How Does An Electric Car Work?

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The cars are part of our daily lives.

The problem is that most of these run by

internal combustion generating a high impact on the environment through the
emission of greenhouse gases.
Because of this, in recent years
there have been efforts to develop
alternatives to cars that do not
require fossil fuel to operate.
Electric cars are part of these
become more popular.

How does an electric car work?

The electric motor of this type of
rechargeable battery and converts it into motor rotations. This engine has a single
moving part called rotor, the rotor significantly reduces power consumption.
Electric cars are designed for a long life because all parts operate more efficiently
and with less wear. Because of this they are more attractive to consumers and
more friendly to the environment.
Besides its operation, electric motors have a big advantage over internal
combustion engines, do not pollute the atmosphere because they do not require
fuel combustion.

How electric cars more help

the environment?

Avoid noise pollution, since they

produce no noise.
Its use leaves out the fuel, which in addition to avoiding CO2 emissions also saves
petroleum, a limited commodity.
They help reduce the greenhouse effect and pollution.

Recognized electric cars

Currently different brands
have electric cars in its
portfolio, including the Nissan
Leaf out with your car. This is
considered suitable for the
carriage road over sold in
history by virtue of their family
car, environmentally friendly.

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