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Ipc User Manual

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IP Camera Users Manual

IP Camera Users Manual

Thank you for using our IP camera products. This series of products are all-in-one IP cameras
designed for network video surveillance including !o" IP camera infrared !o" IP camera dome IP
camera speed dome IP camera etc. The products adopt #.$%& 'ase(ine Profile) (evel &.*
video compression format support three-stream support +,-I. protocol and adopt high-speed
em!edded /0 102' 0. 034 to make the image clearer smoother and more realistic. 'uilt-in 2e!
5erver allows users to easily perform real-time monitoring and remote control over front-end cameras
via I3 !rowser.
This series of IP cameras is suita!le for medium-si6ed and small enterprises families and other
environments that re7uire remote network video transmission and monitoring. The products are easy
to install and operate.

IP Camera Users Manual
Contents in this manual may !e different from the edition that you are using. There may !e
technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in the manual.
5hould any unsolved pro!lem occur given that the product is used according to this manual
please contact our technical support department or your product suppliers.
The content of this manual may !e updated at irregular intervals without prior notice.
This manual is suita!le for engineers as follow8
5ystem planning person
Technical support and maintenance person
Conventions are as follows in this manual8
9IP Camera: mentioned in this manual refers to network camera including !o" IP camera dome
IP camera infrared !o" IP camera speed dome IP camera etc.
Click8 Press the left mouse !utton once.
;ou!le-click8 Press the left mouse !utton twice.
9[ ]:8 +ption name 2indow name menu name and datasheet.
This device should !e operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking
la!el. The voltage of the power must !e verified !efore using. <indly remove the ca!les from the
power source if the device is not to !e used for a long period of time.
;o not let this product fall to the ground or against the strong percussion.
;o not directly touch the optical components of image sensor. If necessary place a clean cloth
with alcohol slightly moist and gently wipe the dust. If the device is not to !e used please cover
it with dust cover to protect the image sensor.
0void aligning strong light 1such as lighting sunlight etc.4 focus otherwise it will easily lead to
image too !right or pulling light 1this is not a camera malfunction4 and it will affect the service life
of image sensor.
;o not e"pose the machine in moist dusty e"tremely hot e"tremely cold and strong
electromagnetic radiation environment. 1,ormal work temperature8 -=* > ?@@ 4
0void water or other li7uid flowing into the camera in use. In case any solid or li7uid get inside
the machine user must cut off the power supply immediately and get it checked !y a 7ualified

IP Camera Users Manual
Ta!le of Contents
Chapter = ;ownload 0nd Install 0ctiveA................................................................................................%
Chapter $ User (ogin.............................................................................................................................B
Chapter / (ive Preview..........................................................................................................................C
Chapter & Decord Play!ack.................................................................................................................=*
Chapter @ 5et 5ystem Parameters......................................................................................................=$
@.= 5tream Configure....................................................................................................................=$
@.$ ,etwork Configure..................................................................................................................=/
@./ Time Parameters.....................................................................................................................=&
@.& +5;........................................................................................................................................=@
@.@ Privacy Degional.....................................................................................................................=@
@.% 5; Card..................................................................................................................................=%
@.B PTE Configure.........................................................................................................................=C
@.C Decord Configure....................................................................................................................=C
@.F 0larm Configure......................................................................................................................=F
@.F.= Motion ;etection...........................................................................................................=F
@.F.$ IG+.................................................................................................................................$=
@.=* 0dvanced Configure..............................................................................................................$/
@.=*.= Capture Configure......................................................................................................$/
@.=*.$ 0udio Configure..........................................................................................................$&
@.=*./ 2i.i Configure............................................................................................................$&
@.=*.& PPPo3 Configure........................................................................................................$C
@.=*.@ ;;,5 Configure.........................................................................................................$F
@.=*.% 3-mail Configure.........................................................................................................$F
@.=*.B .TP Configure............................................................................................................./=
@.=*.C User Management....................................................................................................../=
@.=*.F ;ayG,ight Configure.................................................................................................../$
@.=*.=* I5P Configure............................................................................................................//
@.== ;evice Maintenance............................................................................................................../&
@.==.= ;evice Information....................................................................................................../&
@.==.$ ;efault 5etting............................................................................................................./&
@.==./ Destart ;evice............................................................................................................./@
@.==.& Upgrade ;evice........................................................................................................../%
@.==.@ ;evice Dunning 5tate................................................................................................./%
@.==.% -ersion......................................................................................................................../B
@.=$ (ocal Configure...................................................................................................................../B
Chapter % (og 5earch........................................................................................................................../C
Chapter B Mo!ile Connectivity............................................................................................................./F
.or 0ndroid....................................................................................................................................&*
B.= Main .unctions........................................................................................................................&*
B.$ Installation...............................................................................................................................&*
B./ 0pplication Dunning................................................................................................................&=
B./.= Interface ;escription.....................................................................................................&=
B./.$ (ive Preview..................................................................................................................&$
B././ 0dd ;evice....................................................................................................................&/
B./.& 5witch Channel.............................................................................................................&&
B./.@ PTE Control...................................................................................................................&@
B./.% (ocal -ideo...................................................................................................................&@
B./.B 5aved Photos................................................................................................................&%
B./.C 5witch (anguage..........................................................................................................&%
B./.F -ideo Demote...............................................................................................................&%
B./.=* Deal-Time 0larm.........................................................................................................&B
.or iPhone.....................................................................................................................................&B

IP Camera Users Manual
B.& Main .unctions........................................................................................................................&B
B.@ Installation...............................................................................................................................&B
B.% 0pplication Dunning................................................................................................................&C
B.%.= Interface ;escription.....................................................................................................&C
B.%.$ (ive Preview..................................................................................................................&F
B.%./ 0dd ;evice....................................................................................................................@*
B.%.& 5witch Channel.............................................................................................................@=
B.%.@ PTE Control...................................................................................................................@=
B.%.% (ocal -ideo...................................................................................................................@$
B.%.B 5aved Photos................................................................................................................@/
B.%.C 5witch (anguage..........................................................................................................@/
B.%.F -ideo Demote...............................................................................................................@/
B.%.=* Deal-Time 0larm.........................................................................................................@/
0ppendi" = ,etwork Interface of IP Camera........................................................................................@&
0ppendi" $ ;efault ,etwork Parameters.............................................................................................@&
0ppendi" / 5earch Tool UserHs Iuide..................................................................................................@&
0ppendi" & 0pply for ;;,5 domain name service..............................................................................@%
0ppendi" @ -isit IP camera under different network environments......................................................@F
0ppendi" % Port mapping.....................................................................................................................%&
0ppendi" B .0J...................................................................................................................................%@

IP Camera Users Manual
Chapter 1 Download And Install ActiveX
Kou need to install 0ctiveA Control when you visit IP camera for the first time through I3 !rowser.
ActiveX installing method:
=4 Input the IP address of IP camera in Internet 3"plorer 1for e"ample8 =F$.=%C.=.=*4 to enter into
login page as shown in .ig=8
$4 Click L;ownload 0ctiveAM to download the 0ctiveA.
/4 .ile download dialogue !o" pops up click LDunM or L5aveM to download 0ctiveA.
&4 0fter download it dou!le-click the downloaded file 92e!Client: to install it.
@4 Click LDunM !utton to pop up 2e!Client 5etup dialogue !o" click L,e"tM !utton to select
installation path as shown in .ig$8

%4 Click LInstallM !utton to start to install 92e!Client: please wait a momentN
B4 0fter installation is complete click L.inishM !utton to e"it as shown in .ig/8
IP Camera Users Manual

Chapter !ser "ogin
Deopen Internet 3"plorer after 0ctiveA installation completes input IP address of the IP camera
1for e"ample8 =F$.=%C.=.=*4 to turn to login page as shown in .ig&8
"anguage: 5elect the system language of 2e!Client including 5implified Chinese and 3nglishN
!ser: Input the user name. The default user name is 9admin:N
Password: Input the password. The default password is !lankN
Port: Input the port num!er. The default port is @***N
Input user name password and port num!er then click 9(ogin: !utton to enter the main
IP Camera Users Manual
Chapter # "ive Preview
0fter user have logged in enter into the live preview interface or click
!utton in menu !ar to enter this interface. The interface of 9(ive -ideo: is shown in .ig @8
.ig @
In the (ive -ideo interface users can do operations like Play 5top Decord Capture Talk!ack
5how 0larm Preset Configure -ideo Parameters Configure .ull-screen -iewing and PTE Control
[Pla$]: Click this !utton to open the current video screen.
[Stop]: Click this !utton to close the current video screen.
[%ecord]: Manual recording switch. 0utomatically record current video and save them in 0-I format
to the storage directory after the recording function turned on. The state is changed to after
ena!le recordingN click this !utton to stop recording.
[Capture]: Click this !utton to snap the current image and automatically save it in .OPI format to the
storage directory.
[&al'(ac']: 0udio talk!ack switch. The talk!ack !etween PC and IP camera can !e performed
1audio talk!ack device is installed to the IP camera4. The state is changed to after ena!le
audio talk!ackN click this !utton to stop talk!ack.
IP Camera Users Manual
[Show Alarm]: Click this !utton to pop up alarm information list it shows the alarm IP alarm time
and alarm description etc.
[Audio]: Turn on or turn off the sound of live video.
[Preset Configure]: 0llows set or call the presets range from =>=$CN user can also set the PTE
speed range from =>C.
[)ideo Parameters]: User can drag the slide !ar to adPust the parameters of active video including
!rightness chroma contrast saturation and sharness. Click ;efault !utton to resort the default
[*ull Screen]8 ;ou!le-click the video screen to display image in full-screen dou!le-click again to e"it
full screen mode.
[Stream ID]: User can choose three different streams range from =>/.
[P&+ Control]8 0llows four-directional rotation automatic adPustment of PTE rotation speed adPust
6oom focus and Iris refer to .ig %8
.ig %
IP Camera Users Manual
Chapter , %ecord Pla$(ac'
Click !utton in menu !ar to enter the video play!ack page as shown in .igure B8
.ig B
Users can search for recorded video files or snapped pictures in local PC or storage device
according to date.
[Position]: User can select the file position including remote recording files remote capture
images local recording files and local capture images.
[&$pe]: User can select the type including manual recording motion alarm recording IG+ alarm
recording time recording download and all types. 5electing a different file position has different
selections of type.
[Date]: 5elect a certain date to search recorded video file or snapped pictureN click the date !o" the
calendar will pop up refer to .ig C8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig C
0ccording to the a!ove description to select the setting and setup start time Q end time then
click 5earch !utton.
[*iles "ist]: The searched files information will !e displayed in the .iles (ist.
[Download]: 5elect the recorded files or snapped pictures searched from 5; card in the file list click
this !utton to download the files to PC.
[Pla$]: Choose the recorded video or snapped picture in the file list dou!le-click the video or click
picture or click 9play: !utton to play!ack. The contents will !e displayed in the video play!ack
window. User can view the playing information and click the relevant !uttons on the screen to do
operation as shown in .igure F8
1=4 playGpause 1$4 5top
1/4 ,e"t segment 1&4 (ast segment
1@4 5nap 1%4 ;ownload
1B4 .ull screen 1C4 play process
.ig F
IP Camera Users Manual
Chapter - Set S$stem Parameters
-.1 Stream Configure
The interface of stream configure is shown in .ig =*8
.ig =*
[Stream ID]8 Choose three kinds of stream I; to do stream configure.
[Stream t$pe]8 5tream type includes +nly -ideo and -ideo Q 0udio.
[/ncode t$pe]8 3ncode type includes #.$%& MOP3I and MP3I&.
[*rame rate]8 5et encoding frame rate per second range from = to /*.
[*rame interval]8 0dPusta!le !etween *>/**. The smaller frame interval the higher image !itrate
and the !etter image 7uality you get. It is recommended to set the frame interval as a!ove $@.
[%esolution]8 5et the resolution of image.
[0it t$pe]8 Two options8 C'D and -'D. C'D adopts constant encoding !itrate -'D adopts varia!le
encoding !itrate.
[Stream Si1e]8 The range of stream !itrate is =***>=$***<!ps. The higher !itrate can generate
!etter image 7uality !ut it occupies more !andwidth please adPust the setting according to your
actual !andwidth.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
IP Camera Users Manual
-. 2etwor' Configure
The interface of network parameters is shown in .ig ==8
.ig ==
[Device Port]8 ;efault value is @*** 1users are recommended not to change it4.
[3e( Port]: ;efault value is C* 1users are recommended not to change it4.
[%&SP Port]8 ;efault value is @@& 1users are recommended not to change it4.
[42)I* Port]: ;efault value is @@& 1users are recommended not to change it4.
[D5CP]8 If ;#CP function of the router is ena!led IP camera will automatically o!tain IP address
from the router.
[IP address]8 5et the cameras IP address.
[Su(net mas']8 ;efault value is $@@.$@@.$@@.* 1users are recommended not to change it4.
[6atewa$]8 5et the cameras gateway IP. .or e"ample when the device is connected to pu!lic
network via a router the gateway IP is the router IP.
[7ulticast address]: Multicast means the hosts of a group can receive all the data within this group.
Multicast address is the reserved class ; address from $$&.*.*.*-$/F.$@@.$@@.$@@ and some
address has special use 1users are recommended not to change it4.
[D2S Server]8 The default server is the ;,5 address of Iuangdong province. Users outside this
area please use ;;,5 function to set the ;,5 address as their local ;,5 address.
[Default gatewa$]: 5et the default type of gateway. Two options8 2ire and 2ireless.
IP Camera Users Manual
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.

2ote: After revise and save parameters8 the device will restart. If it is
applied in "A28 please pa$ attention to avoid conflict (etween its IP address and
the IP addresses of other devices or PC in the "A2.

-.# &ime Parameters
The interface of time parameters is shown in .ig =$8
.ig =$
[&ime Setting]8 Manually set the system date and time of device.
[2&P Server]8 0fter ena!le this function user can choose the proper time 6one set the ,TP IP and
,TP port and IP Camera will proofread system time to ,TP server according to the settings.
[S$nc PC time]8 Click !utton the date and time of IP camera will !e synchroni6ed with
the PC.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
IP Camera Users Manual
-., 4SD
The interface of +5; configure is shown in .ig =/8
.ig =/
[&ime]8 The system time of video channel. 3na!le this function to display system time at the top left
of image.
[Color]8 User can choose different colors for the time. There are two colors to choose from !lack and
[Position]8 User can adPust the display position of system time.
[&e9t]8 3na!le this function to display channel name at the top left of image.
[Color]8 User can choose different colors for the name. There are two colors to choose from !lack
and white.
[Position]8 User can adPust the display position of channel name.
[&e9t]: The name of video channel it supports /* 3nglish characters or $* Chinese words at
ma"imum. Click te"t !o" to self-define the channel name.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.- Privac$ %egional
0fter entering the privacy regional interface click !utton at the center of
interface to enter the 5helter 0rea window refer to .ig =&8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig =&
0fter ena!le privacy regional function click and move cursor to set the privacy area of channel
image. 0n image can !e entirely or partially masked it supports & areas at ma"imum. Click the set
area to select the area click again to deselect.
[Channel 2o.]8 5elect the channel of privacy regional.
[Color select]: 5et the covering color of privacy area. There are three colors to choose from red
green and !lack.
[Clear all]8 click this !utton to clear all set privacy areas.
[Clear select]8 click this !utton to clear selected privacy area.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successfulN click !utton to e"it current
-.: SD Card
The interface of 5; card configure is shown in .ig =@8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig =@
In this interface user can view the information of 5; card including 5; card name 5; card
space file system partition state new num!er of partition partition type remaining space formatting
progress etc.
Click !utton to format the 5; cardN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved
click !utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.

5ot;plugging is not recommended for SD card8 compulsor$ hot;plugging ma$
damage the SD card8 causing data loss or a(normal operation.
Do not cut off the power of the device in the process of formatting.
*A&# file is used to format s$stem ($ default.
IP Camera doesn<t support the storage that can (e formatted into several
partitions8 so if user want to format it on PC (efore using it8 please format it
into one partition.

IP Camera Users Manual
-.= P&+ Configure
The interface of PTE configure is shown in .ig =%8
.ig =%
[P&+ configure]: 2hen IP camera is connected to D5&C@ communication or control device 1e.g.
PTE decoder dome camera4 the parameters of PTE need to !e set according to the settings of the
communication device 1address protocol !aud rate parity data !it and stop !it4 and the
corresponding protocol need to !e downloaded.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.

2otice4nl$ when the parameters and protocol are correct8 the add;on
communication device can (e controlled.

-.> %ecord Configure
The interface of record configure is shown in .ig =B8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig =B
[Storage rule] Two options8 circle write and not overwrite. Circle write will cover the earlier
recorded files and keep recoding when storage space is fullN otherwise it will stop recording when
storage space is full.
[Pre;recording]: 3na!le or disa!le pre-recording functionN support for the pre-recording time is B
seconds. 0larm signal needs a little time to processing and trigger the video recording it may not
record the important information !efore the alarm signal is generated so use this function to improve
the relia!ility of video surveillance.
[%ecord Schedule]: 0fter ena!le this function set the period of scheduled recording four periods
allowed. Decording schedule can !e copied to the other date select 9;ay of week: to the date or
everyday which set as the same settings.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.? Alarm Configure
-.?.1 7otion Detection
The interface of motion detection configure is shown in .ig =C8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig =C
In this interface users can set parameters like motion detection onGoff sensitivity detection time
interval linkage alarm output linkage output duration linkage recording G capture and sending 3-
mail when alarm has !een triggered etc.
[Sensitivit$]: set the sensitivity of motion detection range from8 high low normalN the higher grade
means higher sensitivity.
[Detection &ime Interval]: It means the time interval !etween two adPacent detective motionsN range
from8 =>=*. If there is other motion detected during the interval period which is considered
continuous movementN otherwise it will !e considered that those two adPacent detective motions are
two different motion events.
[Set 7otion Area]: Click this !utton to enter the detection region window. Click and move mouse to
set the area of motion detection. 0n image can !e entirely or partially set user can set one area for
detection at ma"imum. Click the set area to select the area click again to deselect.
Click !utton to clear all set detection areasN click !utton to clear
selected detection areaN click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved
click !utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een
IP Camera Users Manual
saved click !utton to 7uery whether the setting is successfulN click !utton to e"it
current interface.
[Alarm Schedule]: 0fter ena!le this function set the period of motion detection four periods
allowed. 0larm schedule can !e copied to the other date select 92eekday: to the date or everyday
which set as the same settings.
[4utput]: 3na!le or disa!le linkage alarm output.
["in'age 4utput@sA]: 5et the duration of linkage alarm output after !eing triggered 1in seconds4 the
range of alarm duration is =>=*s.
[%ecord]8 2hen motion alarm is triggered it will record and store the video in the 5; card on device.
The record files can !e saved via 3-mail sending or .TP uploading.
["in'age 7ode@sA]: 5et the duration of linkage recording after !eing triggered 1in seconds4 range
from8 @G=*G/*G%*G=$*G/**G%**GF**G=$**G=C**s.
[Capture]: 2hen motion alarm is triggered it will snap pictures and store them in the 5; card on
device. The captured pictures can !e saved via 3-mail sending or .TP uploading.
[Capture Pictures]: 5et the amount of linkage capture after !eing triggered the num!er of pictures
snapped is from = to =*. If the num!er is set as =* and the snapping interval is = second that
means when there is an alarm =* pictures will !e snapped at one time and the interval !etween
each picture is = second.
[/;mail]8 3na!le 3-mail functionN when motion alarm is trigged a notification email will !e sent to
users designed email !o" including trigger events time capture pictures and device name etc.
User can select only sending te"t messages or sending te"t and image messages.
;etails a!out 3-mail setting please refer to L3-mail ConfigureM.
[*&P]8 3na!le .TP functionN when motion alarm is trigged the alarm information of motion detection
will !e saved in the way of .TP uploading. User can select only sending te"t messages or sending
te"t and image messages.
[Alarm Sound]: Close or open the alarm ringing.
[%ing Duration &ime@sA]: 0fter opening the alarm ringing set the duration of alarm ringing after
!eing triggered 1in seconds4 the range of alarm ringing is =>=*s.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.?. IB4
The interface of IG+ alarm configure is shown in .ig =F8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig =F
In this interface users can set parameters like IG+ alarm onGoff alarm schedule linkage alarm
output linkage output duration linkage recording G capture and sending 3-mail when alarm has !een
triggered etc.
[IB4 &$pe]: Close or open the IG+ alarm detection.
[Alarm Schedule]: 0fter ena!le this function set the period of time for IG+ alarm detection four
periods allowed. 0larm schedule can !e copied to the other date select 92eekday: to the date or
everyday which set as the same settings.
[4utput]: 3na!le or disa!le linkage alarm output.
["in'age 4utput@sA]: 5et the duration of linkage alarm output after !eing triggered 1in seconds4 the
range of alarm duration is =>=*s.
[%ecord]8 2hen IG+ alarm is triggered it will record and store the video in the 5; card on device.
The record files can !e saved via 3-mail sending or .TP uploading.
[Alarm "in'age@sA]: 5et the duration of linkage recording after !eing triggered 1in seconds4 range
from8 @G=*G/*G%*G=$*G/**G%**GF**G=$**G=C**s.
[Capture]: 2hen IG+ alarm is triggered it will snap pictures and store them in the 5; card on device.
The captured pictures can !e saved via 3-mail sending or .TP uploading.
IP Camera Users Manual
[Capture Pictures]: 5et the amount of linkage capture after !eing triggered the num!er of pictures
snapped is from = to =*. If the num!er is set as =* and the snapping interval is = second that
means when there is an alarm =* pictures will !e snapped at one time and the interval !etween
each picture is = second.
[/;mail]8 3na!le 3-mail functionN when IG+ alarm is trigged a notification email will !e sent to users
designed email !o" including trigger events time capture pictures and device name etc. User can
select only sending te"t messages or sending te"t and image messages.
;etails a!out 3-mail setting please refer to L3-mail ConfigureM.
[*&P]8 3na!le .TP functionN when IG+ alarm is trigged the information of IG+ alarm will !e saved in
the way of .TP uploading. User can select only sending te"t messages or sending te"t and image
[Alarm Sound]: Close or open the alarm ringing.
[%ing Duration &ime@sA]: 0fter opening the alarm ringing set the duration of alarm ringing after
!eing triggered 1in seconds4 the range of alarm ringing is =>=*s.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C Advanced Configure
-.1C.1 Capture Configure
The interface of capture configure is shown in .ig $*8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig $*
[Setting]: 3na!le or disa!le capture functionN set the time interval of capture8 @ =*=@/*%*
seconds. If the time interval is set as @s that means it will capture pictures every fives seconds in the
period of capture schedule and store them in the 5; card on device.
[Capture Schedule]: 0fter ena!le this function set the period of time for capture four periods
allowed. Capture schedule can !e copied to the other date select 92eekday: to the date or everyday
which set as the same settings.
[*&P upload]8 3na!le this functionN when alarm is trigged the alarm information will !e saved in the
way of .TP uploading.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C. Audio Configure
The interface of audio configure is shown in .ig $=8
.ig $=
In this interface users can view the audio sample rate and !it wide of IP camera set the
encode type of audio compression.
[/ncode]: 5upport two types of audio compressed format8 IB==a and IB==Mu.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C.# 3i*i Configure
The interface of 2i.i configure is shown in .ig $$8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig $$
0 wireless router needs to !e deployed in order to use the 2i-.i function of IP camera e.g. TP-
(ink 2D/&*I @&M wireless router. The content and steps of the settings are as follows8
1 2etwor' parameters setup for wireless router
3nter into 9(0, 5etting: page under the 9network parameter: menu of wireless router set the IP
of wireless routerN refer to .ig $/1a48
.ig $/1a4
IP Camera Users Manual
&urn to D(asic settingsE page under the Dwireless parametersE menuF refer to *ig #@(A:
1=4 5et 55I;
This 55I; is for identity validation of wireless network it must !e the same as the 55I;
setting of the IP camera
1$4 .re7uency range
It determines the fre7uency range of network working which is =>=/ the default value is %.
,ote8 If your neigh!or also uses wireless network and its fre7uency is % you should
consider revise this parameter to = or =/ to reduce radio interference !etween the two routers.
1/4 Mode
5et the working mode of wireless router. The mode must !e compati!le with the supported
modes of IP camera.
2ireless mode supported !y IP camera8 C*$.==!Gg protocol 1low power 2i-.i model4
C*$.==aG!GgGn protocol 1high power 2i-.i model4
1&4 3na!le 2i-.i function 1compulsory4
1@4 3na!le security setting 1optional4
This option can ena!le the security certification of wireless router. If it is ena!led users
need to select the corresponding security mode 1encryption mode4 and set up authentication
1%4 5elect security type 1encryption mode4
Three options8 23P 2P0 and 2P0$
1B4 5ecurity options
23P security type8 developing system sharing key and auto-selection
2P0 2P0$ security type8 T<IP and 035
1C4 5et key 1authentication password4
.ig $/1!4
# 3i*i function settings of IP camera:
1=4 5ecurity Type
Three encryption types are 0uto 2P0-P5<G2P0$-P5< and 23P.
IP Camera Users Manual
It must !e the same as the security type of wireless gateway 1routerG0P4.
1$4 0uthentication Type
0uto 5ecurity Type8 not optional
2P0-P5<G2P0$-P5< 5ecurity Type8 0uto 2P0-P5< and 2P0$-P5< are optional
23P 5ecurity Type8 0uto +pen 1system4 and 5hare <ey are optional
It must !e the same as the security type of wireless gateway 1routerG0P4.
1/4 3ncryption Type
0uto or 23P 5ecurity Type8 not optional
2P0-P5<G2P0$-P5< 5ecurity Type8 0uto T<IP and 035 are optional
It must !e the same as the security type of wireless gateway 1routerG0P4.
1&4 23P <ey .ormat
0uto or 2P0-P5<G2P0$-P5< 5ecurity Type8 not optional
23P 5ecurity Type8 05CII and #e"adecimal are optional
It must !e the same as the security type of wireless gateway 1routerG0P4.
1@4 23P <ey
0uto or 2P0-P5<G2P0$-P5< 5ecurity Type8 not optional
23P 5ecurity Type8 =-& is optional
It must !e the same as the security type of wireless gateway 1routerG0P4.
1%4 Password
It is the login password of 2i-.i for identity authentication.
It must !e the same as the key of the wireless gateway 1routerG0P4.
1B4 5earch router
User can also deploy wireless router !y searching router. Click !utton to
search router automatically and the information list will display router information such as router
name signal and security type and connect stateN as shown !elow. 5elect a router in the list
click !utton to esta!lish the connection.
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig $&
1C4 2i.i IP
5elect this switch to ena!le 2i-.i function and set the wireless IP 0ddress ,et Mask 2I.I
Iateway and Multicast 0ddress of IP camera.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
0fter setting completes save all parameters. Then disconnect the network ca!le IP camera can
!e visited via wireless IP.

2ote: Applies to models with 3i;*i function onl$.

2otice&he wireless networ' IP address and ca(le networ' IP address
cannot (e in the same segment.

-.1C., PPPo/ Configure
The interface of PPPo3 configure is shown in .ig $@8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig $@
[/na(le]: 3na!le or disa!le PPPo3 dial-up function.
[D$namic IP]: 0fter successful setting for device dial-up it will display the pu!lic IP 0ddress.
[Account]: 0;5( dial-up account o!tain from the IP service provider.
[Password]: 0;5( dial-up password o!tain from the IP service provider.
[Dial]: select the dialing mode8 wire and wireless. Currently only supports the wired dial-up mode.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C.- DD2S Configure
The interface of ;;,5 configure is shown in .ig $%8
.ig $%
IP Camera Users Manual
'ind the device with a fi"ed domain name !y ;,,5 setting so that user can visit the device no
matter how the pu!lic IP changes. 1Defer to 0ppendi" & for detailed steps4
[/na(le]: 3na!le or disa!le ;;,5 function.
[Domain]8 The domain name set up !y users such as MyIPC.no-ip.org.
[!ser name]8 User name registered in ;;,5 server.
[Password]8 User password registered in ;;,5 server.
[Domain server]8 ;;,5 server address. Three options8 ;;,5-//$$ ,+ IP and ;K,;,5.
[!PnP]: 3na!le or disa!le UPnP function.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C.: /;mail Configure
The interface of 3-mail configure is shown in .ig $B8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig $B
To set the mail!o" addresses and parameters of alarm mails and pu!lic network IP mails.
[/na(le]: 3na!le or disa!le 3-mail function.
[SS"]: 0fter selecting 55( check which means this server re7uires a secure connection user can
setup mail servers according to actual needs.
[S7&P server]: The address of servers that send the mails. The address formats of mail service
provider are different e.g. the 5MTP server of =%/ mail!o" is smtp.=%/.com.
[Port]8 Port num!er of 5MTP server the default value is $@N different mail server has different port.
[Sender address]: 5enders email address such as test=)=%/.com.
[%ecipient address]: Deceivers email address. #ere user can add at most two mail addresses.
[Sender name]: 5enders name.
[!ser name]8 5enders mail login user name.
[Password]8 5enders mail login password.
[Su(Gect]: The su!Pect of send messages.
IP Camera Users Manual
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C.= *&P Configure
The interface of .TP configure is shown in .ig $C8
.ig $C
.TP server sends the record files and snapped images after alarm is triggered in .TP mode to
specified .TP server.
[/na(le]: 3na!le or disa!le .TP function.
[Server address]8 The IP address or #TTP address of .TP server.
[Port]8 Port of .TP server the default port is $=.
[!ser name] and [Password]8 User name and password of .TP server.
[*&P Director$]: Path on remote .TP server. Click !utton or !utton to
create a path 7uickly. If the path doesnt e"ist or has not !een filled in the device will create a file
folder under the root directory of .TP server.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.1C.> !ser 7anagement
The interface of user management is shown in .ig $F8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig $F
[!ser information]: Input user name and password of new user set the user rights then click
!utton this user will !e added into the user list !o".
5elect a user in the user list click !utton to modify user information.
5elect a user in the user list click !utton to delete this user.
2hen the user is not added click !utton to return to the previously saved parametersN
when the user has !een added click !utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
Note: 24 users can be added for each IP Camera at most.
-.1C.? Da$B2ight Configure
The interface of dayGnight configure is shown in .ig /*8
[Da$B2ight Switch Schedule]: 3na!le CT' 1Color to 'lack4 function IPC will automatically turns on
;G, function according to the images situation. 5et the period of time for CT' four periods allowed.
;ayG,ight 5witch schedule can !e copied to the other date select 9;ay of week: to the date or
everyday which set as the same settings.
[Sensitivit$]: 5et the sensitivity of sensor in low-light conditions three options8 high normal low.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig /*
-.1C.1C ISP Configure
The interface of I5P configure is shown in .ig /=8
.ig /=
IP Camera Users Manual
[0rightness B Contrast B Chroma B Saturation B Sharpness]: user can drag the slider to adPust the
parameters of active image including !rightness contrast chroma saturation and sharpness range
from = to $@@.
[/9posure]: 5et the e"posure value.
[)ideo Standard]: In indoor environment if the flashing of lamps results in the flickering of images
please choose @*#E or %*#E according to the power fre7uency.
[7irror 7ode]: 3na!le or disa!le mirroring function and set the mirror G flip G mirror and flip mode
hori6ontally G vertically G !oth hori6ontally and vertically rotate the video.
[A30 7ode]: set the mode of 02' 10utomatic 2hite 'alance4. There are si" kinds of modes to
choose from.
[2oise %eduction "evel]: The processing level for reducing the pictures noise.
[Indoor And 4utdoor]: 5elect indoor or outdoor mode in order to get a more suita!le video.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.11 Device 7aintenance
-.11.1 Device Information
The interface of device information is shown in .ig /$8
.ig /$
In this interface user can click !o" to self-define the device name and channel name.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
-.11. Default Setting
The interface of default setting is shown in .ig //8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig //
Click !utton to pop up a warning window click +< !utton all device
parameters will !e reset as factory default settings and then the device will re!oot automatically click
Cancel !utton to e"it the warning window.
Click !utton to pop up a warning window click +< !utton all device
parameters will !e reset as default settings and then the device will re!oot automatically click Cancel
!utton to e"it the warning window.
Note: Factory Default contains restore the networ IP of IP Camera! but "estore does
not contain this function.
-.11.# %estart Device
The interface of restart device is shown in .ig /&8
.ig /&
IP Camera Users Manual
Click !utton to pop-up a dialog !o" and click R+<R !utton to restart the IP
-.11., !pgrade Device
The interface of upgrade device is shown in .ig /@8
.ig /@
Click !utton to select the correct upgrade file then click
!utton to upgrade the devices system. In this process the upgrade status !ar will display the
percentage has !een upgraded. 0fter upgrade completes IP camera will restart automatically. User
need to login again and enter into version page to check whether the edition is the upgraded edition.
Note: #he suffi$es of u%&rade file for networ is ."am! for e$am%le! ernel file is
ernelfs.ram! burn file is burnin.'.(.ram! boot file is nsboot.'.(.ram and a%%lication file is

1. Don<t cut off the power and internet connection while upgrading.
. Please set I/ parameters (efore upgrade if $ou use win= s$stem. 4pen the I/
(rowser8 clic' HSecurit$H ta( under the DInternet 4ptionE page8 clic' HCustom
"evelHISecurit$ICustomI7iscellaneousIInclude local director$ path when
uploading files to a serverI/na(le.

-.11.- Device %unning State
In this interface user can view the CPU and memory utili6ation running time and hard disk
space. Click !utton to refresh this information in real time.
IP Camera Users Manual
-.11.: )ersion
In this interface user can view the version num!er !uild date core version and other version
information click !utton to refresh this informationN refer to .ig /%8
.ig /%
-.1 "ocal Configure
The interface of local configure is shown in .ig /B8
.ig /B
In this interface user can configure the remote recording files download path remote capture
pictures download path local recording files storage path and local capture pictures storage path.
IP Camera Users Manual
Click !utton to modify these paths.
[Displa$ mode]: 5elect the video display mode. Two options8 full of window and original proportion.
Click !utton to save the settingN when the setting is not saved click
!utton to return to the previously saved parametersN when the setting has !een saved click
!utton to 7uery whether the setting is successful.
Chapter : "og Search
Click !utton to enter the log search page as shown in .ig /C8
.ig /C
[Start Date and /nd Date]: 5elect the start date and end date.
["og &$pe]: 5elect the type of log. .ive options8 all types system alarm operation and network.
0fter setting the a!ove parameters click !utton to start search log the searched log
information will !e displayed in the log information listN refer to .ig /F8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig /F
Chapter = 7o(ile Connectivit$
Kou can remotely view camera streams from your ;-D and IPC on your iPhoneSiPadS or
0ndroidS device.
Compati(le 7o(ile )iewing Devices
T iPhone 1&.* and a!ove4
T iPad 1&.* and a!ove4
T 0ndroid1=.% and a!ove4
24&/: Instant Mo!ile -iewing on an iPhoneS using an iPhoneS 0pp. .ree download availa!le
from 0ppleS 5tore under the name 9I55M+'I(3:. Compati!le with iPhoneS version &.* and
a!ove. 5electa!le & channels live viewing. Mo!ile phone data plan is re7uired 1not included4.
Douter port forwarding is re7uired.
24&/: Instant Mo!ile -iewing on an iPadS using an iPadS 0pp. .ree download availa!le from
0ppleS 5tore under the name 9I55M+'I(3 #;:. Compati!le with iPadS version &.* and
a!ove. 5electa!le F channels live viewing. Mo!ile phone data plan is re7uired 1not included4.
Douter port forwarding is re7uired.
24&/: Instant Mo!ile -iewing on 0ndroidS =.% and a!ove . .ree download availa!le from
IoogleS play store under the name 9I55M+'I(3:. 5electa!le & channels live viewing. Mo!ile
phone data plan is re7uired 1not included4.
IP Camera Users Manual
Douter port forwarding is re7uired.
0efore Jou 0egin
Kou will need the following !efore you can start mo!ile viewing on your iPhone or 0ndroid
T &he IP address or DD2S host name of $our D)% or IP camera: .or details please refer to
the user manual.
T &he &CP Port 2um(er of $our D)% or IP camera: 'y default the port num!er is @***.
K !ser name and Password of $our D)%: 'y default the I; is admin no password.
*or Android
=.1 7ain *unctions
5upport Chinese and 3nglishN
-iew the cameras on real time via wifi and /IN
5upport multi-channel switchingN
5upport remote playN
5upport device configuration modification and deleteN
5upport photo view and save
5upport video view and save
5upport IP and ;;,5 access
5upport Pan Tilt Q Eoom controlN
5upport 5nap-shot
5upport video records
0dopt direct connection device without any third party server transit
=. Installation
Users can free download this app from IoogleS play store on 0ndroidS =.% and a!ove you
may first search 9I55M+'I(3: like .ig &* as !elow. Douter port forwarding is re7uired.
Then click 9Install: the application will !e automatically installed into your mo!ile phone like .ig
&= as !elow8
IP Camera Users Manual

.ig &* .ig &=
=.# Application %unning
=.#.1 Interface Description
0fter successfully installed the application into mo!ile phones it is ready to run Pust click the I55
M+'I(3 icon in the main menu. The main interface looks like .ig &$8
Click 9 : icon on top right then you can access the main menu interface and see
corresponding operation options including device list local video photos a!out etcN refer to .ig &/8

.ig &$ .ig &/
Device "ist: 0dd a new device or modify the device settings.
"ocal )ideo: If I55 M+'I(3 has record function after clicking video records you will see the
details of the records. The name of the record file will !e generated !y system default according
to recording time.
)ideo %emote: 0ccess the device recorded clips and view the video.
Saved Photos: 5ave the snapshot on the phone when viewing the cameras through the phoneN
IP Camera Users Manual
after clicking it you will see the photos as thum!nail. 3nlarge the photos !y clicking it.
Setting: 0fter clicking it you can set password protection alarm sound etcN refer to .ig &&8
.ig &&
A(out: The related information of the application.
=.#. "ive Preview
Click !ack key on top left in the main menu interface !ack to display interface refer to .ig &@8

.ig &@
Instructions of the functions on 9(ive Preview: interface as !elow8
.unction <ey ;escription
Channel selecting8 Kou can select the channels playing
5elect the group of channels
Play G 5top
-ideo Decords
Juick 0ccess ;evice (ist edit and select the device
IP Camera Users Manual
0larm function
(eft 5lip to ;isplay PTE Control 'utton
Control the directions of the camera
Eoom in G Eoom out
Change focus and aperture
=.#.# Add Device
If this is the first time to use I55 M+'I(3 app you need to put in all the information needed.
5teps as !elow8
Click 9 : to access 9;evice (ist: interface the list is !lank as this time.
Click 9 : on 9;evice (ist: on !ottom left to access 9;etail: interface like .ig &% as !elow8
.ig &%
Device 2ame: The names of e7uipment which can help you identify different devices for
e"amples you can type the names !ased on the location of the e7uipment. The name will !e
showed on the topside title !ar of display interface.
Address: ;-D IP address 1Must !e an Internet address4 or ;;,5.
Port: It means mo!ile phone port and you can ac7uire port num!er in the setting information of
the device. Please use the fi"ed port8 @@& here.
!ser 2ame: The user name of terminal device.
Password: The password of terminal device match with user name.
7a9 Channel: The channels of your ;-D supported /$ channels ma".
0fter editing please click 95ave: to save the information. Click 9'ack: turn !ack to 9;evice
(ist: you will see the name channels address etc like .ig &B as !elow8
IP Camera Users Manual

.ig &B .ig &C
Click 9 : and ;evice to edit setting information. .or e"ample click 9device %%: in 9;evice
(ist: you could modify the settings of 9device %%:.
Click 9 : to delete the selected device. .or e"ample click 9device %&: in 9;evice (ist: will
show notice like .ig &C select 9+<: and delete 9device %&:.
=.#., Switch Channel
5elect the num!ers showed in 0rea / in .igure &F to switch channelsN select 0rea $ to switch
channel-group and then select the num!ers in this channel-group to switch the channels.
5witch the channels within different devices8
If you want to switch to the channels on other devices steps as !elow8
=4 Press 9 : to stop or turn the playing video offN
$4 Click 9?: on display interface like 0rea = in .ig &F then access device list interface like .ig

.ig &F .ig @*
/4 5elect the device which switched to will show the channel list of this device like .ig @= as
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig @=
&4 5elect the channels in the channel list of this device turn !ack to display interface to view
the camera of this channel.
=.#.- P&+ Control
(eft slip 9 : to 9PTE Control: like .ig @$ as !elow8
.ig @$
.unction keys of PTE control as !elow8
Control PTE directionN
Eoom in and 6oom outN
Change focusN
Change aperture.
=.#.: "ocal )ideo
The videos will !e saved on the phone after recording the videos. 5teps as !elow8
2ote: If there is no memor$ card on phone8 the record function will not wor'.
Pla$ )ideo:
=4 Click 9 : to access main menu interface select 9local video: to access 9local video: list
interface like .ig @/8
$4 Click the video record for e"ample $*=$=*$$=&@*@B.mp& to view this video record.
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig @/
=4 Click 9 : to access the main menu interface select 9local video: to access 9local video: list
interface like .ig @/8
$4 Click 9 : select the needed record like .ig @& click 9 : to delete this video.
/4 Click 9;one: and !ack to 9(ocal -ideo: list interfaceN
&4 Click 9'ack: and !ack the main menu like .ig @@8

.ig @& .ig @@
2ote: 1A In the all operation steps8 $ou could clic' DDoneE to end up8 cancel the operation and
(ac' the last step.
A Jou have to ma'e sure there are video records8 so that $ou could search the recordsF
if not8 $ou cannot search it.
=.#.= Saved Photos
The photos are the snap-shot when viewing the cameras which saved on the al!um. Kou also
can check and !atch save and delete etc. The steps are the same as B./.%.
=.#.> Switch "anguage
2hen you switch the language on your phone the language of the application will !e changed
as well. .or e"ample its switched to 3nglish on your phone the language of the application will !e
switched to 3nglish as well.
=.#.? )ideo %emote
Kou can access the device recorded clips with the app and view the video clips. 5elect the right
IP Camera Users Manual
device channel and time then tap search like .ig @%8
=.#.1C %eal;&ime Alarm
2hen any channel has any alarming info the app will show up in the main interface like .ig @B8

.ig @% .ig @B
*or iPhone
=., 7ain *unctions
5upport Chinese and 3nglishN
-iew the cameras on real time via wifi and /IN
5upport multi-channel switchingN
5upport remote playN
5upport device configuration modification and deleteN
5upport photo view and save
5upport video view and save
5upport IP and ;;,5 access
5upport Pan Tilt Q Eoom controlN
5upport 5nap-shot
5upport video records
0dopt direct connection device without any third party server transit
=.- Installation
Users can free download this app from 0ppleS 5tore on iPhoneS version &.* and a!ove you
may first search 9I55M+'I(3: like .ig @C as !elow. Douter port forwarding is re7uired.
Then click 9Install: the application will !e automatically installed into your mo!ile phone like .ig
@F as !elow8
IP Camera Users Manual

.ig @C .ig @F
=.: Application %unning
=.:.1 Interface Description
0fter successfully installed the application into mo!ile phones it is ready to run Pust click the I55
M+'I(3 icon in the main menu. The main interface looks like .ig %* as !elow8
Click 9 : icon on top right then you can access the main menu interface and see
corresponding operation options including device list photos video records a!out Q help etcN refer
to .ig %=8

.ig %* .ig %=
Device "ist: 0dd a new device or modify the device settings.
%emote Pla$: 0ccess the device recorded clips and view the video.
)ideo %ecords: If I55 M+'I(3 has record function after clicking video records you will see the
details of the records. The name of the record file will !e generated !y system default according
to recording time.
Photos: 5ave the snapshot on the phone when viewing the cameras through the phoneN after
IP Camera Users Manual
clicking it you will see the photos as thum!nail. 3nlarge the photos !y clicking it.
Settings8 0fter clicking 9 : you can set 0uto play screen priority type etcN refer to .ig %$8
.ig %$
aA Auto pla$: Turn on 90utoPlay: to display the video surveillance automatically on your
ne"t login. If turn it off it will not display your last time video on the ne"t login.
(A Screen Setting: 5elect 9=: means only one player window in player interfaceN select 9&:
means four player windows in player interface.
cA Priorit$ &$pe: 5elect the desired type8 Deal Time and .luency.
dA Alert Sound: 5elect the voice prompts when the device alarm is triggered.
eA Pla$ Audio: +pen and close the device output sound.
A(out L 5elp: The related information of the application.
=.:. "ive Preview
Click !ack key on top left in the main menu interface !ack to display interface like .ig %/ as

.ig %/
Instructions of the functions on 9(ive Preview: interface as !elow8
.unction <ey ;escription
Channel selecting8 Kou can select the channels playing
5elect the group of channels
IP Camera Users Manual
Play G 5top
;elete ;isplay Decords
-ideo Decords
Deal-time 0larm
Juick 0ccess ;evice (ist edit and select the device
(eft 5lip to ;isplay PTE Control 'utton
Control the directions of the camera
Eoom in G Eoom out
Change focus
Control aperture
=.:.# Add Device
If this is the first time to use I55 M+'I(3 app you need to put in all the information needed.
5teps as !elow8
Click 9 : to access 9;evice (ist: interface the list is !lank as this time.
Click 9 : on 9;evice (ist: on !ottom left to access 9;etail: interface like .ig %& as !elow8
.ig %&
2ame: The name of e7uipment which can help you identify different devices for e"amples you
can type the names !ased on the location of the e7uipment. The name will !e showed on the
topside title !ar of display interface.
Address: ;-D IP address 1Must !e an Internet address4 or ;;,5.
Port: It means mo!ile phone port and you can ac7uire port num!er in the setting information of
the device. Please use the fi"ed port8 @@& here.
!ser ID: The user name of terminal device.
Password: The password of terminal device match with user name.
7a9 Channel: The channels of your ;-D supported /$ channels ma".
0fter editing please click 95ave: to save the information. Click 9'ack: turn !ack to 9;evice
(ist: you will see the name channels address etc like .ig %@ as !elow8
IP Camera Users Manual

.ig %@ .ig %%
Click 9 : and ;evice to edit setting information. .or e"ample click 9device %%: in 9;evice
(ist: you could modify the settings of 9device %%:.
Click 9 : to delete the selected device. .or e"ample click 9device %&: in 9;evice (ist: will
show notice like .ig %% select 9+<: and delete 9device %&:.
=.:., Switch Channel
5elect the num!ers showed in 0rea $ in .igure %B to switch channelsN select 0rea / to switch
channel-group and then select the num!ers in this channel-group to switch the channels.
5witch the channels within different devices8
If you want to switch to the channels on other devices steps as !elow8
=4 Press 9 : to stop or turn the playing video offN
$4 Click 9?: on display interface like 0rea = in .ig %B then access device list interface like .ig

.ig %B .ig %C
/4 5elect the device which switched to will show the channel list of this device.
&4 5elect the channels in the channel list of this device turn !ack to display interface to view
the camera of this channel.
=.:.- P&+ Control
(eft slip 9 : to 9PTE Control: like .ig %F as !elow8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig %F
.unction keys of PTE control as !elow8
Control PTE directionN
Eoom in and 6oom out
Change focus
Change aperture.
=.:.: "ocal )ideo
The videos will !e saved on the phone after recording the videos. 5teps as !elow8
Pla$ )ideo:
=4 Click 9 : to access the main menu interface select 9local video: to access 9local video:
list interface like .ig B*8
$4 Click the video record for e"ample $*=$=*===/&B$=.mp& to view this video record.
0atch Save:
=4 Click 9 : to access the main menu interface select 9local video: to access 9local video:
list interface like .ig B*8
$4 Click 9 : then select the needed video like .ig B=8
/4 Click 95ave to photos al!um: will show 95aved successfully: like .ig B$1a4 and 1!48
&4 Click 9+<: !ack to the list interface like .ig B*8

.ig B* .ig B=

.ig B$1a4 .ig B$1!4 .ig B$1c4
=4 Click 9 : to access the main menu interface select 9local video: to access 9local video: list
interface like .ig B*8
IP Camera Users Manual
$4 Click 9 : select the needed record like .ig B=8
/4 Click 9;elete: and show the message like .ig B$1a4 and 1c48
&4 Click 9+<: and !ack the list interface or click 9Cancel: and 9;one: then !ack the main
interface like .ig B*.
2ote: 1A In the all operation steps8 $ou could clic' DDoneE to end up8 cancel the operation and
(ac' the last step.
A Jou have to ma'e sure there are video records8 so that $ou could search the recordsF
if not8 $ou cannot search it.
=.:.= Saved Photos
The photos are the snap-shot when viewing the cameras which saved on the al!um. Kou also
can check and !atch save and delete etc. The steps are the same as B.%.%.
=.:.> Switch "anguage
2hen you switch the language on your phone the language of the application will !e changed
as well. .or e"ample its switched to 3nglish on your phone the language of the application will !e
switched to 3nglish as well.
=.:.? )ideo %emote
Kou can access the device recorded clips with the app and view the video clips. 5elect the right
device channel and time then tap search like .ig B/8
=.:.1C %eal;&ime Alarm
2hen any channel has any alarming info the app will show up in the main interface like .ig B&8

.ig B/ .ig B&
IP Camera Users Manual
Appendi9 1 2etwor' Interface of IP Camera
IP Camera occupies the following network ports !y default8
C* 2e! port
@*** Communication port audioGvideo data transmission port
talk!ack data transmission port
U;P @*** 0udioGvideo data transmission port
DT5P @@& Multimedia Deal Time 5treaming Protocol port
+,-I. =$**= +pen ,etwork -ideo Interface
Appendi9 Default 2etwor' Parameters
;efault network parameters
Ca!led ,etwork8
IP 0ddress8 =F$.=%C.=.=* ;ata Port8 @***
5u!net mask8 $@@.$@@.$@@.* 2e! Port8 C*
Iateway8 =F$.=%C.=.= ;#CP8 +ff
2ireless ,etwork8
IP 0ddress8 =F$.=%C.$.=* .re7uency8 0uto
Iateway8 =F$.=%C.$.= Mode8 0uto
5u!net mask8 $@@.$@@.$@@.*
Appendi9 # Search &ool !serMs 6uide
1. Introduction
5earch software R5earchToolR can search for the IP camera in (0, automatically and doesnHt
need the IP address to configure device.
. Search online eNuipment
0fter installed the search software dou!le-click the shortcut to enter the main interface of
software click 5earch !utton to search online (0, device and the device I; IP address port
num!er device type su!net mask Iateway M0C address version num!er and upgrade progress
are displayed in the list as shown in .ig B@8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig B@
#. Configure parameters of online device
;ou!le-click a device in the list to pop up the Configuration dialog !o". It can modify the network
parameters restore defaults and restore the factory settings as shown in .ig B%8
.ig B%
Click a device in the list to enter into the I3 !rowser login screen.
,. !pgrade device online
Click !utton in the lower left corner of main interface to pop-up a dialog !o" select the file
you want to upgrade click R+penR to upgrade.
Upgrade a device8 Dight-click a device in the list select the RupgradeR option.
Upgrade multiple devices8 Press 9CTD(: key and left-click the device you need to upgrade in the
IP Camera Users Manual
list when selection is complete right-click any selected device select RupgradeR option as
shown in .igure BB8
.ig BB

2ote: Please fill in the correct user name and password in the figure
a(ove during the upgrade8 otherwise it cannot (e upgraded.

Appendi9 , Appl$ for DD2S domain name service
1. DD2S function of IP camera
;;,5 1;ynamic ;omain ,ame 5ervice4 refers to the real-time analysis of a fi"ed domain name
and the dynamic pu!lic IP address of the IP camera.
2ith this function all Internet users can visit the IP camera via a fi"ed domain name. The ;;,5
process of IP camera is displayed as follow8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig BC The ;;,5 process flow diagram of IP camera
Appl$ for DD2S domain name service@&a'e www.no;ip.com for e9ample
Users can self-define the hostname username and password.
+pen the we! !rowser 1Internet 3"plorer !y default4 and enter http8GGwww.no-ip.com in the
address !ar.
Step1: create an account
Click the 95ign-up for an 0ccount: link at drop-down menu of 95ign In:.
5elect the type of registration according to the features introduced. In this paper we take 9.D33
;,5: for e"ample. Click 95II, UPU: !utton !elow the 9.D33 ;,5:.
.ill in the re7uired fields on the new account form.
+nce youHve filled in the re7uired information and agreed to Terms of 5ervice click 9I 0ccept
Create my 0ccount: !utton at the !ottom of the page.
.ig BF
Note: #erms of *er+ice re,uires +alid contact information on file in order to maintain your
account. -ny accounts found with incom%lete or fraudulent information will be terminated.
Step: confirm your account
+nce you have su!mitted your account information into the new user form it will send a
confirmation email to the address you provided. Kou will need to check that account and look for the
email from ,o-IP.com. The email contains a link you must click in order to confirm your account.
5o please click the UD( link to activate your account in the confirmation email and then
automatically enter the 90ccount ConfirmedV: interface.
IP Camera Users Manual
Step#: login to your account
5elect 95ign In: on the top of ,o-IP home page to pop up drop-down menu or click 95ign In:
!utton to enter 9Client (ogin: interface. 3nter email address and password that you signed up and
click (ogin !utton. 0s shown !elow8

.ig C*
Step,: add a host or domain to your account

.ig C=
In order to add a host to your account select the R0ddR link from the R#ostsGDedirectsR menu.
This will !ring up the 0dd a #ost page. 0nd now youHre ready to fill in the details of your new
.ig C$
Note: For more detailed &uide of No.i% ser+ice! %lease +isit htt%://su%%ort.no.i%.com/.
#. /na(le DD2S on the IP Camera.
Io to Configure -U 0dvanced Configure -U ;;,5 Configure as shown !elow8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig C/
/na(led: tick offN
Domain: enter the host name you created at no-ip.comN such as MyIPC.no-ip.orgN
!ser 2ame: the account you created at no-ip.comN
Password: the password of your account at no-ip.comN
DD2S t$pe8 choose ,+ IPN
Click 5et !utton to save the setting.
3nter into configuration interface of the router to map the server port and IP address 1if the user
ena!les UPnP function of device and router he can skip this step4.
Note: Please allow a little time for the DDN* ser+ice to u%date with your new DDN*
address. #his is normal for the DDN* system.
,. Accessing $our IP Camera remotel$.
+pen Internet 3"plorer and enter the host name 1e.g. http8GGMyIPC.no-ip.org4 in the address !ar
to access it.
Note: Please refer to the user manual for other detailed o%eration.
Appendi9 - )isit IP camera under different networ'
Kou can visit IP camera with your PC via (0, or 20, the following contents will tell you how to
use IP camera under different network environments.
1. "A2
There are two ways to connect IP camera to (0,8 static IP and dynamic IP
IP Camera Users Manual
5tatic IP
5tatic IP means that your network administrator assigns a (0, IP address to IP camera. The IP
of your PC and IP camera must !e in the same network segment to make visiting to the camera
5ee !elow picture for the network topology8
.ig C&
Please refer to !elow picture for the network settings8
.ig C@
.ig C%
IP Camera Users Manual
If a wireless IP camera needs to !e visited via 2i.i mode users need to set IP address su!net
mask gateway 55I; num!er and password.
Setup steps:
5tep =8 (og in IP camera via the I3 !rowser 1the default IP is =F$.=%C.=.=*4.
5tep $8 5witch to the page L,etwork ConfigureM fill in the device IP address assigned !y network
administrator e.g. =F$.=%C.=.=**N
5tep /8 .ill in su!net mask default value is $@@.$@@.$@@.*N
5tep &8 .ill in gateway address default value is =F$.=%C.=.=N
Click L5etM to save the parameters. 5tart the deviceN enter its IP address into I3 !rowser to visit it.
;ynamic IP
;ynamic IP means that IP camera o!tains IP address from ;#CP server. 5ee !elow picture for
the network topology8
.ig CB
Please refer to !elow picture for the network configure8
.ig CC
(og in IP camera via I3 !rowser turn to L,etwork ConfigureM and tick off ;#CP after setting all
the parameters click L5etM and restart the device to make the parameters valid.
. Internet
IP Camera Users Manual
Kou have three ways to connect IP camera to Internet8
=4 .i"ed IP modeN
$4 'road!and and router sharing Internet access mode 1dynamic o!tainment of e"tranet IP address
mode4 like 0;5( and so onN
/4 PPPo3 dial-up access.
0fter IP camera is connected to Internet remote Internet users can visit it directly via domain
name or IP address.
.i"ed IP mode
5ee !elow picture for the network topology8
.ig CF
Please refer to !elow picture for the network settings8
.ig F*
Setup steps:
5tep =8 (og in IP camera via crossover ca!le direct connection.
5tep $8 5witch to the page L,etwork ConfigureM fill in the device IP address re7uested from network
service provider e.g. ==/.=*C.==F.=%CN
5tep /8 enter correct su!net mask e.g. $@@.$@@.$@@.*N
5tep &8 enter correct gateway e.g. ==/.=*C.==F.$*N
0fter setup completes click L5etM and restart the device then connect it to pu!lic network so that
IP Camera Users Manual
all Internet users can visit the IP camera remotely via entering http8GG==/.=*C.==F.=%C to I3 !rowser.
'road!and and router sharing Internet access mode 1dynamic o!tainment of
e"tranet IP address mode4 like 0;5( and so onN
.or dial-up access with router see !elow picture for the network topology8
.ig F=
Users can set up ;;,5 domain name service at the same time fill the username and password
which were applied in the ;;,5 server into the ;;,5 setting item then implement port mapping
from the router. The router determines and points to the IP camera that need to !e visited according
to different ports long-distance Internet user can visit the IP camera on the network via domain name
Please refer to L0ppendi" &M for ;;,5 settings. (og in I3 and enter the domain name and port
num!er if it is the default port num!er 9C*: users do not enter the port num!er. .or e"ample8 http8GG
PPPo3 dial-up access
.or IP camera dial-up access see !elow picture for the network topology8
.ig F$
Setup steps:
5tep =8 (og in IP camera via crossover ca!le direct connection.
5tep $8 5et PPPo3 parameters. 1.or details please refer to LPPP+3 ConfigureM4
5tep /8 Connect IP camera to Internet.
IP Camera Users Manual
5tep &8 If ;;,5 service is successfully set for the device the device can !e visited via entering
domain name into I3 !rowser.
Appendi9 : Port mapping
Take the T(-2D/&*I router of TP-(I,< as an e"ample for illustration8
5tep =8 0sk network administrator for the IP address of router 1i.e. (0, gateway address4 enter user
name and password and then log in the router. The main interface is as follow8
.ig F/
5tep $8 +pen 9.orwarding: select 9-irtual 5ervers: as !elow picture shows8
.ig F&
5tep /8 5elect 90dd ,ewW: enter the IP address of IP camera 1e.g.=F$.=%C.=.=** 4 port 1e.g. C@4
status 1valid4 and other information click save see !elow picture8
IP Camera Users Manual
.ig F@
5tep &8 0fter save successfully !elow screen appears8
.ig F%
5tep @8 If ;;,5 is successfully set in 9,etwork Configure: of IP camera direct visit to the IP camera
can !e reali6ed via entering http8GGMyIPC.no-ip.org8C@ into I3 !rowser.
Appendi9 = *AO
1. I/ (rowser cannot log in
Possi!le reason =8 0ctiveA not installed
Solution: 0ctiveA must !e installed when visiting IP camera for the first time via Internet
#ow to install8 -isit IP camera click L;ownload 0ctiveAM to pop up file download dialog select
LDunM or L5aveM to download. 0fter download finishes dou!le-click the downloaded file
92e!Client: to pop up installation interface click 9install:.
Possi!le reason $8 port num!er is incorrect
Solution: 5et the new port num!er through search tool and then fill the same port num!er in I3
login screen.
IP Camera Users Manual
. *ail to visit IP camera via I/ after upgrade
Solution: ;elete the caching of !rowser.
5teps8 +pen I3Xclick 9Tools:Xselect 9Internet +ptions:Xclick 9delete files: !utton in 9Internet
temporary files: select 9delete all offline contents: then click 9+<: and re-log in IP camera.
#. &he images do not flow
Possi!le reason =8 The frame rate of IP camera is too low.
Solution: Deducing frame rates will reduce fluencyN recommend change as su!-stream preview
or increase the video frame rate
Possi!le reason $8 Too many users are viewing the images.
Solution: 'lock some clients or reduce the video frame rate.
Possi!le reason /8 The !andwidth is low.
Solution: Deduce video frame rate or video compression !itrate.
,. *ail to visit IP camera via I/ (rowser
Possi!le Deason =8 ,etwork is disconnected.
Solution: Connect your PC to network checking whether it works properly or not. Check
whether there is ca!le failure or network failure caused !y PC virus until PCs can !e connected
with the command of Ping.
Possi!le reason $8 IP 0ddress has !een occupied !y other devices
Solution: 5top the connection !etween IP camera and ,etwork hook up IP camera to PC
separately reset IP address according to the proper operations recommended.
Possi!le reason /8 IP addresses are in different su!nets.
Solution: Check IP address su!net masking address of the ;-5 and the settings of Iateway.
Possi!le reason &8 Physical address of network conflict with IP camera
Solution: Modify the physical address of IP camera.
Possi!le Deason @8 2e! port has !een modified
Solution: Contact ,etwork 0dministrator to o!tain related information.
Possi!le Deason %8 Unknown
Solution: Destore the factory default state through search tool then reconnect it.
-. &he color of images is a(normal @green or other colorsA.
Possi!le Deason8 The settings of color adPustment are not properly.
Solution: Destore the default settings.
:. &here is no sound while monitoring
Possi!le Deason8 ,o audio input connection
Solution: Check audio connection of the host
Possi!le Deason $8 the audio option of IP camera is off
Solution: Check audio parameter settings to see if you have opened the audio.
IP Camera Users Manual
=. Search software cannot find device
Possi!le reason8 5earch software adopts multicast protocol to perform searching. 'ut the
firewall for!ids multicast data packet.
Solution: disa!le the firewall.
>. Image processing doesn<t wor' properl$
Possi!le Deason =8 system issue. ;irectA function is disa!led which will cause slow display of
images and a!normal color.
Possi!le Deason $8 hardware issue. Iraphics card doesnt support image acceleration and
hardware 6ooming functions. 1.or hardware issue the only solution is replace graphics card4
Solution: install ;irectA image drive then open 5tart MenuDuninput 9duding: command.

2otice/na(le DirectDraw speedup8 Direct#D speedup8 A6P veins speedup
in DirectX function. If the$ cannot (e ena(led8 that means DirectX installation fails
or hardware not supportive.

IP Camera Users Manual

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