Presentation 1

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No Mans Land is when 2 groups are fighting each other but

none of them wanted to go in the middle it was most used in the

first world war .


This weapon is called a

trench club it for close range
as if they threw it they
would have no weapon.

The trench tactics were very predictable. When

trenches were attacked a lot of men would run
into machines guns or barb wire. The way the
trench was defended that they would stand on
the top of the trench and fire. The defence were a
lot stronger than the attack.

Revolver is a gun for officers it

was used to shoot enemies.

The British infantry and the most forward-placed

artillery face the "perfect storm" on the morning of 21
March: they are attacked in overwhelming strength in
thick fog, wearing gas masks for much of the day,
finding that fast-moving enemy infantry has broken
through gaps in the defences and is rounding them up
from behind. Thousands are killed and more captured.
Many garrisons of strongpoints hold out although
surrounded, but the Germans drive deep into the British
positions in several areas, precipitating retreat and chaos
that develops over the next few days.

The Battle of Vimy Ridge was a military engagement

fought primarily as part of the Battle of Arras, in the
Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France, during the First
World War. The main combatants were the Canadian
Corps, of four divisions, against three divisions of the
German Sixth Army.

Shell Shock
Shell Shock was a reaction to intensity that meant you
was like jelly u couldn't speak u all u could hear was the
bombs were going off.

He had to be resourceful in getting his
dispatches back to Fleet Street, evading the
French or British authorities to deliver his stories
to London himself. Another time he bribed the
purser of a cross-channel steamer and even
managed to get his dispatches delivered by the
War Office itself, courtesy of an official King's

There was nothing glamorous about trench life. World
War 1 trenches were dirty, smelly and riddled with
disease. For soldiers life in the trenches meant living in
fear. In fear of diseases like cholera and trench foot and of
course, the constant fear of enemy attack.

Trench Conditions
The conditions were pretty disgusting it was
smelly loads of people catch diseases it was
not a pleasant place to be.

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