The document contains a collection of English tongue twisters submitted by users. The tongue twisters range from short and simple to longer and more complex, testing the speaker's ability to quickly and clearly articulate phrases with similar or identical sounding words. Many involve alliteration or repetition of consonant sounds.
The document contains a collection of English tongue twisters submitted by users. The tongue twisters range from short and simple to longer and more complex, testing the speaker's ability to quickly and clearly articulate phrases with similar or identical sounding words. Many involve alliteration or repetition of consonant sounds.
The document contains a collection of English tongue twisters submitted by users. The tongue twisters range from short and simple to longer and more complex, testing the speaker's ability to quickly and clearly articulate phrases with similar or identical sounding words. Many involve alliteration or repetition of consonant sounds.
The document contains a collection of English tongue twisters submitted by users. The tongue twisters range from short and simple to longer and more complex, testing the speaker's ability to quickly and clearly articulate phrases with similar or identical sounding words. Many involve alliteration or repetition of consonant sounds.
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The document provides over 500 English tongue twisters of varying difficulties and lengths.
Some examples of tongue twisters provided include 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers' and 'She sells seashells by the seashore'.
The longest tongue twister spans multiple lines and is found on page 70 talking about different dinosaurs.
English Tongue Twisters
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1 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 2 I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits. 3 ow man! boards "ould the #ongols hoard If the #ongol hordes got bored? from the comic Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Waterson 4 ow can a clam cram in a clean cream can? 5 Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents. by Raymond Weisling 6 $enise sees the fleece, $enise sees the fleas. At least $enise could snee%e and feed and free%e the fleas. 1 7 "o! knows pseudonoise codes. by Pierre Abbat 8 Sheena leads, Sheila needs. 9 &he thirt!'three thie(es thought that the! thrilled the throne throughout &hursda!. 10 Something in a thirt!'acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three'$ thoughts of #atthew the thug ' although, theatricall!, it was onl! the thirteen'thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirt! !ear old thug thought of that morning. by Meaghan Desbiens 11 "an !ou can a can as a canner can can a can? 12 Seth at Sainsbur!'s sells thick socks. 13 You cuss, I cuss, we all cuss, for asparagus) from a Far ide cartoon by !ary "arson 14 *oberta ran rings around the *oman ruins. 2 15 "lean clams crammed in clean cans. 16 Si+ sick hicks nick si+ slick bricks with picks and sticks. 17 I wish to wish the wish !ou wish to wish, but if !ou wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish !ou wish to wish. 18 Stupid superstition) 19 &here was a fisherman named ,isher who fished for some fish in a fissure. &ill a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. -ow the!'re fishing the fissure for ,isher. 20 World Wide Web 21 &o sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock, In a pestilential prison, with a life'long lock, Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock, ,rom a cheap and chipp! chopper on a big black block) &o sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock, In a pestilential prison, with a life'long lock, Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock, ,rom a cheap and chipp! chopper on a big black block) A dull, dark dock, a life'long lock, A short, sharp shock, a big black block) &o sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison, And awaiting the sensation 3 ,rom a cheap and chipp! chopper on a big black block) by W## !ilbert of !ilbert and $llivan from %he Mi&ado 22 Pick! people pick Peter Pan Peanut'.utter, 'tis the peanut'butter pick! people pick. from a commercial 23 If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? 24 /uke /uck likes lakes. /uke's duck likes lakes. /uke /uck licks lakes. /uck's duck licks lakes. $uck takes licks in lakes /uke /uck likes. /uke /uck takes licks in lakes duck likes. from Dr# e$ss' Fo( in oc&s 25 Se(ent! se(en bene(olent elephants harder than it seems 26 &here those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thie(es go through. 27 4 Santa's Short Suit Shrunk name of a children's boo& 28 I was born on a pirate ship Hold yo$r to$nge )hile saying it# 29 I scream, !ou scream, we all scream for icecream) 30 Wa!ne went to Wales to watch walruses. 31 In 'ertford, 'ereford and 'ampshire, 'urricanes 'ardl! e(er 'appen. from the film *My Fair "ady* 32 0ne'one was a race horse. &wo'two was one too. 0ne'one won one race. &wo'two won one too. 33 1le(en bene(olent elephants 34 "elibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, ... 35 5 Will!'s real rear wheel David Bo)ser in Harrisb$rg, PA 36 If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed sur(i(e for two and a half !ears? from +aomi Fletcher's real life 37 Si+ sleek swans swam swiftl! southwards 38 2obbling gorgo!les gobbled gobbling goblins. 39 $id $ick Pickens prick his pinkie pickling cheap cling peaches in an inch of Pinch or framing his famed ,rench finch photos? 40 Pirates Pri(ate Propert! 41 What a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister... 42 When !ou write cop! !ou ha(e the right to cop!right the cop! !ou write. ... continued here 43 6 A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose) by ,itty Morro) 44 1li%abeth's birthda! is on the third &hursda! of this month. 45 Ann and And!'s anni(ersar! is in April. 46 ,lash message) 47 ,rogfeet, flippers, swimfins. 48 assock hassock, black spotted hassock. .lack spot on a black back of a black spotted hassock. 49 ow man! cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 50 ow much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground. 51 ow much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot. 52 ow much wood could "huck Woods' woodchuck chuck, if "huck Woods' 7 woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If "huck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would "huck Woods' woodchuck chuck? "huck Woods' woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as an! woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood. 53 #ar! #ac's mother's making #ar! #ac marr! me. #! mother's making me marr! #ar! #ac. Will I alwa!s be so #err! when #ar!'s taking care of me? Will I alwa!s be so merr! when I marr! #ar! #ac? from a song by Carbon "eaf 54 #r. &ongue &wister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit an twat, to learn the letter 3&3. 55 Pete's pa pete poked to the pea patch to pick a peck of peas for the poor pink pig in the pine hole pig'pen. 56 She saw Sherif's shoes on the sofa. .ut was she so sure she saw Sherif's shoes on the sofa? 57 &hrough three cheese trees three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, free%! bree%e blew. ,ree%! bree%e made these three trees free%e. ,ree%! trees made these trees' cheese free%e. &hat's what made these three free fleas snee%e. from Fo( in o( by Dr# e$ss 8 58 &wo tried and true tridents 59 rudder (al(e re(ersals the ca$se of some -lane crashes 60 .irdie birdie in the sk! laid a turdie in m! e!e. If cows could fl! I'd ha(e a cow pie in m! e!e. 61 ow man! cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans? As man! cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans. 62 &hirt!'three thirst!, thundering thoroughbreds thumped #r. &hurber on &hursda!. 63 ,our furious friends fought for the phone. 64 Pl!mouth sleuths thwart /uther's slithering. 65 .obb! .ipp! bought a bat. .obb! .ipp! bought a ball. With his bat .ob banged the ball .anged it bump against the wall .ut so boldl! .obb! banged it &hat he burst his rubber ball 9 3.oo)3 cried .obb! .ad luck ball .ad luck .obb!, bad luck ball -ow to drown his man! troubles .obb! .ipp!'s blowing bubbles. from mid.Willamette /alley theater 66 .lack background, brown background. 67 Wh! do !ou cr!, Will!? Wh! do !ou cr!? Wh!, Will!? Wh!, Will!? Wh!, Will!? Wh!? 68 4er! well, (er! well, (er! well ... 69 &ie twine to three tree twigs. 70 *or! the warrior and *oger the worrier were reared wrongl! in a rural brewer!. 71 #ares eat oats and does eat oats, and little lambs eat i(!. A 5id will eat i(! too, wouldn't ewe? 72 &hree short sword sheaths. 10 73 "aution6 Wide *ight &urns seen on semi.tractor trailers 74 *olling red wagons 75 2reen glass globes glow greenl!. 76 *obert Wa!ne *utter -ersonal name 77 I stood sadl! on the sil(er steps of .urgess's fish sauce shop, mimicking him hiccuping, and wildl! welcoming him within. 78 As I was in Arkansas I saw a saw that could out saw an! saw I e(er saw saw. If !ou happen to be in Arkansas and see a saw that can out saw the saw I saw saw I'd like to see the saw !ou saw saw. 79 black back bat 80 &he 7ueen in green screamed. 81 ow man! berries could a bare berr! carr!, if a bare berr! could carr! berries? Well the! can't carr! berries 11 8which could make !ou (er! war!9 but a bare berr! carried is more scar!) 82 What did !ou ha(e for breakfast? ' rubber balls and li7uor) What did !ou ha(e for lunch? ' rubber balls and li7uor) What did !ou ha(e for dinner? ' rubber balls and li7uor) What do !ou do when !our sister comes home? ' rubber balls and li7uor) 83 Snap "rackel pop, Snap "rackel pop, Snap "rackel pop 84 Si+ slim! snails sailed silentl!. 85 I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking !ou. 86 Se(en slick slime! snakes slowl! sliding southward. 87 *ed .uick, blue .uick 88 *oofs of mushrooms rarel! mush too much. by Matt D$chno)s&i 12 89 e threw three balls. 90 &he great 2reek grape growers grow great 2reek grapes. 91 Singing Samm! sung songs on sinking sand. 92 We're real rear wheels. 93 *h!s watched *oss switch his Irish wristwatch for a Swiss wristwatch. 94 I wish to wash m! Irish wristwatch. 95 -ear an ear, a nearer ear, a nearl! eerie ear. 96 0n a la%! laser raiser lies a laser ra! eraser. 97 Scissors si%%le, thistles si%%le. 98 &om threw &im three thumbtacks. 99 ow much caramel can a cann! canonball cram in a camel if a cann! canonball can cram caramel in a camel? 100 e threw three free throws. 13 101 ,resh ,rench fried fl! fritters 102 2ig whip, gig whip, gig whip, ... 103 I was born on a pirate ship. ay it )hile holding yo$r tong$e# 104 : Y's ; *. : Y's ; .. I " ; *. : Y's < me) 105 /ittle #ike left his bike like &ike at Spike's. 106 1ddie edited it. 107 Yellow butter, purple =ell!, red =am, black bread. Spread it thick, sa! it 7uick) Yellow butter, purple =ell!, red =am, black bread. Spread it thicker, sa! it 7uicker) Yellow butter, purple =ell!, red =am, black bread. $on't eat with !our mouth full) 108 Wow, race winners reall! want red wine right awa!) 109 14 &he rudd! widow reall! wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arri(es. 110 I'll chew and chew until m! =aws drop. 111 &riple $ickle a strong drin& 112 ow man! sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? 113 Supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio. by Diane 0ste- 114 "hester "heetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese. from a high school singing class 115 *eal rock wall, real rock wall, real rock wall 116 Arg!le 2argo!le 117 15 Pegg! .abcock, Pegg! .abcock, Pegg! .abcock, ... -ersonal name 118 If !ou're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, bu! a cunning stunning stunt kite. 119 &wo tin! tigers take two ta+is to town. 120 Sounding b! sound is a sound method of sounding sounds. by Pierre Abbat 121 Willie's reall! wear!. 122 Yall! .all! had a =oll! golliwog. ,eeling foll!, Yall! .all! .ought his =oll! golli' a dollie made of holl!) &he golli', feeling =oll!, named the holl! dollie, Poll!. So Yall! .all!'s =oll! golli's holl! dollie Poll!'s also =oll!) by Mistah %)istah, %ony /al$ch 123 0ut in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. While the catcher watches the pitcher who pitches the balls. Whether the temperature's up or whether the temperature's down, the nature watcher, the catcher and the pitcher are alwa!s around. &he pitcher pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher watches. So whether the temperature's rises or whether the temperature falls the nature watcher =ust watches the catcher who's watching the pitcher who's 16 watching the balls. by haron 1ohnson 124 &omm! &ucker tried to tie &amm!'s &urtles tie. 125 >ohn, where Peter had had 3had had3, had had 3had3? 3had had3 had had his master's appro(al. 126 1+cited e+ecutioner e+ercising his e+cising powers e+cessi(el!. 127 Pail of ale aiding ailing Al's tra(ails. from 2ndia 128 $ouble bubble gum, bubbles double. 129 If !ou can't can an! cand! can, how man! cand! cans can a cand! canner can if he can can cand! cans ? 130 0ctopus ocular optics. and A cat snaps a rat's pa+wa+. by Pierre Abbat 17 131 &his is the si+th %ebra snoo%ing thoroughl!. 132 Salt! broccoli, salt! broccoli, salt! broccoli .... 133 I saw 1sau kissing 5ate. I saw 1sau, he saw me, and she saw I saw 1sau. 134 A slime! snake slithered down the sand! sahara. 135 Su%ie Seaword's fish'sauce shop sells unsifted thistles for thistle'sifters to sift. 136 I eat eel while !ou peel eel 137 -othing is worth thousands of deaths. 138 "asual clothes are pro(isional for leisurel! trips across Asia. 139 1ast ,ife ,our, ,orfar ,i(e an act$al football res$lt from the cottish third division 140 *o! Wa!ne *o! *ogers *o! *ash 18 -ersonal names 141 @@ was a racehorse, :: was @:, @@@@ race, ::@@:. W$n)$n )as a racehorse, %$t$ )as one too# W$n)$n )on one race, %$t$ )on one too# 142 It's not the cough that carries !ou off, it's the coffin the! carr! !ou off in) 143 She said she should sit. 144 #o mi mo me send me a toe, #e me mo mi get me a mole, #o mi mo me send me a toe, ,e me mo mi get me a mole, #ister kister feet so sweet, #ister kister where will I eat )? 145 Will !ou, William? Will !ou, William? Will !ou, William? "an't !ou, don't !ou, won't !ou, William? 146 I wish !ou were a fish in m! dish 147 She stood on the balcon!, ine+plicabl! mimicking him hiccuping, and amicabl! 19 welcoming him in. an actor's vocal )arm$- for li-s and tong$e 148 &he big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back) 149 $ust is a disk's worst enem!. 150 I see a sea down b! the seashore. .ut which sea do !ou see down b! the seashore? 151 0ld #r. unt had a cudd! punt -ot a cudd! punt but a hunt punt cudd!. 152 As one black bug, bled blue, black blood. &he other black bug bled blue. 153 #omm! made me eat m! #A#s. 154 I'm not the fig plucker, nor the fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck figs till the fig plucker comes. 155 A ga%illion gigantic grapes gushed 20 graduall! gi(ing gophers gooe! guts. 156 Aluminum, linoleum, mol!bdenum, aluminum, linoleum, mol!bdenum, aluminum, linoleum, mol!bdenum 157 &hin gripp! thick slipper!. 158 A tree toad lo(ed a she'toad, Who li(ed up in a tree. e was a three'toed tree toad, .ut a two'toed toad was she. &he three'toed tree toad tried to win, &he two'toed she'toad's heart, ,or the three'toed tree toad lo(ed the ground, &hat the two'toed tree toad trod. .ut the three'toed tree toad tried in (ain. e couldn't please her whim. ,rom her tree toad bower, With her two'toed power, &he she'toad (etoed him. 159 &he owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn. 160 If !ou notice this notice, !ou will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. 161 If !ou understand, sa! 3understand3. If !ou don't understand, sa! 3don't understand3. .ut if !ou understand and sa! 3don't understand3. 21 how do I understand that !ou understand. ;nderstand)? 162 She sees cheese. 163 .rent Spence .ridge "la! Wade .aile! .ridge -laces in 3hio 164 "hukotko'5amchatkan -ertaining to the iberian -eo-le living in ,amchat&a 165 &here those thousand thinkers were thinking where did those other three thie(es go through. 166 ,i(e frantic frogs fled from fift! fierce fishes. 167 0ne smart fellow, he felt smart. &wo smart fellows, the! felt smart. &hree smart fellows, the! felt smart. ,our smart fellows, the! felt smart. ,i(e smart fellows, the! felt smart. Si+ smart fellows, the! felt smart. 168 Se(en slea%! sh!sters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to seasick sailors. 22 169 I would if I could) .ut I can't, so I won't) 170 .ut a harder thing still to do. What a to do to die toda! At a 7uarter or two to two. A terrible difficult thing to sa! .ut a harder thing still to do. &he dragon will come at the beat of the drum With a rat'a'tat'tat a'tat'tat a'tat'to At a 7uarter or two to two toda!, At a 7uarter or two to two. from a college drama class 171 /o(e's a feeling !ou feel when !ou feel !ou're going to feel the feeling !ou'(e ne(er felt before. 172 Sill! sheep weep and sleep. 173 &rul! rural, trul! rural, trul! rural, ... 174 A turbot's not a burbot, for a turbot's a butt, but a burbot's not. 175 I know a bo! named &ate who dined with his girl at eight eight. I'm unable to state what &ate ate at eight eight or what &ate's tBte C tBte ate at eight eight. 23 176 &he seething sea ceaseth? thus the seething sea sufficeth us. 177 *eal weird rear wheels by Michael D)or&in and Bill Harvey 178 I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon a slitted sheet I sit. 179 A pessimistic pest e+ists amidst us. 180 5nife and a fork bottle and a cork that is the wa! !ou spell -ew York. "hicken in the car and the car can go, that is the wa! !ou spell "hicago. 181 ,i(e fu%%! ,rench frogs ,rolicked through the fields in ,rance. 182 &wo to two to &oulouse? 183 Swatch watch 184 $r. >ohnson and #r. >ohnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation be!ond the Indian 0cean is back in education because the chief occupation is culti(ation. 24 185 *ound and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran. 186 .uckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood 187 I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. 188 If coloured caterpillars could change their colours constantl! could the! keep their coloured coat coloured properl!? 189 We won, we won, we won, we won, ... 190 &hirt!'three thousand people think that &hursda! is their thirtieth birthda!. by 1$lia Dic$m 191 ow much ground could a grounghog grind if a groundhog could grind ground? 192 ow ma! saws could a see'saw saw if a see'saw could saw saws? by 1illian !oet4 193 As he gobbled the cakes on his plate, the greed! ape said as he ate, 25 the greener green grapes are, the keener keen apes are to gobble green grape cakes, the!'re great) from Dr# e$ss's 3 ay Can 5o$ ay6 194 ow much m!rtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle m!rtle? A wood turtle would hurdle as much m!rtle as a wood turtle could hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle m!rtle. 195 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 196 *attle !our bottles in *ollocks' (an. 197 A fl! and flea flew into a flue, said the fl! to the flea 'what shall we do?' 'let us fl!' said the flea said the fl! 'shall we flee' so the! flew through a flaw in the flue. 198 ow much dew does a dewdrop drop If dewdrops do drop dew? &he! do drop, the! do As do dewdrops drop If dewdrops do drop dew. 199 If 5antie can tie a tie and untie a tie, wh! can't I tie a tie and untie a tie like 5antie can. 26 200 .ake big batches of bitter brown bread. 201 .ut she as far surpasseth S!cora+, As great'st does least. Caliban describing Miranda's bea$ty in *%he %em-est*, by William ha&es-eare 202 .ake big batches of brown blueberr! bread. 203 She sits in her slip and sips Schlit%. 204 Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch? 205 Whoe(er slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter. 206 #ummies make mone!. 207 "rush grapes, grapes crush, crush grapes. 208 An elephant was asph!+iated in the asphalt. 209 A black bloke's back brake'block broke. 210 &his is a %ither. 27 211 ,resh fried fish, ,ish fresh fried, ,ried fish fresh, ,ish fried fresh. 212 &here was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan. 213 *eall! leer!, rarel! /arr!. 214 .ig black bugs bleed blue black blood but bab! black bugs bleed blue blood. 215 1li%abeth has ele(en el(es in her elm tree. 216 er whole right hand reall! hurts. diffic$lt in Bra4il 217 "ome, come, Sta! calm, sta! calm, -o need for alarm, It onl! hums, It doesn't harm. 218 &ie a knot, tie a knot. &ie a tight, tight knot. &ie a knot in the shape of a nought. 28 219 *ed blood, green blood 220 I'm a sheet slitter. I slit sheets. I'm the sleekest sheet slitter that e(er slit sheets. 221 .us! bu%%ing bumble bees. 222 A lump of red leather, a red leather lump 223 -at the bat swat at #att the gnat. 224 I shot the cit! sheriff. I shot the cit! sheriff. I shot the cit! sheriff. 225 A lad! sees a pot'mender at work at his barrow in the street. 3Are !ou copper'bottoming 'em, man?3 3-o, I'm aluminiuming 'em, #am.3 226 I am not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's son but I'll be plucking pheasants When the pheasant plucker's gone. 227 29 Su%ie, Su%ie, working in a shoeshine shop. All da! long she sits and shines, all da! long she shines and sits, and sits and shines, and shines and sits, and sits and shines, and shines and sits. Su%ie, Su%ie, working in a shoeshine shop. &omm!, &omm!, toiling in a tailor's shop. All da! long he fits and tucks, all da! long he tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits. &omm!, &omm!, toiling in a tailor's shop. s$ng by 2an Mac&intosh 228 Preshrunk silk shirts. 229 "raig Duinn's 7uick trip to "rabtree "reek. 230 Si+ shining cities, si+ shining cities, si+ shining cities. 231 While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water. 232 A big black bear sat on a big black bug. 233 A bloke's bike back brake block broke. 234 30 Sweet sagacious Sall! Sanders said she sure saw se(en segregated seaplanes sailing swiftl! southward Saturda!. 235 .ett! .otter bought some butter but, said she, the butter's bitter. If I put it in m! batter, it will make m! batter bitter. .ut a bit of better butter will make m! bitter batter better. So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better. So 't was better .ett! .otter bought some better butter. 236 ow much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? 237 2ood blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood. 238 -o nose knows like a gnome's nose knows. by the Hofman family 239 ,reshl! fried fresh flesh 240 &here are two minutes difference from four to two to two to two, from two to two to two, too. 241 &here once was a man who had a sister, his name was #r. ,ister. #r. ,ister's sister sold sea shells b! the sea shore. #r. ,ister didn't sell sea shells, he sold silk sheets. #r. ,ister told his sister that he sold si+ silk sheets to si+ shieks. &he sister of #r. ,ister said I sold si+ shells to si+ shieks too) 31 242 Sall! sells sea shells b! the sea shore. .ut if Sall! sells sea shells b! the sea shore then where are the sea shells Sall! sells? 243 She stood on the steps of .urgess's ,ish Sauce Shop, mimicking him hiccuping and amicabl! welcoming him in. 244 Swan swam o(er the sea. Swim, swan, swim) Swan swam back again. Well swum swan) 245 Sall! is a sheet slitter, she slits sheets. 246 She sells sea shells on the sea shore? &he shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells are sea shore shells. 247 You know -ew York. You need -ew York. You know !ou need uni7ue -ew York. 248 What noise anno!s an o!ster most? A nois! noise anno!s an o!ster most. 249 *ipe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. 250 32 .lake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke. 251 1ach 1aster 1ddie eats eight! 1aster eggs. 252 She slits the sheet she sits on. 253 A rough'coated, dough'faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough? after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed. 254 A twister of twists once twisted a twist. and the twist that he twisted was a three'twisted twist. now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist, would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists? 255 *ed loll!, !ellow loll!. 256 #rs unt had a countr! cut front in the front of her countr! cut pett!coat. 257 5napsack strap. 258 >ohn, where #oll! had had 3had3, had had 3had had3. 3ad had 3 had had the teachers appro(al 259 #iss Smith's fish'sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. 33 260 2reat gra! goats 261 Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 262 Sunshine cit!, sunshine cit!, sunshine cit!, ... 263 &he batter with the butter is the batter that is better) 264 &here's a sandwich on the sand which was sent b! a sane witch. 265 ow man! !aks could a !ak pack pack if a !ak pack could pack !aks? 266 &wel(e twins twirled twel(e twigs. 267 If !ou stick a stock of li7uor in !our locker it is slick to stick a lock upon !our stock or some =oker who is slicker is going to trick !ou of !our li7uor if !ou fail to lock !our li7uor with a lock. 268 "lowns grow glowing crowns. 34 269 "an !ou imagine an imaginar! menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginar! menagerie? 270 Sister Su%ie sewing shirts for soldiers Such skill as sewing shirts 0ur sh! !oung sister Su%ie shows Some soldiers send epistles Sa! the!'d rather sleep in thistles &han the sauc!, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Su%ie sews. 271 *ed leather, !ellow leather, ... 272 IF IF = THEN THEN THEN = ELSE ELSE ELSE = IF; -rogramming lang$age P"72 by Br$ce Wal&er 273 Anno$ncement at /ictoria tation, "ondon8 &wo to two to &ooting too) 274 *ichard's wretched ratchet wrench. 275 *ugged rubber bab! bugg! bumpers. 276 A bo+ of biscuits, a bo+ of mi+ed biscuits, and a biscuit mi+er. 35 277 When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor? 278 What to do to die toda! at a minute or two to two. A terribl! difficult thing to sa! and a harder thing to do. A dragon will come and beat his drum *a'ta'ta'ta'ta'ta' ta'ta'too at a minute or two to two toda!. At a minute or two to two. Who is the a$thor6 279 If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? 280 &he soldier's shoulder surel! hurts) 281 She sees seas slapping shores. 282 A lo!al warrior will rarel! worr! wh! we rule. by Ray Weisling 283 2reek grapes. 284 #r. See owned a saw and #r Soar owned a seesaw. -ow See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See. 285 36 Si+ sick sea'serpents swam the se(en seas. 286 &here was a little witch which switched from "hichester to Ipswich. 287 A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot. 288 $on't trouble trouble, until trouble troubles !ou) If !ou trouble trouble, triple trouble troubles !ou) 289 &heophilus &hadeus &histledown, the succesful thistle'sifter, while sifting a sie(e'full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb. -ow, if &heophilus &hadeus &histledown, the succesful thistle'sifter, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb, see that thou, while sifting a sie(e'full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of th! thumb. 290 Shoe section, shoe section, shoe section, ... 291 A smart fella, a fella smart. It takes a smart fella to sa! a fella smart. 292 She is a thistle'sifter. She has a sie(e of unsifted thistles and a sie(e of sifted thistles and the sie(e of unsifted thistles she sifts into the sie(e of sifted thistles because she is a thistle'sifter. 293 Admidst the mists and coldest frosts, With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, e thrusts his fists against the posts, 37 And still insists he sees the ghosts. 294 ,u%%! Wu%%! was a bear, ,u%%! Wu%%! had no hair, ,u%%! Wu%%! wasn't (er! fu%%!, was he? 295 .lue glue gun, green glue gun. 296 &o! boat, to! boat, to! boat, ... 297 #allor!'s hourl! salar!. 298 I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, and on that slitted sheet I sit. 299 $on't spring on the inner'spring this spring or there will be an offspring ne+t spring. 300 A flea and a fl! in a flue, were imprisoned. So what could the! do? Said the fl!, 3/et us flee3. Said the flea, 3/et us fl!3. So the! flew through a flaw in the flue. 301 5ing &histle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb. A thousand thistles 5ing &histle stuck in the thistle of his thumb. If 5ing &histle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb, ow man! thistles did 5ing &histle stick in the thistle of his thumb? 38 302 ,i(e fat friars fr!ing flat fish. 303 &he bottle of perfume that Will! sent was highl! displeasing to #illicent. er thanks were so cold that the! 7uarreled, I'm told o'er that sill! scent Will! sent #illicent 304 1sau Wood sawed wood. All the wood 1sau Wood saw, 1sau Wood would saw. All the wood Wood saw, 1sau sought to saw. 0ne da! 1sau Wood's wood'saw would saw no wood. So 1sau Wood sought a new wood'saw. &he new wood' saw would saw wood. 0h, the wood 1sau Wood would saw. 1sau sought a saw that would saw wood as no other wood'saw would saw. And 1sau found a saw that would saw as no other wood'saw would saw. And 1sau Wood sawed wood. 305 A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. 306 1+tinct insects' instincts, e+tant insects' instincts. by Pierre Abbat 307 Sweater weather, leather weather. 308 0ne black beetle bled onl! black blood, the other black beetle bled blue. 309 &he big black bug's blood ran blue. 39 310 I am not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate. I am onl! plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's late. 311 1d -ott was shot and Sam Shott was not. So it is better to be Shott than -ott. Some sa! -ott was not shot. .ut Shott sa!s he shot -ott. 1ither the shot Shott shot at -ott was not shot, or -ott was shot. If the shot Shott shot shot -ott, -ott was shot. .ut if the shot Shott shot shot Shott, the shot was Shott, not -ott. owe(er, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott ' but -ott. So, 1d -ott was shot and that's hot) Is it not? 312 We will learn wh! her lowl! lone, worn !arn loom will rarel! earn immoral mone!. by Ray Weisling 313 ;ni7ue -ew York, uni7ue -ew York, uni7ue -ew York, ... 314 If $r. Seuss Were a &echnical Writer..... ere's an eas! game to pla!. ere's an eas! thing to sa!6 If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, And the bus is interrupted as a (er! last resort, And the address of the memor! makes !our flopp! disk abort, &hen the socket packet pocket has an error to report) If !our cursor finds a menu item followed b! a dash, And the double'clicking icon puts !our window in the trash, And !our data is corrupted 'cause the inde+ doesn't hash, 40 then !our situation's hopeless, and !our s!stem's gonna crash) You can't sa! this? What a shame, sir) We'll find !ou another game, sir. If the label on the cable on the table at !our house, Sa!s the network is connected to the button on !our mouse, .ut !our packets want to tunnel on another protocol, &hat's repeatedl! re=ected b! the printer down the hall, And !our screen is all distorted b! the side effects of gauss, So !our icons in the window are as wa(! as a souse, &hen !ou ma! as well reboot and go out with a bang, '"ause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang) When the cop! of !our flopp!'s getting slopp! on the disk, And the microcode instructions cause unnecessar! risk, &hen !ou ha(e to flash !our memor! and !ou'll want to ram !our rom. Duickl! turn off the computer and be sure to tell !our mom) from the 9ni( fort$ne database, attrib$ted to DementD1:cci-#-er&in.elmer#com in the rec#h$mor#f$nny ne)sgro$- 315 Pick! people pick Peter Pan Peanut .utter. Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut pick! people pick. 316 *a! *ag ran across a rough road. Across a rough road *a! *ag ran. Where is the rough road *a! *ag ran across? 317 1lmer Arnold -ersonal name 41 318 A &udor who tooted the flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, 3Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?3 319 #rs Pugg! Wugg! has a s7uare cut punt. -ot a punt cut s7uare, >ust a s7uare cut punt. It's round in the stern and blunt in the front. #rs Pugg! Wugg! has a s7uare cut punt. 320 &im, the thin twin tinsmith. 321 &hin sticks, thick bricks 322 *ed lorr!, !ellow lorr!. 323 A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 324 ow much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck how much a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood. 325 /arr! urle!, a burl! s7uirrel hurler, hurled a furr! s7uirrel through a curl! grill. 326 Si+ twin screwed steel steam cruisers. 42 327 A nurse anesthetist unearthed a nest. 328 I thought a thought. .ut the thought I thought Wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought, ad been the thought I thought, I wouldn't ha(e thought I thought. 329 She sells sea shells on the seashore. &he seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. 330 From the -rogrammer's des&8 She sells cshs b! the " shore. 331 A noise anno!s an o!ster, but a nois! noise anno!s an o!ster more) 332 Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum. 333 Slick slim slippers sliding south. 334 &he /eith police dismisseth us &he! thought we sought to sta!? &he /eith police dismisseth us &he! thought we'd sta! all da!. &he /eith police dismisseth us, We both sighed sighs apiece? And the sighs that we sighed as we said goodb!e 43 Were the si%e of the /eith police. 335 Ah shucks, si+ stick shifts stuck shut) 336 #eter maid #ar! married manl! #atthew #arcus #a!o, a mood! male mailman mo(ing mostl! metered mail. 337 &he king would sing, about a ring that would go ding. 338 ow much dough would .ob $ole dole if .ob $ole could dole dough? .ob $ole would dole as much dough as .ob $ole could dole, if .ob $ole could dole dough. 339 People pledging plent! of pennies. 340 #ares eat oats and does eat oats, but little lambs eat i(!. from a -re.)ar 0nglish m$sic.hall song 341 &o begin to toboggan, first bu! a toboggan. .ut don't bu! too big a toboggan. &oo big a toboggan is too big a toboggan to bu! to begin to toboggan. 342 44 "ourtne! $workin -ersonal name 343 Switch watch, wrist watch. 344 Si+ thick thistle sticks 345 #oses supposes his toeses are roses, but #oses supposes erroneousl!. ,or #oses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses, as #oses supposes his toeses to be. Donald 3'Connor and !ene ,elly in *inging in the rain* 346 I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. 347 She sells seashells on the seashore. &he seashells she sells are seashore seashells. 348 Irish wristwatch 349 She had shoulder surger!. 350 &o put a pipe in b!te mode, t!pe PIPE_TYPE_BYTE. 45 from the /is$al C;; hel- file# 351 %hree %ree %$rtles &hree tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters. If three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters, where's the twisters the three tree turtles talked? 352 My Friend !ladys 0h, the sadness of her sadness when she's sad. 0h, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad. .ut the sadness of her sadness, and the gladness of her gladness, Are nothing like her madness when she's mad) 353 I would if I could, and if I couldn't, how could I? You couldn't, unless !ou could, could !ou? common school &ids nonsense, circa <=<> 354 real rear wheel 355 2i(e me the gift of a grip'top sock, A clip drape shipshape tip top sock. -ot !our spinslick slapstick slipshod stock, .ut a plastic, elastic grip'top sock. -one of !our fantastic slack swap slop ,rom a slap dash flash cash haberdash shop. 46 -ot a knick knack knitlock knockneed knickerbocker sock With a mock'shot blob'mottled trick'ticker top clock. -ot a supersheet seersucker rucksack sock, -ot a spot'speckled frog'freckled cheap sheik's sock 0ff a hodge'podge moss'blotched scotch'botched block. -othing slipshod drip drop flip flop or glip glop &ip me to a tip top grip top sock. artic$lation )arm$- for actors 356 -ational Sheepshire Sheep Association 357 &he crow flew o(er the ri(er with a lump of raw li(er. 358 &he little red lorr! went down /imuru road. "im$r$ ?"ee.moo.roo@ road is a the name of a road in ,enya# 359 ,lies fl! but a fl! flies. 360 $id $oug dig $ick's garden or did $ick dig $oug's garden? by Pa$l Davies 361 If a ottentot taught a ottentot tot to talk ere the tot could totter, ought the ottentot tot be taught to sa! ought or naught or what ought to be taught 'er? 362 ow man! cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can 47 as man! cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans. 363 ,ederal 1+press is now called ,ed1+. When I retire I'll be a ,ed1+ e+. .ut if I'm an officer when I retire, I'll be an e+ ,ede+ 1+ec. &hen after a di(orce, m! e+'wife will be an e+ ,ed1+ e+ec's e+. If I re=oin ,ed1+ in time, I'd be an e+ e+ ,ed1+ e+ec. When we remarr!, m! wife will be an e+ e+ ,ed1+ e+ec's e+. 364 Which witch snitched the stitched switch for which the Swiss witch wished? by Ann Clar& 365 $oes this shop sport short socks with spots? 366 "ustomer6 $o !ou ha(e soothers? Shopkeeper 8thinking he had said 3scissors396 -o, we don't ha(e scissors. "ustomer6 Soothers) Shopkeeper 6 -o, we don't ha(e scissors or soothers. ... scissors or soothers, scissors or soothers, scissors or soothers, ... act$al conversation in a sho- in Canada, recorded by Don Monson 367 &omm!, &omm!, toiling in a tailor's shop. All da! long he fits and tucks, all da! long he tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits. &omm!, &omm!, toiling in a tailor's shop. 48 368 -o need to light a night'light on a light night like tonight. 369 I wish to wish, I dream to dream, I tr! to tr!, and I li(e to li(e, and I'd die to die, and I cr! to cr! but I dont know wh!. from a ong by o$ndgarden named *ome)here* com-osed and )ritten by Ben he-herd 370 #! momm! makes me muffins on #onda!s. by %im McCa$ley, age A 371 A real rare whale. 372 &err! &eeter, a teeter'totter teacher, taught her daughter &ara to teeter'totter, but &ara &eeter didn't teeter'totter as &err! &eeter taught her to. by Pierre Abbat 373 5en $odd's dad's dog 's dead. 374 I bought a bit of baking powder and baked a batch of biscuits. I brought a big basket of biscuits back to the baker! and baked a basket of big biscuits. &hen I took the big basket of biscuits and the basket of big biscuits and mi+ed the big biscuits with the basket of biscuits that was ne+t to the big basket and put a bunch of biscuits from the basket into a biscuit mi+er and brought the basket of biscuits and the bo+ of mi+ed biscuits and the biscuit mi+er to the baker! and 49 opened a tin of sardines. aid to be a diction test for )o$ radio anno$ncers8 %o be read clearly, )itho$t mista&es, in less than B> seconds ?from Coronet Maga4ine, A$g$st <=CA@# 375 5anta is a masai girl. She can tie a tie and untie a tie. If 5anta can tie a tie and untie a tie, wh! can't I tie a tie and untie a tie? 376 I'm a mother pheasant plucker, I pluck mother pheasants. I'm the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker, to e(er pluck a mother pheasant. Actuall!, ... I'm -ot the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son. .ut I'll sta! and pluck the pheasants &ill the pheasant plucking 's done) 377 If !ou go for a gopher a gopher will go for a gopher hole. 378 Se(en slick and se+! sealskin ski suits slid slowl! down the slope. 379 &he chief of the /eith police dismisseth us. 380 ,red &hrelfall's thirt!'fi(e fine threads are finer threads than ,red &hrelfall's thirt!'fi(e thick threads. by Anthony +ichols 381 50 .ug's black blood, .lack bug's blood 382 *eed Wade *oad name of a road in Batesville Ar&ansas 383 >ack's nap sack strap snapped. 384 I saw 1sau sitting on a seesaw. I saw 1sau? he saw me. 385 A 7uick witted cricket critic. 386 itchcock awk Watch Spots *ecord *aptors %itle of an article in the +eola !a4ette 387 Sure, sir, the ship's sure shipshape, sir. 388 &he Smothers brothers' father's mother's brothers are the Smothers brothers' mother's father's other brothers. 389 0ne $ouble $o%en $ouble $amask $inner -apkins +ame of a s&etch )ritten by Dion %itheradge for a "ondon m$sical rev$e and originally -erformed by Cicely Co$rtneidge in the early <=D>'s# %he comedienne Bea "illie -erformed the s&etch in an American film starring Bing Crosby in <=DA, and that film's name )as *Doctor Rhythm*# %he s&etch became famo$s 51 and "illie did -erform it on n$mero$s occasions on radio, as )ell as record it on t)o EAr-m records# 390 &he cat crept into the cr!pt, crapped and crept out. 391 $ear mother, gi(e !our other udder to m! other brother. 392 .lended bab! blue bug's blood blotches. made $- )atching b$gs s-latter on the )indshield ### $ghF 393 So, this is the sushi chef? -o&en to a friend in a 1a-anese resta$rant on the chefGs ret$rn# 394 ,urnish ,reddie's nurser! with fort!'four furr! ,urb! .eanie .abies. 395 Arnold Palmer, Arnold Palmer, Arnold Palmer, ... name of the famo$s American golfer 396 A bitter biting bittern bit a better biting bittern And the better biting bittern bit the bitter biting bittern back. Said the bitter biting bittern to the better biting bittern EIFm a bitter biting bittern bitten backG 52 397 "ertified certificates from certified certificate certifiers. 398 Imagine, imagining imagining, an imaginar! imaginar! imaginar! menagerie manager, imagining imagining imagining an imaginar! imaginar! imaginar! managerie. 399 What noise anno!s a nois! o!ster? An! noise anno!s a nois! o!ster, but a nois! noise anno!s a nois! o!ster most) 400 We need a plan to fan a pan? find a pan to fan, then find a fan to fan the pan, then fan the pan. ome ,orean st$dents find diffic$lt to -rono$nce difference bet)een 'f' and '-'# 401 ow man! snacks could a snack stacker stack, if a snack stacker snacked stacked snacks? by Christine Reynolds 402 ,redd! is read! to roast red roaches. *ead! for ,redd!'s roasted red roaches? 403 Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's washer'woman went west? 404 0n mules we find two legs behind and two we find before. 53 We stand behind before we find what those behind be for. 405 &hree gre! geese In a green field gra%ing, 2re! were the geese And green was the gra%ing. 406 Susie sits shinning sil(er shoes 407 *alph rakes lea(es reall!, reall! lousil!. for 1a-anese st$dents of 0nglish 408 /ad! /uck dislikes losers. for 1a-anese st$dents of 0nglish 409 .roken back brake block 410 #umbling, bumbling. .umbling, mumbling. 411 0f all the felt I e(er felt I ne(er felt felt that felt like that felt felt. 412 &he! hatch fish at the state fish hatcher! and sell hatched fish to the fish stick factor!. 54 by ,evin Bro)n 413 In pine tar is. In oak none is. In mud eels are. In cla! none is. 2f read fast, it so$nds li&e gibberish# 414 &he si+th sick sheik's si+th sick sheep. 415 &hirt!'si+ thick silk threads 416 Sill! shoe'fl! pie fans sell chill! shoe'fl! pie pans. 417 5antai can tie a tie. If 5antai can tie a tie, wh! can't I tie a tie like 5antai can tie a tie. 418 &he two'toed tree toad tried to tread where the three'toed tree toad trod. 419 &rick! &ristan tracked a trail of tin! turtles. ow man! tin! turtles did &rick! &ristan track? &rick! &ristan tracked twent! two tin! turtles? that's how man! tin! turtles trick! &ristan tracked. 420 1sau Wood saw a wood saw, saw wood, as no wood saw would saw wood. If 1sau Wood saw a wood saw, saw wood, as no wood saw would saw wood, where is the wood saw witch would saw wood, as no wood saw would saw wood. 55 421 You're beha(ing like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons. from Harry Potter 422 Iranian ;ranium 423 2idd! kidd! goat, 2idd! kidd! goat, 2idd!, gidd!, gidd!, gidd!, gidd!, kidd! goat. 424 e wanted to desert his dessert in the desert) 425 If a ottentot tot taught a ottentot tot to talk before the tot would totter, ought the ottentot tot be taught to sa! ought, or naught, or what ought to be taught the ottentot tot? If to hoot and to toot a ottentot tot be taught b! a ottentot tutor, should the tutor get hot if the ottentot tot hoots and toots at the ottentot tutor? 426 &here was a writer called Wright, he taught his son to write Wright right6 3It's not right to write Wright '*ite', please tr! to write Wright right)3 427 4er! rare (agrant wader a *vagrant )ader* is a )ading bird that is not ty-ical to a -artic$lar region 428 "rash Duiche "ourse 56 429 I broke a brickbat and a brickbat broke me. 430 A wooden worm wouldn't be worth! of worship but would he if he wondered and worried about what he would be worth! of if he wasn't wooden? by amy !osselin 431 2i(e papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. 432 -ine nice night nurses nursing nicel!. 433 ,arrell's features fabulous food 'n' fantastic fountain fantasies for frolicking, fun' filled festi(e families. 434 Who holds >oe's nose when he blows? >oe knows. 435 A singl! circularl! linked list. 436 &he ,inal ,i+ing of the ,oolish ,ugiti(e ,eeling footloose, fanc!'free and frisk!, this feather'brained fellow finagled his fond father into forking o(er his fortune. ,orthwith, he fled for foreign fields and frittered his farthings feasting fabulousl! with fair'weather friends. ,inall!, fleeced b! those foll! filled fellows and facing famine, he found him'self a feed flinger in a filth! farm' lot. e fain would ha(e filled his frame with foraged food from fodder fragments. 3,ooe!) #! father's flunkies fare far fancier,3 the fra%%led fugiti(e fumed fe(erishl!, 57 frankl! facing fact. ,rustrated from failure and filled with forebodings, he fled for his famil!. ,alling at his father's feet, he floundered forlornl!. 3,ather, I ha(e flunked and fruitlessl! forfeited further famil! fa(ors . . .3 .ut the faithful father, forestalling further flinching, franticall! flagged his flunkies to fetch forth the finest fatling and fi+ a feast. .ut the fugiti(e's fault finding frater, faithfull! farming his father's fields for free, frowned at this fickle forgi(eness of former falderal. is fur! flashed, but fussing was futile. is foresighted father figured, 3Such filial fidelit! is fine, but what forbids fer(ent festi(ities? &he fugiti(e is found) ;nfurl the flags) With fanfare flaring, let fun, frolic and fri(olit! flow freel!, former failures forgotten and foll! forsaken.3 ,orgi(eness forms a firm foundation for future fortitude. 8Sir >ohn ensch of /ondon9 437 &hirt!'three thousand feathers on a thrushes throat. 438 When I went to Warsaw, I saw a saw that could outsaw an! saw that I e(er saw. -ow, if !ou go to Warsaw and see a saw that could outsaw the saw I saw, I'd like to see !our saw saw. 439 If practice makes perfect and perfect needs practice, IFm perfectl! practiced and practicall! perfect. by ,aren and Alyse Ferry 440 Si+ "%ech cricket critics 58 441 *ubber .erber 2erberH .urger An ersat4 +orth African taste treat ### 442 /ucid /ou slued loose the sluice that slew the slough. 443 In ertford, ereford and ampshire hurricanes hardl! e(er happen. from My Fair "ady the m$sical based $-on !eorge Bernard ha)'s Pygmalion 444 &homas &attamus took two &'s to tie two tots to two tall trees. 445 ercules, a hard! hunter, hunted a hare in the ampshire ills. it him on the head with a hard, hard hammer and he howled horribl!) 446 ,rank's fisher fishes on ,rida! for ,rank's ,rida! fresh fried fish'fest. by teven Combs 447 I saw a saw in Warsaw. 0f all the saws I e(er saw I ne(er saw a saw that could saw, like the saw I saw in Warsaw. 448 $ick had a dog, the dog dug, the dog dug deep, 59 how deep did $ick's dog dig? $ick had a duck, the duck di(ed, the duck di(ed deep, how deep did $ick's duck di(e? $ick's duck di(ed as deep as $ick's dog dug) by Ale(andra H$nt ?<< years old@ 449 It's a nice night for a white rice fight. 450 If a fella met a fella in a field of fitches "an a fella tell a fella where a fella itches? 451 I feel a feel a funn! feel a funn! feel feel I, If I feel a funn! feel a funn! feel feel I. 452 -e(er trust a slopp! crust, a s7uall! gust, ships that rust, or girls with lust. .ut if !ou must, !ou ma! trust to go bust, and back to dust, which ser(es !ou =ust. on board of a /ictory hi- in the <=C>s 60 453 A sad stor! about -obod! &his is a stor! about four people named 1(er!bod!, Somebod!, An!bod! and -obod!. &here was an important =ob to be done and 1(er!bod! was sure that Somebod! would do it. An!bod! could ha(e done it, but -obod! did it. Somebod! got angr! about that, because it was 1(er!bod!'s =ob. 1(er!bod! thought An!bod! could do it, but -obod! realised that 1(er!bod! wouldn't do it. It ended up that 1(er!bod! blamed Somebod!, when -obod! did, what An!bod! could ha(e done. 454 #r 5nott and #r Watt on the Phone ello? Who's calling? Watt. What's !our name? Watt's m! name. Yes, what is !our name? #! name is >ohn Watt. >ohn what? Yes. ... I'll call on !ou this afternoon. All right, are !ou >ones? -o, I'm 5nott. Will !ou tell me !our name, then? Will 5nott. Wh! not? #! name is 5nott. -ot what? -ot Watt. 5nott. What? 455 61 *ound brown bread the 2ndian bread *Roti* 456 grip glue, grip glue, grip glue, ... 457 .ob's pop'up blocker blocks .ob's pop'ups. 458 "hill, Shake, Ser(e, ... 459 #. *. $ucks #.*. not $ucks 0. S. #. *. /. I'll .. #. *. $ucks) 460 ow much cash could a sas7uatch stash if a sas7uatch could stash cash? by 1anet Cashman.hi-man and family 461 A cunning !oung canner from "anning 0nce obser(ed to his grann!, 3A canner can can a lot of things gran, .ut a canner can't can a can, can he?3 462 ow man! ducks could a duck duct'tape, if a duck could duct'tape ducks? 62 463 .ad dead bed'bugs bleed bug blood. by Mimi Ro$th 464 ;pper roller, lower roller, upper roller, lower roller, upper roller, lower roller, ... 465 .ill had a billboard, .ill also had a board bill. &he billboard bored .ill so .ill sold the billboard to pa! for the board bill. 466 Washington's wash woman washed Washington's wash while Washington's wife went west. 467 ,aith's face cloth, ,aith's face cloth, ,aith's face cloth, ... by Monica Holmes."a$der 468 $eer, deer, oh dear, oh dear, !our career as a deer is o(er here no, no, oh no, although !our career as a skell!tun's begun. %he Road&ill ong 469 &he si+th sick Sikh's si+th sheep is sick. 470 63 "lick, clap, pluck, ... 471 #ister &wister's tongue twisters, ... 472 um'min'a, um'min'a, um'min'a, ... sometimes said by 1ac&ie !leason in *%he Honeymooners* 473 #ud bug, mud bug, mud bug, ... 474 Polish it in the corner. Polish it in the corner. Polish it in the corner. ... 475 I gratefull! ga%ed at the gracefull! gra%ing ga%elles. 476 *eall! (er! wear!, reall! (er! wear!, reall! (er! wear!, ... 477 &he si+th sick sheik's si+th sheep 's sick. variation of the famo$s tong$e t)ister 478 &hrushcross 2range the name of the "inton's ho$se in *W$thering Heights* by 0mily BrontH 479 Si+ stick! skeletons, si+ stick! skeletons, si+ stick! skeletons, ... 64 480 Sheila is selling her shop at the seashore ,or shops at the seashore are so sure to lose And sheFs not so sure of what she should be selling Should Sheila sell seashells or should she sell shoes Danny ,aye song, arro$nd <=D> 481 A canner e+ceedingl! cann!, 0ne morning remarked to his grann!, A canner can can, An!thing that he can, .ut a canner can't can a can? can he? I Win 2vin 482 She sat upon a balcon!, inimicabl! mimicking him hiccuping and amicabl! welcoming him in. 483 I can't belie(e that 3I "an't .elie(e It's -ot .utter)3 is actuall! a butter that I can't belie(e is not butter. *2 Can't Believe 2t's +ot B$tterF* is a b$tter s$bstit$te -rod$ced by Becel7Flora7Promise, a s$bsidiary of 9nilever# 484 You name it, we claim it. If we can't get it, we'll send !ou to get it. If we can't send !ou to get it, forgit it. Who's got it, if we don't got it? from the <=J>'s 65 485 If !our .ob doesnt gi(e our .ob that bob that !our .ob owes our .ob, our .ob will gi(e !our .ob a bob in the e!e. 486 46 4oilC) In (iew, a humble (aude(illian (eteran, cast (icariousl! as both (ictim and (illain b! the (icissitudes of ,ate. &his (isage, no mere (eneer of (anit!, is a (estige of the (o+ populi, now (acant, (anished. owe(er, this (alorous (isitation of a b!'gone (e+ation, stands (i(ified and has (owed to (an7uish these (enal and (irulent (ermin (an'guarding (ice and (ouchsafing the (iolentl! (icious and (oracious (iolation of (olition. Icar(es 4 into poster on wallJ 46 &he onl! (erdict is (engeance? a (endetta, held as a (oti(e, not in (ain, for the (alue and (eracit! of such shall one da! (indicate the (igilant and the (irtuous. IgigglesJ 46 4eril!, this (ich!ssoise of (erbiage (eers most (erbose, so let me simpl! add that it's m! (er! good honor to meet !ou and !ou ma! call me 4. from the screen-lay of the movie */ for /endetta*, at the beginning, )hen / meets 0vie for the first time 487 chip shop chips 488 4el(et *e(ol(er 4el(et *e(ol(er 4el(et *e(ol(er ... 489 Shine m! cit! shoes) re-eat really fast 66 490 Sniff Sesh) Sniff Sesh) Sniff Sesh) a dog sniffing a blan&et 491 &he 5night said, 3e's3, with niceties, 3some nights a tease or nice at ease on nice settees3. 492 ow much snus could a moose on the loose use if a moose on the loose could use loose snus? 493 .lack *ock .rain /ock 494 Which Witch snitched the Snitch Witch? 0r did the Snitch Witch snitch the Witch? If the Snitch Witch snitched the Witch then which Witch did the Snitch Witch snitch? by 0mily !reen 495 A maid named /ad! #armalade made mainl! lard and lemonade. #'lad! lamel! ne(er made a well'named, labelled marmalade. 496 &heodore &histle threw three thorn! thistles. ow man! thorn! thistles did &heodore &histle throw? 497 67 Sill! Sall! Shouldnort sha(ed sheep she should show soon so selling sheep sha(ed showed she shouldn't show sha(ed sheep so soon. by 1ames +orton 498 "racker rapper, cracker rapper, cracker rapper, ... by ,a4ia ar-ola 499 /enn! /ou leopard led leprechauns leaping like lemmings. by Brian & !race Mc,eon 500 lo!al ro!al law!er 501 $arn dawn dog gone) %he sometimes annoying -et canine is not at home this morning# 502 ,ree *it% wristwatch. &r! sa!ing *it% wristwatch K times fast) from the bac& of a Rit4 crac&er bo( 503 Si+ slick, slim, slender saplings. 504 68 &ell a tall tale of a tall tailed dog, that told &im it tap a tall ale and thump the top of &im's tomb. 505 0ld lad! unt had a cu%%! ,unt not a cu%%! ,unt but a unt ,unt cu%%!. 506 ow much =uice does a fruit =uice producer produce when a fruit =uice producer produces fruit =uice? We can deduce a fruit =uice produces as much =uice as a fruit =uice produce can seduce from the fruit that produces =uice. 507 &he! think that their teeth get thinner at times the! want to taste thick meat. 508 &hree tired tigers tr! to throw three trees. 509 I wish to wish the wish !ou wish to wish, but if !ou wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish !ou wish to wish. 510 5en can ken that 5en's kin can ken 5en's kin's ken. 511 &he si+th shack's si+th sick sheik's si+th sheep 's sick. 512 Which Swiss witch switched the Swiss wristwatches? by Marnie inger 513 "ook 3"ookie3 &urk took 5ookie 5irk a turke! cookie. 69 by Marnie inger 514 ow man! tow trucks could a tow truck tow if a tow truck could tow tow trucks. by Cheyenne Perry ?age <>@ 515 I miss m! Swiss miss. #! Swiss miss misses me. 516 -ow the trees are all groaning in growling, rough gales &hat with thuds and hoarse roaring roll raging around) Such leaf'rousing, branch'ruining, ripping, raw wails, Such a terrible, thrashing and tree'wrecking sound) by Mar& crivener 517 Slinking, sliding, slithering sl!l!, Swiftl! slipping through the grasses sh!l!, Silent but for swish and hiss Is the sinuous snake's leglessness. by Mar& crivener 518 "or!thosaurus bit the gor! esophagus of the dillapitated $ilophosaurus who li(ed in the sorest of forests with the whack! pach!'rinosaurus and the ceratosaurus, but the most poorest and mourish panoplosaurus called Wang sang and rang chorus with the lurdusaurus and the brachiosaurus who was d!ing of staph!lococus'aureas. 70 by Henry Dyne and !eorgie Warden 519 ow much s7uash could a sas7uatch s7uish, if a sas7uatch could s7uish s7uash? 520 fresh fish and fried prawns 521 She thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of her thumb. 522 It dawned on $on at dawn. 523 A snake sneaks to seek a snack. 524 A s!non!m for cinnamon is a cinnamon s!non!m. 525 2reat 2ate "rasher From a -ersonal e(-erience at a friend's -arty ### 526 Sister Susie's sewing shirts for soldiers, Such sauc! soft short shirts for soldiers sister Susie sews, Some soldiers send epistles sa! the!'d sooner sleep on thistles, &han those sauc! soft short shirts for soldiers, Sister Susie sews. 527 ow man! rats would the ruskies roast if the ruskies could roast rats? 71 ow man! cats would a caddie catch if a caddie could catch cats? 528 *ural ruler 529 Swift shift 530 An illusor! (ision is a (isionar! illusion. Is it? 531 In shoulder surger! some surgeons sew soldiers' shoulders. by a rehabilitation medical doctor 532 #idget minute, midget minute, midget minute, ... 533 Will!'s wooden whistle wouldn't whistle when Will! went wild. 534 Wilson Winston winced whilst he minced a s7uinting prince. co.)ritten by Charles C# Canoll 2/ and Megan "# "$&e 535 If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? 536 I thought the haught! Professor &ortoise taught ontolog!, but the naught! &ortoise taught us tautolog!. 72 by Dachlan Cart)right 537 2randma 2abb! 2rammer grabbed a gram of gumm! goulash. If 2randma 2abb! 2rammer grabbed a gram of gumm! goulash, ow man! grams of gumm! goulash did 2randma 2abb! 2rammer grab? 538 3e thrusts his fists against the posts, and still insists he sees the ghosts.3 from *2t* by te-hen ,ing s$bmitted by %ed chec& 539 &hrift! &heophilus, the theocratic thistle sifter, thrice thrust three thousand thistles through the slick thick of his softl! throbbing thumb. 540 What's a s!non!m for cinnamon or is cinnamon s!non!m'less? 541 $imensional anal!sis 542 ,riskies frisbee My friend got a frisbee )ith the *Fris&ies*.logo on it 543 ulk awk is hulking the hawk, awk ulk is hawking ulk ... awk hugs the hedgehog by Ale(ander from R$ssian ?<> years old@ 73 544 *ather *uth's writhings than *oth's wrath. by David Phili-s 545 &he third time the three three'toed tree toads tried t!ing their toes together, the third three'toed tree toad tied the two three'toed tree toads toes to the third toads toes. &hen the two tied three'toed tree toads told the third three'toed tree toad that t!ing their toes together thrilled them to their toe tips. from a high school 0nglish class many years ago 546 $arla's dollars 547 I see he sees high seas she sees. Minsea and 5o$ngsea made this together in their 0nglish class 548 I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. 549 #! back black brake blocks are broken. 74