Aw Snap For Torch Crashing
Aw Snap For Torch Crashing
Aw Snap For Torch Crashing
Aw Snap!
You may see the "Aw, Snap!" message if a webpage crashes unexpectedly.
If a webpage crashes unexpectedly, you can simply reload the page. If youre
seeing the "Aw, Snap!" message for e!ery page you !isit, try the solutions
Check your anti-virus and frewall applications:
Some anti"!irus or firewall applications, such as Symantec #ndpoint
$rotection, can pre!ent %orch &rowser from wor'ing properly. %est whether
such applications on your computer are causing the error by turning them
off temporarily. %hen try opening %orch &rowser again. If you are able to
open the browser, youll need to create an exception in your anti"!irus or
firewall settings for %orch &rowser. (nce you!e done so, you can then re"
enable the applications.
Conficting applications that users have reported include
the following:
Spyware )octor
*omodo firewall
+cAfee #nterprise
+cAfee ,irus Scan
Check your extensions:
%ry disabling your extensions one by one to see if a particular extension is
causing the problem
1. *lic' the Menu Button on the browser toolbar.
2. Select Tools.
3. Select xtensions.
4. (n the xtensions page, clic' !isa"le for the extension
youd li'e to temporarily remo!e.
Check for #alware
Try a co#plete uninstall $ %einstall
After uninstall and before reinstalling, ma'e sure to reboot your computer.
Create a new user profle:
If the browser continues to display the "Aw, Snap!" message, your user
profile may be corrupted.
%o create a new user profile, follow these steps:
1. #xit %orch
2. -ind the ")efault" folder. Its usually located in the following
&indows '(:
%localappdata%\Torch\User Data
&indows )ista and &indows *:
%userprofle%\Local Settings\Application Data\Torch\User
3. .ename the folder as "&ac'up default."
4. .estart %orch
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