Lesson Redesign Reflection
Lesson Redesign Reflection
Lesson Redesign Reflection
advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual
environments. The teacher enables the students to use Blendspace to demonstrate their
innovative thinking and creativity.
The lesson redesign meets ITSE Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation. Specifically,
Standard 1b, which states the students will Create original works as a means of personal or
group expression. The redesign meets this standard because the students are using the
Blendspace to create original works pertaining to the states of matter. The students are able to
use whatever information they want and are in creative control of the resources that they select.
The students also have creative control over the assessment. The students will need to base their
assessment off of the information that they have presented but will have full autonomy when
choosing the questions for the assessment. Additionally, the lesson redesign will address
standards 2b, 3a, 5, and 6a. Our lesson redesign meets 2b, which says that students will
Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats. This is evident when the students are choosing from a variety of informational
formats to display their information. Standard 3a, Plan strategies to guide inquiry is
demonstrated throughout the lesson by having the students plan the information that they will
present in their Blendspace. Throughout the lesson, the students will be demonstrating ITSE
Standard 5 by practicing good digital citizenship throughout the lesson. The students will
demonstrate their understanding of Blendspace, which will address standard 6a.
One barrier to achieving modification or redefinition is the lack of technological
resources available. A way to prevent this problem from happening and to expedite the process
is to work collaboratively with your technology teacher, who can assist in implementing the
lesson. Another impediment to the redesign is that occasionally Blendspace has links that do not
work. To avoid having this happen to the students, it is important to remind the students to
check the links before they submit their final Blendspace Canvas.
This Blendspace lesson redesign allows the students to create and share content that they
have gathered with their peers. It also allows the students to generate assessments that pertain to
their information and the content area, which demonstrates their understanding of the content