The Delphi Method Book
The Delphi Method Book
The Delphi Method Book
Harold A. Linstone
Portland State University
Murray Turoff
New Jersey Institute of Technology
With a Foreword by
Olaf Helmer
University of Southern California
General Remarks
• The problem does not lend itself to precise analytical techniques but cart
benefit from subjective judgments on a collective basis
• The individuals needed to contribute to the examination of a broad or
complex problem have no history of adequate communication and may
represent diverse backgrounds with respect to experience or expertise
• More individuals are needed than can effectively interact in a face-to-face
• Time and cost make frequent group meetings infeasible
• The efficiency of face-to-face meetings can be increased by a supplemental
group communication process
• Disagreements among individuals are so severe or politically unpalatable
that the communication process must be refereed and/or anonymity assured
• The heterogeneity of the participants must be preserved to assure validity of
the results, i.e., avoidance of domination by quantity or by strength of
personality ("bandwagon effect")
Hence, for the application papers in this book tire emphasis is not on the results
of a particular application but, rather, on discussion of why Delphi was used and how
it was implemented. From this the reader may be able to transpose the considerations
Introduction 5
to his own area of endeavor and to evaluate the applicability of Delphi to his own
Those who seek to utilize Delphi usually recognize a need to structure a group
communication process in order to obtain a useful result for their objective.
Underlying this is a deeper question: "Is it possible, via structured communications, to
create any sort of collective human intelligence1 capability?" This is an issue
associated with the utility of Delphi that. has not as vet received the attention it
deserves and the reader will only find it addressed here indirectly. It will, therefore,
be a subjective evaluation on his part to determine if the material in this book
represents a small, but initial, first step in the long-term development of collective
human intelligence processes.
The Delphi process today exists in two distinct forms. The most common is the
paper-and-pencil version which is commonly referred to as a "Delphi Exercise." In
this situation a small monitor team designs a questionnaire which is sent to a larger
respondent group, After the questionnaire is returned the monitor team summarizes
the results and, based upon the results, develops a new questionnaire for the
respondent group. The respondent group is usually given at least one opportunity to
reevaluate its original answers based upon examination of the group response. To a
degree, this form of Delphi is a combination of a polling procedure and a conference
procedure which attempts to shift a significant portion of the effort needed for
individuals to communicate from the larger respondent group to the smaller mo nitor
teat). We shall denote this form conventional Delphi.
A newer form, sometimes called a "Delphi Conference," replaces the monitor
teat) to a large degree by a computer which has been programmed to carry out the
compilation of the group results. This latter approach has the advantage of eliminating
the delay caused in summarizing each round of Delphi, thereby turning the process
into a real-time communications system. However, it does require that the
characteristics of the communication be well defined before Delphi is undertaken,
whereas in a paper-and-pencil Delphi exercise the monitor team can adjust these
characteristics as a function of the group responses. This latter form shall be labeled
real-lucre Delphi.
Usually Delphi, whether it be conventional or real-tune, undergoes four distinct
phases. The first phase is characterized by exploration of the subject under discussion,
wherein each individual contributes additional information he feels is pertinent to the
issue. The second phase involves the process of reaching an understanding of how the
group views the issue (i.e., where the members agree or disagree and what they mean
by relative terms such as importance, desirability, or feasibility). if there is significant
disagreement, then that disagreement is explored in the third phase to bring out the
We refer to "intelligence" in this context as including attitudes and feelings which are part of
the process of human motivation and action.
6 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
underlying reasons for the differences and possibly to evaluate them. The last phase, a
final evaluation, occurs when all previously gathered information has been initially
analyzed and the evaluations have been fed back for consideration.
On the surface, Delphi seems like a very simple concept that can easily be
employed. Because of this, many individuals have jumped at trying the procedure
without carefully considering the problems involved in carrying out such an exercise.
There are perhaps as many individuals who have had disappointing experiences with
a Delphi as there are users who have had successes. Some of the common reasons for
the failure of a Delphi are:
See, for example, Cordon Welty, "A Critique of the Delphi Technique," Proceedings of the American
Statistical Association, 1971. Social Statistics Section.
Introduction 7
exposure of misrepresentation in a Delphi summary than in a typical ,group study
report. Finally, misunderstandings may arise from differences in language and logic if
participants come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Since we consider these virtual
issues to be s omewhat irrelevant to Delphi per sc, we have made no attempt to give
them special attention within this book. Other problems will be discussed in Chapter
It is quite clear that in any one application it is impossible to eliminate all
problems associated with Delphi. There is, for example. a natural conflict in (he goal
of allowing a wide latitude in the contribution of information and the goal of keeping
the communication process efficient. It. is the task of the Delphi designer to minimize
(here problems as much as possible and to balance the various communication "goals"
within the context of the objective of the particular Delphi and the nature of the
participants. Arriving at a balanced design for the communication structure is still
very Much an art, even though there is considerable experience on how to ask and
summarize various types of questions.
It can be expected that the use of Delphi will continue to grow. AS a result of
this, one can observe that a body of knowledge is developing on how to structure the
human communication process for particular classes of problems. The abuse, as well
as the use, of the technique is contributing to the development of this design
Table 1 compares the properties of normal group communication modes and the
Delphi conventional and real-time modes. The major differences lie in such areas as
the ability of participants to interact with the group at their own convenience (i.e.,
random as opposed to coincident), the capacity to handle large groups, and the
capability to structure the communication. With respect to time consideration there is
a certain degree of similarity between a committee and a conventional Delphi process,
since delays between committee meetings and Delphi rounds are unavoidable. Also,
the real-time Delphi is conceptually somewhat analogous to a randomly occurring
conference call with a written record automatically produced. It is interesting to
observe that within the context of the normal operation of these communication
modes in the typical organization--government, academic, or industrial the Delphi
process appears to provide the individual with the greatest degree of individuality or
freedom from restrictions on his expressions. The items highlighted in tire table will
be discussed in more detail in many of the articles in this book,
While the written word allows fur- emotional content, the Delphi process does
tend to minimize the feelings Mid information normally communicated in such
manners as the tone of a voice, the gesture of a hand, or the look of an eve. In many
instances these are a vital and highly informative part of a communication process.
Our categorization of group communication processes is not meant to imply that the
choice for a particular objective is limited, necessarily, to one communication mode.
As the readers will see from some of the contributions to this book, there are instances
where it is desirable to use a mix of these approaches.
Group Communication Techniques
Conference Committee Formal Conference Conventional Real-Time
Telephone Call Meeting or Seminar Delphi Delphi
Effective Group Small Small to Medium Small to Large Small to Large Small to Large
Characteristics • Equal flow of information to and from • Efficient flow of • Equal flow of information to and from
all information from all
• Can maximize psychological effects few to many • Can minimize psychological effects
• Can minimize time demanded of
respondents or conferees
10 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
The Evolution of Delphi
The Delphi concept may be viewed as one of the spinoffs of defense research.
"Project Delphi" was the name given to an Air Force-sponsored Rand Corporation
study, starting in the early 1950's, concerning the use of expert opinion.3 The
objective of the original study was to "obtain the most reliable consensus of opinion
of a group of experts ... by a series of intensive questionnaires interspersed with
controlled opinion feedback."
It may be a surprise to some that the subject of this first study was the
application of "expert opinion to the selection, from the point of view of a Soviet
strategic planner, of an optimal U. S. industrial target system and to the estimation of
the number of A-bombs required to reduce the munitions output by a prescribed
amount." It is interesting to note that the alternative method of handling this problem
at that time would have involved a very extensive and costly data-collection process
and the programming and execution of computer models of a size almost prohibitive
on the computers available in the early fifties. Even if this alternative approach had
been taken, a great many subjective estimates on Soviet intelligence and policies
would still have dominated the results of the model. Therefore, the original
justifications for this first Delphi study are still valid for many Delphi applications
today, when accurate information is unavailable or expensive to obtain, or evaluation
models require subjective inputs to the point where they become the dominating
parameters. A good example of this is in the "health care" evaluation area, which
currently has a number of Delphi practitioners.
However, because of the topic of this first notable Delphi study, it took a later
effort to bring Delphi to the attention of individuals outside the defense community.
This was the "Report on a Long-Range Forecasting Study," by T. J. Gordon and Olaf
Helmer, published as a Rand paper in 1964.4 Its aim was to assess "the direction of
long-range trends, with special emphasis on science and technology, and their
probable effects on our society and our world." "Long-range" was defined as the span
of ten to fifty years. The study was done to explore both the methodological aspects
of the technique and to obtain substantive results. The authors found themselves in "a
near-vacuum as far as tested techniques of long-range forecasting are concerned." The
study covered six topics: scientific breakthroughs; population control; automation;
space progress; war prevention; weapon systems. Individual respondents were asked
to suggest future possible developments, and then the group was to estimate the year
by which there would be a 50 percent chance of the development occurring. Many of
the techniques utilized in that Delphi are still common to the pure forecasting Delphis
being done today. That study, together with an excellent related philosophical paper
providing a Lockean-type justification for the Delphi technique,5 formed the
N. Dalkey and O. Helmer, "An Experimental Application of the Delphi Method to the Use of Experts,"
Management Saence 9, No. 3 (April 1963), p, 458.
Rand Paper P -2982. Most of the study was later incorporated into Helmer's Social Technology, Basic
Books, New York, 1966.
O. Helmer and N. Rescher, "On the Epistemology of the Inexact Sciences," Project Rand Report R-353,
February 1960.
Introduction 11
foundation in the early and mid-sixties for a number of individuals to begin
experimentation with Delphi in non-defense areas.
At the same time that Delphi was beginning to appear in the open literature,
further interest was generated in the defense area: aerospace corporations and the
armed services. The rapid pace of aerospace and electronics technologies and the
large expenditures devoted to research and development leading to new systems in
these areas placed a great burden on industry and defense planners. Forecasts were
vital to the preparation of plans 'as well as the allocation of R&D (research and
development) resources, and trend extrapola tions were clearly inadequate. As a result,
the Delphi technique has become a fundamental tool for those in the area of
technological forecasting and is used today in many technologically oriented
corporations. Even in the area of "classical" management science and operations
research there is a growing recognition of the need to incorporate subjective
information (e.g., risk analysis) directly into evaluation models dealing with the more
complex problems facing society: environment, health, transportation, etc. Because of
this, Delphi is now finding application in these fields as well.
From America, Delphi has spread in the past nine years to Western Europe,
Eastern Europe, and the Far East. With characteristic vigor the largest Delphi
undertaken to date is a Japanese study. Starting in a nonprofit organization, Delphi
has found its way into government, industry, and finally academe. This explosive rate
of growth in utilization in recent years seems, on the surface, incompatible with the
limited amount of controlled experimentation or academic investigation that has taken
place. It is, however, responding to a demand for improved communications among
larger and/or geographically dispersed groups which cannot be satisfied by other
available techniques. As illustrated by the articles in this book, aside from some of the
Rand studies by Dalkey, most "evaluations" of the technique have been secondary
efforts associated with some application which was the primary interest. It is hoped
that in coming years experimental psychologists and others in related academic areas
will take a more active interest in exploring the Delphi technique.
While many of the early articles on Delphi are quite significant and liberally
mentioned in references throughout this book, we have chosen to concentrate on work
that has taken place in the past five years and which represents a cross section of
diverse applications.
Although the majority of the Delphi efforts are still in the pure forecasting area,
that application provides only a small part of the contents of this volume. Chapters II
and III of this book consist of articles which provide an overview of the Delphi
technique, its utility, the underlying philosophy, and broad classes of application.
Chapter IV takes up recent studies in the evaluation of the technique. Precision
and accuracy are considered in this context. Between the reviews, articles, and
associated references, the reader should obtain a good perspective on the state of the
art with respect to experimentation.
Chapters V and VI describe some of the specialized techniques that have
evolved for asking questions and evaluating responses. Foremost among them is
cross-impact analysis (Chapter V). This concept reflects recognition of the
complexity of the systems dealt with in most Delphi activities, systems where
12 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
"everything interacts with everything." In essence, these sections explore the
quantitative techniques available for deeper analysis of the subjective judgments
gathered through the Delphi mechanism.
The effect computers can have on Delphi and speculations on the future of the
technique itself are discussed in Chapter VII. The book concludes with a summary of
pitfalls which can serve the practitioner as a continuing checklist (Chapter VIII).
We have striven to avoid making this volume a palimpsest of previously
published papers: all but four of the articles have been especially prepared for this
work, The four reprinted articles were selected from the journal Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, a rich lode of material on Delphi. The extensive
bibliography in the Appendix provides a guide to those who wish to probe the subject
further. It is thus our hope that this volume will serve the reader as a useful reference
work on Delphi for a number of years.
II. Philosophy
II.A. Introduction
16 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Delphi as a ritual. Primitive man always approached the future ritualistically, with
ceremonies involving utensils, liturgies, managers, and participants. The Buckminster
Fuller World Game, Barbara Hubbard's SYNCON, as well as Delphi, can be
considered as modern participatory rituals. The committee-free environment and
anonymity of Delphi stimulate reflection and imagination, facilitating a personal
futures orientation. Thus, the modern Delphi is indeed related to its famous Greek
name sake.
A. Wilson and D. Wilson, "The Four Faces of the Future," New York, Grove Press, 1474.
11.B. Philosophical and Methodological
Foundations of Delphi
The purpose of this article is to show that underlying any scientific technique,
theory, or hypothesis there is always some philosophical basis or theory about the
nature of the world upon which that technique, theory, or hypothesis fundamentally
rests or depends. We also wish to show that there is more than one fundamental basis
which can underlie any technique, or in other words, that there is no one "best" or even
"unique" philosophical basis which underlies any scientific procedure or theory.
Depending upon the basis which is presumed, there results a radically different
developmental and application history of a technique. Thus in this sense, the particular
basis upon which a scientific procedure depends is of fundamental practical importance
and not just of philosophical interest.
We human beings see m to have a basic talent for disguising through
phraseology the fundamental similarities that exist between common metho-
dologies of a different name. As a result, we often bicker and quarrel about such
superficial matters as whether this or that name is appropriate for a certain
technique when the real issue is whether the philosophical basis or system of
inquiry that underlies a proposed technique or methodology is sound and
appropriate. We are indeed the prisoners of our basic images of reality. Not only
are we generally unaware of the different philosophical images that underlie our
various technical models, but each of us has a fundamental image of reality that
runs so deep that often we are the last to know that we hold it. As a result we
disagree with our fellow man and we experience inner conflict without really
knowing why. What's worse, we ensure this ignorance and conflict by hiding
behind catchwords and fancy names for techniques. The field of endeavor
subsumed under the name of Delphi is no less remiss in this respect than many
other disciplines. Its characteristic vocabulary more often obscures the issues than
illuminates them.
One of the basic purposes of our discussion is to bring these fundamental
differences and conflicts of methodology up to the surface for conscious ex-
amination so that, one hopes, we can be in a better position to choose explicitly the
approach we wish to adopt. In order to accomplish this we consider a number of
fundamental historical stances that men have taken toward the problem of
establishing the "truth content" of a system of communication signals or acts. More
precisely, the purpose of this article is to examine the variety of ways and
18 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
mechanisms in which men have chosen to locate the criteria which would
supposedly "guarantee" our "true and accurate understanding" of the "content" of a
communication act or acts. We will also show that every one of these fundamental
ways differs sharply from the others and that each of them has major strengths as
well as major weaknesses. The moral of this discussion will be that there is no one
"single best jay" for ensuring our understanding of the content of a set of
communication acts or for ascribing validity to a communication. The reason is
that there is no one mode of ensuring understanding or for prescribing the validity
of a communication that possesses all of the desired characteristics that one would
like any preferred mode to possess. As we wish to illustrate, this awareness itself
constitutes a kind of strength. To show that there is no one mode that can satisfy
our every requirement, i.e., that there is no one mode that is best in all senses and
for all circumstances, is not to say that each of these modes does not appear to be
"better suited" for some special set of circu mstances.
Since these various modes or characteristic models for ensuring validity basically
derive from the history of Western philosophy, another objective of this article is also
to show what philosophy and, especially, what the philosophy of science specifically
and concretely has to offer the field of Delphi design. For example, one of the things
we wish to show is which among these various philosophical modes have been utilized
to date (and how) and which have been neglected. When there has been little or no
utilization of a particular philosophical basis then we may infer existing gaps in the
development of the Delphi to date.
Before we describe each of these philosophical modes or systems more fully, we
can rather easily and simply convey the general spirit of each of them by means of the
following exercise. Suppose we are given a set of statements or propositions by some
individual or group which pretend to describe some alleged "truth." Then each of our
philosophical systems (hereafter referred to as an Inquiring System, or IS) can be
simply differentiated from one another in terms of the kind of characteristic question(s)
that each would address either to the statement itself or to the individual (group)
making the statement or assertion. Each ques tion in effect embodies the major
philosophical criterion that would have to be met before that Inquiring System would
accept the propositions as valid or as true.
Since for me data are always prior to the development of formal theory, how can one
independently of any formal model justify the assertion by means of some objective
data or the consensus of some group of expert judges that bears on the subject matter
of the assertions? What are the supporting "statistics"? What is the "probability" that
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 19
one is right? Are the assertions a good "estimate" of the true empirical state of
Since data and theory (models) always exist side by side, does there exist some
combination of data or expert judgment plus underlying theoretical justification for
the data that would justify the propositions? What alternative sets of propositions
exist and which best satisfy my objectives and offer the strongest combination of
data plus model?
Since every set of propositions is a reflection of a more general theory or plan about
the nature of the world as a whole system, i.e., a world-view, does there exist some
alternate sharply differing world-view that would permit the serious consideration of
a completely opposite set of propositions? Why is this opposing view not true or
more desirable? Further, does this conflict between the plan and the counterplan
allow a third plan or world-view to emerge that is a creative synthesis of the original
plan and counterplan?
Have we taken a broad enough perspective of the basic problem? Have we from the
very beginning asked the right question? Have we focused on the right objectives?
To what extent are the questions and models of each inquirer a reflection of the
unique personality of each inquirer as much as they are felt to be a "natural"
characteristic or property of the "real" world?"
Even at this point in the discussion, it should be apparent that as a body these are
very different kinds of questions and that each of them is indicative of a fundamentally
different way of ascribing content to a communication. It should also he apparent, and
it should really go without saying, that these do not exhaust the universe of potential
questions. There are many more philo sophical positions and approaches to "validity"
than we could possibly hope to deal with in this article. These positions do represent,
however, some of the most significant basic approaches and, in a sense, pure-modes
from which others can be constructed.
The plan of the rest of this article is briefly as follows: first, we shall describe
each inquirer in turn and in general terms, but we hope in enough detail to give the
reader more of a feel for each system; second, along with the description of each
inquirer, we shall attempt to point out the influence or lack of influence each
philosophy of inquiry has had on the Delphi technique; and third, we shall attempt to
point out some general conclusions regarding the nature and future of the Delphi
technique as a result of this analysis.
It should be borne in mind as we proceed that the question of concern is not how
we can determine or agree on the meaning of "truth" with "perfect or complete
certainty," for put in this form, the answer is clearly that we cannot know anything with
20 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
"perfect certainty." We cannot even know with "perfect certainty" that "we cannot
know anything with `perfect certainty."' The real question is what can we know and,
even more to the point, how we can justify what we think we can know. It is on this
very issue that the difference between the various Inquiring Systems arises and the
utility or value of the Delphi technique depends.
Lockean IS
As first pioneered by Dalkey, Helmer, and Rescher at Rand, the Delphi technique
represents a prime example of Lockean inquiry. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to
find a better contemporary example of a Lockean inquirer than the Delphi.
The philosophical mood underlying the major part of empirical science is that of
Locke. The sense of Lockean IS can be rather quickly and generally grasped in terms
of the following characteristics:
(1) Truth is experiential, i.e., the truth content of a system (or communication) is
associated entirely with its empirical content. A model of a system is an empirical
model and the truth of the model is measured in terms of our ability (a) to reduce every
complex proposition down to its simple empirical referents (i.e., simple observations)
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 21
and (b) to ensure the validity of each of the simple referents by means of the
widespread, freely obtained agreement between different human observers.
(2) A corollary to (1) is that the truth of the model does not rest upon any
theoretical considerations, i.e., upon the prior assumption of any theory (this is the
equivalent of Locke's tabula rasa). Lockean inquirers are opposed to the prior
presumption of theory, since in their view this exactly reverses the justifiable order of
things. Data are that which are prior to and justify theory, not the other way around.
The only general propositions which are accepted are those which can be justified
through "direct observation" or have already been so justified previously. In sum, the
data input sector is not only prior to the formal model or theory sector but it is
separate from it as well. The whole of the Lockean IS is built up from the data input
In brief, Lockean IS are the epitome of experimental, consensual systems. On any
problem, they will build an empirical, inductive representation of it. They start from a
set of elementary empirical judgments ("raw data," observations, sensations) and from
these build up a network of ever expanding, increasingly more general networks of
factual propositions. Where in the Leibnizian IS to be discussed shortly the networks
are theoretically, deductively derived, in a Lockean IS they are empirically, inductively
derived. The guarantor of such systems has traditionally been the function of human
agreement, i.e., an empirical generalization (or communication) is judged "objective,"
"true," or "factual" if there is "sufficient widespread agreement" on it by a group of
"experts." The final information content of a Lockean IS is identified almost
exclusively with its empirical content.
A prime methodological example of Lockean thinking can be found in the field of
statistics. Although statistics is heavily Leibnizian in the sense that it devotes a
considerable proportion o£ its energies to the formal treatment of data and to the the
development of formal statistical models, there is a strong if not almost pure Lockean
component as well. The pure Lockean component manifests itself in the attitude that
although statistical methods may "transform" the "basic raw data" and "represent" "it"
differently, statistical methods themselves are presumed not to create the "basic raw
data." In this sense, the "raw data" are presumed to be prior to and independent of the
formal (theoretical) statistical treatment of the data. The "raw data" are granted a prior
existential status. Another way to put this is to say that there is little or no match
between the theory that the observer of the raw data has actually used (and has had to
use) in order to collect his "raw data" in the first place and the theory (statistics) he has
used to analyze it in the second place A typical Lockean point of view is the assertion
that one doesn't need any theory in order to collect data first, only to analyze it
As mentioned at the beginning of this section, the Delphi, at least as it was
originally developed, is a classic example of a Lockean inquirer. Furthermore, the
Lockean basis of Delphi still remains the prime philosophical basis of the technique to
As defined earlier Delphi is a procedure for structuring a communication process
among a large group of individuals. In assessing the potential development of, say, a
technical area, a large group (typically in the tens or hundreds) are asked to "vote" on
22 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
when they think certain events will occur. One of the major premises underlying the
whole approach is the assumption that a large number of "expert" judgments is
required in order to "treat adequately" any issue. As a result, a face-to-face exchange
among the group members would be inefficient or impossible because of the cost and
time that would be involved in bringing all the parties together. The procedure is about
as pure and perfect a Lockean procedure as one could ever hope to find because, first,
the "raw data inputs" are the opinions or judgments of the experts; second, the validity
of the resulting judgment of the entire group is typically measured in terms of the
explicit "degree of consensus" among the experts. What distinguishes the Delphi from
an ordinary polling procedure is the feedback of the information gathered from the
group and the opportunity of the individuals to modify or refine their judgments based
upon their reaction to the collective views of the group. Secondary characteristics are
various degrees of anonymity imposed on the individual and collective responses to
avoid undesirable psychological effects.
The problems associated with Delphi illustrate the problems associated with
Lockean inquiry in general. The judgments that typically survive a Delphi procedure
may not be the "best" judgments but, rather, the compromise position. As a result, the
surviving judgments may lack the significance that extreme or conflicting positions
may possess.
The strength of Lockean IS lies in their ability to sweep in rich sources of
experiential data. In general, the sources are so rich that they literally overwhelm the
current analytical capabilities of most Leibnizian (analytical) systems. The weaknesses,
on the other hand, are those that beset all empirical systems. While experience is
undoubtedly rich, it can also be extremely fallible and misleading. Further, the "raw
data," "facts," or "simple observables" of the empiricist have always on deeper
scientific and philosophical analysis proved to be exceedingly complex and hence
further divisible into other entities themselves thought to be indivisible or simple, ad
infinitum, More troublesome still is the almost extreme and unreflective reliance on
agreement as the sole or major principle for producing information and even truth out
of raw data. The trouble with agreement is that its costs can become too prohibitive and
agreement itself can become too imposing. It is not that agreement has nothing to
recommend it. It is just that agreement is merely one of the many philosophical ways
for producing "truth" out of experiential data. The danger with agreement is that it may
stifle conflict and debate when they are needed most. As a result, Lockean IS are best
suited for working on well-structured problem situations for which there exists a strong
consensual position on "the nature of the problem situation." If these conditions or
assumptions cannot be met or justified by the decisionmaker-for example, if it seems
too risky to base projections of what, say, the future will be like on the judgments of
expertsthen no matter how strong the agreement between them is, some alternate
system of inquiry may be called for.
While the consensus-oriented Delphi may be appropriate to technological
forecasting it may be somewhat inappropriate for such things as technology
assessment, objective or policy formulation, strategic planning, and resource allocation
analyses. These latter applications of Delphi often or should involve the necessity to
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 23
Leibnizian IS
The philosophical mood underlying the major part of theoretical science is that of
Leibniz. The sense of Leibnizian inquiry can be rather quickly and generally captured
in terms of the following characteristics:
(1) Truth is analytic; i.e., the truth content of a system is associated entirely with
its formal content. A model of a system is a formal model and the truth of the model is
measured in terms of its ability to offer a theoretical explanation of a wide range of
general phenomena and in terms of our ability as modelbuilders to state clearly the
formal conditions under which the model holds.
(2) A corollary to (1) is that the truth of the model does not rest upon any external
considerations, i.e., upon the raw data of the external world. Leibnizian inquirers
regard empirical data as an inherently risky base upon which to found universal
conclusions of any kind, since from a finite data set one is never justified in inferring
any general proposition. The only general propositions which are accepted are those
that can be justified through purely rational models and/or arguments. Through a series
of similar arguments, Leibnizian IS not only regard the formal model component as
separate from the data input component but prior to it as well. Another way to put this
is to say that the whole of the Leibnizian IS is contained in the formal sector and thus it
has priority over all the other components.
In short, Leibnizian IS are the epitome of formal, symbolic systems. For any
problem, they will characteristically strive to reduce it to a formal mathematical or
symbolic representation. They start from a set of elementary, primitive "formal truths"
and from these build up a network of ever expanding, increasingly more general,
formal propositional truths. The guarantor of such systems has traditionally been the
precise specification of what shall count as a proof for a derived theorem or
proposition; other guarantor notions are those of internal consistency, completeness,
comprehensiveness, etc. The final information content of Leibnizian IS is identified
almost exclusively with its symbolic content.
A prime example of Leibnizian inquiry is the field of Operations Research (OR)
in the sense that the major energies of the profession have been almost exclusively
directed toward the construction and exploration of highly sophisticated formal models.
OR is a prime example of Leibnizian inquiry not because there is no utilization of
external data whatsoever in OR models but because in the training of Operations
Researchers significantly more attention is paid to teaching students how to build
sophisticated models than in teaching them equally sophisticated methods of data
collection and analyses. There is the implication that the two activities are separable,
i.e., that data can be collected independently of formal methods of analysis.
Delphi by itself is not a Leibnizian inquirer and is better viewed from the
perspective of some of the alternative Inquiring Systems. However, many of the views
and assertions made with respect to the Delphi technique involve Leibnizian
24 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
arguments. Delphi has, for example, been accused of being very "unscientific." When
assertions of this type are examined one usually finds the underlying proposition rests
on equating what is "scientific" to what is "I,eibnizian." This is a common
misconception that has also affected other endeavors in the social, or so-called soft,
sciences where it is felt that the development of a discipline into a science must follow
some preordained path leading to the situation where all the results of the discipline
can be expressed in Leibnizian "laws." We have today in such areas as economics,
sociology, etc., schools of research dedicated to the construction of formal models as
ends in themselves.
In Delphi we find a similar phenomenon taking place where models are
constructed for the purpose of describing the Delphi process and for determin ing the
"truth" content of a given Delphi. (See, for example, the articles in Chapter IV.) One
model hypothesizes that the truth content of a Delphi result (often measured as the
error) increases as the size of the Delphi group increases. This concept is often used to
guide the choice of the size of the participant group in a Delphi. Other formal models
have been proposed to measure an individual's "expertise" as a function of the quantity
of information supplied and the length of associated questions. All such models, which
are independent of the content of what is being communicated but look fo r structured
relationships in the process of the communication, are attempts to ascribe Leibnizian
properties to the Delphi process. The existence of such models in certain circumstances
do not in themselves make the Delphi technique any more or less "scientific." They are
certainly useful in furthering our understanding of the technique and should be
encouraged. However, they are based upon assump tions, such as the superiority of
theory over data and the general applicability of formal methods of reasoning, which
are quite suspect with respect to the scope of application of the Delphi technique and
the relative experimental bases upon which most of these models currently rest. The
utility of Delphi, at least in the near future, does not appear to rest upon making Delphi
appear or be more Leibnizian but, rather, in the recognition of what all the IS models
can contribute to the development of the Delphi methodology. Our current
understanding of human thought and decision processes is probably still too
rudimentary to expect generally valid formal models of the Delphi process at this time.
For which kinds of problem situations are Lcibnizian analyses most appropriate?
First of all, the situations must be sufficiently "well understood" and "simple enough"
so that they can be modeled. Thus, Leibnizian IS are best suited for working on clearly
definable (i.e., well-structured) problems for which there exists an analytic formulation
as well as solution. Second, the modeler must have strong reasons for believing in the
assumptions which underlie Leibnizian inquiry, e.g., that the model is universally and
continually applicable. In a basic sense, the fundamental guarantor of Leibnizian
inquiry is the "understanding" of the model-builder; i.e., he must have enough faith in
his understanding of the situation to believe he has "accurately" and "faithfully"
represented it.
Note that there is no sure way to prove or justify the assumptions underlying
Leibnizian inquiry. The same is true of all the other IS. But then this is not the point.
The point is to show the kinds of assumptions we are required to make if we wish to
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 25
Kantian IS
The preceding two sections illustrate the difficulties that arise from emphasizing
one of the components of a tightly coupled system of inquiry to the detriment of other
components. Leibnizian inquiry emphasizes theory to the detriment of data. Lockean
inquiry emphasizes data to the detriment of theory. When these attitudes are translated
into professional practice, what often results is the development of highly sophisticated
models with little or no concern for the difficult problems associated with the
collection of data or the seemingly endless proliferation of data with little regard for the
dictates of currently existing models.
The recent controversy surrounding the attempts of Forrester and Meadows 1 to
build a "World Model" is a good illustration of the strong differences between these
two points of view. In our opinion, the work of Forrester and Meadows represents an
almost pure Leibnizian approach to the modeling of large, complicated systems. The
Forrester and Meadows model is, in effect, data independent. One can criticize the
model on pure Leibnizian grounds, e.g., whether the internal theory and structure of the
model are sound with respect to current economic and social theory, and some of the
critics have chosen to do this. However, it would seem to us that more often than not
the critics have chosen to offer a Lockean critique, i.e., that some other way, say using
accurate statistical data, is a better way to build a sound forecast model of the world.
While this is a legitimate method of criticism, to a large extent it only further
exacerbates the differences between the two approaches and hence misses the real
point. To us the real point is not whether the ForresterMeadows approach is the correct
Leibnizian approach, or whether there is a correct Lockean approach, but rather,
whether any Leibnizian or Lockean approach acting independently of the other could
ever possibly be "correct." Forrester and Meadows seek to justify (guarantee?) their
approach through the robustness and richness of their model, and their Lockean critics
attempt to establish the validity of their approach through the priority and "regularity"
of the statistical data to which they appeal. Perhaps if the debate proves anything, it
raises the serious question as to whether an advanced modern society can continue to
rely on purely Leibnizian or Lockean efforts for its planning. In order to evaluate the
relative merits of separate Leibnizian or Lockean in quirers, it is necessary to go to a
competing philosophy which incorporates both, such as the Kantian inquirer.
The sense of Kantian inquiry can be rather quickly grasped through the following
set of general characteristics:
(1) Truth is synthetic; i.e., the truth content of a system is not located in either its
theoretical or its empirical components, but in both. A model of a system is a synthetic
model in the sense that the truth of the model is measured in terms of the model's
ability (a) to associate every theoretical term of the model with some empirical referent
Meadows, Dennis "Limits to Growth" 1972 Universe Books.
26 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
and (b) to show that (how) underlying the collection of every empirical observation
related to the phenomenon under investigation there is an associated theoretical
(2) A corollary to (1) is that neither the data input sector nor the theory sector
have priority over one another. Theories or general propositions are built up from data,
and in this sense theories are dependent on data, but data cannot be collected without the
prior presumption of some theory of data collection (i.e., a theory of "how to make
observations," "what to observe," etc.), and in this sense data are dependent on theories.
Theory and data are inseparable. In other words,' Kantian IS require some coordinated
image or plan of the system as a whole before any sector of the system can be worked on or
function properly.
These hardly begin to exhaust all the features we identify with Kantian inquiry. A
more complete description would read as follows: Kantian IS are the epitome of
multimodel, synthetic systems. On any problem, they will build at least two alternate
representations or models of it. (If the alternate representations are complementary, we
have a Kantian IS; if they are antithetical, we have a Hegelian IS, as described in the next
section.) The representations are partly Leibnizian and partly Lockean; i.e., Kantian IS
make explicit the strong interaction between scientific theory and data. They show that in
order to collect some scientific data on a problem a posteriori one always has had to
presuppose the existence of some scientific theory a priori, no matter how implicit and
informal that theory may be. Kantian IS presuppose at least two alternate scientific theories
(this is their Leibnizian component) on any problem or phenomenon. From these alternate
Leibnizian bases, they then build up at least two alternate Lockean fact nets. The hope is
that out of these alternate fact nets, or representations of a decisionmaker's or client's
problem, there will be one that is "best" for representing his problem. The defect of
Leibnizian and Lockean IS is that they tend to give only one explicit view of a problem
situation. Kantian IS attempt to give many explicit views. The guarantor of such systems is
the degree of fit or match between the underlying theory (theoretical predictions) and the
data collected under the presumption of that theory plus the "deeper insight" and "greater
confidence" a decisionmaker feels he has as a result of witnessing many different views of
his problem.
The reason Kantian IS place such a heavy emphasis on alternate models is that in
dealing with problems like planning for the future, the real concern is how to get as many
perspectives on the nature of the problem as possible. Problems which involve the future
cannot be formulated and solved in the same way that one solves problems in arithmetic,
i.e., via a single, wellstructured approach. There seems to be something fundamentally
different about the class to which planning problems belong. In dealing with the future, we
are not dealing with the concrete realities of human existence, but, if only in part, with the
hopes, the dreams, the plans, and the aspirations of men. Since different men rarely share
the same aspirations, it seems that the best way to "analyze" aspirations is to compare as
many of them against one another as we can. If the future is 99 percent aspiration or plan, it
would seem that the best way to get a handle on the future is to draw forth explicitly as
many different aspirations or plans for the future as possible. In short, we want to
examine as many different alternate futures as we can.
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 27
proprietary Delphi in 1969 by Kenneth Craver of Monsanto Company.
28 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
rational model is applicable no matter what the problem and the objectives of the
decisionmaker or who it is that has the problem. In contrast, the Kantian IS is explicitly
goal oriented, i.e., it hopes by presenting a decisionmaker with several alternative
models of his problem to better clarify both the problem and the nature of the
objectives, which after all are part of the "problem."
Kantian inquiry is best suited to problems which are inherently illstructured, i.e.,
the kinds of problems which are inherently difficult to formu late in pure Leibnizian or
Lockean terms because the nature of the problem does not admit of a clear consensus
or a simple analytic attack. On the other hand, the Kantian inquiry is not especially
suited for the kinds of problems which admit of a single clear-cut formulation because
here the proliferation of alternate models may not only be costly but time consuming as
well. Kantian inquiry may also overwhelm those who are used to "the single best
model" approach to any problem. Of course this in itself is not necessarily bad if it
helps to teach those who hold this belief that there are some kinds of problems for
which there is no one best approach. Social problems inherently seem to be of this kind
and thus to call for Kantian approach. The concept of "technology assessment" as a
vehicle for determining the relationships between technology and social consequences
would also seem to imply the necessity of at least a Kantian approach. Many efforts
which fall under the heading of "assessments" have proved to be inadequate because
they were conducted on pure Leibnizian or Lockean bases.
Hegelian, or Dialectical, IS
communication (e.g., face to face), one of the most interesting applications can be
found in the activity of corporate or strategic planning. In an important case study,
Mason3 literally pioneered the development of what may be termed the Dialectical
Policy inquirer. The situation encountered by Mason was one in which the nature of the
problem prevented traditional well-structured technical approaches to planning (i.e.,
Leibnizian and Lockean methods) from being used.
In the company situation studied by Mason, there were two strongly opposing
groups of top executives who had almost completely contrary views about the
fundamental nature and management of their organization. They were faced with a
crucial decision concerning the future of their company. It was literally a life -and-death
situation, since the decision would have strong repercussions throughout all of their
company's activities. The two groups each offered fundamentally differing plans as to
how to cope with the situation. Neither of the plans could be proved or "checked out"
by performing any technical study, since each plan rested on a host of assumptions,
many of them unstated, that could probably never be verified in their entirety even if
time to do this were available, which it wasn't. Indeed, if the executives wanted to be
around in the future to check on how well their assumptions turned out, they had to
make a decis ion in the present. It was at this point that the company agreed to let
Mason try the Dialectical Policy inquirer to see if it could help resolve the impasse and
suggest a way out.
After careful study and extensive interviews with both sides, Mason assemb led
both groups of executives and made the following presentation to them: First, he laid
out side by side on opposite halves of a display board what he took to be the underlying
assumptions on which the two groups were divided. "Thus, for every assumption on the
one side there was an opposing assumption for the other side. It is important to
appreciate that this had never been done before. Prior to Mason's contact, both groups
had never fully developed their underlying positions. They were divided, to be sure,
but they didn't know precisely how and why. In this sense Mason informed both groups
about what they "believed" individually. Next, Mason took a typical set of
characteristic operating data on the present state of the company (profit, rate of return
on investment, etc.) and showed that every piece of data could be used to support either
the plan or the counterplan; i.e., there was an interpretation of the data that was
consistent with both plans. Hence, the real debate was never really over the surface
data, as the executives had previously thought, but over the underlying assumptions.
Finally, as a result of witnessing this, both groups of executives were asked if they, not
Mason, could now formulate a new plan that encompassed their old plans. Fortunately
in this case they could and because of the intense and heated debate that took place,
both groups of executives felt that they had achieved a better examination of their
proposed course of action than normally occurred in such situations.
Of course, it should be noted that such a procedure does not guarantee an optimal
solution. But then, the DIS (Dialectical Inquiring System) is most applicable for those
situations in which the problem cannot be formulated in pure Leibnizian terms for
Richard Mason "A Dialectical Approach to Strategic Planning," Management Science 15, No. 8 (April
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 31
which a unique optimal solution can be derived. DIS are most appropriate for precisely
those situations in which there is no better tool to rely on than the opinions of opposing
experts. If the future is 99 percent opinion and assumption, or at least in those cases
where it is, then the DIS may be the most appropriate methodology for the "prediction"
and "assessment" of the future.
It is important to appreciate that the DIS and Policy Delphis differ fundamentally
from other techniques and procedures that make use of conflict. In particular, they
differ greatly from an ordinary courtroom debate or adversary procedure. In an
ordinary courtroom debate, both sides are free to introduce whatever supporting data
and opposing arguments they wish. Thus, the two are often confounded. In a DIS,
Hegelian inquirer or Policy Delphi, the opposing arguments are kept strictly apart from
the data so that the crucial function of the opposing arguments can be explicitly
demonstrated. This introduces an element of artificiality that real debates do not have,
but it also introduces a strong element of structure and clarity that makes this use of
conflict much more controlled and systematic. In essence, the Hegelian Inquiry process
dictates a conceptual communication structure which relates the conflict to the data and
the objectives. Under this conception of inquiry, conflict is no longer antithetical to
Western science's preoccupation with objectivity; indeed, conflict actually serves
objectivity in this case. This will perhaps be puzzling to those who have been brought
up on the idea that objectivity is that upon which men can agree and not on what they
disagree. While the Hegelian inquirer does not always lead to a new agreement (i.e., a
new plan), the resulting synthesis or new agreement, when it occurs, is likely to be
stronger than that obtained by the other inquirers.
Singerian -Churchmanian IS
Singerian IS are the most complicated of all the inquirers encountered thus
far and hence the most difficult to describe fully. Nevertheless, we can still give
a brief indication of their main features as follows:
(1) Truth is pragmatic; i.e., the truth content of a system is relative to the overall
goals and objectives of the inquiry. A model of a system is teleological, or explicitly
goal-oriented, in the sense that the "truth" of the model is measured with respect to its
ability to define (articulate) certain systems objectives, to propose (create) several
alternate means for securing these objectives, and finally, at the "end" of the inquiry, to
specify new goals (discovered only as a result of the inquiry) that remain to be
accomplished by some future inquiry. Singerian inquiry is thus in a very fundamental
sense nonterminating though it is response oriented at any particular point in time; i.e.,
Singerian inquirers never give final answers to any question although at any point they
seek to give a highly refined and specific response.
(2) As a corollary to (1), Singerian IS are the most strongly coupled of all the
inquirers. No single aspect of the system has any fundamental priority over any of the
other aspects. The system forms an inseparable whole. Indeed, Singerian IS take
holistic thinking so seriously that they constantly attempt to sweep in new variables and
additional components to broaden their base of concern. For example, it is an explicit
32 Ian I. Mitroff and Murray Turoff
postulate of Singerian inquiry that the systems designer is a fmclamental part of the
system, and as a result, he must be explicitly considered in the systems representation,
i.e., as one of the system components. The designer's psychology and sociology are
inseparable from the system's physical representation.
Singerian inquirers are the epitome of synthetic multirnodel, interdisciplinary
systems. In effect, Singerian IS are meta-IS, i.e., they constitute a theory about all the
other IS (Leibnizian, Lockean, Kantian, Hegelian). Singerian IS include all the
previous IS as submodels in their design. Hence, Singerian inquiry is a theory about
how to manage the application of all the other IS. In effect, Singerian inquiry has been
illustrated throughout this chapter in our descriptions of the inquirers, for example, in
our previous representations of the inquirers and in our discussions of which kinds of
problems the inquirers are best-suited to study. A different theory of inquiry would
have described each of the preceding inquirers differently.
Singerian IS contain some rather distinctive features which none of the other IS
possess. One of their most distinctive features is that they speak almost exclusively in
the language of commands, for example, "Take this model of the system as the "true"
model (or the true model within some error limits +_ E)." The point is that all of the
models, laws, and facts of science are only approximations. All of the "hard facts" and
"firm laws" of science, no matter how "well-confirmed" they are, are only hypotheses,
i.e., they are only "facts" and "laws" providing we are willing to accept or make certain
strong assump tions about the nature of the reality underlying the measurement of the
facts and the operation of the laws. The thing that serves to legitimize these
assumptions is the command, in whichever form it is expressed, to take them seriously,
e.g., "Take this is as the true model underlying the phenomenon in question s o that with
this model as a background we can do such-and-such experiments." Thus, for example,
the Bohr model of the atom is not a "factually real description of the atom," but if we
regard it as such, i.e.,. if we take it as "true," then we can perform certain experiments
and make certain theoretical predictions that we would be unable to do without the
model. What Singerian inquirers do is to draw these hidden commands out of every
system so that the analyst is, he hopes, in a better position to choose carefully the
commands he wishes to postulate. Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter, it
can be shown how this notion leads to an interesting reconciliation between the
scientist's world of facts (the language of "is") and the ethicist's world of values (the
language of "ought"). In effect, Singerian inquiry shows how it is possible to sweep
ethics into the design of every system. If a command underlies every system, it can be
shown that behind every technical-scientific c system is a set of ethical presuppositions.
Another distinctive feature is that Singerian IS greatly expand on the potential set
of systems designers and users. In the extreme, the set is broadened to include all of
mankind, since in an age of larger and larger systems nearly everyone is affected by, or
affects, every other system. While the space is not available here to discuss the full
implications of this proposition, it can be shown that every Singerian IS is dependent
upon the future for its complete elucidation. If the set of potential users for which a
system exists is broadened to include all of mankind, then this implies that every
system must be designed to satisfy not only the objectives of the present but also the
objectives of the future. Thus, a Singerian theory of inquiry is explicitly concerned
Philosophy: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations 33
with the future and is by definition involved with the forecasting of the future.
Singerian IS attempt to base their forecast of the future on the projections of as many
diverse disciplines, professions, and types of personalities as possible.
Singerian inquiry has been conspicuously absent from the field of Delphi design;
hence, unfortunately, we cannot talk about any current applications of Singerian IS to
Delphi. There are hints of Singerian overtones in those few Delphis that ask people for
the contrast in their real views and the views they would state publicly. However, none
of these has ever explored the underlying values and psychology to the extent of
warranting a Singerian label. Nevertheless, we can say something about what a
Singerian Delphi would look like.
Of all the many features that Singerian inquiry could potentially add to Delphi
design, one of the primary ones would be a general broadening of the class of
designers. That is, at some point the participants should not merely participate in a
Delphi but be swept into its design as well. In a Singerian Delphi, one of the prime
features of the exercise would not only be to add to our "substantive knowledge" of the
subject matter under investigation, but just as mu ch, to add to the participants'
knowledge of themselves. How do the participants change as the result of participating
in a Delphi? Are their conceptions of polity formation, and of who and what constitutes
an "expert," the same afterwards as before? How is it possible to sweep the participants
more actively and more consciously into the design of the Delphi? What are the values
and/or psychology that led me and my fellow respondents to answer with this view?
These are only a very few of the many issues with which a Singerian-designed Delphi
would be concerned, and as a result, would thus act to build into the design of the
Delphi the potential for pursuing these questions systematically. In short, a Singerian-
based Delphi is concerned with raising and building explicitly into the design of the
technique the self-reflective question; How do I learn about myself in the act of
studying others and the world? Why is it that some minds think they can best learn
about the world and the contents of other minds (i.e., their communications) by formal
models only? Why do others believe they can best learn through empirical consensual
means, and others still, through multiple synthetic or conflictual means? And finally,
why do Singerians want to spend so much time studying the others? What kind of mind
is it that studies others? Perhaps, perverse; most certainly, reflective-the very spirit that
moved the first pioneers of the Delphi technique to want to study how and under which
circumstances a group of reflective minds was better than one.
Concluding Remarks
The references listed below are intended to provide the reader with general reviews,
further background, and some specific examples of topics covered in the article. On the subject
of Inquiring Systems the best place to seek further explanation would be:
C. West Churchman, The Design of Inquiring Systems, Basic Books, New York, 1971.
Ian 1. Mitroff, "A Communication Model of Dialectical Inquiring Systems-A Strategy for
Strategic Planning," Management Science, 17, No. to (June 1971), pp. 13634-13648.
Ian I. Mitroff and Frederick Betz, "Dialectical Decision Theory: A Meta-Theory of Decision
Making," Management Science 19, No. 1 (September 1972), pp. 11-24.
Ian I. Mitroff, "Epistemology as a Basis for Building a Generalized Model of General Policy-
Sciences Models," Management Science, special issue on "The Philosophy of Science of
Management Science," to appear.
This chapter is, in large part, a specialization of an earlier more general article:
Ian I. Mitroff, and Murray Turoff, "Technological Forecasting and Assessment: Science
and/or Mythology?" Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 5, No. I (1973). 4
A condensed version of the above directed to an engineering audience appeared in the March 1973 issue
of Spectrum, which is the magazine of the institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
II.C. Reality Construction as a Product of Delphi
36 D. Sam Scheele
Another problem with examples is that they represent only a small fraction
of the myriad of potential applications for this approach to Delphi inquiry.
Clearly it would be incestuous to build a design rationale solely on generaliza -
tions drawn from available applications. Taking an expository approach based on
cases would foster an already widespread predilection -method and technique in
search of applications. This would be the antithesis of my primary
recommendation: that the particular qualities of the circumstances that prompt
and define the inquiry be used as a basis for the Delphi design. Further, let me
suggest that the re sults of a Delphi be seen as the product of a carefully designed
and managed interaction and not answers to a set of abstract questions that are
obtained by following prescribed methods. Hence, a slogan for this essay:
Concepts from doing.
This paper might have been called: What to think about when considering,
designing, and managing (even interpreting) a Delphi. The reader will find many
propositions asserted that require a reflection and reinterpretation for application
to his particular undertaking. The extensive illustrations are in tended to enable
the reader to develop a feel for the importance of details of style and tone in
presenting materials to panelists. These illustrations should not be thought of as
"cases" to emulate, but as necessary to describe the more general pedagogic
points about the importance of self -conscious presentation of information in
suggestive, but open -ended, frameworks to facilitate the negotia tion of realities.
Most of the illustrations are based on Delphis we have conducted. In several
cases the substantive content of the illustration has been changed because of the
proprietary nature of the inquiry or the possibility that our intent would be
misinterpreted if the material were to be seen out o€ context. Also included is
some of our thinking which occurred when we did not do a Delphi.The italic text
provides a setting for some of the illustrative examples. Each illustration depicts
a synthesis of the interaction between the panelists with summarization,
juxtaposition, interp retation, reconjecture by the Delphi monitor. The role of the
diagrammatic presentation of the examples is described in the illustration below
(Fig. 1). The intention is not to create order or to impose a unique
conceptualization. Neither are the diagrams supposed to be balanced, "well-
designed," synthesizing abstractions, or even documentations. In some of the
Delphis, the major part of the panelists' comments were sent back on tape
cassettes. The emphasis is a personal verisimilitude with the process of under-
taking conceptual forays. Most of the panelists' thinking processes cannot be
directly shared, so we have attempted to depict for the group some typical points
of view out of which to define a reality of relevance.
The particular graphic style adopted in this paper is a personal one. It
developed out of use. It is intended to support the process of thinking and not
simply to represent completed conceptualizations. Graphic aids can be useful in
stimulating your own thinking and organization of ideas. Start by trying your hand
at whatever seems cogent to you and make adjustments as you go. There arc a
rationale and some techniques that have evolved in the use of graphics in thinking,
but their explanation would make another book. The quality of the drawings is
Philosophy: Reality Construction 37
Concepts of Reality
Four young adults who are retarded enter a restaurant with older
couple. Panelists were asked to select likely responses for restaurant
manager, waiters, and other patrons from a list provided. Many
panelists added their own. The panel included parents of, and
professionals who work with the retarded, as well as individuals to
simulate response of general community. The responses of the
panelists could be mapped:
Monitor is a term I use for the person or group conducting the Delphi inquiry, i.e.,
preparing the materials, interpreting the responses, integrating the insights, presenting
the results, etc.
For a longer exposition of, and details about, this concept see S. Lyman and M. B. Scott, A
Sociology of the Absurd, Appleton-Century-Crofts New York, 1970, and H. N. Lee, Percepts,
Concepts, and Theoretical Knowledge, Memphis State Univcrsity press, Memphis 1973.
Philosophy: Reality Construction 39
Fig. 2 -A
Later, panelists were asked how repeated contact with the retarded
would affect the key actors:
40 D. Sam Scheele
On the other hand, you may want to create greater focus and consensus. If
this is so you can begin with examples for interpretation instead of general
questions. This enables you to direct attention in subsequent rounds to contrasts
between the assumptions imbedded in the initial situations and panelists'
contributions. Differing reality constructs can produce divergence from even
seemingly unambiguous statements. Focusing attention on differences in the
reality constructs will usually yield either a more refined and widely agreed upon
definition of the appropriate context or clearer and more precise distinc tions
between competing contexts -possibly leading to an estimation of the relative
probabilities of each, or a search for present options that could influence the
In the preceding discussion the notion of socially constructed or
intentionally negotiated realities was employed. This concept grew out of the
work of Husserl,3 Merleau-Ponty, 4 Heidegger, 5 and others, which led to the
formulation of a phenomenological epistemology that is now being applied by neo-
symbolic interactionalists and ethnomethodologists. The concept of a negotiated
reality can be related to Mitroff and Turoff's discussion of the philosophic al bases
for inquiry systems in the preceding article. This discussion describes a range of
inquiry systems (IS) using as differentiating labels the name of the principal
philosopher whose concepts undergird each approach. The array includes the
Leibnitzian, Lockean, Kantian, Hegelian, and Singerian IS's. Since these categories
are well defined there, the philosophical premise for an IS based on a view of
reality as a context -specific product of interaction will be described in relation to
this framework. First, to select a label consistent with the others will be slightly
misleading, because any one name tends to obscure the contributions of others and
imply that the ideas are largely set. Dubbing this territory of philosophic
exploration after Merleau -Ponty seemed the least misleading. To make a contrast
with the Singerian analyst, the Merleau-Pontyean is concerned with the particular
reality created by the "bracketing" of an event or idea out of the great din of
experience, rather than explicating a pragmatic reality that can be used to define
possible actions. Truth to the Merleau -Pontyean is agreement that enables action
by confirming or altering "what is normal" or to be expected. By contrast, the
Singerian views truth as an external articulation of systems to define goals and
options for action. Reality is viewed by the Merleau -Pontyean as the product
created out of intentions and actions instead of an external basis for intelligent
actions. To reiterate Mitroff and Turoff, the importance is not which ph ilosophy is
"correct," but which is appropriate to the kinds of situations one is attempting to
impact. The Merleau -Pontyean inquiry system seems applicable to situations either
Edmund Husserl, Ideas: General Introduaton into phenomenology (traps. W. R.
Boyce), Allen & Unwin, London, 1931.
Remy C. Kant, Merleau-Ponty and Phenomenology, in Phenomenology
(Kockelmans, ed.), Double day, Garden City, N. Y., 1967.
Calvin O. Schrag, Phenomenology, Ontology and History in the Philosophy of
Martin Heldegger, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, vol 2 (1858).
Philosophy: Reality Construction 41
where a redefinition of contextual reality can facilitate the generation of ne w
options, or where the acceptance of a new reality must be negotiated to create the
impetus for technical or social change-as, for example, in defining as "progress" a
reduced or more limited consumption that would permit reallocations instead of
"progress" as lower unit production cost to support increased demand. This
philosophical point of view leads to viewing the future as a situation where both
the dominant reality and the technology are invented as well as inherited, and
where culture is transformed as well as transmitted.
Merleau-Ponty and others suggest reality be viewed in a new way: as a
currently prevailing shared assumption about a specific situation. This implies that
reality is the product of our experience and not external to it. In a commonsense
view, reality is a collection of observable things and occurrences which is
animated by a society of individuals. Although we are not usually aware of these
distinctions, our everyday realities can be seen as created by us out of the
meanings we give things and events.6 Since we do not exist alone, we are
continuously asserting and having validated or challenged our definition of
"what's going on" or "what it's all about." Our collection of situational
definitions constitutes our reality. We select re alities from our repertoire that
seem appropriate in order to know how to act, attribute meaning, and interpret
behavior. This means that instead of continuously discovering more of an
external verity -"the reality out there" -we are, wittingly or not, continuously
adding, verifying, or revising our "shelf-stock" or versions of what is normal or
to be expected in particular circumstances. We each have a shelf-stock of
realities that have been produced by our interactions.
Earlier the basic philosophic questio n had been "What is the structure of
social reality?" Now phenomenological insights have transformed this question
into "What realities have been or are being socially constructed?"
What does this mean for conducting Delphis? First, since the results of a
Delphi are produced by interaction, albeit highly structured, the results can be
said to constitute a reality construct for the group.7 Because processes of
successive refinement, like the Delphi, strongly tend to induce convergence and
agreement, the mon itor of a Delphi should purposely introduce ambiguities, even
disruptions. These might take the form of "angle" items 8 to challenge and
redefine reality as well as "quirk" items 9 to act as catalysts to explore the limits
of the reality. For example:
Jack Douglas, Understanding Everyday Life, Aldine, New York, 1970.
Hans Peter Drictzcl, Recent Sociology No. 2-Patterns of Communicative Behavior,
Macmillan, Nev York, 1970.
Example: "Suppose you had invented tire better mousetrap and people had beaten a path
toyour door- would they buy?"
Example: the famous rejoinder, "And how does that relate to the Jewish question?" or
Stephen Potter's functional equivalent, "…but what of the South?"
42 D. Sam Scheele
Mass transit could compete with private vehicles by offering more than
lower cost particularly in enhancing the use of commuting time by offering:
Round 1: What types of services?
Fig. 3 -A
Round 2: Can't money change hands-transit as market place? (angle) -
Relate services to attracting and serving youth? (quirk)
Second, since the knowable reality is in competition with the other conceptions,
including the idea of reality as a negotiable construct, the unknown or unexplained
cannot simply be attributed to greater degrees of complexity (i.e., the "more data and
better instruments" gambit). This means that further efforts to obtain information, such
Philosophy: Reality Construction 43
as a Delphi, must go beyond attempts to unravel what has often been assumed as
merely additional complexities. Instead, information should be sought that can shape
reality, such as identifying new considerations or introducing new options. This means
that the systems being described are viewed as indeterminate, arbitrary, delimited,
multiplistic, even convenient fictions if this facilitates discourse, but not as complex
Cartesian clockworks. In conducting a Delphi then, "what if" and "why not" items
might be introduced or highlighted if suggested by a panelist to prompt consideration
of new alternatives.
Third, the reality we construct can be expected to be different by at least as
much in the future as our technology will be advanced or our society restruc -
tured. This is almost always overlooked by forecasters and other futurists.
Predictions may well occur as forecast, but their occurrence will not necessarily
mean the same thing then as it now seems that it would. You can note people's
naive understanding of this in their response to the prediction of new occurrences
with the statement, "...but I guess they [the people of the future will be ready for
it by then."
Fourth, expect reality to continue to be negotiated. This means that the
kinds of realities within which occurrences will be given meaning and be
understood will vary from those prevailing at present. To a large extent changes
in reality shape the kind of attention, consideration, and effort that will be spent
on developing a new idea. They also determine whether the new concept seems
plausible, desirable, and feasible. Further, both interest in, and advocacy of, a
new concept, along with precipitous events that come to be associated with it,
can shape reality to the extent that a new concept becomes one of the ways that
reality is defined. Our present notion of the "urban crisis" is an example of a
concept that has become imbedded in our realities.
A Delphi inquiry, then, might explore two sides of the negotiation of reality
with regard to a spec ific occurrence: (1) how alternative realities might affect the
meaning of the occurrence and how likely each is and (2) how public perceptions
of the occurrence, the interests and activities of its proponents, and the concepts
and ideology that come to be associated with it will shape the reality that is
In many cases it also may be useful to consider the possibility of
precipitating events. These events (seen from hindsight) have often dramatically
altered the collective awareness of consciousness of the society. For example,
context specific realities were shaped by the assassinations of the Kennedys and
King for gun -control measures, Nader and "Unsafe at Any Speed" for auto safety
campaigns, and the Soviet Sputnik for the U.S. space program and educational
Let us look at how these considerations can be handled as part of a Delphi
inquiry. To grasp how different prevailing realities might affect a particular
topic, one can posit several alternative "reality gestalts." Encourage participants
to supply their own realities. But 1 believe examples are necessary to clarify this
notion initially --even if these proto-realities are overly "caricatured." The
example below illustrates this kind of inquiry.
44 D. Sam Scheele
Also, you might want to probe the participants' insights regarding items that
might be significant in the construction of realities in the future. Here it is useful to
suggest items that you believe are important as possible examples. Even include
candidate-precipitating events -although their nature and timing are by definition
unanticipatable. Knowing that the meaning of events is, so to say, up for grabs can
sensitize managers to the use of public-attitude -shaping tools. Introducing these
perturbations will begin the discussion and evoke additions and comments from the
panelists. An important corollary point is: the meaning of the future in the reality
of those taking actions (of necessity in the present) may change. It has dramatically
in the past ten years or this book wouldn't have been considered for publication,
possibly not even written. One's vision or concept of the future has not always
shaped reality in the same way. It is as important to know in what ways images of
the future are given meaning as to have a full complement of alternative futures
(see Chapter VI, Section D).
The medieval glory -beyond-the-travail-down-here view of the future would
prompt a different kind of action from the expectation of a better tomorrow through
hard work and technology which has characterized the industrial revolution.
The dominant reality of the "modern" world has been called the positivist-
functionalist view. In this view reality is "out there" (we are in it, but it is not in
Philosophy: Reality Construction 45
Behavior follows laws that can be Behavior occurs in activity sets that
derived from situational observation. pre sume and assert meaning.
Organizations and roles are structures Actions and the need for their
which defin e possible actions. explication define roles and
Society is categorized by structural
and functional properties to permit Categorizations of society mark limits
measurement and management. for special realities in order to
facilitate communication and
collaborative actions.
Philosophy: Reality Construction 49
For the Delphi inquirer these differences in social theory suggest greater
emphasis on finding out about the appropriateness of societal norms, roles, and
institutions, limning how they came into being and, probably most importantly,
suggest ways they might be reshaped. The example describes an application to
one particular field.
Round 2: The relationships described by the panel have been aggregated below;
suggest where indicated which significant others might contribute to make this
relationship more workable, and what they might do. As a neighbor living in the
same apartment building, what could you do to contribute to this relationship?
50 D. Sam Scheele
Round 1: What actions are possible to reduce peak impact demand for
transportation to reduce "overhead" costs of quality urban lifestyle?
Fig. 7 -A
52 D. Sam Scheele
Round 2: Select most promising approach(es)
Fig. 7-B
Fig. 7-C
Philosophy: Reality Construction 53
Round 5: Consider imple mentation: What kind of demonstration program or other
approach might be used to rally and mobilize support?
In adopting this mode panelists assume that the participants have no other
commonalities and expect none. For most this means they will adopt the most familiar
model of interaction-probably "answering a questionnaire as ‘accurately’ as possible."
Exchanges will tend to be formal. They will center on "proof" or "refutation" of
ideas identified by the monitor. There will usually be a statistical integration of the
group's assessments. Anonymity will likely be used to reinforce the panelists' self -
Philosophy: Reality Construction 55
Table 1
Mode of Nature of
Group Examples Interaction Realities Produced
• the panelists are familiar with each other and identify with the subject or
sponsor of the Delphi inquiry.
• the involvement is for a fixed duration, with known consequences that
follow a familiar pattern.
• original items serve primarily as jumping-off places for further inquiry. O
the generic form of expected product of the inquiry is clearly indicated.
Presenting a less-than-complete concept takes guts. To each panelist there will
be "obvious" omissions. You will be severely criticized. But, I believe a stance of
calculated naivete produces the best results, if you live through it.
Philosophy: Reality Construction 57
of application, the interaction quickly moves out to the ethereal zone instead of
enriching the context for action. Modifications by the experiential mode include:
(1) try to organize the panel into "teams" to represent particular interest groups or
points of view (to preview negotiations or develop highly detailed but still
preliminary agreements for consideration); (2) present initially a clear and detailed
description of the expected product of the inquiry; or a unique and special situation
that calls out for great imagination and close collaboration to be described first so
that the prevailing rules for judging the suitableness of contributions are partially
suspended (to spark creativity and develop a relatively complete conceptualization
of a viable new approach).
Episodes are the characteristic mode of interaction for groups that:
This mode of interaction has the highest emotional content and the most
potential for prompting action based on the insights produced during the Delphi
inquiry, which is by definition supplemental to the group's normal interactions. In
these cases you should consider face -to -face group processes. Other techniques
(such as program-planning method-PPM, nominal group ing, multiattribute utility
assessment) may be as productive, require less time, and have more spillover
benefits than a Delphi. It is also imaginable that a group of strangers could
sufficiently internalize instructions and materials that would be dramatic enough to
induce an episodic style of interaction for an inquiry. Such an inquiry would have
to be virtually a simulation. The substantive insights produced by a small
purposive group can be expected to be highly specific to their context. The insights
produced by such groups regarding the personal and emotional dimensions of the
topics are probably not generally indicative. In fact, it may be necessary to create a
simulated purposive group in order to probe the interpersonal and emotional
dimensions of circumstances that are themselves the subject of conjectures or
competing proposals.
Variations on this mode of Delphi inquiry are limited because alteration in the
premises usually induces the group to adopt a new reality resulting in a less highly
bonded mode of interaction. The most interesting results are produced in
instances when the group's strongly shared reality is collectively modified in
response to new insights and even to incorporation of new members. However,
this collective modification of reality is not always completed successfully and it
can be expected several realities will prevail. This can result in dissolution of the
58 D. Sam Scheele
group, a breaking down of the group process, or the production of highly
emotional and idiosyncratic contributions.
Events, often with more form than content, distinguish the interaction of
groups which:
• the membership is made up of individuals who believe they are acting for
the interests of the society in general as they see it.
• topics serve as occasions for participants to expound their general
• most messages refer to particular cosmologies about the way things are
supposed to be or are appended to statements that describe world -views.
• the envisioned outcome of a set of interactions is a collection of more
widely agreed -on precepts that will guide the group, its constituents, and,
if possible, all others.
All panels on occasion become forums to prescribe for the ills of society.
These groups virtually insist on this mode. In most instances, this is coun-
terproductive. This is because in most circums tances it is necessary to produce a
fine-grained, narrowly bracketed reality to support specific actions. The reason for
arranging this kind of a panel is to obtain a broad consensus, but not on everything.
Since nothing is ever done in general, but only in a particular instance,
introduction of situation -specific facts and considerations can help to focus the
panel on agreeing about society's interest in the instance at hand, instead of on
society's interest generally in things of this kind.
Another reason to arrange a broadly based general panel is to develop a
contextual mapping that would describe the overlapping large -scale realities which
underlie different parts of a society's response to any complex issue. Here it is
useful to inquire about "for instances" that are likely to be seen by different
elements of society as analogous to the situation being inquired into. "Well, it's just
like thus-and-so... " and similar phrases are powerful connectives to ready-made
meanings for a proposed idea or approach. These loose, even unrational,
associations tend to bring along existing emotional loadings which panelists in this
mode tend to deny. In a similar way, apparent metaphors (e.g., like David and
Goliath) and apt personifications (e.g., rape of the ecology) should also be
explored. This can be done by asking about which ones suggest themselves or
provide several examples to be selected from, modified, or added to. Identifying
analogies and metaphors is a more fruitful way to define subtle differences in
global constructs than asking individuals to examine their core values and beliefs
and describe them directly. While there are problems with interpretation of these
complex symbols, the interpretations can be iterated for refinement, and also for
validation. Since the "picture" is changing, and "observation" using a Delphi
inquiry is not a snapshot, there is a gross limit on the fineness of the picture of a
whole society that can be produced. But, even faint shadows on pale gray are
helpful in many situations.
Do not do a Delphi with representatives or spokesmen for society when you
want information for particular practitioners; use experts "about society" who are
respected by the practitioners. In fact, you may want a split panel containing both
Philosophy: Reality Construction 61
experts and practitioners to create a joint reality shared by both that can be
potentially extended to society.
I shall now briefly focus on some design considerations to help you develop a
better Delphi and orchestrate the interaction. These suggestions do not constitute a
checklist. I hope they will trigger some ideas and preparations that otherwise
would not have occurred to you. Each could separately be the subject of a much
longer discussion. Supplying these discussions is left to you, the reader, when you
pursue particular applications.
62 D. Sam Scheele
Making a Delphi Context Specific
Round 1 : Suggest new time domains you think could be developed and
indicate how existing domains could be revised or differentiated to create new
markets for recreationnal services.
64 D. Sam Scheele
Round 2: Identify tune domains where additional involvements for working
adults without children would be most welcome and suggest recreational
Round 3: Select market opportunities you believe are the most attractive
and suggest specific ypes of products and services and actions to create
expectations and aggregate market s.
In this chapter we sample the rich menu of applications. The purposes of the
Delphis are as varied as the users. Seven authors focus on specific planning tasks
in the areas of government and business. Additional studies are also sketched in
this introduction ("Comments on Other Studies").
Government Planning
The four articles covering this field address national, regional, and organiza tional
planning problems. Tu roff deals with the basic concept of the Policy Delphi and
reviews several efforts of this type. Ludlow's concern is resource management in
the Great Lakes region and a major aim is to establish improved communications
between technical experts and interes ted citizens. Jillson focuses on the use of
Delphi as an integral instrument in national drug abuse policy formulation,
operating from three distinct perspectives: "top down", "bottom-up", and "issue
oriented". Jones explores priorities in System Concept Options for the U.S. Air
Force Laboratories, with emphasis on comparing views of four in -house
organizations competing for funds.
All four move beyond the use of Delphi as a forecasting tool and stress its
value as a communications system for policy questio ns. A policy question is
defined here as one involving vital aspects, such as goal formation, for which there
are no overall experts, only advocates and referees. Its resolution must take into
consideration the conflicting goals and values espoused by various interest groups
as well as the facts and staff analyses. It should be clearly understood that Delphi
does not substitute for the staff studies, the committee deliberations, or the
decision-making. Rather, it organizes and clarifies views in an anonymous way,
thereby facilitating and complementing the committee's work,
Whereas Turoff's panelists constitute a homogeneous group, Ludlow seeks to
establish a communication process between the potential users of new knowledge and a
team of interdisciplinary researchers. He raises a point which is of concern for Delphi
studies generally. The probability used is of the personal or subjective type; it can be
interpreted as a "degree of confidence". Scientists and engineers are brought up on a
different kind of probability-frequency ofoccurrence, i.e., the limit of the ratio of the
number of successes to the total number of trials as the latter approaches infinity. Thus
the frequency type of probability assumes repeatability of the experiment (e.g., tossing
a coin). But the subjective probability has meaning even if an event can occur only
once. A boxing match is a one-time event; the odds usually associated with such a
match indicate the "degree of confidence" in the outcome on the part of informed
bettors. Both definitions are mathematically valid and have been used to develop
distinct probability theories. Businessmen intuitively use the "degree of confidence"
72 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
concept and therefore have no built-in resistance when faced with it in Delphi
Ludlow als o presents an evaluation of Delphi by the three participating
groups-technicians, behaviorists and decision-makers. Not surprisingly the latter
prove to be the strongest proponents of the technique. They are, after all, the one
group which must regularly seek a consensus and usually has to make decisions on
complex issues without adequate information.
Miss Jillson's article is a progress report on a study designed to develop drug
abuse policy options, explore the applicability of the Policy Delphi to questions of
social policy generally, and determine the practicability of using it on both an "as -
needed" and "on-going" basis (i.e., indefinite duration). The participants include
researchers, administrators, and policymakers -both in the field and in impacted
areas (e.g., police chiefs). A unique feature is the use of the three perspectives. In
the "top-down" approach, the objectives for the next five years are emphasized; the
"bottom-up" approach deals with factors which control transition between various
states or levels of drug use and employs a matrix format; the "issue-oriented"
approach crystallizes statements of policy issues in "should/should not" form.
Jones' Delphi reflects the typical consensus or Lockean oriented approach in
its design to gain consensus among representatives or organizations subject to
different pressures in their competition for limited financial resources. He uses 61
senior managerial and technical personnel (both military and civilian) representing
most departments in the four organizations. Different organiza tional viewpoints are
apparent although significant self-interest biases are not detectable. This effort
contrasts very nicely with the Kantian nature of Ludlow, the Hegelian approach of
Turoff, and the mixed Kantian -Hegelian work of Jillson.
See D. B. Hcrtz, "Risk Analysis in Capital Investment," Harvard Business Review,
Jan-Feb. 1964, p. 95, and 1). H. Woods, "Improving Estimates That Involve
Uncertainty," Harvard Business Review, Jul-Aug. 1966, p. 91.
74 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
linear function (i.e., sum) of the cost of the components which comprise it. They
neglect the interactions which result in nonlinear behavior: the total cost is much
greater than the sum of the parts. Thus the cost is grossly underestimated. One
recent study of a large number of defense-oriented development pro jects
indicated approximately a 50 percent chance of 50 percent cost overrun. 2
Delphi may be used to advantage to provide input to the risk analysis. The
most critical part of such analysis is the subjective probability distribution
assumed for the uncertainties. Delphi can serve to probe the views of personnel
connected with the project as well as outsiders (e.g., corporate offices or other
units), senior executives as well as junior engineers and scientists. The anonym-
ity is particularly valuable in a highly structured environment where in dividuals
may feel constrained in expressing their own views.
S. H. Browne, "Cost Growth in Military Development and Production Programs,"
unpublished, Dec. 1971.
Bender, Strack, Ebright & Von Haunalter, Delphic Study Examines Developments in
Medicine, Futures, June 1969. George Teeling-Smith, Medicine in the 1990's, Office
of Health Economics, England, October 1969.
General Applications: Introduction 75
article they had read. In a number of these exercises questions were asked which
dealt with the results of unpublished new clinical studies. In this manner one could
observe how well the Delphi panelists actually did on part of the exercise and utilize
this insight to gain an impression of their capability for providing answers to the rest
of the exercise.
An excellent and, perhaps, classic example of this is a study Williamson did at
the Philips Electric Corporation Plant in Eindhoven, Holland, in 1970.
Approximately 50 doctors who are involved with the company's medical program for
the 36,000 employees participated in the Delphi. The first part of the Delphi asked
the physicians to estimate the percent of male employees absent from work due to
sickness during differing intervals of time. The population was further divided by
young, old, blue collar, white collar. This required sixteen estimates from each
doctor. When the real data was collected from the computer files three months later it
was found that 12 of the 16 estimates were within 10 percent error and the other 4
within 30 percent error. Of course, this represented only a small portion of the
exercise as the real objective was to determine what effect various potential changes
to the health care program would have on the absenteeism rate. However, one could
see that the physicians involved had a good feel for the situation as it existed. Also it
was possible to examine how well various subgroups did, e.g., general practitioners
vs. specialists. Dr. Williamson has conducted four major studies of the above type
(involving validity checks) with a total of approximately 200 respondents over the
past four years.
Professor Alan Sheldon of the Harvard Medical School, together with Professor
Curtis McLaughlin of the University of North Carolina Business School, did a Delphi
in 1970 on the Future of Medical Care. A unique feature of this Delphi was the process
of combining the events evaluated by the respondents into scenarios in the form of
typical newspaper articles. The respondents were then asked to propose additions or
modifications to the scenarios and give their reaction to the scenario as a whole. This
concept of utilizing the vote on individual items to group events into scenarios classed
by such things as likelihood and/or desirability has become a standard technique.
Also with respect to scenarios it has become fairly common to provide the
respondents on a forecastin g Delphi with a scenario or alternative scenarios
providing a reference point on considerations outside the scope of the Delphi but
having impact on the subject of the inquiry. For example, in forecasting the future
of a given industry the respondents might be given a "pessimistic," "optimistic,"
and "most likely" scenario on general economic conditions and asked that their
estimates for any question be based on each alternative in turn.
While there have been a number of Delphis on the general future of medical
care, a recent Delphi by Dr. Peter Goldschmidt of the Department of Hygiene and
Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, dealt with the future of health care for a
specific geographical entity, Ocean City, Maryland. The problem in health
planning in this case is the tremendous influx of vacation people in the summer
months. In order to examine the future growth of the Ocean City area and its
resulting medical needs, it was felt the Delphi panel should include individuals
who resided in the area and simultaneously worked in endeavors related to the
76 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
mainstream of the local economy -recreation. Therefore, the Delphi involved long-
time residents, hoteliers, bar owners, real estate dealers, and civic officials as well
as the usual "experts" such as the regional planning people from local government
and industry. This widening, or broadening, of the concept of "experts" to that of
"informed" is becoming quite customary in the application of Delphi. In this
particular Delphi, Dr. Goldschmidt was able to check the "intuition" of his
respondents by comparing their estimates on vacation populations in Ocean City
currently with estimates he could analytically infer from the processing load
history of the sewage plant that serves the area. As in Williamson's case the results
were quite good.
A superb example of the Delphi technique was carried out by Richard Longhurst
as a master's thesis at Cornell University.4 The Delphi attempted to assess the impact
of improved nutrition, family income, and prenatal care on pregnancy outcome in terms
of birth weight and the resulting I.Q. and intellectual development of young children.
The resulting output were of a form useful for incorporation into cost-benefit analyses
of government programs to improve the nutrition of pregnant mothers and young
children. This is, of course, an excellent example where data exist to indicate that
malnutrition in the mother or young child has some degree of impact on the long-term
intellectual capabilities of a child. However, this evidence is not of direct quantitative
utility to the type of analyses an economist would like to perform in evaluating a
government program, intellectual development comprised experts in child psychology
and development; the other, in the area of pregnancy outcomes, was composed of
experts in pregnancy, nutrition, and medical care. The group was given a specific group
of low-income mothers in a depressed urban area as the population they were
concerned with. This was a real group on which a good deal of data on socioeconomic
status were available. In the first round the respondents were asked to sort out the
relative importance of environmental components that might be manipulated by the
introduction of a government program. The second round presented a set of feasible
intervention programs which related to the factors brought out in the first round, They
were then asked to estimate for each program the resulting incidence of low birth
weight and the average LQ. score of 5-year-old children resulting from the pregnancies
under the program. "They provide the baseline data on these parameters for the target
group as it currently existed. Certain programs were estimated to reduce the incidence
of low birth weight from 15% to 10% and to raise the five-year I.Q. scores from 85 to
100 points. The shift in I.Q. can then be used to shift the average education and earning
power of the children when they are adults. This then is translatable into dollar benefits
that can be used to compare the merits of alternative programs in this area. The Delphi
itself involved respondents for three rounds and questionnaires were tightly designed to
take about fifteen minutes to fill out.
Richard Longhurst, "An Economic Evaluation of Human Resources Program
with Respect to Pregnancy Outcome and Intellectual Development," M.S.
thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. December 1971.
General Applications: Introduction 77
The area of trying to translate scientific knowledge into an informed judg ment
on evaluating and analyzing de cision options is clearly a potential one for the
Delphi method.
Another effort in health care planning is the work of Professor David
Gustafson at the University of Wisconsin. This work has been tied into the
Governor's Health Planning and Policy Task Force effort. One of the Delphis
Professor Gustafson conducted dealt with delineation of the current barriers to the
performance of research and development in the health services area -the rather
interesting topic of trying to clarify what the real "problem" is. The respondents
were asked to delineate barriers of three types: (1) solution development barriers;
(2) problem selection barriers; (3) evaluation barriers. For each barrier the group
developed comments, implications, and possible reactions or corrective measures.
A vote was taken on the significance of each barrier. This was an excellent
example of utilizing Delphi to try and isolate the significant part of the problem.
Very often, in planning areas, preconceptions by one individual lead to tremendous
efforts on the wrong problem. The specification of a particular problem usually
predetermines its method of investigation and at times its conclusions.
The use of Delphi for regional planning has probably become popular because
of the feeling that there is a necessity to establish better communica tions among
many individuals with diverse backgrounds.
In this area a significant number of Delphis have been conducted by various
Canadian government agencies such as Health and Welfare, Department of Public
Works, Department of the Environment, and the Postal Service, to name a few. Most of
these are being done by internal staff and very often they tend to be short, focused on a
very specific issue, and require a diverse backgroud of respondents. A good example is
one done in 1974 by Madhu Agowal on "The Future of Citizen Participation in
Planning Federal Health Policy." The Delphi sought to explore and delineate specific
options for citizen participation and to determine the consequences of such programs.
There has been very active use of the Delphi in the educational establish ment
and a survey of that work may be found in an article by Judd.5 Curiously almost
all educational Delphis have been confined to administrative matters and hardly
considered as a teachin g tool. It is not surprising that educationa lists are
enthusiastic about the method. There is a high degree of participatioe planning in
higher education. Authoritarianism is eschewed to such an extent that anarchy
sometimes results. There is also an entrenched bureaucracy which feeds on well-
structured procedures and questionnaires of all kinds.
Delphi is used for several aspects of administrative planning: general goals,
curricula, campus design, and development of teacher ratings and cost-benefit
criteria. Judd describes many of the problems encountered in the use of Delphi in
this environment.
However, to find a clue to what may prove to be the most serious difficulty,
we must turn to the conclusion of a (non -Delphi) survey of school administra tors
R. C. Judd, "The Use of Delphi in Higher Education," Technological Forecasting
and Social Change, 4, 173 (1973).
78 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
conducted recently by R. Elboim-Dror in Israel on the subject of educa tion in the
year 2000:
R. Elboim-Dror, "Educators' Image of the Future," Paper presented at the Third
World Future Research Conference, Bucharest, September 1972.
James Bright, A Brief Inlroduction to Technology Forecasting: Concepts and
Exercises, Pemaquid Press, Austin, Texas, 1972.
General Applications: Introduction 79
chemical company, was, to the best of our knowledge, the first which dealt
exclusively with evaluating the past.
A much deeper systemic study of the past is envisioned in the
"retrospective futurology" approach which applies dynamic programming to
historic societies such as the city -state of Athens. The "hyper-sophisticated
polling of experts" mentioned by Wilkinson in conjunction with this concept8
strongly suggests the Delphi method.
J. W ilkinson, R. Bellman, and R. Garaudy, "The Dynamic Programming of
Human Systems," Occasional Paper, Center for the Study of Democratic
Institutions, MSS Information Corp., New York, 1973, p. 29.
III.B. 1. The Policy Delphi
—Kahlil Gibran
The Policy Delphi was first introduced in 1969 and reported on in 1970.' It
represented a significant departure from the understanding and application of the
Delphi technique as practiced to that point in time. Delphi as it originally was
introduced and practiced tended to deal with technical topics and seek a consensus
among homogeneous groups of experts. The Policy Delphi, on the other hand,
seeks to generate the strongest possible opposing views on the potential
resolutions of a major policy issue. In the author's view, a policy issue is one for
which there are no experts, only informed advocates and referees. An expert or
analyst may contribute a quantifiable or analytical estimation of some effect
resulting from a particular resolution of a policy issue, but it is unlikely that a
clear-cut (to all concerned) resolution of a policy issue will result from such an
analysis; in that case, the issue would cease to be one of policy. In the face of the
policy issue, systems analysis, operations research, and other related disciplines
can do no more than supply a factual basis for advocacy. The expert becomes an
advocate for effectiveness or efficiency and must compete with the advocates for
concerned interest groups within the society or organization involved with the
The Policy Delphi also rests on the premise that the decision maker is not
interested in having a group generate his decision; but rather, have an informed
group present all the options and supporting evidence for his con sideration. The
Policy Delphi is therefore a tool for the analysis of policy issues and not a
mechanism for making a decision. Generating a consensus is not the prime
objective, and the structure of the communication process as well as the choice of
the respondent group may be such as to make consensus on a particular resolution
very unlikely. In fact, in some cases the sponsor may even request a design which
inhibits consensus formulation.
Murray Turoff, "The Design of a Policy Delphi," Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 2, No. 2 (1970).
General Applications: Policy Delphi 81
The Committee and the Delphi Process
Charles F. Schultze, "The Politics and Economics of Public Spending,"
Brookings Institution, Washington, DC., 1968.
Numerous references to Lindblom's writings on committee processes appear
in t h e work cited in reference 2.
82 Murray Turoff
The complexity of issues today usually calls for a great deal of
additional staff to supplement the committee process. More often than not,
this time or support is not allocated to or available for committee
participants. In an atmosphere of budget cuts, belt tightening, and
competition for limited funds, it may appear advantageous not to advocate, not
to be noticed, and especially not to be held accountable for views, promises, or
positions which require effort to document or substantiate. In addition, in most
organizations today, we have individuals who are not familiar with many of the
new decision aids coming out of operations research and systems analyses but who
have an intuitive feel for the complexities of the particular business or function the
organization is involved in. We also have a good many individuals who have been
trained in many of the modern management techniques and who are sometimes a
little too confident that these approaches can be applied to every problem. The
lack of effective communication between these two groups has brought about the
ineffectiveness of many committee exercises,
It is the above factors, or any combinations of these factors, which have
motivated attempts to seek substitutes for the committee process. Contrary to the
above, the earlier writings on Delphi have usually presented a separate but
canonical set of problems associated with committees that tend to reflect
psychological characteristics of committee processes:
• To ensure that all possible options have been put on the table for
• To estimate the impact and consequences of any particular option
• To examine and estimate the acceptability of any particular option
The ability of the Delphi technique to improve current practices for handling the
first objective seems quite clear. Whether or not it can meet or fulfill any portion of the
other objectives probably depends on whether the design team can distinguish the
motivation of the respondents in making a particular judgment on an option, More
specifically, when a difference in judgment does occur on an option, is it based upon
uncertainty and/or lack of information with respect to consequences, or is it based
upon differences among the self-interests as represented by the respondent group? If
the Delphi can be designed to make this distinction it should be able to serve these
latter objectives of examining and distinguishing consequences and acceptabilities.
Because in some cases people are not fully aware of the motivating factors behind
their views, the exposing of these factors could require fairly sophisticated approaches,
such as multidimensional scaling.
Jerry B. Schneider, "The Policy Delphi: A Regional Planning Application,"
Technological Fowashng and Social Change 3, No. 4 (1972).
84 Murray Turoff
A Policy Delphi is a very demanding exercise, both for the design team and for the
respondents. There are six phases that can be identified in the communication
process that is takin g place. These are:
(1) Formulation of the issues. What is the issue that really should be under
consideration? How should it be stated?
(2) Exposing the options. Given the issue, what are the policy options
(3) Determining initial positions on the issues. Which are the ones everyone
already agrees upon and which are the unimportant ones to be discarded?
Which are the ones exhibiting disagreement among the respondents?
(4) Exploring and obtaining the reasons for disagreements. What underlying
assumptions, views, or facts are being used by the individuals to support
their respective positions?
(5) Evaluating the underlying reasons. How does the group view the separate
arguments used to defend various positions and how do they compare to
one another on a relative basis?
(6) Reevaluating the options. Reevaluation is based upon the views of the
underlying "evidence" and the assessment of its relevance to each
position taken.
In principle the above process would require five rounds in a paper-and pencil
Delphi procedure. However, in practice most Delphis on policy try to maintain a
three- or four-round limit by utilizing the following procedures: (1) the monitor
team devoting a considerable amount of time to carefully preformulating the
obvious issues; (2) seeding the list with an initial range of options but allowing for
the respondents to add to the lists; (3) asking for positions on an item and
underlying assumptions in the first round.
With the above simplifications it is possible to limit the process to three
rounds. However, new material raised by the respondents will not get the same
complete treatment as the initial topics put forth by the monitor team. Still, very
successful Delphis have been carried out within a three-round format. Ultimately,
however, the best vehicle for a Policy Delphi is a computerized version of the
process in which the round structure disappears and each of these phases for a
given issue is carried through in a continuous process.5
It is also necessary on a Policy Delphi that informed people representative of
the many sides of the issues under examination are chosen as participants. These
individuals will not be willing to spend time educating the design team, by way of
the Delphi, on the subject matter of concern. The respondents must gain the feeling
Murray Turoff, "Delphi Confere ncing," Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, 3, No. 2 972).
General Applications: Policy Delphi 85
that the monitors of the exercise understand the subject well enough to recognize
the implications of their abbreviated comments. Therefore, the initial design must
ensure that all the "obvious" questions and subissues have been included and that
the respondent is being asked to supply the more subtle aspects of the problem.
In some instances, the respondent group may overconcentrate its efforts on
some issues to the detriment of the consideration of others. This may occur
because the respondent group finally obtained was not as diversified as the
total scope of the exercise required it should be. With proper knowledge of
the subject material, the design team can stimulate consideration of the
neglected issues by interjecting comments in the summaries for consideration
b y the group. It is a matter of the integrity of the design team to use this
privilege sparingly to stimulate consideration of all sides of an issue and not
to sway the respondent group toward one particular resolution of an issue. If,
however, the respondent team is as diversified as required by the material,
there should be no need to engage in this practice.
A Policy Delphi deals largely with statements, arguments, comments,
and discussion. To establish some means of evaluating the ideas expressed by
the respondent group, rating scales must be established for such items as the
relative importance, desirability, confidence, and feasibility of various
policies and issues. Furthermore, these scales must be carefully defined so
that there is some reasonable degree of assurance that the individual
respondents make compatible distinctions between concepts such as "very
important" and "important." This is further complicated by the fact that many
of the respondents may not have to think through their answers in order to
remain consistent in answering different parts of the questionnaire.
The Delphi technique is not just another polling scheme, and the
practices that are standard in polling should not be transferred to Delphi
practice without close scrutiny of their applicability. Consider, for example,
a poll of different groups in an organization asking for their budget
projections over the next five years. This is a comparatively straightforward
request which does not ask any one group to place itself in context or to
worry about consistency with other groups in the organization. A Delphi on
the same subject would ask each group to make projections for every group's
budget and, in addition, to project separately a feasible total budget for the
organization as a wh ole.
The normal budget process in an organization is essentially a poll. A
few research laboratories have in recent years attempted a budget review
process via the Delphi mode, but unfortunately these are never reported in
the literature because of the pro prietary nature of the subject material. In
principle, it would appear that the Delphi offers more opportunity for people
to support budget items outside of their current management function and
often to obtain a better appreciation of the budget trade-o ffs that have to be
86 Murray Turoff
There are many different voting scales that have been utilized on policy
type Delphis; however, there are four scales, or voting dimensions, that seem
to represent the minimum information that must be obtained if an adequate
evaluation is to take place. On the resolutions to a policy issue it is usually
necessary to assess both desirability and feasibility. One will usually find a
significant number of items which are rated desirable and unfeasible or
undesirable and feasible. These types of items will usually induce a good deal
of discussion among the respondents and ma y lead to the generation of new
options. The underlying assumptions or supporting arguments are usually
evaluated with resp ect to importance and validity or confidence. In this case
a person may think an invalid item is important (because others believe it to
be true) or that a true item is rather unimportant. It is usually unwise to
attempt to ask for a vote on more than two dimensions of any item. However,
if one has established a significant subset of items utilizing these scales then
further questions can be introduced focusing on the significant subset. For
example, there is the possibility of taking desirable options and asking the
probability for each, given certain actions are taken.
Typical examples of these scales follow. Note that no neutral answer is
allowed other than No Judgment (which is always allowed on any question).
A neutral position offers very little information in policy debates and it is
usually desirable to force the respondent to think the issue out to a point
where he can take a nonneutral stance. In other words, the lack of a neutral
point promotes a debate which is in line with developing pros and cons as
one primary objective. This design choice has sometimes upset those who
feel consensus is the only valid Delphi objective.
One of the first Delphis that bordered on being policy oriented was an exercise
undertaken in 196$ by the National Industrial Conference Board. It was titled
"An Experimental Public Affairs Forecast." It involved 70 people representing
the following areas of expertise:
The vast majority had tit les of chief executive or director. All were con -
sidered by the Conference Board to be distinguished in their field.
The overall objective of the study was to obtain a rank ordered list of
National Priorities or Areas of Major Concern to the Nation, areas which could
create major public problems in the seventies and eighties and should receive
attention by U. S. leadership. The top ten in that list in order of priority were: (1)
division in U. S. society; (2) international affairs; (3) education; (4) urban areas;
(5) law and order; (6) science, technology, management of change; (7) economy;
($) resources; (9) values; (10) population.
The Delphi was completed before the presidential campaign and one may
note a degree of correspondence between the priorities set by this exercise and
the Republican campaign themes. While the Delphi dealt with policy con -
siderations, it was largely oriented to putting the pieces of the problem together
by collecting information and views from a diverse set of respondents. Therefore
it largely reflected a Kantian -type exercise. The bulk of the material produced
was a collection of commentaries on the problem areas with sonic estimate of
when particular problems would arise. Each item was handled in terms of the
following categories of information:
• Why are you as an individual concerned with pollution in the coastal zone and its
effects upon the marine environment? Check up to three responses and signify
relative importance by numbering principal reason as "1."
a) biological danger
b) potential loss of recreational opportunity, i.e., swimming, boating, etc.
c) potential loss of aesthetic values, i.e., vistas, landscape, etc,
d) potential loss of income or revenues
e) community involvement
f) other (specify)
We have already ment ioned the danger that a Policy Delphi can be misin terpreted
as a decisionmaking tool as opposed to a decision-analysis tool. Everyone at heart
is a decisionmaker, or wishes to be, and it is all too easy on the part of the designer
to appeal to this unrequ ited desire, It should be a matter of intellectual honesty for
designers to make clear just what the objective of the exercise is. If we have a
problem in organizations today, especially governmental ones, it is that the
responsibility for a given decision is not clearly focused on one individual. A
96 Murray Turoff
decision should be made by one individual, and the role of the Policy Delphi and
other tools is to provide the best possible information and ensure that all the
options are on the table. To do this the Delphi mu st explore dissension. Both
Dalkey and Helmer in the early writings on Delphi expressed the need to establish
clearly the existent basis for observed dissension. However, this implies a good
deal more work for the design team and has often been neglected in the majority of
the early exercises. When a strong minority view exists and is not explored, the
dissenters will often drop out, leading to an "artificial" consensus on the final
Once a Policy Delphi has been started, there is no way to guarantee a specific
outcome if it is to be an honest exercise. This is something the sponsor must be
well aware of. Occasionally a sponsor, particularly in a policy exercise, will desire
that the group not reach a consensus on any particular option. While it is
consistent with the objective of a Policy Delphi to choose a respondent group such
that a consensus is unlikely to occur, it can never be guaranteed that it will not be
a result. However, there is a fine line between Delphi as an analysis tool and
Delphi as an educational or persuasion device. It is possible to consider using a
Delphi to educate at least a part of a respondent group on options they may not be
aware of. Unfortunately, very little work has been done on the use of Delphi in an
educational mode even though most designers would agree that educational
processes take place in most exercises.
A Policy Delphi is a forum for ideas. In opening up the options for review,
items may aris e which can be disconcerting to members of the group. If a sensitive
area is under review and an attempt has been made to have diverse representation
in the group, then premature leakage of the results can occur. In such a case,
individuals outside the exe rcise may misinterpret what is taking place. This
problem of lifting items out of context occurs all the time in the committee
process. A workable approach to this problem in the Delphi process is to
incorporate members of the press into the respondent gro up when dealing with
major public policy items.
As with any policy process, there are many ways to abuse the use of the
Policy Delphi: the manner in which comments are edited, the neglect of items, the
organization of the results. However, such a process is a rather dangerous game
and not likely to go unnoticed by some segment of the respondents. There are very
few greater wraths than that of a respondent who discovers himself to be engaged
in a biased exercise. Furthermore, Delphi has reached the point whe re there is no
longer any excuse on a professional basis for making many of the mistakes found
in earlier exercises. The person seeking to undertake a Delphi today should be
reasonably familiar with what has taken place in the field.
III.B.2. Delphi Inquiries and Knowledge Utilization
I. Introduction
The term "Sea Grant Program" was derived from the National Sea Grant College
and Program Act, whose intent was to involve t he nation's academic community in
the practical problems and opportunities of the marine environment, including the
Great Lakes.
The term "Delphi inquiry" was propounded by Turoff and refers to the complete
Delphi process. He observed that any particular Delphi design can be characterized
in terms of the "inquiring systems" specified in Churchman's writings. See
reference 1 at the end of this article.
98 John Ludlow
An important objective of the exercises was to convey the judgments of the
researchers to the communities which are to benefit from the research. One approach
toward this objective was to include on the panels -on the same basis as the researchers -
people who were believed to be influential in the political processes through which
regional planning is accomplished. Their knowledge of the issues and the region was
beneficial to the deliberations, but more importantly, their participation was judged to
be an effective way of communicating information to regional planners and
Two of the three panels were made up of researchers who were designated as
technicians and behaviorists. The third group was made up of concerned citizens
who were designated as decisionmakers, In addition to forecasting, the method was
used in several other roles involving the quantification of subjective judgments.
The exercises were designed to be progressive and cumulative, with an emphasis
on an orderly development of informed judgments,
The Delphi inquiries were one of several Michigan Sea Grant projects related
to the general task of transmitting new knowledge to people and organizations in a
way that results in effective use. Respondents in these exercises -a group with
exceptional qualifications -served as the primary resource in evaluating the
The technical panel was composed of thirty-three individuals whose expertise
was primarily in the physical sciences and who were divided about equally
between Sea Grant researchers and faculty, graduate students, and others in the
School of Engineering. A second panel included Sea Grant researchers who were
not selected for the technical panel. Generally their academic backgrounds and
interests were oriented more to the behavioral sciences, and for this reason they
were labeled behaviorists. They represented a wide range of ages, academic
disciplines, and university schools and laboratories. Participants for the third panel
were randomly selected from groups of Grand Traverse Bay area residents believed
to be influential in the following fields: civics, business, planning, politics, natural
resources, government, education.
The names associated with the panels, although somewhat arbitrary, are
reasonably consistent with the roles each group would be expected to play in
planning the management of regional water resources. The technical panel operated
independently of the other two panels and its output was fed into the deliberations
of two broader-based panels, which operated independently in the earlier rounds
and as a combined panel in the final round. The nature of their participation is
summarized in Table 1.
In order to provide continuity, a person's judgments on the previous round were
used whenever he or she could not respond on a particular round. Several significant
modifications and refinements in the basic Delphi methodology were tested in the
Michigan Delphi inquiries. These changes were motivated by the perceived threat of a
manipulated consensus, the desire for constrained or conditional judgments, and
recognition of desirable aspects of interpersonal methods not obtainable using the
Delphi technique exclusively. The concept of informed judgments as contrasted with
General Applications: Delphi Inquiries and Knowledge Utilization 99
Table 1
Participation in Michigan's Sea Grant Delphi Probes
Technical Decision-
Activity Panelists Behaviorists makers
expert opinion provided the rationale for the inclusion of politicians and concerned
citizens on the panels; it also provided an opportunity to exploit an inherent
characteristic of the method-to inform during the process of soliciting judgments.
The portion of the Delphi inquiry concerned with social, political, and economic
trends was designed to provide respondents on the broader-based panels with some
basic reference points in making subsequent judgments regarding future social and
technical developments.
The information package for round one presented the trends for eight measures
which have commonly been used to indicate the social and economic development of
a region. Curves were plotted from 1950 to 1970, taking advantage of the 1970
census and the standardized enumeration procedures of the Bureau of the Census.
Panel members were asked to extend the curves through 1990 and to indicate the
numerical values for 1980 and 1990 [2].
In the second round, curves representing the medians and interquartile ranges
were provided for the panelists, as well as pertinent comments submitted by
respondents on the previous round. Panelists were asked to reconsider their
100 John Ludlow
estimates, and if any of the new estimates were outside the designated consensus
range for the previous round they were asked to support their position briefly.
On this round the graphs of three additional statistical measures were intro-
duced for consideration. A cumulative summary of the group response was provided
in the information package for round three to serve as background information for
other panel deliberations.
The Delphi method has had its greatest application and acceptance as a means of
compiling a list of future technical events or developments and collecting subjective
judgments regarding them. In the Michigan inquiries social, political, and economic
developments were also solicited and evaluated so that panelists would be
encouraged to consider all environments in making judgments regarding water
quality, waste-water treatment systems, and research priorities.
The initial evaluation matrix for the technical panel did not present a list of
potential developments, something which is usually done in order to facilitate
participation and generate additional items. It was believed that this unstructured
approach would result in a wider range of suggestions; however, the information
feedback of the second round did include-in addition to items suggested by
respondents -thirteen events that were taken from Delphi exercises conducted at Rand
and the Institute for the Future. These events covered areas considered by the
researcher to be of interest to the panel and were also good examples of how
developments should be specified to avoid ambiguity, particularly with respect to
occurrence or nonoccurrence.
The evaluation matrix for the third round provided the respondent with his
estimates for the second round and a summary of the group's response. Comments
submitted by respondents were also provided, as were the median estimates for
technical and economic feasibility if they differed significantly. The evaluation
matrix for the third round was designed so that a panel member could easily
determine if his reassessed estimates for a specific development were outside the
group's consensus range-arbitrarily identified as the group's median 25 percent and
75 percent estimates. If a respondent's latest estimate was outside the consensus
range for the previous round he was asked to support this "extreme" position briefly.
The evaluation matrix for the fourth round presented a more comprehensive
summary of the previous round than had been provided up to this point in the
exercises. Statistical summaries were presented not only for all the respondents but
also for those who rated their competence relatively high and for those in the latter
group who indicated a familiarity with the Grand Traverse Bay area. In addition, the
persons arguing for an earlier or later probability date than that indicated as the
consensus were identified by a number which correlated to a list of biographical
On the final round of the technical-panel exercises, respondents were also asked
to ma ke specific conditional probability estimates for pairs of events that panel
members had suggested were closely related. First they were to consider the effects
General Applications: Delphi Inquiries and Knowledge Utilization 101
of the occurrence of the conditioning event and then the effects of the
nonoccurrence of the conditioning event (see Fig. 1). One of the objectives of this
procedure was to encourage panelists to reexamine their estimates for individual
events in the light of the influence and probabilities of related events. Analysis of
all individual responses reveals that a relatively high percentage of respondents
altered their final estimates for those developments included in the set of events
which was subjected to conditional probability assessments. Since this was the
third iteration of feedback and reassessment for many of these developments, it is
not unreasonable to assume that the change in estimates primarily resulted from the
evaluation of relationships among events-relationships which previously had not been
fully considered. This assumption is further supported by the fact that these
respondents made almost no changes in their estimates of other developments,
which were not subjected to the specific routine of estimating conditional
probabilities (but were given the benefit of the feedback of all of the other types of
information used in these exercises). In view of the fact that the relationships
among events were stressed throughout these exercises, any movement in the final
estimates as a result of the consideration of specific conditioning effects is believed
to be significant.
* Interquartile Range
(1) There was strong agreement among the three groups involved in the
exercises-technical, behavioral, and decision makers --on the words and phras -
es that they associated with the nu merical probabilities of 25, 50, and 75
percent [3].
(2) Individual distributions provided the decisionmakers with more informa tion
than single probability estimates and were believed to be helpful to the
estimator in making assessments that were consistent with his judgment [4],
(3) The 25, 50, and 75 percent levels of probability were ideal for using a betting
rationale, that is, systematically dividing the future into equally attractive
(4) It was believed that group medians associated with these fixed probabilities
would provide an easily identifiable consensus range.
Since it was likely that many of the decisionmakers would have had little
experience with the notion of personal probabilities, a guide for making personal
estimates of probability was sent to all members of the broad panels researchers as
well as decisionmakers. The guide presented a systematic method for arriving at
the timing estimates for each technical and social development. The assessor was
asked to visualize a movable pointer below a sequence of numbers representing
years, as in the diagram below. He was asked to move the pointer mentally so as to
divide the future into two periods in which the development was equally likely to
1 1 1
9 9 9
7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Later
50% Probability
If the result appeared as it does in the diagram above, 1983 should be entered
as the 50 percent probability date. It could also be described as the "1-to -1" odds or
"even chance" date. If the pointer came to rest beyond 1990, "Later" would be
recorded, and the assessor would go on to consider the next development. The
General Applications: Delphi Inquiries and Knowledge Utilization 103
assessor was then instructed how to divide up the results to estimate the "3-to -1"
and "1-to -3" odds.
Because of the interest in technology transfer and knowledge utilization in
Michigan's Delphi inquiries, there was a special interest in the judgment patterns of
the technicians and decisionmakers, which were displayed as in Fig. 2. For each
round the panel medians (connected by a solid line) and the interquartile ranges
(connected by dashed lines) were shown. The rounds were numbered from left to
right for the researchers and from right to left for the decisio nmakers, to facilitate
the comparisons. The average judgments of re spondents in each group who rated
their competence in the area being considered relatively high were indicated by
asterisks. For most items generally, each group's median estimate for the final
round was very close to the median estimates of those who considered themselves
relatively competent in the subject. Also, the consensus-as measured by the
interquartile range narrowed and the average estimates of the two groups tended to
come closer together. Some of the other patterns, while not ideal from the
standpoint of movement toward a narrower consensus, provided a decisionmaker
with information as to a course of further inquiry.
Sources of Pollution
Many communities in the Great Lakes basin are confronted with decisions on
waste-water treatment and disposal systems that will have important con sequences
for the future socioeconomic development of their region. This is a highly
technical and complex issue, and decisionmakers must intuitively assess the
judgments of experts in many specialized areas.
A systematic consideration of the available altern atives and the identification
of areas of agreement and disagreement within and between the three general
groups involved in these exercises may aid planners from this region as well as
those from many other communities in the Great Lakes region facing similar
problems and decisions.
Included in the technical panel's round -three information package was an
evaluation matrix that listed six alternative waste-water treatment and disposal
systems. Panel members were asked to suggest other alternatives and to evaluate
each of them in terms of two different starting dates for the construc tion of the
necessary facilities. Variances in the estimates were to be attributed to assumptions
about the technology that would be available at the two starting dates. Panel
members were instructed to give 100 points to their first choice for each time
period and a portion of 100 points to the remaining alternatives according to their
value relative to the first choice.
The round-four information package provided panel members with a summary
of the estimates made in the third round. The evaluation matrix for that round (Fig.
4) requested two evaluations for the six alternative waste-water treatment and
disposal systems for two different starting dates. In the first evaluation the
respondents were asked to consider all factors, in particular the technology
available at the start of construction; in the second evaluation they were to consider
only t en-year operating costs.
There is far from universal agreement on the merits of the Delphi techniques.
Rand believes that Delphi marks the beginning of a whole new field of research,
which it labels "opinion technology"[5]. However, a paper presented at the joint
statistical meetings of the American Statistical Association in August 1971
described the Delphi techniques as the antithesis of scientific forecasting and of
questionable practical credibility [6].
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the Delphi technique is
gaining rather widespread use in technological forecasting and corporate plan ning,
although the same article cautions:
It's easy enough to see the shortcomings of the Delphi procedure; it's much
harder to rectify them, as many are struggling to do. Remedial work must be
done if the method is to be used in good conscience [7].
The Sea Grant Delphi exercises offered an exceptional opportunity for a critical
evaluation of the Delphi techniques in an operational environment. The panelists-the
main resource in evaluating the methodology-were interested in the improvement of
techniques to integrate the judgments of a multidisciplinary research team and to
convey its informed insights to society. Their evaluations were not biased by a strong
emotional involvement in the success of the Delphi exercises, as has been true with
many of the individual assessments of the method that have been published. From both
a program budgeting standpoint and demands on researchers' time, the Delphi exercises
110 John Ludlow
competed with a wide variety of other methods for securing and disseminating
The primary instrument in evaluatin g the effectiveness of the method and its
potential in other applications was a formal questionnaire. It was developed almost
entirely by the respondents themselves using the Delphi technique of feeding back
collated individual suggestions to generate additional suggestions. "This procedure
somewhat reduces the vulnerability of the questionnaire to the biases and
shortcomings of the investigator. The six-point scale and associated descriptive
words shown in Fig. 5 were used to quantify degrees of agreement and
disagreement. To supplement the formal questionnaire, over thirty -five interviews
with panelists were conducted.
Summaries were made for the three general groups participating in the Sea
Grant Delphi exercises: technicians (Group 1), behaviorists (Group II), and
decisionmakers (Group III). For some issues the summaries for technical panelists
under forty years of age and panelists with previous experience with the Delphi
method were shown. Using the sample results, tests of significance were made to
test the hypothesis that the distributions of the judgments of the Delphi method are
homogeneous across the groups (the test procedure was based on the chi-square
test statistic) and to test the null hypothesis that the means of the judgments of the
population represented by the groups are identical (based on analysis of variance
and the F-test). The results of these tests were used to support the discovery of
basic differences in judgments made by different groups which had been formed on
the basis of similar backgrounds and experiences. Their evaluations provided
evidence that the method is effective not only in its designed role but in two other
roles that are important and challenging from a management standpoint:
encouraging greater in volvement and facilitating communication between
researchers and de cisionmakers. The evaluations also showed that among the
carefully selected samples of people the techniques were more highly regarded
among groups which were formed on the basis of broad ranges in training and
experience than among technicians-the group most administrators of the techniques
have focused on.
The reliability of the method was demonstrated by the fact that the performance
of the respondents, as measured by group statistical summaries, was similar for the
three groups. Respondents from all three groups were generally willing to suggest
future developments, sources of pollution, and research priorities; to utilize scaled
descriptors to quantify subjective judgments; to accept a statistical aggregation of
weights supplied by a group; and to reassess their judgments on the basis of feedback
of information supplied by the group.
Some insight into the nature of the difference between judgments based on
panelists' experience in the Sea Grant Delphi inquiries and the panelists' conception
of an ideal application of the Delphi techniques can be gained by examining a
cumulative summary of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the method in three
specific roles shown in Table 2.
General Applications: Delphi Inquiries and Knowledge Utilization 111
Table 2
Comparison of Evaluation Based on Experience in Sea Grant
Exercises with Evaluations
Based on the Potential of the Delphi Method
1: strongly disagree.
6: strongly agree.
1: strongly disagree.
6: strongly agree.
The Delphi inquiries have complemented the Michigan Sea Grant gaming-
simulation activities by providing the following types of inputs:
• Data which can be helpful in describing social, economic, and political forces
affecting the region's development during the next twenty years.
116 John Ludlow
• Regional planning strategies, listed in order of preference for both university
researchers and regional planners.
• Problems and issues which provide the link between the simulated regional
area and a set of decision roles which are gamed [9].
1. Murray Turoff, "Delphi and Its Potential Impact on Information Systems," Paper 81,
Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference, Vol. 39. AFIPS Press, Washington,
D. C., November 1971.
2. The techniques and procedures used in this series of interrogations and information
feedback are similar to those described in "Some Potential Societal Developments--1970-
2000" by Raoul De Brigard and Olaf Helmer, IFF Report R-7. Institute for the Future,
Middletown, Conn,, April 1970.
3. In one phase of the Delphi inquiries panelists were asked to assign numerical
probabilities to commonly used words or phrases to indicate the likelihood of an event.
The Delphi technique of reassessment based on the feedback of a group response was
extremely effective in narrowing the dispersion of the estimates. Verbal phrases
associated with numerical probabilities were believed to encourage respondents to think
about a probability scale in similar terms and might be more appropriate than numerical
probabilities in expressing the likelihood of socioeconomic developments.
4. The Michigan Delphi inquiries provided empirical evidence that the feedback and
reassessment techniques which are inherent in the basic Delphi method reduced the
number of inconsistencies in personal estimates of probability as the rounds progressed. It
also indicated a tendency for a learning "curve" for respondents with respect to the
technique itself.
5. "Forecasters Turn to Group Guesswork," Business Week , March 14, 1970.
6. Gordon A. Welty, "A Critique of the Delphi Technique" (summary of paper presented at
the joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Aug. 23-26, 1971).
7. "Futuriasis: Epidemic of the '70s," Wall Street Journal, May 11, 1971.
8. For a discussion of the dangers associated with a Delphi devoted to policy issues see
Turoff's article, above (Chapter 111. B. 1.). For a discussion of deliberate distortion see
"A Critique of Some Long-Range Forecasting Developments," by Gordon Welty (paper
presented at 38th session of the International Statistical Institute, Washington, D. C.,
August 1971).
9. The gaming-simulation concept for the Sea Grant Program is presented in "Developing
Alternative Management Policies," unpublished report, University of Michigan Sea Grant
Office, 1971.
10. Donald Michael is presently program director, Center for Research on Utilization of
Scientific Knowledge, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. These are a
summary of his unpublished remarks to a site visit team of government officials and
academicians in Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 4, 1972.
11. Douglas McGregor, "The Professional Manager" (New York: Harper & Row, 1967), p.
153: ... My conception of a two-way communication is that it is a process of mutual
influence. If the communicator begins with the conviction that his position is right and
must prevail the process is not transactional but coercive."
12. Peter F. Drucker, '"Technology, Management and Society" (New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Co., 1970), pp. 22-23: "... They must understand it because they have been through
it, rather than accept it because it is being explained to them."
13. Erich Jantsch, "Technological Forecasting in Perspective," Organization for Economic
118 John Ludlow
Other References
Examples of the key instruments used in the Michigan Sea Grant Delphi
inquiries can be found in "Substantive Results in the University of Michigan's
Sea Grant Delphi Inquiry," by John D. Ludlow, Sea Grant Technical Report No.
23, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1972, and in "Evaluation of
Methodology in the University of Michigan's Sea Grant Delphi Inquiry," by John
D. Ludlow, Sea Grant Technical Report No. 22, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, 1972. Complete sets of the information packages can be found in "A
Systems Approach to the Utilization of Experts in Technological and
Environmental Forecasting," by John D. Ludlow, Ph.D. dissertation for the
University of Michigan, 1971. Available through University Microfilms, Inc.,
Ann Arbor.
III.B. 3. The National Drug-Abuse Policy Delphi:
Progress Report and Findings to Date
Although the abuse of drugs has been recognized in this country for nearly one
hundred years, its popularity as a national problem has resurfaced relatively recently. In
1968, former President Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number I"; from
1969 until 1974, some $2.4 billion in federal funds were obligated to combat the
problem, and an industry was created. This expenditure represents funding of programs
that were almost exclusively aimed at heroin abuse, rather than the broad spectrum of
drug abuse. Since 1968, drug abuse has been the subject of intense public and private
debate. Controversy over the government's appropriate response has ranged from
debate regarding drug laws (to what extent different drugs should be controlled, and in
what manner), to the basic question of whether or not alcohol programs are to be
included with "other" drug programs on the federal level.
During the past ten years, the increased concern and expansion of drug-abuse
prevention programs has resulted in a swelling of the ranks of professionals who have
developed expertise in this field; however, the use of these experts in policy advice and
formulation has been sporadic and unsystematic. At the same time, numerous research
and evaluation studies of drug-abuse prevention programs themselves have been
carried out. The degree to which resultant data from these studies can be, have been, or
should be, used in decision-making at the nation level has never been resolved.
In the fall of 1973, it was clear that the problem of drug abuse had diminished
in priority, and that substantial reductions in federal funding were imminent. This
may be attributed primarily to the apparent abatement of the heroin epidemic,
which had served as the stimulus for increased concern and program funding in the
late 1960s. Although the crisis associated with the heroin epidemic may have
passed, it is by no means clear that the broader problem of drug abuse has been
resolved: polydrug use and alcoholism appear to be increasing; and the abuse of
prescription drugs, once the "hidden drug problem," is surfacing in many
communities. Such a time of decreased public interest and funding for a yet-
existing problem calls for careful consideration of the basic issues, and deliberation
of the strategies to be followed, in order to maximize effective use of resources
Viewed from this perspective, the procedures utilized by Policy Delphi studies
seemed most appropriate to explore national drug-abuse policy options for the next five
years. The volatility of many of the issues, most of which involve fundamental value
and sometimes moral choices; the diverse backgrounds of those who make or influence
policy; the apparent differences in the positions held by various experts and groups;
120 Irene Anne Jillson
and the apparent inability of past policy studies to aid decision-makers led to the
conceptualization and implementation of a national drug-abuse Policy Delphi study.
The unusually high response rate, the degree of participation achieved to date, and the
interest on the part of federal and state decision-makers has borne out this initial
The study described in this chapter was originally conceived in 1973, and designed
during the fall of that year, Implementation began in December 1973; the first
questionnaire was disseminated in March 1974. The first two questionnaires were
developed under a contract funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse.1 Analysis
of the data generated by the second questionnaire, and the further development of the
use of the Delphi procedures in the exploration of national drug-abuse policy, as
originally conceived, was sponsored by the National Coordinating Council on Drug
The study analyzing the first two rounds was completed and published in
December 1974.
Since the level of drug abuse in the United States is presumed to be both endemic
and epidemic, and since strategies to respond to changes in use patterns need to be both
immediate and long range, this study is concerned with ascertaining the feasibility of
utilizing the Delphi technique to meet these needs of policy formulation and planning.
• On an as-needed basis. This would involve the use of a panel of experts who
would respond to queries sent as the need arises. For example, if a decision-maker
were to be informed that there was a dramatic decline in the number of patients
entering treatment programs, a Delphi would be developed to determine the
opinion of selected experts with regard to this particular trend.
• On an ongoing basis. If one agrees that there is an endemic level of drug abuse,
then it would seem appropriate to develop an ongoing Delphi study of indefinite
duration. This Delphi would be implemented such that questionnaires would be
NIDA Contract Number B2C-5352/HOIMA-2-5352.
General Applications: National Drug Abuse 121
distributed at regular intervals. Since the panel would be of indefinite duration,
membership might be fluid. Current trends in the field would be incorporated into
the questionnaires, so that there would be a continuous flow of information for the
use of the policymaker, and those operating programs of various disciplines in the
Study Design
A numb er of advisers--experts in the field of drug abuse, policy planning and analysis,
and the Delphi technique in particular-assisted in developing the study design. To date,
they have continued to provide assistance in all aspects of the study. Included are Dr.
Norman Dalkey, Engineering Systems Department, University of California at Los
Angeles, who originally was instrumental in developing the technique in the late 1950's
and who continues to explore its use as part of his decision-theory research; and Dr.
Murray Turoff, who has developed the Policy Delphi and is co-editor of this book. Dr.
Peter Gold schmidt has assisted in planning and management of this study, and M.
Alexander Stiffman has assisted in developing the analytic approach and designing the
computer analysis. Dr. Raymond Knowles, Charlton Price, and Anthony Siciargo have
assisted in pretesting the questionnaires.
The final study design was based on the premise that policy may be formulated
from a number of different perspectives. In designing this Policy Delphi study we are
exploring the formulation of national drug-abuse policy from three perspectives:
Respondent Population
A list of more than one hundred highly selected potential respondents was developed
from among the most notable "experts" in the field and from those who directly
impacted on the field (e.g., police chiefs). Invitations to participate in the study were
sent to forty-five persons; the remaining names were held in reserve, as a second series
of invitations was anticipated in order to secure twenty-five participants. In fact, thirty-
eight individuals (84%) responded positively. Since that time, three respondents have
withdrawn fro m the study owing to a change in career orientation from drug abuse.
Needless to say, there was no necessity for a second series of invitations.
As the study progressed past the first two rounds, several additional respondents
were added. These additional respondents were selected to represent areas of interest
which had developed in the study, but for which respondents had not been initially
selected. Experts in alcoholism were added to the panel, for example, because a
significant proportion of existing panelists expressed the view that a national drug-
abuse policy could not be considered separately from alcoholism. The addition of such
experts will allow their views to be added to those of the present panelists, and so
provide an appropriate additional perspective. The present panel consists of thirty-nine
Our respondent group represents some of the most respected authorities in the
field. They include the Deputy Director of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health
Administration, a former director of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs,
officials from the Office of the Secretary, and Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Health of H.E.W., notable researchers, treatment administrators, law-enforcement
officials, and policymakers in the field of drug abuse. It should be emphasized that
participation is voluntary, and that no honorarium is paid to respondents.
The Questionnaires
First Questionnaire
Policy Makers 9 9 0 9 5 5
Researchers 12 9 0 9 9 9
Treatment Program
11 11 2 9 4 6
General Applications: National Drug Abuse
Criminal Justice
9 6 1 5 3 3
Other 4 3 0 3 3 2
Total 45 38 3 35 24 25
*As of 1 August, 1974. Does not include panelists added after that date.
Table 3.
Prevention 20 22 33 50 0 26
Intervention 0 33 33 75 0 30
Treatment 40 78 0 100 0 57
Research 20 100 0 50 0 50
Evaluation 0 78 0 50 33 44
Training 0 33 33 50 0 26
Education 20 56 33 50 0 39
Pharmacology 0 11 0 0 0 4
Number of Respondents 5 9 3 4 3 24
Second Questionnaire
Preparation of the second questionnaire began shortly after the first completed
Round One questionnaires had been received. It was decided that, because of the
complexity and time required for completion of the transition matrix, this section
would be deleted fro m the second questionnaire and included as part of a
subsequent round. The second questionnaire and a summary of the first round
results were disseminated in mid -May.
The second questionnaire included two sections:
There is usually a decrease in response rates for the second round of a Delphi
study, particularly those involving voluntary participation. For this reason, and
because of the length of the Round Two questionnaire, we anticipated a response
rate of approximately 45 percent to 50 percent. In fact, twenty -five respondents,
71%) completed the questionnaire; a most unusual and gratifying response rate,
and one higher than that for Round One. (See Table 2.)
The absolute range of time to complete the second questionnaire was 1 2 to
82 hours; the interquartile range was 22 to five hours; the median time to complete
was three hours. For the policyrnakers' subpanel, the median was 5(1/4) hours; for
all others the median was three hours.
128 Irene Anne Jillson
To test the Delphi technique; determine the value of the process in sharpening
views in social policy fields or in bringing forth practical ideas or new
To explore the limits of possible public policy formu lation; to learn more about
policy formulation.
To see if an consensus is possible in drug abuse policy; see if the group can solve
the problem or give direction.
To distill and synthesize the collective thinking of some of the best minds in drug
abuse; obtain the bene fit of the ideas of the others as a stimulus to my own
thinking; to learn what the group knows about, and applies in responding to
drug abuse.
To assess the extent to which m views in drug abuse coincide with or differ frosa
those of m colleagues ; check my own opinions against those of the group.
Third Questionnaire 2
For this questionnaire, panelists were asked to respond to two series of ques tions:
First Round-National Drug-Abuse Policy Delphi.
General Applications: National Drug Abuse 129
1. National Policy Objectives. There were twenty-five objectives included
in this section; these had to be re -rated because there was a broad
distribution of voting responses, differences in voting between policy
experts and policy nonexperts, or because origin al objectives had been
combined or divided.
2. Transition Matrix. In this section, the transition factors suggested by
respondents in the first questionnaire were further developed.
The policy issues were not included for consideration in this round in order to
maintain expected time for completion to a reasonable level. The data from this
third questionnaire, and information gathered during previous studies of this type,
will be used as a basis for developing policy and program options in future rounds.
The respondents were again sent two copies of the questionnaire, and an
introduction and summary volume which included results of the previous
Table 5.
Table 5 (Continued)
Table 5 (Continued)
Objectives were first grouped on the basis of their feasibility and then sorted
on the basis of their desirability. This produced the rating of objectives depicted in
Table 6.
The twenty-five objectives which scored Highly Feasible and Highly Desir-
able, or Feasible and Highly Desirable, are shown as Tables 7 and 8, respec tively.
No objectives were rated "Definitely Infeasible" and none was rated as either
"Undesirable" or "Highly Undesirable." These results indicate that the majority (55%)
of the objectives listed were rated at least "Feasible" and "Desirable." The following
items or sets of items deserve special attention because of the distinctions in rating
patterns. The feasibility of twenty-one objectives was indeterminable, either because
there was polarization (with some respondents rating an objective feasible while others
rated it infeasible); a broad distribution (with respondents voting approximately
equally for four or more of the five scale values); or truly indeterminable (with the
modal response being "May or may not be feasible"). In only eight of the twenty-
one objectives which scored "May or may not be feasible" was this the modal
response; in the case of eleven objectives the reason was that the voting was either
polarized or broadly distributed, as 'fable 9 shows. All seven of the objectives
which respondents scored "Neither desirable nor undesira ble" were either polarized
or of a broad distribution.
By reviewing the frequency distribution and the scale scores we were able to
identify objectives in which there was a significant voting difference between those
Table 6.
NATIONAL DRUG ABUSE POLICY OBJECTIVES: Summary of Feasibility and Desirability Ratings
Highly Feasible 5 0 0 0 0
Feasible 20 5 1 0 0
9 6 6 0 0
Infeasible 2 1 0 0 0
Highly Infeasible 0 0 0 0 0
Irene Anne Jillson
Table 7.
(in decreasing order of desirability)
Feasibility Desirability
Score Score
Table 9. (continued)
(Feasibility and/or Desirability)
who rated themselves experts in national drug -abuse policy and those who did not.
Table 10 lists these items. Some of the differences were in items that could be of
major importance in the formulation of a national drug -abuse policy; most of the
differences had to do with the feasibility of attaining objectives.
In five cases, the modal response of the policy experts was "May or may not
be feasible," while nonexperts voted the same objective feasible. These related to
major strategies such as "to develop adequate alternative models in preven tion and
phased intervention," to reduce prescribed use of psychoactive drugs diminish
misuse by physicians," and even "to incorporate drug treatment into standard
health delivery systems." Since these objectives were all held to be at least
desirable, and since one is unlikely to propose objectives one is unsure are
General Applications: National Drug Abuse 139
140 Irene Anne Jillson
General Applications: National Drug Abuse 141
achievable, bringing to light this additional information may broaden the policy
options available to decision-makers. Alternately, it could be that the view of
nonexperts in these cases is overly optimistic. In one case ("to consider social-
action approaches as alternatives to treatment...") the modal response of the
nonexpert was "May or may not be feasible"; the policy experts were sure it was
"Probably feasible."
Policy experts and nonexperts differed on two objectives which represent a
major effort in the present national drug-abuse prevention strategy. Policy experts
scored "to reduce the supply of drugs available for abuse" as "Feas ible," while
nonexperts were less certain, scoring it "May or may not be feasible." The reverse
was true of the objective "to establish an effective social-rehabilitation system for
drug abusers who have become desocialized." Policy experts were not sure if this
objective was attainable and scored it "May or may not be feasible"; nonexperts, on
the other hand, scored it "Feasible."
Only one objective exhibited a voting difference between policy experts and
nonexperts on both feasibility and desirability. This objective ("to develop a group
with a primary interest in the problems people have with drugs") was scored
"Undesirable" and "May or may not be feasible" by policy experts, but "Desirable"
and "Feasible" bv nonexperts.
Although there was a big difference in the desirability score between policy
experts and nonexperts on the objective "to train in -line treatment personnel to
enhance their skill in helping the drug-dependent person," this was mostly in
agreement with 40 percent of experts and 100 percent of the nonexperts voting this
objective as "Highly desirable."
Objectives that score "Probably infeasible" or "May or may not be feasible"
(and this scale value was the modal response), were dropped from considera tion,
unless there was a significant difference in voting between policy expert and
Third Questionaire. In this questionaire, twenty -five objectives were listed, which
required revoting (desirability and feasibility). Objectives are presented for
revoting because of polarization on the part of the panel; because there was a broad
distribution of voting responses; or because there were differences in voting
between policy experts and policy nonexperts. In some cases, original objectives
were combined or divided after respondents' comments had been reviewed; in this
instance, voting was required on the newly developed objective. The remaining
objectives will be held over until a later round. Considera tion of the key
indicators associated with objectives rated at least feasible and desirable will also
be held over to a subsequent round.
Respondents were asked to list the factors which affected each of the
transitions and state whether a specific factor increased (promoted) or de creased
(inhibited) the rate of flow of individuals from one state to another.
The number of factors listed by respondents ranged from a low of two to a
high of over forty; we identified a total of 128 distinct factors.
Using the criterion that a factor must register three votes for a single
transition, twenty -five significant factors were identified from our total list of
128 factors. The twenty -five are shown in Table 11, the vote is shown by
transition state. The table shows the number of respondents who thought that the
factor increases the transition rate from one state to another, the number who said
it decreases the rate, and a residue who did not indicate direction. Because the
number of votes is small, and also because the interpretation of respondents'
indication of direction was sometimes difficult, reference will be made only to
the total number of votes indicating that a particular factor affected a given
transition. It should be noted in passing, however, that for some factors
respondents appeared to disagree on the direction in which a factor affected a
transition rate. A wide range of factors made the listing; some of them were
interwoven into the fabric of society, some were clearly interde pendent, and in
other cases any relationship between factors was less clear-cut. The dominant
factor was "the availability of drugs," which scored half again as many votes as the
second factor, "peer pressure," which in turn scored almost half as many votes
again as the third factor, "enforcement activities/law-enforcement pressure."
General Applications: National Drug Abuse 143
Figure 1.
Second Questionnaire. The transition matrix was not considered in this round.
No Affect
1 0 1 2 3
10 9 8 8 8
activities / law Affect
4 5 5 5 6
enforcement No Affect
2 1 1 1 0
pressure/application No
11 11 11 11 11
of legal sanctions Response
Table 13
RATED POLICY EXPERTS AND NONEXPERTS (in decreasing order of group importance)
152 Irene Anne Jillson
General Applications: National Drug Abuse 153
Preliminary Epilogue
Resource Requirements
One of the advantages of the Delphi technique as a tool in policy analysis is its
minimal cost for maxi mum output. The costs for completion of a Delphi study such
as this one can range from $15,000 to $40,000 for a nine- to twelve-month effort,
depending upon staff and direct -cost expenditures required. For example, if the
effort is included as part of ongoing staff assignments, then staff and space costs
may not be directly chargeable; if computer services are available, then a sizable
cost category is deleted. The amount of data which may be derived, and the
opportunity afforded to facilitate a "discussio n" of the issues by divergent experts
in the field, render the technique unusually cost-effective.
Considerable time should be spent in coceptualization of the study design and
development and pretesting of the questionnaire. In any area as complex and
diffuse as drug abuse, the study-design team needs to allocate substantial effort to
this phase of study development.
The relative success of this National Drug-Abuse Policy Delphi has resulted in
considerable interest in utilization of the technique not only in the drug -abuse field,
but in other social policy areas as well. The opportunities it affords for idea
exchange among diverse professionals and interest groups; and the continuous flow
of significant data for policy review are but two of the positive attributes of the
method. The potential for its application is extensive; as this is the first study of its
type, all of us who are interested in its future application can profit from the
lessons learned from this effort.
The process of conceptualizing and analyzing policy options is supremely
complex; it may be that the Delphi policy method will be a significant advance in
the field of applied decision theory and policy analysis, as it relates to the social
policy area in particular.
This phase of the study was completed in December 1974. During the succeeding
rounds, the objectives will be further summarized; the policy issues on which there
is significant divergent opinion will be explored; and policy options will be
developed from the objectives, policy issues, and transition factors. An interactive
conference will be held at the conclusion of the study; part of this conference will
involve introduction of the computer conferencing technique to respondents.
We shall evaluate the present effort to determine to what extent the study
objectives were met, and to what extent the respondents' objectives for partici-
pating in the study were met. The preliminary steps in this evaluation have already
been taken: in the first questionna ire, respondents were asked to list their
154 Irene Anne Jillson
objectives for participating in the study, for example. At the conclusion of the
study, the respondents will be asked to measure the degree to which their
objectives have been reached and whether they might have developed other
objectives during the course of the study. In addition, they will be asked to
evaluate the study on the basis of questionnaire design, content, and other relevant
areas. The results of this evaluation will be utilized in developing an ongoing
interactive policy planning system which the author is presently designing, as well
as other specific studies which are expected to stem from the present effort.
The evaluation of the impact of a study such as this is a much more complex
problem, but one which we believe is ultimately of more significance. We have
just begun to develop plans for a long-term evaluation of the study. This will
include, for example, as assessment of the degree to which study results were
reviewed and considered in the formulation of national drug-abuse policy.
Delphi [1] is often used to combine and refine the opinions of a heterogeneous group of
experts in order to establish a judgment based on a merging of the information
collectively available to the experts. However, in this process it is possible to submerge
differences of opinion and thus suppress the existence of uncertainty. In many
situations it might be advisable to run separate Delphis using more homogeneous
groups of experts in order to highlight areas of disagreement. This paper will report on
an activity that did just this and point out several areas in which the types of responses
obtained were fundamentally very different. In some cases these differences were quite
unpredictable, and so, a highlighting of the variations greatly increased the information
obtained. Running one Delphi using a subset of the experts from each group would
probably not have illuminated some of the differences in opinion. The mere weight of
pressure to move toward the median response [2] would have caused a joint Delphi to
converge toward a middle position. In addition, the presence of disagreement is much
more significant when large groups share similar positions. The traditional approach to
Delphi generally results in the using of a small number of experts from any one area.
One concern that is often raised about the credibility of Delphi results is that
individual experts may bias their responses so that they are overly favorable toward
areas of personal interest. This is of particular concern when experts are asked to
evaluate areas in which they are presently working and when the final Delphi results
could impact the importance attached to these areas. In this paper results will be
presented that indicate that no such bias occurred in the Delphis reported on. It appears
that the particular groups of experts used were able to rise above the desire to protect
personal interests.
The United States Air Force presently maintains an official list of System Concept
Options (SCOs) in order to indicate to the Air Force Laboratories potential future
technology needs. This activity is primarily - a means of communicating to the
laboratory planners the thinking of Air Force System planners. However the number of
potentially worthwhile systems possibilities, and thus the number of technology needs,
exceed the resources available to fulfill all the possibilities and needs. Clearly the Air
Force Laboratories needed a means of establishing priorities for the System Concept
Options. Thus it was decided to undertake a program of Delphi evaluation. This
program was run by the Deputy for Development Planning, Aeronautical Systems
Division, and was limited to considerations of those SCOs that fell under the Deputy's
156 Chester G. Jones
jurisdiction. Thirty SCOs were evaluated. They covered a rather large spread in need
for technological support as well as proposed mission use. Some concepts represented
a rather straightforward extrapolation of present technology, while others would
require substantial technology development programs. The missions represented
included most of the areas of interest to the Air Force including many strategic and
tactical possibilities as well as systems intended to meet support and training
It was decided to conduct separate Delphis utilizing personnel from various Air
Force organizations, in order to determine how closely the organizational opinions
agreed. In this way it was believed that not only would a basis for prioritizing the
systems be obtained, but in addition, the results would help to indicate areas of
communication problems between organizations. If organiza tion viewpoints in a
particular area differed greatly, there would appear to be a need for increased
communication about the area.
Delphis were conducted within the following four USAF organizations: Deputy
for Development Planning, Aeronautical Systems Division (ASD/ XR); Air Force
Avionics Laboratory (ANAL); Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory (AFAPL); Air
Force Flight Dynamic Laboratory (AFFDL). The experts chosen were senior
managerial and technical personnel (both civilian and military), and were selected so
that representation of most if not all of the major departments within the organizations
was present. A total of sixty-one experts took part in the evaluations which involved
three rounds of questioning.
The above organizations are of two different types. The Deputy for Development
Planning is a systems planning organization having responsibility for identifying
promising aerodynamic system concepts and defining them to the point where
development decisions can be made. It has no direct responsibility for research
activities. The three laboratories are responsible for developing technologies in their
assigned areas which will improve system capabilities. The Avionics Laboratory is
concerned with electronic systems, the Aero Propulsion Laboratory with atmospheric
engines, fuel, etc., and the Flight Dynamics Laboratory with aircraft structures,
controls, aerodynamics, etc. Thus the four groups that were asked to evaluate the list of
SCOs are quite different in their areas of expertise. In particular it should be
emphasized that the laboratory groups were being asked to compare SCOs some of
which required considerable support from their particular laboratory, others of which
required little or no support. All of the participants were, however, senior Air Force
personnel and were thus knowledgeable of activities at other Air Force Laboratories.
Results obtained for three of the questions used will be discussed in this paper.
Question 1. Please rank-order the SCO list of systems on the basis of where
current Air Force Laboratory Programs will make the greatest contribution toward
success of the system.
Question 4. Given that each system becomes a technological success, rank order
the SCO list in terms of importance of each system to National Defense.
Question 5. Considering technology, timing, and system importance, rankorder
the SCO list according to where you think the Air Force Laboratories can make the
greatest contribution to National Defense.
General Applications: Agreement Between Organizations 157
Each of these questions involved a complete ranking of thirty items, which
proved to be a trying but not impossible task. It should be noted that succeeding round
changes in answers often required a large restructuring of the list. That is, a change in
the answer or rank of one system generally changes the rank of other systems
(however, the participants were allowed to use a limited number of ties if necessary
and thus a few participants avoided this problem). This interrelation of answers tends
to make convergence difficult, since dis agreement in one area impacts other areas.
In reviewing the results, it was obvious that some groups tended to give SCOS similar
rankings for different questions, while other groups changed many of the SCOs
rankings drastically from question to question. Table 1 shows the pearman rank
correlation coefficient for each Delphi for each combination of questions.
Clearly the ASD/XR answers suggest a greater change in laboratory emphasis (as
shown by the low correlation between Questions 1 and 4, and between Questions 1 and
5) than that indicated by the other three groups. The system planners thus indicated a
greater need for laboratory redirection than the laboratory personnel. Again we have an
158 Chester G. Jones
area of disagreement that might be camouflaged had one combined Delphi been
It is interesting that the AFAPI. results indicate the least correlation between
Questions 4 and 5. Although it might seem that the answers to these questions should
correlate closely, there are several possible reasons to explain lack of correlation:
(1) A system may be important but not need substantial laboratory support.
(2) The necessary laboratory support might best be supplied by non-Air Force
(3) A system might be important if technologically feasible, but the necessary
technological developments might not be considered likely in the near future.
General Applications: Agreement Between Organizations 159
Table 1
Spearman Rank Correlati on Coefficient for Each Question Combination
Q1-Q4 +.295 +.788 +.571 +.448
Q1-Q5 +.315 +.863 +.904 +.698
Q4-Q5 +.746 +.925 +.579 +.844
Thus there might be a logical explanation for this lack of correlation. However,
the data are surprising enough to indicate the desirability of a more detailed review of
the AFAPL results. A subsequent review of the AFAPL answers indicated that many of
the comments used to justify the apparently inconsistent results did involve
considerations such as those listed above. However this example shows the value of
looking for correlation between answers, and then, highlighting comments that justify
departures from expected correla tion.
Bias by Ti me Period
Figure 2 shows the average evaluations for Question 5 when the SCOs are grouped
according to date of estimated technological feasibility. Obviously the system planners
(ASD/XR) with their more futuristic interests attach greater importance to the far-term,
more advanced systems. This might be a result of the planners' greater awareness of the
possible benefits these futuristic systems offer. However, a possible reason for the
laboratory viewpoint might be a greater appreciation of the difficulty associated with
solving the technological problems.
Again the results suggest the possibility of a communications gap. Both groups
should benefit from an exposure to the reasoning that led to such diverse results. This
type of exposure might best go beyond a Delphi-type exchange (which is generally
limited in the amount of information transferred). Such a transfer of information is
essential if the potential value of the SCO list is to be achieved. It is often not enough
to establish priorities, unless all parties concerned accept and understand the logic that
led to the priorities.
Laboratory Bias
There was some concern before the laboratory efforts were started that the results
might tend to be biased. Although the laboratory participants were instructed to rank
the laboratory efforts by the total efforts from all the Air Force Laboratories, it was
hypothesized that the participants' greater knowledge about their own laboratory
programs and the natural tendency to promote one's personal interests would lead to a
160 Chester G. Jones
bias in favor of their laboratory's efforts. In order to test this hypothesis, the rankings
obtained on Question 5 for the SCOs that received crucial support from each of the
laboratories were compared.
In mid-1972, each of the laboratories published reports that reviewed their
Technology Planning Objectives (TPOs) and the relevance of each TPO to each SCO.
The top relevancy category indicated a TPO that the laboratory felt was essential to a
given SCO. Table 2 shows the average ranking given for Question 5 to the groups of
SCOs having a top relevancy match with the various laboratory TPOs, respectively.
The lowest number in each column indicates the organization placing the greatest
emphasis on that laboratory's progress. Therefore, bias would be indicated if the lowest
number in a given laboratory's column was on the row corresponding to that
laboratory's Delphi. The Delphi conducted in Laboratory B gave poorer (larger
numerically) rankings to SCOs that were felt to be essentially related to one or more of
their TPOs than any of the other groups, while the Delphi conducted in Laboratory A
gave neither the poorest nor the best rankings to SCOs that were felt to be essentially
related to one or more of their TPOs. Although the Delphi conducted in Laboratory C
did give the best (numerically lowest) ranking to SCOs considered to be essentially
related to their TPOs, the average ranking is not too different from those obtained in
the other Delphis.
General Applications: Agreement Between Organizations 161
Table 2
Average Answer to Question 5 for SCOs That Are Related to Programs of
Particular Laboratories
Relevancy Match with
Laboratory A Laboratory B Laboratory C
ASD/XR 12.7 15.1 15.6
Laboratory A 12.0 17.6 15.9
Laboratory B 15.1 22.3 15.8
Laboratory C 11.6 20.0 14.9
Thus, the hypothesis that a given laboratory Delphi tends to indicate biased
rankings for SCOs that receive crucial support from that laboratory's effort does not
appear to be valid. The answers obtained from Question 5 do not indicate the presence
of laboratory bias.
The results discussed in this paper indicate information that was obtained by
comparing several Delphi experiments utilizing experts from different organiza tions
that probably would not have been obtained had one Delphi been run utilizing a
subgroup from each of the groups of experts. Clearly differing organization viewpoints
were identified, despite the fact that all of the groups involved very senior Air Force
personnel who shared access to a considerable common information base. That is, all
of the organizations had detailed knowledge of many of the same programs.
A noticeable difference in the amount of convergence was observed where in one
case the apparently more expert group showed the poorest convergence. Disagreement
was also apparent concerning the question of whether or not the laboratory programs
should be redirected (as well as the related question of whether laboratory efforts
should be directed toward near-term or more futuristic technology needs).
Comparisons of results were also made to determine if the laboratory group gave
answers that were biased to support their own program. This investigation failed to
show the presence of any real bias. This finding is very encouraging, for it suggests
that at least these groups of technical experts were able to place their professional
ethics above the common desire to promote personal gain. Had this not been true, the
worth of this activity would be greatly reduced.
1. Olaf Helmer, and Nicholas Rescher, "On the Epistemology of the Inexact Sciences,"
Management Science, 6, No. 1 (October 1959).
2. Norman C. Dalkey, The Delphi Method: .9n Experimental Study of Group Opinion, The
Rand Corporation, RM -5888-PR; 1969.
III.C. 1. Delphi Research in the Corporate
The Delphi technique has become widely accepted in the past decade by a broad
range of institutions, government departments, and policy research organizations
("think tanks"). These applications are described elsewhere in this book. The use of
the Delphi approach in the corporate environment will be discussed in this section.
Corporate utilization of Delphi is perhaps one of the least-known aspects of the
technique's application. This is a result of corpora tions regarding the products of
their Delphi exercises as proprietary and, hence, restricting their distribution or
description in professional literature. A review of the long-term planning and
futurist literature has revealed that few of the corporate efforts in this field have
been documented in any detail.
The first part of this analysis will examine some uses of the Delphi technique
in industry. This general review will be supplemented by an analysis of the
application of the methodology in six Delphi studies conducted by the Business
Planning group of Bell Canada. The Bell Canada experience will be followed by a
description of some of the problems and issues that arise when using Delphi in the
corporate environment, This review will conclude with some comments on the
potential future of the Delphi technique in the business environment.
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 163
This second category of Delphi research is similar to the first. The grouping
includes individual corporations who sponsor Delphi studies at research or-
ganizations on subjects of general or specific interest. The Institute for the Future
(IFF) has conducted the largest number of these studies on this basis. In the case of
IFF, the study results are in the public domain [6]. Several of these studies have
been concerned with the impact of the computer/communications revolution:
(1) The Future of the Telephone Industry; sponsored by the American Telephone
and Telegraph Co. (New York, N. Y.) [7].
(2) The Future of Newsprint; sponsored by MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. (Vancouver,
B. C.) [8].
(3) On the Nature of Economic Losses Arising from Computer Based Systems in
the Next Fifteen Years; sponsored by Skandia Insurance Co. (Stockholm,
Sweden) [9].
fall into general research categories (e.g., GTE, Skandia, and Owens-Corning) and
specific industry research studies (e.g., AT&T, and MacMillan Bloedel).
Delphi research has also been sponsored by corporations in other research
organizations. The Danish study referenced above on personnel management was
extended by the consultants (Management Training Division of the Danish Institute
of Graduate Engineers) to three groups of employees from the printing firm CON-
FORM [13]. The Pace Computing Corporation sponsored a study by marketing
research consultants to determine the potential demand for its services [14].
The Delphi technique has recently come to the attention of other marketing
research consultants. This should lead to an expansion of corporate sponsorship of
these studies, as the market researchers will promote the technique with customers
who might not normally become exposed to Delphi or other longer term planning
techniques. One Canadian market research organization has mentioned the
technique in its periodic newsletter to clients [15]. As noted in the first category,
this sponsorship leads to senior management exposure to the technique even
though the corporations do not conduct the studies themselves.
The medical field has been explored in a U. S. study by Smith, Kline and
French, a major pharmaceutical manufacturer [21]. Three other large U. S.
pharmaceutical companies are reported to have conducted studies as well [22].
Industries undergoing rapid change have been frequent targets of Delphi
research. The merging computer and communications fields are an example of this
phenomenon and a significant number of industrial studies have been conducted.
IBM has conducted an internal study on future computer applica-tions. ICL in
England have also sponsored a Delphi study. In addition to sponsoring the IFF
research, AT&T conducted a study, "Communication Needs of the Seventies and
Eighties" (inte rnal document) [23]. Bell Canada has undertaken six studies
projecting technological and social trends in four main areas: education, medicine,
business information systems, and "wired city" services (all proprietary) [24]. The
Trans-Canada Telephone Syste m conducted an internal Delphi study on future data
service needs. British Columbia Telephone is conducting a Policy Delphi with
senior managers.
The Business Planning Group surveyed these various pressures in the late
1960s as it was developing a study plan to evaluate future trends in the visual and
computer communications fields. There was a distinct lack of qualitative data on
potential futures for these fields, especially in the Canadian environment. An
examination of various potential technological forecasting techniques indicated
that the Delph i technique would fill the perceived information gap.
The initial studies in education, medicine, and business followed a similar format.
The first part of the questionnaire asked the panelists to project their views on the
long-term (thirty years) future of some basic North American values. The purpose
in asking these questions was more to help the panelists get in a societal frame of
mind when answering the rest of the questionnaire than to obtain the societal trend
data itself. When the social trend views of the various groups of experts, as shown
in Table 1, were compared after all of these studies were completed, it was
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 167
Table 1
Value Changes in North Ame rican Society
Significant Slight No Slight Significant
Increase Increase Change Decrease Decrease
Involvement in Society
Participation in Decision
Self Expression
Acceptance of Change
NOTE: The shaded areas represent the median responses from the five Bell Canada Delphi studies
noted in the footnotes. Shading over two areas indicates differences in opinion between
the various panels.
168 Lawrence H. Day
interesting to note how similar the results were, considering the diverse
background of the 165 individuals in the various panels (there was no interpanel
communication during the studies).
Other areas of each study also explored non technological developments as
well as the adoption of systems to serve various applications. Table 2 illustrates
some of these nontechnical factors considered in the three studies [25].
Table 2
Nontechnological Factors Considered in the Bell Canada Delphi Studies
1. Value Trends 1. Value Trends 1. Value Trends
2. Evolution in School 2. Trends in the Medical 2. Changes in Business
Design Profession Procedures
3. Changing Role of the 3. Changes in the 3. Trends in Business
Teacher Medical Environment Physical Environment
The three studies outlined above provided an important new source of input to the
Business Planning group. However, one market area was still largely unresolved:
the future of communications services in the residence market. Each of the above
studies asked a few questions on home services but their combined answers still
left a large information gap. De termining how to obtain the additional information
reopened some important internal differences of opinion on the value of Delphi for
this purpose.
The main issue revolved around the definition of what is an "expert" in the
residential field. This question had developed in creating the earlier expert panels
as well. In two cases (Education and Business) the question was whether selected
industry specialists within the telecommunications industry were as knowledgeable
as experts in the above fields when it came to projecting the future. This question
was resolved by conducting two studies in the Education and Business fields. In
both cases, independent panels of "internal" and "outside" experts were used.
The question in the residential study was whether housewives or researchers
and planners were the best experts on the future adoption of communications
services in the home. In this case the study was totally service - and not technology-
oriented. This issue was resolved by establishing two competing panels to forecast the
future in this area. One panel consisted of housewives (experts through experience) and
the other of experts through research or planning for "wired city" services. The study
design and steps followed are shown in Table 7.
Table 7
Study Design: Future of Communications Services into the Home
1. Literature Search
2. Assemble Panels of "Experts" and Housewives
3. Design Draft Questionnaire
4. Pretest Questionnaire
5. Print and Distribute Revised Questionnaire (Identical, to Both Groups)
6. Prepare Statistical Analysis of 1st-Round Answers
7. Prepare Analysis of Supporting Comments from Each Group
8. Design, Pretest, Print and Distribute 2nd-Round Questionnaire showing:
a) 1st-Round Statistical Results from Each Group on One Page
b) 1st-Round Supporting Comments from Each Group on Opposite Page
c) Ask for Resolution of Answers within Each Panel
d) Highlight Differences between Panels and Ask for Resolution
9. Prepare Final Analysis
170 Lawrence H. Day
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 171
172 Lawrence H. Day
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 173
174 Lawrence H. Day
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 175
176 Lawrence H. Day
The important steps that are different from normal Delphi studies are 7 and 8 in Table 7.
The results should stimulate debates between the panels if this approach is going to
derive the maximum benefits from both panels. Table 8 shows a typical two-page
feedback and question set from the Home Communications Delphi [30]. The importance
of obtaining feedback comments from the panelists is illustrated in the table.
This study examined future acceptance of electronic shopping from the home,
remote banking, electronic home security services, and electronic programmed education
in the home. The study also explored the future of ten types of information retrieval
services that may be offered to homes. Table 9 illustrates some summary results of the
study [31].
Business Planning efforts in the six studies outlined above have resulted in an
important increase in the availability of qualitative data for planning purposes.
Experience with the technique resulted in significant modifications from the original
RAND approach, especially with the emphasis on analyzing the panelists' comments
and establishing threshold levels of acceptance. The use of Delphi to evaluate the
marketability of services by users rather than predicting the median dates of potential
technological development was also helpful. An analysis of completed studies has also
revealed comparison information on the use of internal panels vs. external panels.
Thus, Business Planning has learned much about the technique while obtaining useful
information. This three-year intensive involvement with the technique has also given
Business Planners a realistic view of some of the issues that arise when operating with
Delphi in the corporate environment.
The issues discussed below are based upon Bell Canada experience and on
discussions with individuals who have conducted similar studies in other
corporations. "These issues will probably be faced by any group in industry that
launches a serious attempt to conduct professional quality research in this area.
This, of course, is the fundamental question that must be answered. The emphasis
here is on in depth research, since this will often result in a significant allocation of
time and money resources in an area where immediate payoff is not clear to senior
management. Other forms of business research (market research, operations
research, economic research, etc.), have more precise goals and utilize more
understandable techniques. The benefits of Delphi research will not be reit erated
here, but the corporate planner has to recognize that this is one area not easily
understood by busy executives.
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 177
178 Lawrence H. Day
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 179
180 Lawrence H. Day
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 181
This is part of the more basic question on the value of long-term planning in
business. Generally, long-term planning has beco me an accepted part of business
today. Delphi research is most needed in the long-term planning function where the
conditions of uncertainty are the most evident.
Basic research of this nature is beginning to fall into the general area of
corporate social responsibility. Many corporate decisions made today will have
important secondary effects for decades to come. The rapid rise of interest in
government, academia, and business in what is termed "`Technology Assessment"
[32] is one reason for considering this as a part of corporate social responsibility.
Delphi study results can be used as corporate inputs to the development of
technology assessment equations [33].
The North American telecommunications industry is generally privately
owned but regulated by government agencies. Recent studies in the U. S. [34] and
Canada [35] have noted and projected an accelerating trend on the sharing of
planning data between the regulators and the corporations. While many industries
are not formally regulated, none can escape the growing governmental and public
scrutiny of the consequences of their actions and plans. Sharing of basic planning
information such as Delphi study results can help develop a common assessment
data base on both a corporate and a public basis.
The social/ political reasons outlined above are especially important when
evaluating the cost/benefit analysis of undertaking corporate Delphi research.
However, this is a more obvious reason for doing this type of research: the results
can be used to help make business decisions.
Many corporate Delphi studies conclude with the publication of a report to the
panelists and management outlining the study findings. The problem of recog-
nizing the value of this research develops if that is where the Delphi studies end.
These basic Delphi reports are important as:
The use of the Delphi results must then become more directed. One useful
way of using the specific results is to regard them as a data base to be drawn upon
when preparing corporate recommendations in specific topic areas. The Delphi
forecasts should be combined with other relevant material (trend extrapolations,
multiclient study results, market research data, etc.) in order to present a
comprehensive estimate of the impact of a forthcoming decision [36]. These
combinations may be in the form of cross-impact matrices, scenarios, market
analyses, etc. The use of the Delphi data with other material helps create
182 Lawrence H. Day
confidence in the overall package. It is rare that the Delphi results alone can help
resolve an issue when preparing a recommendation. Of course, this approach is
useful in the nonbusiness environment as well.
The Bell Canada Delphi study results are regarded as part of a data base. Each
of the Delphi forecasts has been abstracted, key-word indexed, and stored in an on-
line computerized information retrieval system. Other items in the data base are
also stored in the same manner. These items may be forecasts from trend studies,
material from other internal research, appropriate forecasts from studies available
from government institutions, policy research institutes, corporations, etc. The data
base is used in the creation of several types of Business Planning outputs (Note:
the Delphi material is an input, not an output). These outputs include:
In all of the above cases, the Delphi research material has been combined,
massaged, analyzed and placed in perspective vis -à-vis other future informa tion.
Delphi research can also be used in obtaining certain types of information not
usually available from normal ma rketing research activities. Statistical polling of
consumers can only produce a limited base of attitudinal data. Feedback and
interaction are not possible here. On the other hand, group depth interviews can run
into many of the problems that the lack of anonymity produces. The modified
version of Delphi used by Bedford enables the re searcher to generate opinions and
conflicts between potential consumer groups for new products or services. This
controlled conflict with feedback produces valuable behaviora l information that
would not emerge using other techniques. This data can be used for product or
service modification or redefinition of market opportunities.
Delphi research in business must be regarded as a means toward ends rather
than as an interesting intellectual end in itself. Use of the technique as indicated
above can result in an affirmative answer to the question: "Should corporations pay
for basic Delphi research?"
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 183
Delphi study results can be used to advantage in the corporate environment. The
reverse situation is also possible. One of the most common situations is for the
results of the study to be viewed as representing a corporate position, policy, or
This is not the case for the results of the vast majority of Delphi studies which
represent the combined and refined wisdom of the particular panel of experts on
the study [37]. One of the recurring problems with the Bell Canada Delphi's has
been the suggestion that the studies represent a corporate position even though this
suggestion is explicitly refuted in the reports.
A related problem is the temptation of corporate public relations groups to
distribute the studies as another P. R. tool. This can be especially problematic,
since Delphi panelists are assured that their contributions are provided in
confidence on a professional basis. The use of the study results in this manner
could backlash on the study director, especially if he hoped to conduct future
studies using panelists drawn from the same population. Of course, the value of
the documents as trading vehicles would diminish as well if they were handled in
this manner.
A further issue is related to the perceived precision of the study results.
Many Delphi studies process the interim and final results using computers. This
permits the presentation of statistical results that "appear" very precise to the
casual observer or individuals accustomed to dealing with the results of
economic and statistical research. The findings of Delphi studies are subject to
more interpretation than are most research results. The planning group should try
to ensure that others using the results as a data base are aware of the various
strengths and weaknesses of the information.
Another question that must be resolved is whether or not to conduct the study
using in -house or consultative resources. This decision can be analyzed by
considering the following factors.
(1) Single vs. Multiple Studies. There is a definite learning curve involved
when conducting Delphi studies. Serious attempts utilizing the technique require
an initial time and resource investment to learn how Delphi studies are
effectively conducted. This investment will pay continuing dividends if a number
of studies are planned. These rewards include the development of a more
knowledgeable planning staff that fully understands the strengths and weaknesses
of the data obtained from the studies. On the other hand, conduct ing a single
study with a planning group unfa miliar with the use of the technique may be a
costly venture that produces mediocre results.
(2) Study Sophistication. The corporation may be dealing with a subject
matter that is changing rapidly and is very complex (e.g., computer tech nology).
The firm may also want a large number of factors considered in the study. In this
184 Lawrence H. Day
One of the usual descriptors of corporate market research is that the results are
considered proprietary. Many studies are conducted to further a competitive
advantage. Corporate Delphi research is often conducted in this environment
with similar objectives. In these instances the results of the studies are not
designed for outside consumption. This creates problems if external expert
panelists are used in the study. The usual contract with the panelist is a full or
partial payment with a copy of the study results. This usually attracts high caliber
panelists who are interested in adding the study results to their own store of
information. The presence of the report in turn results in dissemination of its
contents to the panelist's professional colleagues, either by photocopy ing or by
requests to the study director for additional copies. This process of information
dissemination through "invisible colleges" usually means that proprietary studies
are not too practical with external panelists.
One solution to this situation is to utilize in-house experts. Of course, this is
practical only if there are a significant number of internal experts in the subject
matter of interest. The penalty of using this approach is the loss of the
independent outside viewpoint.
The use of mixed panels of in-house and external experts creates another potential
problem, The in-house panelist may have access to confidential corporate market or
technological research and use this in making and justifying his projections. The study
director may have to edit this data out of the panelist feedback material unless the
company is prepared to let the corporate information out to the external panelists. This
situation can create some intellectual dissonance for the study director, since the secret
data could help resolve specific questions under consideration by the panel. The best
solution in this case may be to try in advance to avoid subject matter in the study where
confidential company research is underway.
The preceding list of issues that must be considered when conducting corporate
Delphi research is not exhaustive. The main purpose of this section was to
General Applications: Delphi Research in Corporate Environment 185
examine some of the common or most important issues that the business planner
must face when deciding whether or not, or how, to use Delphi research. As with
many situations, a heavy application of common sense when planning Delphi
research will avoid some of the potential problems outlined above.
The near future should see continued rapid expansion of the Delphi technique in
business. The methodology appears to be currently reaching the "faddish" stage.
Many low-quality studies (which may be mislabeled "Delphi") will be conducted.
This could result in a credibility gap with those trying to use the technique to its
best advantage. If this credibility gap does occur, there may be a numerical decline
in the number of studies conducted, but a general improvement in the overall
quality of corporate Delphi research.
Widespread use of the methodology will result in continued rapid modifica-
tion of the original RAND design. Mini-Delphi's will be used to develop specific
forecasts or evaluate potential policy changes. The latter area will receive further
attention with the continued development of interest in tech nology assessment. The
use of on-line Delphi techniques will spread, especially as corporate management
information systems and remote access terminals become widespread [38]. The
availability of standard packages that permit any researcher with access to an on-
line Delphi system to act as a study director will also encourage further use of the
technique [39].
Delphi will become popular for certain types of market research studies. This
will probably occur more as a result of the promotional activities of market
research firms than from the conscious decision of corp orate researchers or
marketing academics. This opinion is held since there is little overlap between the
current professional literature of the marketers and the long -term planners [40],
whereas consultants are presently indicating interest in the technique.
In conclusion, Delphi has a healthy future in the corporate environment. This
is a future for a whole family of Delphi-inspired techniques in a broad range of
applications. Use of the term "Delphi" to describe a monolithic technique has
rapidly become obsolete in this environment. This expanding family of techniques
will be the property of the market researcher, market planner, policy planner,
systems researcher, etc., as well as the long -term business planner.
Many of the current and past me mbers of the Bell Canada Business Planning
Group have been involved with the Bell Delphi studies outlined in this paper. Mike
Bedford, Frank Doyle, and Dan Goodwill spent many months on the research,
design, conduct, and management of those studies. Don Atkinson, Ogy Carss, Ken
Hoyle, and Sine Pritchard provided the necessary management support and
maintained a belief that these efforts would produce useful results.
I would also like to thank Phil Feldman for his efforts in tracking down many
of the references listed. In addition to some of the individuals mentioned above,
Tony Ryan and Phil Weintraub provided many useful comments and suggestions
on earlier drafts of this article.
III.C. 2. Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985:
A Delphi Forecasting Study
Selwyn Enzer, Some Developments in Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985,
Report R-17, Institute for the Future (January 1971).
The term "material property" included not only physical propert ies such as strength,
density, toughness, and others, but also processability and cost.
190 Selwyn Enzer
Since the study focused on material property changes that may be realized in
existing materials as well as new materials and their properties, the number of
alternatives to be contemplated was vast. To address this challenge a matrixtype
categorization of materials and properties was used as the point of departure. For
this purpose a breakdown similar to that presented in "The Anatomy of Plastics,"
Science and Technology (F. W. Billmeyer and R. Ford), was used. This matrix of
materials and properties was divided into five subcategories:
• Engineering Plastics
• Genera l Purpose and Specialty Plastics
• Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics
• Foamed Plastics
• Nonplastics
The panel was asked to: (1) review the materials and properties presented,
indicating where they thought changes were likely to occur within the next fifteen
years which would significantly affect the widespread use of that material; and (2)
add and describe the anticipated properties of new materials which they thought
were likely to evolve and gain widespread use by 1985. In both of these steps the
panel was als o asked to describe the new chemical, physical, or other technological
developments that they believed would lead to the creation of the new material.
These inputs from the first Delphi round were used to prepare a three -part
questionnaire for the final round of interrogation. These parts were: (1) a summary
of the assessments of anticipated changes in existing material properties, indicating
those selected for more detailed investigation; (2) a listing of both plastic and
nonplastic materials with the nature of the anticipated major changes described
(those respondents who had anticipated these changes were asked to estimate the
new material properties they expected would exist by 1985 and to estimate the
1985 annual consumption by application); and (3) a list of new materials
anticipated by 1985 and a description of their properties (those respondents who
had anticipated these items were asked to estimate the properties and consumption
patterns they expected for these by 1985). All of these parts were open -ended in
that any of the respondents could still add additional items or comment on any
The Delphi panel was presented with descriptions of the major uses, properties,
and proprietary qualities of 37 plastics and 16 nonplastics all currently in
widespread use. These 37 plastics are presented in Table 1. As indicated earlier,
they were asked to: (1) identify likely changes in the properties of these materials
which would significantly affect their widespread use by 1985; and (2) identify new
materials (in each of the categories shown) which are likely to be developed and
would be in widespread use by 1985.
General Applications: Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985 191
Table 1
Existing Plastics
Engineering Plastics: Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics:
Acetal Epoxy
Fluorocarbons Nylon
Nylon Polyester
Phenoxy Phenolics
Polycarbonate Polycarbonate
Polyimide Polystyrene
High Density Polyethylene Polypropylene
Polypropylene San
Polysulfone Polyethylene
Poly (Phenylene Oxide)
The format used for this portion of the assessment is shown in Fig. 1. This
figure is divided into four columns. Column 1 lists the material and its typical uses.
Column 2 describes the properties of that material which are the key to its current
widespread use. Column 3 is divided into subcolumns which contain specific
material properties and the current performance ratings of each material relative to
the others in that category. This rating is indicated with a "1," "2," or "3" in
accordance with the code noted at the bottom of the figure. The results of this
assessment were presented to the panel in the format presented in Fig. 2. Shown in
the subcolumns of Column 3 are the changes anticipated by the panel. "These
changes are noted, using the code presented in the upper-right-hand corner of the
figure. Column 4 contains the panel's comments. These comments and all other
changes suggested by the panel are in italics.
Items noted as being "included in Package No. 2" were reassessed by the
panel in the second round in greater detail. The comments received from the panel
regarding these materials were presented in greater detail in a subsequent section
of the questionnaire.
192 Selwyn Enzer
General Applications: Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985 193
Table 2
Existing Plastics for More Detailed Consideration
Engineering Plastics: Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics:
PVF Epoxy
Nylon Nylon
Polymides Polyester (Molding Compounds
High Density Polyethylene
Foam Plastics—Flexible:
PVC Foam
Variable Density, Integral Skin Urethane
The comments received from the panel are presented in Column 2 of this
figure. Because these generally referred to the reasons why the material property
changes were anticipated, the panel was asked to indicate whether or not they
agreed or disagreed with each statement. The results of this assessment are also
shown in Column 2. Those items presented in italics in this column were added in
round two and hence were not assessed by the entire panel.
Column 3 presents the current major markets and their annual volume usage.
Shown in italics are new markets suggested by the panel and their estimated 1985
In that portion of the investigation concerned with nonplastics, many new
material developments were suggested, but only a few of these were regarded as
threats to the growth of plastics. This can be seen in the following general
comments received from the panel.
194 Selwyn Enzer
General Applications: Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985 195
196 Selwyn Enzer
• The main competition between plastics and alumi num will occur in the
construction field, particularly in residential housing and light industrial
buildings. New developments in aluminum will hurt plastics in the applica-
tions which are primarily structural. On balance, however, these develop ments
will affect the use of other metals more than plastics.
• In general, plastics will continue to replace iron and steel in some applica tions.
This will be significant to the plastics industry; however, it will be a relatively
small change to the steel industry. Any development which brings steel closer
to "one-step" finishing, with improved environmental resistance, will be
important in this regard, since it will blunt some of the basic advantages that
plastics have over steel, allowing the use of "conventional" technology and
existing capital equipment. Such developments will bring steel and plastics
closer to a straight-cost competition. However, these deve lopments must be
realized before potential markets have switched from steel to plastics to
maintain the continuity of technology and equipment.
• Developments in concrete appear more likely to enhance the demand for
plastics than to replace or be replaced by them. Developments in wood and
plywood are more likely to be in combination with plastics and hence are apt
to increase the demand for such materials. However, unlike the concretes,
wood will increasingly be replaced by plastics, particularly in furniture and
Table 3
Other Materials Suggested by the Panel as Likely to Become Important by 1985
Other Fiber Reinforcements and
Engineering Plastics: Reinforced Plastics:
Polybutadiene (High 1, 2 Content) Boron Fibers
Polyethyleneterephthalate Graphite Fibers
Polyphenylene Oxide Derivatives Fiber Strengthened Oxides
New Thermoplastic Aluminum Oxide Fiber & Whisker
New Tougher Plastics Boron/Epoxy
In this and all similar figures illustrating the panelists' forecasts, solid lines represent
statistics, dashed lines the median forecast, and shaded areas the interquartile range.
200 Selwyn Enzer
General Applications: Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985 201
202 Selwyn Enzer
Figure 7 presents the panel's estimates for the growth of fiber glass reinforced plastics.
As seen, the spread of opinion here is quite large, but even the conservative group, as
indicated by the lower quartile curve, suggests a tripling of this production by 1985. Fiber
glass reinforced plastics, which are presently produced at a rate slightly in excess of 1
billion pounds per year, are expected to reach a production rate of between 3.2 and 6.1
billion pounds per year. The major growth markets for this material are expected to be
construction; marine products; transportation; and pipes, ducts, and tanks. Additionally, a
significant growth in the use of fiber glass reinforced thermoplastics is anticipated.
Presently only 6% of all fiber glass reinforced plastics are thermoplastics; by 1985 this
figure is expected to reach 35%.
Interestingly, the median values for the numerical estimates of the market distribution
for fiber glass reinforced plastics are considerably less than the median of the graphic
estimate. However, since several of the respondents estimated only selected markets,
consistency among these forecasts need not occur.
Along with these forecasts, comments were also elicited from the panelists. These
comments are presented in Fig. 8. In general, these comments suggest that the growth of
plastic production is related more to the nature of the products likely to be in demand and
the natural environment (resources and pollution) than it is to technological progress per se.
General Applications: Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985 203
III.C. 3. A Delphi on the Future of the Steel and
Ferroalloy Industries*
In the spring and fall of 1970 a Delphi on the U. S. ferroalloy industry was
conducted by the National Materials Advisory Board (NMAB) of the National
Academies of Science and Engineering. The Board, concerned about a possible
shortage of certain critical and strategic materials within the next decade or two,
turned to the Delphi as a means of assessing the implications of technological
change on usage trends of ferroalloys. The trends brought out by the Delphi could
serve as a long -range planning guide for policy issues affecting the use of
ferroalloys in steel making and certain other alloy production. This article will
discuss the format of the Delphi, the selection of respondents, the manpower
required to carry out the exercise, and the round-by -round method of conduct ing
the Delphi. The article will then present a comparison of the Delphi exercise with a
conventional panel study 1 which was conducted simultaneously with the Delphi
exercise and conclude with some advice to prospective Delphi designers.
Form of the Delphi. The Steel and Ferroalloy Delphi included three rounds.
The questions and exercises presented in each round were divided into thre e
sections: Section I, Steel; Section II, Alloys; and Section III, Key Developments.
Sections I and II generally presented trend lines for extension by the respondents
and the assumptions underlying these extensions. Section III indicated future
developments thought by the respondents to have a potential role in the steel and/or
ferroalloy industry in the next two decades. More detailed descriptions of these
three sections will be given in the round-by -round discussions which follow.
Selection of Respondents. The original Delphi respondents were not chosen
randomly but were carefully selected from all sectors of the industry, government, the
universities, institutes, and trade publications. Members of the NMAB Panel on
ferroalloys submitted suggestions for respondents and the panel as a whole discussed
each suggestion. One hundred names were chosen for the initial Delphi round. These
one hundred potential respondents received a letter inviting them to participate, a card
to return to the panel indicating their preference for participating or not, and a copy of
the first-round questionnaire of the Delphi. Of the one hundred potential respondents,
The full report on this exercise is available from the National Technical
Information Service, Springfield, Va., as "A Delphi Exploration of the U. S.
Ferroalloy and Steel Industries," by Nancy H. Goldstein and Murray Turoff,
NMAB-277, July 1971.
Available as "Trends in the Use of Ferroalloys by the Steel Industry of the United
States," NMAB-276, July 1971, by the Panel on Ferroalloys of the NMAB.
General Applications: Steel and Ferroalloy Industries 205
fortytwo returned the card stating that they wished to participate and thirty-three
actually responded to the first round. Response to the exercise was voluntary and no
compensation was provided. This resulted in a much higher percentage response from
industry-associated respondents who, as members of planning staffs, could consider the
effort part of their job function. A much lower percentage response occurred from
university people who probably considered this request as an uncompensated
consulting effort.
The summary below shows the makeup of the final respondent group and the
number of respondents replying to rounds one and two, one and three, and one,
two, and three:2
Ferroalloy Producer 6
Nonferrous Alloy Producer 1
Specialty Metals 2
Powder Metals 2
Specialty Steel Producer 4
Steel Producer 4
Polymers 3
Institutes 4
University 4
Government 1
Technical Journal 2
Consultant 1
1 and 2 3
1 and 3 2
2 and 3 3
1, 2, and 3 28
Manpower. The manpower required for this De lphi included two full-time
professionals -a senior professional and his assistant-and intermittent temporary clerical
and secretarial help. The exercise was conducted in cycles: one to two months waiting
for the results of the previous round and making preparations for the handling of these
No respondent replied t o fewer t h a n t w o rounds.
206 Nancy H. Goldstein
results, and one to two months actually handling the results and preparing them in a
form suitable for the next round. The requirements for secretarial help were also
cyclical: little or no help was required during the waiting period but two full-time
secretaries were required during the week-long rush period when the results had been
tabulated and were being typed up for inclusion in the next round.
The Delphi ran for three rounds. Each round will be discussed below in terms of
the design of that round and the handling of the results. It is, however, somewhat
artificial to separate the design of a new round from the handling of the results of the
previous round, since the form of the new round determines the method of handling
and presenting the old round.
Tables 1 and 2 summarize (1) the effort involved in designing, monitoring, and
analyzing the Delphi, (2) the contributions by the respondents, and (3) the flow of
information in the Delphi rounds. While the clerical effort is broken out separately, a
significant portion of this was actually done by the professionals involved. The
availability of clerical-type support was a random process that did not always conform
to requirements. One key element of both clerical and secretarial support is the benefit
of having the same individuals to aid on every round, since there is a learning curve on
the explicit procedures to be followed.
Round One
Design. Round one was divided into three sections. The first section entitled "Steel,"
presented graphs covering various aspects of the steel industry-total steel shipments,
ratio of shipments to production, etc. A trend line, usually running from 1960-69, was
shown on the -graph and the respondents were asked to extend the line through to 1985.
Three questions were associated with each graph:
(1) How reliable did the respondent consider his graph extension to be?
(2) What key developments (i.e., his assumptions) did the respondent assume in
making his extension?
(3) What other developments (i.e., his uncertainties) might result in major
revisions in the extension?
A flow chart of the steelmaking process was also presented at the end of Section
1. Figures were given for 1969, and the respondent was asked to supply the
corresponding figures for 1980.
Section 11, entitled "Alloys," presented a number of graphs in the same
manner as Section 1. The graphs of Section 11 were concerned with aspects of
the ferroalloy industry - U. S. consumption of chromium, tungsten, etc. and
exports and imports of these materials. The exercise was separated into a Steel
Section and a Ferroalloy Section because as majority of the expertise in the
respondent group broke down into specialists in these two areas. While most
respondents had something to contribute to both sect ions, it was clear, when the
General Applications: Steel and Ferroalloy Industries 207
208 Nancy H. Goldstein
results came in, that a given individual usually focused most of his effort on one
of the two sections.
Section III, entitled "Suggested Additional Variables and Key Developments,"
offered blank graph sheets and blank key development tables for respondents wishing
to add to the items presented in Sections I and 11. Figure 1 indicates the format.
The selection of categories to be presented in Sections I and II was made by the
questionnaire designers, with suggestions and assistance from the Panel on Ferroalloys.
Handling the Results. Round one was mailed to forty-two respondents on June 16,
1970; thirty-three responded to this round.
There were two principal elements to handling the results of round one. First,
a determination was made, for each graph, as to the location of upper and lower
limits of the extensions which would include 50 percent of the responses to that
General Applications: Steel and Ferroalloy Industries 209
210 Nancy H. Goldstein
Round Two
Design. The questionnaire sent to the respondents in round two was patterned
after the results described in the handling of round one.
The new Section I, "Steel," contained thirty -six "Fo recasting Assumptions,"
thirty -five "Economic and International Considerations," and all the graphs
contained in round one (Section 1) with their associated reasons. The respon dent
was asked to associate a validity score with each forecasting assumption and
General Applications: Steel and Ferroalloy Industries 211
CERTAIN (Average of 1 to 1.5)
• Low risk of being wrong.
• Decision based upon this will not be wrong because of this 'fact. '
• Most inferences drawn from this will be true.
RELIABLE (Average of 1.6 to 2.5)
• Some risk of being wrong.
2 • Willingness to make a decision based upon this.
• Assuming this to be true but recognizing sonic chance of error
• Some incorrect inferences can be drawn.
NOT DETERMINABLE: (at this time) (Average of 2.6 to 3.5)
3 • The information or knowledge to evaluate the, validity of this assertion
is not available to anyone --expert or decisionmaker.
RISKY (Average of 3.6 to 4.5)
• Substantial risk of being wrong.
4 • Not willing to Make a decision based upon this alone.
• Many incorrect inferences can be drawn.
• The converse, if it exists, is possibly RELIABLE.
UNRELIABLE (Average of 4.6 to 5)
• Great risk of being wrong.
• Worthless as a decision basis.
• The converse, if it exists, is possibly CERTAIN.
NOT PERTINENT (Used to eliminate some assumptions from exercise)
• Even if the assertion is CERTAIN or UNRELIABLE it has no
significance for the basic- issue.
• It cannot affect the variable under question an observable amount.
• No knowledge to judge this item, but the appropriate in dividual (expert,
decisionmaker) should he able to provide an evaluation I would
Handling the Results. Round two was sent to fifty -two potential respondents;
thirty -four replies were received. Several respondents, representing the polymer
industry, were added during this round. They had not been represented in round
one and were introduced for the purpose of addressing specific issues on the
substitution of plastics which had been generated in round one.
The results of round two required three separate types of handling: (1) new 50
percent confidence limits were supplied for the graphs; (2) verbal comments
associated with the assumptions, the graphs, and the Key Development section
were collected and considered; and (3) the numerical results, i.e., validity choices,
Key Development scores, and flow chart inputs, were collected and tabulated.
There were several steps necessary in handling the large amount of data that
was generated by the results of round two. It was first determined that several
statistical calculations on the data would be desirable -specifically, the mean and
standard deviation of the validity choices for each statement, a distribution
showing the percentage of responses falling under each of the scores front 1 to 6
for each of the statements, and a matrix comparing the distribution, by numbers,
of the different occupation categories represented by the respondents with the
range of scores from 1 to 6. These occupation categories included: primary steel
producers, research institutions, steel producers, ferroalloy pro ducers, research
institutions, government, and the universities. A computer program was written
to carry out these computations. T his breakdown allowed us to observe if there
were any differences in judgment which may have reflected differences in
affiliation of the respondents.
Examples of the statistical presentations are shown in Fig. 4.
The flow chart included in Section I received very little additional informa -
tion in round two. The scant information received was averaged in to previous
information on the flow chart and presented in a summary for round three. Due to
the differences of opinion among the respondents on how actually to model the
flow of steel-making materials, it was felt by the designers that , this one question
could have constituted the total Delphi exercise among a select smaller group of
Round Three
Section III, the only section to be returned by the respondents, contained all the new
assumptions and all previously evaluated assumptions which exhibited a large standard
deviation (i.e., disagreement). It also called for a reevaluation of all key developments.
The first portion of Section III indicated the percentage distribution of the scores from
round two on the likelihood and impact of potential key developments. The estimated
average score for each development was indicated and a summary of all verbal comments
associated with each development was given. The respondent was asked again to give his
preference on the likelihood and impact of each potential development.
The second portion of Section III presented the three curves shown in this
section of round two and included a number of reasons given by the respon dents
of round two for their curve extensions. The respondent was asked to reestimate
the curves after reading the associated past reasons and to rate the reliability of
his estimation. He was also asked to vote on the reasons given for each curve
using the validity scale from 1 to 6 described earlier.
216 Nancy H. Goldstein
The third portion of Section III contained all assumptions from Sections I
and II which exhibited a considerable degree of disagreement. This category
generally, although not exclusively, included assumptions with a standard
deviation of 13 or greater. The respondent was asked to reevaluate his previous
validity choice and submit a new score. Several new assumptions were also
added and the respondent was requested to provide a validity choice for these
new assumptions.
In the final portion of Section III a new chart was introduced showing
percentage breakdowns of inputs and outputs for three major steel processes. The
figures were supplied for 1969 and a blank sheet was provided for 1980. The
respondent was asked to fill in the sheet for 1980 and to change any 1969 figures
with which he disagreed. A space was provided for an explanation of any
disagreements with 1969 figures. The results of this chart were to be considered
a summary response, as the monitors did not plan to feed back the responses for
The monitor also surveyed briefly the attitudes of the respondents toward
the Delphi app roach by asking the respondents a number of questions, e.g., was
the time spent in participating in Delphi well used; what organizations should
sponsor an exercise of this type on a regular basis, etc.
Handling the Results. Round three was sent to thirty -eight respondents on
December 10, 1970. Thirty -three respondents actually replied to Round 3.
A computer program provided the means, standard deviations, percentage
distributions, and industry category matrices for all key developments, assump -
tions to be reevaluated, and new assumptions. The percentage distributions were
then examined by the senior professional. If 20 percent or more of the vote fell
into the "not pertinent" category (a validity score of 6), the items were dropped
from the exercise. Eight items were dropped for this reason. The remaining items
were regrouped so that every assumption was associated with a curve. The
assumptions and reasons for each curve were then reordered according to their
mean validity scores.
The final report was then prepared for the National Materials Advisory
Board of the National Academies of Science and Engineering.
definitive with respect to its topic. While appropriate caveats exist, its forecasts are
precise. The recommendations and conclusions therein represent the unanimous
agreement of the panel and no areas of disagreement are spelled out. The result is
typical of a competent panel (or committee) activity. Based upon the expertise of
the carefully selected participants, the report is a reliable and comprehensive
account of known information and of projections based on this information and on
current research and development. In contrast, this Delphi was designed to
complement the panel report. The planned approach was to provide an opportunity
to indicate uncertainties or disagreements about the subject and to evaluate
quantitatively the degree of uncertainty which exists within a large group of
experts. The Delphi product attempts to present an awareness of the areas which
are subject to differences of view and to highlight the topics which appear to
concern the respondent group. The Delphi provides a group evaluation of every
statement advanced by the respondents who, presumably, express their beliefs.
Although the results of this exercise include a number of statements which were
rated uncertain, risky, or unreliable by the whole group, this variation does not
imply that one dissenter from the group will be incorrect in retrospect. The group
view has a higher probability of being correct than the view of any one individual.
However, in the past, developments that significantly affected industries were
often unforeseen by most of the involved experts. Therefore, the reader is
cautioned not to extrapolate blindly from the group judgments exhibited in a
Delphi to assumed facts.
In this case, the Delphi exercise is a literal exploration of the minds of experts
in the steel and ferroalloy industries regarding their views on individual items. This
exploration allowed a broader coverage of the subject area than was possible in the
panel report. The presentation of the Delphi results allows the reader to compare
easily his judgments with those of the group. No attempt is made to arrive at
conclusions or recommendations, or to present a definitive view as was done in the
panel activity.
Where the panel and Delphi activities overlap, there is considerable agree-
ment in their forecasts. Figure 5 compares the consumption in steel of a number of
alloys, as predicted by the panel and the Delphi, and some of the qualitative
features of the two methodologies.
Other comparisons could be made between information presented in the panel
report and the Delphi predictions. For example, NMAB-276 projected that carbon
steel shipments would increase by 22 percent in the next ten years; the increase
projected on the Delphi graph for the next decade was 22 to 26 percent over the current
figure. Also, the panel report stated that High Strength Low Alloy Steel (HSLA) is -the
fastest growing segment of the steel industry; the Delphi results were that HSLA is one of
the two fastest growing segments of the industry.
218 Nancy H. Goldstein
As was mentioned earlier, the panel report did not indicate the areas of disagreement.
In the Delphi category, "not determinable" with respect to validity reflected either the
inability of the entire group to determine the validity of an assumption or the averaging of
opposing judgments on the validity of a given assumption. Of the 135 statements that fell
into this classification, seventy-three reflected an actual disagreement among the re-
spondents by exhibiting a high standard deviation.
General Applications: Steel and Ferroalloy Industries 219
The following assumptions exemplify those that fell into the "not determinable"
category of the Delphi as a result of disagreement:
The monitor's experience with the Steel and Ferroalloy Delphi gives rise to a number
of observations and advice to those planning to monitor Delphis in the future.
Skeptics from the allegedly "hard" sciences have at times considered Delphi an
unscientific method of inquiry. Of course, the same attitude is often encountered in the
use of subjective probability (even in the face of considerable mathematical theory
developed to support the concept). The basic reason in each case is the subjective,
intuitive nature of the input.
Yet Delphi is by no means unordered and unsystematic. Even in the Gordon-
Helmer landmark Rand study of 1964, an analysis of certain aspects of the process
itself was included.1 The authors observed two trends: (1) For most event statements
the final-round interquartile range is smaller than the initialround range. In other
words, convergence of responses is more common than divergence over a number of
rounds. (2) Uncertainty increases as the median forecast date of the event moves
further into the future. Near-term forecasts have a smaller interquartile range than
distant forecasts.
It was also observed in all early forecasting Delphis that a point of diminishing
returns is reached after a few rounds. Most commonly, three rounds proved sufficient
to attain stability in the responses; further rounds tended to show very little change and
excessive repetition was unacceptable to participants. (Obviously this tendency should
not unduly constrain the design of Policy Delphis or computerized conferencing which
have objectives other than forecasting.)
We shall briefly review here some of the systematic evaluations made in recent
Martino has analyzed over forty published and unpublished Delphi forecasts.2 For
every event the panel's median forecast dates (measured from the year of the exercise)
and the dispersion were determined. A regression analysis was performed and the
statistical significance presented in terms of the probability that the regression
coefficient would be smaller than the value actually obtained if there were no trend in
the data.
The results are quite clear-cut. The remoteness of the forecast date and the degree
of dispersion are definitely related. The regression coefficient is in nearly all cases
highly significant for a single panel addressing a related set of events. However,
there is no consistent relation among different panels or within a panel when
addressing unrelated events.
T. J. Gordon and O. Helmer, "Report on a Long Range Forecasting Study," Rand Paper P-
2982, Santa Monica, California, Rand Corporation, September 1964.
J. P. Martino, "The Precision of Delphi Estimates," Technological Forecasting 1, No. 3 (1970),
pp. 293-99.
224 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Martino also finds that the dispersion is not sensitive to the procedure used: in
cases where only a single best estimate year is requested the result is similar to that
where 10 percent, 50 percent, and 90 percent likelihood dates are Stipulated.3
Distribution of Responses
Optimism-Pessimism Consistency
Another interesting analysis on the TRW Probe II data was undertaken by Martino
to ascertain whether a panelist tends to have a consistently optimistic or
pessimistic bias to his responses.6 With each respondent providing 10 percent, 50
percent, and 90 percent likelihood dates, three standardized deviates can be
computed for each individual and a given event. Taking the means over all events
of the standardized deviates for a given individual and likelihood, we find an
interesting pattern. Most panelists are consistently optimistic or pessimistic with
respect to the three likelihoods, i.e., there are relatively few cases where, say, the
10 percent likelihood is optimistic while the 50 percent and 90 percent likelihoods
are pessimistic. Considering the totality of events the individual panelist tends to
be biased optimistically or pessimistically with moderate consistency. However,
the amount of the bias is not very great; an optimistic panelist is pessimistic in
some of his responses and vice versa. In other words, each participant exhibits a
standard deviation which is comparable to, or greater than, his mean.
In the first case the interquartile range of best estimates was used, in the second case the 10
percent to 90 percent span was taken.
N. C. Dalkey, "An Experimental Study of Group Opinion," Rand RM-5888-PR, Rand
Corporation, Santa Monica, California, March 1969.
J. P. Martino, "The Lognormality of Delphi Estimates," Technological Forecasting l, No. 4
(1970), pp. 355-58.
J. P. Martino, "The Optimism/Pessimism Consistency of Delphi Panelists," Technological
Forecasting and Social Change 2, No. 2 (1970), pp. 221-24.
Evaluation: Introduction 225
Accuracy of Forecasts
We should also observe that long -range forecasts tend to be pessimistic and
short-range forecasts optimistic. In the long term no solution is apparent; in the
near term the solution is obvious but the difficulties of system synthesis and
implementation are underestimated. 7 Thus in 1920 commercial use of nuclear
energy seemed far away. By 1949 the achievement appeared reasonable and in
1964 General Electric estimated that fast breeder reactors should be available in
1970. 8 Today the estimate has moved out to the 1980s. The same pattern has been
followed by the supersonic transport aircraft. Buschmann has formulated this
behavior as a hypothesis and proposed an investigation in greater depth.9 If this
pattern is normal, forecasts should be adjusted accordingly, e.g., forecasts more
than, say, ten years in the future brought closer in time and forecasts nearer than
ten years moved out. Subsequently Robert Ament made a comparison between a
1969 Delphi study on scientific and technological develop ments and the 1964
Gordon-Helmer Rand study.10 Focusing on those items forecast in both studies, he
found that all items originally predicted to occur in years before 1980 11 were later
shifted further into the future, i.e., the original year seemed optimistic by 1969. On
the other hand, two -thirds of the items originally forecast to occur after 1980 were
placed in 1969 at a date earlier than that estimated in the 1964 study. Thus we find
evidence here, too, of Buschmann's suggested bia s .
The large cost overruns on advanced technology aerospace and electronics projects are
evidence of this trend (see Chapter III, A).
E. Jantsch, "Technological Forecasting in Perspective," OECD, Paris, 1967, p. 106.
R. Buschmann, "Balanced Grand-Scale Forecasting," Technological Forecasting 1 (1969), p.
R. H. Ament, "Comparison of Delphi Forecasting Studies in 1964 and 1969," FUTURES,
March 1970, p . 43.
T. J. Gordon and H. R. Ament, "Forecasts of Some Technological and Scientific
Developments and Their Societal Consequences," IFF Report R-6, September 1969.
226 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Grabbe and Pyke have undertaken an analysis of Delphi forecasts of infor-
mation-processing technology and applications. 12 Forecast events whose occur-
rence could be verified cover the time period 1968 to 1972. Although six different
Delphi studies were used, eighty -two out of ninety forecasts covering this period
were taken from one study-: the U.S. Navy Technological Forecast Project. The
results appear to contradict the hypothesis that near-term forecasts tend to be
optimistic. In this case information -processing advances forecast four to five
years in the future occur sooner than expected by the panelists who were drawn
largely from government laboratories. There is, of course, the possibility that
these laboratories are not as close to the leading edge of technology in this field
as industrial and university research and development groups. Alterna tively, the
meaning of "availability" of a technological application may be interpreted
differently by the laboratory forecasters and by the authors of this article.
Delphi Statements
E. M. Grabbe and D. L. Pyke, "An Evaluation of the Forecasting of Information Processing
Technology and Applications," Technological Forecasting and Social Change 4, No. 2 (1972),
p. 143.
Ibid .
J. R. Salancik, W. Wenger, and E. Helfer, "The Construction of Delphi
Event Statements," Technological Forecasting and Social Change 3, No. 1
(1971), pp. 65-73.
Evaluation: Introduction 227
particular case considered, twenty to twenty-five words form the peak in the
distribution. This study also finds that the more familiar respondents are with a
specific computer application, the fewer words are needed to attain agreement. If
many words are used, less information results as to the occurrence of a familiar
event. On the other hand, a longer-word description raises the consensus level for
unfamiliar events.
Salancik has examined the hypothesis that the panelists in a forecasting Delphi
assimilate input on feasibility, benefits, and potential costs of an event in an
additive fashion to estimate its probable date of occurrence. 15 The subject of the
test is again a panel forecast of computer applications. Separate coding of partici-
pants' reasons for their chosen dates in the three categories enables the author to
make a regression analysis. The second -round median date is made a linear
function of the number of positive and negative statements in each of the thre e
categories. He finds that the multiple regression strongly supports the hypothesis.
The more feasible, beneficial, or economically viable a concept is judged, the
earlier it is forecast to occur. The three categories contribute about equally to the
J. R. Salancik, "Assimilation of Aggregated Inputs into Delphi Forecasts: A
Regression Analysis," Technological Forecasting and Social Change 5, No. 3
(1973), pp. 243-48.
228 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Self-Rating of Experts
Dalkey, Brown, and Cochran tackle another aspect of Delphi: the expertise of the
respondents.16 With a given group we might consider two ways of improving its
accuracy: iterating the responses and selecting a more expert subgroup. The latter
process implies an ability to identify such a subgroup (e.g., by self-rating) and a
potential degradation in accuracy due to the reduced group size. The authors stipulate a
minimum subgroup size to counteract this degradation and they force a clear separation
in self-ratings of low- and highexpertise subgroups. The experiments were carried out
by the authors using 282 university students and verifiable almanac-type questions.
The conclusions: (1) self-rating is a meaningful basis for identification of expertise,
and (2) selection of expert subgroups improves the accuracy to a somewhat greater
degree than does feedback or iteration.
One must raise the question whether an experiment based on almanac type
questions serves as an adequate basis for a conclusion about the validity of self-
ratings of expertise for forecasting Delphis. While the lognormality be havior
exhibited a similar pattern for factual (almanac-type) and forecasting cases, this
similarity might not carry over for self-ratings.
And there are other fascinating unanswered questions. Why do women rate
themselves consistently lower than men? Should only the expert subgroup results
be fed back to the larger group in the iteration process? How do age, education,
and cultural background condition the response of individuals?
The four articles in this chapter provide us with further evaluations of the
process. When we use Delphi to draw forth collective expert judgments, we are
actually making two substitutions: (1) expert judgment for direct knowledge, and
(2) a group for an individual. In the first article, Dalkey strives to develop some
mathematically rigorous underpinnings, i.e., a start toward a theory of group
estimation. It quickly becomes evident that we still have much to learn about this
process. Dalkey emphasizes the concept of "realis m," or "track record," to describe
the expert's estimation skill and the theory of errors for the group. But the final
verdict on their applicability is by no means in.
N. Dalkey, B. Brown, and S. Cochran, "Use of Self-Ratings to Improve Group
Estimates," Technological Forecasting 1, No. 3 (1970), pp. 283-91.
Evaluation: Introduction 229
(1) The three-interval scaling methods used-simple ranking, a rating scale,
and pair comparisons-give essentially equivalent scales. The rating scale is
found to be most comfortable to use by the participants.
(2) Respondents are sensitive to feedback of the scores from the whole group
and tend to move (at least temporarily) toward the perceived consensus.
(3) There is only a modest tendency for the degree of confidence of an
individual with respect to a single answer to be reflected in movement
toward the center of opinion, i.e., less confident members exhibit a
somewhat larger movement in the second round.
(4) Stability of the distribution of the group's response along the interval scale
over successive rounds is a more significant measure for developing a
stopping criterion than degree of convergence. The authors propose a
specific stability measure.
For the reader the thrust of this chapter is that, to develop proper guidelines for its
use, we can and should subject Delphi to systematic study and evaluation in (lie same
230 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
way as has been the case with other techniques of analysis and communication. Much
still needs to be learned!
IV.B. Toward a Theory of Group Estimation*
The term "Delphi" has been extended in recent years to cover a wide variety of types of
group interaction. Many of these are exemplified in the present volume. It is difficult to
find clear common features for this rather fuzzy set. Some characteristics that appear to
be more or less general are: (1) the exercise involves a group; (2) the goal of the
exercise is information; i.e., the exercise is an inquiry, (3) the information being sought
is uncertain in the minds of the group; (4) some preformulated systematic procedure is
followed in obtaining the group output.
This vague characterization at least rules out group therapy sessions (not
inquiries), team design of state-of-the-art equipment (subject matter not uncertain),
brainstorming (procedure not systematic), and opinion polls (responses are not treated
as judgments, but as self-reports). However, the characterization is not sufficiently
sharp to permit general conclusions, e.g., concerning the effectiveness of types of
aggregation procedures.
Rather than trying to deal with this wide range of activities, the present essay is
restricted to a narrow subset. The subject to be examined is group estimationthe use of
a group of knowledgeable individuals to arrive at an estimate of an uncertain quantity.
The quantity will be assumed to be a physical entity—a date, a cost, a probability of an
event, a performance level of an untested piece of equipment, and the like.
Another kind of estimation, namely, the identification and assessment of value
structures (goals, objectives, etc.) has been studied to some extent, and a relevant
exercise is described in Chapter VI. Owing to the difficulty of specifying objective
criteria for the performance of a group on this task, it is not considered in the present
To specify the group estimation process a little more sharply, we consider a group
I = { Ii } of individuals, an event space E = { Ej } where E can be either discrete or
continuous, and a response space R = { R i j } which consists of an estimate for each
event by each member of the group. In addition, there is an external process P={ P ( Ej
) }, which determines the alternatives in E which will occur. Depending on the
problem, P can either be a ð (delta)-function on E— i.e., a specification of which event
will occur-or a probability distribution Pj on the event space. In general Pj is unknown.
For some formulations of the group estimation process, it is necessary to refer to the a
priori probability of an event. This is not the same as the external process, but rather, is
(in the present context) the probability that is ascribed to an event without knowing the
individual or group estimates. This a priori probability will be designated by U = { U (
Ej ) }.
Research reported herein was conducted under Contract Number F30602-72-C-0429
with the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense.
232 Norman C. Dalkey
In many cases the Rij are simply selections from E. The weatherman says, "It will
rain tomorrow"-a selection from the two-event space rain tomorrow and no rain
tomorrow. The long-range technological forecaster says, "Controlled nuclear fusion
will be demonstrated as feasible by 1983"—selection of a single date out of a
continuum. In these cases the Rij can be considered as 0's and 1's, 1 for the selected
event and 0 for the others. Usually, the 0's are left implicit. More complex selections
can be dealt with – " I t will either rain or snow tomorrow." "Controlled nuclear fusion
will be demonstrated in the interval 1980-1985"by allowing several 1's and interpreting
these as an or-combination. Selections can also be considered as special cases of
probability distributions over the event space. In the case of probability estimates, the
Rij can be probability assignments for discrete alternatives, or continuous distributions
for continuous quantities.
A kind of estimate which is sometimes used in applied exercises, but which is not
directly expressible in terms of elementary event spaces, is the estimation of the
functional relationship between two or more variables (e.g., the extrapola tion of a
trend). Such an estimate can be included in the present formalism if the relationship is
sufficiently well known beforehand so that all that is required is specification of some
parameters (e.g., estimating the slope of a linear trend). Although of major practical
importance, estimates of complex functional relationships have received little
laboratory or theoretical treatment. In particular, there has been no attempt to develop a
scoring technique for measuring the excellence of such estimates.
In addition to the group I, event space E, and response space R, a Delphi exercise
involves a process G= G [I, E, R ] which produces a group response Gj for each event
Ej in the event space. Square brackets are used rather than parentheses in the expression
for G to emphasize the fact that generally the group estimation process cannot be
expressed as a simple functional re lationship. The process may involve, for example,
discussion among members of the group, other kinds of communication, iteration of
judgments with complex selection rules on what is to be iterated, and so on.
One other piece of conceptual apparatus is needed, namely, the notion of score, or
measure of performance. Development of scoring techniques has been slow in Delphi
practice, probably because in most applied studies the requisite data for measuring
performance either is unavailable, or would require waiting a decade or so. But in
addition, the variety of subject matters, the diversity of motivations for applied studies,
and the obscuring effect of the radical uncertainty associated with topics like long-
range forecasting of social and technological events have inhibited the attempt to find
precise measures of performance.
In the present paper, emphasis will be put on measures related to the accuracy of
estimates. There is a large family of such measures, depending on the form of the
estimate, and depending on the interests of the user of the estimate. For this essay,
measures will be restricted to what might be called scientific criteria, i.e., criteria which
do not include potential economic benefits to the user (or potential costs in terms of
experts' fees, etc.) or potential benefits in facilitating group action.
For simple selections out of discrete event spaces a right/wrong measure is
usually sufficient, for example, crediting the estimate with a 1 or 0 depending on
whether it is correct or incorrect. However, as in the related area of performance testing
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 233
in psychology, the right/wrong measure is usually augmented by computing a score—
total number right, or proportion right, or right-minus-wrong, etc.—over a set of
For simple selections out of continuous spaces (point estimates), a distance
measure is commonly employed, for example, difference between the estimate and the
true answer. However, if such measures are to be combined into a score over a set of
estimates, some normalizing procedure must be employed to effect comparability
among the responses. One normalizing procedure for always positive quantities such as
dates, size of objects, probabilities, and the like, is the log error, defined as
where T is the true answer and Ri is the individual response. The vertical bars
denote the absolute value (neglecting sign). Dividing by T equates proportional errors,
and taking the logarithm uniformizes under- and over-estimates. Co mparable scoring
techniques have not been worked out for quantities with an inherent zero, i.e.,
quantities admitting both positive and negative answers. Such quantities are rare in
applied exercises. Whether this is because that type of quantity is inessential to the
subject matter or whether it is due to avoidance by practitioners is hard to say.
The expression on the left of the inequality is the individual's subjective expectation if
he reports his actual belief; the expression on the right is his expectation if he reports
something else.
Formula (1) defines a family of scoring (reward) systems often referred to as
"reproducing scoring systems" to indicate that they motivate the estimator to reproduce
his actual belief.
234 Norman C. Dalkey
It is riot difficult to show that the theory of such scoring systems does not depend
on the interpretation of q as subjective belief; it is equally meaningful if q is interpreted
as the objective probability distribution P on E. With this interpretation the estimator is
being rewarded for being as accurate as possible – his objective expectation is
maximized when he reports the correct probability distribution.
This is not the place to elaborate on such scoring systems (see [1], [2], [3]).
Although (1) leads to a family of reward functions, it is sufficient for the purposes of
this essay to select one. The logarithmic scoring system
has a number of desirable features. It is the only scoring system that depends solely on
the estimate for the event which occurs. The expected score of the estimator is
precisely the negative entropy, in the Shannon sense [4], of his forecast. It has the
small practical difficulty that if the estimator is unfortunate enough to ascribe 0
probability to the alternative that occurs, his score is negatively infinite. This can
usually be handled by a suitable truncation for very small probabilities.
Within this restricted framework, the Delphi design "problem" can be expressed
as finding processes G which maximize the expected score of the group response. This
is not a well-defined problem in this form, since the expectation may be dependent on
the physical process being estimated, as well as on the group judgment process. There
are two ways to skirt this issue. One si to attempt to find G's which have some
optimality property independent of the physical process. The other route is to assume
that knowledge of the physical process can be replaced by knowledge about the
estimators, i.e., knowledge concerning their estimation skill. The next section will deal
with the second possibility.
There are two basic assumptions which underlie Delphi inquiries: (a) In situations
of uncertainty (incomplete information or inadequate theories) expert judgment can be
used as a surrogate for, direct knowledge. I sometimes call this the "one head is better
than none" rule. (b) in a wide variety of situations of uncertainty, a group judgment
(amalgamating the judgments of a group of experts) is preferable to the judgment of
a typical membe r of the group, the "n heads are better than one" rule.
The second assumption is more closely associated with Delphi than the first,
which has more general application in decision analysis. These two assumptions do
not, of course, exhaust all the factors that enter into the use of Delphi techniques. They
do appear to be fundamental, however, and most of the remaining discussion in this
paper will be concerned with one or the other of the two.
Individual Estimation
Using the expert as a surrogate for direct knowledge poses no problems as long as the
expert can furnish a high-confidence estimate based on firm knowledge of his own.
Issues arise when existing data or theories are insufficient to support a high-confidence
estimate. Under these circumstances, for example, different experts are likely to give
different answers to the same questions.
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 235
Extensive "everyday experience" and what limited experimental data exist on the
subject strongly support the assumption that knowledgeable individuals can make
useful estimates based on incomplete information. This general assumption, then, is
hardly in doubt. What is in doubt is the degree of accuracy of specific estimates. What
is needed is a theory of estimation that would enable the assignment of a figure of
merit to individual estimates on the basis of readily available indices.
An interesting attempt to sidestep this desideratum is to devise methods of
rewarding experts so that they will be motivated to follow certain rules of rational
estimation. One approach to the theory of probabilistic scoring systems described in the
introduction is based on this strategem [5].
The outlines of such a theory of estimation have been delineated in the literature
of decision analysis; but it is difficult to disentangle from an attendant
conceptualization of a prescriptive theory of decisionmaking, or as sometimes
characterized, the theory of rational decisionmaking. In the following I will try to do
some disentangling, but the subject is complex and is and ought may still intermingle
more than one might wish.
In looking over the literature on decision analysis, there appear to be about six
desirable features of estimation that have been identified. The number is not sharp,
since there are overlaps between the notions and some semantic difficulties plague the
classification. The six desiderata are honesty, accuracy, definiteness, realism, certainly,
and freedom from bias.
Honesty is a clear enough notion. In most cases of estimation, the individual has a
fairly distinct perception of his "actual belief," or put another way, he has a relatively
clear perception whether his reported estimate matches his actual belief. This is not
always the case. In situations with ambiguous contexts, such as the group-pressure
situations created by Asch [6], some individuals appear to lose the distinction. The
reason for wanting honest reports from estimators is also clear. Theoretically, any
report, honest or not, is valuable if the user is aware of potential distortions and can
adjust for them. But normally such information is lacking.
Accuracy is also a fairly straightforward notion, and is measured by the score in
most cases. It becomes somewhat cloudy in the case of probability estimates for single
events, where an individual can make a good score by chance. In this case, the average
score over a sequence of events is more diagnostic. But the notion of accuracy then
becomes mixed with the notion of realism. Given the meaningfulness of the term, the
desirability of accuracy is clear.
Definiteness measures the degree of sharpness of the estimate. In the case of
probabilities on discrete event spaces, it refers to the degree to which the probabilities
approach 0 or 1 and can be measured by In the case of probability
distributions on continuous quantities, it can be measured by the variance or the
dispersion. In the case of selections, the comparable notion is "refinement." For
discrete event spaces, one report is a refinement of another if it is logically included in
the second.
The reason for desiring definiteness is less clear than for accuracy or honesty.
"Risk aversion" is a well-known phenomenon in economic theory, but "risk
236 Norman C. Dalkey
preference" has also been postulated by some analysts [7]. In the case of discrete
alternatives, the attractiveness of a report that ascribes a probability close to 1 to some
alternative, and probability close to 0 to the others is intuitively "understandable."
There is a general feeling that probabilistic: estimates close to 0 or 1 are both harder to
make, and more excellent when made, than "wishy-washy" estimates in the
neighborhood of 1/2. There is also the feeling that an individual who makes a
prediction with a probability of .8 (and it turns out correct) knows more about the
phenomenon being predicted than someone who predicts a similar event with
probability .6.
All of this is a little difficult to pin down. In the experiments of Girshick, et al.
[8], there was almost no correlation between a measure of definiteness and the
accuracy of the estimates. Part of the problem here appears to be an overlap between
the notion of definiteness and uncertainty, which is discussed below. At all events,
there appears to be little doubt that definiteness is considered a virtue.
Realism refers to the extent that an individual's estimates are confirmed by events.
It is thus closely related to accuracy. However, accuracy refers to a single estimate,
whereas realism refers to a set of estimates generated by an individual. Other terms
used for this notion are calibration [9], precision [10], track record.
Because the notion of realism is central to the first principle of Delphi stated in
the introduction, namely, the substitution of expert judgment for direct knowledge, it
warrants somewhat extensive discussion.
In the case of probability judgments, it is possible in theory to take a sequence of
estimates from a single estimator, all with the same estimated probability, and count
the number of times the estimate was confirmed. Presumably, if the estimator is using
the notion of probability correctly, the relative frequency of successes in that sequence
should be approximately equal to the estimated probability. Given enough data of this
sort for a wide range of different estimates, it is possible in theory to generate a realism
curve for each individual, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
In Fig. 1 the relative frequency with which an estimate of probability Ri is
verified, RF(C|Ri ) ("C" for "correct"), is plotted against the estimate. Realism can he
defined as the degree to which the RF ( C | Ri ) curve approximates the theoretically
fully realistic curve, namely the dashed line in Fig. 1, where RF( C |Ri ) = Ri . Figure 1
illustrates a typical realism curve where probabilities greater than z are "overestimated"
and probabilities less than 1/2 are underestimated [11].
Various quantities can be used to measure the overall realism of an estimator.
where D(Ri ) is the distribution of the estimator's reports Ri
– roughly the relative frequency with which he uses the various reports Ri – is a
reasonable measure. However, for most applications of the concept, it is the realism
curve itself which is of interest.
If such a curve were available for a given individual, it could be used directly to
obtain the probability of a given event, based on his report. In particular, if the
individual were fully realistic, the desired probability would be Ri . At first sight, it
might appear that one individual, given his realism curve, is all that is needed to obtain
a desired estimate, since the curve furnishes an "objective" translation of his reports
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 237
into probabilities. However, for any one specific estimate, the reports of several
individuals typically differ, and in any case the realism curve is not, by itself, a
measure of the expertness or knowledgeability of the individual. In particular, the
frequency with which the individual reports relatively high probabilities has to be taken
into account.
As a first approximation, the knowledgeability Ki . of individual i can be measured
where S( R i ) is the probabilistic score awarded to each report Ri and D(Ri) is, as
before, the distribution of the reports Ri .
It is easy to verify two properties of Ki : (a) Ki is heavily influenced by the degree
of realism of the estimator. For a given distribution of estimates, D(Ri ), Ki is a
maximum when the individual is fully realistic. (b) Ki is also influenced by the average
definiteness of the estimator. The higher the definiteness (e.g., measured by
), the higher the expected score.
Theoretically, one might pick the individual with the highest K rating and use him
exclusively. There are two caveats against this procedure. On a given question, the
238 Norman C. Dalkey
individual with the highest average K may not furnish the best response; and, more in
the spirit of Delphi, if realism curves are available for a set of individuals, then it is
sometimes feasible to derive a group report which will have a larger average score than
the average score of any individual-in short, the K measure for the group can be higher
than the K measure for any individual.
A s far as the first principle-substitution of expert judgment for knowledgeis
concerned, the question whether realism curves exist for each individual is a crucial
one. Detailed realism curves have not been derived for the types of subject matter and
the type of expert desired for applied studies. In fact, detailed track records for any type
of subject matter are hard to come by. Basic questions are: Is there a stable realism
curve for the individual for relevant subject matters? How general is the curve-i.e., is it
applicable to a wide range of subject matters? How subject is the curve to training, to
use of reward systems like the probabilistic score, to contextual effects such as the
group pressure effect in the Asch experiments?
Certainty is a notion that is well known in the theory of economic decision-
making. It has not played a role in the study of estimation to the same extent. In the
case of economic decisionmaking, the distinction has been made between risk
(situations that are probabilistic, but the probabilities are known) and uncertainty
(situations where the probabilities are not known) [12]. Many analysts appear to
believe that in the area of estimation this distinction breaks down-uncertainty is
sufficiently coded by reported probabilities. However, the distinction appears to be just
as applicable to estimation as to any other area where probabilities are relevant.
Consider, for example, the situation of two coins, where an individual is asked to
estimate the probability of heads. Coin A is a common kind of coin where the
individual has flipped it several times. In this case, he might say that the probability of
heads is ½ with a high degree of confidence. Coin B, let's say, is an exotic object with
an unconventional shape, and the individual has not flipped it at all. In the case of coin
B he might also estimate a probability of ½ for heads, but he would be highly uncertain
whether that is the actual probability. Probability ½, then, cannot express the un-
certainty attached to the estimate for the second coin.
A closer approximation to the notion of uncertainty can be obtained by
considering a distribution on the probabilities. For example, the individual might
estimate that the probability of the familiar coin has a tight distribution around ½,
whereas the distribution for the unfamiliar coin is flat, as in Fig. 2. The independent
variable is labeled q to indicate that it is the individual's belief, and not necessarily his
report, which is being graphed.
The use of a higher-level distribution is only an approximation to the notion of
uncertainty, since the distribution itself might be uncertain, or, in more familiar
language, the distribution may be "unknown." The use of additional levels has been
suggested, but for practical reasons seems highly unappealing.
However, the self-rating has proved to be valuable for selecting more accurate
subgroups [15].
Bias is a term that has many shades of meaning in statistics and probability. I am
using the term to refer to the fact that there may be subclasses of events for which
RF(C | Ri ) may be quite different from the average relative frequency expressed by
the realism curve. Of course, for this to be of interest, the subclasses involved must be
identifiable by some means other than the relative frequency. It is always possible after
the fact to select a subset of events for which an individual has estimated the
probability Ri which has any RF(C | Ri ).
In the theory of test construction, e.g., for achievement tests or intelligence tests,
it is common to assume an underlying scale of difficulty for the questions, where
difficulty is defined as the probability that a random member of the target population
can answer the question correctly [16]. This probability will range from 1 for very easy
questions to 0 for very hard questions, as illustrated by the solid curve in Fig. 4. From
the standpoint of the present discussion, the significant fact is that when a class of
questions is identified as belonging to the very difficult group in a sample of the
population, that property carries over to other members of the population—in short the
property of being very difficult is relatively well defined.
At some point in the scale of difficulty, labeled d in Fig. 4, a typical member of
the population could increase his score by abandoning the attempt to "answer" the
question and simply flipping a coin (assuming that it is a true/false or yes/no type of
question). Put another way, from point d on, the individual becomes a
counterpredictor—you would be better off to disbelieve his answers.
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 241
Contrasted with this notion of difficulty is the notion that underlies theories of
subjective probability that, as the individual's amount of information or skill declines,
the probability of a correct estimate declines to 50 percent as illustrated by the dashed
curve in Fig. 4. Ironically, it is the probabilistic notion that influences most scoring
schemes, which assume that the testee can achieve 50 percent correct by "guessing,"
and hence the score is computed by subtracting the number of wrong answers from the
number right. By definition, for the more difficult items, the testee cannot score 50
percent by "guessing" unless that means literally tossing a coin and not trusting his
"best guess."
If it turns out that "difficult" questions in the applied area have this property, even
for experts, then the first principle does not hold for this class. Although there are no
good data on this subject, there does not appear to be a good reason why what holds for
achievement and intelligence tests should not also hold for "real life" estimates. Almost
by definition, the area of most interest in applications is the area of difficult questions.
If so, assuming that the set of counterpredictive questions can be identified before the
fact, then a good fair coin would be better than an expert.' It is common in
experimental design to use randomization techniques to rule out potential biases. There
is no logical reason why randomization should not be equally potent in ruling out bias
in the case of estimation.
The four notions, honesty, accuracy, definiteness, and precision, are all tied
together by probabilistic scoring systems. In fact, a reproducing scoring system
rewards the estimator for all four. As pointed out in the introduction, condition (1)
defines the same family of scoring systems whether q is interpreted as subjective
belief, or as objective probability. Thus, the scoring system rewards the estimator for
both honesty and accuracy. In addition, the condition leads to the result that
242 Norman C. Dalkey
As pointed out above, the probabilistic score does not include a penalty for
uncertainty, nor does it include a penalty for bias, except where bias shows up in the
realism curve. The latter case is simply the one where, for whatever reason, the
individual is faced with a stream of questions in which the number of questions biased
in a given direction is greater than the number biased in the opposite direction.
To sum up this rather lengthy section: The postulate that, in situations of
uncertainty, it is feasible to substitute expert judgment for direct knowledge is
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 243
grounded in a number of empirical hypotheses concerning the estimation process.
These assumptions are, primarily, that experts are approximately realistic in the sense
defined above, that the realism curve is stable over a relatively wide range of questions
(freedom from bias), and that knowledgeability is a stable property of the expert. At the
moment, these are hypotheses, not well-demonstrated generalizations.
Assuming that, for a given set of questions, we can accept the postulate that expert
judgment is the "best information obtainable," there remains the question how the
judgments of a group of experts should be amalgamated. In the present section, three
approaches to this issue are discussed. The discussion is limited to elementary forms of
aggregation, where the theory consists of a mathematical rule for deriving a group
response from a set of individual responses; thus, an elementary group estimation
process can be defined as a function, G= G (E, I, R).
Theory of Errors
This approach interprets the set of judgments of a group of experts as being similar to
the set of readings taken with an instrument subject to random error. It seems most
appropriate when applied to point estimates of a continuous quantity, but formally at
least, can be applied to any type of estimate. In analogy with the theory of errors for
physical measurements, a statistical measure of central tendency is considered to be the
best estimate of the quantity. Some measure of dispersion is taken to represent a
confidence interval about the central value.
Relevant aspects of the individual estimation process such as skill or amount of
information of the expert, are interpreted as features of the "theory of the instrument."
This point of view appears to be most popular in the Soviet Union [17]; however,
a rough though unexpressed version of this approach underlies much of the statistical
analysis accompanying many applied Delphi studies. To my knowledge, this approach
has not been developed in a coherent theory, but rather, has been employed as an
informal "interpretation"— i.e., as a useful analogy.
The theory-of-errors approach has the advantages of simplicity, and similarity
with well-known procedures in physical measurement theory. Much of the empirical
data which have been collected with almanac and short-range prediction studies is
compatible with the analogy. Thus, the distribution of estimates tends to follow a
common form, namely the lognormal [18]. If the random errors postulated in the
analogy are assumed to combine multiplicatively (rather than additively as in the more
common Gaussian theory), then a lognormal distribution would be expected.
The geometric mean of the responses is more accurate than the average response;
or more precisely, the error of the geometric mean is smaller than the average error.
Since the median is equal to the geometric mean for a lognormal distribution [19], the
median is a reasonable surrogate, and has been the most widely used statistic in applied
studies for the representative group response.
244 Norman C. Dalkey
The error of the median is, on the average, a linear function of the standard
deviation [20], which would be predicted by the theory of errors. The large bias
observed experimentally (bias= error/standard deviation) is on the average a constant,
which again would be compatible with the assumption that experts perform like biased
Although the analogy looks fairly good, there are several open questions that
prevent the approach from being a well-defined theory. There does not exist at present
a "theory of the instrument" which accounts for either the observed degree of accuracy
of individual estimates or for the large biases observed in experimental data. Perhaps
more serious, there is no theory of errors which accounts for the presumed
multiplicative combination of errors-especially since the "errors" are exemplified by
judgments from different respondents.
Despite this lack of firm theoretical underpinnings, the theory-of-errors approach
appears to fit the accumulated data for point estimates more fully than any other
In addition, the measures of central tendency "recommended by" the theory of
errors have the desirable feature that the advantage of the group response over the
individual response can be demonstrated irrespective of the nature of the physical
process being estimated. So far as I know, this is the only theoretical approach that has
this property.
To make the demonstration useful in later sections, a somewhat more
sophisticated version of the theory will be dealt with than is necessary just to display
the "group effect."
Consider a set of individual estimates Rij on an event space Ej , where the Rij are
probabilities, i.e., . We assume there is a physical process that determines
objective probabilities P= { Pj } for the event space, but P is unknown. Consider a
group process G which takes the geometric mean of the individual estimates as the best
estimate of the probability for each event. However, the geometric means will not be a
probability, and must be normalized. This is accomplished by setting
We can now ask how the expected probabilistic score of the group will compare
with the average expected score of the individual members of the group. It is
convenient to use the abbreviation C for the reciprocal of the normalizing term
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 245
Using the logarithmic scoring system and setting the constants A =1, B =0, we have:
and rearranging terms, where denotes the expected score of the group, i.e.,
score of individual i, and the expression on the right of (6) excluding log C is
Since C is greater than 1, log C is positive, and the expected group score is greater than
the average expected individual score by the amount log C. C depends only on the
individual responses Rij and not on the specific events E or the objective probabilities
246 Norman C. Dalkey
Formula (7) exemplifies a large variety of similar results that can be obtained by
using different statistics as the aggregation rule and different scoring rules.1
Probabilistic Approach
Theoretically, joint realism curves similar to the individual realism curve of Fig. 1 can
be generated, given enough data. In this case, the relative frequency RF(C|R) of correct
estimates would be tabulated for the joint space of responses R for a group. Such a joint
realism curve would be an empirical aggregation procedure. RF (C|R) would define
the group probability judgment as a function of R..
Although possible in theory (keeping in mind all the caveats that were raised with
respect to individual realism curves), in practice generating joint realism curves for
even a small group would be an enormous enterprise. It is conceivable that a small
group of meteorologists, predicting the probability of rain for a given locality many
thousands of times, might cover a wide enough region of the R space to furnish stable
statistics. However, for the vast majority of types of question where group estimation is
desired, individual realism curves are difficult to come by; group realism curves appear
to be out of the question for the present.
One possible simplification at this point could be made if general rules
concerning the interdependence of individual estimates on various types of estimation
tasks could be ascertained. In such a case, the joint realism curves could be calculated
from individual realism' curves. Although very iffy at this point, it is conceivable that a
much smaller body of data could enable the testing. of various hypotheses concerning
dependence. In any case, by developing the mathematical relationships involved, it is
possible to pursue some theoretical comparisons of probabilistic aggregation with other
types of aggregation.
In the following, the convention will be used that whenever the name of a set of
events occurs in a probability expression, it denotes the assertion of the joint
occurrence of the members of the set. For example, if X is a set of events, X = {Xi },
then P (X) = P (X1 * X2 ... Xn), where the period indicates "and." In addition, to reduce
the number of subscripts, when a particular event out of a set of events is referred to,
the capital letter of the index of that event will be used to refer to the occurrence of the
event. Thus P(Xj) will be written P(J).
The degree of dependence among a set of events X is measured by the departure
of the joint probability of the set from the product of the separate probabilities of the
events. Letting Dx denote the degree of dependence within the set X, we have the
Brown [21] derives a similar result for continuous distributions, the quadratic scoring system,
and the mean as the group aggregation function.
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 247
Substituting R for X in (10) and multiplying the top and bottom of the right-hand side
by and rearranging, gives
Formula (11) presents the computation of the joint probability in terms of the
individual reports, the dependency terms, and the "a priori" probability U(J). The P(J |
Ri ) can be derived from individual realism curves. In case the estimators are all fully
248 Norman C. Dalkey
realistic, then P(J | Ri ) = Ri . U (J) is the probability of the event J based on whatever
information is available without knowing R. 2
The ratio measures the extent to which the event J influences the
dependence among the estimates. If the estimates are independent "a priori," DR =1.
However, the fact that estimators do not interact (anonymity) or make separate
estimates, does not guarantee that their estimates are independent.
They could have read the same book the day before. The event related
dependence is even more difficult to derive from readily available informa tion-
concerning the group.
If there is reason' to believe that a particular. group is completely independent in
their estimates, and in addition each mdmber is completely realistic, (11) reduces to
Substituting for P(J | R) on the right-hand side from (11) and the corresponding
expression for and
AII of the formulations in this subsection are presumed to be appropriate for some context of
information. This context could be included in the formalism, e.g., as an additional term in the
reference class for all relative probabilities, or as a reference class for "absolute" probabilities.
For example, if the context is labeled W, U(J) would be written P(J | W), P(J | R) would be
written P(J | R*W ). However, since W would be constant throughout, and ubiquitous in each
probability expression, it is omitted for notational simplicity.
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 249
If the estimators are all fully realistic and fully independent, and the a priori
probability= ½, (13) reduce to
(14) is similar to a formula that can be derived using the theorem of Bayes [22].
Perhaps the major difference is that (14) makes the "working" set of estimates the P( Ej
| Ri ) which can be obtained directly from realism curves, whereas the corresponding
formula derived from the theorem of Bayes involves as working estimates P(Ri | Ej )
which are not directly obtainable from realism curves. Of course, in the strict sense,,
the two formulae have to be equivalent, and the P(Ri | Ej ) are contained implicitly in
the dependency terms. Without some technique for estimating the dependency terms
separately from the estimates themselves, not much is gained by computing the group
estimate with (14).
Historically, the "a priori" probabilities U(J) have posed a number of conceptual
and data problems to the extent that several analysts, e.g., R. A. Fisher [23], have
250 Norman C. Dalkey
preferred to eliminate them entirely and work only with the likelihood ratios-in the case
of (14), the ratios
This approach appears to be less defensible in the present case, where the a priori
probabilities enter in a strong fashion, namely with the n -1 power.
For a rather restricted set of situations, a priori probabilities are fairly well
defined, and data exist for specifying them. A good example is the case of weather
forecasting, where climatological data form a good base for a priori probabilities.
Similar' data exist for trend forecasting, where simple extrapolation models are a
reasonable source for a priori probabilities. However, in many situations where expert
judgment is desired, whatever prior information exists is in a miscellaneous form
unsuited for computing probabilities. In fact, it is in part for precisely this reason that
experts are needed to "integrate" the miscellaneous information:
Some additional light can be thrown on the' role of a priori probabilities as well as
the dependency terms by looking at the expected probabilistic score. In the case of the
theory-of-errors approach, it was possible to derive the result that, independent of the
objective probability distribution P, the expected probabilistic score of the group
estimate is higher than the average expected score of individual members,of the group.
This result is not generally true for probabilistic aggregation.
Since probabilistic aggregation depends upon knowing the a priori probabilities, a
useful way to proceed is to define a net score obtained by subtracting the score that
would be obtained by simply announcing the a priori probability. Letting S*(G) denote
the expected net score of the group and S*(Ri ) the expected net score of individual i,
and S(E) the score that would be obtained if {U(Ej )} were the report, S*(G)=S(G)-S(E)
and S*( Ri )=S(Ri)-S(E). The net score measures the extent to which the group estimate
is better (or worse) than the a priori estimate. This appears to be a reasonable
formulation, since presumably the group has' added nothing if its score is no better (or
is worse) than what could be obtained without it.
Many formulations of probabilistic scores include a similar consideration when
they are "normalized." This is equivalent to subtracting a score for the case of equally
distributed probabilities over the alternatives. Thus the score for an individual is
normalized by setting S*(Ri) = S (Ri) - S (Q) where Qj =1/m and m is the number of
alternatives. In effect this is assuming that the a priori probabilities are' equal.
Computing the expected group net score from (11) we have
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 251
or positive. On the other hand, if the average net score of the individual members is
negative, then the group will be n times as bad, still assuming the dependency terms
small. Since the logarithm of DR will be negative if DR < 1, (18) shows that the most
favorable situation is not independence where DR = 1, In DR =0, but rather, the case of
negative dependence, i.e., the case where it is less likely that the group will respond
with R than would be expected from their independent frequencies of use of Ri .
more complex. In general, it is desirable that be greater than one for those
alternatives where the objective probability P is high. This favorable condition would
be expected if the individuals are skilled estimators, but cannot be guaranteed on
logical grounds alone.
One of the more significant features of the probabilistic approach is that under
favorable conditions the group response can be more accurate than any member of the
group. For example, if the experts are fully realistic, agree completely on a given
estimate, are independent, and finally, if it is assumed that the a priori probabilities are
equal (the classic case of complete prior ignorance), then formula (14) becomes
252 Norman C. Dalkey
where p is the common estimate, and n is the number of members of the group. If p>.5,
then P(J|R) rapidly approaches 1 as n increases. For example, if p=2/3 and n is 5, then
P(J|R)=32/33. If the theory-of-errors approach were being employed, the group
estimate would be 2/3 for any size group.
In this respect, it seems fair to label the probabilistic approach "risky" as
compared with the theory-of-errors approach. Under favorable conditions the former
can produce group estimates that are much more accurate than the individual members
of the group; under less favorable conditions, it can produce answers which are much
worse than any member of the group.
Axiomatic Approach
Pl-P3 have the consequence that G is both multiplicative and additive. The
multiplicative property comes directly from P3, and the additive property—i.e.,
P(R+S)=P(R)+P(S) – is derived by using the other postulates. For functions of a single
variable, there si only one which is both multiplicative and additive, namely the
identity function f(x)=x. There is no corresponding identity function for functions of
several variables except the degenerative function, G(R) = G’(Ri ) = Ri , which violates
254 Norman C. Dalkey
This result may seem a little upsetting at first glance. It states that probability
estimates arrived at by aggregating a set of individual probability estimates cannot be
manipulated as if they were direct estimates of a probability. However, there are many
ways to react to an impossibility theorem. One is panic. There is the story that the
logician Frege died of a heart attack shortly after he was notified by Bertrand Russell
of the antinomy of the class of all classes that do not contain themselves. There was
some such reaction after the more recent discovery of an impossibility theorem in the
area of group preferences by Kenneth Arrow [25]. However, a quite different, and
more pragmatic reaction is represented by the final disposition of the case of 0. In the
17th century, there was long controversy on the issue whether 0 could be treated as a
number. Strictly speaking there is an impossibility theorem to the effect that 0 cannot
be a number. As everyone knows, division by 0 can lead to contradictions. The
resolution was a calm admonition, "Treat 0 as a number, but don't divide by it."
In this spirit, formulation of group probability estimates has many desirable
properties. It would be a pity to forbid them because of a mere impossibility theorem.
Rather, the reasonable attitude would appear to be to use group probability estimates,
but at the same time not to perform manipulations with the group aggregation function
which can lead to inconsistencies.
The preceding has taken a rather narrow look at some of the basic aspects of group
estimation. Many significant features, such as interaction via discussion or formal
feedback, the role of additional information "fed-in" to the group, the differences
between open-ended and prescribed questions, and the like, have not been considered.
In addition, the role of a Delphi exercise within a broader decisionmaking process has
not been assessed. What has been attempted, albeit not quite with the full neatness of a
well-rounded formal theory, is the analysis of some of the basic building blocks of
group estimation.
To summarize briefly: The outlines of a theory of estimation have been sketched,
based on an objective definition of estimation skill-the realism curve or track record of
an expert. Several approaches to methods of aggregation of individual reports into a
group report have been discussed. At the moment, insufficient empirical data exist to
answer several crucial questions concerning both individual and group estimation.11
For individual estimation, the question is open whether the realism curve is well
defined and sufficiently stable so that it can be used to generate probabilities. For
groups, the degree of dependency of expert estimates, and the efficacy of various
techniques such as anonymity and random selection of experts in reducing dependency
have not been studied.
By and large it appears that two broad attitudes can be taken toward the
aggregation process. One attitude, which can be labeled conservative, assumes that
expert judgment is relatively erratic and plagued with random error. Under this
assumption, the theory-of-errors approach looks most appealing. At least, it offers the
comfort of the theorem that the error of the group will be less than the average error of
the individuals. The other attitude is that experts can be calibrated and, via training and
Evaluation: Theory of Group Estimation 255
computational assists, can attain a reasonable degree of realism. In this case it would be
worthwhile to look for ways to obtain a priori probabilities and estimate the degree of
dependency so that the more powerful probabilistic aggregation techniques can be
At the moment I am inclined to -take the conservative attitude because of the
gaping holes in our knowledge of the estimation process. On the other hand, the
desirability of filling these gaps with extensive empirical investigations seems evident.
1. John McCarthy, "Measures of the Value of Information," Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci. 42
(September 15, 1956), pp. 654-55.
2. Thomas Brown, "Probabilistic Forecasts and Reproducing Scoring Systems," The Rand
Corporation, RM -6299-ARPA, July 1970.
3. L. J. Savage, "Elicitation of Personal Probabilities and Expectations," J. Amer. Slat. Assoc.
66 (December 1971), pp. 783-801.
4. E. E. Shannon and W. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of
Illinois Press, Urbana, 1949.
5. Savage, op. cit.
6. S. E. Asch, "Effects of Group Pressure upon the Modification and Distortion of Judgments,"
in E. E. Maccoby, T. M. Newcomb, and E. L. Hartley (eds.), Readings in Social
Psychology, Henry Holt, New York, 1958, pp. 174-83.
7. C. H. Coombs, "A Review of the Mathematical Psychology of Risk," presented at the
Conference on Subjective Optimality, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, August 1972.
8. M. Girshick, A. Kaplan, and A. Skogstad, "The Prediction of Social and Technological
Events," Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 1950, pp. 93-110.
9. G. A. S. Stael von Holstein, "Assessment and Evaluation of Subjective Probability Distribu-
tions," Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics, 1970.
10. Girshick, et al., op. cit.
11. W. Edwards, "The Theory of Decision Making," Psychol. Bulletin 5 (1954), pp. 380-417.
12. F. Knight, Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1921.
13. Hans Reichenbach, The Theory of Probability, University of California Press, Berkeley,
1949, Section 68.
14. N. Dalkey, "Experimental Study of Group Opinion," Futures 1 (September 1969), pp. 408-
15. N. Dalkey, B. Brown, and S. Cochran, "The Use of Self-Ratings to Improve Group
Estimates," Technological Forecasting 1 (1970) pp. 283-92.
16. J. P. Guilford, Psychometric Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1936, pp. 426ff.
17. N. Moiseev, "The Present State of Futures Research in the Soviet Union," in Trends in
Mathematical Modeling, Nigel Hawkes (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1973.
18. N., Dalkey, "Experimental Study of Group Opinion," op. cit.
19. J. Aitchison and J. A. C. Brown, The Lognormal Distribution, University of Cambridge
Press, Cambridge, Eng., 1957.
20. N. Dalkey, "Experimental Study of Group Opinion," op. cit.
21. T. ; Brown, "An Experiment in Probabilistic Forecasting," The Rand Corporation, .R-944-
ARPA, March 1973.
22. Peter A. Morris, Bayesian Expert Resolution, doctoral dissertation, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, 1971.
256 Norman C. Dalkey
23. R. A. Fisher, "On the Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Statistics," Philos. Trans.
Roy. Soc., London, Series A, Vol. 222, 1922.
24. N. Dalkey, "An Impossibility Theorem for Group Probability Functions," The Rand
Corporation P-4862; June 1972.
25. K. J. Arrow, Social Choice and Individual Values, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951.
IV.C. Experiments in Delphi Methodology*
The emphasis in the Delphi literature to date has been on results rather than on
methodology and evaluation of design features. The other articles in this chapter do
address the latter aspects. Still, quite a number of issues remain unsolved, particularly
those concerned with the details of the internal structure of the Delphi. For example,
the way in which subjective evaluation is measured may affect the final output of the
Delphi. A number of variables enter here. Ostrom and Upshaw [1] have noted that the
range of the scale provided has a marked effect on judgment. Persons playing the role
of judges who estimated themselves as "relatively harsh" assigned average "sentences"
of four years to "criminals" when presented with a one-to-five-year scale, and twenty-
one years when presented with a 1 to 25-year scale. The difficulties involved with the
selection of a suitable scale range can be solved by the employment of an abstract scale
rather than one representing, for example, hard dollars or years. An abstract scale
allows relative measures to be made. Abstract scales are particularly suited to the
measurement of values, as for example in the development of goal weights to represent
relative priorities for goal attainment.
A number of psychological scaling techniques which result in abstract scales are
available. This study reports on the comparison of several scaling techniques which
were tested in the context of an experimental Goals Delphi.
Another issue is that of the effects of feedback input, which form the sole means of
internal group communications in the Delphi process. It is important to the design of
Goals Delphis to determine the nature and strength of the feedback influence. In the
experiment reported below, the impact of feedback was identified by providing
participants with modified feedback data. The resulting shifts of opinion were then
used as measures of feedback effectiveness.
Methods for the measurement of consensus are also considered and a redefinition of
the endpoint of a Delphi is offered. Instead of consensus, the stability of group opinion
is measured. This allows much more information to be derived from the Delphi, and in
particular, preserves opinion distributions that achieve a multimodal consensus.
A number of Delphi studies have used high/low self-ratings of participant
confidence. Evidence of the value of such confidence ratings in improving the results
of the Delphi is somewhat limited, except under certain conditions of group
composition [4]. In this study, the use of high/low self-confidence ratings is again
evaluated, and the influence of a number of other personal descriptive variables is
This study was supported by the Urban Systems Engineering Center, Northwestern University,
NSF Grant GU-3851.
258 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
Other design features include the application of short turn-around times using a
computerized system for supporting inter-round analysis of the Delphi data. Although
Turoff (Chapter V, C) has used a more complex, interactive computer system for this
purpose, a simpler program is used here mere ly to accelerate accounting tasks.
Description of Procedure
The objective of this experimental Delphi study was the development and weighting of
a hierarchy of goals and objectives for use in evaluating a number of hypothetical
transportation facility alternatives. In the terminology suggested by Wachs and Schofer
[2], goals are long-term horizonal aims derived directly from unwritten community
values; objectives are specific, directional, measurable ends which relate directly to
goals. Previous experiments by Rutherford, et al. [3] had indicated that Goals Delphis
should be initiated by the development of objectives rather than goals, for the tendency
toward upward drift in generality can be minimized if the Delphi participants are first
asked to work at the more specific level. The development of goals, once the objectives
have been defined, can be accomplished with much greater ease than can the reverse
The flow chart of Fig. 1 illustrates graphically the process by which the Goals
Delphi and the design experiments were carried out. First, the initial list of objectives
was generated. The process administrators presented the hypothetical transportation
situation to the participants by means of a verbal description (Appendix I of this
article), and a map (Appendix II of this article). The participants were then given a set
of five blank 3 X 5 cards and asked to list no more than five objectives which they felt
were applicable in the hypothetical situation. In all, seventy-seven objectives were
To derive goals from the list of objectives, and to eliminate the overlaps between
them, a grouping procedure was followed. The process administrators first rejected
those objectives that were exact duplicates of others, and assigned the remaining ones
to sets. Each set represented objectives tending toward a common goal. Nine major
goals were established, and these were "named" appropriately. Statements which were
not strictly objectives were left out of the grouping process. The complete list of goals
and objectives is given in Table 1. These goals were then returned to the participants
for their evaluation. They were given the opportunity to add new objectives, and
several were received and incorporated into the goal set.
Following the development of the goals hierarchy, a decision was made (largely
because of time constraints) to concentrate attention at the goal level. The objectives,
therefore, were not included in the weighting procedure. Objectives, however, were at
all times appended to the goals related to each, so that participants would always be
aware of the specific meaning of each goal. ' Participants were first asked to do a
simple ranking of goals. As -discussed elsewhere in this paper, one of the purposes of
the Delphi was to compare different scaling methods.
Participants were therefore asked to follow the ranking with a rating analysis.
Nine-point Likert scales were used (0 = unimportant, 9 = very important). This type of
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 259
260 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
Minimize the adverse environmental impacts of the system.
Minimize air, noise, and water pollution.
Minimize negative illumination and vibration effects.
Preserve the recreational and social environment.
Provide compensation for parkland removed.
Minimize the amount of parkland taken.
Minimize the demolition of historic buildings.
Minimize the amount of non-urban land required for the new
Minimize the adverse social consequences of the transportation
facility location by providing adequate compensation to
families and businesses (and employees).
Minimize the amount of urban land required for the new facility.
Minimize the number of residences relocated.
Minimize the disruption of existing neighborhoods, people and
Minimize operating and construction costs.
Minimize operating and construction costs.
Maximize mobility and accessibility for the urban area
Minimize travel time.
Minimize monetary travel cost.
Reduce congestion
Locate the facility to increase mobility and accessibility in
the area.
Provide sufficient mobility for all members of society.
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 261
Table 1 (cont.)
Design the facility to operate as safely as possible.
Design the facility to operate as safely as possible.
Coordinate the transportation system with land use development.
Maximize the flexibility of the facility so as not to hinder
possible further urban development in the area.
Encourage the desired land use development pattern as stated in
the land use plan.
Design the facility so that its aesthetic appeal is in harmony
with the environment.
Use transport facilities to highlight the character of the city
to increase awareness, interest, and participation by the
facility users.
Design the facility to be visually pleasing to the surrounding
Maximize positive economic benefits for the entire area.
Maximize positive economic benefits for the entire area.
Minimize the adverse impacts occurring during construction.
Minimize the adverse impacts occurring during construction.
262 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
scale was felt to be easily understood by the participants. In addition, when the ends are
anchored adjectively, as in semantic differential scales, this scale is commonly found to
have interval properties. Using the computer program developed for this study, the
results of this first round were analyzed. The program was processed using a remote
terminal; goal weights served as inputs, and histograms and various distributional
statistics were produced as outputs. Frequency distributions of scores for each goal
prepared by the computer were presented to the 'participants; along with the mean for
each distribution.
Participants were asked to once again rate each goal on a nine-point scale, using
the information from the previous round as feedback. In addition, those participants
whose score on any goal was significantly distant from the group mean value for that
goal were asked to write a few words explaining the reasons behind their positions.
These statements were edited and returned in the next round. This procedure continued
for a total of four rounds. The results are given in Fig. 2 and 3, which show the
histograms produced in the first and the final rounds.
After the fourth weighting round, the participants were asked to perform a pair-
comparison rating of all the goals. This was done to compare this scaling method with
the nine-point rating scale and the ranking methods.
The initial development of the goals was accomplished during one two-hour class
period. The rank ordering of the goals and the first three weighting rounds were
conducted in a second two-hour period two days after the first. The fourth round took
place an additional five days later, while the pair comparisons were made a week after
the first weighting round.
There has been quite a bit written about the uses of feedback in the Delphi technique.
Most of this, such as the work of Dalkey, Brown, and Cochran [4] at Rand, has
concentrated on the effects of different types of feedback, such as written statements
and various statistical measures. The effects of this feedback, particularly in the
almanac-type Delphis, have been measured by comparing the accuracy of the opinions
of a group given a certain feedback with that of a group given- different feedback or no
feedback at all. In Policy and Value Delphis the effect of feedback is evaluated by
measuring the degree of consensus which is reached and the speed with which it is
There seems to be very little in the literature, however, which examines the round-
by-round effect of feedback or investigates the manner in which the feedback affects
the distribution of scores in a particular round. In this study, it was decided to
investigate these aspects of feedback, since the kind and amount of feedback used in
the Delphi may be an important variable in its results. A greater understanding of the
impacts of feedback might lead to better Delphi design. The method employed was to
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 263
264 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 265
provide participants with false feedback data, and then to observe the effect of this on
the distribution of priority-weight scores.
Two types of feedback were used in this study. The first was a graphical
representation of the distribution of scores together with a listing of the mean of the
distribution. In addition, in later rounds edited, anonymous comments by the
participants concerning the importance of the various goals were distributed. During
the experiment on feedback, one goal was chosen and the distribution was altered by
the administrators so as to change markedly the position of the mean. Since this was
done after the first weighting round, no written feedback accompanied the altered
distribution. The goal chosen for this test was Number 3 ("Minimize the operating and
construction costs"). This goal was chosen because it appeared to have a good
consensus after the first iteration. In addition, it was judged to be substantively
important. It was felt that most participants would be very surprised by the altered
The second-round distribution showed that the feedback had had an effect, since a
number of persons shifted their positions away from the true mean. By the third round,
the distribution was once again similar to what it had been in the first round, although
the distribution was shifted slightly to the lower end of the scale and remained that way
permanently, showing residual effects of the gerrymandering. Figure 4 shows the
actual distributions and the altered feedback used.
In attempting to explain the reasons behind these changes, the following
hypothesis is offered. Upon seeing the first round of feedback information, the
respondents had three options: they could ignore the feedback and keep their votes
constant; they could rebel against the feedback and move their votes to the right, in the
interest of moving the group mean closer to their true desire; or they could
acknowledge the feedback and move their votes nearer the false mean. If they had
followed either of the first two options, it would indicate that the feedback was not
effective in changing individual attitudes. That the third option was in fact taken,
however, indicates that the feedback did have an effect on the participants.
The third round, as a result of the feedback of the second round, also shows the
effect of feedback. The second-round distribution showed that participants were
attempting to increase the priority-for Goal 3, although with respect to their true initial
opinions, they were actually decreasing this priority. It seems likely that many
respondents, upon seeing this, felt that the group was moving closer to their original
position and they decided to return to, their first-round vote, since it no longer appeared
that this position would be far distant from the mean value of the group.
This experiment suggests that the respondents are, in fact, sensitive to the feedback
of distributions of scores from the group as a whole. These results seem to indicate that
most respondents are both interested in the opinions of the other members. of the group
and desirous of moving closer to the perceived consensus.
266 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 267
With the exception of Dalkey and Rourke [5], there is little discussion in the literature
of the different methods of scaling which could be used in a Delphi. The two most
common methods which are used are simple ranking and a Likert-type rating scale.
Even when these methods are used, there have seldom been attempts to ensure that the
scales developed are, in fact, interval scales.
The necessity of having an interval scale is seldom emphasized in Delphis. There
is the suspicion that on some occasions the scales derived are ordinal scales. An ordinal
scale merely shows the rank order of terms on the scale, and no statement can be made
concerning the distance between quantities.
Presumably, the primary reasons for using a Delphi, especially when comparing
policies or measuring values, include the determination of not only which policies are
considered most important, but also the degree to which each policy is preferred over
the other possibilities. In order to assure that this can be determined, an interval scale
must be obtained.
In this study, three methods which usually yield interval scales were tested. These
methods were simple ranking, a rating-scale method, and pair comparisons. The
purpose in trying three scales was to determine if all three methods yielded
approximately equivalent interval scales. If this is found to be the case, then in future
designs any one of these scales could be used. In this situation, it would probably be
wisest to choose that scaling method which was considered easiest to perform by the
participants in the Delphi. In this study it was found that the rating-scale method was
considered by the participants as the most comfortable to perform. The limitation of the
pair-comparison method is that it is time consuming. For example, to apply this method
to a set of ten objectives, each participant must make forty-five judgments. The ranking
method is fairly easy for a small number of goals, but becomes increasingly difficult as
the number of goals increases, for it essentially requires the participant to order the
entire list of items in his mind. In addition, many participants felt uncomfortable
performing this method because they were prevented from giving two goals an equal
ranking (i.e., forced ranking). While this dilemma might possibly have encouraged more
'thought concerning underlying priorities, it was felt that the frustration caused had a
negative effect on the end result. The rating-scale method was found to be quick, easy to
comprehend, and psychologically comforting. The participant's task is easy, since he must
rate only one item at a time. The problem that remained was to determine whether such a
scaling procedure would yield a scale, with interval properties.
In this experiment it was found that each of the three methods yielded somewhat
different scales. Using the Law of Comparative judgment [6], scale values for each goal for
each round were derived. These values were then translated onto a scale from one to nine.
Graphical representations of these scales are given in Fig. 5. Because of the presence of
feedback, the four rating rounds are not independent. Each one depends on those previous
to it. The scales derived in each successive round should not be identical, for if the scale
remains constant from round to round, the justification for using an iterative approach is
lost. In addition, because of the order in which the scales were developed, the ranking scale
can only be compared with the first-round rating scale and the pair-comparison scale can
268 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
only be compared with the fourth round rating scale. Because of four rounds of feedback
between them, the ranking scale and pair-comparison scale should be compared only
cautiously, and should not be expected to be identical.
The interscale comparison shown in Fig. 5 is not especially encouraging. The pair-
comparison method is known to produce interval scales, and the similarity in results of this
approach and the round-four, rating results is not strong. The scales produced by ranking
and round-one rating are, however, not too different from each other. It is possible to
interpret the progression of rating scales from round one to round four as a movement in the
direction of the pair-comparison scale. This experiment did not pursue further weighting
rounds, but, as discussed below, major changes in weights beyond round four do not seem
likely. In addition, later pair-comparison responses might differ from that shown in Fig. 5.
Given the complexity of the pair-comparison method for participants, however, it may not
be unreasonable to accept cautiously the results of simple rating methods as fair
approximations to an interval scale.
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 269
Dalkey, Brown, and others have considered and used the confidence of participants in
their responses to reach more accurate estimates of. quantitative phenomena in Delphi
exercises. Working with almanac-type data not available, to the participants, they
found that by selecting for inclusion in the feedback only those responses considered
"highly confident" by their proponents, a slightly superior' result was achieved [7].
Later, they found that in situations in which relative confidence was measured and in
which the' "highly confident" group was reasonably large; a definitely superior result
could be expected [4].
Studies in the psychology of samall groups, however, indicate that highly
confident persons should be less influenced by group pressure than those with less,
confidence, and therefore it would'' be expected that highly confident individuals move
lass toward , consensus than do others in the Delphi' context. Later, Dalkey et al. [4]
showed that "over consensus" may occur, and the ratio of average error to standard
deviation may actually increase, if consensus is forced too quickly.' In order to reach
some greater understanding of theory and
observation, therefore, several simple hypotheses were tested. It was felt that
confidence might involve more than simply confidence in individual answers, and
therefore a selection of variables representing various aspects of personal confidence
were sought, as well as high/low confidence in each response. Appendix III of this
article shows the questionnaire issued to all participants before the Delphi. The
variables measured were as follows:
270 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
Each of these confidence variables was then correlated against dependent variables
describing the amount of movement actually made by each participant. toward the
center of the distribution. It was, of course, not possible in this value-judgment Delphi
to test accuracy as well, as was done in Dalkey's experiments.
The dependent variables were summed for every participant over each of his nine
responses, and were as follows:
(a) Total amount of change from round one to round four
(b) Total number of monotonic (as opposed to oscillating) changes made
(c) Amount of change made in second round
(d) Number of responses exactly on the mode in round three
(e) Number of responses within three places of the mode in round three
It was hypothesized that high confidence would be associated with small amounts
of total change, monotonic rather than oscillating change, and low confidence with a
high degree of change in round two and a high conformity to the consensus in round
The response with regard to confidence in individual answers (measured by
high/low ratings of confidence on the Delphi answer sheets) was correlated
significantly, negatively, but not very highly with the amount of change in the second
round, although not with the total change between rounds one and four.
Percent of "highly confident" answers, however, was cross-correlated positively with
perceived academic status, although this was not significantly connected with either
movement variable. Amount of change in the second round was also just correlated
(positively) with the "at-oneness" variable, although there was no relationship at all between
"at-oneness" and percent highly confident These represented the only significant
correlations found.
The evidence for the effect of confidence on the tendency to converge is somewhat
sketchy. The only conclusions that can be drawn from the experience is that the initial
surprise on being confronted with some distribution of group opinion may to some extent
cause the less confident members who believe that they associate with the rest of the group
to move toward the center of opinion, but that this tendency is certainly not an
overwhelming one.
At the end of the Delphi a second questionnaire (Appendix IV of this article) was used
to determine whether the kind of feedback provided had any conscious effect on movement
in the Delphi. The variables were as follows:
Post-Delphi Survey
Independent Variable
Question Number
1 G. Satisfaction with the results
2, 3, and 4 H. Success of feedback in the learning process
5 and 6 I. Frustration with communication levels
7 J. Optimism for Delphi
8 K. Feeling of being rushed
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 271
These variables were correlated with the same dependent variables. Both optimism
for the future- of Delphi and satisfaction with the, process correlated significantly and
positively with the number of monotonic changes made, perhaps indicating that those
people who were not caused to change their opinion radically were in better spirits after
the Delphi than the others. However, the success-of-feedback variable was strongly
and negatively correlated with the .propensity to conform to the mode, in round three:
In other words, those. who did conform to the visible majority had difficulty in giving
and taking, ideas from the feedback. This is interesting in that it indicates the different
kinds of feedback that may affect people; in different ways. The tendency to converge
strongly has elsewhere been shown by Schofer and Skutsch [8] to be due to emphasis
in the visible consensus and on the need to create consensus. Satisfaction with the
process was also negatively correlated with the conformity variable: (Satisfaction and
agreement with feedback were strongly cross-correlated.) Clearly, the people who were
strongly conforming were not happy with the Delphi at all. The question of what is
cause and what is effect, however, remains to be answered. Yet one might speculate
that, especially in a value-oriented Delphi, the group pressure from some forms of
feedback can be overly strong, forcing participants to take positions which they find
uncomfortable. While compromise may be uncomfortable in any situation, the real
danger here is that participants may leave the process without really compromising
their feelings at all. That is, perhaps the anonymity of the Delphi itself may have
encouraged participants to capitulate, but only on paper. They may later hold to their
original views, and, if the results of the Goals Delphi are used to develop programs to
meet their needs, participants might ultimately be quite dissatisfied with the results.
A cautionary note is relevant at this point. Another study by Skutsch [9] has shown
that the form of the feedback itself influences consensus development. Despite the fact
that participants in this exp eriment were encouraged to report their verbal rationale for
their positions, the rapidity with which the process was carried out tended to
discourage such responses. As a result, histograms of value weights formed the bulk of
the feedback. It is just this kind of limited, "hard" feedback which tends to force what
might be an irrational consensus, one which might be only temporary.
Conventional variance tests were found to be unsuited to the case of change in
histogram shape in this context. Most rely on independent samples; none is strong
enough to pick up small changes in shape, and none robust enough to deal with non-
normal distributions.
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 273
Using the 15% change level to represent a 'state of equilibrium, any two
distributions that show marginal changes of less than 15% may be said to have reached
'stability; any successive distributions with more than 15% change should be included
in later rounds of the Delphi, since they have not come to the equilibrium position.
274 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
The results for all nine goals included in this experimental Delphi using this analysis
are shown in Table 3. From these data, there can be no doubt as to the general tendency
toward stabilization. Only one goal, 7, had not reached a stable position by the end of the
third round, although 3, 8, and 9 were all only just stable.
In general, this method seems to have a number of advantages. Firstly, it allows the
use of more of the information contained in the distributions. There are applications in
which, at the end of the Delphi process, the entire distribution may be used, as for
example in linear-weighting evaluation models where goal-weight dis tributions are
treated stochastically, such as that by Goodman [10]. In addition, this stability measure is
relatively simple to calculate, and has much greater power and validity than parametric
tests of variance.
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 275
Perhaps most important, one of the original objectives of Delphi was the
identification of areas of difference a s well a s areas of agreement within the participating
group. Use of this stability measure to develop a stopping criterion preserves any well-
defined disagreements which may exist. To the organizer of a Goals Delphi, this
information can be especially useful.
In order to make several iterations possible in' the space of a very short time period, a
computer time-sharing terminal was used to process the results of this Delphi experiment.
Unlike the systems described by Price (see Chapter VII, B), the program used in this Delphi
was an accounting device only; verbal feedback was compiled and read to participants by
the organizers.
In this application, histograms produced by the computer terminal were copied by hand
onto an overhead projector transparency to provide immediate feedback to participants,
who themselves determined their positions in the distributions relative to the group. It is
anticipated that, for future experiments, computer-generated histograms will be produced in
multiple copies, one of which will be provided to each participant.
276 M. Scheibe, M. Skutsch, and J. Schofer
This type of computer support, oriented toward the use of a single terminal for all
participants, may be especially desirable for Goals Delphi applications, where, because
of the lay nature of the respondents, it seems especially desirable to keep' all of those
involved in a single room, and to maintain a relatively high rate of progress
throughout-the survey.
The potential applicability of the Delphi method to goal formulation and priority
determination or public systems is very great. Yet, because the detailed characteristics
of the design of the process can have important effects on the nature of the outcomes, it
will be important to tailor the Goals Delphi to the problems at hand. The structuring of
internal characteristics which are appropriate to a Goals Delphi should be based on a
rather complete understanding of the linkages between form and function in the Delphi
environment. While considerable experience must be gained before Delphi can be
offered as a routine goal-formulation process, this discussion has suggested some
structural and process features relevant to this important application of the Delphi
Evaluation: Delphi Methodology 277
Since one of the assumptions of Delphi is that it "reduces the influence of certain
psychological factors such as ... the; unwillingness to abandon publicly expressed
opinions, and the bandwagon effect of majority opinion" (Helmer, 1966), it would
seem of interest to examine the effect of personality upon an individual's performance
during several Delphi rounds. Specifically, the question can be raised concerning the
willingness of a more dogmatic individual to change his answer in a Delphi round
(whether he is an expert or a nonexpert). Since dogmatic thinking is characterized by
resistance to change (Rokeach, 1960), it might be posited that the dogmatic individual
would be less likely to change his position when confronted by the opinions of others.
It might be further presumed that the type of question asked, i.e., those upon which the
individual could be considered either more or less expert, might also affect
performance of highly dogmatic as opposed to less dogmatic individuals. It was
therefore predicted that the number of changes made by a high dogmatism group (DH )
would be less than a low dogmatism group (DL), and that the (DH) group would change
less on questions on which they might be considered expert than on questions on which
they would be considered less expert.
The subjects for the study were ninety-eight graduate students enrolled in a class in
Educational Psychology, most of whom were school teachers.
Berger's (1967) revision of Rokeach's Dogmatism Scale (the FCD Scale) was
administered on the first day of class. Subsequently the class was used as a Delphi
panel and asked to make certain estimates. Four types of questions were utilized. Ten
questions defined the subjects as nonexpert, such as the number of farms in the United
States. Ten other questions concerning class size, teachers' salaries, length of the school
year, and similar items defined the subjects as experts.
Eighteen other questions were value-oriented items. Subjects were to respond in
terms of what certain values in the United States will be in 1980, and also what they
should be. The latter set made each person a fully qualified "expert."
With these question categories as a base, it was possible to use the questions to
define the respondents as expert or nonexpert.
The Delphi procedure was continued through three rounds. During rounds two
and three each subject was given the group median„ interquartile range and his own
response to the previous round for each item. He was asked to "review [his]
projection on the basis of the information provided" and to change his answer if he
wished to do so.
Evaluation: Change Responses 283
The DH and DL groups were identified as those scoring in the upper or lower 27
percent of the class on the FCD Scale (Berger, 1967). Second- and thirdround
changes were tabulated for those who were both inside and outside the in terquartile
range for each of the four sets of questions. The results of that tabulation are shown
in Tables 1 and 2.
A significant difference was found between the groups in the number of times they
changed their answers. For round two the value for chi-square was computed as 18.48
with 7 degrees of freedom. This value is significant at the .01 level. The corresponding
value for the third round was 14.78, which is significant at the .05 level.
284 Norman W. Mulgrave and Alex J. Ducanis
It would seem that personality characteristics of the individual involved in the Delphi
panel have some effect upon his propensity to change. Of interest as well was the finding
that the High Dogmatism group exhibits significantly more changes.. Thus: the prediction
that they would be less likely to change is not upheld. A possible explanation for this may
be that if the dogmatic individual looks to authority for his support, then in the absence of
any clearly defined authority the dogmatic individual would tend to seek the support of
whatever authority seems present. In this case authority would be the median of the group
The second prediction that the High Dogmatism group would change less on
questions where they could be considered expert, i.e., "school questions" and "what
values should be" than on questions where they could not be considered expert, i.e.,
"almanac questions" and "what values will be," was upheld on the second round (chi-
square 6.622 with one degree of freedom) but not on the final round. There were no
significant differences on either round for the Low Dogmatism group.
These results seem to indicate that the High Dogmatism group is less likely to
change an answer to a question on which they consider themselves expert than one on
which they consider themselves less expert, but that in the presence of some "perceived"
authority such as the group median, High Dogmatism groups will exhibit more change
than Low Dogmatism groups.
1 The Problem
In collaboration with D. Kaerger and H. Rehder
Wild, "Probleme der theoretischen Deduktion von Prognosen," Zeitschrift fur die gesamle
Staatswissenschaft (ZfgS) 126 (1970), pp. 553-75.
Ibid. and E. v. Knorring, "Probleme der theoretischen Deduktion von Prognosen," ZfgS 128 (1972), pp.
145-48; J. Wild, "Zur prinzipiellen Uberlegenheit theoretisch deduzierter Prognosen," ZfgS 128 (1972),
pp. 149-55.
E.g., R. M. Copeland, R. J. Marioni, "Executives' Forecasts of Earnings per Share versus Forecasts of
Naive Models," Journal of Business 45 (1972), pp. 497-512, and the literature quoted there.
Thus the suggestion in H. A. Simon, D. W. Smithburg, V. A. Thompson, Public Administration, New
York, 1961, p. 493.
O. Helmer, N. Rescher, "On the Epistemology of the Inexact Sciences," Management Science 6 (1959),
pp. 25-52.
Cf. below, section 2.3.1.
286 Klaus Brockhoff
discussion in a group in which the each-toall pattern of the communication system can be
activated.7 Beyond this the unwieldy, nonhomogeneous, and inaccurate definition of types
of tasks by which the performance of groups is judged8 and thus the classification of
concrete formulations of the question make it very difficult to derive statements as to the
particular capacity of groups in forecasting. 9
A large proportion of the statements as to the superiority of certain forms of group
organization compared with others was obtained by observing group performance in
solving certain kinds of problems and by assuming that the results would apply to tasks
which appeared comparable. Thus references to the ability of groups to forecast particular
future events were judged on the basis of their performance in responding to almanac-type
questions. Martino has demonstrated that the answers to almanac-type questions observe
the same type of distribution as the answers to forecasting questions.10 However; it has not
been investigated whether the parameters of the distribution vary significantly from one
type of task to the other under conditions which are comparable otherwise. Thus it appears
desirable to reconsider the original assumption.
In the following report we try to investigate some of these questions experimentally.
It has been shown in various studies that the performance of a group may depend on its
The group size is determined by the number of members of a group. This
measure refers solely to formal criteria. "Thus a person who does not contribute to
the activity of the group, either because of his own reticence or because of a formal
system of communication which does not accept his contribut ions, is still
considered a member of the group.
On the restriction of the each-to-all pattern cf. M. E. Shaw, "Some Effects of Varying Amounts of
Information Exclusively Possessed by a Group Member upon His Behavior in the Group," Journal of
General Psychology 68 (1963), pp. 71-79.
For the differentiation of types of tasks cf., e.g., M. E. Shaw, Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small
Group Behavior, New York, 1971, pp. 59, 403ff.; A. P. Hare, Handbook of Small Group Research, New
York, 1962, pp. 246ff; C. G. Morris,"Task Effects on Group Interaction," Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology 4, (1966), pp. 545-54. For problems of definition also R. Ziegler,
Kommunikationsstruktur and Leistung sozialer Systeme, Meisenheim a. Glan, 1968, pp. 96ff.
The limited choice of type of tasks and the strict assumptions on experimental group problem solving
are most criticized. H. Franke, Gruppenproblemlosen, Problemlosen in odor durch Gruppen? Problem and
Entscheidung, Heft 7, Miinchen, 1972, pp. 1-36, here p. 26 et seq
J. P. Martino, "The Lognormality of Delphi Estimates," Technological Forecasting, 1, (1970) pp. 355-
Cf., e.g., J. D. Steiner, "Models for Inferring Relationships between Group Size and Potential Group
Productivity," Behavioral Science 11 (1966) pp. 273-83; F. Frank and L. R. Anderson, "Effects of Task
and Group Size upon Group Productivity and Member Satisfaction," Sociometry 34 (1971), pp. 135-49.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 287
Group performance can be "synthesized" by a statistical aggregation of
individual performances. 12 However, such groups lack the essential characteristic
of communication which exists in natural groups. In the following we will report
entirely about experiments with natural groups. 13
It may seem natural to study group performance of groups with a considerable
number of members. However, in the experiments to follow we have deliberately
concentrated on small groups of four to eleven people. One reason for this is that
very many small and medium-sized organizations are applying Delphi. They can
call in only small groups of experts. Even so they may wonder about their
performance, and how to measure it. With regard to the possible objection that the
results from the observation of small groups may be subject to considerable
"noise," we may say that basic to most evaluations is the use of the median of
individual responses. The median, however, is not sensitive to la rge dispersions,
even if they are one -sided. On the other hand, it goes without question that it
would be desirable to repeat our experiments in order to check on the reliability of
the results.
Very different things can be understood by the "performance" of a group. The
tripel, number of pieces of information exchanged, time needed for solving a
problem and number of mistakes, can be considered a "classical" yardstick of
performance. Ziegler ascribes the origin of this tripel to a paper written by Bavelas
in 195014 . As Barnard's definition of performance -"the accomplish ment of the
recognized objectives of cooperative action"15 – makes clear, however, this
classical tripel is not compulsory. Indeed, it generally remains unclear whether
performance refers to the goals (recognized objectives) of the members of the
group, to those of the group, or to those presented to the group.
The task given to the groups is to find an answer A to a question which
deviates as little as possible from the answer A' which can be verified now or in the
future. Increasing performance then means that | A-A' | approaches 0. In order to
make comparisons between different questions or different groups a standardization
is necessary. Thus the relative deviation of an estimate from the correct answer is used:
| A – A’|
For a chronology of the publications on statistically "synthesized" performance, cf. J. Lorge, D. Fox, J.
Davitz, and M. Brenner, "A Survey of Studies Contrasting the Quality of Group Performance and
Individual Performance, 1920-1957," Psychological Bulletin 55 (1958), pp. 337-72, here pp. 367f.
Here natural group does not mean only a natural group with an each-to-all pattern of the
communication system. With this I depart from the narrower definition in my earlier publication. See K.
Brockhoff, "Zur Erfassung der Ungewissheit bei der Planung von Forschungsprojekten (zugleich cin
Ansatz zur Bildung optimaler Cutachtergruppen)," in H. Hax, Entscheidung bet unsicheren Erwartungen,
Koln, 1970, pp. 159-88, here pp. 167f.
R. Ziegler, op. cit. p. 18; see also p. 55.
C. J. Barnard, The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, Mass., 1962, p. 55.
288 Klaus Brockhoff
We call this expression the "error." If the error refers to a person, we speak of an
individual error. If the error refers to' group performance, we speak of a group error. If A
is the median of the estimates of all members of a group, we speak of a median group
error (MGE).
The "mean group error" as used by Dalkey16 is not identical with the MGE a s
given here. The basic difference is that Dalkey uses the logarithm of the quotient A|A' in
order to test hypotheses about the distribution of his "mean group error." The distribution
is of secondary importance f o r our present considerations regarding performance. For
this reason we do not use logarithms here.
T h e MGE is u s e d here directly as a measure of performance. It is not put into
relation t o the expenditures made for its derivation.
Further measures of group performance which are mentioned are the ability of the
group to survive in a changing environment, its satisfaction, and the habitual change of
its members.17 We do not intend to study group performance in such a broad context
(although we have unsystematically collected remarks on member satisfaction).
The study of hypotheses about a relationship between group size and group performance
occupies a prominent position in small-group research. A brief survey of the diversity of
empirical results was compiled by Turk.18 A uniform result cannot truly be expected,
because the individual studies were carried out under different conditions (types of tasks,
performance measures, etc.). With respect to forecasting it has been hypothesized that the
mean group error decreases with increasing group size.19 It should be taken into account,
however, that this statement has been formulated only for synthetic groups, i.e., a
statistical aggregation of individual judgments, and with reference to the performance of
the group in answering fact-finding questions.20
The assumption of a decreasing error with increasing group size: is based on the
probability model of search.21 From this model one deduces the possibility of compensating
individual errors by calculating the mean for the group.
In natural groups, however, the rigid conditions o n which alone the statements of the
probability model are valid cannot always be fulfilled. Since, however, a consistent system
Cf. N. C. Dalkey, "'The Delphi Method: An Experimental Study of Group Opinion," Rand Corp., RM 5888
PR, 1969. Also H. Albach, "Informationsgewinnung durch strukturierte Gruppenbefragung -- Die Delphi-
Methode" Zeitschrift f u r Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB ), Suppl. 40, Yr. 1970, pp. 11-26, here p. 20.
Summarized, e.g., by M. Deutsch, "Group Behavior," in D. L. Sills (ed., International Encyclopedia of the
Social Sciences 6, New York, 1968, pp. 265--75, here p. 274.
K. Turk, "Gruppenentscheidungen. Sozialpsychologische Aspekte der Organization kollektiver
Entscheidungsprozesse," ZfB 43. (1973), pp. 295-322, here p. 302.
N. C. Dalkey, op. cit. pp. 9f.
These were questions where the experimenters knew the answer but the subjects did not": N. C. Dalkey, op.
cit., p. 10, fn.
Cf., e. g., P. R. Hofstitter, Gruppendynamik. Die Kritik der Massenpsychologie, 11th ed., Reinbek, 1970, pp.
35ff., 160ff.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 289
of other factors that influence group performance as well (as the direction of their influence
cannot be given), we may formulate:
It becomes clear in section 2.5 to what extent the restriction ceteris paribus can be
repealed in our experiments.
H. A. Simon, Administrative Behavior, 3rd ed., New York and London, 1965, p. 76.
F. Landwehrmann, "Autoritit," in E. Grochla (ed.), Handworterbuch der Organisation, Stuttgart, 1969;'' col.
269-73, h e r e col. 270, refers to H. Hartmann, Funktionale Autoritat, Stuttgart, 1964
For a procedure oriented thus; cf. M. A. Jolson, G. -L. Rossow, "The Delphi Process in Marketing Decision
Making," Journal of Marketing Research, 8 (1971), pp. 443-48. Another procedure, based on the solution of test
questions and a test of the understanding of :professional terminology, is described by A. J. Lipinski, H. °M.
Lipinski, R. H. Randolph, "Computer-Assisted Expert Interrogation: A Report on Current' Methods
Development," Technological Forecasting and Social Change 5 (1973), pp. 3-18, here pp. 9f: (The same in S.
Winkler [ed.], Computer Communications, Impact and Implications, New York, 1973, pp. 147-54. The authors
also test the "quality of respondents' comments" [presumably on factual questions], the degree of attention and
the degree of optimism [with the aid, of a price list for old phonograph records] and inquire from this a rank
order of expertise.)
C.f. Section 2.3.1.
290 Klaus Brockhoff
numbers must be used to express a low degree of expertise while high numbers may be
used to express a high degree of expertise. Such a determination of expertise is employed
already in some forecasting groups by their management.26 These results of individual
forecasts are weighted according to the self-ratings when a group judgment is derived.
Measurements of expertise which are obtained for individuals should also permit
statements as to the expertise of the total group. Since self-ratings are measured on an
ordinal scale it is not' permissible to form an arithmetic mean of all the self-ratings of the
members of the group. We therefore characterize the expertise of a group by the median of
the individual self-ratings.
Whether such self-ratings have a high positive correlation with ratings by third parties
has not yet been studied in realistic situations. For this reason it remains an open question
whether corresponding confirmatory results of psychological tests 27 can be applied to real
situations, which generally are not free of conflicting interests.
Even if no significant positive correlation exists between ratings by third parties and
self-ratings concerning expert knowledge, it is not determined which of the ratings is more
correct. Thus in the approach used here, which involves self-ratings, the question remains
whether the participants in the experiment rate themselves correctly when compared with
an (inapplicable) objective standard.
We assume that groups with high self-ratings of expertise perform better than groups whose
members rate themselves as less qualified. With this assumption we follow Dalkey, Brown,
and Cochran 28 . Their results must, however, be examined with care insofar as they were
obtained from answering fact-finding questions. Furthermore, the subjects were able to
compare all questions to one another before rating their expertise with respect to each
question. In many applications it is not possible to present all questions at once. We shall
therefore follow a different procedure by presenting tasks in a sequential manner. Even so,
we assume that the basic relationship is still valid. Thus, we arrive at
D.L. P-1-; "A Practical Aporoach to Delphi: TRW's Probe II," Futures 2 (1970), pp. 143-52; H. P. North,
D. L. Pyke, "Probes of the Technological Future," Harvard Business Review 3 (1969), pp. 68-76; A. J. Lipinski,
L. M. Lipinski, R. H. Randolpk, op. cit., pp. I 1ff.
M. A. Wallach, N. Kogan, J. Bem, "Group Influence on Individual Risk Taking," Journal of Abnormal
and Social Psychology 65 (1962), pp. 75-86, here p. 83.
N. C: Dalkey, B. Brown, S. Cochran, "The Use of Self-Ratings to Improve Group Estimates,"
Technological Forecasting, 1 (1970) pp. 283-292.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 291
2.3 Group Performance and Communication System
This is made particularly clear by H. Albach, "Organisation, betriebliche," in Handworterbuch d Sozialwiss.
8, Stuttgart, Tubingen, Gottingen, 1961, pp. 111-17.
Cf. H. Schollhammer, "Die Delphi-Methode als betricbliches Prognose-und Planungsverfahren,"
Zeitschrift fur betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfbF), N. S., 22nd Yr. (1970), pp. 128-37, here
particularly fn. 8.
Cf. the experiments by B. Contini, "The Value of Time in Bargaining Negotiations -- Some Empirical
Evidence," American Economic Review 58 (1968), pp. 374-93.
Cf. R. Carzo, Jr., "Some Effects of Organization Structure on Group Effectiveness," Administrative
Science Quarterly 7 (1963), pp. 393-424.
This very abridged presentation must be viewed on the basis of the entire discussion concerning the
question: which conditions promote behavioral conformity in individuals in groups; cf. A. P. Hare, Handbook
..,, op, cit., chapters, 2, 13 (there in reference to status rivalry); L. Festinger, E. Aronson, "The Arousal and
Reduction of Dissonance in Social Contexts," in D. Cartwright, A. Zander (eds.), Group Dynamics: Research
and Theory, Evanston, Ill., 1960, pp. 214-31.
A. P. Hare, op. cit., chapter 10, pp. 272ff.
292 Klaus Brockhoff
members to others is blocked by somebody interested or that the transmission of
information from some group members in the time period given for accomplishing the task
is altogether impossible. In the latter case the participation of the individual group members
in the exchange of 'information may be independent of the degree of expertise. Then
participants with a high degree of expertise cannot necessarily influence group
One can summarize that possible dysfunctionalities in a natural group with an each-to-
all pattern of communication result from utilizing the communication system and the
system of competence in a manner which does not correlate positively with the degree of
expertise. Assuming that these effects often interfere .with group performance, rules
should be set up which reduce the effects of dysfunctionality or prevent their appearance. A
set of such rules was suggested and introduced by Helmer and Dalkey36 and , given the
name "Delphi." In spite of diverse variations in procedure, the applications known to date;
.have as -their primary objective: "...the establishment of a meaningful group
communication structure." 37
We test this hypothesis here for up to five rounds. It cannot be expected that
hypothesis R' is valid for an unlimited number of rounds, since growing dissatisfaction of
On this broad field, see H. H. Kelley, J. W. Thibaut, "Group Problem Solving," in G. Lindzey, E. Aronson
(eds.), Handbook of Social Psychology 4, Reading, Mass., 1968, pp. 1-101, here pp. 6ff., 26ff.
N. C. Dalkey, O. Helmer, "An Experimental Application of the Delphi Method to the Use of Exerts,"
Management Science 9 (1963), pp. 458-67.
M. Turoff, "Delphi and its Potential Impact on Information Systems," AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Fall
Joint Computer Conference (Fall 1971), 39, pp. 317-26, here p. 317.
N. C. Dalkey, op. cit. passim, particularly p. 22.
Cf. also J. B. Martino, "An Experiment with the Delphi Procedure for Long-Range Forecasting," IEEE
Trans. on Engineering Management 15 (1965), pp. 138-44.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 293
the participants and increasing time requirements - make it seem senseless to continue the
consultations indefinitely. Therefore, we modify hypothesis R' to
Finally, Helmer and Dalkey40 showed an interest in the observation that the variance
of the responses around the median decreases with increasing number of rounds. The
reduction of variance is not in itself a criterion for increased performance. One must view
this observation on the basis of hypothesis R: together with it, variance reduction gains
importance in the sense that it means increas ing certainty and accuracy of the answers.41
We therefore also test this question by investigating
Two statistical measures of variance are at our disposal for testing this hypothesis:
average quartile difference and average variance from the median. The latter measure offers
certain advantages for a comparison between groups of different sizes. For this reason it is
given preference here.
Only a few of the generally available results of forecasts by Delphi groups can be tested
against reality, because they mainly refer to events which are expected to take place in the
distant future. For this reason, the comparison of performance of face-to-face discussion
groups and Delphi groups is made by observing tasks which appear similar. 42 The problem
of solving fact-finding or almanac-type questions is assumed to be similar to forecasting.
The answers of such questions are, as a matter of principle, unknown to the participants but
known to the experimenters. These two applications of Delphi, its use in forecasting and its
simulation with only subjectively unknown bits of knowledge, exist as yet side-by-side
without comparison. Since the complexity of a task is an important determinant of group
performance, but the criteria for determining tasks of varying degrees of complexity are not
clear enough, we want to test directly
O . Helmer, Social Technology, New York and London, 1966, pp. 101ff.; N. C. Dalkey, op. cit., p. 20.
They are based according to the Delphi method, on renewed intrapersonal conflict solution and problem
solving, after being provided with additional data. On the interpersonal process which is to be eliminated here,
cf. J. Hall and M. S. Williams, "A Comparison of Decision-making Performances in Established and Ad Hoc
Groups," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3 (1966), pp. 214-22. On the practical organization of the
elimination of dysfunctionality and pressure to conform, cf. 3.2, below.
N. C. Dalkey, op. cit., pp 9f. Dalkey cites (p. 23) a paper by Campbell, in which similar methods evidently
were used to the ones planned here. The original publication was not available.
294 Klaus Brockhoff
Hypothesis F: The performance of a group in answering fact-finding
questions is ceteris paribus equal to that in forecasting.
The hypothesis is deduced from the assumption that both types of tasks exhibit the-
same degree of complexity. The tests should be carried out separately for face-to-face
groups and Delphi groups of the same size. If the hypothesis is refuted, many of the
statements about Delphi-groups which we rederived using fact-finding questions cannot be
maintained. In order to test hypothesis F, we chose only facts referring to events that had
occurred, on the average, six months before the experiments. The forecasts, on the other
hand, refer mainly to a period of time which did not exceed six months after the tests were
carried out.
The repeated use of ceteris paribus in the hypotheses leads us to assume that they are
in fact related to each other. It seems senseless to describe the great variety of possible
combinations. The rejection of certain hypotheses can reduce the test program considerably
as it leaves only a small number of relationships which need to be tested. Hypothesis E,
e.g., can be tested for a given group size, a given type of question, a given type of group,
and, in Delphi groups, with regard to the results of any round. No matter what the result is,
it is irrelevant for the further experiments, if expertise should be distributed equally in the
different groups. Since the distribution of the actual expertise becomes known from the
results of the experiments, it is advisable to bring about the necessary clarifications at first.
The situation is similar when discussion groups and Delphi groups are compared
with each other. If hypothesis R is not tested for the latter, it cannot be determined
from which round the results should be taken if compared with the performance of the
face-to-face discussion groups.
The presentation of our results in Section 4 is organized according to such reasoning.
3 The Experiments
All experiments were carried out as part of a lab. course listed in the University of Kiel
catalogue. It was planned to have "students" and practitioners work in separate groups and
to compare the results. However, since we could not give credits for the course, too few
students registered to be able to form even one small group.
Practitioners were designated and chosen from the permanent staffs of the local banks
with the assistance of the bank managers. Bank employees were chosen because hard ly
a n y other line of business is represented in the area by enough individual organizations
with personnel trained in economics and with relatively uniform fields of business. At the
same time, the size of the participating organizations is generally so large that persons who
perform specialized functions (long-term credits, short-term credits, investment brokerage,
etc.) and who differ with respect to the lengths of their employment could be chosen. This
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 295
seemed desirable in order that definite differences could show up in the self-ratings of
expertise in reference to the individual tasks.
The thirty-two participants were randomly assigned to four groups, having five, seven,
nine, and eleven participants, respectively. At the face-to-face discussions, however,
registered participants were absent for various personal reasons, so that the groups had four,
seven, eight, and ten participants only.
The experiments began with an -introductory lecture about forecasting methods and
an exercise in the use of the displays which were used in the experiments with the Delphi
groups. After that, each subject participated in a session in which the members were
organized as a Delphi group. At a later session a face-to-face discussion took place. After
the experiments were concluded, an opportunity for criticism was given. Eight months later,
the results were communicated. We have tried to motivate our participants to cooperate
well in the preparatory lecture and demonstration. Besides, we offered book prizes for
outstanding performances with regard to different types of questions and the two basic
group structures.
The experiments were conducted in May and July 1973. With three exceptions they
were scheduled for Thursdays to conform with late closing time of banks. The Delphi
groups worked in the computer center of the University of Kiel; the face-to-face discussions
were carried out in a library room.
3.2 The Organization of the Delphi Groups and the Face-to-Face Groups
The Delphi groups were set up so that the participants received all information from the
experimenters on a computer-generated display. 43
The participants in a group were not supposed to establish immediate contact with
each other. They responded to all questions by writing an alpha-numeric text in their normal
language. The responses can be divided into three classes: (1) responses that were known
only to the experimenters; (2) responses which, after the responses of all participants had
been received by the experimenter, became objects of computing procedures, the results of
which were made known to all participants; (3) responses which were recorded and made
known to all participants without any changes. The first class includes the name of the
participant and the degree of expertise that he expresses with regard to each question. This
is handled differently in the face-to-face dis cussions groups. A response of the second
category is an individual estimate. After the computation of the median of the responses of
the group members, this figure is made known to all participants. The third category
includes all arguments for divergent opinions of those whose responses lay outside of the
lower or upper quartiles.
Computer communication has been praised as a means to enable experts to
communicate with each other even though they are separated from each other by large
distances. In the real world this could mean savings in travel expenses and in the efforts
expended in coordinating dates for groups of experts. Beyond this it is of importance for the
experiments that the computation of quartiles, and the preparation, distribution, collection,
The programming was done by D. Kaerger, who will report separately on problems that arose
herewith. The program had to be in FORTRAN IV. It was run on a PDP 10.
296 Klaus Brockhoff
reproduction, and renewed distribution of questionnaires do not have to be carried out by
hand during the sessions. This gives one the chance to shorten the experiments
The entire exchange of information between the participants as well as between the
experimenter and the participants during the sessions, with the exception of certain
recurrent standard formulations, was stored on tape as a record of the experiments.
Figure 1 shows part of a record. A separate data file, an abstract from the records, is
kept on tape. It serves as the data base for the diverse computations. The abstract from the
record shows the beginning of a session of the Delphi group with seven participants.
Vertical lines on the left edge of the text signal those portions of the texts which appear in
the same form on the display of each participant. In section 1 the names of the participants
are given to the experimenter. Section 2 contains the first fact-finding question for the
group. In section 3 you see information which is considered relevant for the judgment of
the problem and which is given to each participant. Additional information of this sort is
not given to participants when forecasting questions are asked. This difference is justified
by the assumption that the subjects need some information to refresh their memories with
respect to judging "facts" which are about six months old. It is expected that they do not
need help in evaluating present-day facts as a basis far their' forecasts.
In the following section, 4, participants are asked to give their degree of expertise. It
is given only once for each question. In section 5, we enter the response portion-of the
first round.
The numbering of the participants in sections 4 and 5 serves only as an internal
identification. It begins with "3", because "l" and "2" are reserved for the experimenter,
and the tape on which we store the record.
After the estimates have been made (in section 5) the 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 quartiles
are calculated. The participants whose estimates lie outside the 0.25 and 0.75 quartiles are
shown the quartile values which they exceeded or fell short of, and are asked to give
reasons for this divergence, in case they think they possess particular additional
information. The text of the questions, which is repeated at this place, is not put out in the
record shown here. In section 6, data necessary for the analysis are recorded.
The second round begins with section 7. First, the question is repeated, then the
relevant information. In section 9, additional data are given, namely, group responses' from
the previous round and any additional information which was collected in section 6 of the
previous round. This information is presented in the following order: first, additional
information from those participants whose estimates fell short of the lower quartile; then,
information from those whose estimates exceeded the upper quartile. In the present case,
there is only one item of additional information. The original text accompanying this
information, which does not refer to its sources; is not reproduced here.
Beginning with section 10, the process which was` described for section 5 and the
succeeding sections is repeated. Five ro unds are carried out for each question. This scope
was chosen in compliance with the observation that after the fourth round generally the
For a brief discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of "computer communication" compared
with direct communication, cf. A. I. Lipinski, H. M. Lipinski, R. H. Randolph, op. cit., particularly pp.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 297
results do not improve (see section 2.3.2). An additional round is added here to test this
After the five rounds are completed the next question is asked. It is a forecasting
question. The two types of questions are asked alternately so that possible effects
of learning or fatigue do not influence only one type of question.
The fact-finding questions and the forecasting questions refer to finance, banking, stock
quotations, and foreign trade. We could choose from a list of ninety fact-finding questions
and thirty forecasting questions that were kept on a separate tape. The questions were
chosen at random from this stock. Each question of the two different types had the same
chance of being chosen. However, no question appeared twice in a group.
All questions refer to items which are reported in the monthly statistics of the German
Federal Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the daily stock market quotations of the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange, and the market reports of the big banks. Only very few of the fact-finding
questions refer to facts which are reported in the foreign trade statistics.
In all cases the correct responses can be verified objectively at the time of the
experiments: or at a later date. In the opening lecture it was called to the attention of the
participants that, for example, the questions about certain past or future interest rates did not
refer to the rates of the respective local institutions; which may depend largely on effects of
local competition. Rather, they refer to the rates which are listed as averages in the statistics
of the Federal Bank.
In five cases the ,wording of the questions was unclear to the participants 45 This
resulted partly from an inexact formulation on our part and partly from imperfect
knowledge of the definitions as used by the Federal Bank on the part of the participants. In
the face-to-face discussions, clarifications could be made immediately. In two cases in the
Delphi groups, the "correct answer" in the sense in which it was understood by the
On the significance of the wording of questions and its influence on the level of estimates, cf. J. R. Salancik,
W. Wenger, and E. Helfer, "The Construction of Delphi Event Statements," Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 3 No. 1"(1971), pp. 65-73.
298 Klaus Brockhoff
participants was carried on rather than the answer to the original formulation of the
question. Further cases of general misunderstanding did not become evident.
In a final discussion many of the participants expressed the feeling that the fact-
finding questions were rather irrelevant and annoying: all the facts could be looked up with
no trouble. This point of view was not expressed with regard to the forecasting questions. It
should be recorded, however, that both sets of questions refer to the same objects, although
at different points in time. (Thus, for example, one question asks for the price of a share of
RWE common stocks six months before the experiments and another for the same
quotation six months afterward).
It was originally planned that each group of different size and organization should be asked
to give ten forecasts and to answer ten fact-finding questions. This plan was carried out with
one exception. The Delphi group with eleven participants was able to handle only eight
questions of each kind.
The time spent on the discussions amounts to between 140 and 200 minutes. In the
Delphi rounds between 200 and 240 minutes of connect time were spent per participant.46
(This length of time does not correspond to the CPU time, however.47 The following points
can be considered as possible explanations for the greater length of time spent on the
Delphi rounds: (1) Participants write more slowly than they speak. (2) Communications
between the experimenter and the participants takes place "sequentially," i.e., if participants
j and k are involved, j < k, the message of participant k to the experimenter or back can be
exchanged only after the same kind of message has been exchanged between participant j
and the experimenter. This pattern of sequential communication is determined by the
available technology. (3) Communication among the participants and between the
participants and the experimenter can take place only during the periods of time in which
the computer, which operates in a time-sharing mode, is available for the job. Although the
CPU was not busy with batch operation during the experiments, the demand for memory
space for other jobs which were also initiated at remote terminals was noticeable during the
experiments. The participants considered such delays very disturbing. Finally let us point
out that since the available teletype terminals type more slowly than the displays,
preliminary experiments indicated that the former were not suitable for the experiments.
The operating system allowed for the connection of 13 displays at one time. This
determined a possible maximum of group size. However, as each participant was supposed
to join each type of group only once, we have limited maximum size to 11. The minimum
size of groups was determined by the consideration that we wanted to have two clearly
determinable participants whose estimates lay outside the quartile values. This can be
With 20 questions, that is 10 to 12 minutes; with 16 questions, 12 to 15 minutes. Lipinski, Lipinski, and
Randolph, op. cit., report 15 minutes per question, on comparable hardware.
D. Kaerger will contribute to the further analysis. See also, Institute for the Future, "Development of a
Computer-Based System to Improve Interaction among Experts," First Annual Report to the National
Service Foundation, 8/1/73, p. 6, Table 2. The relationship of CPU time to connect time varies from 1:110
to 1:135.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 299
achieved with five people. The fact that we had one man less in the discussion group did not
interfere with this principle.
4 The Results 48
We want to investigate whether the expertise of the group members is distributed evenly or
unevenly in the groups. It can be assumed that the distribution is even, because the
participants and the questions were assigned to the groups at random.
However, the preliminary question whether expertise is rated differently with regard
to fact-finding questions and forecasts must be clarified. Only if the hypothesis of an
uneven distribution is rejected can a comparison between the groups be made with
aggregated data from fact-finding questions and forecasts. Therefore, we first test
“auxiliary hypothesis 1”: expertise is rated differently in each group with regard to fact
finding questions and forecasts.
Table 1
Quartiles of Expertise in Fact-Finding Questions and Forecasting Questions
Lower Upper
Type of Group Quartile Median
Group Size
Fact- Fore- Fact- Fore- Fact- Fore-
finding casting finding casting finding casting
questions questions questions questions questions questions
Face-to -
7 1 1 1 2 2 3
4 2 2 2 2 3 3
Dis -
8 1 1 2 2 2 3
10 1 1 2 1 2 2
5 1 1 2 2 3 3
Delphi 7 2 2 2 3 3 3
Group 9 1 1 2 2 3 3
11 1 1 2 2 3 3
The tests quoted in the following are described, e.g., by S. Siegel, Non-Parametric Statistics for the
Behavioral Sciences, New York, and London, 1956; G. A. Lienert, Verteilungsfreie Methoden in der
Biostatistik, Meisenheim a. Glan, 1962.
300 Klaus Brockhoff
5 does not allow this result to appear sufficiently reliable. We therefore compare
the differences between the cumulative relative frequencies of the expertise ratings
within each group for fact-finding questions and forecasts. The Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test shows no significant difference of the distributions on the 5 percent
Thus, auxiliary hypothesis 1 is rejected. We can use the entire set of data to
investigate auxi liary hypothesis 2. It says that between the groups no differences occur
in the relative frequencies with which the different scale values of expertise are chosen.
Table 2 shows the relative frequencies of the distributions of expertise.
Table 2
Distribution of Expertise (%)
Degree of Expertise
Type of Group Group Size
1 2 3 4 5
4 44 32 13 5 6
7 21 38 34 6 1
8 30 44 19 4 3
10 45 33 15 6 1
5 39 32 16 9 4
Delphi 7 15 35 37 9 4
Groups 9 29 28 25 13 5
11 39 30 18 9 4
This conjecture is based on general reflections and empirical results on the correct construction of a scale.
On the inferiority of the scale with five divisions compared with scales with more graduations in estimates of
decisionmaking groups, see G. Huber and A. Delbecq, "Guidelines for Combining, the judgments of
Individual Group Members in Decision Conferences," manuscript, TIMS-meeting, Detroit, 1971, pp. 5ff. It
could not be investigated whether these statements can be applied to our results, because of the difference in
the task and because American subjects may be less familiar with a scale using five divisions than are
A comparison with the groups with the same rank of size within the type of group shows no significant
differences at p > 5 percent, neither with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test nor with the sign test. The latter test was
carried out in compliance with the possible objection that the samples were interrelated.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 301
Table 3
Maximum Absolute Difference between Cumulative Distributions of the Relative
Frequencies of the Degree of Expertise between Pairs of Groups (in %)
4 23 14 5 5 24 14 2
7 15 24 7 14 24
8 15 9 12
An investigation of the observations for all groups of a given type leads us to reject
auxiliary hypothesis 2. If one were to formulate auxiliary hypothesis 2 for a pairwise
comparison between groups it would be refuted in all cases except when the smallest group
is compared with the largest group or the second largest group respectively (Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test on the 5 percent level). A consideration of the data in Table 2 now gains
increased importance. The significant differences are due to the fact that in the middle-sized
groups, and particularly in. the groups with seven participants, the ratings of expertise seem
higher than in the smallest or largest groups. It is obvious, and is not examined more closely
here, that the lower degrees of expertise are chosen much more frequently than the higher
degrees. Whether this is an illustration of the often assumed pyramid of qualifications and
abilities, or whether it only reflects a fear of using the higher values on the scale, cannot be
determined definitively. The second assumption is supported by the observation that in the
Delphi groups, where greater anonymity is guaranteed, 9.6 percent of the self-ratings fall
into the categories four and five, whereas in the face-to-face discussion groups, where the
self-ratings were occasionally asked for directly by other members of a group, only 5.5
percent fall into these categories. The results of the next section contribute to the extension
of these reflections.
Cf. Institute for the Future,"Development of a Computer-Based System to Improve Interaction among
Experts," op. cit.
Spearman rank correlation with correction for ties.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 303
subject matter of the question coincides with one of the fields handled during
the years in the p rofession.
We formulated two hypotheses regarding the performance of the Delphi groups. We first
test hypothesis V. To do so, we determine how frequently the measure of variance for the
last round is smaller than that for the first round (cf. Table 4).
Hypothesis V cannot be refuted. When up to five rounds are carried out in Delphi
groups a reduction of variance of the estimates takes place.
A closer examination shows that it cannot be rejected that variance reduction appears
with equal frequency in all groups, and that variance reduction occurs independent of the
type of question (chi-square test, 5 percent level).
Table 4
Frequency of Variance Reduction in Delphi Groups , Round Five compared with
Round One (% of all possible cases)
Fact-Finding Forecasting
Group Size
Questions Questions
5 100 80
7 90 80
9 90 100
11 100 100
304 Klaus Brockhoff
Hypothesis R will be tested now for judging performance. In order to represent
the performance of a group for a certain type of question, individual performances
must be aggregated. Since the individual performances are "index numbers" only the
geometric mean can be chosen for this. At first we turn to the fact-finding questions.
If considered individually, it becomes evident that the lowest and the highest median
group error (taken as an absolute value) lie with approximately equal frequency in
the first two rounds (cf. Table 5). In case of identical figures for the observed
variable, its first appearance was considered.
Table 5
Relative Frequency of the Lowest (and Highest) Median Group Error by
Number of Rounds, Group Size, and Type of Question
The median values for each group, which are easily read from Table 5, all lie in
the, first or second round. If we consider the lowest median group errors (taken
absolutely), we observe that round two evidently is of greater importance concerning
forecasting questions than concerning fact-finding questions, whereas rounds one
and three are of much greater importance for fact-finding questions than for
forecasting questions. On the other hand, the highest median group errors (taken
absolutely) are much more heavily concentrated in the first round for forecasts than
for fact -finding questions.
This analysis does not, however, take into consideration the degree to which the
medians' deviate from the correct values. This may be evaluated by looking at the
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 305
geometric mean of the individual errors for each round, each group, and each type of
question. For it could be possible that good results deteriorate not at all or only very little,
while poor results improve greatly with an increasing number of rounds.
Data to judge on this question are presented in Table 6.
Table 6
Geometric Mean of the Individual Errors (taken as absolute values)
Round (Fact-Finding
Group Size Questions)
1 2 3 4 5
Round (Forecasting
Group Size Questions)
1 2 3 4 5
A significant difference for the entire set of data for fact-finding questions barely fails
to be demonstrated at the 10 percent level (Xr2 = 7.6 compared with the tabulated value of
7.78). The computed value of Xr2 for forecasting questions is considerably lower (5.75) and
fails the 20 percent level. The phenomenon that for fact-finding questions in all groups
except the one with eleven participants the highest performance is attained in the third
round does not influence the tests significantly. This is even less so for forecasting
questions, where the best performance is achieved twice in the second round and otherwise
in the fourth or fifth rounds.
If one assumes that people get bored with answering the same questions over and
over again and if one therefore cuts out the results of the last,round, we observe a minor
increase in the test statistics. The calculated value for factfinding questions exceeds the
significance level of 10 percent. For forecasts the increase is so slight (Xr2 = 5.77) that no
further consequences can be drawn from it. Taking everything together, our results seem to
306 Klaus Brockhoff
indicate that it is not reasonable to extend the number of rounds in Delphi groups beyond
the third round.
This would support hypothesis R while it refutes hypothesis R'. Since in all cases
investigated it is not assumed that the self-rating of expertise varies with the number of
rounds, the result cannot be tested further in this respect.
The observations of group performance are not supported by the results of the best
individual performance. In no case, i.e., neither when all rounds are considered nor when
the number of rounds taken into consideration is limited, can a significant difference in the
best individual performance be observed which would vary with the number of rounds. The
best individual performance is very often maintained over consecutive rounds. So, if one
would have objective criteria by which one could pick real experts, one might expect a
greater stability of their judgments as compared with that of all members of our present
We test hypothesis G directly, separately for face-to-face discussion groups and Delphi
groups. We do not correct the hypothesis to include the distribution of expertise (as
determined subjectively by self-ratings) between groups, as it has practically a random
When the data in Table 6 are analyzed by the rows, significant differences (on the 0.1
percent level) show up in Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks (Xr2 =12.84 for fact-
finding questions and Xr2 = 15 for forecasting questions). It is clear that the .group
performance in all rounds may be rank ordered as follows:
Fact-finding questions: Group with seven participants on top, followed by the groups
with nine, five, and eleven participants.
Forecasting questions: Group with eleven participants on top, followed by the groups
with nine, five, and seven participants.
The groups of seven and eleven reverse their rank order of performance in fact-
finding questions as compared with forecasting questions.
This observation cannot be explained by varying self-ratings of expertise, as can be
read from the refutation of the hypothesis concerning a different distribution of expertise in
fact-finding questions and forecasting questions (see section 4.1).
If one considers the best individual performances directly, the result for the
groups is confirmed, except for a shift in the rank orders of the groups with five
and eleven participants for fact-finding questions, and of the groups with seven and
five participants for forecasting questions. The individual estimates of the
participants can thus be considered to be one factor which influences the result.
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 307
The quality of the estimates could be determined by the frequency of
information exchange between the participants. 53 The frequency of information
exchange is shown in Table 7.
Table 7
Frequency of Information Exchange between the Participants in Delphi
% of All Possible
Absolute Number of
Exchanges of
Information Exchanges
Group Size Possible
After rounds After rounds
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
We have aggregated data for fact -finding questions and forecasting questions
as we have found that the frequency of information exchange does not vary
significantly with the type of question (binomial test, 5 percent level).
We find that the absolute frequency of information exchange between the
participants varies significantly between the individual groups (Xr2 =19.8 is
significant on the 5 percent level). Nevertheless the group with nine participants
clearly leads the sequence, followed by those groups with eleven, seven, and five
participants. If the frequency of information exchange is related to the number of
possibilities for information exchange (which depends on the number of questions
as well as on the number of participants outside of the quartiles, of course) a
significant difference between the groups can likewise be determined (Xr2 15.0): In
this case only the groups with seven and eleven participants change their positions
in the rank order as compared with the rank order of absolute frequencies of
information exchange. One could assume that the participants themselves, as keepers of
information, channel varying amounts of information into the group. If so, it should be
possible to find a rank correlation between group performance and the frequency of
information exchange with regard to each question within each group. It turns out, however,
that a significant result (5 percent level) can be identified only for the group with nine
Low, and in part negative, values for the rank correlation, particularly in the group with
eleven participants, can probably be explained by the fact that the opportunities for
See I. Lorge et al., "Solutions by Teams and Individuals to a Field Problem at Different Levels of
Reliability," Journal of Educational Psychology 46 (1955), pp. 17-24.
308 Klaus Brockhoff
information exchange were used to transmit signs of impatience toward the end of each
session. These were not considered to contribute to group performance in the stipulated sense,
and thus were not counted in selecting the data of Table 7.
In the face-to-face discussions group performance is distributed differently (see Table 8).
For the fact-finding questions we discover the following:
If performance is measured again by a median group error which is composed of
individual estimates given before entering discussion, we find that the group with seven
participants attains the highest level of performance. The groups with ten, four, and eight
participants follow in that order. It should be noted that these data are only approximately
comparable to those for round one in Table 7 because the initial data used here are given
before the start of the exchange of information. If we take the geometric mean of the absolute
values of the differences between the group estimate and the correct values, the group with ten
participants appears at the top of the scale of performance. The groups with seven, four, and
eight participants follow.
Let us now turn to the forecasting questions.
Table 8
Geometric Mean of the Median of Individual Relative Errors (taken as absolute values)
before Discussion and the Relative Error of the Group Estimate in Face-to-Face
Discussion Groups
4.5 Hypothesis D
The problems of drawing a comparison between the results from the Delphi groups and the
face-to-face discussion groups have already been mentioned. Besides, one has to find a
generally accepted criterion on which to base the comparison. Dalkey's statements are based
on the number of cases of superior performance. However, the interest in group
performance can be based with at least the same right on the amount of the errors that
occur. We take up this latter point.
The geometric average of all group performances for fact-finding questions in face-
to-face discussion groups (0.167) is higher than the corresponding value for the third round
of Delphi groups, which is as low as 0.127. However, the result is reversed for forecasts.
Here `the corresponding value of 0.209 for the third round in Delphi groups is higher than
the result of 0.162 for the face-to-face discussion groups. Thus an unequivocal relationship
cannot be established, The performance of the only group with identical size under different
organizational structures also differs greatly.
It is further noteworthy that with regard to the forecasts, the discussion in the
discussion groups shows no progress in performance if the results are compared with the
geometric means of individual errors before discussion. On the other hand, the result of the
discussion in all the Delphi group's is that the mean error is reduced up to the third round.
Furthermore, we find that the performance level of the ,face-to-face discussion groups is
approximately equal for fact-finding questions and for forecasts, whereas the performance
Unfortunately, only short notices about the impressions of the author after each session of the face-to-face
discussion groups exist as a proof of these statements. Video tapes of the discussions do not exist; they would
certainly have contributed to the interpretation of the results.
Our observations coincide with the statements of Alter et al., who confirm clique formation with
disturbing internal discussion, a higher absolute proportion of inactive group members, and poorer
agreements with dominant participants as dysfunctional effects in large groups in brainstorming sessions. Cf.
U. Alter, H. Geschka, H. Schlicksupp, "Methoden and Organisation der Ideenfindung," report on a group
project of Battelle Institute, Frankfurt (July 1972), Methodological Appendix, p. 20.
310 Klaus Brockhoff
level of the Delphi groups with regard to forecasts is much lower as compared with fact-
finding questions.
4.6 Hypothesis F
The preceding statements have already made it clear that different results are definitely
produced when group performance with regard to fact-finding questions is differentiated
from group performance with regard to forecasts (cf. Tables 6, 8). A general confirmation
or refutation of hypothesis F on the. basis of, group performance is not possible. We
therefore formulate and test the auxiliary hypothesis 5 in addition to what we have found
until now. It says:
The auxiliary hypothesis is refuted in each of the groups. With increasing group size
we calculate rank correlations of -0.300, -0.391, +0.357 and -0.150. In the majority of cases
not even the sign corresponds to the expectations of the auxiliary hypothesis:
5 Summary
Although one should not overestimate the results from the very few experiments presented
here, they do lead to doubts as to the efficiency of the Delphi method. Of course, it must be
admitted that the attempt to use the Delphi method for short-term forecasting is a
comparatively tough test, for it was originally designed for long-range forecasting. At
another occasion (sales estimates) it was also found that the errors of short-term
forecasts can be very much higher than those of long-term forecasts.56 If one assumes
that the results of the forecasts could be interpreted as an attempt to estimate an
unknown status quo at the time when the experiments took place as well, then they
should be corrected by the average value of the relative difference between the status
quo and the realization of each topic. These corrections vary between 0.042 and 0.098
in the individual groups, according to the choice of questions. Their application does
not alter the rank order of the results as compiled in Tables 6 and 8. Therefore we may
refer directly to the text with our summary:
(1) It cannot be discerned that fact-finding questions are suitable test material for
recognizing expertise or appropriate organizational structures for forecasting
(2) A general positive relationship between group size and group performance cannot
be recognized.
J. Berthel, D. Moews, Information and Planung in industriellen Unternehmungen, Berlin, 1970, pp. 158 ff.
(with data from fifteen firms).
Evaluation: Performance of Forecasting Groups 311
(3) In face-to-face discussion groups the measure of the group size must be
determined by the number of active participants. Appropriate precautions should
be developed.
(4) Variance reduction almost always occurs in Delphi groups between the first and
the fifth rounds, but the best results are as a rule already known in the third round.
Further rounds may impair the results.
(5) Self-ratings of expertise show a positive relationship to the performance of the
persons questioned in only two of four Delphi groups. They tend to be lower in
face-to-face discussion groups than in the Delphi groups, and are determined
substantially by the extent of professional experience rather than being set with
regard td the questions in case. It is important to employ and develop better
methods for the determination of expertise.
(6) A direct comparison of Delphi groups and face-to-face discussion groups was not
possible because several participants dropped out. However, the results, if
separated for fact-finding questions and forecasts, do not point in one direction.
(7) Proponents of the Delphi method will point out that our subjects, being banking
experts, are better able to express themselves in a face-to-face discussion than on a
display, even if its use has been explained to them. This should apply particularly
when the space for exchanging information among participants is limited. The fear
of making mistakes in the operation of the display could lead to exaggerated
caution. However, if one agrees with this argument, the first point of this summary
has to be explained also, as the results are not uniform in this respect. Anyhow, it
appears to be important to avoid a "new Taylorism," on which some mis -concepts
are founded.57 However, it must be granted that the originators of the Delphi
method did not say that it has to be operated as a computer dialogue.
(8) Only in the Delphi group with the greatest exchange of information did we observe a
positive relationship to group performance. The results indicate that in small Delphi
groups more opportunities for information exchange should be given. However, it
probably must be tested whether the information given by the participants does
coincide with what others would want to know, i.e., whether it adds to their
knowledge.58 How can the "confusion effect" in the majority of the discussions,
which is recognized when the "reference values" mentioned there are compared (cf.
Table 8), be explained without this distinction and the assumption of a difference
between information supplied and information demanded?
(9) It must be admitted that in our strongly discipline-oriented group there has been
relatively little opportunity for improving estimate by sharing information as
compared to interdisciplinary groups concerned with other tasks. However, this
affects all our groups in the same way. This criticism would be valid if it could be
demonstrated that different groups react differently to these two types of tasks.
See W. Kirsch, "Auf dem Wege zu einem neuen Taylorismus?" in H. R. Hansen, M. P. Wahl (eds.),
Probleme bein Aufbau betrieblicher Informationssysteme, Miichen, 1973, pp. 338-48.
E. Witte (ed.), Das Informationsverhalten in Entscheidungsprozessen, Tiibingen, 1972,
especially, pp. 44ff.;
R. Bronner, E. Witte, B. R. Wossidlo, "Betriebswirtschaftliche Experimente zum Informations
Verhalten in Entscheidungsprozessen," in E. Witte, op. cit., pp. 186ff.
V. Cross-Impact Analysis
V.A. Introduction
316 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
similarity, with respect to what the user sees, to the system dynamics type analysis (e.g.,
Forrester-Meadows). This third procedure defines the cross-impact problem in such a
manner that it cannot, as an approach, be directly compared with the first two papers. In any
case, the problem it solves is of interest and applicable to a large number of common
situations. Its simplicity makes it a particularly useful pedagogical device. It has proven to
be an excellent means to introduce laymen to complex systems, since the technique exhibits
many of the characteristics which makes their behavior appear counterintuitive.
We can anticipate much more work in cross-impact analysis as we search for ways to
include the more subtle interactions which so far have eluded our methodological
V.B. An Elementary Cross-Impact Model#
One of the more promising new tools for long-range forecasting is cross-impact
analysis. The general notion was first suggested by Helmer and Gordon with the game
"Futures" created for the Kaiser Corporation. Cross-impact analysis has now been
expanded and applied to a number of forecasting areas by Gordon and others at The
Institute for the Future [1]. The motivation for cross-impact analysis arises from a basic
aspect of long-range forecasting. There are usually strong interactions among a set of
potential technological events or among a set of potential social developments. In
assessing the likelihood that any given event or development will occur, the interactions
with other events are clearly relevant. However, the number of first-order potential
interactions increases as the square of the number of events. Even if a matrix describing
the interactions is available-say from estimates furnished by a panel of experts-the task of
Copyright © 1972 by American Elsevier Publis hing Company, Inc.
Reprinted from Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 3 (1972) with
permission of American Elsevier
DR. DALKEY is Senior Mathematician at the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica,
California. This research is supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency
under Contract No. DAHC1567C0141. Views or conclusions contained in this study
should not be interpreted as representing the official opinion or policy of Rand or of
318 Norman C. Dalkey
thinking through the implications rapidly gets out of hand. Some computational aid is
required to take account of the large number of interdependencies.
Gordon and others at The Institute for the Future have developed two major
approaches to the computational program. 1 Both approaches involve (1) preliminary
estimates of the absolute probabilities (i.e., the probabilities of the individual events), (2)
estimates of the interdependencies in terms of a cross-impact matrix, (3) a Monte Carlo
sampling of chains of events in which the probability of an event in the chain is modified
by the cross-impact of the previously occurring event in the chain, and (4) reestimation of
the absolute probability of each event in terms of the relative frequency of the occurrence
of that event in the sample of chains. The difference between the two approaches lies in
the mode of modification of the probabilities. In the first approach, the basic method, the
modification is effected by a heuristic algorithm. Cross-impacts are rated on a nominal
scale of -10 to +10. Modification of successive probabilities is computed via a family of
quadratic "adjustments," based on the cross-impact rating and the unmodified
probability. The second approach, the likelihood ratio method, defines cross-
impacts in terms of a factor by which the odds favoring the target event are to be
multiplied, given the occurrence of the impacting event. The second approach is
conceptually clearer than the first, and removes some of the arbitrariness
associated with it.2
Both approaches suffer from a lack of clarity concerning the purpose of the
computation. The notion of "taking account of the interactions" is not adequate to
answer questions such as "are the revised probabilities in fact more accurate
estimates than the original ones ?" In addition, as will be seen below, the Monte
Carlo computation contains implicit assumptions concerning higher-order
interactions that are not defined, and are surprisingly difficult to state precisely.
(To say they are implicit is not to say they are not recognized by the developers of
the method, only that the nature of the assump tions is not clearly stated.)
In this article an elementary model of probability cross-impacts is formulated
that clarifies the notion of "taking account of interactions," and does this without
requiring any assumptions concerning higher-order interactions. The model is
based on fundamental postulates and theorems of probability. The model does not
take into account all of the aspects of an interacting system that are pertinent-in
particular, it neglects time as a parameter. More generally, it neglects
nonprobabilistic order effects.
The approach is elementary in two respects. First, the type of probability
system and the form of the cross-impacts (interdependence) assumed are of a very
They actually have worked with four variations of the cross-impact technique. Two of
these variations, the dynamic model and the scenario model, involve aspects of the
interdependency problem (namely, strict time or order relationships) which are beyond
the scope of the present paper.
There are a number of c onsiderations which suggest that, for purposes of long-range
planning, the absolute probabilities are of secondary interest, whereas the "scenario"
probabilities, i.e., the prob abilities of joint occurrence or nonoccurrence of many events, are
more direct ly relevant. This topic will be discussed in the text in greater detail.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Elementary Cross-Impact Model 319
simple probabilistic form. Second, the notion of taking account of the interactions
is elementary. It can be described as follows: If an individual or a group estimates
a set of probabilities of events and this set contains interactive terms, then the set
may be inconsistent. The purpose of computation, then, is to test the consistency of
the set of estimates, and if the set is not consistent, to perform the smallest
reasonable perturbation on the original estimates to create a set that is consistent.
As soon as the consistent set is achieved -from this elementary point of view-the
interactions have been "taken into account."
It might not hurt to amplify this point slightly. If we assume that the purpose
of cross impact analysis is to arrive at the best possible estimate of the separate
probabilities of each of the events? then regardless of how the original estimates
are obtained, they should already include the interactions among the events. The
basic assumption of cross-impact analysis is that the separate probabilities do take
the interactions into account, but incompletely so that some modification is needed.
Another assumption is that the cross-impact estimates are more "solid" than
the absolute probability estimates. There are several motiv ations behind this
assumption. First, there is widespread, and probably generally sound, opinion that
relative probabilities are clearer and easier to estimate than absolute probabilities. I
do not know of any experimental data to support this, but it does appear that the
more limited reference of a relative probability makes it psychologically easer to
deal with. Second, there is an argument (which may or may not have logical
justification) that narrowing the reference class in some way makes the probability
more "correct." This is the basis for Reichenbach's recommendation [Ref. 2, p.
374] that in practical applications of probabilities (decisions) the narrowest
reference class for which there is reliable information should be used. Finally, and
probably most important for cross-impact analysis, the notion of cross-impacts is
new, and should receive greater emphasis.
None of the foregoing justifies the assumption that the cross-impacts are more
solid than the absolute probabilities, but they do lend some heuristic weight to the
computational structure. These considerations suggest that adjustments should be
made in the absolute probabilities, not the cross-impacts. It will be shown below that
this point of view cannot be maintained strictly. It is possible that inconsistencies
appear in the cross-impacts as well as in the original estimates of absolute
probabilities. However, this assumption can be maintained in a weaker sense if the
cross-impacts can be adjusted without making use of the absolute probabilit ies, and
then the absolute probabilities can be adjusted with fixed cross-impacts.
The results to be presented in this article, then, can be summed up by saying
that given a set of estimates of absolute probabilities and cross-impacts in the form of
relative probabilities, simple tests exist for determining the consistency of the cross-
impact matrix, and for determining the consistency of the absolute probabilities
given that the cross-impact matrix is consistent. If the set of estimates is consistent,
then no further computation is required. If the set is not consistent, then a number of
steps may be taken to adjust the set, ranging from simplified averaging techniques to
reiteration of the estimates, given a display of the inconsistencies involved. The
320 Norman C. Dalkey
adjustment procedure used should depend on the nature of the inconsistencies and
the opportunities for querying the estimators again.
The consistency condition derived below takes a particularly elegant form when
the cross-impact matrix is expressed as a set of relative probabilities, that is, the
probability of event ei is p, given that event ej occurs. With cross-impacts of this
form, the consistency condition can be stated as follows: The n events define an n-
dimensional probability space (strictly speaking an n-dimensional hypercube, since
each probability can vary only between 0 and 1). If the cross-impacts are mutually
consistent, they define a single line in this hypercube, which passes through the
origin. A set of absolute probabilities consistent with the cross-impacts will then
define a point lying on this line. As it turns out, the condition is relatively easy to test
and allows a fairly simple description of methods of resolving inconsistencies if the
estimates do not pass the test.
The notion of an absolute probability is sometimes misunderstood. For the purpose of this
discussion, we simply assume a common universe of discourse for the events, and refer the
probabilities to that. In this respect, the absolute probabilities of each event should reflect (in a
completely buried form) all of the interactions between that event and all others. In particular,
the absolute probability of an event is not interpreted in the Bayesian sense of an a priori
Cross-Impact Analysis: Elementary Cross-Impact Model 321
Given a set of probabilities of the forms B and C, a simple question can be asked;
namely, are they a consistent set? "Consistent" here means compatible with the usual
calculus of probabilities. The question is meaningful because the set of probabilities in
the forms B and C is redundant.
There are two kinds of redundancy. The first involves the probabilities of type C.
All of the n 2 - n relative probabilities in the cross-impact matrix can be replaced by the
n(n - 1)/2 joint probabilities of the form P( ei ·e j). (The factor 1/2 comes from the fact
that joint occurrence is commutative.) In short, there are twice as many entries in the
cross-impact matrix as are needed to specify all probabilities involving no more than
two events.
The second type of redundancy involves the interrelationship of the absolute and
rela tive probabilities. Even with a consistent set of relative probabilities, the absolute
probabilities may not combine with the relative probabilities in accordance with the
rules of the calculus of probabilities.
We will use three elementary postulates of the calculus of probabilities and one
theorem. The three elementary postulates are:
The theorem states that for a set of three events, the product of the relative prob-
abilities multiplying around the triangle in one direction is equal to the product of the
relative probabilities multiplying in the other direction. (See Fig. 1.) The theorem is
easily extended to four or more events, but the same effect can be achieved by-treating
the larger set in subsets of three.
Since we can assume that all the probabilities-given in C and D are already
between zero and one, the only role of P1 is to combine with P2 and P3 to give the
weak inequality.
Eq. (3) can be interpreted as asserting that if P(e j /ei ) and P(e i /ej ) are fixed, then
P(e i ) and
322 Norman C. Dalkey
P(ej ) must lie on a straight line through the origin in the P(e i ), P(ej ) unit square, as
illustrated in Fig. 2.
Similarly, for all other pairs of events, the rule of the product implies that
these must lie on a straight line through the origin in their respective unit squares
when the relative probabilities are given. Now, if we consider the space of all the
absolute probabilities the unit hypercube -the rule of the product in conjunction
with the rule of the triangle assures that all of the absolute probabilities must lie on
a single straight line within the hypercube. To illustrate this theorem, we first
consider the unit cube defined by three events. Eq. (3) asserts that the probabilities
must lie on the intersection of the planes defined by the straight lines in the
respective unit squares.
Figure 3 illustrates the intersection of the two planes defined by the pairs
P(ei ), P(ek) and P(e j ), P(ek). There is one additional plane defined by the pair P(ei ),
P(ej ); and the intersection of it with the first two produce two additional lines. If
the relative probabilities are consistent (by the rule of the triangle and the rule of
the product) the three lines will coincide. Figure 3 portrays an inconsistent case.
To present the general consistency condition for cross-impact matrices, it is
convenient first to establish a lemma concerning lines in n-dimensional Euclidean
spaces. A line is defined by two points X = (x1 , x2 , ...,xn ) and Y = (y 1 ,y 2 ,…,y n ). Any
other point Z on the line is a linear combination of these two; i.e., Z = a X + (1-
a)Y, -8 = a = 8 . It is convenient to shift the origin to Y, in which case Z - Y = a(X
- Y). Renaming Z -Y=Z' and X-Y= X', we have Z'=a X'.
To eliminate inessential special cases, s ij is also assumed to be nonzero.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Elementary Cross-Impact Model 323
S ij · Sjk · Ski = 1. (a)
Sufficiency. Consider a matrix S that fulfills the triangle rule. Define a point X
by xi = s 1j . The triangle rule of Eq. (a) implies that s1j · s ji · s i1 = 1, where sji = 1 / s 1j ·
s i1 and since 1/s i1 =s 1i ,
Since for any other point Y on the line aX, yi /y j = ß xi / ß xj = xi / xj , Eq. (b) is
completely general.
324 Norman C. Dalkey
Lemma 1 is applicable to a cross-impact matrix by defining a matrix S, sij
=P(e j /ei ,)/P(ei /ej ). The conditions sji = 1/sij and sii = l follow immediately from the
definition, and the triangle rule Eq. (a) follows from the rule of the triangle for
relative probabilities.
The rule of addition can be invoked by determining the intersection of the
lines defined by setting the inequalities to equalities in Eq. (2). Thus,
Solving these two for P(e i ) and P(ej ) gives
It is simple to verify that the pair P(e i ), P(ej ) lies on the line defined by
Lemma 1.
The question still remains whether the limits imposed by different
applications of Eq. (5) with different pairs result in the same limit. Thus, for
example, we have
In general, this is not the same limit as expressed by Eq. (5) above, thus the
minimum of all the limits determined by all pairs must be selected. The minimum
fixes a point L on the consistency line in the hypercube; any acceptable point is
lower than or equal to that point.
This completes the set of consistency conditions. In sum, the consistency
conditions define a line passing through the origin in the unit hypercube and a
point on that line. To be consistent, the absolute probabilities must lie on the
segment of that line between the origin and the given point.
The foregoing demonstrates the necessity, but not the sufficiency, of the
conditions. A direct consequence of the rule of addition (P3) is that the probability
of the disjunc tion of any subset of the absolute probabilities must be less than or
equal to one. The disjunctive probabilities for subsets larger than two cannot be
computed from the absolute probabilities and binary relative probabilities since the
disjunctive probabilities of sets larger than two involve higher-order interact ions.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Elementary Cross-Impact Model 325
III. Resolution of Inconsistencies
LEMMA 2. If the rule of the triangle holds for all triangles that have
one event in common, then it holds for all triangles.
Multiplying the three expressions on the left side of the equations and the
three e xpressions on the right side, the terms containing 1 cancel and we arrive at
I would like to thank T. Brown and J. Spencer for helpful suggestions concerning this
simplification of the consistency test.
326 Norman C. Dalkey
If Z lies above the limit L imposed by the rule of addition (Z' in Fig. 4), the most
natural rule is to select L as the adjusted set of probabilities.
The situation is not quite as neat if the cross-impact matrix itself is
inconsistent. The problem here is that inconsistencies result in a set of lines, which
can become very large rapidly, and there is no obvious way of weighting these in
the computation of a repre sentative line. A relatively simple adjustment, and one
that appears sufficient for the purpose - especially if the group is expected to
reestimate - is the following
This computation arises from allowing each row in the matrix in turn to generate
a potential line, and averaging these lines by summing their intersection with the unit
sphere. Although Eq. (7) does not arise from any optimization rule, it does assure that
in adjusting X the contributions of all other events to e, will be "taken into account,"
Cross-Impact Analysis: Elementary Cross-Impact Model 327
and the contribution of e, to all the other events enters in the normalization to the unit
A more satisfying variant of the procedure in Eq. (6) would be to make use of
group weights on the probabilities. That is, each member of the group can be requested
to evaluate how confident he is of his estimate (with some suitable rating scale) and a
group measure of confidence-e.g., the average of the individual ratings-can be used to
weight the absolute probability estimates.
If the weights w, are normalized so that 0 = wi = 1, where 1 indicates certainty
and 0 indicates sheer guess, then a reasonable weighted form of Eq. (6) would be
IV. Scenarios
The cross-impact computation developed at the Institute for the Future not only
produces a Monte Carlo estimate of revised absolute probabilities, but also gives a
Monte Carlo estimate of the probabilities of joint occurrence of the total set of events.
Each chain of events is a sample out of a large population of potential chains. The
number of potential chains is n!2n . The factor 2 n arises from the total number of joint
occurrences (positive or negative) of n events, and the factor n! from the manner in
which the next event in the chain is selected, namely, by considering each remaining
event equally likely to be next.
The computation involves a strong independence assumption, namely, that the
change in the likelihood of occurrence of a given event is influenced only by the pre-
ceding event that has occurred. (In some forms of the computation the change is
assessed in terms of occurrence or nonoccurrence of the preceding event.) In general
probability systems, this assumption is not only not fulfilled; the assumption has as a
consequence that the system is degenerate. A simple example may suffice to show this.
If we make an assumption that all higher-order interactions are determined solely by
the first-order interactions, then we would have
Applying the assumption to all interactions would imply that all the cross-impacts
for a given target event are equal. The same result follows from other forms of the
same assumption, for example,
328 Norman C. Dalkey
that is, lji is the factor by which the odds for ej are multiplied to generate the odds for ej ,
given that ei has occurred. Then
Although I have not made the calculation, it appears likely that most of the adjustment
in the cases presented in Ref. [1] are of this sort.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Elementary Cross-Impact Model 329
This paper presents the theoretical justification for the use of a particular analytical
relation for calculating inferences from answers to cross impact questions. The
similarity of the results to other types of analogous applications (i.e., logic regression,
logistic models, and the Fermi-Dirac distribution) is indicated.
An example of a cross impact analysis in an interactive computer mode is
presented. Also discussed is the potential utilization of cross impact as: (1) A modeling
tool for the analyst, (2) A consistency analysis tool for the decision maker, (3) A
methodology for incorporating policy dependencies in large scale simulations, (4) A
structured Delphi Conference for group analysis and discussion' efforts and (S) A
component of a lateral and adaptive management information system.
In Delphi1 design, one of the major problems has been how to obtain meaningful,
quantitative subjective estimates of the respondents' individual view of causal relation-
ships among possible future events. Meaningful, in this context, is the ability to
compare the quantitative estimates of one respondent with those of another respondent
DR. TUROFF is associated with the Systems Evaluation Division of the National
Resource Analysis Center, Office of Emergency Preparedness. Washington, D.C.
See "The Design of a Policy Delphi" by Murray Turoff, in Technological Forecasting
and Social Change, 2, No. 2 (1970), for an explanation of the Delphi technique and a
comprehensive bibliography.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 331
and correctly infer where they differ or agree about the amount of impact one event
may have on another.
A number of design techniques, or question formats, have evolved as approaches
to this problem. The particular formalism which has received comparatively wide
usage, due to the ease of obtaining answers to a fairly involved problem, is the "cross
impact" question format first proposed in a paper by Gordon and Hayward (see
bibliography). However, the analytical treatments proposed as methods of either
checking consistency or drawing inferences are essentially heuristic in nature and
exhibit various difficulties. The Monte Carlo approach, which is in widest use, is
particularly unsuited to obtaining a consistent set of estimates through individual
modification. This is because the assumptions upon which the Gordon (Monte Carlo)
approach is based imply inconsistency in the estimates provided. The analytical
approach described in this paper was developed specifically for restructuring the cross
impact formalism in a manner suitable for use on an interactive computer terminal.
This requires that the user be able to modify or iterate on his estimates until he feels the
conclusions inferred from his estimates are consistent with his views.
The type of event one is usually considering in the cross impact formalism may
not occur at all in the time interval under consideration. Furthermore, an event may be
unique in that it can only happen once. Examples of the latter are:
Events to be utilized in a cross impact analysis are defined by two properties. One,
they: are expected to happen only once in the interval of time under consideration (i.e.,
nonrecurrent events) and two, they do not have to happen at all (i.e., transient events).
If one holds to a classical "frequency" definition of probability than it is, of course,
pointless to talk about the probability of a nonrecurrent event. We, therefore, assume an
acceptance of the concept of a subjective probability estimate having meaning for
nonrecurrent events. When dealing with recurrent events within the cross-impact
framework, they should be restated as nonrecurrent events by either specifying an
exact number of occurrences within the time interval or utilizing phrases such as "...
will happen at least once." Any recurrent event may be restated as a set of nonrecurrent
If we are considering N nonrecurrent events in the cross impact exercise there are
then 2N distinct outcomes spanning the range from the state where none of the events
have occurred to the state where all of them have occurred. If we are in a state where a
-particular set of K of the events have occurred, then there are at most N - K remaining
possible transitions to those states where K + 1 events have occurred. Since it is
possible that no additional event will occur, the sum over these N - K transition
probabilities need not add to one. The amount by which the sum is less than one is just
334 Murray Turoff
the probability that the system remains in that particular state until the end of the time
interval. Once the 'system has moved out of a particular state, it will never return to it
since each event is assumed to occur once and only once. The total number of possible
transition paths and equivalent transitions probabilities (allowable paths) needed to
specify this system of 2N states is N2 N-1 . 2 An example of all states and transitions for a
three event set is diagrammed below, where a zero denotes nonoccurrence and a one
denotes occurrence of the event. The events are, of course, distinguishable and it is also
assumed two events do not occur simultaneously.
One can see that as N gets larger than three it quickly becomes infeasible to ask an
individual to supply estimates for all the transition probabilities. The cross impact
formalism, as an alternative, has had widespread usage because: one, it limits itself to N2
questions3 for N events; and two, the type of question asked appears to parallel the
intuitive reasoning by which many individuals view "causal" relationships among events.
However, it does pose a serious theoretical difficulty for extracting or inferring
conclusions based upon the estimates supplied, since the answers supplied are both
insufficient and different information from that required to completely specify the
situation. This is easily seen by relating the answers to the cross impact questions in
terms of the original transition probabilities. The first cross impact question which is
asked for all N events (i = 1 to N ) i s
( 1 ) "What is the probability that an event, i, occurs before some specified future
point in time?"
The answer to this can be related to the appropriate transition probability sum
taken over all independent paths leading to all states in which event i occurs (i.e., one-
half of the states). However, when the second cross impact question is asked for the
remaining (N- 1) events relative to a j-th event:
(2) "What is your answer to question (1) if you assume that it is certain to all
concerned that event j will occur before the specified point in time?"
Assuming the system transition probabilities are independent of past history. The history
or memory dependent case is discussed later.
N2n -1 is the number of questions one would have to ask to obtain quantitative estimates to
completely specify the model.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 335
We have in effect altered the original set of transition probabilities. This latter
question is equivalent to imposing a set of constraints upon the transition probability
estimates of the following form:
The sum over all the transition probabilities leaving a state in which the j-th event
has not occurred must be equal to one.
The above must be the case since we cannot remain or terminate in a state for
which the event j has not occurred. What we have done, at least subconsciously, to the
estimator is to ask him, in the light of new constraints, to create a whole new set of
prior transition probabilities. This creates an analytical problem in trying to relate the
original transition probabilities estimated under the constraints. One may consider this
as a problem in trying to relate different "world" views:
The so-called "conditional" probabilities derived from the second "cross impact"
question are not the conditional probabilities defined in formal probability theory.
Rather the answer to the second cross impact question might better be termed as a
"causal" probability from which one would like to derive a "correlation coefficient"
which provides a relative measure of the degree of causal impact one event has upon
another. However, the term "conditional probability" has become so common in a lay
sense that it is often easier to communicate and obtain estimates by referring to the
answers to the second cross impact question as "conditional" probabilities.
The previous points may be illustrated by the following examples where the
reasonable answers, to the cross impact questions, do not obey the mathematical
requirements associated with standard conditionals or posterior probabilities. The first
example is a "real" illustration and the' second is an abstract urn representation of what
is taking place. Consider the following two potential events:
Event 1
Congress passes a strict and severe law specifically restricting mercury pollution by
Assume the probability estimate of occurrence is e 1 :
P(l) = e1
Event 2
At least 5,000 deaths are directly attributed to mercury pollution by 1975. Assume the
probability estimate of occurrence is e 2 :
P(2) = e2 .
If it is certain that Congress will pass the above law by 1975, either Event 2 is
not affected or its probability may decrease if the law is enacted soon enough to reduce
levels of pollution before 1975. Therefore, the probability of Event 2 given that Event
1 is certain should be less than or equal to the original estimate,
336 Murray Turoff
P(2:1) = e3 = e2 .
If it is certain that five-thousand people or more will die (Event 2) by 1975, then
most rational estimators will increase their estimate of the probability for Congress
passing the law,
P(1:2)P(2) = e1 e2 + ? e2 ,
P(2:1)P(1)=e3 e1 = e2 e1 <P(1:2)P(2).
Therefore, P(1:2) and P(2:1) are not the standard conditional probabilities.
A valid theoretical point may be made by arguing that the above problem would
be eliminated by designing an event set consisting of mutually exclusive events as a
basis vector from which a decision tree or table can be constructed and to which can be
applied a Bayesian type analysis. However, in practice, economic, political, and
sociological types of questions, often examined in the cross impact scheme, do not lend
themselves to defining such a set, and, if they do, the number of events which have to
be considered may grow too large for the purpose of obtaining estimates.
As the second example consider two urns, labeled urn one and urn two, in which
are distributed a large number of black and white balls. An individual who is to
estimate the chance of drawing a white ball from either urn has available two pieces of
(3) The probability of drawing a white ball from urn two is zero.
Then the estimator can infer from (2) and (3) that at least one-quarter of the balls,
all of them black, are in urn two. From this and (1) the probability of drawing white
ball from urn one lies between one (assuming all black balls are in urn two) and eight-
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 337
ninths. Assuming the distribution of probabilities between one and eight-ninths is
uniform (no other information) the best estimate for the probability of drawing a white
ball from urn one is half way between one and eight-ninths, or 17/18.
Suppose, on the other hand, instead of item three we supply the estimator with the
following information:
(4) The probability of drawing a white ball from urn one is zero.
Now he knows that between none and all the black balls can be in urn one. This
means the probability of drawing a white ball from urn two is between two-thirds and
one. The midpoint estimate in this case is five-sixths.
These resulting four estimates are summarized in the following table:
Note that, in this example, we have never drawn a ball from urn one or two;
therefore, there is no posterior probability provided. The two probabilities calculated
by assuming the information items (3) and (4) are new priors based upon assumed
knowledge as to the state of the system.
The cross impact analysis problem in terms of the example is: Given the four
estimates made in the table to what extent can the information items (1) and (2) be
inferred analytically. In other words, will the relationships derived from the estimates
provide a description of this system which behaves similarly or approximately like the
system described by knowing explicitly items (1) and (2). The goal of the cross impact
in this example would be to infer a model, from the four estimates provided, which will
allow a prediction of the probability estimate of drawing a white ball from urn one if
the estimator is given explicitly the probability of drawing a white ball from urn two,
or vice versa. In essence, we wish to create an analytical model of his knowledge about
the situation.
Another view of cross impact is to consider it as an attempt to obtain subjective
estimates of correlation coefficients. Gordon's approach to this problem asks directly
for these coefficients, while the approach in this paper is to ask for probabilities from
which the correlation coefficients can be calculated. The transition from formal prob-
abilities to subjective probabilities, or likelihood estimates, is not difficult to make.
However, the formal theory of correlation coefficients in statistics does not specify a
unique analytical definition of a correlation coefficient in the same sense that a unique
4 1 1 1
Assuming urn two contains only ¼ of all the balls, this leaves =( − ) of the black
12 3 2
8 2 2 1
balls in urn one. Then = ( + ) .
9 3 3 12
338 Murray Turoff
measure of probability is defined. Therefore, the problem of defining subjective
estimates of correlation coefficients to measure causal impact (whether direct, as in the
Gordon approach, or indirect, as this approach) rests on a more intuitive foundation
than does the concept of subjective probability.
The separate justifications presented on the following pages for a particular
approach to the cross impact problem are all heuristic in nature. Since we are trying
with N2 items of information to analyze a problem requiring N 2 N -1 items of
information for a complete solution, it would, therefore, seem that any approach to the
analysis of the problem is an approximation. Also, there does not appear to be any
explicit test which will judge, one approach to be better than another. One significant
measure of utility is the ease with which estimators can supply estimates and whether
they feel the consequences inferred by the approach from their estimates adequately
represent their view of the world.5 The author feels that the method developed in this
paper offers the estimator a greater opportunity to arrive at a consistent set of
estimates and inferences than is available to him in the techniques currently reported in
the literature on cross impact. The mathematical relationship developed is not new; it
has been used in physics, statistics, operations research, and information theory in
modeling situations where one is concerned with the probability of the outcome of
random variables which can only take on zero or one values (see annotated
bibliography) However, in many such cases one is dealing with a recurrent process
where the model c a n be experimentally verified in at least some sense.
It should be noted that the state transition model of the interaction among events,
which we have adopted to illustrate conceptually the meaning of the cross impact
questions, provides only a lower bound ( N 2 N -1 ) on the number of parameters needed
t o completely specify the problem. It inherently assumes that once a given state (i.e., a
specified set of events has occurred) is attained, the determination of the transition
probabilities that leave that state (going to a state where one more event has occurred)
is independent of the path used to move from the zero state (i.e., no events have
occurred) to the state under examination (i.e., a system without memory 6 ). If we had
assumed the possibility of a completely different set of transition probabilities out of
the given state, each set dependent upon the path that might have been used to arrive at
the state, then the number of transition probabilities needed to completely specify the
total problem would be:
The real world, as modeled by a particular event set, is probably a mix of memory
and non-memory dependent situations. Therefore the number of parameters one would
theoretically require to specify all the information falls between the two limits. The
This is not to say the estimator's view of the world may not be wrong, but that it may
be overly presumptuous to expect the model to be able to correct the estimator's view.
This is contrary to some cross impact approaches.
Implies the system can be modeled as a Markov Chain.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 339
following table contrasts the data demands of the cross impact analysis with the
memory and no memory limits.
Since most cross impact exercises deal with a range of 10 to 100 events, it is
fairly obvious why no attempt is made to obtain estimates which would completely
specify the problem.
The basic interpretation of cross impact conditionals as a new set of prior
probabilities is not affected by the issue of whether or not one is dealing with a system
that has a memory. This issue does arise, however, when one tries to describe or model
the question of time dependence. This subject has not been adequately addressed in
reported attempts to modify the cross impact formalism to allow variation of the time
interval for the purpose of arriving at an exp licit time dependent model.
In summary then, the cross impact approach in its most general context is an
attempt to arrive at meaningful analyses of a system composed of transient,
nonrecurrent events which may or may not be dependent upon history (i.e., memory). It
is, however, fairly obvious that with event sets of the order of ten in size we have
arrived at a point where it is desirable to find some sort of macro or statistical view of
the problem as opposed to any attempt at enumerating all micro relationships such as
the transition probabilities for all paths. This is analogous to the choice of trying to
write dynamic equations for each particle in a gas or to utilize a set of relations
governing the collective behavior of the gas.
The following five sections contain a number of alternative methods for arriving
at the mathematical relationship used to model the cross impact problem. The explicit
use of the resulting relationship for obtaining estimates from an individual is described
in the EXAMPLE section of the paper. All the derivations provided are heuristic;
however, the last two represent a fairly formal approach and provide some insight to
the exact nature of the approximations being made.
Difference Equation
Given a set of events which may or may not occur over an interval of time, we assume
that an individual asked to estimate the probability of the occurrence of each event will
supply a "consistent" set of estimates. In other words, his estimate for the probability of
the i-th event (out of a set of N events) includes a subjective assessment of the other
events in terms of their probability of occurrence over the time frame and any "causal"
relationships they may have upon one another. Under this assumption we may
340 Murray Turoff
hypothesize that there exists a set of N equations expressing each of the probabilities
(P, for i = 1 to N) as a function of the other N- 1 probabilities:
The above functional may also include other variables expressing the causal
impact of potential events not specified in the specific set of N events.
If the individual making the estimate receives new information which would
require a change in his estimates for any of the probabilities, then his changes should
be consistent with the difference equation form of (1):
The simplest (in an algebraic sense) manner in which this can be satisfied is
to assume
where X is any of the variables of differentiation on the right side of (2) and G is
an arbitrarv function. Therefore we may rewrite (2) as:
The next assumption is to consider the partial derivatives with respect to the
Pk 's as constants:
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 341
The whole string of assumptions to this point is based upon an appeal to
simplicity.7 We may now solve (5) as a differential equation to obtain
where the ?1 may be a function of unknown variables 'ß' and also incorporates a
constant of integration. One may easily verify that Eq. (7) is a solution to (5) by
taking the total derivative.
This equation is recognizable as either the logistic equation which is often en-
countered in operations research or as a Fermi-Dirac distribution in physics. The
implications of this will be discussed in later sections of this paper. The major difference
in the assumptions leading to this result, as opposed to the Monte Carlo treatment of the
cross impact problem developed' by Gordon and others, is the crucial assumption that
the hypothetical estimator of the occurrence probabilities is consistent in his estimates. In
practice, an individual asked to estimate a significant number of related quantitative
parameters is unlikely to be consistent on the first attempt. There must therefore be a
feedback process for the individual in order to allow him to arrive at what can be viewed
as a consistent set of values. In the Monte Carlo approach it is impossible for the
individual to reasonably determine from the results of the calculations whether an
inconsistent outcome (with his view) is merely a problem in his juggling of a large set of
numbers or a basic inconsistency in his view of causal relationships. The primary
advantage of Eq. (7) therefore is to provide an explicit functional relationship which
presupposes consistency and thereby provides the estimator the opportunity to arrive at
consistency if he is provided with adequate feedback and opportunity to modify his
Underlying this view is the premise that the estimator would have a computer
terminal available to exhibit the consequences of his estimates in terms of perturbations
about the solution he initially provided. This then allows the estimator to determine if
the resulting model adequately reflects his world view and to adjust his inputs
accordingly. The lack of the ability for the individual estimator to first establish con-
sistency for his own estimates is a major shortcoming in the current attempts to average
in some manner the estimates of a group, as normally takes place in the cross impact
Delphi exercises.
Likelihood Measure
Consider the following three measures which may be applied to the question of
expressing the likelihood of the occurrence of a particular event (i.e., the i-th).
There is no merit in attempting complex models for processes until the limits of
validity for the simplest models are understood. Some of these limits will be
discussed in a later section of the paper.
342 Murray Turoff
Probability: Pi
Odds: Oi =Pi / (1-Pi ), and
Occurrence ratio: F i = F(P i ) =lnOi = In [Pi /(1 - Pi )].
Pi Oi Fi
Event certain to occur 1 8 8
Random occurrence ½ 1 0
(i.e., neutral point)
Event certain to 0 0 -8
not occur
All the above measures are to be found in the literature of statistics. The
"occurrence ratio" is commonly referred to as the "weight of evidence" when applied to
two different, but mutually exclusive, events. It has the interesting property of being
anti-symmetric about the neutral occurrence point. In other words, given two estimates
of the occurrence: Pi and Pi * then if
we have
Where Ei is the sum of all the effort invested in either bringing about the event
(positive effort) or preventing it from occurring (negative effort).
Effort is the type of quantity which might be measured by the actual dollars
invested in the goal. However, in many interesting cases we cannot model or measure
the effort directly. We must, therefore, establish an empirical or indirect measure of
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 343
effort. This can be done by assuming that the effort is measured by relating it to all
other events which have a causal relationship to the i-th event:
We may rewrite this, to correspond to our earlier notation, as
where the ?i may also include the events which have already been determined with
respect to their occurrence of nonoccurrence as well as the events we are not
specifying in the set of N events. We then have
This is the same result we arrived at earlier in Eq. (7). We note that while the
contribution of the k-th event to the i-th event is additive in terms of the occurrence
ratio, it is multiplicative with respect to the odds:
Therefore any change in the probability of one of the events affecting event i
changes the odds multiplicatively; i.e.,
It should be observed that the conclusions expressed by Eqs. (14) and (15) could
have been used as initial assumptions in deriving the cross impact relationship
represented by Eq. (13). We also note a functional analogy between the odds in this
problem and the partition function in quantum statistical mechanics.
Another aspect of relations (14) and (15) is that they satisfy a likelihood
viewpoint of statistical inference in that the final odds may be written as the product of
the initial odds times a "likelihood ratio."
Useful Relations
It is useful, at this point, to introduce some relationships involving the occurrence ratio
which are needed to actually apply the results to obtaining estimates. If we assume an
event (the j-th) becomes certain to, occur, then we may define
344 Murray Turoff
which is equivalently
Applying the same technique we obtain
Therefore, if know Pi , Pj , and Sij , we may also calculate Cij . Or by combining Eqs.
(19) and (21) we have
which may be used to calculate S or R given C and either R or S respectively. If we
have obtained values for all the C's then we can calculate ?i by
This is plotted for some representative values on the following graphs. One may
consider this last equation as a utility function relationship. In this instance we are not
considering the utility of an event in terms of some winnings. Rather we are asking
what is the utility of the j-th event to the occurrence of the i-th event. The occurrence
ratio for the i-th event satisfies all the necessary properties of a utility function. One
could have derived the` cross impact relations by assuming the above utility relation
and the condition that
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 345
in order to satisfy the boundary condition that the event j can have no utility for the
event i when event i is already certain to occur or not occur. The C's, therefore, may be
interpreted as marginal utility factors relating the' utility of the j-th event to the i-th
event. In a sense then, an alternative view of this cross impact approach is an
assumption of a constant normalized marginal utility of one event for another.
Assuming we know the probability (Pi ) that the i-th event will occur over some time
frame, we wish to obtain two other probability estimates:
Rij The probability of the i-th event, given the j-th event is certain to occur.
S ij The probability of the i-th event, given the j-th event is certain to not occur.
The added information, over and above knowing Pi is defined as
It should be noted that the nonoccurrence of the event i is also considered significant
information, hence-the last two terms in the above equation. We also see
We assume that if the values of Rij and Sij are correlated in any manner, then the
correlation is such as to maximize the added information
which results in
346 Murray Turoff
The latter form indicates that dR/dS must always' be positive since if Pi > R then S
> Pi or vice versa respectively.
The necessary assumption t o obtain our earlier results is that
This behaves physically as one would desire, for if Pj is close to one, then a very
large change in R is necessary to make a small change in S. Conversely if Pj is close to
zero, a very large change in S is necessary to produce a small change in R. Also when
Pj = 1/2 the relative change in R and S is equal.
For Pi = .5
For Pi = .3
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 347
This behavior is summarized in the following table where ? is a quantity close to
zero and Eqs. (31) and (32) are linearized in ?.
Consider all events that may occur at some time in the future. We assume that each
event may be described in such a manner that it is possible to evaluate' at some future
time the question of whether or not the event has occurred. This set of events in effect
represents a state vector to define the "world" state of the system under observation.
We may, in fact, explieitly define the state of this system as a binary message
composed of one binary bit for each event, where the location (i.e., the i-th position in
the message) corresponds to a particular event (i.e., the i-th event).` A zero bit in the i-
th position will indicate that the event has not occurred and a one bit will indicate that
is has occurred. At he present time the message contains all zeros since we are referring
to evens that have not yet occurred.
We may further assume that there exists a set of prior probabilities (Pi ) for the
event set which indicates the likelihood of finding a one in each event position when
we read the "message" at some specified future time. These probabilities are therefore
an implicit function of the time interval which begins when we evaluate the values of
the probabilities and ends when we plan to observe the content of the message.
As a result of the above conceptual model for the potential occurrence of events,
we may write an expression for the information we know at the beginning of the time
interval with respect to the content of our world message at the end of the time interval:
The form of the above expression is based upon the fact that the event not
occurring, as well as the observation that the event occurs, provides information. This
expression has a minimum when all the P's are equal to one - half, corresponding to a
completely random chance of occurrence of the events over the specified time
348 Murray Turoff
interval—in other words, a complete-lack of knowledge (i.e., a neutral position) about
the likelihood of occurrence. The maximum occurs when all the P's are either zero
or one which implies complete certainty as to the occurrence or nonoccurrence of
the events.
The basic goal of the cross impact technique is to set up a meas uring system
whereby an individual's knowledge concerning a set of events can be quantified for
the purpose of making a meaningful comparison among a set of individual
estimates and collating the estimates into a group assessment. There are two
aspects of this information or knowledge which are explicitly sought:
1. The prior probabilities of the events occurring given the world as the
individual views it at the time.
2. The causal relationships, if any, whereby events may influence the occurrence
or nonoccurrence of others.
If we could specify the actual physical interaction process between these
events, then the W k 's would be obtainable from the analytical model of the process
as is typically done in statistical mechanics. In our case they have to be viewed as
quantities which can usually only be obtained by subjective estimates. It is still
true, however, that the (k)'s must satisfy
Formally these weights may be viewed as made up of a complex expression of
conditional probabilities.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 349
We now rewrite Eq. (37) utilizing (36) and a new set of 2 constants (C's) as:
Each of the C's in the above expression is uniquely defined as a linear
combination of the W's in Eq. (36).
We now view Eq. (38) as constraint upon maximizing Eq. (34) for t h e total
informa tion. Using the Lagrange approach we then have, for a n y particular event i
(taking the differential with respect to Pi ):
Note that the right hand side' of the above equation does not contain Pi .
It now becomes clear what sort of approximations are being made in the cross
impact relation obtained earlier. In order to reduce Eq. (39) to the earlier result; e.g.,
Eq. (13), we do the f o l l o w i n g :
gives a good measure or indication of how sensitive the i-th event is to the j-th event as
compared with the rest of the environment_. Note that if ?i is positive the unspecified
events contributed to the occurrence of the i-th event and vice versa. Also if Cij is
positive, then the j-th event contributed the occurrence of the i-th event.
350 Murray Turoff
The effect of ignoring higher order interactions among specified events can be
measured by asking a subjective question of the form:
Given the most favorable (or unfavorable) set of circumstances for event i with
respect to the occurrence or nonoccurrence the remaining specified events, what
is your estimate o f the resulting probability for the occurrence of the i-th event?
This allows one to calculate two other values for ?i in addition to the one initially
obtained. The range of ?i defined by the difference of these two values in principle
measures the inaccuracy in the approximation due to ignoring the higher order terms in
the specified P's
The three values of ? are defined by
where Pi is the original estimate
If one does choose to obtain values for ?i1 and ?i2 an interpolation procedure may
be established to modify ?i such that Pi will range between Pi u and Pi f as the other P's
are allowed to vary in order to examine different potential outcomes for the set of
events. Therefore, the effect of higher order "interactions" among the event set can at
least be approximated.
This particular view of the cross impact leads one to the conclusion that two types
of events should be specified in any cross impact exercise:
Dependent Events: Those whose occurrence are a function of other events in the
Independent Events: Those whose occurrence are largely unaffected by the other
events in the set but may influence some subset of the other events.
These events may be obvious at the initial specification of the event set (e.g., the
occurrence of a natural disaster) or they may be determined empirically when
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 351
If the event is independent, then there is no need to ask for information on the
impact of the other events on it. This has the benefit of reducing the estimation effort
on the part of the respondents to the exercise.
While we can, therefore, obtain some idea of the significance of the unspecified
events in terms of their impact on the specified set of events, there is no analytical
guidance for resolving the fundamental question of what particular events should make
up the specified set. This procedure is entirely dependent upon the group which will be
supplying the estimates and the general problem area that is to be examined. However,
the author does feel that the concept of Dependent and Independent Events should be
introduced at the stage of actually formulating the event set.
Given an on-line computer system for collecting cross impact estimates, there is, in
principle, no hindrance to extending the approach developed in this paper to allow
estimators to express three way or higher order interactions when they think they are
significant. Equation (39) may be used to specify, the higher order cross impact
factors. Also, the pairwise interactio ns can be evaluated and-specific higher order
questions can be generated about those pairwise interactions Which appear to be
crucial or dominant. However, extensions of this sort are feasible only with groups
that will make regular use of such techniques and which have `had some degree of
practice with similar quantitative approaches:
The following goes step by step through a cross impact exercise set up in an online
user mode on a computer. The numeric quantities reflect the inputs of a young
economist who felt that the behavior of the resulting model reflected his judgment.
It took him three iterations (in terms of changes to the "conditional" probabilities)
to arrive at this situation. For the sake of brevity the final inputs are presented as if
they all occurred on the first iteration. The program also operated in a long or short
explanation mode according to the users' option and did supply a verbal definition
of probability ranges as well as an odd to probability conversion table. The first
thing the user sees, if he wishes, is a list of the events. It is, however, not necessary
to store the events themselves as they are referenced individually by a number
throughout the exercise. All the user needs is a hard copy list, which indicates the
event number for each event statement. This is particularly useful where
confidentiality of the events under consideration is of importance. The long form
(i.e., full explanation) of the interaction is presented.
EVENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P= .50 .30 .60 .50 .40 .30 .60 .20 .10 .60
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 353
ESTIMATES: 2, .25, 3, .55, 4, .4, 5, .3, 6, .4, 7, .55, 8, .1, 9, .05, 10, .55
At this point the computer calculates each Cij from Eq. (19); or if the event had
been assumed to not occur, Eq. (21) would have been used. If no change had been
indicated, the corresponding C would be set to zero.
The computer informs the user about the occurrence or non-occurrence of an
event according to how he specified the overall probabilities. If he specifies a
probability of .5 or less, he is told to assume the event occurred; if more than .5, than
he is told to assume it did not occur. This policy is arbitrary. In this example the user
was told to assume occurrence for events 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 and to assume non-
occurrence for events 3, 7, and 10.
The user is allowed only two digit specification of a probability which must lie
between (and including) .01 and .99. If he enters a zero or one, it is automatically
changed to .01 or .99 respectively.
When the user has gone through all the events in the above manner and is
satisfied with his inputs, then the ?i 's are calculated from Eq. (42).
The user is now presented a summary of his inputs and the converse "conditional"
probability to the one supplied which is calculated from Eq. (22).
354 Murray Turoff
EVENT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
MFP = .86 .73 .91 .89 .81 .85 .94 .78 .76 .95
EVENT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
MFP = .16 .06 .22 .11 .09 .02 .17 .01 .01 .13
The user may infer from the cross impact factors in the previous table the relative
rank order with respect to the effect of one event upon another as interpreted from his
judgments on the probabilities.
The next step is for the computer to present the user with a forecast of which
events will occur. To do this it is assumed that the perception of the likelihood of the
event occurring produces the causal effect, and not the actual time of occurrence. With
this time independent view we can assume it is reasonable to apply a cascading
perturbation approach to forecasting occurrence. This is done as follows:
(1) Examine the overall probabilities and determine which event or events is
closest to zero or one.
(2) If the event is close to zero, assume it will not occur or if it is close to one
assume it will occur (this is the smallest possible perturbation).
(3) Based on (2), calculate, new probabilities for the remaining events.
(4) Begin step 1 again for those events which have not already been assumed to
occur or not occur.
The above sequence is repeated until the outcome is established for all events
unless the final probability is .5, in which case no outcome is forecast.
The following is what happens for the above example where each row is one
cycle of the above cascade iteration procedure. The user can observe how the
probabilities are affected. Note that the initial estimates on events three, seven, and ten
are reversed.
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 355
(1), NO (2), CHOICE?
356 Murray Turoff
The user may now examine the sensitivities of this model by choosing to modify
one or more of the overall probabilities and holding the rest and the cross impact
factors constant. This would correspond to assuming a basic change in policies
effecting the likelihood of a particular event. In this instant the user chose to increase
the probability that defense spending decreased and then to separately view the effect
of a major tax revision. The effects of these choices are summarized and compared to
the original result above.
If the user is not satisfied with the behavior of the model he has built up, he may
go back and make changes to the original overall probabilities and/or the conditionals
until he has obtained satisfactory behavior.
If the activity were part of a Delphi or other group exercise, then once a user was
satisfied with his estimates they would be collected in order to obtain a group response.
The group response would be determined by a linear average of the cross impact
factors and the gamma factors-not the probabilities. Then each individual would be
able to see similar inferences as the above for the group view with the addition of a
matrix which compared the number of individuals who estimated a positive, negative,
or no impact relation' between each event combination. In the group case one would
also have to allow the estimator to indicate which cross impacts he has a no judgment
position on. The computer would than supply for him, if he wishes, the average
supplied by the rest of the group for that particular cross impact relationship.
The intriguing aspect of the cross impact formalism is its utility to a rather broad range of
applications. The first application is as an aid to or tool for an individual in organizing
and evaluating his views on a complex problem. The structure offers the individual more
freedom in expressing the event set than the constraints of mutual exclusiveness imposed
in decision tree and table type approaches. There also appears to be some compatibility
between the pair-wise examination of causal relationships and the way many individuals
think about causal effects. This is true to the extent that crosses impact formalism maybe
utilized quite easily by individuals without any formal training in decision theory or
probability. The author has,' for example, gone through the creation and evaluation of a
set of five events with a group of high school students within a one-hour period, using a
computer terminal to perform the calculations. That particular exercise stimulated a great
deal of class discussion as to under what economic conditions the students would plan to
have children. The educational utility of the cross impact formalism, as well as other
Delphi-oriented communication structures, has largely gone unnoticed.
The main problem encountered in utilizing the technique is that some individuals
are so accustomed to the Bayes theorem that they will habitually apply it in responding
to the Cross impact questions.
Once some,, members in an. organization have begun to employ the approach for
their individual benefit then it becomes quite easy to introduce it as a communication
form for expressing quite precisely to others in the group how they view the causal
relationships involved in the problem under consideration. The benefit here is in
allowing the group to quickly realize where disagreement exists in both the direction,
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 357
as well as relative magnitude, of the impacts. This can eliminate a lot of superfluous
discussion about areas of agreement.
Whether the evaluation of an event set is carried out in a committee, conference,
Delphi, or some combination, of these processes, it is mandatory that the group
involved reach agreement and understanding on the specification and wording of the
event set. In addition, the actual cross impact exercise may cause the group to desire
modification of the event set.
In utilizing the technique for serious problems, there would appear to be benefits
for groups of both decision makers and analysts. In addition, it may solve a problem
that now exists in attempting to set up efficient communication structures between
these two groups. The analyst attempting to build simulations or models of complex
processes of interest to the decision maker very often encounters causal relationships
dependent upon policy and decision options that defy any reasonable attempt at
incorporation into the model, except in the form of prejudging the outcome of policy or
decision options. At times these choices are so numerous that they are effectively
buried and become hidden assumptions in; the logic of complex simulations. The cross
impact technique offers h e analyst an opportunity, to leave portions of the simulation
logic arbitrary; thus, the users of the simulation may utilize a cross impact exercise to
structure the logic of the simulation when they wish. While this application has not yet
been demonstrated, it may turn out to be a major use of the cross impact technique.
There is considerable advantage to be had from introducing a greater degree of
flexibility in the application of the more comprehensive simulations being built to
analyze various organizational, urban, and national problems.
As with many Delphi structures9 , it is quite feasible to design an on-line
conference version of the cross impact exercise which would eliminate delays in
processing the group results and allow the conferees to modify their views at will. It
would be necessary to tie this particular conference structure to a general discussion
conference (such as the "Delphi Conferencing" system) in order that the group can first
specify the event s et and later discuss disagreement on causal effects.
If one considers the basic functions performed in the planning operation of
organizations, whether they be corporate or governmental, there are two other types of
conference structures that should be added to the general discussion format and the cross
impact conference structure.
One is a resource allocation conference structure which allows a group to reach
agreement on what is the most suitable allocation of the organizational resources to bring
about the occurrence of the type of event which the organization controls or influences
(i.e., controllable events). Various program options evaluated in terms of resources
required and probability of accomplishment as a function of time and resource variability
would evolve from this type of conference.
The other type of conference structure involves forecasting the environment in
which the organization must function. This conference would be used to generate
See "Delphi Conferencing" hy Murray Turoff, Technological Forecasting and Social
Change 3, No. 2, 1971. Also, "The Delphi Conference," in The Futurist, April 1971,
provides a summary report.
358 Murray Turoff
information on the uncontrollable events which specify the environment and or their,
likely occurrence over time.
The resource allocation conference may use various optimization techniques, such
as linear programming, to aid the group members in their judgments. The environmental
forecasting conference may: use such tools as trend, correlation, or substitution analysis
routines to aid the conference group.
The cross impact conference structure may now be viewed as a mechanism for
relating uncontrollable events expressing potential environmental situations to
controllable events expressing organizational options. The general discussion conference
allows the group or groups involved to maintain consistency and resolve disagreements.
Initial design formats for all these conference structures already exist to some extent
in the various paper and pencil Delphi's that have been conducted to date. It remains for
some organization to piece these together within the context of a modern terminal
oriented computer-communications system, Given, such a system; represented in the
accompanying diagram, an organization faced with a specific problem may first, and
quickly, bring: together the concerned group via the terminals and the general discussion
conference format to; arrive at specifications for the resource allocation and forecasting
conferences. These two latter conferences may involve only subsets of the total group and
may draw on added expertise as needed. Using the cross impact to correlate the results of
the other two efforts, the variability of options versus potential environments can be
examined. The sought-after, result is a set of evaluated options suitable for providing an
analysis basis for a decision.
One may envision simultaneous replication of this four-way conference structure
focusing on different problems which may also relate to different levels of concern within
the organization, A set of procedures could also be introduced for moving the results of
one problem analysis to a higher level conference group or for sending requests to
resolve particular uncertainties down to a conference group at a lower level.
The main advantage of such a system is the organization's ability to draw upon the
talent needed for the problem on a timely and efficient basis, regardless of where it
resides with respect to either geography or organizational structure. Also inherent in this
type of system is the view that the individuals in an organization are the best vehicle for
filtering the information appropriate to a particular problem out of established data
management system and other constant-type organizational procedures. The mistake
often made by designers of management information systems is the assumption that there
is a standard algorithm which will continually transform the normal flow of
organizational data into a form suitable for management purpose.10 This is only true when
the organization is faced with an unchanging environment, and very few organizations,
unless they are deluding themselves, can claim that view in this day and age.
The author views a Management Information System as just this four-way
conference structure existing in a design scheme which allows groups to easily shift from
one format to another and which may be replicated either to improve lateral
This point is developed further in "Delphi and Its Potential Impact on Information
Systems," by Murray Turoff, in the Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference,
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 359
As one may suspect, this paper has evolved out of a number of earlier drafts. I would
like to thank the following individuals for their aid in terms of comments and reviews
360 Murray Turoff
(both pro and con) : Dr. Ronald Bass, Dr. Norman Dalkey, Mr. Selwyn Enzer, Dr.
Felix Ginsberg, Professor Jack Goldstein, Mrs. Nancy Goldstein, Professor Robert
Piccirelli, Miss Christine Ralph, Professor Richard Rochberg, Dr. Evan Walker, Dr.
John Warfield, and Mr. Dave Vance.
Annotated Bibliography
The initial paper on cross impact was published in 1968 by Gordon and Hayward.
Other. papers specifically on cross impact are those by Dalby, Enzer, Johnson, and
Rochberg. Very closely related to the cross impact formalism is the cross support
formalism in C. Ralph's work. This formalism in essence makes a clear distinction
between dependent events, which are defined as goals, and independent events, which
are related, to resource allocation choices. Also related to the cross impact problem is,
the management matrix formalism referenced and discussed in the book by Farmer and
Richman and in a paper by Richman. The measures of association concept in business,
problems (see Perry's paper for a review) is another variation of the same problem. The
formal problem of defining measures of association or correlation coefficients are
discussed in articles by Costner and Goodman.
The use of the logistic type equation in statistics for cases in which one is
concerned with a binary outcome type process is reviewed quite well in the papers by
Cox and Neter. The use of the logistic equation in economics (logic regression) is
found in the works of Sprent and Theil. The Fermi-Dirac distribution in physics is
discussed in Born and at a more advanced level in Tolman. The use of the logistic
distribution in Technological Forecasting as a modeling tool is discussed in Ayres'
book. The mathematical properties of the logis tic equation and its usefulness to model
population growth is reviewed in the book by Davis.
The point that all prior probabilities are conditional is brought out quite clearly in
the book by Savage. Raiffa's book contains an excellent guide to the philosophical
differences that surround the concept of subjective probability and inference. Tribus'
book is one of the few works that treats the "weight of evidence" measure (e.g., defined
in the paper as the occurrence ratio) in some detail and references earlier papers on this
topic. The discussion of unsettled problems of probability theory in Nagel's book is
also relevant.
Two papers by Ward Edwards appearing in one book edited by Kleinmuntz and one
book edited by Edwards and Tversky review the psychological experiments to determine
if humans make judgments on a Bayesian basis. Edwards asserts, on the basis of his
work, that humans are conservative; i.e., always making more conservative estimates
than would be implied by the use of Bayes theorem. A more recent experiment by
Kahneman and Tversky appears to indicate that man "is not Bayesian at all." These
authors propose a "representativeness" heuristic; wherein, "the likelihood that a particular
12-year old boy will become a scientist, for example, may be evaluated by the degree to
which the role of a scientist is representative of our image of the boy." This view does
not appear to be too far removed from the "causality" view adopted in approach of this
paper to the cross impact problem. The average person deals almost everyday with at
least a subconscious' process for estimating non-recurrent and transient events. The
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 361
Bayesian approach to modeling this subjective probability process does not appear to fit
or explain the judgments made. However, the experiments to date do appear to confirm
that some sort of universal or consistent model exists which humans of very different
backgrounds and training are in fact using.
The paper by DeWitt, which deals with the philosophical problem of inferring
reality from quantum mechanics, is an excellent review of what the author feels are
analogous difficulties with justifying cross impact. The chapter in Bohm's book,
conjecturing that the human mind may function with a quantum mechanical type
thought process, may, to a limited degree, be viewed as circumstantial support for the
propositions developed in this paper. If Bohm were correct, it should not be a complete
surprise that a macro statistical quantum mechanical distribution (Fermi-Dirac) can be
used to correlate measurements of subjective estimates by a group of humans. Walker's
paper also explores the potential relationship of quantum mechanics to the nature of
consciousness. Bohr also argues in his writings for the more universal application of
quantum mechanics to the human thought process.
Also, Reichenbach in his book examines the relationships between quantum
mechanics and the calculus of probabilities. In particular, Reichenbach interprets
posterior probabilities as those resulting from measurements, and priors or "potential"
as those arising from the physical theory. He further discusses the need for a three-
value logic system to deal with "causal anomalies"-true, false and indeterminacy. The
threevalued-logic proposition of Reichenbach leads to the speculation that if there is a
rigorous foundation for the theory of cross impact, it may lie in the work taking place
in "fuzzy" set theory (i.e., a class which admits of the possibility of partial membership
in it is called a fuzzy set). In cross impact the set of all possible events may be
considered as made up of two subsets, those that will occur and those that will not. Any
particular event may have partial membership in either set. That which we have termed
the probability of occurrence is referred to by the "fuzzy" set theory people as the
membership function (i.e., see Zadeh).
Umpleby's work represents a first and interesting attempt to tie the cross impact
formalism to the resource allocation problem in at least an automated game mode. The
problem of how to average probability estimates among a group is crucial to utilizing
other cross impact systems. This is reviewed in Brown's paper and in Raiffa's book.
The methodology proposed here at least explicitly avoids the question by averaging,
for the group, correlation coefficients having a plus to minus infinity range.
In addition to the published literature there are at least three alternative methods
under consideration or in use. These additional methods are proposed by Dalkey, or
RAND, Enzer, of the Institute for the Future, and Kenneth Craver, of Monsanto.
Extensive modifications to the original treatment by Gordon have recently been proposed
by Folk, of the Educational Policy Research Center at Syracuse, and by Shimada, of
Hitachi Ltd., Japan. Also the current work in the area of "Relevance Trees" represents
attempts to tackle the same class of problems by unfolding the matrix structure into a tree
structure. The concept of multi-dimensional scaling m psychology is also related to the
cross impact problem (see J. D. Carroll's paper).†
The Carroll-Wish paper is in the next chapter.
362 Murray Turoff
Ayres, Robert V., Technological Forecasting, McGraw-Hill (1969).
Bohm, David, Quantum Theory, Prentice Hall (1951); Analogies to Quantum Processes,
Chapter 8. Bohr, N., Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, John Wiley & Sons (1958).
Born, Max, Atomic Physics, Chapter 8, Hafner Publishing Company (1935).
Brown, T A., Probabilistic Forecasts and Reproducing Scoring Systems, RAND-RM-6299-
ARPA (June, 1970).
Carroll„J. D., Some Notes on Multidimensional Scaling, in Proceedings of the IFORS meeting
on Cost Effectiveness (May, 1971), Wash., D.C. (to be published by Wiley).†
Costner, H. L., Criteria for Measures of Association, American Sociological Review, 30, No. 3
(1965). Cox, D. R., Some Procedures Connected with the Logistic Qualitative Response
Curve, Research Papers in Statistics, John Wiley (1966).
Dalby, J. F., Practical Refinement to the Cross-Impact Matrix Technique of Technological
Forecasting (1969, Unpublished).
Dalkey, Norman C., An Elementary Cross Impact Model, RAND Report R-677-ARPA (May,
1971). ‡
Davis, Harold T., Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations, Dover
Publications (1962).
DeWitt, Bryce S., "Quantum Mechanics and Reality," Physics Today, September 1970. See
also April 1971 issue of Physics Today.
Edwards, W. and Tversky, A. (Ed.), Decision Making, Penguin Modern Psychology (1967).
Enzer, Selwyn, Delphi and Cross-Impact Techniques: An Effective Combination for Systematic
Future Analysis; Institute for the Future WP-8 (June, 1970).
Enzer, Selwyn, A Case Study Using Forecasting as a Decision-Making Aid; Institute for the
Future WP-2 (December, 1969). Also Future, 2, No. 4 (1970).
Farmer, R. N. and Richman, B. M., Comparative Management and Economic Progress (1965).
Goodman, L. A. and Kruskal, W. H., "Measures of Association for Cross Classification I";
Am. Stat. J. (December, 1954); "Measures of Association for Cross Classification II,"
(March, 1959).
Gordon, T. and Haywood, H., "Initial Experiments with the Cross-Impact Matrix Method of
Forecasting," Futures, 1, No. 2 (1968).
Gordon, Theodore J., Rochberg, Richard, and Enzer, Selwyn, Research on Cross-Impact
Techniques with Applications to Selected Problems in Economics, Political Science and
Technology Assessment; Institute for the Future R-12 (August, 1970).
Johnson, Howard E., Cross-Impact Matrices, An Exposition and a Computer Program for
Solution, Graduate School of Business, University of Texas WP 70-25 (January, 1970).
Also Futures 11, No. 2 (1970).
Kahneman, O. and Tversky, A., "Subjective Probability: A Judgment of Representativeness";
Oregon Research Institute: Research Bulletin, II, No. 2 (1971).
Kleinmuntz, B. (Ed.), Formal Representation of Human Judgment, Wiley (1968).
Nagel, E., Principles of the Theory of Probability, Foundations of the Unity of Science, 1, No.
6, University of Chicago Press (1969).
Neter, John and Maynes, E. Scott, Am. Stat. Assn., 65, No. 330, Applications Section (June,
1970). Perey, Michael, Measures of Association in Business Research; Research Report
No. 9, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (September, 1969).
Raiffa, Howard, Decision Analysis, Addison Wesley (1968), Chapter 10.
See also VI C in this book.
See V B in this book
Cross-Impact Analysis: Alternative Approach 363
Ralph, Christine, An Illustrative Example of Decision Impact Analyses (DIANA) Applied to the
Fishing Industry, Synergistic Cybernetics Incorporated, Report (February 1969).
Ralph, Christine A., Resource Allocation Logic for Planning Heuristically as Applied to the
Electronics Industry, International Research and Technology Corporation IRT P-22.
Reichenbach, Hans, Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, University of California
Press, 1965.
Richman, B. M., "A Rating Scale for Product Innovation," Business Horizons V, No. 2
(Summer, 1962).
Rochberg, Richard, "Information Theory, Cross-Impact Matrices and Pivotal Events,"
Technol. Forecasting, 2, No. 1 (1970).
Rochberg, Richard, Some Comments on the Problem of Self-Affecting Predictions; RAND Paper
P-3735 (December, 1967)
Rochberg, R., Gordon, T. J., and Helmer, O., The Use of Cross-Impact Matrices for
Forecasting and Planning, Institute for the Future R-10 (April, 1970).
Rochberg, R., "Convergence and viability because of Random Numbers in Cross-Impact
Analyses," Futures, 2, 3 (Sept., 1970).
Savage, L. J., The Foundations of Statistical Inference, John Wiley Publishers (1962).
Shimada, Syozo, A Note on the Cross-Impact Matrix Method, Central Research Laboratory,
Hitachi Ltd. Report No. HC-70-029 (March, 1971).
Sprent, Peter, Models in Regression and Related Topics, Methuen and Company Ltd. (1969).
Theil, Henri, Economics and Information Theory, Rand-McNally Publishers (1967).
Tolman, Richard, The Principles of Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press (1938),
Chapter XII.
Tribus, Myron, Rational Descriptions, Decisions and Designs, Pergamon Press (1969).
Umpleby, S., The Delphi Exploration. A Computer-Based system for Obtaining Subjective
Jtulgments on Alternative Futures, Report F-1, Computer -Based Education Research
Laboratory, University of Illinois (August, 1969).
Walker, Evan H., "The Nature of Consciousness," Math. Biosci. 7, No. 1/2 (February,
Zadeh, L. A., Towards a Theory of Fuzzy System, NASA Report CR-1432
V . D . A Primer for a New Cross-Impact Language—
(with Examples Shown from Transportation Policy)
DR. KANE is Professor of Mathematical Ecology at the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 365
1. Aircraft Competition
The procedure we developed is simplicity itself. First, all the relevant variables are
listed and given names. For example, in an aircraft interaction model, these might be:
SST: for the supersonic transport,
B747: for the Boeing jumbo jet and other large capacity aircraft of similar type,
JET: for conventional jets of the DC8/B707 variety,
STOL: for short take-off and landing planes,
VTOL: for vertical take-off aircraft, such as helicopters,
HSG: for high speed ground transportation, typically of the monorail variety, and
CM: for cost of money
366 Julius Kane
It is immediately evident that these variables interact strongly with one another.
In some cases they compete directly, for example, the SST and B747 are in large part
competitive. On the other hand, they also form alliances, for example, development of
high speed ground transportation will probably be a big plus for the development of the
SST because this would provide high speed rail links that could service a supersonic
jetport located remote from urban regions.
To a first approximation the interactions can be simply summarized by a table of
the following form (Table 1).
This matrix summarizes the interactions between the variables in the following
fashion. At each location we enter the action of the column heading upon the row
heading. A plus entry indicates that the action of variable A upon variable B is
positive. In other words A encourages B's growth and that such encouragement will be
proportional to both the relative size of A and the magnitude of the interaction
coefficient (not necessarily integer values). We have chosen most diagonal entries to be
positive in accord with the idea that technology tends to foster its own growth. The sole
exception is the self-interaction of JET which we have set as minus. This is to suggest
that this variable has reached a stage of obsolescence in its evolution.
There is an extremely important pedagogical value in choosing the matrix entries
as combinations of pluses and minuses rather than numerical entries. By not asking for
numerical coefficients at the outset psychological barriers are greatly reduced, stimu -
lating group participation and discussion. Furthermore subjective variables can very
easily be introduced and there is no inhibition in making them plays their proper role.
Of course ultimately the pluses and minuses are translated into specific figures.
Note that the entries in the interaction matrix are not necessarily symmetric, the
action of A upon B is not usually the same as B upon A. For example we note that JET
upon B747 = +2 while the impact of B747 upon JET is -4. The strength and direction
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 367
of the interaction can easily be adjusted by varying the appropriate interaction coeffi-
cient. In the matrix of interactions we have also added another column (temporarily
blank), which is reserved for the action of the outside world. These are variables (say
governmental intervention), which act upon the system but experience essentially no
reaction in turn. This is a very convenient and important feature.
It is the nature of all variables encountered in human experience to be bounded.
Invariably there is a minimum below which the variable cannot descend, and at the
other extreme there is a maximum beyond which it cannot penetrate. With. This in
mind we can always scale the range of each of our variables between zero and one. For
example, for an aircraft variable a value marginally above zero might indicate the raw
conception of the vehicle, and at the other extreme, a value approximating unity would
correspond to complete commercial success. With such a scaling in mind we could
assign the following values for the present configuration:
SST = 0.2 because the vehicle has entered prototype phase but neither the
Concorde or Tu-144 have been commercially introduced,
B747 = 0.35 because it has entered commercial service but not yet in appreciable
JET = 0.8 because this has entered commercial service in very significant numbers
and is a proven yet not overwhelming financial success owing to the large
numbers of competing aircraft,
STOL = 0.15 because while this has been tested in research models no viable
commercial prototypes have yet appeared,
VTOL = 0.1 since VTOL shares all of the technical problems of STOL yet more so,
HSG = 0.1 because it is barely beyond the prototype phase and suffers from a
multitude of operational problems.
CM = 0.9 inasmuch as the cost of money is hovering at historically high levels.
It will be noticed that both the entries and the interaction matrix and the initial
values of the variables are somewhat arbitrary. There is considerable room for dis -
agreement. For example, it would be easy to argue that high-speed ground transpor-
tation should be assigned an initial value of 0.2 rather than 0.1. Likewise it could be
argued that the action of the SST upon itself is negative rather than positive owing to
the unfavorable publicity is has received. The ease of the model's formulation allows
such contrary views to be, expressed easily and in a self-consistent fashion. Often it
will be found that the particular choice of a single interaction parameter is not terribly
important. Our rationale is' to give the policy maker free choice in designing his model
without being burdened by mathematical and computational complexity. In other
words, each policy-maker can change his conception of the structure of the system
freely as his intuition into its behavior improves.
But once a particular interaction matrix and initial values have been chosen, then
the future is set, continuously evolving from the initial configuration. The actual
mathematics that achieves this goal is outlined in the appendix and will be discussed at
length in a technical paper. Here, it suffices to say that each interaction is weighted
proportionately to the strength of the interaction and also to the relative size of the
368 Julius Kane
variable producing the interaction. Also, and most important, growth and decay follow
logistic type growth variations rather than exponential ones, automatically limiting
reaction rates near threshold and saturation. In a completely self-consis tent way then
the system will evolve from knowledge of the binary interaction of its components.
The mathematical calculations are carried out on an iterative basis, avoiding the need
for any explicit discussion of differential equations. To construct our model, we
employ a simulation language (KSIM) with the following properties:
(1) System variables are bounded. It is now widely recognized that any variable of
human significance cannot increase indefinitely. There, must be distinct limits.
In' an appropriate set of units these can always be set to one and zero.
(2) A variable increases or decreases according to whether the net impact of the
other variables is positive or negative.
(3) A variable's response to a given impact decreases to zero as that variable
approaches its upper or lower bound. It is generally found that bounded growth
and decay processes exhibit this sigmoidal character.
(4) All other things being equal, a variable will produce greater impact on the
system as it grows larger.
(5) Complex interactions are described by a looped network of binary interactions.
0 < xi (t) < 1, for all i = 1, 2,..., N and all t>0. (1)
where aij are matrix elements giving the impact of xj on xi and ?t is the time period of
one iteration.
Equation (3) guarantees that pi (t) > 0 for all i = 1; 2, . . ., N and all t = 0. Thus the
transformation (2) maps the open interval (0, 1) onto itself, preserving boundedness of
the state variables (condition 1 above). Equation (3) can be made somewhat clearer if
we write it in the following form:
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 369
When the negative impacts are' greater than the positive ones, pi > 1 and x decreases;
while if the negative impacts are less than the positive ones, pi < 1 and x increases.
Finally, when the negative and positive impacts are equal, pi = 1 and xi remains
constant. Thus the second condition holds. To demonstrate conditions 3-5 let us first
observe that for small ?t, Eqs. (2) and (3) describe the solution of the following
differential equation:
From Eq. (5) it is clear that as xi ? 0 or 1, then dxi /dt? 0 (condition 3). Thus, the
expression xi ln(xi ) may be said to modulate the response of variable xi to the impact it
received from xj . Considering xj individually, we see that as it increases or decreases
the magnitude of the impact of xj upon any xi increases or decreases (condition 4).
Finally, it is seen that condition (5) holds since system behavior is modeled, through
the coefficients aij , each of which describes the binary interaction of xj upon xi .
Although the previous discussion seems to imply that the impact coefficients are
constants, this need not be so. In more advanced versions of KSIM any of these
coefficients may be a function of the state variables and time.
To gain a greater intuitive understanding of this system of equations it is a
worthwhile exercise to examine the one-variable system. The reader can easily check
that in this simple case the system exhibits sigmoidal-type growth or decay
corresponding to a positive or negative. Such growth and decay patterns are
characteristic of many economic, technological, and biological processes.
Figure 1 shows the subsequent evolution of the variables from the assumed initial
values. It will be noted that with the supposed interactions that B747 and STOL have
the brightest future whereas HSG and the SST are quickly driven to extinction. In other
words, they just can't compete' with alternate forms of transport.
To answer this question we must consider not only economic factors but also
subjective considerations, for example the freedom that comes with caruse (immediate
availability, multiplicity of route choices, and easy diversion to alternate destinations).
In public transit one is locked to timetables, rigid routing, and limited accessibility to
destinations. Clearly FREEDOM should be a variable. We shall also include USE (for
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 371
the relative fraction auto use), C&C for comfort and convenience, COST, and SPEED.
In detail we define the variables in the following fashion:
1. COST 1 : This variable is scaled between zero and one and essentially measures
the perceived cost of the automobile as a fraction of the total annual income of the
individual. Consequently, an individual making $10,000 a year roughly figures (in his
head) the automobile is costing him a thousand dollars per year-whether right or wrong
would have a value for this variable of 0.1.
2. USE: This is to be described as the use of the automobile as a transportation
medium as compared to all competing means of transportation therefore a value of 0.95
of this variable indicates that the automobile is used 95% of the time as against all
possible modes such as public transportation (buses, etc.) or walking.
3. C&C: Comfort and convenience and all other attributes of aesthetic
desirability. We choose C&C to be zero when the use of the automobile is accompanied
by acute discomfort. When C&C = 1 use of the automobile is with total satisfaction
and luxury.
4. FREEDOM: This variable essentially measures the freedom of choice involved
in travel. It includes such considerations as choice of alternate routes and restructuring
of schedules to meet new situations as they occur. It will be obvious that the
automobile -which is ready at almost a moment's notice-should have this particular
variable set to values which are close to unity.
5. SPEED: This variable measures the perceived automobile speed between any
two random points within the transportation net. Unity is described as the speed
between two points under ideal circumstances-maximum speed and no traffic. During
the day its value would be something like 0.9 for an automobile except during rush
hours when it might drop as low as 0.7 or 0.6.
In the transit model under discussion we have introduced five variables, which
interact with each other. In addition, there is always the outside world acting upon
these variables for an additional five interactions. Accordingly there are five self-
interactions, twenty binary interactions, and five external intrusions. Choosing these
thirty parameters will define the system. A reasonable first approximation is given in
Table 2.
Let us write A : B for the action of A upon B and then we can describe our
motivation for the above choices as follows.
AUTO USE: COST (--). We argue that increased auto use diminishes perceived
cost. Our rationale for this choice is that the costs of the automobile are largely
implicit, most notably depreciation. For most people the major expense of having a car
is consigned to the past, i.e. the date the car was purchased. Accordingly, the attitude of
Note. We have run many versions with two cost variables, differentiating between
direct operating costs (gas, oil....) and implicit overhead costs (depreciation,
insurance....). The conclusions of such more refined approaches do not differ in any
significant regard from the ones to be presented.
372 Julius Kane
Table 2
An Interaction Matrix Describing the Present Pattern of
Public/Private Transportation
most is that a car standing idle in the garage represents an expense without any conco-
mitant service. Thus people tend to use their car as a means of psychologically
amortizing their high investment. This is in sharp contrast to the use of public transit
where toll costs are highly explicit in nature. Whenever an individual uses the bus he is
acutely reminded of its cost when he reaches into his pocket for a coin.
C&C: COST (++). Obviously the more luxurious a car, the more it will cost.
FREEDOM: COST (+). Clearly freedom exacts a price. For example increased
reliability come with either better automobiles or better service and maintenance.
SPEED: COST (+). Faster and more maneuverable cars generally cost more.
OUTSIDE WORLD: COST (-). Owing to technological advances and productivity
gains, the relative cost of a car has been declining consistently for about forty years.
The costs of car ownership have risen significantly less than wage rates or general
COST: USE (++). The more expensive a car the more anxious the individual will
be to use it and to display his prized possession.
USE: USE (+). Use encourages more use and tends to be habit forming.
C&C: USE (++). The more comfortable and convenient he car (especially in con-
trast to mass transportation), the more its use will be encouraged.
FREEDOM: USE (++). The easier a car's access to arbitrary destinations the more
its use will be encouraged.
SPEED: USE (++). The greater the relative speed of the car as compared to
public transit the more it will be used.
OUTSIDE WORLD: USE (+). The outside world encourages the use of the auto-
mobile because the automobile is a much higher status mode of transport than public
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 373
COST: C&C (+). The more a car costs in general, the more its comfort and con-
AUTO USE: C&C (--). Clearly the more an automobile is used the less
comfortable it will tend to be owing to mechanical deterioration as well as increased
road congestion.
OUTSIDE WORLD:C&C (+). The outside world tends to encourage automotive
comfort and convenience by virtue of freeway construction and other traffic
COST. FREEDOM (+). A brand new car will be more reliable than an old
clunker. In general, we can expect that the more the cost the greater the freedom from
service problems.
AUTO USE:FREEDOM (-). This is sharply negative because increasing auto use
markedly increases traffic congestion which sharply diminishes freedom.
OUTSIDE WORLD:FREEDOM (++).. The outside world will generally build
freeways and provide alternate routing as traffic mounts, thus tending to restore
COST: SPEED (+). Jaguars can go faster than Volkswagens.
AUTO USE: SPEED (---). Auto use sharply inhibits speed because of increasing
traffic congestion.
FREEDOM: SPEED (+). This is taken as a positive factor because the more
choices an individual has in reaching his destination the higher his average speed can
be. A car can choose an alternate route where a bus might be stalled in traffic.
OUTSIDE WORLD: SPEED (++). Again, because of the government's
predilection to build freeways, it continuously encourages greater speed.
As initial values we choose:
AUTO USE = 0.8
C&C = 0.6
SPEED = 0.5
COST = 0.2
These choices are not_ representative of the present situation and have deliberately
chosen to handicap auto USE. It will be seen that the handicap is but a fleeting burden.
Once the initial values and the matrix of interactions have been agreed upon it is a
simple procedure by our methods to project the future states of the system. Figure 3
illustrates the subsequent behavior that would emerge from our assumptions.
It will be seen that variable 2, AUTO USE, rises continuously until it reaches
maximum. This is in spite of a slow but steady decline in comfort and convenience,
freedom, and speed. If this is surprising then we must remember that as comfort,
freedom, and speed decline, auto use begins to decline but this results in a decreased
traffic congestion which ultimately encourages a net increase in AUTO USE. (An easy
illustration of counter-intuitive behavior).
374 Julius Kane
The behavior of the system cannot really be fully understood until a number of
intervention strategies have been suggested and pursued to their conclusion. However
any realistic manipulation will produce a barely perceptible effect. This stems from the
intrinsic stable behavior of multiply-interacting systems. Even in our relatively naive
model there are 21 nontrivial interactions and this complexity endows the system with
a stubborn resistance to change. This of course is well known to ecologists (and some
politicians) but the importance of this knowledge cannot be overstated. To illustrate the
resistance to change we consider some extreme disruptions of the system.
In the next run we have made an extreme external perturbation, supposing that
the outside world markedly increased the cost of the car instead of reducing it over
time as before. We go to an extreme, making 0 W. COST =+9, rather than -1. As we
can see from Fig. 4, COST instead of diminishing rises sharply to maximum.
However, automobile USE still rises to saturation except that its rate of increase is no
longer as sharp as it was in Fig. 3. It will also be noted that C&C and FREEDOM still
decline. However SPEED now rises, slowly to be sure but significantly. This is
largely a result of decreased congestion.
For our next run we have restored the original values in the interaction matrix and have
made the following changes: The intervention of the outside world upon FREEDOM
and SPEED instead of being doubly positive would be doubly negative. This would
correspond to a strategy diverting funds from freeway construction to the construction
of rapid transit. It will be seen (Fig. S) that freedom and speed now decline rather
sharply as well as comfort. However, despite these inhibitions auto USE, continues to
rise to its saturation value.
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 375
Fig. 4. By setting OW: COST = +9, rather than -1, we are hopefully
"taxing the car to death." As can be seen, it manages to survive.
As can be seen, C&C and FREEDOM are diminished but none the less AUTO
USE continues to go up. The problem is that the negative feedback is linked through a
variable which itself is rather small, namely cost. As long as the automobile occupies
only ten or twenty percent of an individual's total budget increasing the cost of the
automobile will be absorbed by other strategies than diminished USE. For example, the
individual might be forced to drive a Chevrolet rather than a Buick, but he will
doggedly continue to drive.
Having considered a number of intervention models all of which implies the auto-
mobile's ultimate domination we may ask, can the model yield any other answer? The
answer is yes, but only if the intrusions in the system are extremely strong and
powerful, or a magnitude probably far in excess of that which the voting public would
be willing to endure. What we are working against is the following linkage: In Table 2
the impacts A UTO USE: FREEDOM = -3 and A UTO USE: SPEED = -3
(congestion) serve to inhibit auto use. What seems to be a paradox, but is a typical
example of the perverse behavior of looped systems, is that almost anything we do to
diminish AUTO USE makes A UTO USE more attractive because it decreases
Certainly the naive models just considered are hardly conclusive. No, doubt many
readers will be infuriated, arguing for different choice of initial conditions or inter-
actions. But this is just what we have sought, i.e., controversy and interaction. But also
Cross-Impact Analysis: New Cross-Impact Language 377
Fig. 7. A successful strategy: Half measures are ineffective. Truly massive cost
increases are required, OW:COST= +9 and COST:USE =-9. Note even so
that AUTO USE maintains its initial rise and then declines but slowly.
we have introduced a single and graphic model that any one can use, be they politician
or citizen's action group. No mathematical or systems training is required. What is
needed is the discipline to carefully consider all the interactions. Any one using the
model must fill in all the matrix entries. Whatever his choice, we have found more
often than not he will be hoist by his own petard. So often the system will either fail to
respond or respond in an entirely perverse manner. What we want to communicate are
two messages
(1) COMPLETENESS. The need to consider all interactions. If we have n
variables then there are n2 interactions and these must be accounted for. Using purely
qualitative considerations it is very easy to omit, forget, or underestimate significant
(2) The STABILITY that emerges from COMPLEXITY. The more interlocked
variables the more resistant the system will be to arbitrary change. Thus, in a time of
social upheaval, an elementary but reasonably comprehensive means of communi-
cating, "Beware what you do, that you do not undo yourselves," is obviously needed,
particularly if the model allows alternate strategies to be easily simulated.
A strategy that will work is to have the outside world strongly raise the cost of the
automobile (OW:COST=+9) and at the same time to divert that cost to inhibiting auto
use (COST:USE = -9). If this is done, the COST rises sharply as can be seen in Fig. 7
and USE, begins a slow but steady decline. Note however, that with this decline in
USE that C&C and SPEED all rise.
In this presentat ion we have tried to communicate a conclusion that
continuously emerges in working with simulation models: The structure of the
system (the nature of its interactions) is far more important than the state of the
system. Any artificial increment of a variable is usually immediately dissipated unless
concomitant structural changes are made. What is most important are the linkages of any
variable to the other variables of the system. A major objective in devising our model is
to communicate the overriding imp ortance of structure rather than state to policy
378 Julius Kane
makers. As Jay Forrester has pointed out in a number of books, notably Industrial
Dynamics and Urban Dynamics (MIT Press) interventions in complex systems often
lead to results which are entirely at odds with the initial expectations. Any complex
system defines an integrity of its own and strongly resists external changes, a fact well
understood by ecologists. When complex systems change they seldom change
continuously but rather flip suddenly into an entirely new configuration. These subjective
conclusions can be made precise through the associated mathematics, and this will be the
subject of a number of papers.
In other papers (Kane, Vertinsky, and Thompson) we discuss the following elaborations
of our language.
1. CALIBRATION. While the model easily accepts qualitative inputs, more precise
methods of arriving at cross-impact parameters are needed. We are considering tech-
niques based upon multiple correlation and the "Delphi method."
2. HIGHER-ORDER SIMULATION MODELS. For greater realism we have
begun consideration of cascaded models of the variety described. This permits the
interactions themselves to be functions of the state of the system. Clearly A need not
always be B's friend. A's attitude towards B can be conditional on the relative status of
their difference A - B or perhaps depend upon the state of a third individual C.
Perhaps much more important is the following refinement. Often we sense not a
variable but rather changes in a variable. Our response to environment has much this
character. Whether our. locale is good or bad we quickly become acclimatized: to it and
then become sensitive only to gross changes. Such derivative interaction is very impor-
tant and is the subject of other papers (Kane, Vertinsky, and Thompson).
J. Kane, 1. Vertinsky, and Wm. Thompson, Health Care Delivery, Socio Economic
Planning Sciences (in press).†
J. Kane, 1. Vertinsky, and Wm. Thompson, "Environmental Simulation and Policy
Formulation", Proc. International Symposium on Modelling Techniques in Water
Systems, Vol. 1, A. K. Biswas, Fd., Ottawa (1972).
6 (1972) pp.283-293
VI. Specialized Techniques
VI.A. Introduction
Cross-impact analysis is only one of the interesting paths being pursued in the
exploration of the frontiers of Delphi. In this chapter we consider other significant
prospects uncovered in recent research.
The problem of "reduction" occurs again and again in Delphi as well as other
analysis efforts. How similar are the goals, programs, and objectives? Do these items
overlap? Dalkey in his article illustrates the use of "cluster" analysis techniques to narrow
the number of unique, variables making up the "Quality of Life" as viewed by a Delphi
panel. It is a very real problem in many Delphis to be able to reduce the scope of the
items the respondent group must consider. One must carefully weigh the effort to be
expected of a respondent group and establish a consistency with what actual time the
panelists may have to devote to the effort. Techniques such as the one discussed by
Dalkey can be of benefit to many applications.
Another technique to reduce the necessary range of considerations is that of
Multidimensional Scaling. Although this technique is widely used in marketing research,
it has yet to see application in a Delphi study. However, since we feel it has tremendous
potential for application in Delphi design,1 we have asked Carroll and Wish to supply a
review article on this subject. In essence, this is a method of systematically exposing
underlying or hidden considerations (i.e., dimensions) about a set of multiple but related
questions. In another sense this technique constitutes the development of a more
sophisticated form of cluster analysis.
The third article in this chapter cannot `strictly be subsumed under the label
Delphi.1 However, it introduces' a very novel' questionnaire concept of exploration of the
future which may well have significant -impact on the Delphi communication process. In
one way it represents a rather pragmatic demonstration of some of the concepts put forth
in Scheele's article: Adelson and Aroni use a set of images in `the form of printed pictures
rather than -words. The latter are obviously inadequate in communicating holistic insights
about complex systems. We fail dismally when we attempt to describe Picasso's
"Guernica," Van Gogh's "Starry Night," Ravel's Daphnis and Chloe, or Olivier's Othello
in words. Similarly we cannot depict a Soleri city of the future, Skinner's Walden II,
Huxley's Brave New World, or Bell's post-industrial society satisfactorily by
narratives. Holism is lost in a linear communication system. Pictures are not the
ultimate answer; we may need life-size "live-in" models (a la Disneyland) to
experience the true meaning of a future alternative. But pictorial images are a step in
this direction and there is no justification for ignoring them in the development of
Delphi as a communication concept.
In the final article John Sutherland constructs a formal process for scenario
building which relies strongly on Delphi. Both normative (futures-creative) and
In particular, it does not have the iterative or feedback characteristic.
382 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
exploratory scenarios are generated through a very disciplined use of Delphi. The
author considers two means of forming panels: (a) clustering of individuals with
similar backgrounds and strong internal consensus in each panel, implying wide
differences among panels, and (b) stratification to obtain high diversity in each panel
but small variance among the various collective panel views. In the first step of the
process desired attributes are elicited; next a functional structural relationship is
established for them. A series of normative scenarios is thus derived with aggregate
subjective indices of desirability and feasibility. In parallel an extrapolative scenario
with indices of likelihood or probability of 'occurrence is created. The gap between any
of the normative and the extrapolative scenarios is treated by a, process of "qualitative
subtraction," isolating differences and successively abstracting isomorphisms. The
remaining generic or unreduced problems are then arranged in a causal order and
allegorized into either hierarchical or reticulated networks. Such models then lead to
action proposals or prescriptive policies which have a high a posteriori probability of
facilitating a transformation from an extrapolative and less favorable to a normative
and more desirable system state over some time interval. These proposals may be
viewed as metahypotheses subject to correction by empirical trial. The process slowly
changes the subjective probabilities of the Delphi based normative scenario into
objective probabilities.
The present and preceding chapters of the book present a set of papers that rest on
reasonably sophisticated ideas and analytical considerations. If this may be interpreted
as a sign of maturity for a professional endeavor, then Delphi has come of age. From a
more serious, viewpoint, many Delphi applications to date have not called for
extremely sophisticated approaches to the analysis of responses. In some other cases,
however, these techniques would have clearly been beneficial to the exercise.
VI.B. A Delphi Study of Factors Affecting the Quality of
In a previous publication [1] several Delphi studies are reported using respondent groups
to identify and estimate linear weights for those aspects of experience, which they judged
to be important in determining the quality of life or sense of well-being of an individual.
The procedure was first to ask each respondent to list a certain number of aspects of
'experience which he thought were most important in determining the quality of life of an
individual. This number varied from five `to ten over the different exercises--depending
mainly on the resources available to process the lists, In general, this open-ended round
produced a long list of nominated factors -typically two hundred to three hundred.
Inspection of the lists showed a fair amount of similarity among some of the items, but
very few identical pairs. These long lists were compacted by the experimental team by
aggregating items that appeared to have high similarity, producing an intermediate list of
about fifty items. A matrix was formed and each respondent was asked to judge the
similarity of each item to every other item. (In a 50 X 50 matrix, this required 1225
estimates, since the simi larity relationship was presumed to be symmetrical.) The
combined simi larity matrices were then analyzed by the hierarchical clustering routine
developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories by S. C. Johnson [2] and the hierarchy was
truncated at lists of twelve or thirteen clusters.1
The aggregated lists were then presented to the respondents for judgments of
relative importance. In general, the exercises indicated that group relative importance
ratings produce reasonable ratio scales, and that the reliability. of such judgments across
randomly selected groups is high.
In this procedure objects are clustered according to the (judged) similarity between
them. The objects within a cluster are more similar to one another than to objects
belonging to a different cluster. In addition, the procedure merges' similar clusters into
larger clusters in a step-wise fashion until all the objects are, placed into a :single
cluster. This hierarchy of clusters can be used in its entirety, or, depending on the
purposes of the experiment, truncated at some appropriate level to furnish a list of
aggregated items.
384 Norman C. Dalkey
2. Models of the Quality of Life
The general model of individual well-being, underlying these studies is that quality of life
is a function of the individual's location in a "quality space"; that is, the sense of well-
being enjoyed by an individual depends upon the extent to which his experiences
exemplify several basic characteristics. Inherent in this view is the existence of trade-offs
among these characteristics; two different individuals can enjoy about the same level of
quality of life with highly different patterns of experiential rewards. One can be
comfortable, receiving a great deal of love and affection, and living a routine existence;
the other can be living an exciting life, with a high sense of achievement, and lonely, and
each report about the same overall level of well-being.
What is not spelled out in this general view is how the contribution of each
component is reflected in overall quality of life. There are two broad possibilities. One,
by far the simpler of the two, is that overall quality of life is simply a weighted
arithmetical sum of the individual's status on each component. In symbols
where Q(i) is individual i's overall quality of life, qij is status on quality j wi is the
relative importance of quality j, and Ci is a constant added to balance differences of
scaling on Q and the qij . The essence of this model is that each quality makes a fixed
relative contribution to' overall Q, independently of where the individual stands on all the
other qualities.
The second model assumes' that the relationship is more complex, and the
contribution of any one quality depends on where the individual stands with respect to all
the others. That is, the relative importance relationships are not fixed, but are functions of
the individual's location in the quality space. These two different hypotheses can be
illustrated (using, for simplicity, only two of the thirteen qualities) as in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
What is diagrammed in each case is the set of lines of equal quality of life. In both' cases,
quality of life (QOL) increases with a simultaneous increase in sense of achievement and
in affluence. But in Fig. 2, the amount of increase from achievement depends on how
affluent the individual is, whereas this is not the case for Fig. 1.
Although existing data are not very helpful in deciding between these two types of
models, it seems likely that a nonlinear model is, at least in principle, the more accurate
representation. In Rokeach's survey study of American values [3], the low-income group
ranked "comfort" at level 6, whereas the high-income group ranked it at level 15 (lower
numbers indicating higher importance with a total range of 1-18); conversely, the low-
income group ranked a sense of accomplishment at 12, and the high-income group
ranked it at level 5. A possible interpretation of these data is expressed in Fig. 2 where the
low-income individual P would gain more by a small increase in affluence (vertical
arrow) than he would by a small increase in achievement (horizontal arrow), whereas the
reverse is true for the high-income individual R.
Although the nonlinear model seems likely to be more correct, the linear model
may be a fairly good approximation. From previous studies we can say that there is a
large amount of uncertainty concerning the relative importance of qualities, and it
Specialized Techniques: Factors Affecting Quality of Life 385
appears reasonable to assume a fair amount of uncertainty in the individual's judgment of
his own well-being. Under conditions of uncertainty on all parameters, a linear model
often gives as good an approximation a s a potentially more precise model where
uncertainty in the data obscures the more complex interactions.2
Since this section was written, Robin Dawes [41 has published the results of several
studies showing that a much stronger statement can be made in this regard. This is
taken up more fully in the final section of this paper.
386 Norman C. Dalkey
3. Procedure
To investigate this possibility, and also to check the earlier quality of life studies with a
nonstudent set of subjects, the entire exercise was replicated with a group of twenty-
seven professional men involved in the Executive Engineering Program at U.C.L.A.
These were mid-career engineers with a median age of thirty-seven, and upper-middle-
class incomes. All had progressed at least through the bachelor's degree; more than half
had obtained master's degrees.
The initial round of the experiment was identical to that of the earlier studies; each
respondent was asked to list no more than seven aspects of experience that contribute in
an important way to an individual's quality of life. The aggregation of the responses from
this round was carried out in a way slightly different from that used with the students.
After minimal editing to remove a few items that appeared to be out of context, a "raw"
list of 227 items was presented to the subjects. These were reproduced on IBM cards, and
each subject had his own set of 227 cards. The subjects were requested to sort the set of
cards into piles where each pile contained items describing roughly the same quality. The
sorting activity can be -thought of as a truncated similarity rating, where only ratings of 0
or 1 are employed. The resulting judgments were transformed into a group matrix and
processed with Johnson's hierarchical clustering routine. The hierarchy was cut at a
convenient level to furnish a list of twelve clusters.
4. Results
The resultant list of clusters is presented in Table 1 along with the medians and quartiles
of the subsequent relative importance ratings of the group. The items listed are those
most frequently mentioned. Table 2 gives the list of clusters identified in a previous study
with forty upper-class and graduate students at U.C.L.A.
There is not a great difference between the two either in terms of clusters, or in
terms of judged relative importance. Privacy and Sex do not appear as separate items in
Table 1, and in Table 1 Achievement is separated from Respect and Prestige, which are
combined in the student list. Other minor differences are apparent. There is probably not
much to be gained by attempting to probe these differences. One evident difference is the
number of ties for the top rating by the engineer group. There is no clear indication from
the data why they should have been less discriminating among the high-rated clusters
than the students.
In a subsequent round, the respondents were requested to rate their present status on
each of the qualities. The ratings were expressed on a scale ranging from -100 to + 100,
where -100 meant that the present status of the respondent on that quality was negative
with respect to its influence on his sense of well-being and "as bad as possible," and +
100 meant that the influence of the quality' was positive and "as good as possible." They
also were requested to assess where they stood in an overall sense-that is, to assign a
number between -100 and + 100, where the extremes meant life in general is as bad as
possible or as good as possible respectively. The respondents were also asked to rate
themselves on the conventional survey rating scale, namely, whether they were very
happy, fairly happy, or not very happy.
Specialized Techniques: Factors Affecting Quality of Life 387
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the group on their global quality of life ratings,
and the lower half of the figure indicates the location of the verbal happiness ratings. It is
clear that the fairly happy category is not very discriminating, using the numerical
ratings as a standard.
Table 1
Quality of Life Clusters and Relative Importance Ratings, Engineer Group
Relative Importance
Lower Upper
Quality Median
Quartile Quartile
Self-confidence, self- esteem, self-
80 70 100
knowledge, pride
Security, peace of mind 80 70 97
Sense of achievements,
80 75 90
accomplishment, success
Variety, opportunity, freedom 80 60 90
Receiving and giving love and;
80 50 90
Challenge, intellectual stimulation,
75 60 80
Comfort, congenial surroundings;
70 50 80
good health
Understanding, helping and accepting
60 30 75
Being needed by others, having
60 40 70
Leisure, humor, relax ation 53 50 75
Respect, social acceptance, prestige 40 20 70
Dominance, leadership, aggression 30 10 50
The items are ordered first on the median-then on the upper quartile; and then on
the lower quartile in case of ties.
388 Norman C. Dalkey
Table 2
QOL Factors, Student Group
1 Self-respect, self-acceptance, self-satisfaction; self-confidence,
egoism; security; stability, familiarity, sense of permanence; 100
self-knowledge, self-awareness, growth
2 Love, caring, affection, communication, interpersonal
understanding; friendship, companionship; honesty, sincerity,
truthfulness; tolerance, acceptance of others; faith, religious
3 Peace of mind, emotional stability, lack of conflict; fear,
anxiety; suffering, pain; humiliation, belittlement; escape, 91
4 Challenge, stimulation; competition, competitiveness; ambition,
opportunity, social mobility, luck; educational, intellectually 80
5 Achievement, accomplishment, job satisfaction; success; failure,
defeat, losing; money, acquisitiveness, material greed; status, 79
reputation, recognition, prestige
6 Sex, sexual satisfaction, sexual pleasure 78
7 Individuality; conformity; spontaneity, impulsive, uninhibited;
8 Social acceptance, popularity; needed, feeling of being wanted;
loneliness, impersonality; flattering, positive feedback, 75
9 Involvement, participation; concern, altruism, consideration 72
10 Comfort, economic well-being, relaxation, leisure; good health 63
11 Novelty, change, newness, variety, surprise; boredom;
humorous, amusing, witty
12 Dominance, superiority; dependence, impotence, helplessness;
aggression, violence; hostility; power, control, independence
13 Privacy 55
Specialized Techniques: Factors Affecting Quality of Life 389
390 Norman C. Dalkey
The engineer group is somewhat divergent from the general public in their verbal
assessments. In particular, the proportion reporting very happy is definitely sma ller than
for the general public. [5] On the other hand, the numerical ratings appear to give a
different picture --- 40 percent of the group rated themselves at 70 or higher. It would
appear that a much more careful investigation is needed of the relationship between
numerical and verbal ratings on the happiness question.
Given the individual self-ratings on qualities and on overall quality of life, several
forms of the linear model can be tested. The general form of the test is to predict the
overall ratings from the ratings on qualities. This can be done, using formula (1) where
we can use for the wj 's either the individual's own relative importance ratings, or the
group relative importance ratings. In addition, empirical weights can be computed by
determining the best linear prediction of the overall ratings from the ratings on qualities.
When the overall ratings are computed using the individual's own relative
importance numbers, the correlation between actual and computed scores is .57. When
the same computation is made using group relative importance ratings, the correlation
between actual and computed scores is .58. These correlations are not particularly
impressive. They indicate roughly 33 percent (the square of the correlations) of the
variation in the overall ratings has been accounted for by the predicted ratings. In
addition, the group relative importance ratings do not give a better prediction than the
individual relative importance ratings.
The results of the linear estimation computation are displayed in Table 3. The
multiple correlation associated with this set of linear estimation weights is .84, hence the
proportion of the variance accounted for is about 70 percent. This would generally be
considered a favorable degree of accordance of the empirical linear model with the data.
However, a number of considerations are raised by the computation. The weights bear
little relation to the relative importance ratings of the group; the Spearman rank-order
correlation between the two is -.16. The two items rated lowest and next to lowest by the
group receive the third highest and highest estimation weights. In addition, two items that
are given high weights by the computation, namely Respect and Variety, have negative
coefficients quite contrary to the perception of the group.
If the results of the computation were taken literally they would indicate that the
group has a relatively clear perception of the basic ingredients of their sense of well-
being, but that they have a very poor perception of the actual relative importance of the
qualities. In particular, Dominance and Respect, which the group rates as least important,
would be among the most important; and Security and Love and Affection, which the
group ranks high, would be comparatively unimportant. Variety and Respect would make
negative contributions to quality of life.
5. Additional Analyses
There is no way to reject this interpretation on the basis of the data as it stands, and it
certainly furnishes some intriguing hypotheses for further investigation. To cast some
additional light on the stability of the qualities identified by the cluster technique, several
factor analytic studies of the data were carried out. In the most extensive study, nine factors
were identified. Only the first six factors were selected for rotation. (These six accounted
Specialized Techniques: Factors Affecting Quality of Life 391
for .807 of the variance; the next three: increased the variance accounted for to .826.) The
six factors and the loadings of the qualities on them is presented in; Table 4. The first factor
is a mixture of Self-confidence, Respect, and Understanding others -a genera-lized esteem
factor. The second factor is almost entirely Dominance. The third might be considered a
generalized success factor, involving Sense of achievement, Variety, and Comfort:: The
fourth is an interesting and rather puzzling combination of Love and Affection , and
Challenge. The fifth is primarily Leisure. The sixth is difficult to interpret. The two highest
loadings - for Comfort and Being Needed are negative.
Table 3
Linear Estimation Weights for Qualities
Self-confidence -0.29281
Security -0.08595
Achievement 0.56667
Variety -0.49070
Love and Affection 0.11297
Challenge -0.06746
Comfort 0.51529
Understanding 0.12987
Needed 0.02671
Leisure 0.22044
Respect -0.79423
Dominance 0.53622
All of the qualities that have high estimation weights in Table 3 have high loadings on
no more than one factor; In addition, for all the factors except the rather mysterious factor
six, there is a relatively sharp separation between the few qualities that load highly on the
factors and all the others. In this respect, the factors are relatively "clean." This
consideration lends some weight to the assumption- that most of the aggregated qualities
defined by the cluster analysis are fairly sharply defined.
The exercise is probably too small to draw any firm conclusions. It is possible that
the counterintuitive results of the linear estimation analysis stem from nonlinear trade-
offs. The variations within the group in self-ratings on the qualities are large (standard
deviations range from 39 to 55) and thus the members of the group are scattered widely
in the quality space, and nonlinearities in the trade-offs could make major differences in
the contributions of the qualities to the overall score of different subjects. In short, the
linear model may not be appropriate.
Another possibility is that despite the high multiple correlations obtained, an
omitted variable is producing systematic effects. If the data on overall scores are analyzed
by a 2 X 2 breakout on income and age, as in Table 5, a clear indication is, obtained
concerning the combined effects of these two. The numbers in the table are the median
overall ratings of the members of the designated classes. The numbers in the small boxes
392 Norman C. Dalkey
refer to the number of cases. The younger, lower-income group tends to rate itself higher
than the older, higher-income, group. The relationship between age and income is so
strong (the off-diagonal cells have few members) that it is not possible to distinguis h the
separate effects of the two variables. It is rather surprising that all the negative self-ratings
occur in the high-income, older group, and all the ratings of very happy occur in the
younger, lower-income group.
Table 4
Factor Analytic Study
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Security 0.25873 0.008 0.30332 0.19134 0.3348 0.29012
2 Leisure -0.02679 -0.03369 -0.03813 -0.09306 0.9847 -0.01437
3 Challenge 0.06144 0.20352 0.08204 0.72517 -0.05388 0.17499
4 Self-confidence 0.64276 0.0334 0.17468 0.26906 -0.02419 0.02358
5 Variety -0.15179 0.10266 0.6355 0.0917 0.0723 -0.05646
6 Understanding 0.68341 0.09297 -0.13627 0.28061 0.18222 0.00691
7 Achievement 0.20224 -6.0824 0.94888 -0.05396 -0.07511 0.07892
8 Comfort 0.10102 0.00348 0.58909 0.11555 0.05377 -0.45189
9 Needed 0.12594 0.03455 0.20275 0.34421 0.28623 -0.42441
10 Love and Affection 0.07256 -0.04199 0.03769 0.87896 0.0277 -0.22396
11 Dominance 0.02457 1.03902 -0.04365 0.05515 -0.03478 0.00276
12 Respect 0.61814 0.33582 0.17243 -0.23114 -0.05515 -0.07596
The relationship between age and income and overall ratings appears to be stronger
than those found for the general public, and as far as income is concerned, counter to the
relationship found in the general public, where increasing income is correlated with reports
of higher happiness [5].3
Some of the anomalous features of the linear estimation weights in Table 5 may
reflect the combined role of age and income. Thus, one would expect a fairly high
correlation between age-income and prestige.
However, the survey results may not be extrapolable to the income range involved
here. Most of the survey data have a tap category of $15,000 or over. A recent (March
1972) telephone survey conducted by the advertising firm Batten, Barton, Durkine, and
Osborn indicated that individuals with high
Specialized Techniques: Factors Affecting Quality of Life 393
Table 5
Analysis of Overall Self-Ratings in
Terms of Income and Age
6. Discussion
The issue is left open in the exercise whether the individual, in making a judgment
concerning his own quality of life, is estimating some directly perceived internal state (e.g.,
a "feeling tone") or whether he is, in effect, using his status on the various quality
dimensions as a basis for estimating a nonperceived condition. In this respect, the QOL
estimation task is formally similar to a number of perceptual' or judgmental tasks - e.g., a
psychiatrist making a diagnosis of mental illness on the basis of certain symptoms, or an
individual estimating distance using various visual cues.
There is a fairly extensive literature on the type of model most appropriate for such
multidimensional judgments, beginning with the work of, Brunswick. For many perceptual
judgments, objective measures exist by which the judgements can be evaluated. For
nonperceptual tasks --- e.g., the psychiatrist's diagnosis --- the situation is often similar to
the QOL judgment in that there is no readily available objective measure.
Robin Dawes has recently reported on a series of studies of multidimensional
judgments of both sorts-clinical estimation of degree of psychosis based on the set of test
scores furnished by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, prediction of
grade-point averages by faculty screening committees, and the like [4]. In these studies,
weights for the putative parameters selected at random gave much more accurate results
(measured by correlation with the judgments of a criterion team in the case of the clinical
diagnosis and against subsequent actual grade-point averages in the case of the
performance predictions) than the judgments of the individuals (or in the case of the
clinical judgment, of the groups as well). Equal weights did even better. Dawes
concludes that for these relatively poorly determined estimation ''tasks, human judgment
may be relatively good in selecting the relevant dimensions, but relatively poor in deter-
mining the weights to be attached to those dimensions.
In this respect, Dawes' conclusions are quite compatible with the results reported
earlier in the paper. Since writing the previous sections, the QOL exercise has been
394 Norman C. Dalkey
replicated with a group of thirty-two graduate students attending classes on Futures
Studies at UCLA and UC, Irvine. Once again, the linear estimation of self-rated QOL
gave a high R 2 (.75 in this case), but the estimation weights differed significantly from
those obtained with the engineers.
There appear to be several issues raised by the present study as well as those of
Dawes and others for Delphi methodology. One of the basic tenets of the Delphi
approach to decision problems has been that for uncertain questions, where solid data or
theories are lacking, informed judgment is the only resource available (leaving aside the
option of postponing judgment until better information is available).
Dawes has suggested that for certain kinds of judgments, we may be better off with
nominal assumptions than with human judgment. The evidence he presents warrants
taking the suggestion seriously:
One possibility here --- which I have to admit is highly tentative-is that an extension
of what is often referred to as sensitivity analysis may be called for. For example, in the
case of multidimensional estimates, if the correlation with some criterion is to be the
figure of merit for the estimates, then the analysis may be highly insensitive to the precise
form of the model or the weights attached to a linear estimation.
As a specific example, consider a two-dimensional problem where a quantity Q=
Q(x,y) is to be estimated. Suppose Q is a multiplicative function of x and y, i.e., Q= xy.
How close an approximation is the linear function L = x + y? To make the computation
simpler, assume that x and y have been normalized so that the region of interest is the
unit square. Assume that x and y are uniformly distributed over the unit square. This is
the least favorable assumption, since any linear correlation between x and y would
increase the correlation between Q and L.
We have
The author was aided in many ways in conducting the study by Daniel Rourke, now
at Rockefeller University, New York. The author would also like to express his
appreciation for the help of Professor Bonham Campbell of the Engineering Systems
Department, UCLA and the members of the Executive Engineering Program for
1971-72. Methodological portions of the research were supported by the Advanced
Research Projects Agency.
1. Dalkey, Rourke, Lewis, and Snyder, Studies in the Quality of Life, D. C. Heath and Co.,
Lexington, Mass., 1972.
2. S C., Johnson, "Hierarchical Clustering Schemes," Psychometrika 32, No. 3 (1967), pp. 241-
54. See also Carroll-Wish, Chapter VI, C, this volume, for a fuller discussion of cluster
techniques and their role in Delphi studies.
3. M. Rokeach, "Values as Social Indicators of poverty and Race Relations in America," The
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, No. 388, (March 1970),
pp. 97-111.
4. R, M. Dawes, "Objective Optimization under Multiple Subjective factions," presented at the
Seminar on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Columbia, South Carolina, October 1972.
5. Paul A. David and Melvin W. Reder, eds., Nations and Households in Economic Growth:
Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovits (New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1974).
VI.C. Multidimensional Scaling: Models, Methods, and
Relations to Delphi
Specialized Techniques: Multidimensional Scaling 397
opposed to the plots obtained as a result of MDS is aptly demonstrated in the
Morse Code example later in this paper.
The first order use of MDS in Delphi is to provide people with a
graphical representation of their subjective judgments and see if they can
ascribe meaning to the dimensions of the graphs. It is also possible to obtain
a separate graphical representation for any subgroup or individual. Therefore
the Delphi designer could exhibit for the respondents a graphical
representation of how various subgroups view the problem e.g., how much
difference is there among the views of politicians, business executives, and
social scientists. He could also easily compare results from different time
periods, experimental conditions, etc.
A possible limitation of MDS in Delphi or other applications is that
there is no guarantee that a meaningful set of dimensions will emerge.
However, the results may be useful even if one cannot interpret the
dimensions, since the graphical representation can greatly facilitate the
comprehension of patterns in the data.
In MDS, as in other techniques which provide scie ntific insight, the
results can be embarrassing or detrimental-that is, hidden psychological
factors could be exposed which might disrupt or damage the group process if
not handled with some skill. For example, in examining goals of an
organization one mig ht find out that certain individual goals like prestige
constitute a hidden dimension playing a dominant role. The Delphi designer
and the group must be of the frame of mind to face up to such possibilities.
Let us suppose that Delphi were being used to study nations. If one were
using MDS as an auxiliary procedure, the Delphi respondents might be asked,
first of all, to judge the similarity of pairs of nations. For example, each
subject might be asked to judge the similarity of every pair of nations by
associating a number between zero and ten with each pair (zero meaning "not
at all similar" and ten meaning "virtually identical"). It is, of course,
subjective similarity, not similarity in any objective sense, that is being
measured. Furthermore, people will differ systematically in their judgments
of relative similarity (as they will differ in preference and other judgments).
One of us (Wish) has actually undertaken studies in just this area. This
particular study used the INDSCAL (for INdividual Differences
Multidimensional SCALing) method, developed by Carroll and Chang (1970).
This method, which allows for different patterns of weights or perceptual
importance of stimulus dimensions for different individuals or judges, will
b e -, discussed in - detail at a later point In the present case (in which' the
various nations were the "stimuli") the analysis revealed three important
dimensions, shown in Figs. 1 and 2, which can be described as "Political
Alignment and Ideology" (essentially "communist" vs. "noncommunist" with
"neutrals" in between), "Economic Development" contrasting highly
industrialized or economically "developed" nations with "undeveloped" or
"developing" nations (with "moderately developed" countries in between) and
"Geography and Culture" (essentially "East" vs. "West").
398 J. Douglas Carroll and Myron Wish
Fig. 1. The one-two plane of the group stimulus space for twelve nations
(data dur to Wish), Dimensions one and two were interpreted by
Wish as political alignment (communist-noncommunist) and
economic development (economically developed underdeveloped)
The subjects in this study were also asked to indicate their position on
the Vietnam War (these data were collected several years ago, it should be
noted) and based on this they were classified as "Doves," "Hawks," or
"Moderates." As shown in Fig. 3, it was possible to relate political attitudes
very systematically to the perceptual importance (as measured by the
INDSCAL analysis) of the first two dimensions to these subjects.
Specifically, "Hawks" apparently put much more emphasis on the "Political
Alignment and Ideology" dimension than on the "Economic Development"
Specialized Techniques: Multidimensional Scaling 399
Fig. 2. The one-three plane of the group stimulus space for the Wish data
on twelve nations. Wish interpreted dimension three as a
geography dimension (east-west).
dimension, while "Doves" reversed this pattern. A "Hawk" would see two
nations that differed in ideology but were very close in economic
development -e.g., Russia and the U. S.-as very dissimilar, while a "Dove"
would see them as rather similar. In contrast, a "Hawk" would view Russia
and Cuba (which are close ideologically but different in economic
development) as very similar, while a "Do ve" would perceive them as quite
different. As can be seen in Fig. 4, the third dimension ("East-West") does
not discriminate these political viewpoints.
This example serves to illustrate that MDS (particularly the INDSCAL
method for individual differences scaling) can simultaneously yield
information about the stimuli (nations, in this example) and about the
individuals or subjects whose judgments constitute the basic data (similarities
or dissimilarities of nations in this case). We have learned that the three most
important dimensions underlying subjects' perceptions of nations, at least for
400 J. Douglas Carroll and Myron Wish
Fig. 3. The one-two plane of the subject space for the Wish nation data.
D, H and M stand for "dove," "hawk," and "moderate" (as
determined by subjects' self-report) vis -a-vis attitudes on Vietnam
War. Forty -five-degree line divides "doves" from "hawks," with
"moderates" on both sides.
Fig. 4. The one-three plane of the subject space for Wish nation data.
Coding of subjects is as in Fig. 3.
Everyone knows that people are different. If they weren't, the world
would certainly be very dull. Worse still, it would not be very functional!
That people have different abilities, personalities, attitudes, and preferences
is well accepted, and psychologists have been concerned for some time with
their measurement. Measurement of individual differences in ability comes
under the heading of intelligence, aptitude, or achievement testing.
Differences in personality and attitudes are assessed by personality or
attitude inventories. Quantitative methods for measuring individual
differences in preferences have been developed only recently, and will be
described somewhat at a later point.
Most people would agree that people differ in the aspects of human
behavior we have so far discussed. One faculty, it would seem, in which
people do not differ is that of perception. Surely, if we human beings have
anything at all in common, it must be our perceptions, for the way we see the
world forms the basis for all the rest of our behavior. If we perceive different
worlds, can we in any sense be said to live and behav e in the same world?
Would not communication between different people be impossible and all
social relations reduced to chaos? The answer, however, to which modern
psychology is increasingly being led is that people do, indeed, differ in this
all-important faculty, although there is necessarily a certain communality
cutting across these differences in perception.
To produce an obvious example of individual differences in perception,
consider the case of the color-blind individual, who must certainly perceive
colors differently from most of the rest of us. A man who is red-green color-
blind simply does not perceive a certain dimension of colors along which
people with normal vision can clearly discriminate. He would judge two
colors as very similar or identical that others would see as highly dissimilar.
A man who is weak in red -green perception, but not totally red -green blind,
would lie somewhere between the two extremes. To take another example, a
tone-deaf individual perceives sounds differently from a musically inclined
person. To take these examples to their logical extremes, a blind or deaf
person- most certainly perceives differently from a person with normal vision
and hearing.
But these examples seem to concern obvious deficiencies in the
peripheral equipment, the eyes or ears in these cases, which carry sensory
Specialized Techniques: Multidimensional Scaling 409
signals to the brain. Surely, it will be objected, if no signal, or a diminished
signal, gets through to the central nervous system, the individual must
perceive-: in an impoverished way. Giv en the same signal from the peripheral
receptors, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, tactile, and kinesthetic receptors, two
individuals must perceive the same way! Or must they?
There is mounting evidence that this last assertion is not true. Granted
t h a t i t si difficult, and sometimes impossible, to "parcel out" perceptual
effects between peripheral receptors and central nervous system processing of
received signals (even taking into account complex interactions between the
two such as central nervous system feedback to, and control of, incoming.
signals from receptor organs), there remains strong evidence for individual
differences in perception that are purely a function of central activities.
In the field of comparative linguistics this fact has been embodied in the
so -called "Whorfian hypothesis," formulated by the famous linguist Benjamin
Lee Whorf. Stated in oversimplified terms, this hypothesis says that many of
the differences between distinct languages, of the kind that often make it
difficult to find a strictly one -to -one translation of important concepts and
propositions from one language to another, are due to the fact that the
languages are in fact talking about somewhat different perceptual worlds.
This might well be a reflection of the fact that various perceptual dimensions
have different relative salience, or perceptual importance, for different
linguistic communities or cultural groups. An example of this was reported
by the anthropologist H. C. Conklin a few years ago. A Pacific tribal group
called the Hanun óo, at first thought to be color-blind because they named
colors quite differently from Westerners, proved on closer observation not to
be color-blind at all, but to be emphasizing different dimensions in making
color judgments. Their judgments rely much more heavily on brightness, for
example, than do ours, so that a light green and a bright yellow are given the
same name, but both are named differently from darker shades of the same
hues. On the other hand, their color-naming behavior seems to reflect hardly
at all what we usually think of as hue differences (that is, differences related
to the physical spectrum). This is so even though there appears to be no
physiological impairment of vision among memb ers of this tribe.
We might suppose that such differences in naming of colors or other
classes of stimuli, whether at the cultural or at the individual level, are
correlated with differences in perception. Both kinds of differences could
result in part fro m particular aspects of individual or cultural histories that
have made some dimensions relatively more important for one person or
group; than for another. In the case of the Hanun óo, for example, their
idiosyncrasies in color-naming seem to be related to the tribe's food-seeking
behavior. Possibly some dimensions of color are more important than others
for discriminating food from nonfood items, or differentiating among
different kinds of foods in their island environment. Our interest, however,
will center not so much on how perceptual differences may have developed,
410 J. Douglas Carroll and Myron Wish
but on their general nature and how to measure such differences, assuming
they exist.
Our approach to measuring individual differences in perception assumes
that the differences are reflected in the way people make judgments of
relative similarity of stimuli. It thus involves a model for individual
differences, the INDSCAL model, which falls in the class of
multidimensional scaling models for similarity (or other dyadic) judgments.
As a matter of fact, the INDSCAL procedure was the one used to analyze the
data on similarities between nations.
The INDSCAL model (Carroll and Chang, 1970) shares with other mul-
tidimensional scaling models the assumption that for each individual,
similarities judgments are (inversely) related to distance in the individual's
perceptual space. Each individual is assumed to have his own "private"
perceptual space, but this is not completely idiosyncratic. Rather, a certain
communality of perceptual dimensions is assume d , but this communality is
balanced by diversity in the pattern of relative salience, or weights of these
common dimensions. The salience of a perceptual dimension to an individual
can be defined in terms of how much of a difference (perceptually) a
difference (or change) on that dimension makes to the individual in question.
For our hypothetical red -green color-blind individual a change all the way
from red to green makes little or no perceptual difference, while a normal
individual would easily detect a much smaller change, say from a brilliant red
to a slightly less saturated reddish -pink. Perhaps a color-weak individual
could not distinguish this difference, but could distinguish between a bright
red and a very desaturated pink (that is, a greyish -pink).
The INDSCAL model handles this notion of differential salience of
common dimensions by assuming that each individual's "private" space is
derived from a common, or "group," space by differentially stretching (or
shrinking) the dimensions of the group space in proportion to the subject's
weights for the dimensions] The weights of the dimensions for each subject
can be plotted in another "space," called the "subject space," in which the
value plotted for a given individual on a particular dimension is just the
stretching or shrinking factor, for that individual on that dimension (for
technical reasons it is actually the square of that stretching factor that is
plotted). A value of zero means that the dimension is shrunk literally to the
vanishing point, which is to say that he just doesn't perceive the attribute
corresponding to that dimension, or, in any case, "acts like" he doesn't
perceive it.
After applying the stretching and shrinking transformations, as defined
by the "subject space," each individual is assumed to "compute"
psychological distances in this transformed space. His similarity (or
dissimilarity) judgments are then assumed to be monotonic with the distances
thus "computed." Of course, all of these statements about the INDSCAL
model should be regarded merely as "as if" statements; that is, the individual
acts "as if" he had gone through these steps. We do not literally believe, for
Specialized Techniques: Multidimensional Scaling 411
example, that distances are computed and a monotone transformation applied
to derive similarity values, only that there are psychological processes that
have the same final effect "as if" these operations were performed.
Since we have been frequently invoking the example of color blindness
in discussing individual differences in perception, it might be of interest to
see how the INDSCAL method actually deals with data on color vision.
Fortunately, data of the appropriate kind were collected by Dr. Carl E. Helm,
now of the City University of New York, who asked s ubjects directly to judge
psychological distances between ten colors. They did so by arranging triples
of color chips into triangles so that the lengths of the three sides were
proportional to the psychological distances between the colors on the chips at
the vertices. By having subjects do this for every triple, Helm was able to
construct, for each subject, a complete matrix of psychological distances.
Helm's sample included four subjects who were deficient (to a greater or less
extent) in red-green color vision. We applied the INDSCAL method to Helm's
data, and obtained interesting results that serve very nicely to illustrate the
INDSCAL model. The "group" stimulus space in Fig. 8 nicely reproduced the
well-known "colo r circle" (as would be expected, since Helm used Munsell
color chips selected to be constant in brightness, and very nearly constant in
saturation) going from the violets and blues through the greens and yellows
to the oranges and reds, with the "nonspectral" purples between the reds and
the violets. Basically, the fact that colors of constant brightness and
saturation are represented on a circle rather than on a straight line, as in the
case of the physical spectrum, reflects the fact that violet and red, which are
at opposite ends of the physical continuum, are more similar psychologically
than red and green, two colors much closer on the physical spectrum, The
circular representation also permits incorporation of the so -called
"nonspectral" purples, which, psychologically, lie between violet and red. Of
course, not all hues were actually represented in Helm's set of color chips,
but it is fairly clear where the missing hues would fit into the picture. The
precise locations of the two coordinate axes describing this two -dimensional
space are of particular interest, since, as we have said, the orientation of axes
is not arbitrary in INDSCAL. The extreme points of dimension 1 are a
purplish blue at one end and yellow at the other. This dimension, then, could
be called a blue-yellow dimension. Dimension 2 extends from red to a bluish
green, and thus could be called a red-green dimension.
The "subject space" from the analysis of Helm's data shows that the
color-deficient subjects (including one who appears twice because he
repeated the experiment on two occasions) all have smaller weights for the
red-green dimensions than do the normal subjects. Furthermore, the order of
the weights is consistent with the relative degrees of deficiency, as reported
b y Helm, except for one small reversal (subject CD-3 was least deficient by
Helm's measures, and CD-4 second least deficient, while the weight for CD-4
on dimension 2 is slightly higher than that of CD-3).
412 J. Douglas Carroll and Myron Wish
I. Books
We thank Dr. Joseph B. Kruskal for his permission to borrow extensively
from a previous jointly authored unpublished annotated bibliography on MDS
for which he was principally responsible.
Specialized Techniques: Multidimensional Scaling 421
to a single core data set, so as to show directly the comparative virtues
and weaknesses of the various methods. The third book (Green and Wind)
focuses on "conjoint measurement" approaches, particularly to studies of
"multiattribute decision making," but also uses a considerable amount of
MDS me thodology. It includes an appendix by Carroll that provides
mathematical and technical descriptions of many of the most important
MDS, conjoint measurement, clustering, and related multivariate analysis
techniques (including descrip tions of relevant computer programs).
L6 Shepard, R. N., Romney, A. K., and -Nerlove, S. Multidimensional
scaling:Theory and applications in the behavioral sciences. Vol. I:
Theory. New York: Seminar Press, 1972.
L7 Romney, A. K., Shepard, R. N., and Nerlove, S. Multidimensional scaling:
Theory and applications in the behavioral sciences. Vol. II: Applications.
New York: Seminar Press, 1972.
This two -volume set contains fairly up-t o -date contributions in both MDS
theory and applications to many fields. Theoretical or methodological
papers (in Vol. I) that should be particularly of interest include: Shepard's
introduction and chapter on taxonomy of scaling models and methods;
Lingoes' paper surveying the Guttman-Lingoes, series of programs for
nonmetric analysis; Young's paper on " polynomial conjoint analysis of
proximities data"; Carroll's paper on individual differences, which
discusses both the INDSCAL model for individual differences in
similarities and other dyadic data, and a wide variety of models and
methods for individual d ifferences in preferences or other dominance
judgments; Degerman's paper on hybrid models in which discrete
clustering -like structure is combined with continuous spatial structure.
Some of the applications chapters o f major interest include: Wexler and
Romney on kinship structures in anthropology; Rapoport and Fillenbaum
on semantic structures; Rosenberg and Sedlak on perceived trait
relationships; two different approaches (by Green and Carmone, on the
one hand, and Stefflre, on the other) to marketing applications and the
work of Wish, Deutsch and Biener on nation perception (which takes up
where the "nation" study discussed here leaves off).
L8 Carroll, J. D., Green, P. E., Kruskal, J. B., Shepard, R. N., and Wish, M.
Book in preparation, based generally but not slavishly on Workshop on
MDS held at University of Pennsylvania in June 1972. While book is not
yet available, handout material for workshop can be obtained by writing to
authors. Title and publisher not yet certain.
A good deal of attention has been given recently to how the availability of
alternative futures - can affect decisionmaking in the present. Planners, de -
cisionmakers, and designers all have a stake in the pattern the future will
assume as they make their specific decisions today. Their actions will in part
determine that future, and in part be chosen because of what that future is
expected to be like.
Concern with the future has become a visible movement. One of the
most popular best sellers in the past few years has been Future Shock, in
which conjectures of future trends by many experts are systematized and
interpreted, and some fears about society's ability to cope wit h the rate of
future change are raised. In The Greening of America, another bestseller, a
very different image of the future is generated. The literatures of
technological forecasting, science fiction, and utopian planning provide many
different kinds of s uch images.
One's action in the present is inevitably influenced by which images one
carries with him of future prospects. One's choices, political behavior,
priorities, and attitudes may well be different depending upon which set of
images seems to him mo re convincing or acceptable. What and how much the
farmer plants, how the businessman invests, what the student studies, how the
general deploys his forces, what bills the legislator introduces, which
experiment the researcher designs -all are determined in large part by
expectations which necessarily go beyond the facts.
In an open society, and to some degree in any society, the character of
the future is determined by innumerable decisions and actions interacting in
rich and (in detail) indescribable ways. Such decisions are not made entirely,
nor possibly even primarily, by experts. Nor are they random. They derive
from the many ideas of future contingencies, possibilities, and certainties that
individual people have generated, based on their past experience and present
exposure to the world around them.
We can classify these ideas as images. Kenneth Boulding1 has indicated
the central role that images play in any thinking process. To the extent that
the future is open to human control, information about people's images of the
future is likely to be useful in dealing with both the present and the future.
Almost certainly, most people's future images are fragmentary, largely
implicit, internally inconsistent, and mixed in terms of their time reference.
K. Boulding, "The Image," Univ. of Michigan. Press, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1956.
Specialized Techniques: Differential Images of the Future 427
Cons equently, inferences about them based on "rational" grounds are
dangerous, and should be approached cautiously.
Some of the images derive from past lifestyles, built form, and human
values, and some have no very firm precedent in the past. Since there is ma
guarantee that people interpret or perceive the images in the same way, we
wished to get a feel for the range of interpretations they actually came up
with when confronted with particular objective stimuli by asking for captions.
Our intention was to do Delphi-like iterations, but we did not have the
opportunity to do so. Clearly, the technique lends itself to De lphi procedures.
Note: The results obtained do not depend upon any hypothesis about
what people were actually responding to in each image; interpretation of the
results may, naturally be dependent upon such hypotheses.
In your future planning have you seriously considered any other occupation or pastime?
Every person belongs to some major sub-groups; what are the most important ones you consider
yourself a part of: (religion, race, political parties, nationalities, clubs, etc.)
Most people are interested in the future to some degree. Their main interest in the future usually
extends beyond tomorrow, but not usually as far as hundreds of years from now. On the time
scale below, please circle the period(s) in the future in which you are mainly interested:
Next Next Next 1973 1974-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000
Week Month Year
On the scale below indicate the amount of time you spend thinking about the future, compared
with other people.
None a very small amount a moderate amount a large amount
In what year in the future do you feel you will know as much about the year 2000 as you now
feel you know about the year 1950?
How much money would you be willing to pay right now for a guarantee of $1,000 in 1980?
For $1,000 in 1990? For $1,000 in the year 2000?
Do you think you are better off now than you were 10 years ago?______5 years ago?
Do you think you are better off now than you will be 5 years from now? 10 years from
What is the population of the city in which you have lived for most of your life?
If it was a suburb of a major city what was the population of the city?
In what region of the country have you spent most of your life (West, Midwest, North,
South, etc.)?
People have been making a lot of predictions about the future recently. They
have been talking about living styles, educat ion, work and the role of technology in
all of these. Most of us have some idea about what the future is going to be like.
Taken together, these views will have an effect on shaping the future so they can be
436 Marvin Adelson and Samuel Aroni
important. We want to find out something about y our own views of what the future
will be like.
We have assembled a group of pictures that represent various aspects of living,
learning and working. Some of the things these pictures represent are growing in
importance, becoming more common. Some are declining. Others will rise for
awhile, then fall.
1. Tell us, for each picture, when you think what it represents will become most
common, by writing a year in the (+) box. Think of the range of years between
1972 and 2000. If you think it will reach a highpoint after the year 2000, mark
"2000±." If you feel it is or has been as high as it will ever go, mark "1972." If
you feel it will never reach a highpoint write "never."
2. Similarly, tell us for each picture by what date you feel that kind of thing will be
all but phased out. Do this by writing a year in the (-) box. Use the same range
of years that was used for "highpoint" question.
3. When a development reaches its highpoint, it may be important or unimportant
compared with other developments in its field. We would like to know your
opinion of the importance of what each photograph represents when it reaches its
highpoint. In the (i) box, write a number between 0 and 10: 0 would indicate
little or no importance and 10 very high importances.
4. Also tell us how desirable you feel what each photograph represents is, whether
you really like it or really hate it. Mark a number between -10 and + 10 in box
(d). If you really hate it, write -10. If you are neutral write (0), and if you really
like it, write (+ 10). If you think it is reasonably desirable, you might use a
number such as 3 or 4, etc.
5. On the page opposite the photographs, in the appropriate numbered box write a
caption for each photograph. It should be as short as possible: preferably one
word; two or three at the most. Try to pick a word that best sums up what the
picture means to you. Please do not neglect to complete this part.
Try to answer conscientiously, but it shouldn't take much more than 45 minutes
to complete the whole survey.
Images Used
The pictures used were divided into three groups representing a range of Living
Learning, and Working conditions, respectively. Briefly, the pictures may be described
as follows:
31. A large, modern office interior with perhaps eight people working at desks.
32. A modern automated assembly line with a single person in attendance.
33. A helmeted, space-suited astronaut in a futuristic space vehicle (taken from
"2001-A Space Odyssey").
34. A young couple working closely together making hand-thrown pottery on a
35. A business computer setting with two men and a woman working at various
36. A young couple dressed in a style reminiscent of India, standing outside a
small (health food?) shop on the walls of which are painted two pictures of a
girl in Indian garb.
37. Chimneys, electric power transmission lines and towers, a petroleum plant
against a dark sky with lots of smoke and smog.
38. The very old, well-preserved section of a European city seen from within a
very modern, very large office building.
39. A very large modern commercial office block with the sunlight glinting off
the glass-and-steel facade.
40. A low brick-front commercial arcade entrance with potted plants, an overhead
sign "La Ronda de las Estrellas," and several signs indicating the presence of
'offices and art galleries within.
Discussion of Results
Pictures used were divided into three groups: "Living" (20 pictures), "Learning"
(10 pictures), and "Working" (10 pictures), covering three categories of human
concerns. We will discuss below the response patterns to six of the pictures, two
from each category. Appendix II summarizes the statistical results, showing
significant and nearsignificant correlations between responses and the independent
variables that describe the respondents. The last column in Appendix II indicates the
total number of significant relations for each independent variable with all forty
images. Out of a total of 2040 relations, 54 (or 2.6 percent) are found to be
significant at the a = 01 level, and 219 (or 10.8 percent) are significant at the a = .05
level, which far exceeds' chance expectation.
Consider, first, picture # 1, which shows a mobile home. We note that the
"desirability" estimate correlates, r=.39 with age, and that the correlation is
Specialized Techniques: Differential Images of the Future 439
significant at the a =.01 level. This means that older people in the study
tended to rate the mobile home (and its implications?) to be more desirable than did
younger people. So, if we go down the column of entries beneath picture # 1, did
people with higher personal income, although this relationship is significant at the a
=.05 level, but not at the a =.01 level. However, people with higher family income
rated this image as less desirable than those with lower family incomes. They also
expected it to peak in importance sooner. To put it the other way, those with lower
family incomes tended to rate the mobile home concept as more desirable and to
expect it to grow in importance over a longer period of time (a =.05). Those who
were interested in the longer-term future tended to see the mobile home concept as
less important than those whose interests peaked sooner (presumably this has
something to do with age, although it did not show up as a significant correlation
there). Those who were willing to pay more for a fixed sum of money in the future
also (a =.01) saw this concept as less important. Those who thought they would be
less well off in five years than they are now rated the mobile home as more desirable
than those who thought they would be better off ( a =.05). Those from larger cities
also rated the concept as less desirable than those from smaller places (a =.01).
Married individuals also regarded the concept as less desirable, and those of different
occupations rated it differently from each other (a =.01). A just slightly less-than-
significant relationship to sex of the respondent also appeared (a = .055).
A second picture from the "Living" group, picture # 19, shows a "hippie" couple
with several others in a forest setting. Both its "importance" and "desirability"
ratings correlated negatively with age, at the a =.01 level. Thus older people in the
study tended to rate this image as less important and desirable than did younger
people. People with higher personal income, rated less desirable than those with
lower personal income, although only at the a =0.014 level. People who said they
spend a large amount of time thinking about the future indicated that what this image
represents will peak in importance sooner, than did people relatively uninterested in
the future (a =.05). However, those who were willing to pay more for a fixed sum of
money in the future also saw a later date for its peak importance (a =.01). Those
from larger cities rated the image as both more important (a< .01) and more desirable
(a< .05) than those from smaller places. Married people thought that it will peak in
importance sooner (a = 0.05) but rated it more desirable, also at a = 0.05. People
having different occupations also showed different responses to its desirability (a =
Picture # 24, from the "Learning" group, shows a young man seated at a cathode
ray tube computer console. The correlation coefficients, with age, of the
"importance" and "desirability" of this learning concept were r=0.33 (at a =0.05) and
r=0.52 (at a = 0.01) respectively. Thus older people tended to rate it more important
and desirable than younger people in the study. People who spent a larger amount of
time thinking about the. future thought its import ance and desirability (both at a =
0.05) to be less than did; those relatively uninterested in the future. Those who were
willing to pay more for a fixed sum of money in the year 2000 also indicated greater
importance attaching to this concept (a = 0.05). They also thought it to be more
desirable. Depending on the year for the future guarantee, the significance levels
varied from a = 0.05 for 1990 to a = 0.01 for the year 2000. Those who thought they
were better off now than they were ten years ago also rat ed this learning concept as
more desirable (a = 0.05). People from larger cities thought the concept to be less
important and less desirable (a = 0.05). Finally, married people also regarded it as
less desirable (a < 0.05).
440 Marvin Adelson and Samuel Aroni
A second picture from the "Learning" group, picture #27, shows a wrist-
television on a child's arm, with the caption "What about Learning" printed above it.
The correlation coefficient with age of the "desirability" of this concept was r=0.31
at a = 0.05. Thus older people in the study tended to rate it more desirable than
younger people. Those with higher education thought it to be less desirable than
those less educated (a = 0.05). Those who were interested in the longer-term future
tended to see this concept peak in importance later (a = 0.05) and be more desirable
(a = 0.01) than those whose future interests were of shorter-term. Those who thought
they were better off now than they were ten years ago also rated the concept to reach
its peak in importance sooner (a = 0.05). Married individuals regarded this learning
concept as less desirable (a = 0.05). A just slightly less-than-significant relationship
to sex of the respondent also appeared (a =0.052).
Picture #35, from the "Working" group, shows a business computer setting with
two men and a woman working at various tasks. Again, older people in the study
tended to rate this working concept as more desirable than younger people (a = 0.05).
People who spent a larger amount of time thinking about the future also thought its
importance to be greater (a = 0.05). Those who were willing to pay more for a fixed
sum of money in the year 1980 also rated this concept as more important and more
desirable (both at a = 0.05). Those who thought they were better off now than they
were ten years ago als o rated it as more desirable ( a = 0.05). At the same time, those
who thought they were better off now than they were five years ago thought that it
will peak in importance later (a = 0.05). On the other hand, those who thought they
will be better off ten years from now thought that the peak importance will be
reached sooner (less-than-significant a =0.055). Those of different occupations rated
the image differently from each other (a = 0.05). It should be emphasized that, unlike
the other five images discus sed in detail in this Appendix, none of the correlations of
picture # 35 reach the a = 0.01 level.
A second picture from the "Working" group, picture #36, shows a young couple
dressed in a style reminiscent of India, standing outside a small (health food?) shop
on the walls of which are painted two pictures of a girl in Indian garb. Similarly to
the "hippie" picture # 19, both the "importance" and "desirability" correlated
negatively with age, at the a = 0.01 level. Thus older people in the study tended to
rate this image to be less important and desirable than did younger people. So did
people with higher education, although only at the a = 0.05 level. To put it the other
way, those with lower education tended to rate the image as both more important and
desirable. People who spent a larger amount of time thinking about the future also
thought its importance to be greater (a = 0.05). Those who thought they were better
off now than they were ten years ago rated this concept to be less important and
desirable (a = 0.01). The same applied to those who thought they were better off now
than they were five years ago, but only with a = 0.05. On the other hand, those who
thought they will be better off ten years from now rated the image to be more
important (a = 0.01). Presumably, age was the main reason for the correlation with
these last three independent variables. Those from larger cities rated the image as
both more important (a = 0.01) and more desirable ( a = 0.05) than those from smaller
places. This is similar to the "hippie" picture # 19. The importance of the image was
related to the sex of the respondent (a = 0.05), and married individuals expected it to
peak in importance earlier than single ones (a = 0.05).
Specialized Techniques: Differential Images of the Future 441
Appendix II: Some Significant Correlations
442 Marvin Adelson and Samuel Aroni
Appendix III: Expectations II: A Survey about the Future
We would like to know something about what you think will be happening in
the world from now on. People's views of emerging conditions tend to affect their
choices, and thereby can influence what the future will be like. Similarities and
differences in assumptions, attitudes and estimates of the future across countries and
cultures are therefore important to understand, although they tend to be difficult to
discern. We have found the techniques used in this survey to be helpful.
We have assembled a group of pictures which seem to say something about the
future. The images included are just a sample from a range of possible images
representing future events. We would like your estimates as to when these events will
become most common and how important and desirable they will be when they do.
You may find some of the pictures surprising. Others may seem to be obscure or
difficult to interpret unequivocally. Don't be overly concerned. You can indicate
what you are responding to by means of the caption you give to each picture. In each
case, there is a good reason for inclusion.
Just a small amount of your time in filling out this survey will supply us with
very valuable information on how different people view the future. You may not feel
that these questions get at the heart of your views. Nevertheless, we can get some
very important information from your responses, and we urge you to respond. We
think the results migh t be interesting to you, too. We will send you information on
the distribution of responses by others. Earlier research along this line has produced
very interesting results, so we hope you will cooperate.
Thank you.
Marvin Adelson
Professor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Samuel Aroni
Professor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning
The authors acknowledge with pride and appreciation the work of Joseph
Valerio (now on the faculty of the School of Architecture, University of
Wisconsin at Milwaukee) for his work in des igning and producing the
original "Expectations" survey form and preparing the results for analysis;
and of Betsy Morris (at Quinton Budlong) in assembling and producing the
"Expectations II" survey form:
The authors also acknowledge the financial support provided, in
connection with "Expectations II," by the U.C.L.A. Committee on
International and Comparative Studies.
VI.E. Architecting the Future: A DelphiBased
Paradigm for Normative System-Building
I. Prelude
The purpose of this brief paper is to present some essentially tentative steps
toward the development of a system-based "technology" for policymaking.
This technology would take the form of a procedural paradigm which, it is
hoped, would assist in accomplishing the following:
458 John W. Sutherland
state or nation may have an environmental policy that demands conservation;
the existence of this policy then constrains the decision -space available to
individual businessmen, government agents, etc., or anyone else dealing with
any aspect of the environment. It thus serves to limit the prerogatives
available to systems which might have an impact on the environment.
Without going into great det ail, most proper policies would be of this sort,
and all have a very special property as a class of phenomena: all policies
reflect assertions about desirable system properties and, one hopes, serve the
cause of transition from less favorable to more favorable system states. In
short, policies are normative in nature, and always involve a preference given
to one state alternative at the expense of all others which might have been
elected as most desirable. Thus, normative systems may be thought of as ends
(systems states) which policies are designed to obtain, and thus reflect
"ordered" sets of "utopian" attributes pertinent to some future point in time.
To this extent, policy-setting becomes the rational activity associated with the
isolation of those "actions" which should prove most effective and efficient in
causing a transition from less favorable to more favorable system states
through some bounded interval in time.
The rationality involved in systematic normative future -building
suggests that we emplo y some "scientific" method which, while offering
procedural discipline; does not a priori constrain the substance of the future.
This, basically, is the problem with schemes predicated on crude
extrapolation, historical projection, or analogy-building -where we run the
risk of restricting the results of our analysis by the instruments of our
analysis. This is not acceptable. What would be acceptable, however, is a
method which is Janusfaced, with one face turned toward imagination,
evaluation, and axiologic al inputs, while the other face scans the empirical
domain for relevant facts, experiences or objective "data" [1]. Our
speculative flights might thus set the initial and tentative investigatory
trajectories, whereas the objective informa tion which emerges would serve
the cause of validation, invalidation, or modification. Thus, the method
appropriate for normative system-building would rest somewhere between the
abject intuition of the science fiction writer, and that empiricist-positivist
platform which dominates modern science and which knows only, facts and
figures. It is in the interstice between imagination- ' and observation -between
concept and percept-that the "science" of policy-' setting, future -building, and
normative system-building seems to rest. Specifically, the methodology might
well take the form of a procedural paradigm like that shown in Fig. 1.
For a discussion of some precedents for the use of Delphi processes in
scenario -building exercises, see Chapter III, of this volume.
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 461
similar to that described by Ackoff, and extended by Mitroff and Turoff, concerned
with "measuring the effect of background assumptions" [3].
Where divergences are a matter of objective argument -such that the
engines of differentiation are explicable in universalistic rather than idio -
syncratic terms --- then a syncretic solution can usually be generated by ex-
change and modification of causal expectations rather than by the indirect
exchange of assumptions associated with cases of axiological argumentation.
Here, again, the Delphi process could be used to generate these adverse
scenarios, with these subsequently becoming the target for consensus
Thus, in sum, a consensus as to the no rmative scenario will generally
involve several interactions of the Delphi process, with the rate at which a
consensus is achieved (or the rate at which we are converging on a syncretic
scenario) being measured by the rate at which the raw variance in responses
declines. Thus it becomes important to introduce questions into the Delphi
process which are susceptible to some sort of ordered response (e.g., asking
questions which permit the respondent to answer in terms of a probability of
likelihood or degree of desirability). Thus, for example, we may pose
questions where the response is to be made as follows:
Each respondent, pertinent to each question, is asked to place a check mark at the
point on the continuum which best describes his expectations about probability or
desirability of the event (or item) in question. The aggregate of all such responses, for
each iteration of the Delphi process, will thus represent a frequency distribution with
proper statistical properties, proper in the sense that it will yield a formal measure of
variance. The questions should be phrased in such a way that affective or objective
origins of disputation may be isolated (e.g., asking "leading" questions or questions
with a strong but subtle valuational bias). When essentially the same issues are raised,
perhaps, however, in different form, on subsequent iterations of the Delphi process, a
measure of the decrease (one hopes) in variance can be obtained, which should enable
'us to evaluate roughly the effectiveness of the strategy or tactics by which we are
trying to establish a consensus. Thus, through the course of a scenario-building
exercise, it is the variance of responses with which we shall be concerned, for this is
the best guide we have as to the means by which a consensus might be obtained. I shall
not specify any of these means here, except to 'note that behavioral scientists concerned
with consensus and conflict elimination have methods which are at our disposal, and
the comparative effectiveness of these methods can be audited by the above procedure.
Thus, the consensus-seeking process might be viewed as an action-research experiment
in its own right, shifting instruments in response to empirically derived variance
It should be mentioned here that the res p o n s e-by -continuum (e.g., asking
for responses in the form illustrated above) lends us another capability which
is extremely important, and which I have introduced in greater detail
elsewhere [4]. Specifically, the frequency distributions which emerge from
462 John W. Sutherland
the successive iterations of Delphi processes aimed at securing indices of
desirability pertinent to future properties may be thought of as subjective (a
priori) probabilities, and may be treated as such. In short, in operational
terms, expectations about the likelihood of an event occurring, and
estimations of the desirability of events, become intelligible in exactly the
same terms. In fact, we may usually expect to generate fairly accurate
surrogates for desirability of events by asking about their probability of
occurrence, this in the sense that respondents are often likely to assign the
highest likelihood estimates to events which they themselves value.2 There is
some advantage in this surrogation approach especially where social
conventions might act to impede true responses (e.g., a respondent might
really prefer that his future minimize contact with members of minority
groups, but would be reluctant to be tied to such a statement; asked, however,
about the likelihood of homogeneous communities, we may get a reasonable
basis for inference about desirability). Naturally, some local testing would
have to be done to determine the extent to which expectations about
probability of occurrence and estimations of desirability are truly correlated,
with the re liability of inferences being adjusted accordingly. As a general
rule, however, there should be some opportunity during the course of the
Delphi process to gain indices of both likelihood and desirability.
The net result of this process will be a scenario which, at each point,
may be thought of as involving a selection from among all alternatives which
might have been included. In this sense, a scenario emerges as a proper
model, with each of its components being assigned some index of either
desirability (in the case of the normative scenario) or probability of
occurrence (in the case of the extrapolative or surprise-free scenario). In
graphic terms, we may think of each component of the scenarios as being
represented by an event-probability distribution, as shown in Fig. 2. In the
left -hand illustration, the events on which the probability distribution is,
imposed may represent anything we wish pertinent to some scenario under
construction (that is, the ei 's may be variables, relationships, functions,
comp lex events, parameter values, etc., or any other component). Of the two
curves drawn there, the a priori (presumed to be that which exists after the
first Delphi iteration and prior to the first attempt at consensus) is less
favorable in terms of variance than the a posteriori (which is presumed to
exist after some n iterations of the Delphi and consensus -seeking process).
The transformation from the a priori to the a posteriori curve as a result of
our polling and consensus -seeking operations results in th e favorable learning
curve at the right. We may now interpret these constructs in the following
two ways:
For a discussion of this phenomenon, see J. R. Salancik's "Assimilation of
Aggregated Inputs into Delphi Forecasts: A Regression Analysis,"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 5, No. 3 (1973), pp. 243-47.
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 463
1) For the Normative Scenario: Suppose that the event set [E] is an array
of mutually exclusive attributes pertinent to some aspect of the future,
s u c h that the two curves should be read as products of respondents'
estimations of the desirability of these alternatives. In the a priori state
there is a considerably greater divergence than in the a posteriori, with
the numerically calculated variance acting as an imputed measure of the
degree of consensus obtained. The "learning curve" on the right -hand
diagram thus reflects the rate at which this consensus has been gained,
such that the curve in that diagram may now be thought to represent the
variance in estimations of desirability among those contributing to the
scenario -building exercise.
2) For the Extrapolative Scenario: Here the a priori and a posteriori
curves represent expectations about the likelihood of occurrence of the
events constituting set [E], such that the a posteriori curve assigns
respectively higher probabilities of occurrence to a sharply decreased
set of alternatives. Thus the "learning curve" in the right-hand diagram
may be read as written: measuring the probability of expected error
associated with the aggregation of predictions. In short, we have
converged gradually on a consensus of opinion about what will occur,
whereas in the normative exercise we converged on a set of opinions
about what is desirable.
A scenario is more than just a set of forecasts about some future time. It is
a picture of an internally consistent situation, which, in turn, is the
p lausible outcome of a sequence of events. Naturally there is no rigorous
test for plausibility.... The scenario thus occupies a position somewhere
between a collection of forecasts whose interrelationships have not been
examined, and a mathematical model whose internal consistency is
rigorously demonstrable.
While there are no hard and fast rules for establishing consistency, it is
nevertheless useful to have at hand some sort of instrument for examining the
nature of the interaction between system components, an exercise which is
naturally aided by having an interdisciplinary flavor to the scenario -building
team and concentrating some attention on the interfaces which emerge among
components of the emerging models.
Second, the utility of this normative scenario -building process stems
from a simple realization: if we were able to start from scratch, very few
systems which we have developed would be designed the way they have
evolved. Therefore, it sometimes pays simply to ignore what exists and turn
instead to a disciplined exploration of what should exist. Little has been
gained from the large number of incredibly costly studies which aimed at
"finding out what's wrong with system x." The response which the normative
system-builder might make to such an as signment is this: "Compared to
what?" Without that normative reference, studies of existing systems lack
reference and therefore can accomp lish little (yet empirical science's
domination of research technology has lent such studies a patina of
legitimacy despite their long record of sterility).
We will continue to use this term, even though we are here concerned about
desirability rather than probability-and we will continue to use continuous
rather than dis crete formulations for these distributions, even though in most
cases a discrete form would be more appropriate. The logic, in either case,
remains the same.
466 John W. Sutherland
Alternative scenarios are thus those where either the subset of attributes
considered is different than that considered in other scenarios, or where the relationship
(the fi ) among those state attributes is unique. In either case, scenarios represent
normative system models defined at the state-variable and relational levels, and hence
represent qualitatively unique system states. Associated with each of these scenarios
will thus be some index of desirability, which will be computed by the' number of
responses which favor a particular formulation (or, again, by some scheme which
incorporates a ranking function).
This aggregate desirability index is really a product of indices of desirability (and
feasibility) generated at lower levels -pertinent to the individual structural or functional
components which are to be entered into the emerging scenarios. For example, some
components (e.g., normative attributes) will receive a high consensus; given the other
components: of the scenario under construction, while others will receive barely
enough "votes" to get them included. The same will be true of the functional
relationships which are imposed on the elected attributes, causing the generation of a
"system" model, per se.
Thus, for each element in the alternative scenarios, there will be an event-
probability distribution which reflects the desirability of that attribute and ideally one
also reflecting its "feasibility." These individual component indices may be formulated
as follows:
The first formulation simply asks about the desirability of some attribute xi in company
with all other attributes constituting the set Xa (this being a measure of the conditional
desirability of the factor). The feasibility formulation then asks about the "consistency"
of having xi appear in concert with the other attributes constituting the set Xa (e.g., the
set of attributes qua state-variables for the A-scenario). The same task would be
performed by each of the clusters, ultimating in scenarios where each of the xi 's has
been assigned some index of desirability and feasibility. Essentially the same logic
would hold for the derivation of the functional relationship among the xi 's pertinent to
each scenario. In this sense, each pair of interacting attributes (qua state-variables) will
have to have an assertion made about the nature of the influence or interface
conditions. That is, we have to set the conditions for the following:
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 467
Thus, when fa (the functional relationship imposed on the set Xa, constituting the
elements of A) is finally evolved, there will be possibly some, divergence of opinion
about the validity of each of the individual fi,j 's of which fa is , comprised. And, if we
are to be strictly formal in our approach to the problem of establishing a relationship
function, we would again have to consider the. relationships among successively more
encompassing sets of variables, eventually emerging at the point where relationships
are considered simultaneously among all variables (factors) connected even indirectly.
Only in rare occasions, however, will we resort to this depth of analysis (except when
the system at hand is an effectively "mechanical" one, permi tting these relationships to
be set, empirically through controlled manipulation of successively larger subsystems,
In general, however, a clustering effect will emerge in most scenario-building
operations. This will tend to find individuals with like interests, ambitions,
backgrounds, or axiological predicates forming subgroups which have homogeneous
concepts of what he future should look like. As a result,; there, is, a natural tendency to
emerge with scenarios which have a high degree of consensus as to the desirability or
feasibility of their components (and which„as a result, are constructs exhibiting little
internal variance of opinion). To a limited extent, we can counteract this clustering
effect by stratifying panels (where we put individuals with substantially different
backgrounds, interests, skills, or axiological positions together into scenario-building
teams). Nevertheless, the alternative scenarios will usually result from the fact that
there will not be unanimity among panel members as whole, and that there will usually
be divergences of opinion about the rectitude of model components within strata or
clusters.4 But the clustering and stratification schemes differ in important respects, as
Clustering: LOW HIGH
Stratification: HIGH LOW
That is, under a clustering scheme, we tend to put , similar panel members
together into a model-building team (e.g., all economists or all sociologists or all
environmentalists); under the stratification scheme, we tend to, form teams . of
opposites. The net result is that the models built by clustered teams will vary greatly in
aggregate, but will have high degrees of consensus (e.g., low variance) internally ... for
the premises under which clustered teams operate vary greatly between the teams, but
little if at all within the teams. Just the opposite is true of the stratification effect.
There we will have a high degree of divergence within teams, and a low degree of
divergence among teams, with the net result that the alternative scenarios will vary
little between each other, but have high degrees of internal variance.
Nevertheless, we assume that when it comes to “voting” for one or another of the
alternative normative scenarios, there will be unanimity among cluster members in
preferring their own to any other.
468 John W. Sutherland
As a general rule, clusters will tend to form naturally, whereas strata have to
be deliberately invoked ... something which may prove to be dysfunctional if
recrimination and acrimony occurs within groups.
For the sake of "eff iciency" in the normative scenario -building process, it is a
usually better strategy to permit the formation of these spontaneous clusters
explicitly, and then concentrate on the elimination of the clear-cut differences
between constructs as wholes at some later point. For the models which are built by
clustered teams will be internally consistent and carry a high degree of consensus
as to desirability, even though their conclusions may be hotly disputed by members
of other clusters. Thus we have reasonably disciplined, "finished" products on
which objective argument may be directed, whereas groups containing acrimonious
components will have severe difficulty in actu ally completing anything substantial.
To make this point somewhat clearer, consider Fig. 3. What we tend to find, then,
is that the aggregate probability distribution functions for alternative normative
scenarios (viewed as heuristics) tend to be products of the means of the event -
probability distributions reflecting the degree of consensus among members of a
cluster as to the desirability (or feasibility) of their construct.
Thus, for clusters, we have a situation where a larger number of alternative
scenarios are proposed (such that the aggregate distribution is greater for the
"flatter" clustered case), but where the consensus as to the individual desirabil ity of
these alternatives is strong (which means that each of the alternatives in the
clustered case will have a narrow, peaked, internal variance). Just the opposite
situation prevails with respect to the stratified distribution: there we have fewer
"events"5 assigned significant probabilities -with less variance in the aggregate
distribution due to their tendency to be redundant with one another due to the
stratification process-but each of the alternatives carries with it a much higher
internal variance, and consequently shows less consensus) than do the alternatives
in the clustered case. That neither of these situations is really satisfactory may be
seen by calculating the overall variance associated with the constructs (e.g.,
computing variance as the product of the internal and external variance) [7]. The
net result is that both cases would carry about the same total variance, with the
lower internal variance associated with the clustered case (indicated by the fact that
[b-a]<[d-c]) being offset by the lower aggregate index of desirability (or
feasibility) associated with any single alternative-as is indicated by the "flatter"
aggregate distribution.
What we eventually want to emerge with is, of course, an aggregate event -
probability distribution like that shown in Fig. 4. We could achieve this distribution
in either of two ways, relative to the distributions of Fig, 3: (a) We could inaugurate
Delphi processes which will reduce the within-scenario variance associated with each
of the few alternatives remaining in the stratified distribution (by forcing a consensus
within the scenario-building groups). This, in effect, means forcing the marginal
Alternative scenarios.
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 469
470 John W. Sutherland
desirability/feasibility density functions for all remaining Hi 's to converge toward 1.0
(which reduces the expected dysfunctionality/infeasibility associated with each
alternative, and hence results in more "peaked" superimpositional probability
functions). (b) We could take the low "internal variance" alternatives of the clustered
distribution and inaugurate Delphi processes which cause the aggregate desirability
density function to "peak," thereby eliminating some of the less expectedly desirable/
feasible alternatives and correspondingly increasing the relative desirability/ feasibility
of those remaining. The new result, in either case, is the same: we have reduced a high-
variance situation to a lower-variance' situation, with the end result that a single, most
expectedly desirable and feasible normative system model is gradually converged on.
Thus, in the above figure, both the aggregate and marginal density functions reflect an
improvement over the cases illustrated in Fig. 3 a and b, respectively.
In many cases, and we shall not belabor the point here, the ultimate construct
(e.g., the Hi which is finally agreed to be the most desirable and feasible system state)
might emerge as some sort of compromisive "hybrid," where agreement is obtained at
the expense of either precision or actionability. The result of democratic model-
building processes is often a construct which, while it has very little probability of
proving absolutely wrong as a representation of some phenomenon, also has almost no
probability of being "optimal." And where such constructs are to become premises for
decision or policy action, the fact of a subjective convergence or consensus will have
little bearing on the actual rectitude of the model, and hence may be cases where
science disserves its larger community. A very important distinction, then, would be
between models which obtain a convergence through compromise, and those which are
truly syncretic or rationally (and sapiently) discerning. These strictly compromise
hybrids, like so many essentially political formulations, will generally trade-off
ultimate rectitude against short-run procedural expedience. And there is really no
defense against this except for the fundamental integrity of the team leaders, so we can
offer no "technology" for escaping these degenerative Delphi processes -just a caution
to be alert for their presence. Thus it is important not to force an artificial or fabricated
convergence where there is no natural basis for syncretistic accommodations, it is
better to let the normative model-building process proceed along two or more parallel
trajectories. The advantage of using the paradigm presented here will then be simply
the fact that all parties have employed basically the same methodology, and this, in
itself, may eventually provide some accommodative basis which might otherwise elude
At any rate, essentially the same logic would hold for the construction of the
extrapolative scenario-that system model which simply projects existing system
properties into the statistical future. We would largely just replace indices of
desirability/feasibility with indices of likelihood (e.g., probabilities of occurrence), but
would still have to go through a consensus-seeking process of the type imposed on the
normative scenarios. Here, however, use of "stratified" as opposed to clustered panels
would probably be indicated, as there will be greater reliance on experience and factual
knowledge (objective "data"), and "differences" could, it is hoped, be resolved
"rationally." That is, where divergence is more likely to be a matter of fact rather than a
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 471
matter of value, accuracy of forecasts should increase to the extent that extrapolative
teams are drawn from broadly different experiential and professional sectors.
among problems is of the former type, then we will be able to develop a causal tree (e.g.,
a partially ordered set) where problems may be ;arrayed on levels such that :problems on
a lower level are deemed to be "causes" of problems on the next level, and so forth. The
net result of such a structure is a rather neatly linear relationship among the various
problems, with micro-problems gradually giving way to intermediate level problems
which finally merge into a macro-problem. In order to b e a true hierarchy, we might
impose a constraint that prohibits higher-order problems from affecting lower-order, or
perhaps a constraint which acts against reflexivity among the various problems (as
reflexivity would abrogate the linearity and unidirectional causality we like to see in
proper hierarchies). At any rate, there are many sources of information about the
properties of hierarchies, properties which must be met by the generic problems if the
hierarchical modality is to be employed to lend them an ordering [12].
The reticulated case represents a more complex set of relationships, one where the
various problems are equipotential (i.e., all may affect each other). A reticulated network
thus does not possess the neatly algorithmic properties of proper hierarchical structures,
and so becomes very much more difficult to model. For, here, problems maybe related
reflexively, recursively, and with omni-directional potential trajectories of influence.
Under this structure, one must conceive of our problems being related in a network
fashion where each of the various problems represents a node, from which many
different paths of interaction may radiate. As the reader might rightly expect, then,
problems related in reticular form generally arise from systems which are more inherently
complex than are systems which enable us to impose a hierarchical ordering on the
generic problems. That this is so may easily be verified by; comparing some of the
formulations of modern network theory against their hierarchical counterparts [13].
474 John W. Sutherland
With the completion of these causal orderings, the results from the frequency
distribution should be reexamined. The problems which received the greatest number of
appearances in the histogram of the first step should be those with the greatest number of
connections in the reticular model (or, where the hierarchical structure is imposed, should
be at the lowest levels of causality, i.e., influencing the greatest number of other
problems). In this way we have a check on our derivation of problems from "gaps" and an
additional verification of the consistency of our reduction logic.
The models just generated will serve as an input to. the next phase of the policy-
setting/future-building process-the generation of an array of action proposals which, as a
set, have the highes t a posteriori probability of causing the transformation of a less
favorable to a "normative" system state over some interval. These action proposals will
generally take the form of prescriptive policies (strategic instruments) which are
expected to achieve the effect of narrowing the gap between existent (or extrapolative)
system properties and those that are deemed desirable, for each of the several problems
comprising the reduced problem network just developed. There is no easy algorithm for
the generation of strategic decisions-this depends on the wit and sensitivity and
assiduity of the systems analysts and. policymakers-but we can say something about
the order in which action proposals should be generated and the analytical setting in
which they should be evaluated.
Obviously, those problems shown to exert the greatest leverage (e.g., those with
the highest number of appearances in the histogram, those representing most "highly
connected" nodes in the reticular formulation, or those at the lowest causal levels in the
hierarchical structure) should be the first attacked, Thus, with respect to the frequency
distribution just set out, problem [p 2 ] would be the first for which an action proposal
(solution strategy) would be developed. The causal ordering model-in either the
reticular or hierarchical form, whichever was deemed most appropriate-would then be
used as the basis for a simulation of the effects of the solution strategy on the system as
a whole. The results of this first iteration of the simulation model would then be to
isolate any redefinitions in the other problems associated with the simulated .
implementation of the solution to the first problem. In short, we want to know what
effects our action with respect to problem [ p 2 ] would have on the other problems, so
that, for each of them, a solution strategy could be devised in , light of the solution to
the prior problem. We would then have to iterate die simulation until we were able to
incorporate the entire array of problems to be solved, together with the parameters of
their solution strategies. This is simply to be certain that, in solving one problem, we
make every feasible effort to we that we do not create others or exacerbate the system
situation in someway (in short, that we act to minimize the probability of occurrence of
unexpected consequences or adverse second-order effects).
In the beginning, with that problem deemed to exert the greatest leverage on the
system, we may emerge with an aggregate solution strategy (pertinent to the
simultaneous solution of all problems) which promises to be most effective and
efficient in making the desired system transition. In some case, however, particularly
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 475
where a hierarchical problem structure was uncovered, we may think about introducing
solutions sequentially-implementing them in a sequence which, at each step, isolates
that problem which at that point in time promises to exert the greatest therapeutic
leverage when solved. In either case, iterations of the simulation model should give us
a logical pointer to the. necessary conditions for each solution step, and the indication
as to which particular problem will emerge as the best target for attack at that iteration.
Thus, the causal orderings on the problems give us the basis to make a most efficient
transition, such that expenditures of developmental resources will produce an
expectedly "optimal" effect, both in aggregate and at each point in the solution process.
It should now be mentioned, again, that all the work we have done thus far results in
constructs which are just hypothetical in nature, and which have generally only
"subjective" indices of accuracy assigned them. Nothing, at this point, is fixed. The
"hypothetical" character of these components simply reflects the system dictate that, in
the face of a complex environment, linear procedures (those that anticipate a direct
drive toward some invariant objective) are to be avoided with assiduity. Rather, our
analytical behavior must be heuristic in nature, denying the impulse prematurely to stop
analyzing and start acting, and denying the impulse to use what are essentially
unvalidated constructs as action premises, So the policies qua action proposals which
we now must generate themselves become hypotheses, and serve basically as
"manageable" units of analysis for the empirical learning loops which will lend some
"objective" discipline to what until now have been largely speculative exercises. It is
here, then, that we make the switch from the hypothetico-deductive modality to the
empirical modality.
The empirical "learning loops" which we now inaugurate will have basically two
foci. First, there is the matter of validating - in the immediate short-run - the rectitude
of the hypothetico-deductive components constituting the scenarios, and their problem
and policy derivatives. Second, there is the long-range aspect to the learning context -
that which finds even those constructs validated in the short-run being constantly
monitored and evaluated in the long-run. The net result is a totally heuristic process,
one where as little as possible is taken for granted, including not only the analytical
constructs themselves but the basic "values" and axiological premises that existed at
the time of the initial analysis. There is a distinct advantage here, for in the world of the
future, approached heuristically rather than algorithmically: "... one may solve one's
problems not only by getting what one wants, but by wanting what one gets."6 In a
world where we know only how to seek goals, and have not the capability to adjust
them constantly, the actual future will hold only frustration and suboptimality. Thus,
while the forecaster or traditional predictor of futures may bemoan the fact that there is
W. R. Reitman, "Heuristic Decision Procedures, Open Constraints and the Structure
of Ill-Defined Problems," in Human Judgments and Optimality, Shelly and Bryan
(eds.), Wiley, New York, 1964.
476 John W. Sutherland
no determinism out there, the "rational" system will recognize that where there is no
determinism, there is also no lack of opportunity.
At any rate, we begin the empirical learning loops by recognizing that our
normative scenario is simply a "metahypothesis," a product of many different
hypothetico-deductive elements linked together in a consistent system of concepts
(where the consistency here may be considered to mean that the laws of deductive
inference were followed more or less closely in relating the various components). In a
similar way, the extrapolative (surprise-free) scenario is als o a metahypothesis, though
it is not strictly a hypothetico-deductive one because at least some of its substance is
owing to the projection of empirical data and experiential bases. Now, the problem
network models were evolved directly from these two scenarios through the processes
of qualitative subtraction and successive abstraction (described earlier). Thus, in the
strictest sense, the problem network model may be thought of as a surrogate for the
normative scenario, for it simply has caused a reordering and redefinition of elements
which were not found in the union between the normative and extrapolative constructs
(e.g., those properties associated with the normative scenario which were not present in
the extrapolative) [14]. Thus, our manipulation of the problem network model in the
face of simulated solutions is roughly the equivalent of operating on the normative
scenario itself, though the number of factors associated with the former are vastly
greater than those comprising the reduced network model. In this way, very large scale
systems may usually be reduced to more manageable entities without too much loss in
rectitude -providing that the normative scenario can ultimately be resynthesized from.
the problem network models to which it was reduced. This can be done, for our
reduction procedure was a fairly algorithmic one, bearing not only replication but
retroconstruction. Hence, the reduction process we went through not only allowed us to
isolate those aspects of a potentially very large -system which demand treatment if
some normative system state is to be realized, but has enabled us to develop a
considerably simplified surrogate on which we can perform analytical operations such
as simulation, thus allowing us to economize greatly on the costs of analysis.
The added attraction of this reduction process is that we h a v e a unit of analysis
(e.g., the network model) which is highly amenable as -a referent for empirical
experiments aimed at validating (in surrogate form) the hypothetico-deductive
components of the scenario and our expectations about therapeutic actions we might
take. In this sense, the strategies we evolve in the form of action proposals now become
hypotheses, per se, and the process of their implementation now becomes intelligible
in terms of a reasonably well controlled experiment. The results of these empirical
trials will then be fed back to the network model, and if our expectations were in error,
appropriate modifications must be made in that model. And because the reduced
network' model can be resynthesized into the normative scenario, we are able to allow
our experiments on solution strategies to have a direct bearing on our normative
construct way up the line, allowing modifications necessary in the network model to
resonate back toward their origin in the much larger, less empirically tractable
construct. The result of the hypothesis -experimentation-feedback process is what we
have sought all along: the gradual transformation of initially hypothetical constructs
into empirically validated ones, which in effect means that gradual transformation of
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 477
the subjective probabilities associated with the normative scenario into objective
It is this latter property which lends the paradigm outlined here its status as an
action research platform, one which enables us to learn, in a disciplined way, while
still having a hopefully positive effect in the world at large.
VII. Summary
The process we have gone through should be that which assures that the policies. which
we finally implement are those which have the highest a posteriori (.e., objective)
probability of proving both effective and efficient in causing desired system
transformations. The logic of the process, is summarized in Fig. 6.
In short, we have gone through this rather demanding exercise to make sure that
the actions we initiate are those which are the very "best" we can arrive at, and not
simply expedient products of casual or strictly opportunistic policy-setting procedures.
And, finally, because the normative system design paradigm., is essentially an exercise
in action-research, our most logically probable policy prescriptions will be tested
within an empirical envelope, using structured (and, one hopes, reasonably well-
controlled) experiments designed to lend some empirical validation to the essentially
hypothetico-deductive constructs from which the action proposals (or prescriptive
policies) were derived. The results of these empirical experiments will then be fed
back, t o the hypothetical constructs, either modifying, invalidating, or reinforcing
them. In any case, a Bayesian transformation system will allow us to make a priori
indices of desirability, feasibility, or likelihood responsive t o a posteriori, objectively
predicated "data," thus allowing us gradually to metamorphosize our deductive
constructs into positivistic ones (at least to the extent that the nature of the system and
its operational context permits). And it need hardly be mentioned that even those
empirically validated aspects of the normative, extrapolative, or prescriptive, constructs
must simply remain hypotheses against which emerging realities are constantly
compared-especially those "realities" relevant to the operational effects of the
prescriptive policies we implement and whose effects may be far spread and resonate
very widely throughout a range much broader than that occupied by the system of
primary interest itself.
In summary, this normative system-building process-and this system-based
approach to policy-setting-is a very demanding and somewhat "idealistic" construct in
its own right - much like the scenarios it is intended to help generate. Thus, it may
represent more what could or should be done than what is immediately feasible or
immediately likely, And at least it represents a .start toward a methodology useful for
those who believe that we control the future and are responsible for it, a position
which, thankfully, seems to be taken more and more often (especially as regards
environmental issues).
478 John W. Sutherland
Specialized Techniques: Paradigm for Normative System Building 479
Notes and References
1. For some indication of the importance of Janus-faced models in the social and behavioral
and political sciences, see Chapter 2 of my A General Systems Philosophy for the Social and
Behavioral Sciences (New York: George Braziller, 1973).
2. Harold Linstone, "Four American Futures: Reflections on the Role of Planning,"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 4, No. 1 (1972).
3. Cf., Mitroff and Turoff's "On Measuring Conceptual Errors in Large-Scale Social Experi-
ments: The Future as Decision," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 6 (1974)
pp. 389-402.
4. "Beyond Systems Engineering: The General System Theory Potential For Social Science
System Analysis," General System Yearbook XVIII (1973).
5. Joseph P. Martino, Technological Forecasting for Decision Making (New York: Elsevier,
1972), p. 267.
6. For some illustration of the techniques available, for generating."consistency" in scenarios,
see Russell F. Rhyne's Projecting Whole-Body Future atterns-The Field Anomaly Relaxation
(FAR) Method (Stanford Research Institute Project 6747, Research Memorandum #6747-
10; February, 1971). Also Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 6 (1974), p.
7. See especially Jamison's excellent paper, "Bayesian Information Usage," in Information and
Inference, Hintikka and Suppes (eds.), (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1970),
pp. 28-57.
8. In essence, formal systems are treated as giving rise to ordered sets of inputs and outputs. In
this respect see L. A. Zadeh's "The Concepts of System, Aggregate, and State in System
Theory," System Theory, Zadeh and Polak (eds.), (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969).
9. L. A. Zadeh, "Outline of a New Approach to the Analysis of Complex Systems and
Decision Processes," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC-3, No. 1,
(January 1973).
10. A good conceptual introduction to this area of systems is given in Anatol Rapoport's "The
Search for Simplicity," The Relevance of General 7heory, Ervin Laszlo (ed.), (New York:
George Braziller, 1972).
11. This concept of system leverage was developed from Albert O. Hirschman's discussion of
"development leverage" in his The Strategy of Economic Development (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1958).
12. For example, see Hierarchical Structures, Whyte, Wilson and Wilson (eds.), (New York:
Elsevier, 1969), or Hierarchy Theory, Howard H. Pattee (ed.), (New York: George Braziller,
13. In general, the type of network which would evolve from the reduction process we have
been describing could be portrayed in terms of graphs, the theory of which is essential to the
construction of switched or reticular models.
14. For this reason, it is important to try to construct normative scenarios in positive terms,
such that they can be translated eventually into structural-functional properties In short,
negative scenario elements (e.g., elimination of prejudice; less unemployment) are to be
avoided in the context of the present paradigm.
VII. Computers and the Future of
VII.A. Introduction
If homo ludens is the man of the future, one would expect the computer to be his
favorite instrument. We find, however, that in recent years it has become quite popular
to deride the computer for its dehumanizing effect on various aspects of society: the
automated billing and dunning procedures, the inability to correct computerized
information, the feeling of being quantified, etc. While most of the applications the
average citizen has encountered justifiably provide this impression of impersonalism
and rigidity, there is some hope that this is a transition phase in the utilization of
computers. In part, this is due to the lack of a "Model-T" product or service for
"everyman." There is, however, considerable merit in the proposition that the use of the
computer as an aid to human communication processes will correct this situation. The
current generation of computers, associated hardware, software, and particularly
terminals, now begins to provide on an economic basis the capabilities for considerable
augmentation of human. communications. When this technical capability is coupled to
the knowledge being gained in the area of Delphi design, all sorts of opportunities seem
to present themselves. Underlying this view (or bias) is the assumption that Delphi is
fundamentally the art of designing communication structures for human groups
involved in attaining some objective.
The work taking place today in this area and involving computers often appears
under the titles of computerized conferencing or teleconferencing The latter is a more
general term including such things as TV conferencing:
In its simplest form, computerized conferencing is a system in which a group of
people who wish to communicate about a topic may go to computer terminals at their
respective locations and engage in a discussion by typing and reading, as opposed to
speaking and listening. The computer keeps track of the discussion comments and the
statistics of each contributor's involvement in' the discussion. In effect, one may view
this process as a written version of a conference telephone call. However, the use of the
computer provides a number of advantages in the communication process, compared to
the use of telephones, teletype messages, letters, or face-to-face meetings.
In the use of telephones and face-to-face meetings, the flow of communication is
controlled by the group as whole. In principle, only one person may speak at any time.
With the .computer in the communication loop,'' each participant is free to choose when
he wants to talk (type) or listen (read) and how fast or slowly he wants to engage in the
process. Therefore, the process would be classified by psychologists as a self-activating
form of communication. Also, since all the individuals are operating asynchronously,
more information can be exchanged within the group in a given length of time, as
opposed to the verbal process where everyone must listen at the rate one person speaks.
Furthermore, because the computer stores the discussion, the participants do not have
to be involved concurrently.
484 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
The discussion may take place over hours, days, weeks, or be continuous.
Therefore, an individual can choose a time of convenience to him to go to the terminal,
review the new material, and make his comments.
When compared to letters or teletype messages, the first item to note is the
common discussion file available to the group as a whole. Having this file in a
computer allows each individual to restructure or develop subsections of the discussion
that are of interest to him. Normally the computer supplies each participant with
whatever he has not yet seen anytime he gets on. In addition, the participant may
choose to ask for certain sets of messages which contain key words or for the messages
of certain specific individuals in the group. The computer also allows users to write
specialized messages which may be conditional in character: (1) private messages to
only one individual or to a subgroup of the conference; (2) messages which do not
enter the discussion until a specified date and time in the future; (3) messages which do
not enter unless someone else writes a message that contains a certain key word; (4)
messages which enter as anonymous messages, etc.
The possible variations are open-ended once one incorporates directly into the
communication process the flexibility provided by computerized logical processing.
The next dimension the computer can add to the communication process is that of
special comments, which allow the participants to vote as a group. For example, a
comment classed as a proposal would allow the group to vote on scales of desirability
and feasibility. The computer would automatically keep track of the votes and present
the distribution back to the group. Based upon discussion, the individuals can shift
votes and reach a consensus or better understanding of the differences in views.
The computer also allows the incorporation of numeric data formats and the
ability to couple the conference to various modeling, simulation, or gaming routines
that might aid the discussion in progress.
In practice, one should view computerized conferencing as the ability to build an
appropriate structure for a human communication process concerning a specific subject
(problem). One can consider different conference structures for different applications-
project management, technology assessment, coordinating of committees, community
participation, parliamentary meetings, debates, multi-language translation, etc.
If the individuals enter such a discussion with fake names then we have de facto a
"Delphi discussion." The computer allows us to go from this complete Delphi mode to
various mixed modes such as that in which the conferee is able to decide whether an
individual comment is signed with the person's real name. It is the view of the editors
that the question of anonymity or its degree is less crucial to the definition of Delphi
than the concept of designing the human communication structure to be used. The
hundreds of meaningful paper-and-pencil Delphis that have been done represent a
storehouse of knowledge on the design of human communication structures for
implementation on modem computer communication systems. The area of
computerized conferencing, in effect, provides an important option as an addition to the
few available mechanisms people have to conduct communications: telephone, face-to-
face, letter, teletype, video. In particular, the growing cost of travel has increased the
concern for examining in greater depth the questions surrounding trans-
portation/communication substitutability.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Introduction 485
Studies by the Computer Science Department of the New Jersey Institute of
Technology show that this type of service, computerized conferencing,; can ultimately
be brought to the user at a computer cost of one to two dollars an hour, by utilizing
dedicated mini-computers as the conferencing vehicle. This compares with 15 dollars
an hour for the large general-purpose time-sharing: system. Also, the communication
requirements are significantly less than those demanded by video or picture-phone-type
systems. In addition, many applications demand the hard copy proceedings available
through the use of the computer.
In general, computerized conferencing appears to be a more attractive' alternative
than other, forms of communication when any of the following conditions are met: (1)
the group is spread out geographically; (2) a written record is desirable; (3) the
individuals are busy and frequent meetings are. difficult; (4) topics are complex and
require reflection and contemplation from the conferees; (5) insufficient travel
opportunity is available; (6) A large group
is involved (15 to 50); (7) disagreements exist which require anonymity promote
the discussion (e.g., Delphi discussions) or free exchange of ideas.
As a result of the foregoing, one can call to mind an almost endless list of specific
potential applications:
The list could go on. All the foregoing examples would require different types of
communication structure and different options available to the participants. One can,
for example, create a conference that would follow Roberts' Rules of Order; another
might be structured along debating lines with judge and jury, as well as the debaters.
In essence, computerized conferencing, being an alternative form of com-
munication, can be applied to almost any area about which human beings desire to
We can forecast with some confidence that at some point in the 1980s an
individual at home can in the evening decide to phone via his home computer terminal
a list of ongoing conferences on specific topics. By joining one of these which deals
486 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
with a subject of interest to him he suddenly has a method of easily finding other
people in the society of similar interests. In the long run this could have a dramatic
effect on society itself.
The collection of articles gathered in this section represents only a small sample
of many steps underway to improve human communications with the aid of computers.
By design they are chosen to represent diverse directions and even differing underlying
philosophies. We hope, via this mechanism, to expose for the reader the richness of this
area and whet his appetite to investigate it in more depth. These articles deal not only
with the utilization of computers as vehicles for improving the Delphi technique, but
either explicitly or implicitly they impact on the more general issue of improving the
human communication process.
The first article in this chapter, by Charlton Price, is an excellent review of some
of the significant work in this area over the last five years. Mr. Price has, in the role of
classical reviewer, delineated the strengths and weaknesses underlying these past
efforts and raised for examination many of the questions
this new area of communications stimulates. He also contributes a number of
concepts, both quantitative and qualitative, on measuring the effectiveness or efficiency
of communications among human beings.
For any future evaluations of computerized conferencing systems it is vital to
consider the whole gamut of group communications using electronic media. In fact, a
great many classical group communication experiments should be replicated in the new
media and the results compared to the earlier experiments using traditional media. The
paper by Johansen, Miller, and Vallee considers this larger context of research. It
introduces a descriptive theory leading to a clarification of the social effects and
reviews the literature of group communication in the light of several major research
projects in the field, both in the U.S. and abroad. The philosophy and history of each
project is summarized and its relationship to the current trends in media development
and assessment is described. Laboratory experiments, field trials, and survey research
are three directions that social scientists have pursued and the overall relevance of each
approach to specific problems is analyzed.
A new taxonomy of mediated group communication situations is proposed on the
basis of these trends and an effort is made to relate it to ongoing work, pointing to the
increasingly important need for systematic appraisal of existing communications
The third article, by Sheridan, introduces the concept of the "portable" Delphi and
the use of Delphi as a vehicle for improving the local community meeting. While there
is a great deal of writing on the need and possibility of using technology to enhance the
democratic process, our choice of Sheridan's work is representative of the fact that he
and his associates have carried out a great deal of careful experimentation in this area
and are continuing to do so. The whole concept of "participatory democracy" and the
decentralization of political power implies a need for effective two-way
communication which cannot be met by current mass-communication media. This area
is likely to see greatly increasing use of computer and communication technology over
the next decade.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Introduction 487
The fourth article by Johansen and Schuyler, represents a scenario for the use of
real-time Delphi in a university of the future. It is, however, based upon real
experiments carried out by them at Northwestern University. Implicitly the views of
these two researchers and the work they have been doing are an attack on the concept
of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) as commonly held by most people in the CAI
field. That is to say, neither CAI nor education should be viewed as a process of
"programmed instruction" by the computer (or the teacher). Rather, education must be
primarily viewed as a communication process.
It is not the objective of this book to take up issues surrounding the philosophy of
the education process but merely to point out that a Delphi can serve an educational
function for its participants and potentially, therefore, can be developed into a standard
educational tool.
While many educators have utilized Delphi for planning and assessment purposes,
very few other than Johansen and Schuyler have grasped the concept of Delphi as an
educational tool. We foresee a potential here not only at the universities but also in
high schools and elementary schools.
To this point, the view of the impact of the computer has been somewhat rosy.
However, lest the reader become too comfortable and complacent, the final article in
this chapter is guaranteed to raise a few doubts and some concerns. It is a scenario
intended to convey an impression of what might happen if we do not attempt to
improve human communications. It represents a society in the future which
extrapolates to the logical extreme some of the dehumanizing trends brought about by
some current organizational and technological developments.
There is, of course, more to the future of Delphi than its automation. Let us
consider three -disciplinary advances and one sociological change which may have a
striking impact on Delphi.
For the former, we may consider major achievements in (a) holistic com-
munications, (b) fuzzy set theory, and (c) psychological measurement research.
(a) If Delphi is primarily a communication system among human beings, then we
must admit that it misses the vital nonverbal, nonliterate components of interpersonal
communications entirely. The work of Adelson et al. (Chapter VI, D) suggests one step
beyond the familiar literate stage. But we must move much further in communicating
images. Holistic gestalt or pattern recognition and transmission as well as induction of
altered states of consciousness can vastly expand the ability to communicate. What will
be the impact of either concept on Delphi?
(b) An area of mathematical research which is potentially of great significance to
Delphi is the theory of fuzzy sets. It is an attempt, largely stimulated by L. A. Zadeh,1
to deal quantitatively with the imprecise variables commonly used in social systems
(e.g., big, happy, important, likely). In essence, the theory develops algorithms which
enable us to operate more systematically in communicating complexity.
See, for example, L. A. Zadeh, "Outline of a New Approach to the Analysis of
Complex Systems and Decision Processes," Electronics Research Lab., Memo, ERL-
M342, July 24, 1972, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
488 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
(c) Psychological methods are undergoing an enormous revolution, made
possible; in part, by the computer. Techniques such as multidimensional scaling offer
hope of understanding the process of human judgment and utilizing such insight
Finally we turn to a sociological change which could have an enormous impact on
our subject. There has been growing discussion of the possibility that Western society
is in a period of transition from a uniformity-seeking type to one which emphasizes
heterogeneity. Maruyama 2 has provided one concise description of what underlies these
two concepts of society. They are briefly summarized by the following lists of
characteristics contrasting the traditional uniformity type to the emerging heterogeneity
Traditional Emerging
uniformistic heterogenistic
unidirectional mutualistic
hierarchical interactionist
quantitative qualitative
classificational relational
competitive symbiotic
atomistic contextual
object-based process-based
self-perpetuating self-transcending
M. Maruyama, "Commentaries on the `Quality of Life' Concept," unpublished.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Introduction 489
In applying this societal shift to quality of life, a topic recently subjected to
Delphi studies by Dalkey (Chapter VI, B) and others, Maruyama writes:
The definition of the quality of life must come from specific cultures,
specific communities, and specific individuals, i.e., from grass roots up.
There still persists among the planners the erroneous notion that "experts"
must do the planning Many of them, when talking about "community
participation" still assume that the "experts" do the initial planning, to which
the community reacts. There was a time when it was fashionable to think that
Ph.D.'s in anthropology were experts on Eskimos. This type of thinking is
obsolete. The real experts on Eskimos are Eskimos themselves. I have run a
project in which San Quentin inmates functioned as researchers, not just data
collectors but also as conceptualizers, methodology -developers, focus-
selectors, hypothesis-makers, research-designers, and data analysts. Their
average formal education level was sixth grade. Yet their products were
superior to those produced by most of the criminologists and sociologists....
We can use the same method in creating criteria for quality of life in specific
cultures and specific communities. 3
Mitroff and Blankenship have expressed a similar view in their guidelines for
holistic experimentation:
The subjects (general populace) of any potential holistic experiment must be
included within the class of experimenters; the professional experimenters
must become part of the system on which they are experimenting-in effect
the experimenters must become the subjects of their own experiments.
Maruyama, op. cit.
I. I. Mitroff and L. V. Blankenship, "On the Methodology of the Holistic Experiment"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 4, pp. 339-354 (1973).
VII.B. Conferencing via Computer: Cost Effective
Communication for the Era of Forced Choice
To keep our high-technology, fast-changing, urbanized society going, new ways are
needed to share information, solve problems, anticipate the future decide, and manage.
"Business as usual" in these respects seems likely to become even less acceptable than
at present in an era of scarce human and physical resources and inflationary cost
increases. We are entering an Era of Forced Choice.
For some time the available ways of pooling information, planning, and
determining what had to be done next have been ill-fitted to the problems and the pace
of change. Much of this increasingly unmanageable change was triggered by earlier
decisions based on inadequate information, too limited assumptions, and too little
anticipation of consequences. Thus the energy "crisis" turns out to be the forerunner of
a probably chronic condition: resource shortages and/or unacceptable costs requiring
fundamental changes in many of the ways we work and live. These ways have been
built on the assumption that fuel for heating, cooling, and moving people would
continue to be plentiful and cheap. Now the shortfall in petroleum seems only one
symptom and consequence of a much more fundamental shortcoming: the lack of ways
for preventing possible alternatives from becoming forced choices.
Reexamining trade-offs between transportation and communication is one kind of
reassessment which is now unavoidable. For examples, nowadays more is heard of
substituting telecommunications for work-related travel: the kinds of things that have to
be communicated about require improved ways of linking people, and costs of moving
people from place to place are becoming more a n d more burdensome. Choice of
communications over transport, it would seem, will be more and more necessary.
Innovations that can make communication a preferable alternative to transportation are
especially needed. Some such technologies, and the new ways of behaving they
encourage, are just now emerging.
One of these is conferencing via computer. As a way of linking people and
organizations for many purposes, computer conferencing promises more effective use
of energy and resources for many group tasks, especially those previously assumed t o
require that participants be in each other's presence at the same time (and therefore with
a need to travel to the same location). In the Era of Forced Choice, such assumptions
will be increasingly questioned. Innovations that offer a better way, not just a second-
best alternative, will be especially significant. Conferencing via computer shows all the
signs of being one such innovation.
This brief discussion is to describe how conferencing via computer works, how it
might be applied more widely, and why it is a significant innovation for an era in which
new and better ways of problem-solving and managing are being forced upon us.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Conferencing via Computer 491
What Is Computer Conferencing?
Conferencing via computer is a readily available, but as yet little publicized and not
widely tested, medium for communications and problem-solving. It consists of linkages
between individuals who "connect" by each conferee having available a remote
terminal (a keyboard with letters, numbers, and symbols linked to the control
computer) plus a cathode ray tube (CRT) display device and/or a printer. The central
computer is programmed to sort, store, and transmit each conferee's messages. The
individuals linked in this way may interact at the same time, or, more typically, at their
convenience, with the computer holding all messages until accessed.
Linkage via computer provides significant advantages for conducting many kinds
of information exchange and problem-solving, as compared with other media (face-to-
face meetings, mail, conference telephone, closed-circuit television). It also calls for
new ways of behaving, and creates some problems for those unaccustomed to the fast
and complex information flow that computer conferencing encourages. Among these
new conditions are the relative novelty of communicating via a keyboard and mastering
a set of conventions for operating such systems. These can be surmounted with
practice. More subtle, and of greater significance, is the degree to which conferencing
via computer will offer more cost/effective, more flexible, and informationally richer
alternatives for managing and problem-solving in groups and organizations-if those
who try it can permit themselves to abandon some more traditional communications
The following discussion of several versions of computer conferencing
emphasizes very recent developments that have not yet been reported in the small body
of professional literature on this subject. Most of the information came from personal
and telephone interviews with some of the principal innovators and practitioners of
computer conferencing, plus a review of existing literature both on computer
conferencing and on relevant discussions of social technology and organizational
behavior. (The literature on computer conferencing per se is not large, and new
developments are considerably ahead of publications on the subject.)
Because developments in this field are occurring very rapidly, with a number of
different groups exploring the technique with various goals or emphases, there is
substantial disagreement among the various practitioners on what should be considered
"true" computer conferencing. One view is that conferencing via computer is a new
primary communications technology, like the teletype or the telephone, offering the
possibility of many new kinds of communicative behavior, as well as virtually infinite
potential for supplanting or supplementing other media [35, 39]. Another view is that
computer conferencing capability is but one example of a large family of tools for
"dialogue support" to facilitate connectedness between "knowledge workers" [9-12].
Computer conferencing is seemingly only a small part of the field of computer
networking and time-sharing, even though all time-shared systems principle could offer
the person-to-person interactive feature (direct communication between those accessing
the network). But computer time-sharing developments have emphasized person-
machine interfaces: that is, most attention has been paid to how the operator interacts
with the computer, making inputs and getting outputs from the computer's models and
492 Charlton R. Price
data bases [42]. Relatively little attention has been devoted to how the computer could
be used for throughput, establishing links between individuals, between an individual
a n d a group, or between groups. It becomes evident that different ways of structuring
these communications are appropriate to various kinds of intellectual- or managerial
tasks. Use of the techniques of conferencing via computer forces explicit consideration
of how the interaction should be managed and in what ways the participants should
interact. These implications of computer conferencing as a technique or
communications medium require separate consideration from classical time-sharing
applications of computers (the transfer or melding of data, without the aspect of
mutually influential interaction between persons).
The use of the computer for conferencing makes the computer a true
communications medium, supplementing its use as a medium for storage and
computation. Because of the features of storage, retrieval, and data processing, not
available through other media, computer conferencing is a significant advance over
other communications media. According to criteria for a true communications medium
stated by Gordon Thompson [35], computer conferencing:
?? offers an easier and more flexible way to access and exchange human
?? increases (virtually to infinity) the size of the common "information space"
that can be shared by communicants (and provides a wider range of strategies
for communicants to interrupt and augment each other's contributions)
?? raises the probability of discovering and developing latent consensus. (The
enriched information base and heightened interconnectedness increases the
chances that each conferee can receive unexpected and/or interesting
According to Turoff [40], there are five situations in which conducting a conference via
computer is better than the alternatives:
In a 1968 article [25] computer conferencing was proposed as a means of speeding up the rate
of interaction and the data-processing operations involved in Delphi studies. The Delphi
technique is a method that has been developed to pool expert judgments while attenuating or
removing some biasing effects such as the influence-of the reputation of one panelist on
others. The meaning of Delphi has now, been broadened to include all forms of structured
communications processes involving information exchange and the pooling of judgments
The monitor of a Delphi exercise presents a series of assertions (predictions of future
occurrences, normative statements regarding proposed actions, statements of intention, etc.) to
the panel, which is selected for its special knowledge of the subject. The panel also may
include individuals with expertise outside the field under consideration but with special-
capabilities for analysis or judgment between alternatives. Panelists vote o n these alternatives,
return the information to the monitor, and the data are combined and arrayed, then resubmitted
to the panelists individually. At this point each panelist knows the judgment of the group and
can compare the distribution of group judgments with his own choices. New data (e.g.,
additional assertions from the monitor) may also be introduced at this point. Panelists may
then modify their judgments or not, but in any case they proceed from a larger information
base than in the first round. The process may continue through several-rounds in the same
The difficulty with the Delphi process conducted in face-to-face conferences or by mail
is that the turn -around (sending and receiving mailings plus processing of the data and
preparing each round for the panelists) can be very time-consuming, resulting in a loss of
initiative and focus. Adding computer capability makes it possible to cut turn -around time to a
minimum, thus; permitting the introduction of many more iterations` and more material per
It became clear that communication via computer could be useful for many. other
kinds of geographically dispersed groups. All computer networks in principle could have
interactive features akin to conferencing. That is, the operators of timesharing systems could
use the system to transmit operator-to-operator messages as well as to interchange data or
run routines on remote computers [20]. But the emphasis in conferencing was originally for
real-time exchange of information, proposals, and instructions in situations requiring fast
response time and the coordination of the efforts of many different kinds of actions at
498 Charlton R. Price
locations widely separated geographically. Gordon Thompson observes [36] that computer
conferencing works best when the problem is clear but information exchange is complex
and pressured (as in coping with a geographically dispersed crisis). Such was the case in
1970 when the Office of Emergency Preparedness needed data on steel-industry capacity
and production to do a rapid national assessment of the industry's performance and
capabilities [40]. One outcome of this experience was the realization that the system should
be automated, so that information and technical assistance could be exchanged rapidly
between a large number of participants. The PARTY LINE program. evolved into
This augmented capability was in place at the Office of Emergency Preparedness a
year later when the ninety-day wage-price freeze was announced. It was then necessary to
have information rapidly from every section of the country on enforcement activities,
problems and questions encountered in the ' field, rapid dissemination of decisions by the
Cost of Living Council, and coordination of the Office of Emergency Preparedness
headquarters efforts with those of the OEP regional offices, and with field representatives of
the Internal Revenue Service, who, along with representatives detailed from other agencies,
had been charged with field enforcement. Conferencing using EMISARI went on
throughout the three-month period, starting with about thirty participants: (i.e., terminals;
each participating terminal might serve a number of individuals at a particular location) and
rising at the end to more than seventy [42].
In the OEP response to the wage-price freeze, EMISARI became in effect an
electronic blackboard of unlimited size, on which any of the participants could insert data,
raise queries, or request revisions. These interactions could occur at times convenient to
each of the participants. When coming on-line, a participant could receive all messages held
in the computer's storage and also see what had occurred throughout the information array
since the last participation. This information was available on printed-out hard copy, or a
CRT, display, or both.
On the "blackboard" were identifications of all the participants, their names_ and
responsibilities. Associated with each of these participants were quantitative data and other
messages. Those who had programmed the system were also participating. Thus the
programmers could be queried directly by those in the, field who did not understand an
instruction or thought that something might be incorrect about information presented. Text
files could also be accessed by participants. The text files contained "bulletin board"
announcements, abstracts of documents, policy decisions or directives (e.g., from the Cost
of Living Council), and press releases. The total system provided a real-time monitoring
and communications device with fast turn -around to track and direct the wage-price freeze
on a national basis. Turoff sums up the experience [43] as follows:
We took all the people who were gathering data regionally, those who were
trying to .respond to information requests in each region, those preparing staff
reports from these data, the middle management level in the agencies, and the
data grubbers. They were all in contact and everyone could know what everyone
else was doing. The system allowed them to pass information back and forth, and
also allowed monitoring of the process and the passing on of instructions from
high up,' and inputs from such groups as the Cost of Living Council, such as the
type of: information the White House might want in any particular week.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Conferencing via Computer 499
Since 1971, EMISARI and its derivatives have been used for further work on
economic controls, and for rapid assessment of fuel stocks and production capabilities early
in the energy crisis [43]. In August of 1973, the software for conferencing aspects of
EMISARI, created by Language Systems Development Corporation of Bethesda,
became available as a computerized conferencing system at nominal cost through the
National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce.
At the Institute for the Future, computer conferencing began to be used as early as
1969 for the conducting of Delphi studies, of the type outlined above. IFF started with a
strong bent toward classical Delphi (pooling of estimates and forecasts by experts) but
moved toward less-structured versions of the technique as the use of computer conferencing
permitted greater freedom. IFF also began recently a long-range research program on the
behavior of users: what kinds of people and what kinds of problems prove most amenable
to the computer conferencing technique, and what problems are associated with the use of
the medium.
Little analyzed so far is the impact that computer conferencing can have on the style
and structure of organizations that use it. For example; a t Scientific Time Sharing
Corporation, using MAILBOX has caused the STSC organiza tion to be shaped by the
interaction patterns that have grown up as a result of the use of the system [2]. Instead of
a pyramidal form of the conventional organizational hierarchy, with specialized groups
reporting and through in dividual line managers, the organization has taken the form of
constantly changing clusters of groups or. teams; each may be formed quickly for, a
particular project or problem, and disband just as quickly when the issue at hand has been
dealt with. There are also relatively more permanent groups, such as those concerned with
continuing development of MAILBOX itself. The experience of working with MAILBOX
is described as follows by Lawrence Breed, a vice president of STSC in Palo Alto,
California, who has been largely responsible for developing the system:
It has a flavor which is quite unlike any other form of communication, for
example face-to-face exchange. For instance, you have whatever time is needed
after receiving a message to get your own thoughts together and come back with
a fairly incisive and coherent reply. You don't have the effect of thinking up
snappy comebacks ten seconds too late. On the other hand, the messages go back
and forth so rapidly, perhaps several times a day between any two particular
participants-that it is completely unlike first-class mail, which is so slow that you
really lose the interactive characteristic. It is unlike the telephone in a couple of
important ways, too. I can communicate with someone at a time of my choosing,
not wait for him to answer the phone or get filtered through his secretary. Nor is
he interrupted by the message in what he is doing. ...The way that this mode of
communication affects the company is that it has a very strong democratizing
effect. It would be almost impossible to enforce communication through the
channels defined by an organizational chart. My boss may send a message to me
with a copy to the people who report tome, and like as not one of them will have
replied to it before I even see my "mail." This can make some people pretty
uncomfortable. ...This kind of communication is not a substitute for face-to-face
communication, as we've been discovering. We've got to get together
occasionally to have round-table discussions. ...But the benefits are pretty
substantial. Most time-sharing services that cover a wide geographic area have
500 Charlton R. Price
something similar. I think ours is one of the easier to use, and most flexible. We
transmit 175 to 225 messages a day - that is the serial listing, because each of the
messages might go to a large number of people [6].
Dr. Philip Abrams, director of research at the Bethesda office, says that it would be
impossible to operate STSC without MAILBOX [2]. Users report that participating in
computer conferencing is a powerful democratizer. It is very hard to keep information from
flowing freely and to reduce the ability of persons to participate, once they have mastered
the basic skills needed to operate the keyboard of a remote terminal.
Computer conferencing was used in the spring of 1970 to conduct a Delphi on the
design of computer conferencing and to evaluate potential applications [39]. The data
processed were a total of ninety-nine assertions about various features of the technique and
its potential applications. The panel could give
judgments on the importance, degree of confidence, validity, desirability, and
feasibility of each statement. The printout following analysis of these data showed the
distribution of group judgments and the degree of dissent from majority views on each
statement. Some of the findings were:
?? A strong majority of the panel felt that the system could be used to convene one-
day conferences, given the current availability of terminals and' printers.
?? Because length of messages in the version examined is necessarily limited, the
panel did not feel that computer conferencing could replace work by committees,
and that it is not suitable for joint editing of draft texts or reports.
?? The panel liked the idea of incorporating a "wait" feature which would
trigger the terminal when a new item or message has been entered from
another terminal. This would enable use of the system for an intensive,
scenario-type of simulation lasting perhaps a day, with the monitor feeding in
events and getting reactions.
The widespread extension of time-sharing capabilities and computer networks [8, 26]
should further accelerate the practice of conferencing via computer. Turoff explores the
implications of these probable developments as follows:
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Conferencing via Computer 501
... the forthcoming wide introduction of digital data networks will probably
provide computerized conferencing systems with another order of magnitude
edge in costs when compared to conventional verbal telephone conference
calls. T h u s , economic pressure may force the various (technical) problems'
(of computer conferencing) to be resolved favorably, so that computerized
conferencing becomes a major application on such networks. The anticipated
future reduction of costs, by the late seventies, for computer terminals with
CRT, perhaps placing them in the same purchase range as home color TV
receivers, suggests a picture of future society in which a major substitution
of communications for transportation ; can take place [40].
It should be clear from the preceding discussion that conferencing via computer is
still in an embryonic state. A number of systems, each with distinctive emphases, are in
various stages of development. Some data on costs compared with benefits already
available are intriguing enough to merit further and more definitive analysis. Such
analysis should, for example, be sufficiently cogent and detailed to enable an
organization to make considered choices in planning or installing teleconferencing
capability (computer, telephone, closed-circuit television, or some combination of
these). The reasons for making such considered choices are increasing daily. A recent
study by Richard Harkness, on the future of telecommunications, gives some of the
reasons why use of such alternatives (conferencing via computer and others) may be
expected to accelerate:
The broad implication of this and similar views is that through telecorn-
munications there may be more considered choice-in research and problem-solving, in
organizational activity generally, and in the form and functioning of communities-so
that forced choice will be less necessary. As teleconferencing is more widely
considered and tried, it can emerge as not only a second-best alternative to "being
there" but as a positive advantage in many kinds of information-sharing, problem-
solving, and managerial processes. Some of these possibilities are sketched below.
These are both extrapolations from what is already happening, and prophecies that
might turn out to be self-fulfilling.
1. Research and Problem Solving: Many research problems today are not only
multidisciplinary but "multi-epistemological" in character. For 'topics such as
collaborative physical design of buildings and other spaces, assessing the potential
502 Charlton R. Price
impact of new technologies, or deciding among various priorities for effort in a
research problem, not just "apples and oranges" but "pears, pineapples, and pine trees"
as well must somehow be reconciled. Different experts, stakeholders, and process
people in such projects will have different mind-sets, different ways of seeing the
world, and different bases of expertise to draw upon in coming up with the required
solutions. Good solutions, increasingly, cannot be imposed by fiat but must result from
heuristically, iteratively combining information and ways of thinking about
For this, highly interactive systems that can involve many participants over
extended periods are needed. The system must be capable of highlighting and
explicating differences in point of view, so that "who is thinking in what way about the
problem" is considered as well as "what is the problem." [1 $]. As. Christopher
Alexander has noted, there needs to be a continual interplay of figure and ground, form
and context; this becomes essential in a society where problems are "nested" and
workable solutions require induction from iteration of, many factors in various
combinations [1].
For this process to occur, technology such as that available in computer-based
conferencing is required, so that the record of interactions-providing enough detail to
show thoughtways as well as data - can be examined by facilitators of the conferencing
process and other individual participants.
After all, there is no such thing as "the facts." A fact is a statement about an
empirical phenomenon which implies a conceptual scheme or frame, 6V reference. For
problems that force contrast and consideration of different perspectives, people need to
learn to make distinctions between various possible versions of "the facts," distinctions that
are not inherent in the facts themselves but which derive from the purpose at hand. Is urban
transportation "primarily" a source of pollution or a process of interaction to make
communities operate? Is "the energy crisis" a threat to "our way of life" or an incentive for
considered choice? These are instances of broad problems in which the frame of reference
makes an enormous difference in the kind and cogency of the solutions reached. There are
a host of detailed research and problem-solving tasks in which there needs to be a way of
making explicit how, the definition of the problem implies solutions. Linkage of workers on
the problem with a continuous record of their interactions is essential to such situations.
Computer conferencing opens up the possibility for researchers and policymakers of
an electronic newsletter-like service, one which would be much more interactive and
information-rich than the printed version. The newsletter "subscribers" would constitute a
permanent conference of variable membership; each conferee could receive messages sent
"to all members, additional news or greater detail in an augmented service, or answers to
queries - electronic letters -to-the-editor. Such a system would be particularly useful for
integrated complementary research programs at a variety of locations, or tying together
special-interest subgroups within professional and technical societies.
Computer linkages could be used to speed and enrich the presently rather pedestrian
process of research contracting, from the request-for-proposal stage through completion of
the work and even including dissemination of the results [29]. For example, an agency
requesting qualifications of potential contractors to carry out a given assignment might
query a number of them via computer conferencing on a quick assessment of the proposed
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Conferencing via Computer 503
task and a rough estimate of costs. Proposers offering the five most promising methods of
approach and preliminary estimates of cost might be funded minimally to prepare more
detailed technical proposals and more careful cost estimates. A review panel or panels
might also be convened via computer, and even interact through the organization requesting
proposals as the proposals come in. This would be done in real time so that the whole
procedure would be much speeded over present practice. A side effect could well be the
emergence of new, collaborative interest groups. Potential contractors and reviewers, by
having interacted on the original proposal, might well discover other shared interests and
additional bases, for information exchange: - And it would still be possible to protect
proprietary data by encoding messages for various degrees' of confidentiality (as in
3. Considered Choice in Communication and Transport: Ten years ago Melvin Webber
outlined the concept of "urban realms," a view of life and work in an urban society in which
urbanity would be defined less by geographic concentration and more by the intensity of
interpersonal linkages.
... an urban realm.. . is neither urban settlement nor territory, but heterogeneous
groups of people communicating with each other through space....the special extent
of each realm is ambiguous, shifting instantaneously as participants in the realm's
many interest communities make new contacts, trade with different customers,
socialize with different friends, or read different publications... the population
composition of the realm is never stable from one instant to the next [47].
[There has been] scant attention to the enormous potential impact of telecom-
munications on lifestyles and settlement patterns ... a force as potent in its potential
effects as the automobile and the expressway... It is in changing the meaning of time
and space that the technology of transportation and communication can have its
most profound effect on population dispersion. Government policy could "interpret"
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Conferencing via Computer 505
this technology with important effect. Every time the federal government writes a
regulation, it is, in a sense, creating artificial gravity. Especially with the
capabilities of information retrieval, computation, education, servicing
instruction and conferencing via telecommunications, does propinquity lose
some of its reason for importance.... Settlements exist primarily as a
reflection of ... efforts to increase opportunities for interaction. It then
follows that both individual locational behaviors and overall spatial
structures are mirrors of communication. With the changing patterns of
communication that are imminent, we can expect that the individuals'
locations and that overall spatial structures will also change-possibly in very
dramatic ways.... For it is interaction, not place, that is the essence of the city
and of city life [16].
This last section of the discussion has emphasized the importance of several new
forms of telecommunication. Conferencing via computer is only a small and (so far)
relatively little-used example of such new techniques. But computer conferencing is ,a
"leading-edge" or "bellwether" technology within telecommunications as a whole,
because it is especially well suited to the kinds of information exchange and problem-
solving that will have to go on in order to bring about the needed new ways of
operating organizations and communities.
The probably rapid decline in the cost of remote computer terminals, alluded to
earlier, is perhaps the key development to accelerate wider use. If the cost of a remote
terminal approaches that of a color television set, a logical expansion to expect would
be the installation of such terminals in many homes and most businesses. Wide access
to computer communications via this medium could have a major impact on postal
services. Communication via computer might well be the medium of choice for the vast
majority of first-class business and personal mail.
Another implication: this wide availability of terminals would make it possible for
the first time for individuals and groups to connect with each other or discover each
other's existence on the basis of shared interests, rather than by job titles, organizational
purposes, or personal introductions of mutual , acquaintances. Wide consequences of
such a possibility can be readily imagined, not only for work habits but also for new
leisure and entertainment pursuits. In work life it would clearly accelerate the decay of
organizational loyalties; people's main primary affiliations would be more likely to be
with those with shared interests, wherever they might be and whatever organizational
affilia tions they might have.
It would seem that computer conferencing has the potential of becoming a
communication/problem-solving medium that offers a believable way to directly
challenge the current rapid drift toward an impasse caused by too much information,
too little time to process it, and too little capability within human beings alone to
interrelate and evaluate information even if processed [34]. There really is no
alternative to more considered choice of methods for information exchange and
problem-solving: better ways of sorting and routing information, easier access to
information, and augmented capacity to, act. There need not be an Era of Forced Choice.
But avoiding this condition will require energetic effort to make wider and more creative
uses of such technologies as conferencing via computer.
506 Charlton R. Price
1. Christopher Alexander, Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Harvard University Press, 1964.
2. Philip Abrams, Scientific Time Sharing Corp., Bethesda, Md. Personal communication (1973).
3. Homer Barnett, Innovation: The Basis of Cultural Change. McGraw-Hill, 1963.
4. Samuel N. Bar-Zakay, "Technology Transfer Model," Industrial Research and Development
Now 6:3 (1972). United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna.
5. Warren G. Bennis, Changing Organizations, McGraw-Hill, 1966.
6. Lawrence A. Breed, Scientific Time Sharing Corp., Palo Alto, California. Personal communi-
cation (1973).
7. Rudy Bretz, A Taxonomy of Communication Media: A Rand Corporation Report. Educational
Technology Publications, 1971.
8. Lawrence H. Day, "The Future of Computer and Communications Services," AMPS
Conference Proceedings 43 (1973), pp. 723-34.
9. D. C. Englebart, "Intellectual Implications of Multi-Access Computer Networks," Interdisci-
plinary Conference on Multi-Access Computer Networks, Austin, Texas. April 1970.
10. -, "The Augmented Knowledge Workshop," 1973 Joint Computer Conference, AMPS
Conference Proceedings, 42.
11. -, "Coordinated Information Services for a Discipline-or-Mission-Oriented Community,"
Second Annual Computer Communications Conference, San Jose, California. January 1973.
12. -, Augmentation Research Center, Stanford Research Institute. Personal communication
13. Amitai Etzioni et al., Preliminary Findings of the Electronic Town Hall Project (MINERVA).
Report to the National Science Foundation 1972.
14. William R. Ewald, Jr., ACCESS to Regional Policymaking. A report to the National Science
Foundation. July 27, 1973.
15. -, GRAPHICS for Regional Policgmaking, A Preliminary Study. A report to rthe National
Science Foundation. August 17, 1973.
16. -, Hinterlands and America's Future. A paper prepared for Resources for the' Future, Inc.,
1973. 17. Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Viking, 1962.
18. -, Interaction Ritual, Doubleday Anchor Books, 1972.
19. William H. Gruber and Donald G. Marquis (eds.), Factors in the Transfer of Technology.
M.I.T. Press, 1969.
20. Thomas W. Hall, "Implementation of an Interactive Conferencing System," AMPS
Conference Proceedings, 38 (1971), Spring Joint Computer Conference. Pp. 217-29.
21. Richard Harkness, "Communication Innovations, Urban Form and Travel Demand: Some
Hypotheses and a Bibliography," Transportation 2 (1973), pp. 153-93.
22. -, Telecommunications Substitutes for Travel: A Preliminary Assessment of their Potential
for Reducing Urban Transportation Costs, Ph. D. dissertation University of Washington,
1973. Catalog No. 73-27, 662, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
23. Robert Johansen, Institute for the Future, Menlo Park, Calif. Personal communication (1973)
24. Norman Johansen and Edward Ward, "Citizen Information Systems: Using Technology
to Extend the Dialogue Between Citizens and Their Government," Management Science 19:4
(December 1972) Part 2, pp. 21-34.
25. J. C. R. Licklider, R. W. Taylor, and E. Herbert, "The Computer as a Communication
Device," International Science and Technology 76 (April 1968), pp. 21-23.
26. Jack J. Peterson and Sandra A. Veit, Survey of Computer Networks, MITRE Corporation,
September 1971.
27. D. Sam Scheele, Reality Construction as a Product of Delphi Interaction," Chapter II C.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Conferencing via Computer 507
28. D. Sam Scheele, Vincent de Sand, and Eduard Glaaser, GENIE: Government Executives'
Normative Information Expediter. Report prepared for the Office of Economic Opportunity
and the Governor's Office, State of Wisconsin. Singer Research Corporation, 1971.
29. D. Sam Scheele, Social Engineering Technology, Los Angeles. Personal communication.
30. Warren Schmidt (ed.), Organizational Frontiers and Human Values. Wadsworth
Publishing Co., 1970.
31. Donald A. Schon, The Displacement of Concepts, London: Tavistock Publications, 1963.
32. -, Technology and Change, the New Heraclaus. Norton, 1966.
33. James Schuyler, Computer Aids to Teaching Project, Northwestern University. Personal
communication (1973).
34. Synergy/Access. No. 1, August 1973, Wes Thomas (ed.). Twenty-First Century Media, Inc.,
606 Fifth Avenue, East Northport, N. Y. 11731, p. 5.
35. Gordon Thompson, "Moloch or Aquarius," THE, No. 4. (Bell Northern Research of
Canada), February 1970.
36. -, Bell Northern Research, Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Personal communication (1973).
37. Victor A. Thompson, Bureaucracy and Innovation. University of Alabama Press, 1969.
38. Murray Turoff, "The Design for a Policy Delphi," Technological Forecasting and Social
Change 2:2 (1970), pp. 149-72.
39. -, "Delphi and Its Potential Impact on Information Systems," AFIPS Conference
Proceedings, Vol 39 (971) Fall Joint Computer Conference. pp. 317-26.
40. -, "Conferencing via Computer," Information Networks Conference, NEREM, 1973. Pp.
194-97. 41. -, "Delphi Conferencing: Computer-Based Conferencing with Anonymity,"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 3 (1973), pp. 159-204.
42. -, "Human Communication via Data Networks," Ekistics 35:211 (June 1973), pp. 337-41. 43.
-, Department of Computer Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, N. J.
Personal communication.: (1973).
44. -, Potential Applications of Computerized Conferencing in Developing Countries, Rome
Special Conference on Future Research, 1972. (appears in Ekistics, Vol. 38, Number 225,
August 1974). 45. Stuart Umpleby, "Structuring Information for a Computer-Based
Communications Medium," AFIPS Conference Proceedings 39 (1971) Fall Joint Computer
Conference, pp. 337-50.
46. Melvin Webber, Societal Contexts of Transportation and Communication. Working Paper
No. 220, Institute of Urban Studies, Berkeley. November 1973.
47. -, "The Urban Place and the Nonplace Urban Realm," in Explorations into Urban
Structure. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1963, pp. 79ff.
48. R. H. Wilcox and R. A. Kupperman, "EMISARI: An On-Line Management System in a
Dynamic Environment," in Winkler (ref. 49).
49. Stanley Winker (ed.), Computer Communications: Impacts and Implications. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Computer Communication, Washington, D. C.,
IEEE, 1972.
VII.C. Group Communication through Electronic Media *
Fundamental Choices and Social Effects
How will a given medium of communication affect the way in which groups of people
communicate? What are the most promising near future directions for research
considering this question?
Our own incentive for exploring these issues began with a more specific concern
about the probable social effects (and utility) of communication through a
computerized conferencing system called FORUM, which is now under development at
the Institute for the Future. The starting point for our inquiry was to consider
computerized conferencing as a medium of communication, just as the telephone and
face-to-face conversations may be considered media of communication. Not
surprisingly, the criteria for evaluation of a medium of communication typically
involve (either consciously or unconsciously) comparison with other media. Since the
medium most familiar to the majority of us is face-to-face communication, there is an
inherent tendency -for this to become the standard of judgment.
One needs to exhibit great care when doing this, since computerized conferencing
and other telecommunications media are not necessarily surrogates for face-to-face
communications. It seems more likely that each medium will have its own inherent
characteristics which should not be expected to mimic face-to-face patterns. On the
other hand, comparison with -face-to-face communication is often crucial in order to
understand a new medium: While most of the work in this area to date has been applied
to conferencing media s u c h as TV and voice systems, some of it has direct bearing on
any future work in the computerized conferencing area. For instance, Anna Casey-
Stahmer and Dean Havron developed a mathematical ratio to aid in assessing
teleconferencing systems [1]. In this study, each system under assessment involved
groups of people gathered at stations and communicating with groups at other stations.
An analysis was made of the amount of electronically mediated communication between
stations and the communication within the face-to-face groups at each site. The point was
to look at the ratio of between-station communication over within-station
communication. This ratio has offered interesting data in this case, but needs to be used
Reprinted by arrangement with original publisher from Educational Technology
Magazine, August, 1974, Vol. 14, No. 8. Copyright © 1974 Educational Technology
Publications, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
This is a paper from the FORUM project at the Institute for the Future. FORUM i s
being developed and evaluated by a research team composed of Roy Amara, Hubert
Lipinski, Ann McCown, Vicki Wilmeth, Thad Wilson, and the authors of this paper.
This research is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant GJ-35
Computer/Future of Delphi: Group Communication 509
with great care in order to avoid the assumption that face-to-face communication is the
ideal medium.
In turning to the literature of group communication, however, one does not readily
discover general principles or procedures which are easily adopted as "standard." Instead
we find a very scattered literature-often parochial and littered with jargon-which is
impressive in its lack of coordination. Individual researchers (and often "schools" of
thought) provide rich and provocative information within strikingly narrow frames of
reference. Also, the social dynamics which have been explored in these research efforts
are concentrated almost exclusively on face-to-face communication. As evidence, one
finds only six entries dealing with media other than face-to-face among the 2,699-entry,
generally acclaimed bibliography on small-group research by McGrath and Altman [2].
Beyond the literature of face-to-face group process research, very little has been done
which attempts to apply derived principles of face-to-face group communication to other
In 1963 Alex Bavelas offered this summary appraisal of the research in face-to-face
communication as it relates to research in electronically mediated group communication:
In consequence, the findings are, in most cases, only remotely related to tele-
conferencing. The significant contribution of this work lies instead in the methods and
techniques of quantitative study that have been developed, and in general hypotheses
about social process in terms of which specific propositions relating to teleconferencing
may be formulated [3].
Bavelas went on to say: "It appears that published information bearing directly on
teleconferencing is practically nonexistent" [4]. Thus it is clear that most of the directly
relevant research has been done within the last ten years-with the added comment that
Bavelas' observation has not changed radically since the time that he made it.
Certainly the literature of group process is broad and provocative, and the potential
for transfers into communication research seems real-though obviously complicated by
multiple factors. Alex Reid, while recognizing this fact, offers an optimistic view of near-
future possibilities: "There seems every opportunity for a fruitful transfer of both theory
and experimental method from social psychology to telecommu nications engineering, a
transfer that will be particularly valuable as the telecommunications system moves away
from simple one-to-one voice communication. toward more sophisticated visual and
multi-person systems" [5].
One of the first research efforts which considered teleconferencing directly was
done under the auspices of the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), beginning in the
early 1960s. The focus of this work was on the possible use of such communications
media as telephone, teletypewriter, and/or television in international relations. Of special
interest was the potential for using teleconferencing in crisis -negotiation situations. This
series of studies, which has only recently been released to the general public, can be
considered as a kind of methodological forerunner of the work which is described in this
The theoretical work done by the IDA is still instructive for research design
involving group communication. Figure 1 shows the key elements identified in these
510 R. Johansen, R. H. Miller, and J. Vallee
studies. Their approach involved simulated crises in laboratory situations and field trials
using different combinations of media. Since another of the purposes of the IDA studies
was to "assemble and review information relevant to teleconferences and teleconference
research and to draw implications therefrom for the long-range teleconference research
program" [6], this seems an excellent starting point in surveying the current situation.
The IDA studies offer findings which are uniquely geared to international crisis
situations, but which can also be generalized to some degree. For instance, the speed of
communication offered by telemedia was thought to be an advantage, but was later found
to have negative effects in those negotiation situations where participants needed time to
think before responding [7]. Also, media which encourage rigid behavior patterns (e.g.,
the teletypewriter, where all communication is via print) were found to increase the
need for parallel channels to provide for informal and symbolic exchanges. "It appears,
then, that historical biases, formal and stilted language, and a disposition to defend
one's position to great lengths are characteristics that are potential drawbacks to
effective communications by written message [8]. However, the IDA simula tion of a
teletype message forwarding system does not allow the extrapolation of these
conclusions to the computerized conferencing systems which permit more than two
people to interact simultaneously.
The social research which is currently being done with personal communications media
can be divided into three, sometimes overlapping, categories: laboratory experiments;
Fig. 1. Typical predictive system for the experimental study of teleconferencing (from
IDA teleconferencing studies [9]).
Computer/Future of Delphi: Group Communication 511
field trials; survey research.
Each of the approaches has certain benefits and weaknesses, some of which we
shall try to point out. Also, such an arbitrary division seems necessary as a first step in
defining possibilities for comparing results and interpreting the research findings which
will become increasingly commo n over the next few years.
Laboratory Experiments: The most classic of these research approaches arises out of
the traditions of experimental psychology. The goal here is the control and
manipulation of certain key elements (independent variables), while monitoring the
resultant effect on other elements (dependent variables). Because of the problems in
monitoring the many variables surrounding a social situation, laboratories are used to
establish a controllable environment. Fromthis point, attempts are made to design the
laboratory in such a way that it replicates (or at least approximates) the "real world."
In the case of communications research, the problems of control have been
magnified. In even the most "simple" instances of interpersonal communication,
multiple complexities are always present. A researcher must attempt to isolate the
effects of a communications medium from the interrelated effects of such things as
group dynamics, personal attitudes, and topical content of the communication. In a
situation such as this there is the constant danger of simplifying the "real world" to
meet the limitations of the laboratory.
Bell Laboratories has produced much work in communications and informa tion
theory [101 and this work has continued, using variations in experimental
methodology. The work at Bell Labs is frequently tied to the development of new
communications technology. There is, however, a renewed interest in the exploration
of basic communications processes -apart from the application of a specific technology.
For instance, ongoing work at Bell Labs is now concentrating on the behavioral
dimensions of two-person, face-to-face communication, with an eventual goal being
the development of a procedure for comparing and evaluating different media of
communication. This work is strengthened by interesting applications of statistical
techniques (particularly multidimensional scaling) to the unique characteristics of
interpersonal communication through electronic media [11].
In 1970 the Communications Studies Group (CSG) was founded in London,
England, with direct support from the Civil Service Department and the Post Office
[12]. CSG has now become a major center of telecommunications research, using a
style begun with a base in laboratory experiments and mathematical modeling. CSG
has also begun exploration of attitudes toward various communications media -a
dimension of communications research which has been largely neglected. The
experiments done by CSG are, of course, considered within the context of actual
problems and planning in the English government.
Several general conclusions from CSG's Final Report (September 1973, Vol. 1)
provide an overview of some current results:
?? Two criteria characterize tasks whose outcome is likely to be affected by
medium of communication: the task must necessitate interaction and must be
such that personal relationships are relevant to the outcome. Thus
communication involving negotiation or interpersonal relations between the
512 R. Johansen, R. H. Miller, and J. Vallee
participants forms areas of sensitivity. Information exchange and problem
solving were two important purposes for which the outcome, in two-person
tasks, was found to be insensitive to variation in the medium of
?? Attitudes toward media are dependent on the tasks for which they are being
?? A substantial number of business meetings which now occur face-to-face could
be conducted effectively by some kind of group telemedia (usually not merely
the telephone) [13].
As can be seen, the conclusions are quite general at this point, but CSG also has a
growing amount of data on particular experimental situations.
Alphonse Chapanis at the Johns Hopkins University has been doing laboratory
research "aimed at discovering principles of human communication that may be useful
in the design of conversational computers of the future" [14]. Though his facilities are
quite limited at this point, Professor Chapanis has added much toward identification of
dependent variables for evaluating communication patterns in laboratory settings. To
date, his experiments have been exclusively centered on two-person communication
and experimental tasks which have a defined solution. His plans, however, are to move
into group experiments with more open-ended experimental tasks.
Chapanis has done a series of laboratory experiments comparing audio,
handwritten, teletypewritten, and face-to-face communication. The tasks were carefully
selected to be credible "real-world" situations, but the two communicators were always
identified as "seeker" and "source." Thus the experiments actually use information-
seeking and information-giving tasks [15]. In this test environment, the results showed
that the oral media (audio and face-to-face) were clearly much faster for solving the
test problems than were handwriting and typewriting. Much more information could be
passed back and forth in the oral modes. (Als o, a general finding has been that level of
typing skill per se has little effect on the generally slower communication time.) These
conclusions suggest that nonverbal communication media offer a more restricted
environment than do the more common oral media. Replication studies which broaden
the group and task components of the Chapanis work seem crucial for the near future,
however, if these results are to be accepted on a more general level.
It should be noted that laboratory experiments involving communication process
have typically concentrated on two-person communication, with clearly defined tasks.
(The limitations of this approach are discussed later in this article.) Thus, time to
solution of the task is often a major criterion. Also, the inherent problems of simulating
the "real world" in a laboratory are especially intense when trying to facilitate a
"natural" communication process in an artificial environment. There is rarely any
continuity in this environment, meaning there is no prior communication or follow-up
to the actual communication situation being evaluated. These factors raise validity
questions about the experimental approach, though the approach certainly has its
appealing aspects (e.g., higher degree of control and ability to isolate key factors).
Computer/Future of Delphi: Group Communication 513
Field Trials: In order to clarify the distinction between laboratory and field
experiments, it seems most appropriate to touch briefly upon the theoretical
characteristics of a quasi experiment:
There are many natural social settings in which the research person can introduce
something like experimental design into his scheduling of data collection procedures
(e.g., the when and to whom of measurement), even though he lacks the full control
over the scheduling of experimental stimuli (the when and to whom of exposure and
the ability to randomize exposures) which make a true experiment possible.
Collectively, such situations can be regarded as quasi-experimental designs [16]."
For our purposes here, field experiments are defined as explorations of actual
"real-world" situations with a minimum of experimental manipulation. In this' sense
they are quasi-experiments, though considerations such as randomized' sampling are
usually not involved. Thus, in general, some of the techniques of the laboratory are
applied under less controlled circumstances.
Such a field experiment in electronically mediated group communications was
performed at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) under the auspices of the
Department of Communications, Canada. Jay Weston and Christian Kristen were the
principal investigators in this exploratory attempt at developing "appropriate
methodologies and measures for evaluating the behavioral effects and effectiveness of
broadly defined teleconferencing systems" [17]. The Weston-Kristen effort involved
direct comparison of three communications media (face-to-face, mediated video plus
graphic video, and mediated audio plus graphic video), which were used as a basic part
of the pedagogy in a human communications course. Thus, the experiment was actually
done as part of the students' normal academic program, as they participated in the
group-conferencing sessions. The data were then gathered from self-reporting
questionnaires, analysis of verbatim transcripts, and analysis of split-screen videotapes
of the sessions. Of course, the techniques for performing these analyses are in some
cases rather undeveloped and exploratory in themselves (e.g., content analysis of
transcripts and videotapes). However, our research has revealed very few comparable
efforts at analysis of group communication through alternate media. Thus this effort
should become an important prototype.
Our own work at the Institute for the Future has been moving toward a field
experiments model in the analysis of the social effects of computerized conferencing
[18]. These experiments take a somewhat different tack, since they begin with the task
of developmental work on this new medium of communication-while still striving for
established criteria which can be used to compare computer teleconferencing with other
media. With a developing medium, research problems are further complicated, since
the results will almost certainly vary as the characteristics of the medium evolve. (In
fact, the results of tests will actually influence this evolution.) Also, one of our
supporting grants comes from the National Science Foundation to explore the potential
for using computerized conferencing to improve interaction among experts. Not surpri-
singly, it is difficult to explore "expert interaction" in laboratories, since one of the
major characteristics of "expertness" is the availability of personal resources (files,
514 R. Johansen, R. H. Miller, and J. Vallee
Survey Research: The basic tools of survey research are the old reliables (?):
questionnaires and interviews. In communications research of this sort, however,
unique problems are added to the routine dilemmas of the survey researcher. For
516 R. Johansen, R. H. Miller, and J. Vallee
instance, subjects might be asked to evaluate their needs for media which they have not
yet experienced. Still,, the techniques of survey research remain the most basic of the
social sciences, and can be used creatively to gather information on both reactions to
existing media and speculations about future needs.
A good example of survey techniques in telecommunications research is found in
the study by Dean Havron and Mike Averill, which had as its goal "to develop a plan
and instrument for a survey of needs of Canadian Government managers fo r
teleconference facilities and equipment" [21]. This goal was pursued by designing a
questionnaire which was administered to potential teleconference users, asking them
a series of questions related to their present conferencing style and the possibilities
for employing teleconferencing. The specific strategy of the questionnaire was to ask
the respondents about a meeting they attended recently which required travel on the
part of some group members. From this base, respondents were then asked to project
what (if any) teleconferencing facilities could be used to conduct a future meeting of
the same sort.
A similar project was directed by James Kollen of Bell Canada [22]. Kollen
focused on existing travel patterns between Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, and
Toronto. A questionnaire was administered to businessmen traveling between these
cities, with the goal of determining why respondents felt they needed to travel (rather
than use alternate communications media) to achieve their objectives. In this case,
the overall purpose of the project was to explore the possibilities for substituting
electronic communication for travel in interurban exchanges.
Dean Havron, with Anna E. Casey-Stahmer, was also involved in a project
which used survey techniques to assess existing telecommunications systems [23]. In
an effort to establish a general approach to research in teleconferencing, they
developed a grid to classify teleconferencing system dimensions and characteristics
through information gathered in interviews with actual users. Also involved were a
series of interviews with users of four existing tele conferencing systems.
The techniques of survey research are certainly relevant to the social evaluation
of communications media, and are frequently employed-even in mo re controlled
situations such as those mentioned earlier in this article. Figure 3 summarizes the
various research approaches described earlier.
The basic research approaches outlined here adopt different methodologies for
approaching common research problems. In efforts to assess any communications
medium, however, some comparison with other media (usually with face-to -face) is
typically assumed and is certainly of central importance. Yet in order to make such
comparisons, a duplicate series of techniques is less important than commonality in
the research philosophy which prefaces the choice of methodology. In fact, any of
the general approaches outlined in this article could be justified as valid tactics, and
methods which cross these suggested categories may also be appropriate. The
problem in comparison comes in the adoption of a general taxonomy which can be
employed across media in various group communications situations.
Computer/Future of Delphi: Group Communication 517
The taxonomy which we are suggesting would simply frame the most
fundamental questions which must be asked in order to assess a particular
communication situation involving any group. These questions must apply across
media (including face-to -face) and they must be flexible enough to encourage
development of a broad range of research techniques.
The existing taxonomies of group process, however, tend to be oriented toward
dyadic communication (only two persons), and extrapolation from dyadic patterns to
group patterns of communication seems to be questionable. The principles simply
cannot be assumed to be transferable, though they certainly should not be ignored.
Our own examination of the literature reveals that perhaps the most useful
taxonomy was developed in the context of the recently declassified tele conferencing
studies by the Institute for Defense Analyses [24] which were mentioned earlier.
These studies examined the possibilities for using various kinds of teleconferencing
systems in international crisis communications of the sort typical of NATO. Thus
their efforts focused on the careful evaluation and comparison of various
teleconferencing systems in relation to the peculiar characteristics of crisis
negotiations (e.g., translation problems, time constraints, etc.). The key variables
were divided into independent variables (e.g., tele conference arrangements,
dimensions of crises, and social determinants), intervening variables (e.g., interaction
process), and criterion variables (e.g., group satisfaction and group outcome) [25].
Our own attempt to construct a taxonomy of this sort is similar to the IDA
effort, but attempts to be more precise and does not assume the crisis orienta tion.
Also, our taxonomy of elements does not attempt to incorporate the dynamic aspects
of the communication. Through this does, of course, need to be analyzed, the
taxonomy merely attempts to isolate the elements in a communication situation
before the interpersonal personal process begins.
The taxonomy (shown in Fig. 4) is arranged to suggest a varied weighting
among five key factors. None of the factors will be completely discrete. For instance,
if members of a given group have a very high need to communicate, they are more
likely to make appropriate efforts to gain access to the chosen medium-even if it is
difficult to use or unfamiliar to them. Conversely, however, familiarity with a
particulat media is likely to be a very important factor in choice of that media, unless
some other factor becomes more important.
The problem in constructing a taxonomy of this sort is making it flexible
enough to include all options, while still keeping its utility in terms of decision
making. The taxonomy should provide basic advice about such things as choice of
media when a series of options are available. For instance, Rudy Bretz has
constructed a taxonomy of communications media which divides them into eight
classes according to the coding process which is being employed for sending
messages (e.g., audio/motion/visual, audio only, print only, etc.). Having established
this taxonomy, he then traces the necessary decision points in making a choice of the
simplest medium available to fill a specific instructional need [26]. When viewed
within the context of the general taxonomy of group communication suggested in this
article, the decision is based within the sections labeled Medium of Communication
Computer/Future of Delphi: Group Communication 519
The approaches outlined in this article all attempt various forms of systematic appraisal
of media, using a range of formality. In the field of telecommunications, systematic
evaluation of social effects has not been a broadly accepted practice. Rather, there has
been a strong tendency toward initial expenditures on technology, with social impact
522 R. Johansen, R. H. Miller, and J. Vallee
analysts used only in later stages of imple mentation-and then only sparingly. The
almost nonexistent literature on the sociology of the telephone is a prime example of
what has now become a norm in the field of telecommunications. Thus, the approaches
presented in this article represent a variety of techniques which-even when considered
as a group-may amount to an (as yet) insignificant input to the future of tele-
communications research. The range of activities described here, though, suggests that
interest in social implications of telecommunications media is both growing and
increasing in sophistication. As these techniques become more effective-and assuming
that communications channels within the various research communities continue to
develop-there is a hope for offering more intelligent answers to questions of media
usage. The mysteries of human communication will remain dominant, but the ability to
choose a comple mentary medium of communication seems likely to improve as the
inherent "messages" of various media become known and more effectively directed.
Usually the best way to discuss and resolve the choices that arise within groups of
people is face-to-face and personally. For this reason, city planners and educators alike
are calling for new kinds of communities for working, living, and learning, based more
on familial relationships between people than on contractual relationships. When
people get to know one another, conflicts have a way of being accommodated.
Beyond the circle of intimacy the problem of communication is obviously much
greater; and while social issues can still be resolved more or less arbitrarily, it is more
difficult to resolve them satisfactorily.
The "circle of intimacy" is constrained in its radius. One analyst has estimated
that the average person in his lifetime can get to know, on a personal, face-to-face
basis, only about seven .hundred people-and surely one can know well only a much
smaller number. The precise number is not important: the point is that it is dictated by
the limitations of human behavior and is not greatly affected by urban population
growth, by speed of transportation and communication, by affluence, or by any other
technologically induced change in the human condition.
Indeed, these changes underlie the problem As we know it. Although the number
of people with whom we have intimate face-to-face communication during a lifetime
remains constant, we are in close proximity to more and more people.
We are, moreover, a great deal more dependent on one another than we used to be
when American society was largely agrarian. We are all committed together in
planning and paying for highways and welfare. We pollute each other's water and air.
We share the risks and the costs of our military-industrial complex and the foreign
policy which it serves. Technology, while aggravating the selfishly independent
consumption of common resources, has made communications beyond the circle of
intimacy both more awkward and more urgent.
Beyond the circle of intimacy, what kind of communications make sense? Surely
most of us do not demand personal interactions with "all those other people." Yet in
order to participate realistically in the decisions of industry and commerce, and in
government programs to aid and regulate the processes which affect us intimately, we
as citizens need to communicate with and understand the whole cross-section of other
The research at M.I.T. described herein is supported on National Science Foundation
Grant GT -16, "Citizen Feedback and Opinion Formulation" and a project "Citizen
Involvement in Setting Goals for Education in Massachusetts" with the Massachusetts
Department of Education. Reprinted, with permission, from vol. 39, Conference
Proceedings, AMPS Press, Montvale, NJ. 07645.
526 Thomas B. Sheridan
Does technology help us in this? Can it help us do it better? We may now dial on
the telephone practically anywhere in the world, to hear and be heard with relatively
high fidelity and convenience. We may watch on our television sets news as it breaks
around the world and observe our President as though he were in our living room. We
can communicate individually with great flexibility; and at our own convenience we
can be spectators en masse to important events.
But effective governance in a democracy requires more than this. It requires that
citizens, in various ways and with respect to various public issues, can make their
preferences known quickly and conveniently to those in power. We now have available
two obvious channels for such "citizen feedback." First, we go to the polls roughly
once a year and vote for a slate of candidates; second, we write letters to our elected
There are other channels by which we make our feelings known, of course - by
purchasing power, by protest, etc. But the average citizen wields relatively . little
influence on his government in these latter ways. In terms of effective information
transmitted per unit time, none of the presently available channels of citizen feedback
rivals the flow from the centers of power outward to the citizens via television and the
What is it that stands in the way of using technology for greater public
participation in the important compromise decisions of government, such as whether
we build a certain weapon, or an S.S.T., or what taxes we should pay to fund what
federal program, or where the law should draw the line which may limit one person's
freedom in order to maintain that of others?
Somehow in an earlier day decisions were simpler and could involve fewer
people-especially when it came to the use of technology. If the problem was to span a
river and if materials and the skills were available, you went ahead and built the bridge.
It would be good for everyone. Thus with other blessings of technology. There seemed
little question that higher-capacity machines of production or more sophisticated
weapons were inherently better. There seemed to be an infinite supply of air, water,
land, minerals, and energy. Today, by contrast, every modern government policy
decision is in effect a compromise-and the advantages and disadvantages have to be
weighed not only in terms of their benefits and costs for the present clientele, but also
for future generations. We are interdependent not only in space but in time.
Such complex resource-allocation and benefit-cost problems have been attacked
by the whole gamut of mathematical and simulation tools of operations research. But
these "objective" techniques ultimately depend upon subjective value criteria-which are
valid only so far as there are effective communication procedures by which people can
specify their values in useful form.
The long-run prospects are bright, I think, that new technology can play a major role in
bringing the citizenry together; individually or in small groups, communicating and
participating in decisions, not only to help the decision makers but also for the purpose
of educating themselves and each other. Hardware in itself is not the principal hurdle.
Computers/Future of Delphi: Technology for Group Dialogue 527
No new breakthroughs are required. What is needed, rather, is a concerted effort in
applying present technology to a very classical problem of economics and politics
called "social choice" - the problem of how two or more people can communicate,
compare values or preferences on a common scale, and come to a common judgment or
preference ordering.
Even when we are brought together in a meeting room it is often very awkward to
carry on meaningful communication due to lack of shared assump tions, fear of losing
anonymity or fear of seeming inarticulate, etc. Therefore, a few excitable or most
articulate persons may have the floor to themselves while others, who have equally
intense feelings or depth of knowledge on the subject, may go away from the meeting
having had little or no influence.
It is when we consider the electronic digital computer that the major
contributions of technology to social choice and citizen feedback are foreseen. Given
the computer, with a relatively simple independent data channel to each participant,
one can collect individual responses from all participants and show anyone the
important features of the aggregate-and do this, for practical purposes, instantaneously.
Much of technology for such a system exists today. What is needed is thoughtful
design-with emphasis on how the machine and the people interact: the way questions
are posed to the group participants; the design of response languages which are flexible
enough so that each participant can "say" (encode) his reaction to a given question in
that language, yet simple enough for the computer to read and analyze; and the design
of displays which show the "interesting features" or "pertinent statistics" of the
response data aggregate.
This task will require an admixture of experimental psychology and systems
engineering. It will be highly empirical, in the same way that the related field of
computer-aided learning is highly empirical.
The central question is, how can we establish scales of value which are mutually
commensurable among different people? Many of the ancient philosophers wrote about
this problem. The Englishmen Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill first developed
the idea of "utility" as a yardstick which could compare different kinds of things and
events for the same person. More recently the American mathematician Von Neumann
added the idea that not only is the worth of an event proportional to its utility, but that
of an unanticipated event is proportional also to the probability that it will happen [1].
This simple idea created a giant step in mathematically evaluating combinations of
events with differing utilities and differing probabilities-but again for a single person.
The recent history of comparing values for different people has been a dis -
couraging one-primarily because of a landmark contribution by economist Kenneth
Arrow [2]. He showed that, if you know how each of a set of individuals orders his
preferences among alternatives, there is no procedure which is fair and will always
work by which, from these data, the group as a whole may order its preferences (i.e.,
determine a "social choice"). In essence he made four seemingly fair and reasonable
assumptions: (1) the social ordering of preferences is to be based on the individual
orderings; (2) there is no "dictator" whom everyone imitates; (3) if every individual
prefers alternative A to alternative B, the society will also prefer A to B; and, (4) if A
and B are on the list of alternatives to be ordered, it is irrelevant how people feel about
528 Thomas B. Sheridan
some alternative C, which is not on the list, relative to A and B. Starting from these
assumptions, he showed (mathematically) that there is no single consistent procedure
for ordering alternatives for the group which will always satisfy the assumptions.
A number of other theoreticians in the area have challenged Arrow's theorem in
various ways, particularly through challenging the "independence of irrelevant
alternatives" assumption. The point here is that things are never evaluated in a vacuum
but clearly are evaluated in the context of circumstance. A further charge is a pragmatic
one: while Arrow proves inconsistencies can occur, in the great majority of cases likely
to be encountered in the real world they would not occur, and if they did they probably
would be of minor significance.
There are many other complicating factors in social choice, most of which have
not been, and perhaps cannot be, dealt with in the systematic manner of Arrow's
"impossibility theorem"[2]. For example, there is the very fundamental question of
whether the individual parties involved in a group-choice exercise will communicate
their true feelings and indicate their uncertainties, or whether they will falsify their
feelings so as to gain the best advantage for themselves.
Further difficulties arise when we try to include in the treatment the effects of
differences among the participants along the lines of intensity-of-feelings vs. apathy, or
knowledge vs. ignorance, or "extended-sympathy" vs. selfishness, or partial vs.
complete truthfulness; yet these are just the features of the social-choice problem as we
find it in practice.
To take as an ultimate goal the precise statement of social welfare in
mathematical terms is, of course, nonsense. The differing experiences of individuals
(and consequently differing assumptions) ensure that commensurability of values will
never be complete. But this difficulty by no means relieves us of the obligation to seek
value-commensurability and to see how far we can go in the quantitative assessment of
utility. By making our values more explicit to one another we also make them more
explicit to ourselves.
Electronic media notwithstanding, none of the newer means of communication yet does
what a direct face-to-face group meeting (town meeting, class bull session) does-that is,
permit each participant to observe the feelings and gestures, the verbal expressions of
approval or disapproval, or the apathetic silence-which may accompany any proposal
or statement. As a group meeting gets larger, observation of how others feel becomes
more and more difficult; and no generally available technology helps much. Telephone
conference calls, for example, while permitting a number of people to speak and be
heard by all, are painfully awkward and slow and permit no observation of others'
reaction to any given speaker. The new Picture-Phone will eventually permit the
participants in a teleconference to see one another; but experiments with an automatic
system which switches everyone's screen to the person who is talking reveals that this
is precisely what is not wanted - teleconferees would like most to observe the facial
expressions of the various conferees who are not talking!
Computers/Future of Delphi: Technology for Group Dialogue 529
One can imagine a computer-aided feedback-and-participation system taking a
variety of forms:
(1) A radio talk show or a television "issue" program may wish to enhance its
audience participation by listener or viewer votes, collected from each participant and
fed to a computer. Voters may be in the studio with electronic voting boxes or at home
where they render their vote by calling a special telephone number. The NET
"Advocates" program has demonstrated both.
(2) Public hearings or town meetings may wish to find out how the citizenry feel
about proposed new legislation-who have intense feelings, who , are apathetic, who are
educated to the facts and who are ignorant-and correlate these responses with each
other and with demographic data which participants may be asked to volunteer. Such a
meeting could be held in the town assembly hall, with a simple pushbutton console
wired to each seat.
(3) Several P.T.A.s or alternatively several eighth grades in the town may wish to
sponsor a feed-back meeting on sex education, drugs, or some other subject where
truthfulness is highly in order but anonymity may be desired. Classrooms at several
different schools could be tied together by rented "dedicated" telephone lines for the
duration of the session.
(4) A committee chairman or manager or salesman wishes to present some
propositions and poll his committee members, sales representatives, etc., who may be
stationed at telephone consoles in widely separated locations, or may be seated before
special intercom consoles in their own offices (which could operate entirely
independently of the telephone system).
(5) A group of technical experts might be called upon to render probability
estimates about some scientific diagnosis or future event which is amenable to before-
the-fact analysis. This process may be repeated, where with each repetition the
distribution of estimates is revealed to all participants and possibly the participants may
challenge one another. This process has been called the "Delphi Technique" after the
oracle, and has been the subject of experiments by the Rand Corporation and the
Institute for the Future, [3] and by the University of Illinois [4]. Their experience
suggests that on successive interactions even experts tend to change their estimates on
the basis of what others believe (and possible new evidence presented during the
challenge period).
(6) A duly elected representative in the local, state, or national government could
ask his constituency questions and receive their responses. This could be done through
radio or television or alternatively could utilize a special van, equipped with a
loudspeaker system, a rear-lighted projection/display device, and a number of chairs or
benches which could be set up rapidly at street corners prewired with voter-response
boxes and a small computer.
These examples point up one very important aspect of such citizen feedback or
response-aggregation systems: that is, that they can educate and involve the
participants without the necessity that the responses formally determine a decision.
Indeed the teaching-learning function may be the most important. It demands careful
attention to how questions are posed and presented, what operations are performed by
the computer on the aggregated votes and what operations are left out, how the results
530 Thomas B. Sheridan
are displayed, and what opportunity there is for further voting and recycling on the
same and related questions.
Some skeptics feel that further technocratic invasion of participatory democracy
should be prevented rather than facilitated-that the whole idea of the "computerized
referendum" is anathema, and that the forces of repression will eventually gain control
of any such system. They could be correct, for the system clearly presupposes
competence and fairness in phrasing the questions and designing the alternative
But my own fear is different. It is that, propelled by the increasing availability of
glamorous technology and spurred on by hardware hucksters and panacea pushers, the
community will be caught with its pilot experiments incomplete or never done.
(1) The leader states the problem, specifies the question, and describes the response
alternatives from which respondents are to choose.
(2) The leader (or automated components of the system) explains what respondents
must do in order to communicate their responses (including, perhaps, their degree
of understanding of the question, strength of feeling, and subjective assessment of
(3) The respondents set into their voting boxes their coded responses to the questions.
(4) The computer interrogates the voting boxes and aggregates the response data
(5) Preselected features of this response-aggregate are displayed to all parties.
(6) The leader or respondents may request display of additional features of the
response-aggregate, or may volunteer corrections or additional information.
(7) Based upon an a priori progra m, on previous results and/or on requests from
respondents, the leader poses a new problem or question, re-starting the cycle
from Step 1.
The first step is easily the most important-and also the most difficult. Clearly the
participant must understand at the outset something of the background to any specific
question he is asked, he must understand the question itself in nonambiguous terms,
and he must understand the meaning of the answers or response alternatives he is
offered. This step is essentially the same as is faced by the designer of any multiple -
choice test or poll, except that there is the possibility that a much richer language of
response can be made available than is usually the case in machine-graded tests.
Allowed responses may include not only the selection of an alternative answer, but
also: an indication of intensity of feeling, estimates of the relative probability or
importance of some event in comparison with a standard, specification =of numbers
(e.g., allowable cost) over a large range, and simple expressions of approval ("yea!") or
disapproval ("boo!").
Computers/Future of Delphi: Technology for Group Dialogue 531
The leader may have to explain certain subtleties of voting, such as whether
participants will be assumed to be voting altruistically (what I think is best' for
everyone) or selfishly (what I think is best for me alone, me and my family, etc.).
Further, he may wish respondents to play roles other than themselves (if you were a
person under certain specified circumstances, how would you vote?).
He may also wish to correlate the answers with informedness. He may do this by
requesting those who do not know the answer to some test question to refrain from
voting, or he can pose the knowledge test question before or after the issue question
and let the computer make the correlation for him.
Ensuring the participants "play fair," own up to their uncertainties, vote as they
really feel, vote altruistically if asked, and so on, is extremely difficult. Some may
always regard their participation in such social interaction as an advocacy game, where
the purpose is to "win for their side."
The next two steps raise the question of what equipment the voter will have for
communicating his responses. At the extreme of simplicity a single on-off switch
generates a response code which is easily interpreted by the computer, but limiting to
the user. At the other extreme, if responses were to consist of natural English sentences
typed on a conventional teletypewriter-which would certainly allow great flexibility
and variety in response-the computer would have no basis for aggregating and
analyzing responses on a commensurate basis (other than such procedures as counting
key words). Clearly something in between is called for; for example, a voting box
might consist of ten on-off switches to use in various combinations, plus one to indicate
"ready," plus one "intensity" knob.
An unresolved question concerns how complex a "single question can be. If the
question is too simple, the responses will not be worth collecting and will provide little
useful feedback. If too complex, encoding the responses will be too difficult. The ten
switches of the voting box suggested above would have the potential (considering all
combinations of on and off) for 210 =1024 alternatives but that is clearly too many for
the useful answers to any one question.
It is probably a good idea, for most questions, to have some response categories to
indicate "understand question but am undecided among alternatives" or "understand
question and protest available alternatives" or simply "don't understand the question or
procedures," three quite different responses. If a respondent is being pressured by a
time constraint, which may be a practical necessity to keep the process functioning
smoothly, he may want to be able to say, "I don't have time to reach a decision"; this
could easily be indicated if he simply fails to set the "done" switch. Some arrangement
for "I object to the questions and therefore won't answer" would also be useful as a
guide to subsequent operations and may also subsume some of the above "don't
understand" categories. Figure 1 indicates various categories of response for a six-
switch console.
The fourth step, in which the computer samples the voting boxes and stores the
data, is straightforward as regards tallying the number of votes in each category and
computing simple statistics. But extracting meaning from the data requires that
someone should have laid down criteria for what is interesting; this might be done
either prior to or during the session by a trained analyst.
532 Thomas B. Sheridan
It is at this point that certain perils of citizen-feedback systems arise, for the
analyst could (either unwittingly or deliberately) distort the interpretation of the voting
data by the criteria he selects for computer analysis and display. Though there has been
much research on voting behavior and on methods of analyzing voting statistics,
instantaneous feedback and recycling pose many new research challenges.
That each man's vote is equally important on each question is a bit of lore that
both political scientists and politicians have long since discounted-at least in the sense
that voters naturally feel more intensely about some issues than about others. One
would, therefore, like to permit voters to weight their votes according to the intensity of
their feeling. Can fair means be provided?
There are at least two methods. One long-respected procedure in government is
bargaining for votes -"1'11 vote with you on this issue if you vote with me on that one."
But in the citizen-feedback context, negotiating such bargains does not look easy. A
second procedure would be to allocate to each voter, over a set of questions, a fixed
number of influence points, say 100; he would indicate the number of points he wished
the computer to assign to his vote on each question, until he had used up his quota of
100 points, after which the computer would not accept his vote. (Otherwise, were votes
simply weighted by an unconstrained "intensity of feeling" knob, a voter would be
rather likely to set the "intensity of feeling" to a maximum and leave it there.)
A variant on the latter is a procedure developed at the University of Arizona [5]
wherein a voter ,may assign his 100 points either among the ultimate choices or among
the other voters. Provided each voter assigns some weight to at least one ultimate
alternative an eventual alternative is selected, in some cases by a rather complex
influence of trust and proxy.
Step 5, the display of significant features of the voting data, poses interesting
challenges concerning how to convey distributional or statistical ideas to an
unsophisticated participant, quickly and unambiguously.
The sixth step provides an opportunity for nonplanned feedback-informal
exposition, challenges to the question, challenges to each other's votes, and verbal
rebuttal-in other words a chance to break free of the formal constraints for a short time.
This is a time when participants can seek to influence the future behavior of the leader-
the questions he will ask, the response alternatives he will include, and the way he
manages the session.
Experiments in Progress
How are preschool children best (as school now (as school should be)
prepared for school? exists)
1) lots of parental love 9 11
2) early exposure to books 2 1
3) interaction with other kids 14 8
4) by having natural wonders and 1 5
esthetic delights pointed out
5) unsure 4 3
6) object 0 1
Salient comments after vote ("as school now exists" and "as school should be" not
part of question then): One man object to "pointed out" in 4), as it emphasized
"instruction" rather than "learning." Discussion on this point. Someone else wanted
to get at "encouraging curiosity." Another claimed, "That's what question says," and
another "discover natural wonders." Consensus: "leave wording as' is." Then a-lady
violently objected that the vote would be different depending on whether voter was
thinking of school as it now existed or as it should be. Others agreed. Two
categories added. Above is final vote.
The employment of such feedback techniques in conjunction with television and radio
media appears quite attractive, but there are some problems.
A major problem concerns the use of telephone networks for feedback.
Unfortunately telephone switching systems, as they presently work, do not easily
permit some of the functions one would like. For example, one would like a telephone
central computer to be able to interrogate, in rapid sequence, a large number of
memory buffers (shift registers) attached to individual telephones, using only enough
time for a burst of ten or so tone combinations (like touch-tone dial signaling), say
about 1/2 second. Alternatively one might like to be able to call a certain number, and,
in spite of a temporary busy signal, in a few seconds have the memory buffer
Computers/Future of Delphi: Technology for Group Dialogue 537
interrogated and read over the telephone line. However, with a little investigation one
finds that telephones were designed for random caller to called-party connections, with
a busy signal rejecting the calling party from any further consideration and providing
no easily employed mechanism for retrieving that calling party once the line is freed.
For this reason, at least for the immediate future, it appears that for a large
number (much more than 1,000) to be sampled on a single telephone line in less than
fifteen minutes, even for a simple count of busy signals, is not practical.
One tractable approach for the immediate future is to have groups of persons, 100
to 1,000, assembled at various locations watching television screens. Within each
meeting room participants vote using hand-held consoles connected by wire to a
computer, which itself communicates by telephone to the originating television studio.
Ten or more groups scattered around a city or a nation can create something
approaching a valid statistical sample, if statistical validity is important, and within
themselves can represent characteristic citizen groups (e.g., Berkeley students, Detroit
hardhats, Iowa farmers, etc.) Such an arrangement would easily permit recycling over
the national network every few minutes and within any one local meeting room some
further feedback and recycling could occur which is not shared with the national
Cable television, because of its much higher band width, has the capability for
rapid feedback from smaller groups or individuals from their individual homes. For
example, even part of the 0-54 MHZ band (considered as the best prospect for return
signals [6]) is more than adequate theoretically for all the cable subscribers in a large
community, especially in view of time -sharing possibilities.
The above considerations are for extensions in space. We may also consider
extensions in time, where a single "program" extends over hours or days and where
each problem or question, once presented on television, may wait until slow telephone
feedback or even mail returns of an IBM card or newspaper "issue ballot" [7], variety
come in.
Development of such systems, fraught with at least as many psychological,
sociological, political, and ethical problems as technological ones, will surely have to
evolve on the basis of varied experiments and hard experience.
1. J. Von Neumann, O. Morgenstern, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, NJ., 2nd ed., 1947.
2. K. Arrow, Social Choice and Individual Values, John Wiley, New York, 1951.
3. N. Dalkey, O. Helmer, "An Experimental Application of the Delphi Method to the Use of
Experts," Management Science 9 (1963).
4. C. E. Osgood, S. Umpleby, "A Computer-Based System for Exploration of Possible Systems
for Mankind 2000," Mankind 2000, Allen and Unwin, London, pp. 346-59.
5. W. J. Mackinnon, M. K. Mackinnon, "The Decisional Design and Cyclic Cooperation of
SPAN," Behavioral Science 14 No., 3 (May 1969), pp. 244-47.
6. "The Third Wire: Cable Communication Enters the City." Report by Foundation 70, Newton,
Massachusetts, March 1971.
7. C. H. Stevens, "Citizen Feedback, the Need and the Response," M.I.T. Technology
Review, pp. 39-45.
VII.E. Computerized Conferencing in an Educational
System: A Short-Range Scenario
As most of you know, it was ten years ago (in 1973) that we formally began the
NUCLEUS at Northwestern University, with somewhat limited goals and even more
limited funding. We are happy to report that as remote computer uses have spread, the
project has become an integral part of life at Northwestern, serving as a medium for
many types of learning and communication. Let us turn back to the 1973 statement of
purpose for NUCLEUS:
This current (1983) report focuses specifically on one portion of the NUCLEUS-
the ORACLE. ORACLE was our first attempt at using the computer as the "common
communication link" among specialists. Originally written as a computerized conferencing
program, the ORACLE is now in everyday use for many other purposes, particularly those
involving hybrids of computer conferencing and on-line Delphi conferencing. We will
report on the evolution of ORACLE at Northwestern from 1973 to 1983, including some
comments on successes and failures. Since ORACLE is now taken for granted by so many
Computers/Future of Delphi: Computerized Conferencing 539
of us, it is hoped that our appraisal here can serve as a catalyst for discovering new ways to
use the system more effectively.
Before describing the latest ORACLE, we should comment on the present physical
state of the computer facility at Northwestern. Since 1973 the growth of "remote"
computing activity has been extreme. In 1972 there were perhaps two dozen computers
scattered across the Evanston and Chicago campuses of the university: primarily small
minicomputers used to monitor data-gathering experiments, but including a large-scale
CDC 6400 computer (called a "Super Computer" by its manufacturer at that time because
of its speed and size). In 1983, however, computing power has been drastically centralized
into two computer utility installations:
(1) There is a large central computer used for research, which is wired via cable to
experiments taking place across the campus. In its spare time it processes "batch"
computing jobs equivalent to ten times the 1973 load. It has connections t o the campuses of
several smaller colleges on the north shore of Lake Michigan, and to a junior college.
(2) There is a computer-based learning system, developed largely from ideas tested in
the 1970s, when the University of Illinois' PLATO IV project was controlling about 2500
student data-terminals across the state. The computer-based learning system is the home of
The centralization of computing power in two computers was the result of the
economically depressed period of the late 1960s and early 1970s, when it was found that
human support requirements for a utility were far less than those of a dozen scattered
In early 1976 there was a drive to locate inexpensive data terminals for our system.
The PLATO IV plasma-display had brought the price down under $2,000 per device, but
this was still beyond the means of many educational institutions. However, with the advent
of cheaper television-technology, the administration made the decision to install terminals
(at a cost of $600 each) in dormitory areas (one terminal per twenty-five students),
department offices (one per three faculty members), in personal offices of administrators
(one per office), board-of-trustees members (at their own expense), in study carrels in the
library, and in the student union study areas. Most of the terminals were bought by the
university, but some were provided through outside funding or private purchase and were
often connected to time-sharing systems across the country. Some of the trustees who have
installed terminals at their personal expense in their business offices use them to perform
commerical computational tasks by connecting to commercial time-sharing. Increased use
of computers in primary and secondary schools has helped to alleviate the
uncomfortableness felt by many students and faculty members in the 1970s-our faculty is
almost considering a proposal to require some computer experience of entering freshmen.
The ORACLE is a part of the computer-based learning utility. It is a computer
program which connects students' data terminals to each other through the computer. This
can be done in two ways: (1) students using the computer at the same time may be directly
connected so that what one student types appears on the data terminals of the other students
to whom he is connected, or (2) the ORACLE can set up ORACLE-groups in which
"items" for consideration of the group are recorded in the computer (in the form of text) and
are later typed for other students to see. The second is the more common of the two means
of interacting.
540 Robert Johansen and James A. Schuyler
Because of the multiplicity of interconnections, established by the computer's users
themselves, ORACLE is extremely flexible. It treats messages from participants (e.g., new
items to be entered for the consideration of other group members) as data to be stored for
later examination. Comments entered by participants in a group are appended to the new
items themselves. The ORACLE then presents a "menu" of items from a conference, and
the participant asks it to retrieve the appropriate data. Thus ORACLE does not commit itself
to certain topics in advance; students and faculty decide the topics, enter the items or events,
and the ORACLE performs the data-handling function. Some of the areas of university life
where ORACLE is now in common usage are as follows: (1) citizen sampling on current
events and long-range alternative futures; (2) course and curricular evaluation; (3) com-
mittee work and long-range university planning; (4) conflict management and diagnosis;
and (5) , interface with computer-based learning. Each of these general areas will now be
discussed in some detail.
In recent years there has been an increasing use of future-studies techniques in the operation
of the university, much as systems analysis came into its own in the 1960s. Actually, the
ORACLE itself offers various modifications of the Delphi technique for sampling and
sharing opinions. These include options for exploring the desirability and probability of
proposed events, as well as a voting (yes/no) option. When used in the citizen-sampling
mode, ORACLE presents items to the participants, solicits judgements on desirability,
probability and/or a vote (depending on the preference of the conference initiator or person
who entered the new item), and then proceeds to the next item. Some of the citizen-
samplings which have proven most popular in the past few years are:
"Alternative futures for the family"
"The university over the next fifty years"
"Possibilities for space travel and colonization"
"Conference on world simulation systems"
"World federations in the future"
"Expanding the ORACLE"
"Improving computer operations in the university"
"Social possibilities for the computer"
These ongoing samplings have been designed by a broad cross section of persons,
many of whom have no programming exp erience. They are known as public
conferences and are available to anyone who is interacting with the computer at any
time. Though more long-range in focus, these conferences have prompted some
fascinating dialogues which might not have otherwise occurred.
On a more immediate level, ORACLE is used by experimenters as a kind of
automated suggestion box to test feelings about various ideas and current issues. This
usage has proven especially helpful with regard to controversial issues where a quick (but
broad) sampling of community opinion can add greatly to the potential for reaching
creative solutions to pressing problems. The Daily Northwestern (our student newspaper)
uses these immediate feedback methods to gather student opinion; often the editors will
open a new public ORACLE group in the afternoon, and check the results the next
Computers/Future of Delphi: Computerized Conferencing 541
morning. This is feasible because many students spend their evenings studying in the
library or the student union, and will often take a study break by going to one of the data
terminals and trying the latest ORACLE groups. For those who don't study, terminals are
also available in the dormitories.
Use of ORACLE in curricular evaluation was actually begun at the Garrett Theological
Seminary (located on the Northwestern campus) at about the time the NUCLEUS began
in 1973. Experimentation in curricular evaluation and feedback was done more easily at
Garrett, since there were only a few hundred students involved, rather than the six
thousand at Northwestern. The original motivation for the program centered around the
542 Robert Johansen and James A. Schuyler
construction of a computerized questionnaire which could give participants immediate
feedback on their responses, rather than waiting months for data analysis and then getting
only collective responses. Though this method raised immediate problems of reliability
(especially when compared with paper-and-pencil methods), the program was eventually
refined as an alternative questionnaire which students "took" from dormitory or
apartment data terminals.
Another facet of this Garrett curriculum project involved a modification of the
Delphi technique in which students were given a list of alternative futures for the school
and asked to assess probability, desirability, and estimate of average faculty desirability
ratings for each of the events. When these rating categories were then compared,
participants were able to get some idea of how they perceived themselves in relation to
the faculty - at least in regard to the cross section of futures under consideration. (For
instance, an index of perceived alienation from faculty was computed by taking the
student's own desirability ratings and comparing them with the ratings he thought the
faculty would give - the difference would tell us how much he thought the faculty
differed from his own desires.) Using the conferencing system, this feedback was both
immediate and personal. Collective-data analysis was also performed to assess the
differences between faculty and student views (the faculty also participated in the
experiment). The perceived differences and accuracy of estimates from each group were
also included. The result was an exploration of intragroup perception and stereotyped
images, as well as a citizen-sampling of various alternative futures.
Emerging from these early efforts at curricular evaluation was the need for more
specific feedback from students with regard to specific courses of study. Faculty
evaluation such as this has, of course, now become generally accepted. But at that time
(1972-73) such things as unlimited faculty tenure were commonly accepted traditions. Thus
some caution was necessary in order to avoid approaches which might have proven overly
threatening. This was partially alleviated by providing professors with the student feedback
early in the course and only making the final data generally available. Thus professors got
feedback early enough in a course to be able to revise their strategies if necessary.
The course evaluations have proven especially helpful in large section courses (more
than thirty students). Feedback in such large groups had always been a problem and the
availability of an immediate and constant feedback mechanism has promoted information
exchange which was never before possible. It also provides (through directly recorded
student comments) more open-ended conversation, rather than only the coded responses
of a standardized testing instrument.
Now that so much of learning has moved out of the classroom (owing to television
circuits, action research, independent study, etc.), this kind of feedback has become doubly
important. The Chicago "TV College," run by one of the educational television stations,
regularly uses the ORACLE for feedback through several remote centers, established in
Chicago and suburbs. Students take the TV College courses in their homes, but report to the
remote centers for testing and feedback. Up to 1975 this testing always took place by pencil
and paper, at predetermined times and places; now it takes place whenever a student has
finished a course, or even earlier if he desires, since the computer selects test questions at
random from a rather large data base of questions presented by the teacher. Two students
seldom get the same test. At each remote center there are several data terminals, connected
Computers/Future of Delphi: Computerized Conferencing 543
to the computer via telephone lines. The student who finishes a test satisfactorily is often
prompted to enter one of the ORACLE course-evaluation groups for the course in which he
was just tested. Thus the professor gets constant feedback from his students which he could
not get otherwise. Because Northwestern has adopted the computer utility standpoint, it also
processes curricular feedback (at cost) for a growing number of local colleges and
Before data terminals reached their current low prices, it was uncommon to find
ORACLE used for Conferencing, because few participants would take the time to go to the
library where the terminals were located. Those few users who owned their own terminals
used ORACLE, but infrequently since there just weren't enough users to make a good
ORACLE group. Now, with terminals in most offices, ORACLE is used extensively in
planning the university's committee work. The University Computer Committee was
the first to experiment in this direction; in 1973 they began prescreening their
discussion subjects through ORACLE groups. A committee member first adds a
suggested item to the ORACLE group anonymously. Later he may gather the
comments made by other group members and decide to submit them with the item as
an agendum. At this point the item is "voted" on by committee members (still through
ORACLE). If it receives a substantial number of "yes" votes, it is placed on the agenda
544 Robert Johansen and James A. Schuyler
for the next committee meeting. Note that ORACLE does not take the place of face-to-
face confrontations; it is primarily a prescreening device from which members may
obtain soundings on the relative merits of various proposals before bringing them up
for discussion.
The board of trustees also uses ORACLE to sound out proposals before they are
actually discussed. A spin-off of this involves a special trustees' conference which has
been created (it is not a public conference). Trustees enter items to be placed before the
board. This was formerly done by writing letters' or calling on the telephone but
ORACLE has proven to be much faster and the trustee then knows that the proposal
will be worded exactly as he intended.
Network conferences with other. universities around the country have also been
implemented experimentally. One result of this usage has been to encourage administrators
to move beyond a crisis -response orientation toward an examination of alternatives which
might not have previously been part of the decision making process.
The first uses of ORACLE to help professors and administrators deal with conflict began in
the early 1974 school year. In this dialectic inquiry mode, ORACLE is used as a kind of
blackboard on which opposing sides in a disagreement can sketch their positions. Usually
the participants are "coached" in advance by a Conflict Manager as to what kinds of
supportive evidence should be entered along with the "items" used to express the two
groups' positions. Participants in each group enter items and evidence, as two teams, with
each group working out its difficulties before entering its items. When the two ORACLE
groups have been created, the tables are turned and each member of Group A is required to
enter the ORACLE group B. Comments are recorded, along with desirability, probability,
and perhaps votes (as in other ORACLE group conferences). We have also found especially
helpful the use of "user-created" scales, in which the group itself decides exactly what
wording to use in a specific question which is then asked of the participants -responses are
given on a numeric scale, or as comments. Participants in conflict groups then return to their
own original groups to view the comments made by the opposing group. This trading of
groups continues until the two slates of items have been hammered into relatively congruent
positions, at which point the human Conflict Mediators take over and attempt to resolve any
remaining difficulties. ORACLE most often serves as a prelude to negotiation. Its most
important function has been as an aid to understanding opposing positions and surfacing
actual differences. Thus conflict may still exist, but it is more likely to be real conflict than
simple misunderstanding. We have found that another advantage of ORACLE in conflict
mediation is that the computer is viewed as an impersonal medium and, because it cannot
take sides, both groups are oft en willing to work with it where they might be quite
suspicious of a human mediator.
Building upon this potential, the conferencing system has also been used as an aid for
small group communications. Limited experiments have been attempted in "T-group"-style
labs, but the most intensive applications have focused on communication within various
family arrangements. They first began with couples, but have recently been broadened to
include extended families and other intimate living groups. In situations such as these, com-
Computers/Future of Delphi: Computerized Conferencing 545
munication is both vital and elusive. ORACLE is used to encourage dialogue on future
directions for the family, as well as to assess the accuracy of one's perception of other group
members. For instance, one family member might be asked to register his opinion about
particular alternatives being discussed and also to predict how each other family member
will react to each idea. (These differences can then be analyzed statistically using an item-
by-item index of dissimilarity, if this is desired.) Surprising misperceptions have often
occurred which have served as a basis for reassessment of family relationships. Though an
application such as this might have been perceived as dehumanizing in the 1970s, we have
now come to see that human applications of technology can offer insights to even intimate
relationships if care is taken continually to adapt the technology to human needs.
In summary, the great advantage of ORACLE in these conflict situations is that it
provides an open-ended vehicle for expressing and examining the fundamental bases of
some human relations.
The ORACLE is still a part of the NUCLEUS system, and therefore is embedded in a
computer-based learning environment. The NUCLEUS is primarily used for giving students
basic lessons and review work in connection with courses; there are nearly a thousand
lessons (most from the early PLATO IV systems) available at any time of the day or night.
Professors have now learned to coexist with computer-based learning; the best teachers
rapidly shot into higher orbits, teaching their students more about the social implications of
the technical subjects they were learning through the computerized lessons. Classrooms
became hotbeds of discussion and criticism, and the more mundane technical problems
were handled outside of class (e.g., students learned data analysis techniques for sociology
from the computer, but they came to class to discuss interesting experiments). The poor
teachers, who were out-of place in a classroom, moved into managerial and clerical
positions in the computer-based networks, which are now employing more people than the
educational systems of the late 1970s ever did.
ORACLE has been used from the start as 'a feedback tool for NUCLEUS. As a
student finishes a lesson, he is advised that an ORACLE group exists for that lesson and is
shifted into ORACLE if he elects to perform an evaluation. The results of student feedback
are presented to the teacher who wrote the lesson periodically (normally once a week, since
a thousand students may take a lesson during that period). However, the volume of such
evaluations has grown so that there is now the necessity to prescan some of the students'
comments and lump them together before presenting them to the teacher; the development
of sophisticated English-language-understanding, computer-based learning systems in 1978
has made this almost feasible.
This feedback to computer-based lesson-writers is doubly important now that the
State University systems of New York, Illinois, and California are bargaining for exchange
rights on PLATO programs developed at their respective sites. The possibility now exists
for interconnection of their total of fourteen computerized learning systems. By 1985
lessons developed in New York may be transported to computers in southern California and
it will be important to be able to route feedback information to the author directly. This is
just one of the more important problems these systems have yet to solve.
546 Robert Johansen and James A. Schuyler
One of the truly remarkable applications of technology in the 1970s was the coupling of the
computer with television. The early instructional uses of television were limited primarily to
TV College (in the broadcast range) and to closed-circuit classrooms (in the closed-circuit
range). Later instructional uses were developed as the cable-TV franchises began springing
up around the country. Since every new home built after 1980 was required by law to have
cable access as a utility, and since the signal carrying ability of cables could be divided up
(or multiplexed) in several ways, it became possible to send different "programs" to each
house in a city. The information-handling capabilities of the computer were harnessed to
cable TV by assigning a device in each home a distinct code number, which was sent with
the television picture for that home. Thus, the pictures were broadcast to all homes, but only
the device with the proper code number would receive and activate the picture on its
television screen. Ambitious experiments were undertaken to provide education in the home
using computer-controlled cable TV. The computer would select the materials, generate
display pictures, and send them to the appropriate homes. The students (both children and
adults) would respond to the information displayed by calling the computer on their touch-
tone telephone and using the numeric keys to communicate with the computer. Early
systems of this sort used multiple-choice questions, or "menus" of possible responses
identified by numbers. The trouble with these experiments was that they left the audio
capabilities of the telephone/television communications link virtually unused.
We have recently begun experimenting with a "talking ORACLE" on a local
computerized cable-TV system. Participants in the talking ORACLE see an item on the TV
screen, generated by the computer, and sent to their home receiver. In some cases they may
also request an oral reading of the item. They then press the "*" key on their touch-tone
telephone to indicate that the computer may proceed. Our computer then plays recordings of
questions, such as, "How desirable is this item by 1980? Please rate from -100 through +
100." The participant punches the proper keys on his telephone to indicate his response and
the computer continues to the next question. When the time comes for comments by the
participant, the computer chooses a previously unused track on its recording disk and saves
the participant's comments in digital form. Because they are recorded by a sampling
technique, these comments retain the intonation and tonal quality of the participant, and can
be played back for other participants. The computer can measure their length and compress
them if necessary. This heightens the illusion that individuals are actually conversing with
each other via the computer-controlled system. The prognosis for this system in our future
looks quite good.
Though this report has been basically favorable to the current uses of ORACLE,
computerized conferencing of this sort also has potential uses which the authors of this
report would regard as improper. In general, this judgment is grounded in the original
purposes of ORACLE, which focused on its use as a catalyst for human communication. It
Computers/Future of Delphi: Computerized Conferencing 547
was never intended to be a replacement for human interaction, except in regard to the most
mundane matters. Thus a primary goal is to facilitate communication, not replace it.
Still, ORACLE is only a framework for communication and can be developed in
many different ways. Thus it is quite possible for it to be used as a barrier to separate
persons from each other and encourage only automated interaction. For instance, computer
conferencing could be used by decision making bodies to filter out dissenting opinions and
discourage the consideration of controversial issues. By requiring a high number of
approving votes in conference screening sessions, many of the issues could simply be kept
off the agenda for actual meetings. The consensus-encouraging potential of computer
conferencing is appealing, but not if this is a false consensus, forced by the form of the
It would also be possible for decision making bodies to use ORACLE as a voting
device for issues which demanded more consideration than would be possible in a hundred
years of ORACLE-ing. The system contains a voting mechanism, but this is intended only
for preliminary sampling, not for actual decision making. It is also true that voting connotes
majority rule and a number of decision making bodies do not function along majority-rule
lines. We do not want to enforce majority rule on those who have other ways of
deliberation. For these processes, ORACLE serves to introduce some of the issues and
opposing views; it is not a substitute for dialogue.
Perhaps predictably, the increasing availability of data terminals at low cost has
promoted both positive and negative applications of computer conferencing. Thus we find a
growing need to examine continually the more subtle implications of using ORACLE in
communications systems. These considerations must involve more than cost and
productivity analysis. Potential users should be aware (to the degree to which this is
possible) of the possible effects which computer conferencing could have on their
particular groups. Such information can be available only if current users are able to
pool their experiences in a form which enlightens the newcomer, without limiting his
perspective on potentials. A continuous ORACLE group with this "introspective"
purpose has been established and is available to all users. In this arena, both
criticisms and possibilities are surfaced and discussed.
Written summaries of ideas raised in these conferences are now available in the
form of a newsletter distributed monthly. This newsletter reaches many nonusers of
the system, and a major function of the publication is to encourage new applications.
It serves as a permanent forum for debate on uses and misuses of ORACLE. The
newsletter complements the public conference (where most of the ideas are initially
raised) and makes the dialogue more generally available. It is our feeling that the
dialogue on the effects of computer conferencing may be just beginning, since it is
only now that the system can be given adequate tests.
This scenario has been extrapolated from work already in progress at North-
western University. It is a projection of very possible futures, perhaps even very
probable futures. The time referent is short range-approximately ten years. But
most of the uncertainties are social and political, rather than technological (the
548 Robert Johansen and James A. Schuyler
computer-based learning systems LINGO and PLATO IV have already been
developed, the NUCLEUS exists, the cable-TV system is being tested by MITRE
corporation, and the ORACLE has been a reality for over two years).
The scenario revolves around a computerized conferencing system called
ORACLE, which the authors built and operated during the 1971-72 period at
Northwestern University. ORACLE operates on a Control Data 6400 computer
and is written in the LINGO programming language, developed specifically for
computer-based learning experiments. As a "utility" program, ORACLE serves
many users at once, each in unique ways. Since it is not sensitive to the content of
ORACLE groups, it provides a Delphi-conferencing framework on which ex-
perimenters may build questionnaires, citizen-sampling, feedback networks, and
other types of conferences.
It is possible for persons with no programming experience to establish
ORACLE groups (or conferences) on whatever subjects they may desire.
ORACLE is centered around numerous "groups" of participants, each group
considering a number of "items" (alternative futures). The items may change, and
new items may be added by participants. The options available to initiators of
ORACLE groups and to participants or "eavesdroppers" are outlined below:
??No feedback
??Feedback after each event is completed by a participant
??Feedback only after all events have been completed by participant
??Eavesdropper (feedback only, no participation)
(a) complete printout on high-speed printer of conference
(b) comments only since a certain date
(c) comments on a particular event only
(d) comments from a particular person only
(e) printout of data for an analysis program
Editor's Comment: The leader by Murray Turoff, our Advisory Board Member, uses
a fictional format to focus on an issue of mounting significance for long range
planners. Scenarios have been used extensively in technological forecasting as a
vehicle for summarizing the results of fairly involved studies. In a sense one may
look on those types of scenarios as positive ones. Much less used, but no less useful,
are what one may term as the negative scenarios. This is the process of extrapolating
certain trends and situations to their extreme, but often logical, conclusions. While
few people would rate the probability of such scenarios actually occurring as high,
their real objective is that of highlighting current problems and thereby maintaining
low probabilities of occurrence.
DR. TUROFF is associated with the Systems Evaluation Division of the Office of
Emergency Preparedness, Washington, D.C. The views contained in this article do
not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the Office of Emergency
Copyright©1971 by Murray Turoff.
Reprinted from Technological Forecasting and Social Change 4 (1972) with
permission of American Elsevier.
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Cybernetic Stability 551
The subject under review in this report is a resource allocation manager (SS-
553-71-7915) who, in fifteen years, has held five occupational positions with various
organizations and has moved from an initial level ten to a level two position. The
subject has never moved his place of residency and has always, of course, operated
in his job function from the computer terminal setup in his home. For those of you
not familiar with this occupational classification, it was the duty of this individual's
occupational group to solve nonlinear analytical matrix problems involving the
requirement to balance a given set of organiza tional resources against a required set
of organizational objectives.
The individual's history file, until last year, showed absolutely no abnormalities
other than a higher than average ratio of pride in his job function. At no time in the
routine monitoring of his activity was the fact uncovered that he manually
transcribed, from his transient view screen to permanent paper, the final matrix
solution for each resource allocation problem he had ever solved. It seems he kept
these as some sort of sentimental scrap book of his personal accomplishments. A
review of this document uncovered some 991 solutions he had generated over his
occupational period.
In January of last year, the subject was given a 200 by 300 matrix problem
(60,000 elements, type number 735) which he successfully completed and for which
he received proper commendation from his level one supervisor. Apparently, the
instability developed when the subject was browsing in his scrap book and
discovered that every entry of the solution matrix, for his recent problem, agreed
exactly (to five places) with a prob lem he had solved ten years earlier.
When he appropriately called this to the attention of his level one supervisor he
was given an explanation that it was probably a fluke of chance, but would be
investigated. A special investigation team was immediately set up; but before it
could begin operation the subject, without previously notifying anyone, took the
unprecedented step of traveling across country to visit the supposed location of his
company's major operational site. Since the subject visit was unauthorized and
unscheduled, this particular site has signs and labels, at the time, intended to simulate
an organization different from the one employing the subject.
Since the subject was becoming quite distraught and probably reaching a
partially accurate evaluation of the truth, the special investigation team decided, on
the basis of an incomplete background evaluation, to provide him with an OPTION C
The OPTION C EXPLANATION is specifically tailored for those subjects
who, upon discovering their job function is in reality the playing of a game with the
MASTER ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTER, would probably not be content to
join the 1.031 percent of the population (level one supervisors) responsible for
creating games for the majority of the work force. In the C option the subject is given
the choice either of joining the level one supervisor group, or of joining a secret
research institute dedicated toward investigating the causes of the current society
structure and proposing steps to correct the situation.
It was justifiably felt by the investigation team that, because of the subject's
high job pride ratio, he would not be able to immediately accept the validity of the
552 Murray Turoff
current societal makeup, and would therefore need a transition period at the research
institute to adapt to the inherent logic of PSM - the PRIME STABILITY MODEL.
Except for the unusual behavior of the subject in making an unscheduled
organizational site visit, there was no abnormality in the events that occurred to this
point as compared with the case studies of the 2.193 percent of the population which
ultimately discovers the gaming nature of current occupational functions.
As was expected, the subject, being too young for retirement and completely
distraught over his recently acquired knowledge, immediately chose to join the
research institute.
As you all know, these institutions are carefully programmed to insure that
subjects of this type, after spending three to four years reviewing the literature
provided, will arrive at the logical conclusion of which we are all aware, that is:
But, fellow level oners, the subject, in less than a year, has come to a position and
set of conclusions completely contrary to the view intended. The research unit, in this
case, proved to be a complete failure. In fact, the other 83 subjects at this particular
institution may have been contaminated beyond help, with views I can only refer to as
emotional, illogical, and completely unscientific.
It is our most urgent concern to determine why this occurred and to reprogram all
such institutions so this does not happen again. I can best alert you to the seriousness of
this problem by quoting to you the subjects' evaluation of what brought about the
current situation. I should remind you, once again, that the subject reached these
observations in about nine months time-considerably below the two year norm for
which the research institute was set up. Now, quoting from the subject's personal note
"In the sixties, governmental, corporate, and institutional organizations had become
large and highly structured. These structures evolved to meet what appeared to be
independent missions of these resp ective organizations. However, in the late sixties and
early seventies these organizations were confronted with a new set of problems which cut
across structural and even organizational divisions. Most of these problems were a
product of the increasing complexity of the urban industrial environment of the time.
"Organizations found that the typical response of reorganizing their structure was
insufficient to handle meaningfully the diversity of problems encountered. As a result of
this, more and more emphasis was placed upon the construction of computer models of
the society and various processes within it. A new generation of specialists evolved who
were adept at constructing such models. A major development occurred in the late
seventies when large scale efforts were started to tie many of these models together into
what was the beginning of what we now know as PSM, the PRIME STABILITY
"Through the eighties, this model (PSM) began to exercise direct control over the
process of matching the supply and demand for materials and resources. It appears that by
the late eighties no group of individuals could lay claim to an understanding of the
operational details of PSM or to having any direct control of the model as a whole. The only
Computers and the Future of Delphi: Cybernetic Stability 553
constraint on the model to assuming greater control was the built-in requirement to assure
jobs for the work force. As near as can be determined, the model itself introduced in the
early nineties the first virtual jobs. This was done for the purpose of maintaining stability in
the occupational supply and demand category. (This capability was adopted from the
model's programmed educational and exercise components.) With PSM's creation of the
virtual job concept, the number of actual jobs dropped to less than 10% of the total in a ten-
year period. Since PSM no longer had to worry about putting people out of work, there was
no constraint upon its assuming responsibility for the real jobs."
Of course, my fellow controllers, none of this is news to us. However, the subject,
instead of realizing that this was a beneficial outcome in terms of the overall efficiency
and stability of the society, reaches an entirely different conclusion; and I further quote:
"The result today is an artificial society. The original intent of the modeling effort was
to represent in quantitative terms the functioning of the society, so that humans could better
understand how to modify it for the general good. However, when the models were allowed
to exercise the judgment or decision process the structure of the model now became the
template for molding the society. What we have today is a society forced to conform to a
computer model, and not a computer model which reflects a human society."
Fellow professionals, have you ever heard such a degree of deviant thought? The
dangers of this are evident. I wish you to further note that this subject was even able to
establish, from the literature available at the research center, a quasiscientific basis for his
view. The types of material which must be weeded out of the research files so that this
unfortunate incident does not reoccur are indicated from the following remarks by the
"The primary emphasis of applying objective model structures as the vehicles to solve
the social-economic-technical problems of the 70's resulted from the attempt on the part of
the social sciences to emulate the physical sciences by adopting a Leibnitzian view of the
world. Such a view held that there existed "valid" or true models of the world which were
independent of data or the representation of the data associated with any particular problem.
Counterattempts by individuals such as Churchman and Mitroff to establish other
philosophical foundations for the scientific investigation of these problems, were ignored."
"Since the standard organizational structures could no longer deal with the problems
facing society, many humans came to view their role in the organization as an ineffectual
game they were forced to play. The primarily hierarchical nature of these organizations
prevented the type of effective lateral communication, within and without the organiza-
tion, which humans would have needed to deal with these problems.
"Since the Leibnitzian models and their associated Management Information
Systems were data independent, they were highly responsive to the humans who began to
554 Murray Turoff
utilize them. This computer responsiveness became a subconscious surrogate for
effective human communication so that many humans began to give up attempts to
communicate with other humans and turned their efforts instead to communicating with
the computer."
My friends, we cannot help but admire the ingenuity of the subject's rationaliza-
tions. However, this in no way changes the totally erroneous nature of his assertions.
The subject does not even hesitate to attack that segment of the society which in the
seventies provided the expertise for the efforts that led to PSM. I quote:
"The most disheartening aspect of the early seventies was the inflexibility of the
university-type organizations. They completely failed to break down their strong
department structures, which in turn forced individuals to constrain their approaches to
problems along somewhat antiquated disciplinary lines, which had no real relationship to
the scope of any of the major problems of the period. The typical university was no better
at fostering lateral communications among humans than were governments or
Furthermore, the subject had the audacity to suggest that there existed in the 70's
an alternative approach to the utilization of computers to deal with the situation. He
states that:
"The last concerted effort to correct the situation was the attempt by a small
segment of the professional community to introduce the Delphi technique, as a
mechanism to allow large groups to communicate meaningfully about the complex
problems of the period. In essence this was an attempt to put human judgment on a par
with a page of computer output. There is even one instance in the literature where this
effort got to the point of automating a Delphi communication structure on a computer so
that individuals spread over wide geographical distances could meaningfully
communicate with each other by conducting continuous conferences over weeks or
As you see, it is quite clear that our original decision to include literature on the
Delphi process, as an example of a technique that failed to deal with the problems of
the late 20th century was a serious mistake. 1 strongly urge that this council
recommend the purging of such items from the research literature. The subject was
furthermore able to attribute the failure of the Delphi Conferencing concept to a
completely different rationale than the one programmed. He claims that:
The subject in his notes continues to ramble on about such things as recom-
mending a resurrection of the Delphi process as a mechanism for forming a
collective human intelligence capability and using such a mechanism to take back
control of society from PSM, and re-establishing the control along human values.
However, all of you have been provided with a complete transcript of the subject's
notes, so there is no need for me to continue with these idiocies. I think the excerpts
I've quoted above are sufficient to impress upon you the seriousness of the
deficiencies in our current operation.
The subject is expected to realize within the next six months that the research
institute is intended as a nonsurgical reconditioning unit. At that time he will have to
be committed for surgical reconditioning. However, because of the seriousness of
this case, a special three month delay in reconditioning will be granted, during which
time tests may be conducted on the subject's emotional characteristics to determine if
we can turn up subsequent deviates of this type before they have gone so far.
It is indeed fortunate that it was decided to destroy all documentation on PSM's
programs and structure a decade ago. Thus we may safely rest assured that no
deviates, such as this subject, would have an opportunity to tamper with the current
stability and efficiency of our society.
Fellow controllers, since we in effect hold the only real jobs available in our
present society, it is our sacred trust to see that we execute our jobs with the utmost
of our abilities. I am sure you will give this matter the consideration it deserves. I
thank you for your attention. I've certainly enjoyed this opportunity to exchange our
professional views on this matter.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
VIII. Eight Basic Pitfalls:
VIII. Eight Basic Pitfalls: A checklist
I. Hoos, "Systems Analysis in Public Policy: A Critique," University of California
Press, Berkeley, California, 1972. J. G. U. Adams, "You're Never Alone with
Schizophrenia," Industrial Marketing Management, 4 (1972), P. 441, Elsevier
Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
H. Sackman, "Delphi Assessment: Expert Opinion, Forecasting, and Group
Process," The RAND Corporation, R-1283-PR, April 1974.
P. G. Goldschmidt, Review of Sackman Report, Technological Forecasting and
Social Change, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1975), American Elsevier Publishing Co., New York.
560 Harold A. Linstone
but in the search for deliberative judgment, one can only conclude that Sackman
missed the point. 2c
If Delphi is used to elicit value judgments or other subjective opinions involving the
future, a unique difficulty arises: the universal practice of intuitively applying a
discount rate to the future.
A bitter lesson which every forecaster and planner learns is that the vast
majority of his clientele has a very short planning horizon as well as a short memory.
Most people are really only concerned with their immediate neighborhood in space
and time. Occurrences which appear to be far removed from the present position are
heavily discounted. Uncertainty increases as we move progressively further from the
present and it is uncomfortable: Fear of the unknown generates resistance to change;
in Hamlet's words, we "rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know
not of". We shy away from considerations which might endanger our individual or
group status (i.e., our economic security" social prestige, peace of mind).
Decision making becomes more difficult as uncertainty grows. First, the range
of alternatives becomes large and cumbersome. Second, the possibility of accidents
(low probability events) and "irrational" actions increases. Consider the large impact
of the assassinations of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and John Kennedy, the
discovery of the Watergate burglars, and the decision to bomb North Vietnam in the
face of massive evidence of the ineffectiveness of such a strategy in preceding wars.
By ignoring the longer time horizon we may hope that additional options or
solutions to currently unsolved problems will materialize" that the need to make a
decision will vanish, or that the responsibility for a decision will be in other hands.
Furthermore, the Western incentive and reward system strongly favors discounting of
the future. The politician's chances of re-election depend on his near term achievements
("But what have you done for me lately?") and long term federal debts are blissfully
ignored. Americans, in particular, are nurtured on immediate material gratification through
installment buying and "fly-now-pay-later" exhortations which discount future costs.
Corporate management is judged by near term sales growth or profits to its stockholders
and its long range planning activity is a ritual with little substance. Donald Michael quotes
Ewing: "Reward systems generally favor the man who turns in a good current showing ...
salary, bonus, and promotion rewards tend to be based on this month's, this season's, this
year's performance-not contributions to goals three, four, or more years off". And Michael
J. F. Coates, Review of Sackman Report" Technological Forecasting and Social
Change" Vol. 7" No. 2 (1975)" American Elsevier Publishing Co., New York.
H. Linstone, "On Discounting the Future"" Technological Forecasting and Social
Change" Vol. 4 (1973)" pp. 335-338, American Elsevier Publishing Co., New York.
Eight Basic Pitfalls: A Checklist 561
adds that "rewarding present payoff makes it impossible by any known means to
simultaneously reward concern with a future that would interfere with immediate payoff."4
The degree of discounting may well vary with the individual's cultural and social
status. A person at the bottom of Maslow's human values pyramid will discount
environmental pollution much more heavily than someone near the top. The poor, for
whom survival is a daily challenge, are hardly going to lose much sleep over a pollution or
population crisis twenty years in the future. A similar difference applies to the spatial
dimension: a slum dweller worries about rats he can see, the jet set worries about depletion
of wild game in distant Africa. To further complicate matters we should note that
discounting operates in both directions-past as well as future. The former also impacts on
forecasting in a number of ways. Disregard of the past is evident in the rare use of historical
analogy (see Pitfall 4 below). In the context of Delphi we see that evaluation of subjective
probability of likelihood by a Delphi participant (or any forecaster) is influenced mo re
strongly by recent events than those in his more distant past. The phenomenon is the same
as that observed by Tversky in his experiments: drivers who have just passed the scene of
an accident forecast a higher likelihood of being themselves involved in an accident than
those who have not had this experience (and hence they reduce their speed temporarily).5a
Thus the individual's .time perception distorts his own data base as he integrates it to
develop an "intuitive" judgment or forecast.
The massive impact of such a personal discounting process is vividly illustrated by
reference to the Forrester-Meadows World Dynamics model.5b Application of an annual
discount rate equal to, or greater than, 5 percent reduces the future populatio n and pollution
crises in Meadows' "standard" case to minor significance, i.e., no dramatic worsening of the
current situation is perceived by today's observer (Fig. 1). It is not surprising, therefore, that
cries of crises fall on deaf ears and questioning involving future goals or values can prove
exceedingly frustrating. Alternatively, use of a small elite group may lead to gross
misconceptions since the differences in planning horizon between such a group and a truly
representative population spectrum may cause major distortions of Delphi results.
Unfortunately this space-time discounting phenomenon is usually poorly understood
by both the futures researcher and the Delphi designer. Rarely do they try to come to grips
with the basic perception difficulty. Ultimately the pitfall may be avoided in two ways
(schematically shown in Figure 2): (a) moving the distant crisis or opportunity well within
the participant's current field of perception or planning horizon, or (b) extending the
participant's field of perception or planning horizon.
Communications have been successful in drastically foreshortening the space
dimension (e.g., bringing the distant Apollo landing and the Kennedy assassination events
vividly into the living room). Technology has been far less effective in foreshortening the
D. Michael, "On Learning to Plan-and Planning to Learn", Jossey-Bass Publishers,
San Francisco, 1973, p. 99. D. Ewing, "The Human Side of Planning: Tool or Tyrant?",
Macmillan, N.Y., 1969, p. 47.
A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, "Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and
Biases,"" Science, Se t. 27, 1974, pp. 1124-1131.
J. W. Forrester, "World Dynamics", Wright-Allen Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971. D.
H. Meadows et al., "The Limits of Growth", Universe Books, New' York, 1972.
562 Harold A. Linstone
time dimension (Orson Welles' broadcast of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds is a rare
example). In some instances it may be possible to substitute space for time and then
compress the time dimension (see arrow S in Fig. 2a). A future crisis or lifestyle for
us may already exist somewhere on the earth today (e.g., overcrowded India,
communal living in the Kibbutz). Communications can then bring such "scenarios"
Eight Basic Pitfalls: A Checklist 563
within our planning horizon. The arts also have great potential, as Orwell, Kafka, and
Burgess / Kubrick have demonstrated.
The other approach, extension of the planning horizon, suggests the explora tion
of altered states of consciousness to facilitate the imaging capability of the
individual. Masters and Houston have been experimenting with this concept (without
the use of drugs). They point out that:
Most human beings have a strong predilection for certainty and a dislike of uncertainty. The
oracle at Delphi, Nostradamus, Jeanne Dixon, and Edgar Cayce have all been popular
because, in effect, they dispelled uncertainty about the future. The intellectual establishment
may be startled to learn that "in 1967 the most widely read view of the year 2000 was that
of [fundamentalist prophet] Edgar Cayce as popularized in Jess Stearn's best-seller, The
Sleeping Prophet," and not Kahn and Wiener's The Year 2000, which was published in
the same year.7 Most people would prefer, a precise prediction ("California' will sink into
the ocean at 6:34 A.M. on August 14, 1988") to descriptions of alternative scenarios of the
future 8 The striving for certainty has been strongly reflected in the dogmatism of the Judeo-
Christian religious heritage (e.g., exclusivity, infallibility) and to some extent in the
orthodoxy of much traditional science (e.g., search for the "truth," the single "best" model).
The same tendency is often seen in the interpretation and use of Delphi studies. A
probability distribution of the date of occurrence of an event, together with reasons for panel
disagreement, is transformed into a statement that "there is a 50-50 chance that X will occur
in Year Y," or, even more blatantly, into the statement that "X will occur in year Y." Results
which exhibit a high degree of convergence are often accepted, while those which involve
wide differences after the final iteration are considered unusable.
Interview in Intellectual Digest, March 1973, p. 18. See also R. Masters and J. Houston,
Mind Games, Viking Press, New York, 1972.
W. 1. Thompson, At the Edge of History, Harper & Row, New York, p. 123.
There are some clues to suggest that tolerance of uncertainty, like the degree of
discounting, is correlated to an individual's position on Maslow's scale of human
564 Harold A. Linstone
Such suppression of uncertainty can mask the real significance of the Delphi results.
As shown in Goldstein's paper (Chapter III) the ability to expose uncertainty and divergent
views is an inherent strength of the Delphi process. Her Delphi, laying bare the
uncertainties, gave a much different picture than the conventional homogenized panel report
produced by another group for the same user.
Maruyama projects a societal change from a homogenistic to a heterogenistic logic.9a
Jantsch and Ozbekhan are stressing the growing significance of normative planning. In both
cases prediction is far less important than alternatives and differences in views of the future.
Several of the articles in this volume have stressed that exploration of differences through
Delphi is feasible. If the technique is viewed as a two-way communication system rather
than a device to produce consensus it fits this evolving culture admirably.
M. Maruyama, "Symbiotization of Cultural Heterogeneity: Scientific,
Epistemological, and Esthetic Bases". Paper presented to American Anthropological
Association Conference, 1972.
Reductionism inevitably leads to success in the eyes of the traditional researcher, as
reflected in Heinz Von Foerster's Theorem Number One: "The more profound the
problem that is ignored, the greater are the chances for fame and success". (Cf.
"Responsibilities of Competence", J o u r n a l o f Cybernetics, 1972, 2, 2, p. 1)
J. W. Forrester, op. cit., p. 97. Also see J. Wilkinson, R. Bellman, and R. Garaudy,
"The Dynamic Programming of Human Systems", The Center for the Study of
Democratic Institutions, M S S Information Corp., New York, 1973, pp. 22',29.
C. S. Holling and M . A. Goldberg, "Resource Science Workshop", University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., p. 20.
Eight Basic Pitfalls: A Checklist 565
the past and present. We do not visualize a future situation in its own holistic pattern.
Cross-impact analysis (Chapter V) should be of some help, although it does not by any
means eliminate the problem. Unless the components of the system are autonomous we
should never expect to forecast the behavior of the whole by forecasting the, behavior of its
The weakness in visualizing future situations also applies to the past. Over-
simplification of the future matches oversimplification of the past. Only now are attempts
being made to develop complex interactive dynamic simulations – retrospective futurology
- in historic human systems such as Athens and other city-states. What Forrester and
Meadows have done through systems dynamics to economics, Bellman, Wilkinson, and
Zadeh may do to the study of history.10
There are other psychological difficulties. An individual asked to list his preferences
on a sheet of paper may well develop responses significantly different from those he would
actually give in a real-life/real-time setting. His preferences in an artificial setting may
indicate the characteristics of a bold risk-taker; however, in an actual situation ("when the
chips are down") the same person may be quite conservative.
Intuitive procedures such as Delphi usually lean heavily on subjective probability
assessments. And most human beings exhibit a tenacious tendency to simplistic
misjudgments and biases in dealing with such probabilities. We are all familiar with the
common preference to bet on a coin coming up Tails after along string of Heads. Tversky11b
notes that prior probabilities are blissfully ignored when worthless or irrelevant information
is added, sample size is casually disregarded in favor of probability data, and
representativeness or desirability is confused with predictability. Example: a reasonable
sounding (e.g., surprise-free) scenario is judged to be "more likely" to occur than an
unfamiliar one even if there is no evidence to support such a differential forecast evaluation.
The simplification urge is also evident in the frequent effort to suppress conflict (see
Section 2, above). Dialectic inquiry with confrontation between conflicting theories is still
relatively rare, although it may prove exceedingly fruitful for an understanding of ill-
structured systems.
The means of communication present another facet of oversimplification. Language
itself can be a major pitfall! Just as a linear progression of words fails to communicate a
Rembrandt painting, so a panelist may be unable to communicate his views or insights by
means of a concise sentence or even by diagrams. We also observe that different cultural
groups communicate in diverse ways; forcing them into a conventional Delphi format may
destroy their message. New means to communicate the gestalt of complex systems and to
deal with patterns are needed for all aspects of Delphi. 12
A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, op. cit.
Techniques such as multidimensional scaling, time -lapse-oriented displays, and
multimedia concepts appear to have considerable potential. See also the wo rk of
Adelson et al. (Chapter VI, D).
566 Harold A. Linstone
Furthermore, as W. T. Weaver has noted, "persons with different kinds of 'self-
structures' (needs, attitudes, beliefs, etc.) would hold different perceptions about the present
as well as the future, and thus produce different kinds of forecasts about the future."13
Finally we are confronted with a problem here which arises also in the use of
subjective weightings and utility theory. Luce and Raiffa note that "since neither the zero
nor the unit of a utility scale is determined, it is not meaningful in this theory to compare
utilities between two people."14 In an analogous manner it is dangerous to compare two
persons' estimates of a future event when each views the past, present, and future in his own
subjective way.
4. Illusory Expertise
W . T. Weaver, "The Delphi Forecasting Method," Phi Delta Kappan, January
1971, p.270.
R. D. Luce and H. Raiffa, Games and Decisions, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1957,
D. Moynihan, Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding: Community Action in the War
on Poverty, Free Press, Glencoe, Ill., 1968.
S. H. Browne, "Cost Growth in Military Development and Production Programs,"
December 1971, unpublished.
Cf. D. Halberstam, The Best and the Brightest, Random House, New York, 1972;
and C. Fair, From the Jaws of Victory, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1971.
Eight Basic Pitfalls: A Checklist 567
Delphi to elicit judgments from such experts would only have systematically reproduced
There is a remarkable degree of ahistoricity in the outlook of most scientists and
technologists. This is reflected in the rarity with which historical analogy is used in
forecasting as well as the lack of interaction with historians. The tremendous value of such
interactions is clearly seen in the superb address by Lynn White on "Technology
Assessment from the Stance of a Medieval Historian.”18
Conversely, historians and archaeologists traditionally take a nonsystematic view of
their subject. In the words of John Wilkinson, "most historical accounts of the year 2000
B.C. seem as implausible as the pseudo-scientific auguries and ‘scenarios’ that all of us
read nearly everyday concerning the year 2000." 19 He cites the German historian Mommsen
as an example: he was a great historian of Rome, but his account of Rome resembled his
contemporary Berlin more than ancient Rome.
A dogmatic drive for conformity, the "tyranny of the majority," sometimes threatens
to swamp the single maverick who may actually have better insight than the rest of the
"experts" who all agree with each other. This is not unknown in science; it is, in fact, a
normal situation in the arduous process of creating new paradigms, i.e., scientific
revolutions. In short, a consensus of experts does not assure good judgment or superior
There are, of course, uses of Delphi for which it is obvious that no experts exist.
Consider quality-of-life criteria as a subject for Delphi. The panel selections must be made
to ensure representation of all relevant social and cultural groups. But the analysts who
carry out the study themselves constitute a highly select group (middle class, college
educated, urban, young or middle aged, mobile, etc.). They may thus find it difficult, if not
impossible, to enlist the multitudes who are suspicious of intellectuals, hostile to the
establishment, or fearful of disclosing their views to "investigators." Sometimes the analysts
attempt to solve the problem by having other analysts play the role of the poor or the old.
This inbreeding is a dangerous practice and can yield highly misleading results. In terms of
the Singerian mode, we cannot hope to divorce the exercise from the psychology and
experience of either respondent or designer.
Complete objectivity is an illusion in the eye of the beholder. Neither layman nor
expert should be expected to be free of bias. Robert Machol recalls that more than a
generation ago Morse and Kimball, the godfathers of operations research, stressed the
limitations of "expert opinion" and asserted that such opinion is "nearly always
unconsciously biased." Or, as Rufus Miles has put it, "where you stand depends on where
you sit."
5. Sloppy Execution
The blame for this occurrence may lie with either analyst or participant. First, the
analyst. Poor selection of participants (e.g., friends recommending each other for panel
L. White, Jr., "Technology Assessment from the Stance of a Medieval Historian,"
American Historical Review, January 1974.
J. Wilkinson, R. Bellman, and R. Garaudy, op. cit., p. 20.
568 Harold A. Linstone
membership) can produce a cozy group of like-thinking individuals which excludes
mavericks and becomes a vehicle for inbreeding. Poor interaction between participant and
analyst can give the former the impression that he is in a poll or will receive nothing of
value to him from the process. He also resents being "used" to educate the analyst. It is
incumbent upon the analyst that he provide the atmosphere of a fruitful communication
process among peers, that time is not wasted on obvious aspects, that subtleties in responses
are appreciated and understood.
In Chapter IV we have pointed to the importance of the proper formulation of Delphi
statements. Excessive specification or vagueness in the statement reduces the information
produced by the respondents.
Superficial analysis of responses is a most common weakness. Agreement about a
recommendation, future event, or potential decision does not disclose whether the
individuals agreeing did so for the same underlying reasons. Failure to pursue these reasons
can lead to dangerously false results. Group agreement can be based on differing, or even
opposing, assumptions; they might also be subject to sudden changes with the passage of
time. In this case, an individual attempting to utilize the results later will not be aware that
the results are now invalid. It is clearly essential that the potential user be able to examine
the underlying assumptions for their current validity. In particular, forecasting as a
professional endeavor is defined by many practitioners not as the formulation of predictions
but of conditional statements about the future, i.e., if A, then B.
Perhaps the most serious problem associated with execution for which we can offer no
remedies is a basic lack of imagination by the designer. A good designer must be able to
conceptualize different structures for examining the problem. He must be able to perceive
how different individuals may view the same problem differently and he must develop
corresponding designs which allow these individuals the opportunity to make their inputs.
Whatever it is, imagination and/or creativity, it is the rare quantity we cannot formulate for
you in concrete terms and which represents the artistic component of Delphi design.
Sloppy execution on the part of the respondents often takes the form of impatience to
"get the job over with." Answers are hastily given without adequate thought. Obvious
contradictions are permitted to creep into the responses and possible cross-impacts are
ignored. But here, too, the fault may lie with the designer. He may have used little
discretion. and created a seemingly endless questionnaire weighted down with trivial,
superficially unrelated, or repetitious statements.
We are really past the stage in the evolution of Delphi where an excuse exists for this
pitfall. Most of the common errors have been amply demonstrated in a significant number
of poorly conducted Delphis.
R. Buschmann, "Balanced Grand-Scale Forecasting," Technological Forecasting, 1
(1969), p. 221.
Eight Basic Pitfalls: A Checklist 569
elements onto the vast experiential data base. Thus we fail to recognize entirely new
approaches to achieving a solution and consequently tend to be overly pessimistic. Tied too
much to our experience, we suffer a failure of imagination.
For the near term, the bias is often in the opposite direction, particularly in the area of
technological achievements. A new system may be at hand "in principle" when the applied
research on all components is completed. The Delphi respondent assumes that system
development, production, and marketing present no major stumbling blocks. The fact that
complexity of a system is not a linear function of its subsystems is ignored. It is assumed
that if each subsystem is made more complex by a factor of 2, then the total system
increases in complexity by the same factor. But, in fact, the interactions greatly compound
the complexity.
These tendencies are complicated by individual characteristics -some participants are
inherently optimistic, others pessimistic.21 However, insight into this type of bias can
minimize its intrusion into the Delphi process through selective adjustments.
7. Overselling
In their enthusiasm some analysts have urged Delphi for practically every use except cure
of the common cold. The first major Delphi study was published only ten years ago. Much
progress has been made but improper applications have also mushroomed. We seem unable
to resist faddism and it gets in the way of solid progress.
Inbreeding is one consequence of overuse. Repeated Delphi studies on the same
subject quickly achieve a point of diminishing returns.22 Either the same experts are used or
the respondents are familiar with the earlier studies and regurgitate the same ideas.
A person who wants to introduce a new communication system, such as Delphi, into a
group setting must also ascertain that he is not acting under false premises concerning the
psychology of the potential user community.
Possible fallacy a: The user really wants a more effective and different system than
he now employs.
Do the user's statements reflect mere lip service to progress? Does he ,know what
benefits to expect from Delphi other than the "prestige" of having done it?
The typical successful executive experienced in running conferences which
culminate in decisions may expect the same result from a Delphi. The conscientious Delphi
manager thus senses great pressure to assure a consensus to satisfy such a client.
Anonymity may be a disadvantage in certain organizational settings. In diplomatic
communications the source of a statement may be far more significant than its substance.
Consensus of several participants may be of less value than knowledge of their identity.
Credibility of the response may hinge on the identification of the respondent (see IIIBI).
Possible fallacy b: The more individuals are involved with a Delphi as users, the
more effective it will be.
See J. Martino, "The Optimism/Pessimism Consistency of Delphi Panelists,"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2, No. 2 (1970).
J. M. Goodman, "Delphi and the Law of Diminishing Returns," Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, 2, No. 2 (1970).
570 Harold A. Linstone
An unfamiliar and anonymous communication system can develop into a threat to
established individuals and intraorganizational relationships. Like other analytical tools, it
can serve in an advocacy role as well as in an inquiry role.
Possible fallacy c: The goals of the organization are the same as those of the
individuals in the organization.
The Delphi designer is always faced with the problem of understanding the user and
his organization. It is the same problem that has confronted efforts in all aspects of
management science-operations research, systems analysis, cost benefit studies, etc. The
presuppositions on the part of the analyst about the utility and correctness of his methods
and their ‘good’ goals may be entirely unwarranted. The possible advantage of Delphi in a
circumstance of this sort is that it can be oriented, if allowed, to expose the existence of the
fallacies. If an organization is to function over the long run, misconceptions must at least be
held within reasonable bounds and their exposure can serve to sharpen those boundaries.
8. Deception
Today the least acknowledged hazard in connection with Delphi is its potential use for
deceptive, manipulative purposes. Welty reaches back to the Greek myth of Ino, the wife of
King Athamus of Orchomenus.23 When the King dispatched a messenger to the Oracle of
Delphi, Ino bribed him to return with a falsified story. In a second round of consultation at
Delphi the Oracle based its pronouncements on the false version of the first utterances. In
other words, the Oracle did not recognize the deception.
Cyphert and Gant have conducted a Delphi experiment24 where false information was
introduced during the analysis of the first round responses and sent out in the second round.
The participants did not ignore the false information but distorted their own subsequent
responses , to reflect acceptance of this new input.
There is a vital lesson here. The Delphi process is not immune to manipulation or
propaganda use. The anonymity in such a situation may even facilitate the deception
process: how can the participants in a Policy Delphi possibly detect distortion of the
feedback they receive? One answer can be inferred from our earlier discussion of holistic
experimentation (Chapter VII, A) based on the work of Mitroff and Blankenship. The
"subjects" themselves can insist on taking a major role in the staff activities, including
monitoring and analysis of the responses in each round.
All of these pitfalls exist to greater or lesser degree no matter what communication
process we choose to utilize in approaching a problem. However, since an honestly
executed Delphi makes the communication process and its structure explicit, most pitfalls
assume greater clarity to the observer than if the process proceeds in a less structured
manner. While the Delphi designer in the context of his application may not be able to deal
with, or eliminate, all these problems, it is his responsibility to recognize the degree of
impact which each has on his application and to minimize any that might invalidate his
exercise. The strength of Delphi is, therefore, the ability to make explicit the limitations on
G. Welty, "Plato and Delphi", FUTURES, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 1973.
F. Cyphert and W. Gant, "The Delphi Technique", Journal of Teacher Education,
Vol. 21, No. 3, 1970, p. 422.
Eight Basic Pitfalls: A Checklist 571
the particular design and its application. The Delphi designer who understands the
philosophy of his approach and the resulting boundaries of validity is engaged in the
practice of a potent communication process. The designer who applies the technique
without this insight or without clarifying these boundaries for the clients or observers is
engaged in the practice of mythology.
Appendix: Delphi Bibliography
Appendix: Delphi Bibliography
There are four journals which, during the past five years, have served as the principal
source of articles on Delphi and its applications:
(1) Technological Forecasting and Social Change (cited as TFSC )
(3) Long Range Planning
(4) Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
The first reference list (Journal Articles) is an alphabetical listing by author of Delphi
articles, or articles involving Delphi, that have appeared in these four journals.
For approximately a decade almost all work on Delphi was carried on at the Rand
Corporation where the concept was born. It was not until the mid-sixties that it began
to catch on elsewhere. We have, therefore, listed in chronological order the Rand
papers on Delphi. This list provides some insight into the evolution of the technique.
Several of these papers do appear in other sections of the bibliography when they were
published outside Rand in the same or slightly altered form.
In the mid- sixties a new nonprofit organization, the Institute for the Future (IFF),
was formed by a group comprised, in part, of Rand people. One of the goals of this
organization was the application of a range of futures methodologies, including Delphi,
to social and technological problems. A list of its publications in the Delphi area is also
included. Another group, spun off from IFF, is the Futures Group, a profit concern
willing to do Delphi studies on a proprietary basis. While some of its work is not
available to the public, we have included a list of its recent efforts to indicate the scope
of application for Delphi in this sort of environment.
In the next section we find essentially all other articles on Delphi not
encompassed by these journals or organizational headings. One can see from this list
576 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
the beginnings of university, corporate, and governmental use of the technique.
Unfortunately, many users have not published their results and are not, therefore,
represented in this list.
For a great many years Delphi has been associated with the subject of
Technological Forecasting. We have provided a separate list of articles on
technological forecasting which do discuss Delphi. Our caution to the reader about this
set of references is that some of these writings tend to define and consider Delphi
solely within the scope of that one application area. It has been our intent in this book
to present Delphi in the wider context of an alternative communication form.
There is evident in the literature a set of new directions having to do with the
application of the Delphi concept in such areas as computerized conferencing,
management information systems, citizen feedback, participatory democracy, etc. For
convenience we have placed these references in a separate list.
For those seeking references in other languages we have compiled a separate list
of some foreign language articles on Delphi.
The final section of this bibliography is perhaps the most important to the
potential Delphi designer. It was gathered by perusing the papers on Delphi and asking
what writings in other disciplines have been referenced there. The papers in this list
represent work in the fields of economics, operations research, philosophy, planning,
psychology, sociology, and statistics. In essence, this provides a guide to the techniques
and knowledge in other areas of utility to the study and use of Delphi. As one would
expect, psychology and sociology make up a large part of the referenced material.
The lists which follow represent a search of materials readily available to the
editors through 1974. We apologize in advance to those authors we have missed. If
anyone has additions to make, and so informs us, we will compile them for an update
in a future edition of this book.
Distribution of Bibliography
Journal Articles
Alderson, R. C. et al., "Requirements Analysis, Need Forecasting, and Technology
Planning Using the Honeywell PATTERN Technique," TFSC 3, No. 2 (1972).
Amara, Roy C., "A Note on Cross-Impact Analysis," FUTURES 4, No. 3 (1972).
-, and Andrew J. Lipinski, "Some Views on the Use of Expert Judgment," TFSC 3, No.
3 (1972).
-, and Gerald R. Salancik, "Forecasting: From Conjectural Art Toward Science," TFSC
3, No. 4(1972).
Ament, R., "Comparison of Delphi Forecasting Studies in 1964' and 1969," FUTURES
2, No. 1 (March 1970).
Beaton, A. E., "Scaling Criterion of Questionnaire Items," Socio-Economic Planning
Sciences 2, Nos. 2, 3,4(1969).
Bernstein, G. B., and Marvin Cetron, "SEER: A Delphic Approach Applied to
Information Processing," TFSC 1, No. 1 (June 1969).
Bender, Strack, Ebright, and von Haunalter, "Delphic Study Examines Developments
in Medicine," FUTURES 1, No. 4 (June 1969).
Bierrum, C. A., "Forecast of Computer Development and Applications, 1968-2000,"
FUTURES 1, No. 4 (June 1969).
Blackman, A. Wade, "A Cross-Impact Model Applicable to Forecasting for Long
Range Planning," TFSC 5, No. 3 (1973).
-, "The Use of Bayesian Techniques in Delphi Forecasts," TFSC 2, No. 3/4 (1971).
Campbell, George S., "Relevance of Signal Monitoring to Delphi Cross-Impact
Studies," FUTURES 3, No. 4 (December 1971).
Cetron, M. J., and G. B. Bernstein, "SEER: A Delphic Approach Applied to
Information Processing," TFSC 1, No. 1 (Spring 1969).
Cole, H. S. D., and J. Metcalf, "Model Dependent Scale Values for Attitude
Questionnaire Items," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 5, No. 9 (1971).
Currill, D. L., "Technological Forecasting in Six Major U. K. Companies," Long
Range Planning 5, No. 1 (March 1972).
Dalkey, Norman C., "An Elementary Cross-Impact Model," TFSC 3, No. 3 (1972).
-, "An Experimental Study of Group Opinion: The Delphic Method," FUTURES 2, No.
3 (September 1969).
-, "Analyses from a Group Opinion Study," FUTURES 1, No. 6 (December 1969).
-, B. Brown, and S. Cochran, "Use of Self-Ratings to Improve Group Estimates," TFSC
1, No. 3 (March 1970).
Day, Lawrence H., "Long Term Planning in Bell Canada," Long Range Planning
London, U. K. (submitted for publication, 1973).
Decker, Robert L., "A Delphi Survey of Economic Development," FUTURES 6, No. 2
(April 1974).
Derian, J. C., and F. Morize, "Delphi in the Assessment of R&D Projects," FUTURES
5, No. 5 (October 1973).
Dobrov, G. M., and L. P. Smirnov, "Forecasting as a Means for Scientific and
Technological Policy Control," TFSC 4, No. 1 (1972).
578 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Doyon, L. R., T. V. Sheehan, and H. I. Zayor, "Classroom Exercises in Applying the
Delphi Method for Decision-Making," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 5, No.
4 (1971).
Dressler, Fritz R. S., "Subject Methodology in Forecasting," TFSC 3, No. 4 (1972).
Enzer, Selwyn, "A Case Study Using Forecasting as a Decision-Making Aid,"
FUTURES 2, No. 4 (December 1970).
-, "Cross-Impact Techniques in Technology Assessment," FUTURES 4, No. 1 (March
1972). -, "Delphi and Cross-Impact Techniques -An Effective Combination for
Systematic Futures Analysis," FUTURES 3, No. 1 (March 1971).
Goodman, Joel, "Delphi and'the Law of Diminishing Returns," TFSC 2, No. 2 (1970).
Goodwill, Daniel F., "A Look at the Future Impact of Computer-Communications on
Everyday Life," TFSC 4, No. 2 (1972).
Gordon, T. J., "Cross-Impact Matrices: An Illustration of Their Use for Policy
Analysis," FUTURES 1, No. 6 (1969).
-, "Potential Changes in Employee Benefits," FUTURES 2, No. 2 (1970).
-, S. Enzer, and R. Rochberg, "An Experiment in Simulation Gaming for Social Policy
Studies," TFSC 1, No. 3 (March 1970).
-, and H. Hayward, "Initial Experiments with the Cross-Impact Matrix Method of
Forecasting," FUTURES 1, No. 2 (December 1968).
-, R. J. Wolfson, and R. C. Sahr, "A Method for Rapid Reproduction of Group Data
and Individual Estimates in the Use of the Delphic Method," FUTURES 1, No. 6
(December 1969). Grabbe, Eugene M., and Donald L. Pyke, "An Evaluation of
the Forecasting of Information Processing Technology and Applications," TFSC
4, No. 2 (1972).
Helmer, O., "Cross-Impact Gaming," FUTURES 4, No. 2 (June 1972).
Huckfeldt, Vaughn E., and Robert C. Judd, "Issues in Large Scale Delphi Studies,"
TFSC 6, No. 1 (1974).
Johnson, Howard E., "Some Computational Aspects of Cross-Impact Matrix
Forecasting," FUTURES 2, No. 2 (June 1970).
Judd, Robert C., "Use of Delphi Methods in Higher Education," TFSC 4, No. 2 (1972).
Kane, Julius, "A Primer for a New Cross-Impact Language-KSIM," TFSC 4, No.
2 (1972). Lachmann, Ole, "Personnel Administration in 1980: A Delphi Study,"
Long Range Planning 5, No. 2 (June 1972).
Martino, Joseph P., "The Lognormality of Delphi Estimates," TFSC 1, No. 4 (Spring
1970). -, "The Optimism/Pessimism Consistency of Delphi Panelists," TFSC 2,
No. 2 (1970). -, "The Precision of Delphi Estimates," TFSC 1, No. 3 (March
Overbury, R. E., "Technological Forecasting: A Criticism of the Delphi Technique,"
Long Range Planning 1, No. 4 (June 1969).
Pavitt, Keith, "Analytical Techniques in Government Science Policy," FUTURES 4,
No. 1 (March 1972).
Pill, Juri, "The Delphi Method: Substance, Context, A Critique and An Annotated
Bibliography," Socio-Economic Planning Science 5, No. 1 (1971).
Pyke, Donald L., "A Practical Approach to Delphi," FUTURES 3, No. 2 (June 1970).
Appendix 579
Rochberg, Richard, "Convergence and Viability because of Random Numbers in
Cross-Impact Analyses," FUTURES 2, No. 3 (September 1970).
-, "Information Theory, Cross-Impact Matrices, and Pivotal Events," TFSC 2, No. 1
(1970). Rowland, D. G., "Technological Forecasting and the Delphi Technique-A
Reply," Long Range Planning 2, (December 1969).
Salancik, J. R., "Assimilation of Aggregated Inputs into Delphi Forecasts: A
Regression Analysis," TFSC 5, No. 3 (1973).
-, William Wenger, and Ellen Helfer, "The Construction of Delphi Event Statements,"
TFSC 3, No. 1 (1971).
Sandow, Stuart, "The Pedagogy of Planning: Defining Sufficient Futures," FUTURES
3, No. 4 (December 1971).
Schneider, Jerry B., "The Policy Delphi: A Regional Planning Application," TFSC 3,
No. 4 (1972).
Smil, Vaclav, "Energy and the Environment-A Delphi Forecast," Long Range Planning
5, No. 4 (December 1972).
Stover, John, "Improvements to Delphi/Cross-Impact," FUTURES 5, No. 3 (June
Sulc, Oto, "A Methodological Approach to the Integration of Technological and Social
Forecasts," TFSC 2, No. I (June 1969).
-, "Interaction between Technological and Social Changes: A Forecasting Model,"
FUTURES 1, No. 5 (September 1969).
Teeling-Smith, George, "Medicine in the 1990's: Experience with a Delphi Forecast,"
Long Range Planning 3, No. 4 (June 1971).
Turoff, Murray, "An Alternative Approach to Cross-Impact Analysis," TFSC 3, No. 3
(1972). -, "Delphi Conferencing: Computer-Based Conferencing with
Anonymity," TFSC 3, No. 2 (1970).
-, "The Design of a Policy Delphi," TFSC 2, No. 2 (1970).
-, "Meeting of the Council on Cybernetic Stability: A Scenario," TFSC 4, No. 2 (1972).
Umpleby, Stuart, "Is Greater Citizen Participation in Planning Possible and
Desirable?" TFSC 4, No. 1 (1971).
Welty, Gordon, "Plato and Delphi," FUTURES 5, No 3 (June 1973).
Wills, Gordon, "The Preparation and Development of Technological Forecasts," Long
Range Planning 2, No. 3 (March 1970).
Reports—Formal documentation of Institute Studies
Working Papers—Preliminary contributions to the Institute's work for its sponsors
Papers—Individual contributions by Institute staff members to the professional
582 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Baran, Paul, The Future of Newsprint, 1970-2000, R-16, December 1971. -,Japanese
Competition in the Information Industry, P-17, May 1972.
-, Notes on a `Seminar on Future Broad-Band Communications, WP-1, February 1970.
-, "On the Impact of the New Communications Media upon Social Values," P-3
(published in Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 34, No. 2, Spring 1969)
- Potential Market Demand for Two-Way Information Services to the Home, 1970-
1990, R-26, December 1971.
-, and Andrew J. Lipinski, The Future of the Telephone Industry, 1970-1985, R-20,
September 1971, a special industry report.
Becker, Harold S., A Framework for Community Development Action Planning,
Volume I:- An Approach to the Planning Process, R-18, February 1971.
-, A Framework for Community Development Action Planning, Volume II: Study
Procedure, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Future Research, R-19,
February 1971.
-, A Method of Obtaining Forecasts for Long-Range Aerospace Program Planning, WP-
7, April 1970.
-, and Raul de Brigard, Considerations on a Framework for Community Action
Planning, WP-9, June 1970.
Brigard, Raul de, and Olaf Helmer, Some Potential Societal Developments: 1970-
7000, R-7, April 1970.
Enzer, Selwyn, A Case Study Using Forecasting as a Decision-Making Aid, WP-2,
December 1969. -, Cross-Impact Techniques in Technology Assessment, P-15.
-, Delphi and Cross-Impact Techniques: An Effective Combination for Systematic
Futures Analysis, WP-8, June 1970.
-, Federal/State Science Policy and Connecticut: A Futures Research Workshop, R-24,
October 1971. -, Some Commercial and Industrial Aspects of the Space Program,
P-5, November 1969.
-, Some Developments in Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985, R-17, January
1971. -, Some Prospects for Residentia l Housing by 1985, R-13, January 1971.
-, Wayne I. Boucher, and Frederick D. Lazar, Futures Research as an Aid to
Government Planning in Canada: Four Workshop Demonstrations, R-22, August
-, Wayne I. Boucher, and Frederick D. Lazar, Futures Research as an Aid to
Government Planning in Canada: Four Workshop Demonstrations-Supporting
Appendices, R-22A, August 1971.
-, and Raul de Brigard, Issues and Opportunities in the State of Connecticut: 1970-
2000, R-8, March 1970.
-, Raul de Brigard, and Frederick D. Lazar, Some Considerations Concerning
Bankruptcy Reform, IFF Report R-28, March 1973.
-, Dennis L. Little, and Frederick D. Lazar, Some Prospects for Social Change by 1985
and Their Impact on Time/Money Budgets, R-25, March 1972.
-, Gordon J. Slotsky, Dennis L. Little, James E. Doggart, and David A. Long, The
Automobile Insurance System: Current Status and Some Proposed Revisions,
WP-18, December 1971.
Appendix 583
Gordon, Theodore J., A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume I
Summary and Conclusions, R-1, April 1969.
-, A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume IP National and
International Patterns, R-2, April 1969.
-, A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume III: Delphi Study, R-3,
April 1969. -, A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume IV:
Appendices to the Delphi Study, R-4, April 1969.
-, Potential Institutional Arrangements of Organizations Involved in the Exploitation of
Remotely Sensed Earth Resources- Data, P-6 (published as AIAA Paper No. 70-
334, March 1970).
-, Some Possible Futures of American Religion, P-4, May 1970. -, The Current
Methods of Futures Research, P-11, August 1971.
-, and Robert H. Ament, Forecasts of Some Technological and Scientific Developments
and their Societal Consequences, R-6, September 1969.
Selwyn Enzer, Richard Rochberg, and Robert Buchele, A Simulation Game for the
Study of State Policies, R-9, September 1969.
-, Olaf Helmer, Selwyn Enzer, Raul de Brigard, and Richard Rochberg, Development
of Long-Range Forecasting Methods for Connecticut: A Summary, R-5,
September 1969.
-, Dennis L. Little, Harold L. Strudler, and Donna D. Lustgarten, A Forecast of the
Interaction between Business and Society in the Next Five Years, R-21, April
-, Richard Rochberg, and Selwyn Enzer, Research on Cross-Impact Techniques with
Applications to Selected Problems in Economics, Political Science, and
Technology Assessment, R-12, August 1970.
Helmer, Olaf, Long-Range Forecasting-Roles and Methods, P-7, May 1970.
-, Multipurpose Planning Games, WP-17, December 1971. -, On the Future State of
the Union, R-27, May 1972. -, Political Analysis of the Future, P-1, August 1969.
-, Report on the Future of the Future-State-of-the-Union Reports, R-14, October 1970.
-, Toward the Automation of Delphi, International Technical Memorandum, Institute
for the Future, March 1970.
-; et al., Development of Long-Range Forecasting Methods for Connecticut: A
Summary, IFF Report, R-5, September 1969.
-, and Helen Helmer, Future Opportunities for Foundation Support, R-11, June 1970.
Institute for the' Future, "Development of a Computer-Based System to Improve
Interaction Among Experts," First Annual Report, National Science Foundation,
Grant GJ-35 326X, August 1973.
Institute for the Future, "Social Assessment of Mediated Group Communication: A
Workshop Summary," March 1974.
Johansen, Robert, Richard H. Miller, Jacques Vallee, "Group Communication through
Electronic Media: Fundamental Choices and Social Effects," Working Paper,
March 1974.
Kramish, Arnold, The Non-Proliferation Treaty at the Crossroads, P-2, October 1969.
LeCompte, Gare, Factors in the Introduction of a New Communications Technology
into Syria and Turkey. Background Data, WP-10, August 1970.
584 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Lipinski, Andrew J., Toward a Framework for Communications Policy Planning, WP-
19, December 1971. Little, Dennis L., Models and Simulation: Some Definitions,
WP-6, April 1970.
-, STAPOL: Appendix to the Simulation Game Manual, WP-14, October 1970.
-, and Raul de Brigard, Simulation, Futurism, and the Liberal Arts College: A Case
Study, WP-15, April 1971.
-, and Richard Feller, STAPOL: A Simulation of the Impact of Policy, Values, and
Technological and Societal Developments upon the Quality of Life, WP-12,
October 1970.
-, and Theodore J. Gordon, Some Trends Likely to Affect American Society in the Next
Several Decades, WP-16, April 1971.
-, Richard Rochberg, and Richard Feller, STAPOL: Simulation-Game Manual, WP-13,
March 1971.
Nagelberg, Mark, Simulation of Urban Systems. A Selected Bibliography, WP-3,
January 1970
-, and Dennis L. Little, Selected Urban Simulations and Games, WP-4, April 1970.
Rochberg, Richard, Information Theory, Cross-Impact Matrices, and Pivotal
Events, P-8 (published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2, No. 2,
-, Theodore J. Gordon, and Olaf Helmer, The Use of Cross-Impact Matrices for
Forecasting and Planning, R-10, April 1970.
Sahr, Robert C., A Collation of Similar Delphi Forecasts, WP -5, April 1970.
Salancik, J. R., Theodore J. Gorton, and Neale Adams, On the Nature of Economic
Losses Arising from Computer-Based Systems in the Next Fifteen Years, R-23,
March 1972. -
Vallee, J. et al., Group Communication Through Computers, R-32 and R-33, July
Wilson, Albert, and Donna Wilson, Toward the Institutionalization of Change, WP-11,
August 1970.
Boucher, W. I., Quantifiable Goal Statements for the U.S. Criminal Justice System: A
Preliminary Assessment, Report 53-30-01, May 1972.
Done for the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and
Goals; members of the Commission served as respondents. May eventually be
published as part of the report on the Commission's work. Time horizon: to 1980-1985.
-, Report on a Hypothetical Focused Planning Effort (FPE), Report 43-01-06, February
-, and Theodore J. Gordon, The Literature of Cross-Impact Analysis: A Survey, Report
41-24-01/2, February 1972.
Appendix 585
-, and J. Talbot, Report on a Delphi Study of Future Telephone Interconnect Systems,
Report 49-26-01, April 1972.
The first Delphi conducted entirely through interviews; also the first (to our
knowledge) to have as its goal the conceptual design of a physical system.
Becker, H. S., and J. Incerti, Future Technological and Social Changes: A Delphi Study
of Opportunities and Threats for an Industrial Firm, Report 76-35-02, January
Done for a multidivisional, hard-technology corporation; the aim was to identify
prospective social and technological developments relevant to the diversions,
determine their probability, indicate who might be most instrumental in making them
happen, assess their impact if they did happen, and define policies appropriate for the
company to take. Time horizon: to 1982 +.
Gordon, T. J., and Harold A. Becker, Analysis of Ailing Products-It's Decisions That
Count (A Case Study of R & D Methodology), Report 24-15-01, February 1972.
-, and J. Cohen, An Investigation of Future Technological and Social Developments
and Their Implications for Entry into the Produce Market, Report 66-36-01,
October 1972.
The third "interview Delphi"; here the attempt was to determine whether, in view
of possible changes in technology and society generally, it made sense for a particular
company to consider becoming a produce supplier. Time horizon: to 1982.
- William L. Renfro, and W, I. Boucher, Challenges and Opportunities in the
Photographic Industry: Report on a Focused Planning Effort, Report 85-42-03,
June 1973.
Weaver, W. T., A Delphi Study of the Potential of a New Communications System,
Report 58-26-02, August 1972.
The second "interview Delphi": again, the focus fell on the conceptual design of a
specific physical product. Time horizon: to 1975-76.
Technological Forecasting
Arnfield, R. V. (ed.), Technological Forecasting, Edinburgh University Press,
Edinburgh, 1969.
Barach, J. L., and R. J. Twery, "The Application of Forecasting Techniques in
Research and Development Planning," presented at the AIChe meeting,
November 1969.
Bayne, C. Dudley, Jr., and Walter Price, "Technological Forecasting," in Formal
Planning Systems1971, Richard F. Vancil (ed.), Harvard Business School,
Cambridge, Mass., 1971.
Bestuzhev-Lada, I. V., "Bourgeois ‘Futurology’ and the Future of Mankind," Political
Affairs, September 1970.
Appendix 593
- "How to Forecast the World's Future: Asimov Disputed," The Current Digest of the
Soviet Press 19, No. 20 (June 1967).
-, "Social Forecasting," Soviet Cybernetics Review 3, No. 5 (May 1969). -, Window into
the Future, Mysl, Moscow, 1970.
Bright, James R., A Brief Introduction to Technological Forecasting-Concepts and
Exercises, Pemaquid Press, Austin, Texas, 1972.
-, "Evaluating Signals of Technological Change," Harvard Business Review 48
(1970):l. -(ed.), Technological Forecasting for Industry and Government,
Methods and Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968.
-and M. E. F. Schoeman (ed.), "A Guide to Practical Technological Forecasting" (a
second collection of papers), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1973.
Chambers, J. C., et al., "How to Choose the Right Forecasting Technique," Harvard
Business Review, July-August 1971.
Davidson, Frank, "Futures Research: A New Scientific Discipline?" Proceedings of the
Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association meeting, August 1969.
Davis, Richard C., "Organizing and Conducting Technological Forecasting in a
Consumer Goods Firm," in James R. Bright and M. E. F. Schoeman (eds.), A
Guide to Practical Technological Forecasting, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N. J., 1973.
De Houghton, Charles, William Page, and Guy Streatfeild, ... and Now the Future: A
PEP Survey of Future Studies, PEP Broadsheet 529, 37 (London: PEP, August
Ehin, I., "Some Methodological Problems of Forecasting," Transactions, AS Estonian
SSR, 20, No. 4 (1971).
Gerstenfeld, Arthur, "Technological Forecasting," The Journal of Business 44, No. 1
(January 1971). Girshick, M., A. Kaplan, and A. Skogstad, "The Prediction of
Social and Technological Events," Public Opinion Quarterly 13, (Spring 1953);
Rand P-93, April 1949.
Hall, P. D., "Technological Forecasting for Computer Systems," in Technological
Forecasting and Corporate Strategy, G. S. C. Wills, et al. (eds.), American
Elsevier, New York, 1969.
Hayden, Spencer, "How Industry Is Using Technological Forecasting," Management
Review, May 1970.
Heiss, K., K. Knorr, and O. Morgenstern, Long Term Projections of Political and
Military Power, Mathematica, Princeton, N. J., January 1973.
Kiefer, David M. (ed.), "The Futures Business" (survey article), Chemical and
Engineering News, August 11, 1969.
Lanford, H. W., A Synthesis of Technological Forecasting Methodologies (Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Headquarters, Foreign Technology Division, Air
Force Systems Command, U. S. Air Force, May 1970).
Latti, V. I., A Survey of Methods of Futures Research, Report NORD-3 (Pretoria:
Institute for Research Development, South African Human Sciences Research
Council, 1973).
Martino, Joseph, "The Paradox of Forecasting," The Futurist, February 1969.
594 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
-, Technological Forecasting for Decision Making, American Elsevier, New York,
-, "Technological Forecasting Is Alive and Well in Industry," The Futurist, August
1972. -, "What Computers May Do Tomorrow," The Futurist, October 1969.,
-, "Tools for Looking Ahead," IEEE Spectrum, October 1972.
-, et al., Long Range Forecasting Methodology, A Symposium Held at Holman AFB,
Alamogordo, New Mexico, October 11, 1967.
Massenet, M., "Methods of Forecasting in the Social Sciences," in Three Papers
Translated from the Original French for the Commission on ht e Year 2000,
Brookline, Mass., American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
McLoughlin, William G., "Technological Forecasting LTV," Science and Technology,
February 1970. Mitroff, Ian, and Murray Turoff, "Technological Forecasting and
Assessment:. Science and/or Mythology?" IEEE Spectrum, March 1973.
North, Harper Q, "Technological Forecasting in Planning for Company, Growth,"
IEEE Spectrum, January 1969.
-, "Technological Forecasting to Aid Research and Development Planning," Research
Management 12, No. 4 (1969).
-, "Technology, the Chicken-Corporate Goals, the Egg," Technology Forecasting for
Industry and Government, James R. Bright (ed.), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N. J., 1968.
-, and Donald L. Pyke, Technological Forecasting in Industry, NATO Defense
Research Group Conference, National Physical Laboratory, England, November
Pry, Robert, et al., Technological, Forecasting and Its Application to Engineering
Materials, National Materials Advisory Board, NMAB-279, March 1971.
Quinn, J. B., "Technological Forecasting," Harvard Business Review, March-April
Rosen, Stephen, "Inside the Future," Innovation Magazine, No. 18, 1971.
Thiesmeyer, Lincoln R., "The Art of Forecasting the Future Is Losing Its Amateur
Status," Financial Post, June 26, 1971.
-, "How to Avoid Bandwagon Effect in Forecasting: The Delphi Conference Keeps
Crystal Ball Clear," Financial Post, October 23, 1971.
Turoff, Murray, "Communication Procedures in Technological Forecasting," IEEE 73
INTERCON Proceedings, Session 28: Technological Forecasting Methodologies;
March 1973.
Wills, Gordon, et al., Technological Forecasting, Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1972.
New Directions
Amara, Roy, and Jacques Vallee, "FORUM: A Computer-Based System to Support
Interaction among People," IFIP Congress, 1974 Proceedings, August 1974.
Bahm, Archie J., "Demo -Speci-ocracy," Policy Sciences 3, No. 1 (1972).
Baran, Paul, "Voice-Conferencing Arrangement for an On-Line Interrogation,"
Institute for the Future, March 1973.
Appendix 595
-, Hubert M. Lipinski, Richard H. Miller, and Robert H. Randolph, "ARPA Policy-
Formulation Interrogation Network," Semiannual Technical Report, April 1973.
Baver, Raymond, "Societal Feedback," The Annals 2, September 1967.
Billingsley, Ray V., "System Simulation as an Interdisciplinary Interface in Rural
Development Research," unpublished, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Technical Article 9915, College Station, Texas (April 1972).
Carter, George E., "Computer-Based Community Communications," mimeographed,
ComputerBased Education Research Laboratory, University of Illinois,
Urbana„Illinois (1973).
-, "Second Generation Conferencing Systems," Computer-Based Educational Research
Laboratory, University of Illinois (November 1973).
Conrath, David W., "Teleconferencing: The Computer, Communication, and
Organization," ` Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer
Communication (1972).
-, and J. H. Bair, "The Computer as an Interpersonal Communication Device: A Study
of Augmentation Technology and its Apparent Impact on Organizational
Communication," Second International Conference on Computers and
Communications, Stockholm; August 1974.
Englebart, D. C., "The Augmented Knowledge Workshop," AMPS Conference
Proceedings 42, 1973 Joint Computer Conference.
-, "Coordinated Information Services for a Discipline-or-Mission-Oriented
Community," Second Annual Computer, Communications Conference, San Jose,
Calif. (January 1973).
-, "Intellectual Implications of Multi-Access Computer Networks," Interdisciplinary
Conference on Multi-Access Computer Networks, Austin, Texas (April 1970).
Etzioni, Amitai, "Minerva: An Electronic Town Hall," Policy Sciences 3, No. 4 (1972).
Ewald, William R., Jr., ACCESS To Regional Policymaking. A report to the National
Science Foundation, July 27, 1973.
-, GRAPHICS for Regional Policymaking, A Preliminary Study. A report to the
National Science Foundation, August 17, 1973.
Gusdorf, et al., Puerto Rico's Citizen Feedback System, Technical Report 59, OR
Center, M. I. T. (April 1971).
Hall, T. W., "Implementation of an Interactive Conference System," Spring Joint
Computer Conference, Vol. 38, AFIPS Press, 1971.
Havron, M. Dean, and Anna E. Casey Stahmer, "Planning Research in Teleconference
Systems," Department of Communications, Canada, November 1973.
Johansen, Robert, and Richard H. Miller, "The Design of Social Research to Evaluate a
New Medium of Communication," -a working paper prepared for the American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, February 1974.
Johnson; Norman, and Edward Ward, "Citizen Information Systems," Management
Science 19, No. 4, Part II (December 1972).
Kimbel, Dieter, "Computers and Telecommunication Technology,"' International
Institute for Management of Technology, 1973.
Krendel, Ezra S., "A Case Study of Citizen Complaints as Social Indicators," IEEE
Transactions of Systems, Science, and Cybernetics, October 1970.
596 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Kupperman, R. H., and R. H. Wilcox, "Interactive Computer Communications
Systems -New Tools for International Conflict Deterrence and Resolution,"
Second International Conference on Computers and Communications;
Stockholm, August 1974.
Leonard, Eugene, et al., "Minerva: A Participatory Technology System," Bulletin of
Atomic Scientists, November 1971.
Licklider, J. C. R., "The Computer as a Communication Device," International Science
and Technology, April 1968.
Linstone, H. A., "Communications in Futures Research," paper presented at the
Conference of Research Needs in Futures Research, January 10-11, 1974;
sponsored by the Futures Group, to be published in W. I. Boucher (ed.), The
Study of the Future., An Agenda for Research.
Lipinski, A. J., H. M. Lipinski, and' R: H. Randolph, "Computer-Assisted
Interrogation: A Report on Current Methods Development," International
Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE, October 1972.
Lipinski, Hubert M., and Robert H. Randolph, "Conferencing in an On-line
Environment: Some Problems and Possible Solutions," Proceedings of the
Second Annual Computer Communications Conference, 1973.
Little, J. K., C. H. Stevens, and P. Tropp, "Citizen Feedback System: The Puerto Rico
Model," National Civic Review, April 1971.
Macon, N., and J. D. McKendree, "EMISARI Revisited: The Resource Interruption
Monitoring System," Second International Conference on Computers and
Communications, Stockholm, August 1974.
Miller, Richard H., "Trends in Teleconferencing by Computer," Proceedings of the
Second Annual Computer Communications Conference, 1973.
Noel, Robert, "Polis: A Computer-Based System for Simulation and Gaming in the
Social Sciences" (September 1972), Department of Political Sciences, University
of California at Santa Barbara.
Renner, Rod, Conference Systems Users Guide, TM-225, Office of Emergency
Preparedness, AD 756-813, November 1972.
-, Delphi Users Guide, TM-219, Office of Emergency Preparedness, September 1971.
-, et al., "EMISARI: A Management Information System Designed to Aid and Involve
People," COINS (International Symposium on Computer and Information
Science), December 1972.
Santi, V. De., et al., Genie, Office of Economic Opportunity, June 1971.
Schuyler, James, and Robert Johansen, "ORACLE: Computer Conferencing in a
ComputerAssisted Instruction System," International, Conference on Computer
Communications, IEEE, October 1972.
Sheridan, Thomas B., "Citizen Feedback: New Technology for Social Choice,"
Technology Review, M. I. T., January 1971.
-, "Technology for Group Dialogue and Social Choice," AMPS Conference
Proceedings 39 (1971), 1971. Fall Joint Computer Conferences.
Stevens, Chandler H., "Citizen Feedback and Societal Systems," Technology Review,
M. I. T., January 1971.
Appendix 597
Thompson, Gordon, "Moloch or Aquarius," THE 4 (February 1970), Bell Northern
-, "A Socially Responsible Approach to Communication System Design," Second
International Conference on Computers and Communications, Stockholm, August
Turoff, Murray, "Computerized Conferencing and Real Time Delphis," Second
International Conference on Computers and Communication, August 1974,
-, "Conferencing via Computer," Proceeding of NERM. IEEE, November 1972.
-, "Conferencing via Networks," Computer Decisions, January 1973.
-, "DELPHI and Its Potential Impact on Information Systems," Conference
Proceedings FJCC 39, AMPS Press, 1971.
-, "DELPHI +Computers +Communications =?" in Industrial Applications of
Technological Forecasting, Cetron and Ralph (eds.), Wiley-Interscience, New
York, 1971.
-, "The DELPHI Conference," Futurist, April 1971.
-, "Human Communication," EKISTICS 35, No. 211 (June 1973
-, "Party-Line and Discussion, Computerized Conference Systems," 'International
Conference on Computer/Communications, IEEE, October 1972.
"Potential Applications of Computerized Conferencing in Developing Countries,"
Rome Special Conference on Futures Research, 1973.
-, "Potential Applications of Computerized Conferencing in Developing Countries,"
Herald of Library Sciences 12, No. 2-3 (April-July 1973).
Umpleby, Stuart, Citizen Sampling Simulations: A Method for Involving the Public
Social Planning ERL, University of Illinois, June 1970.
"Citizen Sampling Simulations: A Method for Involving the Public in Social
Planning," Policy Sciences 1, No. 3 (1970).
-, The DELPHI Exploration, A Computer-Based System for Obtaining Subjective
judgements on Alternative Futures, University of Illinois, CERL Report F-1,
August 1969.
-, "Structuring Information for a Computer-Based Information System," FJCC
Conference Proceedings 39, AFIPS Press, 1971. -
-, and Valarie C. Lamont, "Final Report-Social Cybernetics and Computer-Based Com-
munications Media," mimeographed, Computer-Based Education Research
Laboratory, University; of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (1973):
Vallee, Jacques, "Network Conferencing," Datamation, May 1974.
Weston, J. R., and C. Kristen, "Teleconferencing: A Comparison of Attitudes,
Uncertainty and Interpersonal Atmospheres in Mediated and Face-to-Face Group
Interaction," prepared for the Social Policy and Programs Board, the Department
of Communications, Canada, December 1973.
Wilcox, Richard, "Computerized Communications, Directives, and Reporting
Systems," Informa tion and Records Administration Conference (IRAC), May 19,
598 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
-, and R. Kupperman, "EMISARI: An On-Line Management System in a Dynamic En-
vironment," International Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE,
October 1972.
Wilson, Stan, "A Test of the Technical Feasibility of On-Line Consulting Using APL,"
APL Laboratory, Texas A&M University, 1973.
The editors wish to thank Goran Axelsson and Jan Wisen of the Swedish Agency for
Administrative Development and Ota Sulc of the Czechoslavak Academy of Sciences,
Prague, for their assistance in compiling portions of this bibliography.
Related Work
Ackoff, Russell L., "Towards a Behavioral Theory of Communication," Management
Sciences 4, No. 3 (1958).
-, "Towards a System of Systems Concepts," Management Sciences 17, No. 11 (July
1971). Adelson, M., et al., "Planning Education for the Future," American
Behavioral Scientist, March 1967. Adorno, T. W., E. Frenkel-Brunswik, D. J.
Levinson, and R. N. Sanford, "The Authoritation Personality, Part One," Wiley,
New York, 1950.
Allen, Allen D., "Scientific Versus Judicial Fact Finding in the United States," IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, SMC-2, No. 4, 1972.
Allen, Vernon L., "Situational Factors in Conformity," Advances in Social Psychology,
in Vol. Il by Berkowitz, Academic Press, New York, 1965.
Arrow, K. J., "Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Choice in Risk-Taking
Situations," Econometrics 19, No. 4 (1951).
Appendix 601
Asch, S. E., "Effects of Group Pressure upon the Modification and Distortion of
Judgments," Readings in Social Psychology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New
York, 1958.
-, "Studies of Independence and Conformity: A Minority of one against a Unanimous
Majority," Psychological Monographs 70 (1956).
Back, K. W., "Time Perspective and Social Attitudes," paper presented at APA annual
meeting, symposium on Human Time Structure, Chicago, September 1965.
Baier, K., and N. Rescher, Values and the Future, Free Press, New York, 1969.
Bailey, Gerald, Peter Nordlic, and Frank Sistrunk, "Literature Review, Field Studies,
and Working Papers," (from IDA Teleconferencing Studies), Human Sciences
Research, October 1963; Institute for Defense Analyses, Research Paper P-113.
NTS #AD-480 695.
Bass, B. M., "Authoritarianism or Acquiescence?" Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology 51, (1955), pp. 616-23.
Bavelas, Alex, "Teleconferencing: Background Information," Institute for Defense
Analyses, Research Paper P-106, 1963.
Bell, D., "Twelve -Modes of Prediction," in Julius Gould (ed.), Penguin Survey of the
Social Sciences, Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1965.
Belnap, Nuel, An Analysis of Questions, System Development Corporation Technical
Memorandum 1287/000/00, Santa Monica, Calif., 1963.
Berelson, Bernard, and Gary Steiner, Human Behavior, Harcourt and Brace, New
York, 1964. Berger, R. M., J. P. Guilford, and P. R. Christensen, "A Factor-
Analytic Study of Planning Abilities," Psychological Monographs 71 (Whole No.
435), 1957.
Beum, Corlin D., and Everett G. Brundage, "A Method for Analyzing the
Sociomatrix," Sociometry 13, No. 2 (May 1950).
Bonier, R. J., A Study, of the Relationship between Time Perspective and Open-Closed
Belief Systems, M.S. thesis, Michigan State University Library, 1957.
Boocock, Saran S., and E. O. Shild, Simulation Games in Learning, Sage Publis hing
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Bottenberg, R. A., and R. E. Christal, "Grouping Criteria -A Method which Retains
Maximum Predictive Efficiency," Journal of Experimental Education 36, No. 4
(Summer 1968), pp. 28-34. -, and J. H. Ward, Jr., Applied Multiple Linear
Regression, PRL-TDR-63-6, AD-413 128, Lackland AFB, Texas: Personnel
Research, Laboratory, Aerospace Medical Division, March 1963. Bretz, Rudy,
"The Selection of Appropriate Communication Media; for Instruction: A Guide
for Designers of Air Force Technical Training Programs," Rand Report R-601-
PR, February 1971, pp. 30 ff.
Brockhoff, K., "On Determining Relative Values," Zeitschrift fur Operations Research
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Psychology 41, No. 6 (1948).
Caldwell, C. H. Coombs, Schoeffler, and R. M. Thrall, "A Model for Evaluating the
Output of Intelligence Systems," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 8 (1961).
602 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
-, and R. M. Thrall, "Linear Model for Evaluating Complex Systems," Naval Research
Logistics Quarterly 5 (1958).
Campbell, Donald T., and Julian C. Stanley, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental
Designs for Research, Rand McNally, Chicago, 1963. ;
Cantril, H., "The Prediction of Social Events," Journal of Abnormal Psychology 33
(1938), pp. 364-89. -, "The World in 1952: Some Predictions," Journal of
Abnormal and Social Psychology 38 (1943), pp. 6-47.
Carbonell, Jaime R., "On Man-Computer Interaction: A Model and Some Related
Issues," IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, January 1969.
Cavert, C. Edward, "Procedures for the Design of Mediated Instruction," State
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Chapanis, Alphonse, "The Communication of Factual Information through Various
Channels," Information Storage and Retrieval 9.
Christal, R. E., "JAN: A Technique for Analyzing Group Judgment," Journal of
Experimental Education 36, No. 4 (Summer 1968), pp. 25-7.
-, Officer Grade Requirements Project: l. Overview, PRL-TDR-65-15, AD-622 806,
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Division, September 1965.
-, "Selecting a Harem-And Other Applications of the Policy-Capturing Model,"
Journal of Experimental Education 36, No. 4. (Summer 1968), pp. 35-41.
Churchman, C. W., Challenge to Reason, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
-, The Design of Inquiring Systems, Basic Books, New York, 1971.
-, Theory of Experimental Inference, Macmillan, New York, 1948.
Clark, Charles H., Brainstorming, Doubleday, Garde. City, N. Y., 1958.
Cohen, Arthur R., "Some Implications of Self-Esteem for Social Situations," in
Persuasion and Persuasibility, Hovland and Janis (eds.), Yale University Press,
New Haven, 1959.
Coleman, J., E. Katz, and H..Menzel, "The Diffusion of an Innovation," Sociometry 20
(1957), pp. 253-70.
Collaros, P. A., and L. R. Anderson, "Effect of Perceived Expertness upon Creativity
of Members in Brainstorming Groups," Journal of Applied Psychology 53; No. 2
Collins, B. E., and H. Guetzkow, A Social Psychology of Group Processes for
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Delbecq, Andre, and Andrew Van de Ven, "A Group Process Model for Problem
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No. 4 (1971).
Dickson, Paul, Think Tanks, Atheneum, New York, 1971.
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Edwards, A. L., Techniques of Attitude Scale Construction, Appleton-Century-Crofts,
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Appendix 603
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Eysenck, H. J., "The Validity of judgments as a Function of the Number of Judges,"
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-, Jane S. Mouton, and Robert R. Blake, "Group Problem Solving Effectiveness under
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-, D. E. Hunt, and H. M. Schroder, Conceptual Systems and Personality Organization,
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-, and J. A. Kline, Some Situational and Cognitive Determinants of Role Playing. A
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604 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
Hoffman, L. R., and 'G. G. Smith, "Some Factors Affecting the Behaviors of Members
of Problem Solving Groups," Sociometry 23, No. 3 (1960).
Hoffman, P. J., "The Paramorphic Representation of Clinical Judgments,"
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-, V. Sahney and D. L. Ford, "A Study of Subjective Evaluation Models," Behavioral
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-, "The Psychopathology of Time," Psychological Review 39, No. 5 (1932).
-, "Some Aspects of the Social Psychology of Futurism," Journal of Abnormal and
Social Psychology 25, No. 2 (1930). ,'
-, "Wishes Concerning Improbable Future Events: A Study of Reactions to the Future,"
journal of Applied Psychology 16 (1932), pp. 584-88.
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Kite, Richard W,, Paul C. Vity, "Teleconferencing: Effects of Communication
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Appendix 605
Kotler, Philip, "A Guide to Gathering Expert Estimates: The Treatment of Unscientific
Data," Business Horizons, October 1970.
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Lund, F. H., "The Psychology of Belief," Journal of Abnormal Psychology 20, No. 1
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Journal of Psychology 47 (1956), pp. 30.
Madden, . M., "An Application to job Evaluation of a Policy-Capturing Model
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606 Harold A. Linstone and Murray Turoff
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# 1 (preliminary draft), Syracuse, N. Y.: Educational Policy Research Center,
October 1968.
Pfeiffer, J. William, and John E. Jones, A Handbook of Structured Experiences for
Human Relations Training, Vols. 1, II, and III, University Associates Press, Iowa
City, 1972.
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Channel," Bell System Technical journal 36, No. 2 (1957).
Reid, Alex, "New Directions in Telecommunications Research," a report prepared for
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December 1967.
Roberts, A., "Dogmatism and Time Perspective: Attitudes Concerning Certainty and
Prediction of the Future," unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of
Denver, 1959.
Appendix 607
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Subject Index
abuses of Delphi, 101, see also pitfalls comparison of Delphi
accuracy, 231-232, 241 to normal group modes, 7-9 (table)
accuracy measurement, 238-239 to panel studies, 222-226
alternatives to Delphi, 60 computer, a s a communications medium, 499
anonymity, consequences of, 59, 545, 585 computer-based learning, 550-562
applications, 4 (list), 73-225, 158 computerized conferencing, 489-492, 497-515
appropriateness of, 4 advantages, 499-500, 502-503, 504-505
business and industry, 76-78, 168-225 analysis of, 524 (fig.)
of contributory Delphi, 28 applications, 491 (list), 510-515
corporate, 168-226 commercial application, 501-502
cross-impact, 361-365, 370-375, 375-380 cost, 491, 503-504
fields of, 11 (list) and Delphi, 490-491
goal formulation, 262-282 in educational system, 550-562
government planning, 75-76, 84-166 forecast, 550-562
to information management, 364-365 future of, 509-515
on-line conferencing, 362-363 impact on society, 514
as organizing tool, 361-362 origins, 505-509
properties of, 4 (list) possible misuses, 560-561
recommended, 119 (table) reactions to, 504-505, 508-509
scenario-building, 466-477 utility, 491
specialized techniques, 383-487 versions available, 500-502
see also examples, uses computerizations, time-sharing, 281-282
appropriateness of Delphi, 4, 23 computer management of society, 563-569
ARPANET, 501 computer misuse, 563-569
Arrow's theorem, 538 computer utilization, 302
audience for results, 69 computers and Delphi, 487-570
bias, 246-248 conditional probability estimates, 106-107
bias by time period, 164-165 conflictual synthetic systems, 30
biased responses, 160, 230, 231 conference Delphi, defined, 5 confidence, 79
caveats, 40, 93-94, 158, 223, see also suggestions confidence scale, 91-92, 274-276
certainty, 243-246 conflict management and diagnosis, 557-558
characteristics 5, 8 (table), 103,236 consensual systems, 21
conventional, 5 consensus, 435, 466
real-time, 5 artificial, 100
cluster analysis, 385, 390-391 operationally measured, 108
comments, collecting and editing, 216 as opinion stability, 277-281
commitment, 59 consensus-oriented Delphi, 28, 463-486
committees, problems with, 86 to facilitate, 42
committee system, 85 utility of, 23
committee work, via computer conferencing, consensus range, 105
555-557 consistency, 329-333, 470, 472
communication context, sources of, 65
comparison of modes, 522 conventional Delphi, defined, 5
computer-aided, see computerized conferenc- convergence, 162-163, 167, 229
ing correlation between questions, 163-164
of Delphi results, 70 costs for a Delphi, 158
electronic, 517-534 credibility, 160
group, see group communication criticisms, 5, 573-586
research, 520-527 cross-impact analysis, 325-382
of statistical results, 221 (fig.) annotated bibliography, 365-368
taxonomies, 528-532 applications, 361-365
types of, 8-9 (table) Bayesian-based theory, 329-335
vs. transportation, 510, 513-515 causal probability, 342
communication system, effect on group performance, consistency condition, 329-333
610 Subject Index
continuous variables, see KSIMcorrelation refinements, 103
coefficient, 344 -346 reliability, 116
difference equation method, 346-348 results, see results
discrete event, 325 -368 roles of, 76, 86
early models, 327-328 statements, 232-233
event set, 339 suggestions, see suggestions
example, 357-361 underlying assumptions, 239 -240
information theory method, 353 -357 uses, see uses
KSIM, 369-382 vs. face-to-face discussion, 291-321
likelihood measure method, 348-349 design considerations, 64-70, 120-121
maximum information added, 351-353 context, 65
non-Bayesian theory, 341 -357 communication of results, 70
resolution of inconsistencies, 333-335 interpretation and summation of
scenarios, 335-336 responses, 70
via simulation, 369 -382 leadership roles, 545-546
see also KSIM orchestrating interaction, 69-70
deception, 585-586 panel creation, see panel, panel selection
definiteness, 241 questionnaire design, see
Delphi questionnaire design
advantages, 158 stimulating response, 68 -69
as analysis tool, 100 -101 time, 65-67
applicability, 59 design considerations, see also study design
caveats, see caveats design-monitor team, 93
characteristics, see characteristics effort required of, 213 (fig.)
classical, 505 desirability scale, 90, 136 (table), 472
cost, 158 dialectical inquiring system, 29-33
definition, 3, 38, 489 contrasted to adversary procedure, 32
design considerations, see design considerations see also Hegelian IS
as educational device, 100-101 Dialectical Policy Inquirer, 31-32
effort involved, 213 (fig.) differential salience, 416-417
effectiveness, 115-118 discounting the future, 574 -578
evaluation, see evaluation DISCUSS, 500-501
examples, see examples dispersion, 229-230
flow, 39 (fig.) dogmatism
future for, 487-570, 496 effects on Delphi, 288-290
goals, 96 dominance judgement, 409
graphically aided, 40, 403 dyadic, 408
as heterogenistic tool, 494 -495 effectiveness of Delphi, 117 (table)
impact of monitor, 57 encouraging involvement, 115, 118
information flow, 214 (fig.) facilitating communication, 115, 118
interpretation of results, 70 modifications, 59, 60, 62, 103, see also cross
manpower needs, 212 electronic media communication, 517-534,
mathematically treated, see group estimation impact, computer conferencing, policy
Delphi EMISARI, 500, 506-507
objectives, 125-126 empirical science, 21
panels, see panel error measurement, median group error, 294
performance, 312-315 estimation
philosophy, see philosophy desirable features of, 240-248
pictorially aided, 435 multidimensional, 399-400, 402-431
pitfalls, see pitfalls group, see group estimation
potential improvements, 35 individual, see individual estimation
problems, see problems evaluation, 89 -90, 114-119, 159, 227-322
procedure, see study design comparative, 116 (table)
questionnaire design, see
que stionnaire design
reasons for using, 114
Subject Index 611
empirical, 115, 118 experimental consensual systems, 21
of feedback, 270-272, 276-277 expertise
of impact of study, 159 effect on group performance, 295-297
by panelists, 115-118 illusory, 581-582
performance, 291-327 role of, 30, 84
reliability, 116 v s . non-experts, 112, 144-145
replicability, 115 (table)
summary, 320-321 extrapolative scenario, 469
see also validity face-to-face discussion
evaluation criterion for Delphi, 54 computer-aided, 502
evaluation matrix, 105 vs. Delphi, 291-321
example, 113 (fig.) failure of Delphi, reasons for, 6
event probability distribution, 469 (fig.), factor analysis, 396-398
475 (fig.) fallacies, 584-585
evolution of Delphi, 10-11 feasibility scale, 90-41, 135 (table), 472
examples feedback, effects of, 270-272, 276-277
aircraft competition, 370-375 forced choice, 510
business, 174-175 forecasting vs. fact-finding, 299-300
chemical, 171 formal symbolic systems, 24
civil defense policy, 96-97 format of Delphi, see study design
communications, 171 FORUM, 517
computer, 169 foundations of Delphi, 17-36
county government, 96 Lockean basis, 22
cross impact, 357-361 future prospects of Delphi, 191-192, 496, 498,570
drug abuse, 124-159 fuzzy set theory, 478, 494
education, 174-175 genetic counseling services, 100
exploring human relationships, 52 goals, defined, 263
forecast government employment, 99 goals, Delphi, 263-267
glass, 171 group communication, 535-549
Hegelian, 96-97 large widespread groups, 548-549
home computer uses, 175, 182 steps in feedback session, 540-544
housing, 170 using portable equipment, 546-547
images o£ future, 436139 via electronic media, 517-534, 539-540
Kantian, 95-96 group estimation, definition, 236
land-use planning, 97 group estimation theory, 236-261
leisure and recreation, 169 axiomatic approach, 257-259
market opportunities, 66-67 error theory, 249-251
market research, 170 probabilistic approach, 251-257
medical, 78-81, 174-175 score, 237-239
metropolitan transit, 375-380 see also, estimation
national priorities, 95-96 group feedback session, 540-544
newsprint, 169 group ordering problems, 538 philosophical
personnel management, 170 orientation of, 76, 77
pharmaceutical, 171 habitus mentalis, 48-49
planning, 81-83 Hegelian Inquiring System, 29-33
plastics, 195-209 characteristic questions, 19
pollution sources, 111 (fig.) characteristics, 29
quality of life, 387-401 suitability, 31
reaction to retarded, 41 heterogeneity, 494
regional planning, 112-114 heuristic process, 482
social change, 170 importance of, in forecasting, 581-582
steel and ferroalloy, 210-226 history of Delphi, 10
telephone, 169 holistic communications, 494
transportation planning, 97
water resources management, 102-123
see also uses, applications
612 Subject Index
honesty, 240 Leibnizian Inquiring System, 23-25
HYPERTUTOR, 501 characteristic questions, 19
idiomergent, 49-51 characteristics, 23
vs. industrial, 51 (tables), 54 (table) suitability, 25
importance scale, 91, 137 (table). letter of invitation, 93 -94
indices, see scales Likert scale, 272
individual estimation, 240-247 Lockean Inquiring System, 21-23
INDSCAL, 414-426 basis of Delphi, 22
inductive representation, 21 characteristic questions, 19
information characteristics, 21
flow in Delphi, 214 (fig.) methodological example, 22
from a dialectic viewpoint, 30 problems, 22
information content strengths, 23
of Leibnizian IS, 24 suitability, 23
of Lockean IS, 21 weaknesses, 23
in-house vs. consultants, 190 long-range planning via computer conferenc
innovation, 512 ing, 555-557 Hegelian, 29-33
inquiring systems (IS), 19-35, 43-44, 566-567 MAILBOX, 501-502, 507-508
definition, 21 management, aided by computer conferencing,
differentiated, 18 -19 512-513
goal orientation of, 29 materials, 69
Kantian, 25-29 MDSCAL, 411
Leibnizian, 23-25' measure of polarization, 92
list of, 15, 19 median group error (MGE), 294
Lockean, 21-23 Merleau-Ponty Inquiring System, 43-44
Merleau-Ponty, 43-44 applications, 43
Singerian, 33-35 methodology, 262-287
interaction matrix, 371 (fig.), 376 (fig.) misusing Delphi results in business, 189-190
interaction modes, 57-64 models
affairs, 62 of Delphi, 25
comparison, 58 (table) empirical, 21
episodes, 60-61 inquiring system, 21
events, 61-62 motivation, 69
experiences, 59-60 multidimensional scaling, 385, 402 -431
occurrences, 63-64 advantages, 414
transactions, 57 -59 annotated bibliography, 426-431 definition, 402
interquartile spread, 163 (fig.), 216 example, 410-414, 418-426
interrelated event s, 106, see also cross- INDSCAL, 414-426
impact analysis ordinary, 409-414
interval scale, importance of, 272 preference analysis, 422-423
justifications of Delphi, 10 two-way, 409-414 uniqueness property, 419
Kantian inquiry use in Delphi, 403, 426
examples of, 28 multi-model synthetic systems, 27
Kantian Inquiring System, 25-29 multiple studies, 190 computer output, 377-380
characteristic questions, 19 normalization, see multidimensional scaling
characteristics, 26 normative scenario, 469
suitability, 29 normative system-building, 463-486 (fig. 465,
KSIM, 369-382 485)
examples, 370-375, 375-380
interaction matrix, 371 (fig.), 376 (fig.)
interactions, 376-377
mathematics, 372-373
policy testing, 377 -380
variables, 370, 375
Law of Comparative judgment, 273
learning curve, 469 (fig.)
Subject Index 613
clustering, 473-476 size, 86
learning loops, 482-484 uses, 94-95
policy generation, 480-482 policymaking, 463-464, 480-482
simulation, 481 policy question, 75, 84
utility, 470 Prediction urge, 578
normat ive systems, 464 PROBE, 170
NUCLEUS, 550, 558 problem identification, 477180
number of rounds, 88, 94, 212, '229, 320 problems, 6, 22, 100-101, 189-190
stopping criterion, 281 biased responses, 160, 166-167 criticisms, 6-7, 573-
objectives, defined, 263 586 panel
opinion stability measure, 277-281 reasons for failure, 6
optimism -pessimism consistency, 230, 231, 584 group ordering, 538
ORACLE, 501, 550-562 see also pitfalls
ordinal scale, 272 probability estimates
oversellin g, 584-585 difficulty with, 107
compared to Delphi, 222-226 (fig. 224) guide for, 107-108
contributions required of, 213 (fig.) problem solving via computer conferencing,
creation, 68 510-511
mix, 68, 102 proprietary problems; 191 panel size, 86
respondent's objectives, 133 (table) quality, of life, 495
self-definition, 57 difficulty in measurin g, 582 factor
size, see panel size analysis, 396-398
subdivision, 103 models, 388-390, 389 (fig.)
panel selection, 94, 127, 210-211, 582-583 rankings, 392-393 (tables) results, 391-396 payments,
effect on performance, 292-295, 315-318, 320 69
participation statistics, 130 (table) question design, 540-541, 543 (fig.) questionnaire
participatory democracy, 493 design, 93, 127-134, 172-174,
PARTY LINE, 500, 506 196, 198, 232-233
payment for Delphi by corporations, 187-188 examples, 106 (fig.), 154-155, 198 (fig.), 200
perception, 414-426, 576-577 201 (fig.), 204 (fig.), 441-442, 448-462 philosophy,
performance evaluation, 291-327 15-71
phases of Delphi, 5-6 g delays, 129 sample questions, 97, 162
philosophical modes, 18-35 time for completion, 129, 132
mailing aids, 435 for trend extrapolation, 219 (fig.) discounting the
pitfalls, 571-586 future, 574-578
deception, 585-586 realism, 241-243
illusory expertise, 581-582 reality construction, 37-71
optimism -pessimism bias, 584 real-time Delphi, definition, 5
overselling, 584-585 regression analysis vs. subjective judgment, 395
prediction urge, 578 396
simplification urge, 579-581 reliability, 116
sloppy execution, 582-584 respondents, see panel
PLATO, 500-501 response distribution, 230
policy Delphi, 84-101 response rate, 132
as precursor to committees, 86 results of Delphi, 40, 134-158, 437-439
examples, 95-100, 124-159 create an audience for, 69
guidelines,- 93-94 interpretation of, 70, 383
measure of polarization, 92 used as data, 188
mechanics of, 87-95 retrospective futurology, 83
objectives, 87
participants, 88-89 risk analysis by Delphi, 77-78
phases of, 88 roles of Delphi, 76
problems, 92, 100-101 round one, 212-216
rating scales, 89 design, 212-214
role of, 86-87, 100 information package, 104
sample questions, 97-98 results, 214-216
614 Subject Index
rounds, number of, 88, 94, 212, 229, 320 synergistic thinking, 435
rounds, stopping criterion, 281 technology assessment, 29
round three, 220-222 teleconferencing, 517-520 design, 216-219
round two, 216-220
teleological, 33 time, 129, 132 results, 220
feedback, 104, 105 time needed by participants, 306-307 time
rule of the triangle, 330 domain, 65-67
scales, 89, 90-92 (table), 135-137, 218 (fig.), trend extrapolation, 237
262, 467, 471 trend extrapolation form, 219 (fig.)
confidence, 91-92, 218 (fig.) truth content of Delphi, 24
desirability, 90, 136 (table) types of Delphi, 5
feasibility, 90-91, 135 (table) conventional, 5
importance, 91, 137 (table) real time, 5
see also multi-dimensional scaling uncertainty, 229, 243 -246
scaling techniques, comparison, 272 -273 usefulness of Delphi, 54 scenario -building logic,
scenario-building technology, 470-477 464-470
scenarios, 335-336, 386, 469 uses of Delphi, 46-47, 51, 121, 125
definition, 470 administrative planning, 82
examples, 550 -561, 563-569 budget estimation, 89
use of, in Delphi, 79-80 combine opinions, 160
self-rating, 129, 131 (table), 233-234, 296 as educational process, 94
significance of, 310-312, 320 educational area, 82
simplification urge, 579-581 elicit a hot list, 83
Singerian Delphi, 35 encourage participation, 46
Singerian Inquiring System, 33-35 establishing priorities, 161
characteristic question, 19 estimating historical data, 78 -79
distinctive features, 34 examining the past, 82-83
main features, 33 filter out noise, 83
potential for Delphi, 35 health-care planning, 81
strengths, 35 investigate past performance, 95
weaknesses, 35 probe insights, 47
sloppiness in Delphi, 582 -584 problem identification, 81
social choice, 537-539 regional planning, 81-82 risk
sociometry, 421 analysis, 77-78
specialized techniques, 383-487, see also cross see also examples, applications
impact analysis, policy Delphi, computer
conferencing using Delphi results in business, 188-189 impact
statistical methods, re Lockean IS, 22 analysis, policy Delphi, com
statistical summaries, 109 (fig.), 221 (fig.), 438, validity, 18
444-447 (fig.) as consensus, 22
stimulating response, 68 -69 comparison to real data, 79
strengths of Delphi, 23, 586 Lockean, 21
study design, 126-7, 172-174, 182 (table), philosophical positions, 19-20
210, 390 -391, 436-437, see also design see also evaluation
considerations validity scale, 218 (fig.)
study sophistication, 160 variance, as function of rounds, 299
subjective probabilities, 468 variations in Delphi, 59, 60, 62
subpanels, 80-81 voting dimensions, 89
subgroups, measure of polarization, 92 voting scales, see scales
subjective probability, 580 weighting responses, 543-544
suggestions for Delphi, 64-70, 226
introduce ambiguities, 44-45
recommendations, 120-121
introduce what if items, 46
see also caveats, design considerations
syncretic scenario, 464
The Delphi Method: Techniques and Applications
From the Foreword by Olaf Helmer:
"Delphi has come a long way in its brief history, and it has a long way to go. Since its
invention about twenty years ago for the purpose of estimating the probable effects
of a massive atomic bombing attack o n U n i t e d S t a t e s , a n d i t s s u b s e q u e n t
application in the mid -s i x t i e s t o technological forecasting, its use has
proliferated in the United States and Abroad. While its principal area of application
has remained that of technical forecasting, it has been used in many other contexts in
which judgmental information is indispensable. These include normative forecasts; the
ascertainment of values and preferences; estimates concerning the quality of life;
simulated and real decision making; and what may be called ‘inventive planning’, by
which is meant the identification (including invention) of potential measures that
might be taken to deal with a given problem situation and the assessment of such
proposed measures with regard to their feasibility, desirability, and effectiveness…
Harold A. Linstone received his B.S. degree from the City College of New York and
his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Southern California: He has been a
Member of the Rand Corporation, a Senior Scientist at Hughes Aircraft Company,
and Associate Director of Corporate Development Planning at Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation From 1965-to 1970, he was also Adjunct Professor of Industrial and
Systems Engineering at the University. of Southern California, where he introduced
courses an "Technological Forecasting" and "Planning Alternative Futures." The latter
won USC's Dart Award for Innovation in Teaching in 1970. He has presented
616 Subject Index
numerous seminars on Forecasting and Long-Range Planning in the United States and
Europe and started the Center for Technological and Interdisciplinary Forecasting at
Tel-Aviv University. Since 1970 he has been Professor of Systems Science at Portland
State University and Director of its new interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in. this . field.
He is Senior Editor of the international journal, Technological Forecasting and Social
Murray Turoff received his B.S. degree in Physics and Mathematics from the
University of California at Berkeley, and his Ph.D. in Physics from Brandeis
University. He has been a Systems Engineer for IBM, a member of the Science and
Technology Division of the Institute for Defense Analyses, and a Senior Operations
Research Analyst for the Office of Emergency Preparedness in the Executive Offices
of the President. In 1972-73 he introduced and taught a course in “Technological
Forecasting” at American University. Since 1973 he has been an Associate Professor of
Computer and Information Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is
also Associate Director of the Center for Technology Assessment. Professor Turoff has
conducted or designed a number of major Delphi studies and is noted for introducing
the Policy Delphi concept and the first computer-based Delphi, as well as a number of
Management Information Systems based upon Delphi-like communication concepts.
Currently he is engaged in a major research program at New Jersey Institute of
Technology concerned with the use of computers to augment human communication
ISBN 0-201-04294-0