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Ontario Parole Board Document - LeClair
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Ontario Parole Board Temporary Absence Decision regarding Father Joel LeClair.
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Ontario Parole Board Temporary Absence Decision regarding Father Joel LeClair.
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Ontario Parole Board Temporary Absence Decision regarding Father Joel LeClair.
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Ontario Parole Board Document - LeClair
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Ontario Parole Board Temporary Absence Decision regarding Father Joel LeClair.
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Ontario Parole Board ‘Temporary Absence Decision of Board ‘Commission ontarionne des Ubérations Decision absence ereerals ‘Saison par la Commission ‘ast Name, Fst idea” ‘ent1O7 OET ]FPSNer Nom 36 fami, Prenam, ceuxstme Keratscue Oa ce | Numéro de SED LECLAIR, Joseph H wr aay ThsttuioniEabiasenent ‘ate of DessoniDate de deison CENTRAL EAST CORRECTIONAL CENTRE Oct. 30, 2014 Parole Eigibiy Data ‘Discharge Poesbie Date ial Warrant Expy DatlDate admssnine dla libration condtionnete | Date possible ce sbsraton __| glschéanoe inale du mandat 782014 sanen014 3/18/2015 ‘Ail caret review of a avaabe Information abou your ease, fe Ora Parle Board has decided: pits vor Gade atentvement tus le renseignemonts dsponiles sur vr cause a comiscion ontarenne des ioératon onatonnels t des mses en tbertes meres a conc la Gecson savas [TB Tereparary Absence Approved Ta Absence TerminatedTabsence temporaie teminge Absence Temporate accordee "You are to remain in custody to complete your sentence Temporary Absence Denieg “Th Absence Caninuedabseas Tenparae praraee ‘Absence Temporae Retsee ‘You wil be inemesiatly released fom custody to continue TA Absence Tempore caision Ajourn6e "TA Hearing Rescheduled abennce temporative audence reise @ une a a TT Temporary Absence Dscsion Dafered | LT | Condens Not VareaiCondions mairtenes a a ‘Gonaiions Vared/Condions meaiibes Fours Date 8:00 November®,2014 | Housiewes pate) 00:04 November 18, 2014 REASON FOR DECISION/RAISONS QUI MOTIVENT LA DECISION 2). Riskto society by e-ofenting Danger deréicvepoura sodte You are seeking Temporary Absence for nine days prior to your official release from custody on November 18, 2014, It should be noted that you were on interim release in the community for almost three years Prior to incarceration and there were no breaches. You attended for extensive counselling ‘uring that time. You present as man remorseful for your actions and the hurt you have caused those close to you, ')Mesical, humanitarian, reintegration or rehabiriation reasonots médicaux ou humanities, insertion sociale Sureadapiaen You wish fo attend SEIN or an assessment prior to further treatment or release depending on the results ofthe assessment. You spent several weeks there for treatment prior to your incarceration. ©) Behaviourn custodytConduiteen détenton ‘Your behaviour in custody has been good. You have been working on the outside crew for several months and you have done excellent work. There is much support for you from the employees ofthe institution. ©) Srucured plonPlan srveturé ‘Your plan is well structured and is of short duration. Risk to the public is minimal and of course manageable. Temporary Absence is granted for November 9, 2014. (rb 0057 rex. a1) Page $ of‘Temporary Absence Decision of Board Décision d'absence temporaire par la Commission Tat Name, iret, MideeT ‘entio7 DOET FPS Wor Nom de tamil, renom, deuxiéme LECLAIR, Joseph H oT Dats donaissance Numéro de SED ‘Standard Temporary Absence Conditions IConditions générales relatives a l'asence temporaire ‘You have agreed to the following standard conditions! Vous avez accopté les condone générale suivantes: Pursuant to Section $9 of the Ministy of Cectional Sencas Act ané Regustions 778 an inmate released an temporary absence by the Ontario Parle Boa sal CCenformément article 38 def Li sue ministre des Services corectonnels et au rglement 778 pris en application e cei, un tens qui ect beré dans lecaare une absence temporae paris Commission ontanenne de lberatons condionneles et des mises en ibers meses dot respecter les condone suvanes ‘Temporary Absence Conditions ‘The folowing canons appty under the. Minoy of rect Sr At or Regen a we 4. Tis Tensorny Absence gied sly for the ‘poetsand drt) seed on ne peri 2. Phat © mect be tems ane concen ct tis ‘Tempera Aosenee, oH euestora or rb se, ‘rast roy ne nasien ies, by one, ie 2. fon an escored Tanpeay Absence, a nso fen by eacern ts mtb owed 4. No opener andor convact wit be ereed ino ‘how tbe pemsaon oe heron Onare Parse Bow ‘Tre eof onal orien The tee or poeta of ups foie ness 1. 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Wet ened a 1. sence tempore rest score que pour les ‘aon cies dectnaion gltgurnt urs pes 2 Simestinposane oe respec los condone porme @ascence tonporie ij ee quectors fez" pobimes priculers dos leponer Taolasement ieasatement ‘pour en avaor et {vr ie consignee corms po person 3. dlpsuls sow eucon fot sure le conslanes de Ia persone gu maccompagre 4. jee peuc concure derteia ni se cont cane accord co fasiesemert sureciomnelCammsean ‘arcane are ipraoneconeonelne eso mines hibese ete Fuge ou lm possoscon’ ropes st itt & Iman quis iors te pecenes par un mesocn iat awe 7, totes ts cepeces ot totes los ctboueemants ‘erent ecses conformal eux igemers oe hie mins de Sonos corsctomaie prepeceaeceinesiari Sncute 2 vour et iar ootéquentor ces pemennes fyarces sate comneioe ne pas tequeier ces personnes inptutes dans Fete came sau st fen a ro pemison ae Teaoistement EsrestemnelGommeson ontaanna des Idratoneconconneles et de mass en bers eree ‘spas suite Ontario snus permis Futoise 1 especies medals ees cantons de xe (rdomance’ Ge prbeson a iequele pele ‘panes man pare dabconca tempore on tout ‘Spe ete presomor su aomance mason ‘Sper do pies le demane 4. Sbten fe consentemen’ ge" Teabissenent creciennevGommicsion ovtaanne ee IStasone concannaes ot dex mane en bars eres avr de changer datresse ou Temp. 9. sauf ecpraon su norms daneens tompore 22 Fale & eration ow setae le sore aot we te poner Se raor crac CConssquences dune violation dress) ne rove pas TWtabissoment ou ‘oseone pas” les Conaiona, dy perma Tatsence ‘erporae feque dévesusponcusrévoquse. En pi, (cto reawe dz sess) (Goer egal) 1b. over cons une iracton aux tomes oo ‘Ste cur we mineue coe Sones Garestonnae, 52 ‘Suvdvecives de feazsemert, Page 20f3‘Temporary Absence Decision of Board Décision d'absence temporaire par la Commission ast Name, Fit, Maa ‘eat ior DOET FRSNar "Nom do aril, Prénom, deuxiéme > maticulo Date de naissance Numéro de SED LECLAIR, Joseph H anj Absence Condition ee IConditions spéciales relatives a 'absence temporaire SOME YOURGHDCES ‘You have also agreed to the following spectal conditions/Vous avez aussi accapté les conditions spéciales suivantes: 1 Upon release abide by your approved travel pan 2. Alten, prteinate and comply wih any assessmenttreatmenvcaunseling program st HMMM and provide wien Veriicaion as decid by your TA Coerzato. Sign any consent form releasing program information tat will asistin monitoring your compliance and completion of any program. 8. Remain stREEREPcng the Temporary Absence perio and olow all the ules of is inst. Release Plans/Plans de Libération ResaonceDomicie EmploynenveducatoOtierEmpn, education et ares) Parole SuperisorName & Raaess Paice Reporte Vice Chair or Designatelvice président ou mandatalre_| Member Signature/Signature du membre T. Franklin H. Rowsell PROVISO: The Boar's decision o grant temporary absence is condtonal upon your goes behaviour and the ‘ontnuation of your Board approved release plan ‘La Commission accord la ibertion tempore a a conden que vere comportement demeure convenable et que ‘ous vous conforms 3 votre plan delberaton approuve para Commision ‘pbs 057 rex. a0) Page 20f3
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