nology such as: Mobile Phones, Instant Messenger, Chat rooms and message boards, Email, Webcams, Social network sites, and Video hosting. There are several examples of cyber bullying which includes: mean text messages, em- barrassing pictures, videos, websites, and fake profiles. Parents we are encouraging you to discuss cyber bully- ing with your children, and let them know that if they ever experience any cyber bullying, they can always come to you, or their teacher. There are several things parents can do to try to stop cyber bullying: Set up an email and chat account with your child, Monitor the web sites your child visits, Limit your childs internet usage, and check your childs account on a daily basis. There are also things children can do to try to stop cyber bully- ing: Only post appropriate images and comments, Be careful when posting per- sonal information , Respect yourself and others, Visit age appropriate sites, No- tify parents immediately of any inappropriate com- ments or behavior directed toward you, and keep your password a secret from all your friends. There several types of Cyber bullying Ac- ronyms that parents should know. Copyright law gives you a set of rights that stops other people from duplicat- ing your work, and doing other things with your work that you may not like. On the other hand, Fair Use is used legally to allow the duplication of copyrighted materials for certain pur- poses without obtaining permission, or paying a fee. There are several pointers for parents: Ask your chil- dren where they go to find content songs, movies, and images. Make sure those sites are legal and licensed. Model respect for ownership: let your children see you search for authorized con- tent for yourself and them. It is important to talk Copyright and Fair Use Cyber Bullying October 23, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 1 THE School Scoop Inside this issue: Cyber Bullying 1 Copyright and Fair Use 1 Cloud 2 Digital Citizenship 2 Email Etiquette 2 Breast Cancer Awareness 3 School Calendar 4 Gretna Elementary School Special points of in- terest: Breast Cancer Awareness In remembrance of Gwendolyn McMillon Parental Involvement Tips for trick-or- treating Special note to parents Cloud computing is a term used to used to describe a new class of network based computing that takes place over the inter- net. Just think instead of run- ning an email program on your computer, you log onto a Web email account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesnt exist on your computer.its on the service computer cloud. the internet always use the Golden Rule; do unto others as you would like for them to do unto you. Speak kindly and doesnt post when you are an- gry. Dont post any inappro- priate images of yourself. Please remember, everything you post online is public. Email is a fast form of communication. Computers and modern technology is taking up a lot time in our daily lives. While technology is exciting and constantly changing, one thing remains the same. We must know how to interact with each other. When scouring Page 2 Email Etiquette THE School Scoop The Cloud What is digital citizenship and what does it mean? In simple terms, digital citizenship can be define as using technology in a good and appropriate way. Chil- dren and adults should be taught how to conduct themselves on the internet. Digital Citizenship There's a good chance you've already used some form of cloud computing. If you have an e-mail account with a Web-based e- mail service like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, then you've had some experience with cloud computing. The cloud is just a metaphor for the internet. Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students and technology users for a society full of technology.
On Wednesday, October 8, all the faculty, staff and students came out in full force in support of breast cancer awareness for Pink Out Day. The cheerleaders came decked out in their pink attire, the drill performed a stomp show called, STOMP CAN- CER! The RAM family knows first hand how breast cancer effects a family. We lost one of our dedicated cafeteria staff members to this hor- rible disease in September of this year. Gwendolyn McMillon was a very bubbly person who always had a smile on her face. She was always nice and willing to help everyone. We love and miss her so much. RIP Ms. McMillon. You always be a RAM. parents are not involved. Involvement allows parents to monitor school and classroom activities. Parents you are encouraged to come out and visit your childs classroom. Our philosophy at Gretna Elementary, It takes more than a good school to educate a child. Parental involvement in school is de- fined as parent reported participation during the school year annually. This includes attending a school general meeting or school events. Students with parents who are involved in their school tend to have fewer behavioral problems and better academic per- formance, and are more likely to com- plete high school than students whose Adults should check all candy be- fore children are allowed to eat. Drivers should watch closely for children who are out trick-or- treating. Parents remember Halloween falls on a Friday this year. If you give your chil- dren additional time out because there is not school the following day, make sure they are properly supervised. Halloween is a time for kids to have fun while trick-or-treating through the neighborhood or visiting locals stores in search of goodies to eat. Here are some tips to make sure your child have a safe Halloween. Children should wear clothing with reflective strips. Children should not wear cos- tumes thats restricts their abil- ity to see. Volume 1, Issue 1 Tips for Trick-or-Treating Support Breast Cancer Parental Involvement Page 3 Cancer does a lot to individuals but there are some things cancer cant do. Cancer is limited It cannot cripple love It cannot shatter hope It cannot destroy peace It cannot kill friendship It cannot suppress memories It cannot steal eternal life It cannot conquer spirit.
Author Unknown Important Dates A Special Note to the Parents
We encourage you to talk with your son or daughter about the dos and donts of internet usage. If your child is using Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you may want to review his or her profile to ensure that no personal and identifi- able information has been posted. Parents please establish rules and guidelines to ensure your child is using the proper etiquette while using the computer. SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WGHS Homecoming 11 12 13 14 15 16 17EGHS Homecoming 18 19 20 No School 21School Safety Week 22 23 24 25 26 27 28Parent Expo 6 p.m. 29Report cards issued. 30 31Halloween October 2014