This document is a 2014 mark sheet for Bhaskar Pathak from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University. It shows that Bhaskar studied in the MCOM II class at K.S.Saket P.G. College in Ayodhya, Faizabad and received marks in 6 subjects. His total marks were 344 and he passed with a second division. The previous year he received 593 out of 1100 marks.
This document is a 2014 mark sheet for Bhaskar Pathak from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University. It shows that Bhaskar studied in the MCOM II class at K.S.Saket P.G. College in Ayodhya, Faizabad and received marks in 6 subjects. His total marks were 344 and he passed with a second division. The previous year he received 593 out of 1100 marks.
This document is a 2014 mark sheet for Bhaskar Pathak from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University. It shows that Bhaskar studied in the MCOM II class at K.S.Saket P.G. College in Ayodhya, Faizabad and received marks in 6 subjects. His total marks were 344 and he passed with a second division. The previous year he received 593 out of 1100 marks.
This document is a 2014 mark sheet for Bhaskar Pathak from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University. It shows that Bhaskar studied in the MCOM II class at K.S.Saket P.G. College in Ayodhya, Faizabad and received marks in 6 subjects. His total marks were 344 and he passed with a second division. The previous year he received 593 out of 1100 marks.
Faizabad, U.P. Mark Sheet - 2014 Student's Name : Bhaskar Pathak Roll No. 140151800041 Father's Name : Kailash Bihari Enroll No. Category Private College Name : K.s.saket P.g. College Ayodhya Faizabad Class : MCOM II
Subjects Max. Paper Paper Marks Marks I II Obtained
Previous Year Grand Total 249/500 593/1100 Result / Division PASS / SECOND
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