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Geographic Distribution

Check List 10(5): 11791183, 2014

2014 Check List and Authors
ISSN 1809-127X (available at www.checklist.org.br)



Journal of species lists and distribution

Oryctolagus cuniculus Linneaus, 1758 (Mammalia:

Lagomorpha: Leporidae): New record in the Nahuel Huapi
National Park, Patagonia, Argentina
Gladys I. Galende

Departamento de Zoologa, CRUB, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Quintral 1250, (8400) Bariloche, Ro Negro, Argentina.
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Biological invasions are difficult to control when invaders populations attain high densities; therefore early
detection is important for implementing management strategies. This study presents the first record of the European rabbit,
Oryctolagus cuniculus Linneaus, 1758, in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Patagonia, Argentina and confirms its dispersion
in habitats adjacent to the Siete Lagos route. Considering the potential ecological consequences of rabbit in a protected
area, the early detection of this invasive species will allow the National Park Administration to implement urgent control
measures in order to stop the advance.
DOI: 10.15560/10.5.1183

Most studies on biological invasions are performed

when populations attain high densities and successful
controlling measures are difficult to implement. However,
if detection is early and basic aspects of distribution,
dispersion, and habitat use are known, it is possible to
develop control strategies and prevent further spread. The
European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Linneaus, 1758, is
a species native to southern Europe and northern Africa,
and was introduced successfully in all continents except
Antarctica and Asia (Smith and Boyer 2008). Rabbits are
considered ecosystem engineers because their activities
produce marked ecosystem-level effects. Construction
of burrows alters soil structure and composition while
selective feeding modifies richness and diversity of plant
species (Eldridge and Myers 2001). Although rabbits have
been extensively studied in their native and introduced
ranges, in Patagonia the spread and effects of this herbivore
on vegetation and wildlife remain understudied.
A high rate of biological invasion was recorded in the
Nahuel Huapi National Park (NHNP) (Merino et al. 2009)
where successful populations of invasive mammals are
well established: red deer Cervus elaphus Linneaus, 1758,
European hare Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778, and wild
boar Sus scrofa Linneaus, 1758. The exotic rabbit arrived
at Lanin National Park in 1989 (Funes et al. unpublished
data) and the most southwestern record corresponds to
Meliquina Lake (402239 S, 7118 89 W) (Bonino and
Sourigues 2009). The high rates of dispersal recorded
for this species indicate a high probability of invasion
throughout the Patagonian region, including the Andean
forests in the Nahuel Huapi National Park (Bonino and
Sourigues 2009).
The potential impacts of rabbits on native forests are
little known. Studies in xeric habitats of central Chile
showed several negative effects, e.g., they affect distribution
on native grasses by soil modification (Jaksic and Fuentes

1980), browse and consume shrub seedlings when herbs

are scarce (Simonetti and Fuentes 1983), and destroy
more seedlings than the native small mammals (Fuentes
et al. 1983). At local landscape scale, studies conducted
in native forests of Nothofagus pumilio showed that hare
and rabbit browsing inhibit regeneration (Mutarelli and
Orfila 1973; Veblen et al. 2004). Rabbits are also good
seed dispersers of native and exotic plants and could
facilitate seedling establishment (Fernndez and Siz
2007; Castro et al. 2008). In addition, diet studies showed
trophic competition with domestic livestock (Bonino
and Soriguer 2009), and also trophic overlapping with
the mountain vizcacha Lagidium viscacia Molina, 1782,
which represents a threat to their colonies in situations
of scarce food (Galende and Raffaele 2013a). These
antecedents suggest that the presence of the European
rabbit in the NHNP could have important influences on
floristic composition, community structure, and native
wildlife. The early detection, dispersion, and current
status of rabbit populations are important to the National
Park Administration in order to implement rapid control
measures and prevent the spread of rabbits in Patagonian
forests. The goal of this study is to confirm the presence
and dispersal of rabbits in different plant communities
of the Nahuel Huapi National Park. Routes of dispersion
and potential ecological consequences of the rabbits in
Patagonian ecosystems are also discussed.
This study was conducted in a mountain area at 1012
m a.s.l., in the northern edge of Nahuel Huapi National
Park (40 2417.6 S; 712928.2 W) (Figure 1). The
subantarctic forest is dominated by tree species of
Nothofagus spp. and Autrocedrus chilensis; the grasslands
by Stipa spp., Festuca pallescens, wet meadows by Juncus
spp., Carex spp.; and shrublands by Berberis buxifolia and
the exotic rose Rosa rubiginosa (Mermoz et al. 2009). Based
on observation records provided by the local park ranger,

Galende | New record of Oryctolagus cuniculus in Patagonia, Argentina

Figure 1. Early detection of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Patagonia Argentina.

we conducted a survey to detect rabbit presence and

assess habitat use in the most common plant communities
(forest, wet meadow and shrubland).
In seasonal samplings of autumn (May 2011), winter
(August), spring (November), summer (March), and
autumn 2012 (June), fresh fecal pellets were counted
and collected in circular plots in the three most common
plant communities: a) Nothofagus antarctica forest, b)
shrubland of Berberis buxifolia and Rosa rubiginosa, and
c) wet meadow of Carex spp. and Juncus sp. Rabbit fecal
pellets were identified and differentiated from the pellets
of the European hare by size, shape, color, texture, and
vegetable fiber fragmentation (Figure 2). The relative
abundance of rabbits per habitat type was estimated by
fecal pellet count using two transects 300 m long with

30 fixed plots (sampling units = SU) of 1 m in diameter

(total area = 0.78 m2) at intervals of 10 m. Pellets were
cleaned after each survey to avoid double counting. The
average number of pellets/m2 per habitat was estimated
by the relative abundance index (PAI) (Ferreira and Alves
2009) considering number of pellets counted in 60 SU,
and seasonal average by the number of pellets in 180 m2
SU (X SE). The annual average density of pellets (PAI)
was estimated using the seasonal average values in a total
of 720 SU. Variations in pellet densities between habitat
types were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney
nonparametric tests; seasonal differences by Friedman
test for multiple dependent samples; and differences in
mean densities of pellets between beginning and end of
the study were evaluated by the Wilcoxon test (Zar 1999).

Galende | New record of Oryctolagus cuniculus in Patagonia, Argentina

Figure 2. a: Fecal pellets of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus); b: European hare (Lepus europaeus)

Rabbit presence was confirmed in forests, shrublands,

and wet meadows in northern NHNP. Fecal pellets were
more abundant in meadows adjacent to Siete Lagos
route (47% of sampling units) than in shrublands and
forests (39 and 14% of sampling units respectively,
Figure 3).
The annual average density of pellets was low (0.26
0.11), and decreased significantly (Z = 4.40 p <0.001,
Wilcoxon test) throughout the annual cycle from autumn
20112012. The mean pellet density during the study
showed no significant variations between seasons (ANOVA
Friedman test = 8, DF= 4, p = 0.09) and between habitats
(F2, 15 = 1.57, p = 0.45, Kruskal-Wallis test).
Seasonal analysis showed that in autumn 2011, the
greatest annual pellets/m2 density was recorded in
wet meadows (1.07 0.26) and pellets density differed
significantly between habitats (F2, 180 = 6.0, p = 0.04). In
winter 2011, the Caulle volcano erupted covering the
whole area with a layer of ashes, and after this event
fecal pellets were not detected in the study area. In the
following spring there were no significant differences
in pellet abundances between habitats (F2, 180 = 3.35, p
= 0.18). In summer and autumn 2012, there were no
fecal pellets in forest and the records in shrublands
and wet meadows showed no significant differences
(summer, U = 1795, p = 0.98, autumn U = 1640, p = 0.40,
Mann-Whitney test).
In agreement with predictions by Bonino and
Soriguer (2009), the results confirmed that rabbits
are actively spreading southwards into Patagonia.
They are currently present at 25 km from the previous
southernmost record and inhabit shrublands, forests,
and wet meadows adjacent to Siete Lagos route in the
Nahuel Huapi National Park. Presence of fecal pellets in
these areas coincide with high advance rates previously
observed in this route (Funes et al. unpublished data)
confirming that river corridors and adjacent areas

to roads functioned as favorable ways for dispersion

(Bonino and Soriguer 2009; Cuevas et al. 2011). In some
areas of northern Patagonia, rabbit density is high (39
57 rabbits/ha) and the average rate of dispersion varied
between 6 and 9 km/year according to the river basin
considered (Bonino and Soriguer 2009). The relative
low abundance recorded in this study was similar to
that of some regions in Portugal and Spain (Ferreira
and Alves 2009), but these results should be taken
with caution because in June 2011 the Puyehue Caulle
volcano erupted. This geological event had a strong
local impact because the study area was covered with
20 cm of ashes. Estimations for ash values indicated
that food availability could be reduced between 30
50% (Siffredi et al. 2011). Despite this, the presence and
numerical recovery of rabbit population in the following
spring, demonstrated their great plasticity for surviving
extreme conditions and invading diverse environments
(Bonino and Soriguer 2009; Ferreira and Alves 2009;
Cuevas et al. 2011). Probably the decrease in rabbit
abundance throughout this study was due to reductions
in food resources as was observed in Europe (Ferreira
and Alves 2009, Moreno and Villafuerte 1995).
Regeneration of Nothofagus sp. and Austrocedrus
chilensis native forests is frequently affected by grazing
from livestock, red deer, hare, rabbit, and rooting
disturbances by wild boar (Relva et al. 2010, Veblen et
al. 2004; Barrios Garca and Ballari 2012). In contrast,
strong evidences in this region indicated a facilitator
effect by red deer and wild boar for the establishment of
exotic plants (Relva et al. 2010; Barrios Garcia and
Simberloff 2013). These impacts, in addition to rabbit
effects, could have synergistic effects facilitating the
settlement of exotic plants although field experiments
are still needed. Rabbits are also knownfor their negative
impacts on native fauna. In general, they compete for food
and shelter with other herbivores or cancause an increase in

Galende | New record of Oryctolagus cuniculus in Patagonia, Argentina

carnivore populations(GISD 2005). In northern Patagonia,

the native mountain vizcacha (Lagidium viscacia) and
rabbit coexist in rocky outcrop areas and their diets based
on grasses showed a trophic overlap (Galende and Raffaele
2013a). The vizcacha is a rock specialist with activities
restricted to rocky proximity and highly vulnerable to
changes in food availability (Galende and Raffaele 2013b).
Although the major impact of rabbits occurs in the
vegetation around burrows, they prefer to feed on grasses,
and also remove palatable plants at distances from the
burrows (Eldridge and Myers 2001; Galvez-Bravo et al.
2011). In food scarcity situations, such as in winter and/
or high densities of rabbits, vizcacha populations could be

Additionally, soil modifications by rabbits could also

affect the burrows of fossorial native rodents as the tucotuco (Ctenomys spp.).
The results of this study indicate that rabbit dispersion
continues and currently reaches the Nahuel Huapi National
Park. This represents a new challenge for biodiversity
conservation in protected areas of Patagonian region
where the highest relative rates of invasion of the country
were recorded (Merino et al. 2009). In the NHNP, the
invasive vertebrate species management program (APN
Disposition 373/10) indicates regulated hunting for other
exotic species such as red deer and wild boar. Therefore,
similar measures could be considered to reduce rabbit

Figure 3. Seasonal variation of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) fecal pellets on three plant communities in Nahuel Huapi National Park,
Patagonia Argentina. Values represent mean pellet density per square meter ( SE). Winter is the season following the volcanic eruption.
Acknowledgments: I thank Fernanda Montes de Oca and Carla Pozzi
for their help, collaboration, and technical support in the field. I also
thank Noelia Barrios and Claudio Chehebar for their comments and
improvements in the manuscript. To the Administration of Nahuel Huapi
National Park and the National University of Comahue, for providing
materials and equipment (grant UNC-B126).

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Received: August 2013
Accepted: September 2014
Published online: October 2014
Editorial responsibility: Guilherme Siniciato Terra Garbino


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