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On the Analysis and Design of Recongurable Multimode MIMO Microstrip Antennas Carlos Redondo and Leandro de Haro, Member, IEEE AbstractA novel multiport and multimode quasi analyt- ical model is derived to analyze and to provide comprehensive guidelines to design recongurable multimode multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) microstrip antennas. The model shows to be an efcient and accurate method to gain physical insight into the multimode MIMO microstrip behavior. Numerical and experimental examples illustrate the validity of the model and the usefulness of the design guidelines. Index TermsEquivalent circuits, loaded antennas, microstrip antennas, modeling, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. I. INTRODUCTION D URING the last decade, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have received considerable interest as a means to enhance the capacity of wireless systems in rich mul- tipath environments [1]. Among the different main aspects to be considered for obtaining diversity gain there is the correla- tion between elements [2]. On the other hand, the main inu- ence of the propagating scenario on the overall system perfor- mance justies the considerable interest that this latter subject has received [3], [4]. Certainly, even with uncorrelated antenna elements there will not be capacity improvement under some scenarios [5], [6] and [7]. However, this fact does not diminish the importance of the correlations role in the design process. In- deed, in [8] an adaptive antenna system capable of controlling dynamically its correlation and coupling properties through re- actance loaded radiators to adapt to the channel distribution is proposed. Whereas spatial and polarization diversity has been usually employed to decrease the correlation between antenna elements, other solutions based on multimode antennas have been pro- posed [9], [10]. A structure which shows essentially a multi- mode behavior is a microstrip antenna and its use for diver- sity purposes has been already suggested [11]. Recently, there have been some proposals making use of multimode microstrip Manuscript received December 03, 2012; revised June 14, 2013; accepted October 14, 2013. Date of publication November 05, 2013; date of current version December 31, 2013. This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Innovation (MICINN), SICOMORO project with reference TEC2011-28789-C02-01. C. Redondo is with the RF Department, Instituto Nacional de Tcnica Aero- espacial, 28850 Madrid, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). L. de Haro is with the Department of Ingeniera Audiovisual y Comuni- caciones, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, E.U.I.T. de Telecomunicacin, 28031 Madrid, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TAP.2013.2288975 patch antennas in MIMO systems [12], [13] and [14]. The ap- proach followed in this paper is of a different nature and it is mainly based on a combination of an equivalent circuit model and an extended cavity model (the rst one has currently gained new attention [15]), instead of resorting to full-wave simula- tions through commercial tools. Following this modus operandi would signicantly reduce the overall time effort in the design process and at the same time would give invaluable physical in- sight benets of the multimode MIMO microstrip antennas be- havior. Based on this last advantage, we can provide not only a specic antenna design, but also general design guide rules, to conceive this type of MIMO systems, including recongurable ones. Notwithstanding this fact, it shall be highlighted that these general design guide rules attempt to improve the systempattern diversity, not to dynamically maximize the capacity providing the optimal performance to different scenarios (as in [8]), as they are provided without assuming any channel distribution. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II the combi- nation of the multiport network model and the extended cavity model is presented. Section III presents the design guidelines and an example of application, whereas Section IV shows ex- perimental results. Finally, Section Vprovides some concluding statements. II. MULTIMODE MIMO CAVITY MODEL A. Theoretical Foundations and Overview As we want to improve the pattern diversity of the MIMO system by means of the multimode behavior, it is desirable to nd ways to displace the resonance frequency of each mode to place them at the same frequency band while keeping them as independent as possible. This objective can be accomplished with an appropriate loading of the cavity with reactive loads and metallic posts, or through the alteration of the geometry of the radiation patch. These perturbations can also be put in operation to modify the correlation between the different antenna elements or the overall geometrical dimensions. In order to analyze the effects of all these kinds of perturbations and to take advantage of them in the design process, a quasi analytical model, based on network and extended cavity models, has been derived to analyze the elds inside the cavity and the radiated ones. As the network and the extended cavity model dealt herein are tightly linked to the cavity model, a few words are neces- sary regarding the latter. The cavity model [16], [17] supposes that the microstrip antenna can be modelled as a thin cavity sur- rounded by magnetic walls in which the only possible modes are transverse magnetic (TM) ones (only the z-directed elec- tric eld component along the thin thickness is present due to the boundary conditions imposed). The z-directed electric eld 0018-926X 2013 IEEE 120 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 component is expressed in terms of an innite linear combina- tion of coefcients and eigenfunctions, with each combination of coefcient and eigenfunction representing the contribution of each mode. This is the starting formulation of the cavity model. However, due to the fact that the summation series con- verge slowly, common implementations of the cavity model ne- glect this summation. The approach taken is to model the be- havior of the microstrip antenna over the narrow band of fre- quencies around the resonant frequencies of each mode through a parallel RLC circuit in series with an inductive term (usually approximated for simplicity, avoiding the double sum- mation series at the expense of loosing information) which rep- resents the contribution of the higher order modes. It shall be noticed that in loaded microstrip antennas this parameter shall not be approximated as it plays a main role in the resonant fre- quency of the loaded element, as the impedance is not longer dominated by the original resonant mode. In the quasi analyt- ical model, we come back to the original formulation and carry out the summation series, which is slower than the previously described one but it is essential for our purposes. We shall highlight at this point that the eigenfunctions are orthogonal ones, which means they behave as independent sub- channels, so ideally and neglecting at rst the coupling between modes due to the reactive loading process and the limitation in feeding independently each of them, increasing the number of employed modes will increase at the same rate the number of in- dependent subchannels, and therefore the pattern diversity of the system. Regarding this last reasoning, it should be commented that the MIMO capacity of waveguide channels has been exten- sively dealt with in [18]. In order to account for the effects of a loaded cavity we have derived a mixture of two analytical models. The rst one is the equivalent circuit one or network model, in which the overall system is modelled as an unloaded cavity with N external ports to which the different loads are attached. The second one is an extended cavity model based on deriving a new set of mode functions to represent the eld distribution inside the loaded cavity, through forcing the boundary conditions imposed by the reactive loads, and later on computing the coefcients associ- ated to the electromagnetic coupling between the new mode functions and the feed ports. The equivalent circuit option can be developed in different ways. The one developed herein is based in a mixture between the generalized cavity model [19] and the multiport network model [20]. The radiation, conductor and dielectric losses are considered through the effective loss tangent, like the general- ized cavity model whereas the external loads are introduced in the model following a procedure similar to the multiport net- work model. Perturbation of canonical geometries of the patch can be modelled through the segmentation and desegmentation method. Regarding the second option, it was rst proposed in [21][23] and more in depth in [24]. As well as in the cavity model, the rst approach taken is to provide a formulation with an innite summation series that afterwards is neglected in order to reduce the computation time and cost. Conversely, we carry out the summation series, which provides further exibility. Concerning both options and in order to calculate the radi- ated elds, the power radiated and later on the envelope corre- lation between different feed ports, a combination of the equiv- alent circuit option and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) will be employed. Finally, it shall be pointed out that whereas the network model is very useful due to its simplicity, its capability to make use of generic complex impedances, which is essential for example to compute the envelope correlation, and its versatility provided through the segmentation/desegmentation methods to analyze complex composite shapes, it does not provide the same phys- ical insight as the extended cavity model which deals with a full modal electromagnetic formulation of the loaded microstrip an- tenna. Moreover, its use far from the resonant frequency of a mode could provide inaccurate results, as it is based on the quality factor of an unloaded cavity. On the other hand, the extended cavity model can provide accurate results far from the resonant frequency of a mode and it is more suitable to properly locate further feeds and reactive loads in an already loaded cavity or to qualitatively estimate the value of these last ones, but it is restricted to purely reactive loads. Thus, both op- tions can be readily combined to avoid its limitations. Notwith- standing this fact, the quasi analytical model herein presented inherits the fundamental restrictions of the cavity model: it is only accurate with electrically thin microstrip antennas, com- paring them with the wavelength, and it overestimates the feed reactance when placed in the nearness of the edge of the mi- crostrip antenna. B. The Network Model Let us suppose the more general conguration in which we have a microstrip antenna with ports, feed ports and - loads. The input impedance on each of this feed ports can be calculated as follows. 1) Calculate the self impedance on each of the ports. The general impedance is computed as follows: (1) (2) (3) where is the resonant wave number or eigenvalue for the th mode, is the effective relative dielectric per- mittivity, is the effective loss tangent, is the elec- tric eld mode vector or eigenfunction for the th mode, is the excitation electric current density and is com- puted as but using instead of and intre- grating over area. REDONDO AND DE HARO: ON THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF RECONFIGURABLE MULTIMODE MIMO MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS 121 2) Calculate the mutual impedance between the ports, taking into account that it is a reciprocal network, and computing successively the coefcient in each port and in all the remaining ones, to nally compute in each iteration . 3) Construct an impedance matrix associated with this port network taking into account the equivalent circuit boundary conditions forced by the - loads, i.e., through matching the voltage on the loads with the voltage due to the self and mutual impedances, as shown in (4) at the bottom of the page. 4) Solve the system of equations to obtain the relation be- tween the voltage and current on each of the feed ports, which is the sought input impedance, while all the re- maining feed ports have a matched load connected. In order to carry out this task, we have to modify the previous impedance matrix to account for the effects of the matched loads, each time per each feed port, so in order to com- pute the input impedance of feed port we have to modify through all the elements placed in the diagonal where can be any value included in the closed interval except . Once the boundary conditions im- posed by the matched loads are applied, we can compute the input impedance of each feed port by means of the following general equation: (5) where is the determinant of the modied impedance matrix and is the cofactor or adjunct of the element of the impedance matrix which is equal to the minor , the reduced determinant that is formed by omitting the th row and column. As it can be noticed from the previous formulation, a novel mixed mechanism to account for the losses has been em- ployed. The radiation, dielectric and conductor losses are included through the effective loss tangent , like the generalized cavity model, and through external loads in the case of generic complex impedances and matched loads, as from the multiport network model. C. Basis Functions of the Loaded Cavity When reactive loads are inserted inside the cavity, it is necessary to force the new boundary conditions claimed by these ones. As a consequence, the rst step in this procedure starts with the formulation of these new boundary conditions which can be expressed as the determinant of an impedance matrix, such as the one derived in Section II-B, but this time only dealing with reactive loads, as shown in (6) at the bottom of the page, where is the self reactance of the port, the mutual reactance between ports and and is the load reactance attached to port . Once this equation is formulated, it is necessary to nd the frequencies to which the boundary conditions equation is satis- ed. Based on these frequencies (there is at least one frequency to which the boundary condition is satised per each mode) newwave numbers are calculated. These newwave num- bers are employed to formulate the mode functions of the loaded cavity as a linear combination of the orthonormal base eigenfunctions of the unloaded one, as stated in the following equations: (7) (8) where is the electric eld mode vector or eigenfunction for the th mode of the original unloaded cavity and is the electric current density on the reactive load. Regarding the new mode functions , it shall be pointed out that in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) 122 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 general they would not be orthornormal. In any case, we should normalize them through the following operation: (9) As the boundary conditions imposed by the reactive loads are considered in the new mode functions, which account for their electromagnetic effects, the former ones can be removed from the problem. Once done, the following task is to calculate the coupling coefcient between each function and the feed port: (10) Finally it only remains to carry out the linear combination of each pair of associated coefcient and loaded mode function to obtain the z-directed electric eld component of the loaded cavity (11) It shall be pointed out that in case we have more than one feed port, we can straightforwardly apply the previously presented Section II-B only considering feed ports and making use of the new mode functions, so mixing up both models. Thus in this case, the general impedance is computed as follows: (12) where and are any of the feed ports, so the associated sym- metric impedance matrix has a dimension. It only re- mains to carry out step number 4 of Section II-B to obtain the input impedance of each feed port. D. Far Zone Radiated Fields It shall be highlighted that until now, we have only modelled the elds inside the loaded cavity. In order to compute the far zone radiated elds, we may follow a procedure with two main steps. 1) Compute the near zone elds on the periphery of the microstrip antenna by means of (12) and (5) and apply Schelkunoffs Field Equivalence Principle [25] in order to obtain the equivalent current sources. 2) Calculate the far zone elds from the equivalent current sources. Therefore we shall start evaluating the eld on the patch boundary taking into account the Nyquist theorem between current equivalent samples. In this case, the maximum allow- able distance between samples is function among others of the spatial variation of the loaded modes and the frequency considered. As an assumption, the equivalent current is sup- posed to be distributed in a slot of width the thickness of the microstrip antenna along the border of the patch (hypothesis usually made to consider the effective extension of the size of any microstrip antenna to take into account the fringe elds in the contour). In order to know the far zone elds from the equivalent cur- rents, we compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a 2-D current distribution sequence located on the patch boundary (13) where and represent the number of DFT bins considered to calculate the DFT per each dimension. As it can be noticed comparing the DFT equation with the equation of the radiation vector or vector function, there is a correspondence between each DFT bin with a spatial angular position. By means of this correspondence, the far zone elds of the loaded cavity can be obtained. Supposing that the equivalent magnetic current is dis- tributed in the plane, we obtain the following relationship: (14) (15) where and are the spatial distance between equiva- lent current samples in - and -direction and is the radiation vector function for the magnetic currents. It must be highlighted that only the DFT bins which satisfy the following relationship are representative for our pur- poses (visible region): (16) E. Envelope Correlation Computation The envelope correlation coefcient provides information re- garding the diversity performance and in this sense, it is useful for determining the optimum placements of the feeds and reac- tive loads. The envelope correlation of a two antennas system REDONDO AND DE HARO: ON THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF RECONFIGURABLE MULTIMODE MIMO MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS 123 can be computed by an assortment of approaches, with some differences regarding the application range and the computing time effort. A method that it is often used, which is based on the radiated elds, is shown in the following [2]: (17) where is the port radiated eld, while all other feed ports are terminated on their source impedance, and denotes the Hermitian product. It shall be noticed, that whereas the former equation is very time consuming, it can be applied without assuming any distri- bution of the incoming waves. Alternatively, the envelope correlation coefcient can be computed from the antenna system S parameters [26] (18) whereas this last equation leads to an important reduction on the computing process time, it is only applicable when assuming a uniform distribution of the waves and the use of lossless antennas. On the other hand and also based, as the last equation, on the S parameters and the law of energy conservation, a general envelope correlation formula for the general case of antenna elements was derived in [27] (19) In order to compute the envelope correlation, we shall force the boundary conditions imposed by the reactive loads and re- duce the system of equations to a square matrix with as many rows and columns as the number of feed ports. Whereas this re- duction task is already done when employing the modied set of basis functions of the loaded cavity, it is not the case when using only the network model. In this last case, this task can be done in general form through the following set of matrix operations. Suppose that we have a system of linear equations with a square impedance matrix where the feed locations corre- spond to the indexes included in the closed interval , and the reactive loads to the ones. Forcing the boundary conditions concerning the reactive loads, the system of linear equations is transformed into one in which all the impedance matrix diagonal elements whose index is greater than have added their corresponding reactive load , where can be any value included in . Afterwards we shall split the system of linear equations into two subsystems through the row, so we can formulate the reactive loads currents in terms of the currents in the feed ports , shown in (20) at the bottom of the page. The former matrix equation can be reformulated as follows: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) Or more compactly (22) Thus, we have obtained the current in the reactive loads in terms of the current in the feed ports; it just needs to solve the other subsystem in terms of to reduce the overall system of equations to an square matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20) 124 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 Or more succinctly (24) Thus, we have condensed the information of the original impedance matrix into an matrix , making it suitable to be directly employed to compute the envelope correlation. Finally, the associated scattering parameters matrix can be obtained from the impedance one through the well known relationship (25) where is the identity matrix and the normalized impedance one. III. DESIGN GUIDELINES OF MULTIMODE MIMO MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS Along the present paper we have provided the foundations required to analyze multimode MIMO microstrip antennas in quasi analytical form and to outline a general synthesis proce- dure to design them. Throughout this section, our intention is to provide an easy to follow guideline regarding the design pro- cedure and an example applied to a rectangular multimode mi- crostrip antenna operating in the 2.42.5 GHz industrial, scien- tic and medical (ISM) band. It shall be highlighted that thanks to the quasi analytical model presented, all the procedures described from here on out can be carried out such as the overall design time effort will be signicantly lower than making use of full-wave simulations through commercial tools, with which the time effort would not be acceptable. Moreover the knowledge acquired of the mode distribution and the loading effects behavior allows nding better solutions to given objectives. A. On the Selection of the Involved Cavity Modes The rst step is to select the patch dimensions and the sub- strate permittivity and thickness, due to their main role deter- mining the resonant frequency and the bandwidth of the mi- crostrip antenna. This subject has been thoroughly studied (e.g., [28], [29]), so it will not be repeated here. In any case, it should be taken into account which modes are desired to work simulta- neously at the operating frequency. As previously commented, the modes eigenfunctions are orthogonal ones, so at rst an ideally any choice will be an optimal one as they behave as independent subchannels. Notwithstanding this fact, special at- tention is required regarding the frequency separation between their resonant frequency and the operational one, because later on we will have to displace them to this last one. Concerning this feature and as a general rule of thumb, a 15% of frequency displacement can easily be achieved, so it can be considered as a reasonable starting point. In the matter of the rectangular microstrip antennas resonant frequencies, a glance to the predicted ones (see Fig. 1) for the Fig. 1. Square patch on foam (17.5 17.5 0.3 cm): modes resonant frequencies. modes based on the formula provided in [28] shows that using high modes provides many advantages regarding the number of orthogonal modes that can be made working in the same frequency band, the relative proximity between their resonant frequency and thus, concerning the potential pattern diversity of the overall system. Concerning Fig. 1, it has been obtained using [28] (26) where is the speed of light, and are integer values corre- sponding to the mode, and are the dimensions of the rectangular patch, and are respectively the length and width extension due to the fringe elds calculated through [30] and is the effective relative dielectric permittivity com- puted as described in [28], [31], and [32]. Notwithstanding this conclusion, if we want to employ high modes for a xed frequency band, we will need to use bigger microstrip antennas at rst. Whereas physical constraints could not be a problem in particular applications (e.g., a vehicle in a dense urban area operating in the ISM band), the size incre- ment would not be desirable beforehand for many applications, so it will be necessary to reach a compromise between the high modes employed and the physical size restrictions. In any case, it should be noticed that there are many options that can be used to reduce the microstrip antenna dimensions ranging from increasing the substrate permittivity (at the expense of re- ducing the radiation efciency and the bandwidth) through the use of reactive loads, such as shorting pin diodes, up to me- andering the microstrip patch or the ground plane. An option closely linked with this paper is the usage of reactive loads or physical perturbations (which actually have an equivalent re- active load behavior associated to them) to displace downwards the resonance frequency of a specic set of cavity modes. All the guidelines respecting the location of the reactive loads or phys- ical perturbations that are going to be provided in Section III-C are as well readily applicable to this task of size reduction. On the subject of the example of application, we have selected a square microstrip antenna, so we have pairs of modes REDONDO AND DE HARO: ON THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF RECONFIGURABLE MULTIMODE MIMO MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS 125 with the same resonance frequency. We have selected for illus- trative purposes and simplicity the , and modes, due to their resonance frequency and radiation pattern. Thus, the designed patch on a foamsubstrate has the dimensions 17.5 17.5 0.3 cm (1.43 1.43 0.02 ) and accordingly, the resonance frequencies as predicted by (26) for the , and modes are respectively 2.302 and 2.440 GHz (this last one for both and modes). Consequently, later on we will have to perturb the original cavity with a re- active load in order to displace the resonance frequency of the mode to the 2.42.5 GHz ISM band. Regarding the substrate and taking into account the accuracy limitations of the cavity model in terms of thickness, it has been chosen foam 3 mm. Thus, whereas the microstrip antenna will not be made thick in terms of wavelength, due to the degradation of the model accuracy, the radiated power and the impedance bandwidth can be improved using a low permittivity dielectric substrate. B. On the Location of the Feed Ports As the computation time effort associated to (3) is extremely lowand based on the resonant frequency estimation provided by (26), the rst task to carry out is to mesh the microstrip patch an- tenna and to calculate the reection coefcient concerning every feed position in the frequencies around the estimated resonant ones. On the other hand, as we look for low values of envelope correlation, it is essential that the location of each of the feed ports (one per involved mode) is selected so one mode impedance is good matched while all the remaining ones not, so as less as possible energy is coupled to those last ones. As it is necessary to compute the eld distribution of isolated modes, we carry out this activity through (1), (2) and (3) which are evaluated on the locations of the previous patch mesh, once per each selected mode of interest and only con- sidering each mode alone (thus without performing the double summation series). Thus, we obtain a correspondence between feed placements and electric eld distribution and impedance of a set of specic modes, which with a threshold con- cerning its value we termed as masking map. Afterwards, we focus on each mode of interest at its res- onant frequency and we set a minimum admissible threshold to it concerning the reection coefcient and another one re- garding the maximum allowable level of electric eld distribu- tion and reection coefcient for the remaining modes of interest. Applying these thresholds to the feed positions and cross mapping the placements that satisfy both requirements per each mode, it nally provides us the best regions for each feed port. It shall be pointed out that many times, mostly while dealing with several high order modes, it is necessary to reach a compromise between both thresholds, as not always the feed can be placed at the best position concerning the reection coefcient and at the same in all the electric eld nulls regarding the remaining modes. The nal feed placements are determined based on (19). In order to set the thresholds values, which play a main role in the design process, it is suggested to apply an iterative method Fig. 2. Reection coefcient versus feed location. (a) modefre- quency: 2.32 GHz (b) and modesfrequency: 2.46 GHz. Fig. 3. Masking mapfeed location. (a) . (b) . (c) . starting from very stringent requirements concerning the reec- tion coefcient of the mode under consideration (e.g., 20 dB) and a null value for the remaining modes of interest. If none feed placements satisfy both require- ments, they are iteratively and progressively relaxed until there are feed placements which satisfy them. It shall be noticed that the time required to carry out this task is negligible as all the necessary information is already computed and it only remains to perform cross mapping between feed locations applying the specied thresholds. Applying the procedure described on the suggested example, we start meshing the microstrip patch and getting a correspon- dence between feed positions along the microstrip patch and a reection coefcient level associated to them. In Fig. 2 it is shown this correspondence per each resonant frequency where the -coordinates represent the feed position whereas the -coordinate illustrate the associated reection coefcient (trun- cated for values lower than 35 dB). On the other hand, in Fig. 3 it is shown the masking map achieved per each mode of interest after reaching a com- promise regarding the thresholds. For example, for the mode it is represented those positions where simultaneously the associated and modes satisfy the electric eld and impedance limit, whereas for the mode the map is built based on and modes and so on for the mode. Applying cross mapping between Figs. 2 and 3 (once per each mode) and considering each feed isolated, we nd feed locations whose reection coefcients are better than 15 dB. Among 126 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 the regions of feed positions which full both thresholds, (19) is used in order to know which combination provides lower en- velope correlation level. Finally, the best feed locations in cm are respectively for the and modes (9.44, 8.06), (8.06, 12.19), and (12.19, 8.06). C. On the Location of the Reactive Loads and Their Associated Reactive Values At this step in the procedure, it is time to get on with the fre- quency displacement of the modes of interest whose as- sociated resonant frequency is different than the desired one. It shall be noticed that this task can be performed without sig- nicantly altering the radiation patterns of the unloaded cavity (e.g., in [33] the resonant frequency is shifted over a 1.5 to 1 range without seriously changing the radiation pattern). In order to carry out our purpose, we compute the eld distri- bution concerning each isolated mode on the positions of the microstrip patch mesh making use of (1) and (2) in order to nd locations where the electric eld distribution regarding each mode is highest (a threshold value is used to mark off these regions), so the inuence of the perturbation applied to it will be more important. On the other hand, we make use of the masking map described in Section III-B, but this time the limit value can be a different one. Once again, it is necessary to reach a com- promise between both thresholds (an iterative procedure similar to the one described in Section III-B is suggested), or what it is the same, within obtaining a high inuence in a specic mode while altering as slightly as possible the remaining modes of interest. Applying these thresholds and cross mapping the remaining placements that satisfy both requirements per each mode, it nally provides us the best regions for each re- active load. Concerning the value of the reactive load to cause the desired frequency shift, a thorough analysis on this theme can be done and valuable conclusions can be obtained using (5) and (12). Summing it up, the greatest displacement will be caused when the overall contribution of the remaining modes and the reac- tive load shows a very low inductive or capacitive value and conversely, as it can be deduced from the qualitative analysis provided in [21] and [24]. Moreover, it should be pointed out that a net inductive contribution will cause a frequency shift to- wards upper frequencies, whereas a net capacitive one to lower ones. Applying this procedure on the proposed example and in order to displace the resonance frequency of the mode to the 2.42.5 GHz ISM band, it is found out that the best location for the reactive load is the centre of the square patch, in which the mode shows its -directed electric eld intensity maximum value, while the and modes have a null eld. Regarding the reactive value, a net inductive contribution with a relatively low reactance value will be needed. Based on this primary seed, a simple brute-force search procedure is used, as the associated elapsed time is negligible, to seek the reactive value, using as objective function parameters the desired nal frequency and the reection coefcient level. In this case, the optimum inductive reactance is j14 and this causes that at the frequency of 2.406 GHz the reection coefcient is 24.98 dB. Fig. 4. Reection coefcient. Isolated feed+load pairs. On the other hand, whereas it is not necessary to our spe- cic application to displace the and modes, as they are already placed at the 2.42.5 GHz ISM band, in case we wanted to make them recongurable, crossing the placements where their eld is higher than 98% of its peak value with a masking map under the compromise of reection coefcients between 0 and 1.75 dB and eld value between 0%4% of the maximum value for the remaining modes of in- terest, it provides the reactive loads locations in cm(3.10, 11.78) and (11.78, 3.10) for the and the modes respec- tively. Regarding the reactive load values, any high reactance value will be appropriate. For example, a value of pro- duces respectively a negligible displacement of the and the modes to 2.444 GHz, while keeping a reection co- efcient below 15 dB. In Fig. 4 it is shown the reection coefcient per each iso- lated pair of feed port and reactive load in the frequency band of 1.53.5 GHz. It shall be pointed out that the reection co- efcients from both and feed-load pairs match as expected due to the symmetry. D. On the Verication and Final Adjustments Once the appropriate locations of the feed ports and reac- tive loads have been established (alongside the corresponding suitable values of these last ones), it is time to test the antenna system as a whole in terms of the reection coefcient level as- sociated to each feed port and the envelope correlation between them, making use of (5), (12), and (19). Usually, even after having followed the previously presented guidelines, it is advisable to slightly readjust the location of the feed ports, as there are several undesired effects related to the loss of orthogonality in the feeding process. Among them, the most harmful ones regarding our objectives are the increment of the envelope correlation level and the deterioration of the re- ection coefcient value associated to a specic feed mode. Notwithstanding this fact, there are manifold procedures to compensate the aforementioned undesirable effects. Con- REDONDO AND DE HARO: ON THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF RECONFIGURABLE MULTIMODE MIMO MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS 127 Fig. 5. Multimode MIMO microstrip system. (a) Reection coefcient. (b) En- velope correlation. cerning the growth of the envelope correlation coefcient, some perturbations can be applied to the cavity (e.g., reactive loads or geometrical modications) in order to decouple the feeds. On the other hand and regarding the reection coef- cient level associated to each specic feed mode, the presence of the remaining ports and loads has slightly altered it; indeed the level of perturbation is highly linked with the fullment or not of the presented requirements (essentially based on the orthogonality preservation). Usually, the level of correlation between the feeds shall be very low, if negligible effect in the reection coefcient associated to each port is wanted when assembling the whole system. The procedure to improve the reection coefcient consists in applying an optimization process based on the gradient descent algorithm (it is a good option in terms of the number of iterations and the computation time due to the presumable proximity to the local maxima) which takes into account the feed position, the reection coefcient and the envelope correlation level. Our objective function will be to improve the reection coefcient while maintaining low values of envelope correlation. This last requirement must be imposed because we could be improving the reection coefcient increasing the coupling of energy from a feed to more than the one desired mode. Concerning our example, the reection coefcient and en- velope correlation shown in Fig. 5 are obtained when all the ports and reactive loads are attached. As it can be seen at the 2.42.5 GHz ISM band, the reection coefcient levels asso- ciated with the and feed ports have been signif- icantly degraded with respect to the case of isolated pairs of feed ports and reactive loads presented in Fig. 4. The reasons surrounding this undesired effect must be mainly sought in the mutual coupling between these feed ports, due to the inability of exciting only and in complete isolation each of the desired modes, and in a lesser extent in this example, because of the loss of orthogonality of the modes due to the reactive loading process. Indeed, as it can be noticed in Fig. 5, the higher values of envelope correlation between the and feed ports Fig. 6. MIMO system: (a) variable length stub used (b) connectors view. reveal this loss of independence between these feed ports, fact that is not present with the feed port. As the reection coefcient and envelope correlation levels obtained with this initial design are good enough, in this case it is not necessary to readjust the feeds and reactive loads place- ments, so the previously presented optimization procedure is not applied in this example. However, this one should be useful in a more complex design. On the other hand, it shall be pointed out that the envelope correlation showed in Fig. 5(b) and the ones presented in Fig. 8 are computed using (19), assuming that the hypothetical deploy- ment environment is a dense urban area, where the radiation is coming with uniform angular distribution. Whereas, using (19) in our example is not completely rigorous and accurate, as we are not dealing with a lossless antenna, due to the fact that it is a highly efcient one (the radiation efciency depends primarily on the substrate thickness and permittivity [34] and we are using a thick foam substrate and the losses associated to the experimental implementation of the reactive load are negli- gible) the loss in accuracy is not signicant [35]. IV. EXPERIMENTAL EXAMPLE In order to verify the accuracy of the quasi analytical model presented, the designed MIMO system has been built. It shall be noticed that only the reactive load is used as it is not necessary to our specic application to displace the and modes. Concerning the desired reactive load value of j14 at 2.4 GHz, a variable length stub nished in a short load has been used. The precise length and thus the sought reactance value have been obtained through a coaxial line stretcher with an overall adjustable length of 10 mm, as presented in Fig. 6(a). This option has been chosen as a nearly constant phase value in the frequency band of 1.53.5 GHz cannot be easily ob- tained, due to the connectors length and the thickness of the ground plane. Moreover, for illustration purposes, in Fig. 6(b), it is shown as well the overall MIMO system port connections during the vector network analyzer (VNA) measuring process. In order to compare the measured results with the appropriate simulated ones, once xed the stub length that provides the de- sired reactance value at 2.4 GHz for the load, the stub associated parameter measured in the frequency band of 1.53.5 GHz is used instead of the j14 xed one in the imple- mented quasi analytical model simulations carried out. The comparison between the simulated and measured reec- tion coefcient is presented in Fig. 7. It must be highlighted, that the results provided are exactly the simulated and measured ones without any correction or adjustment on them. As it can 128 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 Fig. 7. Reection coefcient. Simulated versus measured results. (a) feed. (b) feed. (c) feed. Fig. 8. Envelope correlation. Simulated versus computed from measured S pa- rameters. (a) feed- feed. (b) feed- feed. (c) feed- feed. be seen, the maximum percentage relative error is below 1.4% concerning the maximum adaptation frequency location in the frequency band of interest. On the other hand and regarding this time the envelope corre- lation, the associated results are shown in Fig. 8. Anew, there is a good agreement between the results pointing up the great level of accuracy that can be obtained through the presented quasi an- alytical model. Besides, the low levels of envelope correlation between the different feed ports obtained and its corresponding reection co- efcient values validate the correctness of the designed MIMO system to enhance the system diversity. V. CONCLUSION As far as we know, this is the rst time that a combination of quasi analytical models (network and extended cavity ones) are adapted and applied to the analysis and design of recongurable multimode MIMO microstrip antennas with any number of feed ports and complex impedance loads. It shall be pointed out, that the way of combining and customizing the presented quasi an- alytical models is itself a novel approach. Moreover, the usage of the FFT implementation of the DFT in the extended cavity model is a reasonable compromise in terms of precision and computation time and it constitutes itself a new way to tackle the problem of the radiated elds by a loaded cavity instead of the choice suggested in [24]. On the other hand, an original comprehensive general synthesis procedure to benet from the pattern diversity im- provement achievable through the multimode antenna MIMO system has been provided. This procedure has been validated and showed to be very useful and accurate both through simula- tions and experimental measurements. Taking into account the accuracy of the quasi analytical model proposed and the overall computation time effort associated to our implementation, it makes this quasi analytical model an efcient alternative in the design process over full-wave simulations by means of commercial tools. REFERENCES [1] J. G. Foschini and M. J. Gans, On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment when using multiple antennas, Wireless Per- sonal Commun., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 311335, Mar. 1998. [2] R. G. Vaughan and J. B. Andersen, Antenna diversity in mobile communications, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. VT-36, no. 4, pp. 149172, Nov. 1987. [3] D.-S. Shiu, G. J. Foschini, M. J. Gans, and J. M. Kahn, Fading corre- lation and its effect on the capacity of multielement antenna systems, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 502513, Mar. 2000. [4] P. Almers et al., Survey of channel and radio propagation models for wireless MIMO systems, Eurasip J. Wireless Commun. Networking, 2007. [5] D. 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He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universidad Politc- nica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1986 and 1990, respectively, both in electrical engineering. He joined the Department of Seales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, where he was an Assistant Professor from 1990 to 2012, where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Ingeniera Audiovisual y Comunicaciones. His research areas are focused on advanced antennas design and measurement, RF receivers modeling and radio channel modeling and measurement.