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Name ________________________________ Date ___________ Period ____
Plate Tectonics Web-Quest
PartI: Earths Structure. Use the following link to find these answers: l 1. a!el the layers of "arth in the diagram !elow. #. $he lithosphere is made up of the ___crust_____ and a tiny !it of the _upper________ ___mantle________. %. $he plates of the lithosphere move &or float' on this hot( mallea!le _____semili)uid_____ _________ *one in the upper mantle( directly underneath the lithosphere. $his is known as the ____+sthenosphere___________________. ,. $he layer of "arth that is the only li)uid layer is the _______ithosphere____ ___________. Part II. Plate Tectonics. Use the following link to find these answers: l A B crust mantle Inner core Outer core mantl e 1. $rue or -alse. /mage + depicts what "arth looks like today. &circle the correctanswer' Name ________________________________ Date ___________ Period ____ #.0hat did "arth look like #12 million years ago. $he continents of "arth were clustered together in formation that a scientist named _________pangea_____. $he scientist that named 3Pangaea4 was a 5erman scientist !y the name of _____+lfred 0egner_______ _____________ . 6e theori*ed that 3Pangaea7 split apart and the different landmasses( or continents( drifted to their current locations on the glo!e. 0egener8s theories of plate movement !ecame the !asis for the development of the theory of _________plate tectonics___ ________________. %. 9rder the images of "arth8s plates in order from oldest or earliest &1' to most recent &1'. Part III. Plates and Boundaries. Use the following link to find these answers: l 1. Name the missing tectonic plates in the !lanks on the image !elow. African #. $he place where the two plates meet is called a _________:oundary___________. :oundaries have different names depending on how the two plates are moving in relationship to each other. 5 4 3 2 1 North American Plate Eurasian Plate Pacifc Plate South America n Plate African Australian Plate Antarctic Plate ; +. /f two plates are pushing towards each other it is called a _______________;onvergent________. :. /f two plates are moving apart from each other it is called a __________Divergent____________. Name ________________________________ Date ___________ Period ____ ;. /f two plates are sliding past each other it is a called a ______________$ransform :oundary____________. %. a!el the type of !oundary depicted in each image !elow. ,. Plates and :oundaries ;hallenge. -ollow directions for the challenge. <ecord your results !elow: Part /. Num!er of correctly placed plates = ______________12____________ Part //. Num!er of !oundary types correctly la!eled = ____________>______ Part IV. Slip, Slide, and Collide. Use the following link to find these answers: l 1. +t coner!ent boundaries( tectonic plates _____collide______ with each other. $he events that occur at these !oundaries are linked to the types of plates &oceanic or _____continental__________' that are interacting. Subduction "ones and Volcanoes +t some convergent !oundaries( an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. 9ceanic crust tends to !e _____less dense_____ and __older___________ than continental crust( so the denser oceanic crust gets !ent and pulled under( or _______su!ducted_________( !eneath the lighter and thicker continental crust. $his forms what is called a subduction #one. +s the oceanic crust sinks( a deep oceanic _____trench _______( or valley( is formed at the edge of the continent. $he crust continues to !e forced deeper into the earth( where high heat and pressure cause trapped water and other gasses to !e released from it. $his( in turn( makes the !ase of the crust melt( forming _____magma______. $he magma formed at a su!duction *one rises up toward the earth?s surface and !uilds up in magma cham!ers( where it feeds and creates __________ridges______ on the overriding plate. 0hen this magma finds its way to Transform Boundar !i"er#ent Boundar $on"er#ent Boundar Name ________________________________ Date ___________ Period ____ the surface through a vent in the crust( the volcano erupts( e@pelling ____magma_______ and _____rock_____. +n e@ample of this is the !and of active volcanoes that encircle the Pacific 9cean( often referred to as the <ing of -ire. <oll your mouse over the image to find the definitions of the words !elow: Au!duction Bone C the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth?s crust into the mantle !eneath another plate Dagma E hot fluid or semifluid material !elow or within the earth?s crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed !y cooling. $rench C a long( narrow ditch. Folcano C a mountain or hill( typically conical( having a crater or vent through which lava( rock fragments( hot vapor( and gas are !eing or have !een erupted from the earth?s crust. Folcanic +rc E chain of volvcanoes positioned in an arc shape