Indoor Localization and Tracking Using Posterior State Distribution and Fingerprint Interpolation

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Indoor Localization and Tracking using

Posterior State Distribution and Fingerprint
Reda A. El-Khoribi1, Mohamed A. Hammad2 and Haitham S. Hamza3

Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Information, Information Technology Department,

5 Dr. Ahmed Zewail Street, Postal Code:12613, Orman, Giza, Egypt

Indoor localization is one of the essential modules in mobile
wireless application. In this paper, the problem of location
estimation and tracking of mobile user in a fixed wireless
network is addressed. A strategy based on empirical map of
received signal strength with interpolation to reduce the
calibration effort for radio map creation is proposed. The
proposed system models the motion dynamics of a mobile user
as a hidden markov model in which each state corresponds to
geo-location then tracking the user location using the posterior
HMM state distribution. We present experimental results that
demonstrate the ability of our tracking system to estimate the
user location with a high degree of accuracy and less
calibration effort.

Keywords: Localization and tracking, estimation theory,

hidden markov model, wireless networks.

Indoor Localization System (ILS) have become very
popular in the recent years. The Indoor Localization
System refers to the applications that rely on location
detection as to detect a products stored in a warehouse,
location detection of medical personnel or equipment in a
hospital, location detection of re-men in a building on re
[1], [14], detecting the police dogs location trained to nd
explosives in a building, searching for tagged maintenance
tools scattered all over a plant, safety and healthcare [2].
The Global Positioning Systems (GPS) [3] are the most
widely used tracking systems for civilian positioning
service, and can offer accuracy close to 10 meters.
However, GPS are outdoor only cannot provide good
accuracy in indoor environments since the satellite signals
are blocked by building obstructions. Many indoor
localization system have been proposed such as Ultrasound
[4], Infrared Ray [5], Radio Signal [6], Cellular network
[7], Computer Vision [8], PHY information [9], Bluetooth
technique [10]. Most of these systems are able to provide
accurate results; however, they depend on additional
hardware or large-scale infrastructures. Thus, such systems
are hard to be widely deployed due to signicant cost and
energy consumption and specic environment range
limitations [11]. The indoor Localization techniques rely
on different kind of measurements that get relative position
information between nodes as ,among others, the angle of
arrival (AoA ;an estimate of the relative angles between

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

nodes)[12], [13],the time of arrival (the time that is taken

by the radio signal to propagate from one node to another),
the time difference of arrival (TDoA; the time interval
between the reception of a radio signal and an ultra sound
that is emitted by a beacon),and the RSS (an index of the
received signal power). Approaches based on the rst three
quantities require specic devices such as array antennas
for the AoA [15], ultra sound modules for TDoA,
dedicated hardware and software to maintain node
synchronization [17], or motion detection sensors such as
magnetometers and IR motion sensors [3]. The ILS
architecture consists of at least two separate hardware
components: a signal transmitter (Access Point) and a
measuring unit (Mobile Client). The latter usually carries
the major part of the system computation. Most of the RSS
indoor positioning system uses either a location detection
by radio signal propagation models [16] or location
fingerprinting techniques [15]. The enlargement of
applicable areas is strangled by pretty limited fingerprint
data of building interiors. The propagation model based
methods will first calculate the distance between the nodes
based on the signal propagation model, and then use
lateration techniques positioning or maximum likelihood
estimation method to figure out the position of the
unknown nodes. However, fingerprinting techniques is
divided into two phases: training and operating. In the
training stage, a site survey process (calibration), in which
engineers record the RSS ngerprints (e.g. WiFi signal
strengths from multiple Access Points, APs) at every
location of an interested area and accordingly build a
ngerprint database (radio map) in which ngerprints are
related with the locations where they are recorded. Next in
the operating stage, when a mobile user sends a location
query with his current RSS ngerprint, localization
algorithms retrieve the ngerprint database and return the
matched ngerprints as well as the corresponding locations
[17]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
After a review of the related works (see Section II), in
Section III, Data collection background is presented, in
section IV, The problem is presented in a formal approach,
and the steps for the design of a localization system are
described in detail. Then, In Sections V, simulations and
real-world experiments to assess and validate the proposed
architecture and algorithms are presented, respectively.
Finally, in Section VI, some considerations on the results
are drawn.

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
Our proposed approach belongs to RSS map-based
localization systems and makes use of a Hidden Markov
Model relying on empirical RSS measurements that are
collected in the real environment or generated using
propagation model, similarly to that proposed in [14].
Many researchers using HMM to model the localization
problem as a classification problem. In [18] a LOCADIO
localization system is designed that use two HMM which
taking into account the node motion, buildings floor plan,
expected pedestrian. In [19], a localization algorithm based
on an HMM Bayesian approach that models the node
moving capabilities and simulations shows that
performances achieved by keeping into consideration
mixed LOS/NLOS conditions for all radio links are similar
to those obtained in an ideal LOS propagation
environment. In [20] HMM is used on GSM networks and
the localization errors depend on the grid cell length.
Those papers all apply HMM into WSN localization, and
achieve localization accuracy results up to the size of areas
corresponding to classes. In [27], [28], [29] interpolation
techniques for signal strength map are applied to gain a
high precision but without using a tracking algorithm.

Received signal strength data processing in indoor
positioning systems can be divided into two main groups.
One group is based on wave propagation and relies on
computing distances between mobile devices and points
whose coordinates are known. These second group is based
on mapping by combination of signal strength
measurements and geographical coordinates, called a
signal strength (SS) map.

ISSN 2278-6856

Factor Model [24], Wall Attenuation Factor (WAF) model,

Rician distribution model [23] and Channel Modeling
Using Ray Tracing [22].

Figure 1 Log distance Path loss signal strength with

For simplicity we use Log distance Path loss Model which
obey the distance power law as shown in the following
equation (1).
PL (db) = PL (do) + 10 log (d/do) +


Where path loss exponent which indicates the rate at

which the path loss increases with distance and depends on
the surroundings and building type, and
represents a
normal random variable in dB having a standard deviation
of dB, do is the close-in reference distance which is
determined from measurements close to the transmitter, d
is the transmitter-receiver distance. The Log distance Path
loss(as in figure 1) illustrates how the signal strength
varies with distance between the transmitter and the

3.1 Propagation Models

3.2 Signal Strength Maps

By using a mathematical model of indoor signal

propagation, we can generate a set of theoretically
computed signal strength data. The data points correspond
to grid locations spaced uniformly on the network. The
localization algorithm can then estimate the location of the
mobile user by matching the signal strength measured at
the mobile location with the theoretically computed signal
strengths at these locations. It is clear that the performance
of this approach is directly impacted by the "goodness of
the propagation model [21]. For a radio channel, signal
propagation in an indoor environment is effected by
reflections, diffraction, and scattering of radio waves
caused by structures within the building. The transmitted
signal generally reaches the receiver via multiple
multipath causes fluctuations in the received signal
envelope and phase, and the signal components arriving
from indirect and direct paths combine to produce a
distorted version of the transmitted signal. In general,
indoor models may be classified either by line-of-sight
(LOS) or non line-of-sight (NLOS) [25], some of the key
models are Partition Loses (same floor), Partition losses
between floors, Log distance Path loss Model, Attenuation

Signal strength map systems are based on mapping by

combination of geographical coordinates and signal
strength values (RSSI). Geographical coordinates contain
at least basic coordinates as Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates.
Two main steps are required to be identified in signal
strength map-based systems: an offline training step builds
a signal strength map by using the layout of the building
test-bed and record the signal strength corresponding to its
geo-location on the layout. Then, the online positioning
step relies on the signal strength map previously built. For
both steps, two approaches exist. The offline step is
performed either by measurements or by simulation. The
online step consists in matching a signal strength
measurement to the signal strength map content. Matching
can be either probabilistic or deterministic. Building a
signal strength map by measurements implies moving
physically to every location in the map and performs a
measurement [1]. Whereas this method is simple to
understand and use, and gives real measurements, it
requires a lot of time. On the other hand, building the
signal strength map by simulation requires a lot of work to
build a propagation model used to compute the signal

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
strength map. Google released Google Map 6.0 that
provides indoor localization and navigation available only
at some selected airports and shopping malls in the US and

ISSN 2278-6856

each measurements
is the power (dBm) of the signal
that is transmitted by the
AP as received by the MC.

The proposed model is divided into two phases: offline and
online phases. During the offline phase, the RSS readings
from the base station are collected by the mobile device at
known locations, then an interpolation process will be
applied using kernel regression to generate fingerprint
database with a finer resolution. During the online phase,
RSS measured by the moving user from all the base station
are compared to the offline interpolated fingerprint
database to estimate its current mobile location. The
moving user dynamics are modeled as a markovian
homogenous first order process and therefore allow the
HMM to estimate and track the moving user position as
shown in figure 2.

Figure 3 40*37 RSS grid with 12 Anchor Nodes

4.2 Fingerprint Interpolation

Signal strength maps are based on building a regular grid
of tiles that map the measured signal strength to its geolocation. Direct measurement of RSS at each grid location
finger print is expensive and requires a lot of labor effort;
we use an interpolation process to build a finer grid that
would be close enough to the observed one. We use an
interpolation approach to build an interpolated signal
strength map. Building interpolated signal map is similar
to surface fitting between data points; our goal is to extend
the position location
into much finer grid
using a
certain small step. Linear interpolation is one of the most
common used methods as in [26], which involve
estimating a new data value by connecting every two finger
print with a straight line. If the two known values are
) and
) then the interpolated value at
the required position L(
) is :

Figure 2 Two Phases of fingerprinting: offline (training)

phase and online (Localization) phase.

Where u is a number from 0 to 1 that represent the fraction
of the distance between
) and
) at
) lies.

4.1 Received Signal Strength Map Modeling

The received signal strength distribution over the area of
interest is built by measuring the RSS, S over the links
between the access points and the moving user which is
sensed by the moving client. Without loss of generality ,
Let K be a two dimensional physical space to be the
monitored indoor environment which is composed of L
access points (also called Anchors) is deployed over region
K at a fixed and known locations
] K
where each location represent one grid cell. As a matter of
fact , the state
is not a directly measurable quantity and
thus it has to be computed from L measurements that are
exchanged at each time step between MC and APs ,where

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Figure 4 Anchor node simulated power distribution .

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
4.3 Localization by Hidden Markov Model
The moving client movement are modeled as a markovian
first order process and therefore we use the Bayesian
minimum mean square error (BMMSE) to estimate the
moving client position x(t) based on a finite historical
observation S. The term MMSE more specifically refers to
estimation in a Bayesian setting with quadratic cost
function. The basic idea behind the Bayesian approach to
estimation stems from practical situations where we often
have some prior information S about the parameter to be
Let us consider the prior information (RSS) S is a
markovian process in which the position x(t) plays the
role of the hidden state sequence and O denote the
observation sequence at state q {1,2,,N} where N is the
number of grid cells and for more convenience =
can be approximated as the following equation

ISSN 2278-6856

Where denote the random walk noise process as walking

or running movement which can be expressed with a
Gaussian pdf. The transition between states are governed
by the X1*X2 probabilities
= P [ = n|
=m] for
] ,n=[
where the transition
is the probability for the
MC to switch from state
.In indoor environment
which includes hallway, rooms and doors, the transition
probability can be considered as a unit step probability
corresponding to unit movement. Nodes can be considered
to be connected by edges when they are reachable from
each other in a single movement. States m and n represent
adjacent nodes, so if two nodes are blocked by a wall so no
edges exist between them so its probability will be zero.
4.3.4 Observation Probabilities B
The observation associated with a state is the RSS vector of
the MC from APs, It is the probability of measuring
being the MC in the
is a vector whose mean and
variance are

Where the expectation in (3) is taken with respect to the
discrete variable
which corresponds to x(t) at grid
The probability density function (pdf) of each measurement is

is the forward variable in the
HMM like the following equation

A HMM model can be represented as = [, A, B, q]

4.3.1 Hidden States
q= { , , ,.., } is the set of all possible states (grid
4.3.2 Initial State Probability
=P( ) if no a priori knowledge of the initial position is
given ,we can simply impose a uniform initialization all
over the states.

4.4 Gaussian Distribution Moving Dynamics

The MN dynamics are assumed to be a 2 dimension
random walk, which is modeled by a rst order Markov
process, i.e.

where is the current position of the mobile user,

the prior position and the modeled process is driven by a
random Gaussian noise term
, whose features are
determined by some hypotheses on the node dynamics. The
polar coordinates = and = arc tan(

), also assuming average walking and running

speed of about, respectively,1.3 and 4.4m/s [1]. At each
time step, the steady condition is the most probable
behavior, where as the probability of moving decreases
with the traveled distance in any direction; the

4.3.3 Transition Probabilities

Let the Moving client MC location qi be defined in the
discrete finite set consisting of X1 X2 positions x=[x1,
x2], with x1 X, x2 Y. The MC movement within the two
dimension space at each time i is modeled as first order
markov model:
Figure 5 Gaussian motion model probability distribution

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Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

standard deviation is set to 3, which means that the

majority of the MN movements are characterized by a
velocity that is smaller than 3m/s. Figure 3 are generated
by mat-lab to simulate a moving client in a north-east
direction with 1.3 standard deviation. In polar coordinates,
this pdf can be expressed as



The localization performance is evaluated by simulation
using both radio wave propagation software simulator and
real measurement test-bed. A signal strength map data of
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Riga Technical University [14] is used to test our proposed
model in an actual operative scenario.

5.1 Radio Wave Propagation Simulator

A 3-D ray-tracing based software package called the
Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS Ver. 5.3) [30] is
used in order to emulate the indoor propagations. RPS is
able to generate a fine-resolution RSSI taking into
consideration the effect of the penetrations, reflections,
diffractions caused by an RF signal after the environment
characteristics are specified by the user. RPS accuracy has
been verified via a comparison with real indoor
experimental measurements in [31]. We build a 3-D model
experimental environment of industrial basement floor (see
figure 6) as used in [1] about 1500 m wide (37*41 m) and
3m ceiling high, on average. That environment is
considered to be large and a critical because it is
characterized by reinforced concrete pillars and walls (1.5
m wide). The anchor node position deployment is checked
using the RPS to test the electromagnetic signal coverage
of the whole environmental area as shown in figure 6. RPS
simulator gives the ability to choose the propagation model
used to calculate the signal strength for each location in
the test-bed environment. As shown in figure 7 (a) the
signal strength of AN2 is affected by the presence

Figure 6 RPS simulated power distribution of the of

industrial basement floor. The thicker lines correpond to
armored concete walls and pillars.

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014


Figure 7 Received signal strength distribution for AN

2(see figure 3). (a) Indoor multi-wall propagation model.
(b) path loss propagation model.

Figure 8 Examples of position estimation of the mobile
node refrence path (Solid line), discrete position estimation
(Dots line).
of the thick walls which is more realistic than figure 7 (b)
that use path loss propagation model that neglect the
presence of any obstacles present in the indoor enviroment.
Each anchor node is modeled as an isotropic source with
2.4 GHz frequency, 0 dBm transmition power and 2 m
antenna height. The receiver nodes cover the whole area
with 0.5 m grid size and 1.5 m height to receive the
received signal strength of the signal from the anchor
nodes. The same mobile pattern in [1] is built to evaluate
and compare the position estimation accuracy with our
proposed model as shown in figure 8.

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Table 1: Localization error results










Figure 11 Localization accuracy for 1 m grid spacing.

Figure 9 Cumulative error probabilty for multiple grid

Fingerprints grid spacing of 0.5 m [1] or 1 m [32] or 2 m
[33] is commonly chosen for indoor fingerprint based
systems. In this paper we test our proposed model on
different grid spacing from 0.5 m to 2 m, with a 0.5 m step
size as shown in figure 9. The localization accuracy by
using 0.5 m grid spacing for the proposed HMM achieves
a localization error 0.12 m which is significantly smaller
than Bayesian filtering used in [1] (0.77 m) as shown in
Table 1. The complexity in table 1 means the effort on
calibration process for creating radiomap or fingerprint
database. The complexity is determined into 3 levels [27]
as follows: relatively high complexity, medium complexity,
simple complexity. The 0.5 m grid spacing requires 5920
(high complexity) calibration points, while 1.0 m grid
requires 1480 (medium complexity). Comparing with other
method, proposed hidden markov model interpolation
(HMMI) shows high accuracy with medium complexity on
1.0 m (37*40) or 1480 fingerprint, the grid map are
interpolated into 0.5 m spacing or 5920 fingerprint with a
localization error (0.43 m) which is smaller than using
HMM error (0.53 m) and maximum likelihood estimation
(MLE) error (1.04 m) as shown in figure 10, 11.

5.2 HMM Tracking on Real Measurements

We used a 2D received signal strength data set investigated
in [14] on the fifth floor of a five storey building of the
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Riga Technical university. The area of the test-bed is
approximately 860 , and includes eight classrooms, four
offices, and the main hallway (as in figure 12(a) which
displays the layout of the floor where the experiment was
performed. A total of 82 calibration points are defined and
68 points test set was created for testing. The placement of
the testing points mimics a person walking in a route
through five classrooms, one office, and the hallway. The
route is started at one point and finally ended at the very
same point, visiting 34 different locations where each
location is visited two times, each time facing a different
direction. The measurement process, apart from that it is
performed for only two orientations, is the same as for the
calibration points (as in figure 12(b).
Table 2: Simulation and experimental localization error
Access Points
2.4 GHz APs (5)
2.4 GHz APs (14)
2.4/5 GHz APs (14)

Outside APs (43)

2.4 GHz APs (57)


Mean Median

Figure 10 Localization accuracy vs. training grid density.

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Figure 12 Layout of the fifth floor of the Faculty of

Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga
Technical university testbed environment :calibration
points and local access points in figure a). Figure b) shows
the walking person test points in a hallway and office.
On average, the distance from one calibration point to the
nearest other point is 3.7 m within the same room and 2.6
m when also the points from other rooms are considered.
The number of APs that could be sensed from a location
ranges from 2 to 13 with average of 7.We reconstruct our
proposed HMMI to compare with the localization
algorithm (WKNN) that use that test bed as mentioned in
[14] .Table II shows the localization error comparison for
both localization algorithms by using the 2.4 and 5.0 GHz
access points.

In this paper, the problem of localization and tracking in
indoor environment has been approached. The proposed
tracking system architecture considers a static access point
network and a moving client moving in it. In this spirit, a
software simulator RPS ray-tracing and a real
measurements RSS map of a monitored environment is
used from experimental measurements. The formalization
of the problem and the mathematical modeling have been
developed and discussed in detail within the estimation
theory framework. A novel approach based on HMMI has
been proposed to track location of moving terminals. We
examined the performance of the proposed HMMI tracking
algorithm with Bayesian filtering in [1] and MLE using
RPS and also with WKNN with an experimental
measurement. The proposed HMMI achieves a less
complexity on reducing calibration effort with higher
localization accuracy.

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in wireless local area networks,IEEE Trans. Mobile
Computing,Vol. 6, June 2007.

Technology Dept.,
Egypt. PhD in Electronics and
Cairo University 1998. MSC in
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University, 1993. BSC in Electronics
Engineering,Cairo University, 1988. His research interests
include: Image processing and Computer vision, pattern
classification, signal processing, computer graphics and
machine intelligence.

Mohamed A. Hammad received

B.Sc. in Computer engineering from
Military Technical Collage, Cairo,
Egypt. He received his M.Sc. in
Computer Science from Faculty of
Cairo, Egypt. He is currently a PhD candidate in
Information Technology Department, Faculty of
Computers and information, Cairo University. His
researches are focused on wireless networks, especially
tracking and localization.

Haitham S. Hamza received the B.S. (Honors)

and the M.S. degree in Electronics and
Communication Engineering from Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1998 and 2001,
respectively. He received the M.S. and the PhD degrees in
Computer Science from the University of NebraskaLincoln (UNL) in 2002 and 2006, respectively. He is a
Fling fellow to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr.
Hamza is a Fling fellow to the University of NebraskaLincoln. He is currently an Associate Professor of
Information Technology at Cairo University, Egypt.

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