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Sear ee CT tre er a PU ures Burret eed African os LORIN Dee wesc cn tA a 5 tee? Athan Busbessis prow to beassoclated with "of France in publishing the inaugural ranking of Africa’s most joiseul institute "Promising business leaders under the age of 40. _ Africa’s Top 100 ‘Young Business Leaders he Chisel inte of France has Pot together a ranking ofthe 0 tnost promising Afican business suns tasceeis Ihnk ta an eed ch cm te edad obey sates cl gc Se pains ee seer Se accor is key wiki coca: eee eres yicae: ire parent nasa ao ig pts thie cn beg ottaasemici rede Pilon st ie ntsctniticag Sree itn ising tllavne Ghat jre maetsohigfecrotgie soni cto i nica tiene eonta pal cos owt seh at “he comes sd Byond e Peaah ieee eae See ee oe ns eats ised toe” Sobral erat grat pagemies ee eat pole tung orc see eee atte ES ae bother ie iy Ahern pene eamiartins Beye sremuipsctomalt Aan pon ceecanee ieee ie PRR ste wuo the en ante Impressive competences of those whose acts shape he dstinyf their vm cou {ces and ofthe continent “The Chole 00 Alen” he say, “lan toldentifythase mea and women who are 49 earsoi and below, whe ae sucessful fil have the ambition of iting Arica to it hgh level of conemiea, societal na citarldevelpinene™ "Te ietute pushes an anal ek Ingof the top 00 young busines leaders im France bt his iis tie for tic. Adtion to the top cli here another ‘ne with rankings fom 100-200, ‘Mostof the young men and women in thelist ate heads ofeumpenie investors rintnlorsoflarge see pts Antoine illo, nead of Sadis apd Iomovatin 3 the tt, cent ca thelist was no etemined sly cathe ass of wealth "aloo thes Poole eprtent eh on tinea youngecanorsicclite wht we were Tooling realy was soll acne These ae the people that we aleve ilshape he oteusufubefaure Africa. vbat hey hhvetn conan consent tee. lence, innova apeoaces andthe wl “Tas was a majo Year lng pojec or the institute Ine nthe stinmperef2on tnd the cit off got Wes sutemn the yeas ‘hyroyed incxperts and spell wohl das canister th lng Spent ‘vtet uc at eet) chechiag wat acs, Fiscal They bolle? atetvork ot solr in srous Afean counties “All together” sys Hilion, "ene 230 peop ‘worked the projet, We had oct ut the methodology of the stad, tard for and ‘eatty suitable pris sit work oa the lenge "Tobedlipble fr consideration candidates had tobe citizens of one ofthe 5 Alricuy slates go yesrs eld oryonager an ana. satya ade making sn seve contbu Ue ote ecovomiedetlopmentof Act Several weighted caerawere ken nto scent. Thee aiadedconsdertions ch 2 age snd epatstin, backgroend and Sil, power and fanction, inflence and setweek, pte and ear. ‘he oll ofthe scores obamedin thei: ferent categorie of etera deters the ston ofeach teste th nl rank. To pradace the ranking te Intute was supportesbyonpanies sek 2s RATE, Yee Rocher, Roland Rerger Necoleans,Filfage Construction, Groupe BPE, Clyde C0 snd Loarre Hotels Group ‘Tends: {outot Atnees4 counties aecepesent in helsing Counties withthe agpst aon ‘erat aves the et inl: Kes, Nigeria, 8; Moose, South fre 7¢ nd Cameroon 0: Alga, Tatas, tte Vielen vel epee. ‘he represented a= che ioe TEC but eae, teapot wal stusteucion te pots ee presented as geet can Bsns November a

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