AE2402 CFD Unit Question Bank
AE2402 CFD Unit Question Bank
AE2402 CFD Unit Question Bank
B.E (Aeronautical Engineering)
1. What are the important applications of CFD in engineering?
2. What are the elementary flows to be combined to get Lifting flow over circular cross section
bodies? (AU)
3. Distinguish between conservation and non-conservation forms of fluid flow.
4. Write down the conservative form of the continuity equation and explain the terms involved.
5. What is the physical significance/meaning of the various terms in conservation form of
momentum equation? (AU)
6. Write down an expression for substantial derivative in Cartesian coordinates.
7. What is the physical meaning of ?
8. Compare the significance of mathematical form of governing equations in aerodynamic theory
and CFD.
9. Why the non-conservative equations are so called?
10. Why the Conservation form of equations is sometimes called the divergence from?
11. What are the Strong and weak conservation forms of equations?
12. Write the expression for continuity equation for conservation and non conservation form?
13. Write proper boundary conditions for on the wall for viscous and inviscid flows.
14. What are potential flows? Write the equation representing potential flows.
15. Write expressions for any two elementary theoretical flows.
16. List out advantaged of panel method.
17. Explain the difficulties of evaluating the influences of a panel at its own control point.
18. What are limitations of panel methods? (AU)
19. What is the classification of partial differential equations based on their mathematical
20. What are well posed problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics?
21. Write the expression for momentum equation for conservation and non conservation form?
22. Write the expression for energy equation for conservation and non conservation form?
23. What are the assumptions made in panel methods? (AU)
1. What is the need for classification of PDE and how do you classify second order PDE? (AU)
2. Distingush the elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic System of PDEs applied to fluid flow? What
are the types of boundary conditions specified for flow problems. (AU)
3. What are the discretization techniques and how do you discretize the equations for subsonic
and supersonic flows? (AU)
4. Define & develop expression for substantial derivative.
5. Derive the continuity equation for a in-viscid flow in partial differential non-conservation
6. Derive the energy equation for a viscous flow in partial differential non-conservation form.
7. Discuss the source panel method for the flow past an oscillating cylinder.
8. Write down the procedure for the calculation of pressure coefficient distribution around a
circular cylinder using the source panel technique. (AU)
9. Discuss the vortex panel method applied to lifting flows over a flat plate.
10. Derive the continuity equation in differential form for in compressible flow.
1. Define Structure and non-structure grid in grid generation.
2. Write the application of grid generation.
3. Write the types of grid generation.
4. What is the need of grid generation? (AU)
5. What are the types of unstructured grid generation methods?
6. What are the types of structure grid generation methods?
7. State the Delaunay triangulation. (AU)
8. Define the Adaptive grid generation.
9. Write the general transformation for grid generation method.
10. Where we use Adaptive grid generation method? Why?
11. Define Elliptic grid generation method.
12. Define Advance front grid generation method.
13. What is Octree grid generation method?
14. Distinguish between structure and unstructured grid generation.
15. What are called as metrics in transformations?
16. What are called as Jacobians in transformations?
17. Compare physical and computational planes.
18. What is the need of transformation of physical plane in to computational plane?
19. What types of grids are generally used in Finite Volume Method?
20. What is the necessity of strong and weak formulations in boundary value problems?
1. Explain the transformation of grid generation method.
2. What are the types of structured grid generation methods? Explain any one.
3. What are the types of unstructured grid generation methods? Explain any one.
4. Explain the Delany triangulation in unstructured grid generation method.
5. Obtain the 2D compressible continuity equation in transformed coordinates for transformation
=x, =ln(y+1)
6. What is the need for grid generation? Mention the different grid generation technique and list
down their relative merits and demerits.
7. Explain how grid generation is achieved by numerical solution of elliptic Poisons
1. Define (a) Convergence and (b) Lax equivalence theorem. (AU)
2. Elaborate the basic aspects of the finite difference equations.
3. Write down the significance of Taylor series expansion.
4. Write any two difference quotients for a first order partial derivative.
5. Write central second difference quotient for a second order partial derivative.
6. When the finite difference representation of a partial differential equation is said to be
8. Write down the second order central mixed finite difference expression for
9. Write the Crank-Nicolson form for the equation
10. What is meant by wiggles in the numerical solution? (AU)
11. Define stability in numerical solution of fluid flow governing equations.
12. Define convergence in numerical solution of fluid flow governing equations.
13. Write down the second order central mixed finite difference expression for 1D heat
conduction equation.
14. Discuss the need of upwind type discretization.
15. Name the important errors that commonly occur in numerical solution. (AU)
16. Transform the steady, incompressible continuity equation from x, y physical plane to the
, computational plane. (AU)
17. Write the stability requirement for parabolic equations.
18. Compare implicit and explicit methods
19. What do you understand by the terms no slip, slip, porous and surface condition? (AU)
20. What are the equations and conditions required to solve the thermal boundary layer flow with
Prandtl number 1? (AU)
1. Explain the description of Prandtl boundary layer equation and its solution methodology.
2. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Strong formulation,
(ii) Weighted Residual formulation
(iii) Galerkin Formulation
(iv) Weak formulation
3. What is meant by wiggles in the numerical solution? Describe with an example. (AU)
4. Consider steady 1-D convection diffusion equation of a property ,
d/dx (u) = d/dx { d/dx}
Using control volume approach discrete the above equation and obtain the neighboring
coefficients by
(1) Central difference scheme.
(2) Upwind difference scheme.
5. What is meant by hierarchy of boundary layer equations? Derive Zeroth, first and second
order boundary layer equations?
6. Explain explicit Lax-Wendroff scheme of time dependent methods.
7. Discuss cell centered formulation in Finite Volume Techniques.
8. What is strong formulation? Explain with the help of one dimensional boundary value
9. Discuss the properties of discretization schemes and explain upwind discretization applied to
10. Explain the Explicit Implicit method of stability.
1. What is need of finite element techniques?
2. Write the demerits of FEM over FVM.
3. What are the important formulations involved in FEM?
4. Define peclet number and state its importance? (AU)
5. What Weighted Residual formulation finite difference method.
6. What Galerkin Formulation finite difference method.
7. What Weak formulation finite difference method.
8. What is the importance of CFL condition? (AU)
9. What is Strong formulation in finite difference method
10. What are the different categories of boundary conditions? Give example for each category. (AU)
11. Is CFD superior than experiments? Comment briefly. (AU)
1. Explain Strong formulation in finite difference method.
2. Explain Weighted Residual formulation finite difference method.
3. Explain Galerkin Formulation finite difference method.
4. Explain Weak formulation finite difference method.
5. Consider a cylindrical fin with uniform cross-sectional area A. the base is at a temperature of 1000 C (T B)
and the end is insulated. The fin is exposed to an ambient temperature of 200C. One-dimensional heat transfer
in this situation is governed by
d/dx{kA(dT/dx)}-hP(T-T ) = 0
where his the convective heat transfer coefficient, Pthe perimeter, k- the thermal conductivity of the material
and T the ambient temperature. Calculate the temperature distribution along the fin using five equally
placed control volumes. Take hp / (kA) =25
(note: kA is constant)
1. What is FVM? Write the advantages over FEM.
2. Distinguish between FVM and FEM.
3. Define staggered grid approach.
4. What are the grids are involved in FVM? Write the choice of node in FVM.
5. What is FEM-Like FVM?
6. Write the methods which are all involved in FEM like FVM.
7. Write the Accuracy of Cell centered formulation.
8. What is cell-vertex formulation?
9. Write the methods which are involved in cell-vertex formulation.
10. What is FDM-Like FVM?
11. Define central type discretization.
12. Explain the conservative finite difference method.
13. Discuss the need of upwind type discretization.
14. Draw a flow chart and describe SIMPLE algorithm for two-dimensional laminar steady flow
15. Discuss the need Finite volume methods.
16. Discuss the need of central type discretization.
17. What is the necessity for staggered grid in control volume method?
18. What is necessity of staggered grid in control volume method? (AU)
19. Define the mesh fourier number. (AU)
1. What is Cell-Vertex formulation and Explain the multi-stage time stepping- Overlapping control
2. State and explain the difference between explicit and implicit methods with suitable examples.
3. Discuss cell centered formulation in Finite Volume Techniques. (AU)
4. Explain e Lax-Wendroff Time-Stepping methods. (AU)
5. Explain Runge-Kutta and multi-stage time stepping in FVM.
6. Discuss the properties of discretization schemes and explain upwind discretization applied to
7. Explain explicit Lax-Wendroff scheme of time dependent methods(Time-Stepping NonOverlapping). (AU)
8. Draw a flow chart and describe SIMPLE algorithm for two-dimensional laminar steady flow
equations in Cartesian co-ordinates. (AU)