Instructions 1

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By Matt hawkins

Be sure to prescore all the doted fold lines first with a straightened
out paper clip or dead ball point pen. Cut all solid black lines with an
exacto. Glue with elmers type glue.
Head assembly
1. cut out head on solid black lines make sure to cut ear, antenna, and
nose slots
2. Glue front and back of tongue together
3. glue the space on the tongue and inside mouth with stars together.
Curl tongue.
4. fold inside of mouth
5. Fold tooth back at (a) forward at (b) glue tooth to back of lip
so tooth hangs down from lip. Bend lip up
6. Glue white tabs on side of face to side of head. you’ll have to
slide the small tab and the end of the big tab into the slit between
the mouth and the side of the head.
7. glue face and lip tabs to side of face.
8. glue back of head tabs to sides of head.
9. glue bottom of head tabs to side of head under the inside of the
10. glue tab on side of chin inside mouth to the side of the head.
11. slip top of mouth under lip on front and glue the jaw panel to side
of head.
12. cut out light bulb/nose glue tabs on end of bulb.
13. glue the front and back of the nose together at the gray socket
and insert into slot to the right of eyes.
14. Glue front to back on ears and insert into slots on side of head.
Glue front to back on antennas and insert in slots on top of head.
key assembly
15.glue front and back of key head together. don’t glue past first
16.Glue tab to make a tube for the key body.
17.put tab (c) inside key and Glue large tab w/ bolt to face of key
18 glue tabs around outside of the key body at the head.
19. glue tabs on claw movement to make tube.
20. Glue front to back of claw and orange arm.
21. glue tabs (d) and (e)on claw movement to key.
Arm assembly
22.Build right arm
23.Build left arm. make sure to fold in shoulder.
24. Be sure to cut out solid black pieces in body. Build body, but
leave top open.
25. Insert the key and claw down in body with claw sticking out slot

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