The Hearth and The Salamander Word

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The Hearth and the Salamander

In the first part of Fahrenheit 451, the character, named guy Montag, a thirty
year old man in the distant future, is introduced. This deadly new dystopian future,
which lets people drive jet cars to relieve of stress, and the role and meaning of
fireman, as houses are already made fireproofed, made obsolete. However, firemen
have been given a new occupation; burning and destroying books that interfere with
governmental propaganda in any way. However, not only does the books have to be
destroyed, the house containing the book(s) also has to be obliterated. Books,
therefore, must be destroyed without question.

For Montag, and many other firemen, it was a pleasure to burn books. This,
connecting with the pleasure of the incineration of novels and the job of being a
fireman, makes Montag happy. However, when Montag met Clarisse McClellan his new
teenage neighbour, Montag realizes that his life was not as happy as it seemed.
Clarisse gives enlightenment to Montag, for she not only questions about his own
happiness, but on how the world was before (history). Clarisse therefore opens up a
lost part of mind Montag had never known, a mind of softness and kindness oblivious
to the dystopian world in the novel.

The next morning, he hurriedly enters the fire station and immediately
confronts the Mechanical hound, who growls at him, sensing Montags depression and
state of despair. One day at the fire station, there had been report of a woman
hoarding a library of books. Therefore, when the fire quad pumped the house with
gas, the woman insisted on lighting herself up with the books, just like what she
stated before she was dead. The woman evidently saw Montag grabbing one of her
books, because she said, go on. After the death of the woman, Montag begins to
question the origin of fire-fighters, and is now confused with the world he lives in.

After the realization of hiding a book, he confesses to Millie that he had stored
an armada of books, all big and small. However, Beatty comes to his home, knowing
that Montag has hidden one book. However, after a lengthy discussion and telling
Montag to destroy the book within 24 hours, Millie and Montag begin reading their
first book.

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