First Aid Kit Inspection Record

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First Aid Kit Inspection Record (First Aid Requirements section 9)

First Aid Box Location

Employers shall inspect first aid boxes and their contents at least
quarterly and shall mark the inspection card for each box with the
date of the most recent inspection and the signature of the person
making the inspection.
9(1) Every employer employing more than 5 and not more than 15
workers in any one shift at a place of employment shall provide
and maintain at the place of employment a first-aid station with a
first-aid box containing as a minimum:

A current edition of a First Aid Manual

1 each

1 card of safety pins


Adhesive dressings individually wrapped

Adhesive tape 1 wide
Sterile gauze pads (3 square)

24 each
2 rolls
12 each

Gauze bandage 2 wide

4 rolls

Gauze bandage 4 wide

4 rolls

Sterile surgical pads (pressure dressing)

4 each

Triangular bandages

6 each

Roll up splint

1 each

Splint padding

2 rolls

Poster (Form 82)

Valid First Aid Certificates
First aid incident recording sheet
Inspection Card

Date Inspected

For sites with 5-15 workers on one shift


First Aid Kit Inspection Record (First Aid Requirements section 8)

First Aid Box Location

Employers shall inspect first aid boxes and their contents at least
quarterly and shall mark the inspection card for each box with the
date of the most recent inspection and the signature of the person
making the inspection.
8(1) Every employer employing more than 5 workers in any one
shift at a place of employment shall provide and maintain at the
place of employment a first-aid station with a first-aid box
containing as a minimum:

A current edition of a First Aid Manual

1 each

1 card of safety pins


Adhesive dressings individually wrapped

12 each

Sterile gauze pads (3 square)

4 each

Gauze bandage 2 wide

2 rolls

Field dressings, 4 inches square/ or sterile bandage

Triangular bandages

2 each

Poster (Form 82)

Valid First Aid Certificates
First aid incident recording sheet
Inspection Card

1 each

Date Inspected

For sites with not more than 5 workers on one shift

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