Cost Estimation Co Generation Mode For Power: Annexure - 2
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Suparna Bhose
This document provides a cost estimation for a co-generation power project with 6 different configuration modes. It includes details of the projected power generation capacity, total project cost, construction timelines, fuel consumption, annual generation estimates, operating costs, and calculations to determine the interest costs on loans during the construction period. The key information is that the total project cost is estimated at Rs. 1000 crore, with 70% debt financing of Rs. 700 crore, and the interest costs on loans during the 18 month construction period are estimated to be Rs. 49.01 crore.
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Cost Estimation Co Generation Mode For Power: Annexure - 2
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Suparna Bhose
0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
145 views3 pages
This document provides a cost estimation for a co-generation power project with 6 different configuration modes. It includes details of the projected power generation capacity, total project cost, construction timelines, fuel consumption, annual generation estimates, operating costs, and calculations to determine the interest costs on loans during the construction period. The key information is that the total project cost is estimated at Rs. 1000 crore, with 70% debt financing of Rs. 700 crore, and the interest costs on loans during the 18 month construction period are estimated to be Rs. 49.01 crore.
This document provides a cost estimation for a co-generation power project with 6 different configuration modes. It includes details of the projected power generation capacity, total project cost, construction timelines, fuel consumption, annual generation estimates, operating costs, and calculations to determine the interest costs on loans during the construction period. The key information is that the total project cost is estimated at Rs. 1000 crore, with 70% debt financing of Rs. 700 crore, and the interest costs on loans during the 18 month construction period are estimated to be Rs. 49.01 crore.
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0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
145 views3 pages
Cost Estimation Co Generation Mode For Power: Annexure - 2
Uploaded by
Suparna Bhose
This document provides a cost estimation for a co-generation power project with 6 different configuration modes. It includes details of the projected power generation capacity, total project cost, construction timelines, fuel consumption, annual generation estimates, operating costs, and calculations to determine the interest costs on loans during the construction period. The key information is that the total project cost is estimated at Rs. 1000 crore, with 70% debt financing of Rs. 700 crore, and the interest costs on loans during the 18 month construction period are estimated to be Rs. 49.01 crore.
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POWER ANNEXURE -2 CPP CONFIGURATION HP BLR & NEW STG MODE 1 MODE 2 MODE 3 MODE 4 MODE 5 MODE 6 Sr. No. PARTICULARS UNIT BOILER OPERATING AT 88 TPH BOILER OPERATING AT 101 TPH BOILER OPERATING AT MCR 126 TPH HP BOILER AT 91 TPH & EXISTING STG HP BOILER AT 113 TPH & EXISTING STG HP BOILER AT 121 TPH & NEW STG 1) Power Generation kW 16680.00 142500.00 21600.00 15000.00 275700.00 2) Cost of Project Rs.Lakh 1000000000.00 3) Cost/Kw of Installation (Item2/Item1) Rs. 59952.04 4) Loan Rs.Lakh 700000000.00 5) Duration of Construction Months 18 6) Interest on Loan during on construction ( IDC ) Rs.Lakh 49015506.25 7) Total Loan at the end of the construction (Item4+Item6) Rs.Lakh 8) Actual Equity- Debt Ratio a) Equity 30% 300000000 b) Debt 70% 700000000 9) Total Sum at charge Rs.Lakh 1049015506.25 10) Cost/kW of Installation including Interest on loan during Construction (Item9/Item1) Rs. 62890.62 11) Total Operation hours in a year Hour 8000.00 12) Annual Generation (Item1 X Item11) Million kWh 133440000.00 13) Auxilliary Power Requirement fraction of total generation 0.10 14) Auxilliary Consumption (Item12 X Item13) Million kWh 13344000.00 15) Units Available Net (Item12 - Item14) Million kWh 120096000.00 16) Fuel Consumption/ Year Coal ( @ 3600 kcal/kg) TPH 18.5 TPA 148320.0 17) Unit Rate of Fuel Coal Rs./Tonnes 3800.00 18) Annual Cost for Steam and Power Generation (Item17 X Item16 ) Rs.Lakh 563616000.00 19) Steam Credit a) Steam Generation Tonne/hr 22.00 b) Cost of Steam Rs./Tonnes 2500.00 c) Credit Rs.Lakh 440000000.00 20) Fuel Cost for Power Generation only (Item18- Item19c) Rs.Lakh 123616000.00 21) Fuel Cost for Power Genration (Item20 / (Item15)) Rs./kWh 1.03 22) Fixed Charges a) Depreciation @ 5.34 % of Item 9 Rs. Lakh 56017428.03 b) O&M Charges @ 2.50% of Item 9 Rs. Lakh 26225387.66 c) Interest @ 10 % of Item 9 Rs. Lakh 104901550.63 LP BOILER WITH EXISTING STG HP BOILER WITH EXISTING STG 1 249723675.xls.ms_office COST ESTIMATION CO GENERATION MODE FOR POWER ANNEXURE -2 d) Sub Total ( a+b+c) Rs. Lakh 187144366.32 23) Cost Power Generation for Fixed Charges ( Item 22d/ Item 15) Rs./kWh 1.56 24) Electricity Duty Rs./kWh 7.40 Power demand MW 25.00 Balance power to be purchased kwh 79904000.00 Cost of power purchased 591289600.00 25) Annual Cost of Power Generation Rs./kWh ( Item 21 + Item 23 + Item 24) 2 249723675.xls.ms_office ANNEXURE - 9.1 CALCULATION OF INTEREST ON LOAN TOTAL PROJECT COST Rs 1000000000.00 EQUITY (30%) Rs 300000000.00 LOAN (70%) Rs 700000000.00 INTEREST % 9.00 PERIOD Month 18 TERMS 3 Rs 55555555.56 DURATION OF 1st PHASE 6 1st PHASE EXPENDITURE Rs 333333333.3 PHASE -1 1st PHASE EQUITY Rs 300000000 1st month 1st PHASE LOAN Rs 33333333.33 TO LOAN TAKEN AT THE END OF 5 6th month INTEREST Rs 250000 TOTAL LOAN AFTER 6 MONTHS Rs 33583333.33 DURATION OF 2nd PHASE 6 2nd PHASE EXPENDITURE Rs 333333333.3 PHASE -2 2nd PHASE EQUITY Rs 0 7 th month 2nd PHASE LOAN Rs 333333333.3 TO LOAN TAKEN AT THE END OF 0 12th month INTEREST Rs 15000000 INTEREST OF PREVOIUS LOAN Rs 1511250 TOTAL LOAN AFTER THIS PHASE Rs 383427916.7 DURATION OF 3rd PHASE 6 3rd PHASE EXPENDITURE Rs 333333333.3 PHASE -3 3rd PHASE EQUITY Rs 0 13 th month 3rd PHASE LOAN Rs 333333333.3 TO LOAN TAKEN AT THE END OF 0 18 th month INTEREST Rs 15000000 INTEREST OF PREVOIUS LOAN Rs 17254256.25 TOTAL LOAN AFTER THIS PHASE Rs 749015506.3 DURATION OF 4th PHASE 0 4th PHASE EXPENDITURE Rs 0 PHASE -4 4th PHASE EQUITY Rs 0 19 th month 4th PHASE LOAN Rs 0 TO LOAN TAKEN AT THE END OF 0 24 th month INTEREST Rs 0 INTEREST OF PREVOIUS LOAN Rs 0 TOTAL LOAN AFTER THIS PHASE Rs 749015506.3 TOTAL INTEREST ON LOAN DURING CONSTRUCTION Rs 49015506.25 APPROX. EXPENDITURE PER MONTH 249723675.xls.ms_office ANX-9.1: 3 OF 3
A D Patel Institute of Technology, New V V Nagar Mechanical Engineering Department 8 Semester (4 YEAR) A.Y. 2019-20 Renewable Energy Engineering (2181910) Assignment - 2