Palakkad District - Palakkad District Map

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saniaors & Palakkad District | Palakkad Distict Map ONEriveNINE > a se) sin ister EFIVEN 0 Palakkad District. AAnthur ——AttappadChttur__Kolngode Kurhalmannam (Ottappalim Pablkad Pattambl Shoranur — Scoskrennapuram Thala Lista vane in Plead Ds option: 2810892 Divison: Cena! Karla Sexfatio: 1067 Head Quarters Palsed Dens ' Language :Nolojlom end Engish, Liarecy: £843 amt Elovaon/ Aude 97-105 meter, Above area. Seal level Vehicte Registration Number: 09 -40)L-51KL52 RTO oes: Aur Orappalam Palas Pata Toomer fama | Palakkad District Map ‘ota Pollachi Pal590 aenoraaayam Kayaouam Anansi Palakkad Weather Forecast for Next 3 days Mednesdey Thursday Fay artyclouty —_patyctouty —_parttoudy Beware Bese em aee Humiy 3% Wind From Nort at om “Temples Palkia Yeyiyamkunnu Bhagavath Kiikkuruss! Mahade Mangottu Kavu Temple Sr Niangate Bhagavath Katava shagavaty Arianeye Mande Animoorty Tele Thatayanakhadive ——Cherpary Siva empl, hpihwww_oneveinecomindailagbelakad Matampwha Mamarkad Nemmara fans and i'SC Codes in Pants Near Cities ala 204 hethanarangslan 1s ‘Sisggal $2 ves Shear creer Near By Air Ports Dike eee Takes 70 er Near By RallWay Station laa Ral Way Staton. 4 Xoan algal Town al Way Sion 10 one ial aye, “4 sanvans Palakkad District | Palakkad District Map alta Temple Mookambka Temple Easwaramangalam Masthur Ganapathi Temple, Chiakkathoor Bhagnvath.Yaipeshwaram Shivs SreeMariyammanTemple Chengankttukava Kanthal Srtshna Kelarial Bhagavathi——_Katarakode Shiva Tempe Sree Parakhatu Bagavaty sayarkunns Bhagavathy chitrkavuDeviTemple, Cherpatenery About Palakkad District Plead Oct ia one among 14 Disics of Kerala Site sia. Palos Distt Adrnisravo noad quarts Palaksad i Loctnd 302 KM Sout tomaras| Stale capial Tinnvananhepuram - Palatine Distt populon x 2810882. Kis € Largest Dist inthe Sia by population Geography and Climate Palakkad District Nef Located st Latide-07, Longhde-768. Palaad Dist ie shang border win Nalappuram Ost ote west, Tsu” District ote west, Comber Dsirt a the East The Niji Distict athe Nah ts sharng Sard wih Taal Nad Site he East. Bs ins 97 meters o 10S mses eavaton range Tis Diet belong o Southern Inc 1 i not Hot in summey, Palhiad Ole sumer highest day temperature is 6 between 29° C030". ‘Average lrpertres of Januty 24 C Fabra 25° March 27 © Ap 28°C, Mayis 27°C DemoGraphies of Palakkad District Nalnyalars = te Lol Language here, Also People Speaks Englsh, Tam Hind Pala Dial is vied into 14 Tale , 77 Panchayals , 1218 Vilage, Mannartd Tt io Smatost Tai by population wt 385709 pepuaton.Ctappatam Consus 2011 of | kad District Pleas bet Toll poputaton is 2610882 curing census 2011 Males ar 1259800 ana Females are 1451002 Litre peosle ae 1859686 among tlle sea ik? tithe Barges eit in the sa by Population ut Larges Dstt in he sta By Aves, 187 Largest Oleic in the County By Population ‘4 Nest District n the Silo By racy ae 3 hight Disb i he County By Haracy ate acy Palakkad District Tourism ‘Mtspeady.Malarpuzhe, Plaka ,Parambitula Wilda Sancta dan Kato NMlanpuzhe Dam, Fansty Pak Palas Fr, Xentepuzta Dam. Melenpuzhe Dam ana Garene Trekting Parable ills Sanckary, The Giant Teak , ae the Srahmecswaran Temple . Margot Kaw Tenple , SteRanaswany Temp, Paryanorpata Bhagavaty Terol,.Nangats Bragavati Tenpl,. Anianeya Nancit Latshminarayan Tenple, , Kalkaal Bragavatyy Temple, . Mtr Manoa Bragavary Temple , Panayoorkavy Bhagavahy Teneo, Pooziunnu Sree Krish Tonle, . Vengo Temple, Parthesavadhy Temple, Soe Mahadave Pandekial Sve ‘Tompe, ee Vanyariman Temp, Sres Nanappulkaw Toate. ree Muayeraaws Posataawu Bhagavati Tenpl,, Kedamanra Mahevsh Tangle. Purranoarenb Bagavan Temple,» Thalnyannbiad Siva Temple, , Cherry Sa Tempe, , Sree Ccunvayoorapean Tempe, Kaha Temple, Mookambas Tenple,Easwaramangalam Tompie . Masur Ganapami Tonpk, | Chnatiahoor shagavahi Temp. Yojpestwaram Shiva Temple, , Stee Maryanman Tomple , Chenganiactuanes Sagavani Temple . Kanhalur Soerstna Temple, Kalrkal Bragavani Tenole hpihwww_oneveinecomindailagbelakad 4 raraote Palakkad District | Palakkad District Map Kallas Sita Tanple, Sree Paattaty Bagvaty Temple, Udayartunns Bhagavaty Temple. Cisukaw Dev Tempe, ,CharpaleetyAyyappankaw Temple, .Cherpeteery Paalal Bragavany Teno, Parnas Tasumantnan Kanniana Temple Palakkad Transport ChitucTathamanglam Shoranu ae the Ces in ied having road connechty ‘Threvanentapuran( Capital ofKeala ‘Som of he rll way stone In cent ae Shorerur Jn. Otsopaam . Patan) Kolar, Kanade Valapizha, Vadanam Kurt, Plappiar wich connec Kerala Site Road Transport Comeraton ( KSRTC) rate Busses fom Nalor to Towne an Vilgesin bis Dist oe) LO Piao Pin Codes in Palakkad District Pormbadan)s S70522 (Vara) GE3S12{ TMnevahjode BTBD1Y( rum (Palkkad)oreaba alptram PO). aYeS"S (Ayan) S79595 rose! (Manet) er0811(chunangad). 678800 Vay) ieani 793014 Lethal} £18824 Watayer Dem), a1852( fhresband). 80 Comtmama}, ss/s(Pemmouiines) 7826 Hotel Palakkad Malampuzha Garden House Fort Palace Hotel hpihwww_oneveinecomindailagbelakad a4 saniaors Prce Range Kairali Hote! Near Bus Stand Snomur Ro Ure0o2 Ine Poe Range "Re. 600- Rs. 1000 Green Park Hotel NearKSRTC Bus Stans Manatulom Roa, Palen, Kea, Plaka ome No: 0481 Po Rango 600-100 Palakkad District | Palakkad District Map Zoleiad Towle, ataeadc Paltiad Dist Palatka Ra Way Stan Peslamedu ipo os Malamourhe Toute Pee Thatrangalam Cy, Palghat Tow Ra Way Sito Koch Area Arbor ‘pad Touran, ‘Sisopaln Cy at Wey Sister Siesta Arbo susinala Toucan hea ante Ral Way Sit Er es sven yourvitage sourstDastnasons nwa tons in lane calsator cerns cals ears ‘esi Habs, Biasati aa tt aaureataas, Sus Bal one Gas andl Cas L : [AURiphteResewed 2013 onafverinecom Cantus AboulUs acy Pai hpihwww_oneveinecomindailagbelakad a8

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