that students
base their block plan on the half
day schedule followed by the
state preschool classrooms)
The student develops a weekly
plan that incorporates play-based
learning and shows an
understanding of the
developmental needs of preschool
The plan is designed to create
interest and give
parents/caregivers a clear picture
of each days happenings.

Major Revisions

with a Few
Minor Revisions


1 or 2

Student provides a schedule

form; however, it may not be
completely filled in, may not
follow the state preschool
example, or may be lacking
sufficient detail for the reader
to get a clear picture of the
daily activities.
Block plan may be lacking
creative, engaging transition

Student may not have

addressed each of the
curriculum areas.

Student provides a

schedule form that is

completely filled in and
follows the state
preschool example.
While student provides
creative, engaging
transition activities
they may need a larger
variety of transitions.
Student may not have
addressed each of the
curriculum areas.


5 Total Score X 4
Student provides a
Student provides a
schedule form that is
schedule form that is
completely filled in
completely filled in
and follows the state
and follows the state
preschool example.
preschool example.
Student provides a
Student provides a
variety of creative,
variety of creative and
engaging transition
engaging transition
activities that reinforce
the thematic topic.
All curriculum areas
All curriculum areas
have been addressed.
have been addressed. The block plan is
presented in a way that
is visually appealing,
engaging and reflects
the theme.

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