Protocols For Injuries To The Eye

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A corneal abrasion is usually caused by a foreign body or other object striking the
eye. This results in a disruption of the corneal epithelium.


A. Pertinent History and Physical Findings

Patients complain of pain and blurred vision. Photophobia may also be
present. Symptoms may not occur for several hours following an injury.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

Comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist to rule out a foreign
body under the lids, embedded in the cornea or sclera, or penetrating into the eye. The
comprehensive examination should include a determination of visual acuity, a slit lamp
examination and a dilated fundus examination when indicated.


A. Outpatient Treatment

Topical antibiotics, cycloplegics, and pressure patch at the discretion of
the physician. Analgesics may be indicated for severe pain.

B. Duration of Treatment

May require daily visits until cornea sufficiently healed, usually within
twenty-four to seventy-two hours but may be longer with more extensive injuries. In
uncomplicated cases, return to work anticipated within one to two days. The duration of
disability may be longer if significant iritis is present.


Full recovery.



A corneal foreign body most often occurs when striking metal on metal or striking
stone. Auto body workers and machinists are the greatest risk for a corneal foreign body.
Hot metal may perforate the cornea and enter the eye. Foreign bodies may be
contaminated and pose a risk for corneal ulcers.


A. Pertinent History and Physical Findings

The onset of pain occurs either immediately after the injury or within the
first twenty-four hours. Typically there is a sensation of something in the eye, pain, and
photophobia. The pain is aggravated by blinking or moving the eye. Vision may be
affected if the foreign body is in the visual axis.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary,
including determination of visual acuity, slit lamp and dilated fundus examination to rule
out intraocular foreign bodies. An orbital x-ray or CT scan may be indicated if there is a
suspicion of ocular or orbital penetration.


A. Outpatient Treatment

Superficial or embedded corneal foreign bodies are usually removed at the
slit lamp in the emergency room or ophthalmologists office. Topical antibiotics,
cycloplegics, and pressure patch are used at the discretion of the physician. Analgesics,
including narcotics may be necessary for the first several days. Daily visits may be
necessary until the cornea is healed.

B. Estimated Duration of Care

Return to work anticipated within one to two days in uncomplicated cases.

C. Anticipated Outcome

Full recovery unless the foreign body leaves a significant scar in the visual
axis. This may result in diminished visual acuity or may require spectacles, a contact
lens, or corneal surgery to improve the vision.



Hyphema is bleeding within the anterior chamber of the eye. It is typically
caused by severe blunt trauma to the eye rupturing intraocular blood vessels. Hyphema
may be associated with disruption of the trabecular meshwork and lead to angle recession
glaucoma. Elevated intraocular pressure with hyphema may cause blood staining of the
cornea. Hyphema in patients with sickle cell anemia also poses significant risk to vision.
The most significant risk with hyphema is rebleeding which will occur in up to 30% of
cases within the third to fifth day. Rebleeding may cause marked elevation of intraocular
pressure, as well as corneal blood staining and visual loss. Late complications may
include angle-recession glaucoma and cataract.


A. Pertinent History and Physical Findings

Hyphema generally occurs after severe blunt trauma to the eye. It can
range from red blood cells visible within the anterior chamber to a layered clot filling the
entire anterior chamber. Intraocular pressure is often elevated.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

This is an ocular emergency and requires immediate referral to an
ophthalmologist. Appropriate diagnostic tests include a comprehensive exam by an
ophthalmologist including a slit lamp exam, determination of the intraocular pressure,
and dilated fundus examination if possible. Orbital x-rays may be indicated to rule out
other orbital injuries depending on the mechanism of injury. A platelet count and
coagulation studies may be indicated, and a sickle prep or hemoglobin electrophoresis
should be performed if there is a question of sickle cell anemia.


A. Outpatient Treatment

If the individual is reliable and the hyphema is not severe and there are no
other complicating factors, this condition can be managed as an outpatient. All patients
require strict bed rest for five days except for daily examinations. Topical cycloplegics,
steroids, and ocular hypotensive agents are indicated at the discretion of the physician.
Oral prednisone and/or aminocaproic acid may also be used at the discretion of the
physician. A hard shield is typically worn throughout the day and night. After several
weeks a gonioscopy is indicated to evaluate the trabecular meshwork.

B. Inpatient Treatment

If there is a significant hyphema, marked elevation of intraocular pressure,
other complicating factors (e.g. sickle cell anemia, hyphema in a monocular patient, other
ocular injuries) or if the individual does not seem reliable, hospital admission may be
indicated to insure strict bed rest and regular follow-up. Oral prednisone and/or
aminocaproic acid may also be used at the discretion of the physician. Hospitalization
should last five days. Persistent elevated intraocular pressure, corneal blood staining, or
persistence of the hyphema in the setting of sickle cell anemia may require surgical
evacuation of the clot.

C. Estimated Duration of Care

Return to work anticipated in three weeks for uncomplicated cases. If
there is evidence of disruption of intraocular structures, they will require lifetime
monitoring for glaucoma and cataracts.

D. Anticipated Outcome

Resolution of the hyphema with return of visual acuity. These individuals
should wear polycarbonate safety glasses if involved in an occupation where there is
continued risk of ocular injury.



Eyelid lacerations may occur from blunt injuries or from laceration by a sharp
object. The lacerations may only involve skin but may involve the eyelid muscles, eyelid
margin, the lacrimal drainage system, and may be associated with an orbital foreign body.


A. Pertinent History and Physical Findings

There is often profuse bleeding. Lacerations through the eyelid margin, in
the medial canthus, or resulting in exposure of orbital fat indicate severe injuries and
require immediate evaluation. Retained orbital foreign bodies must also be suspected,
especially if the injury is caused by an explosion or fragmented object. With severe
injuries to the lids, injury to the eye must be ruled out.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist including
determination of visual acuity, slit lamp and dilated fundus examination is necessary to
rule out ocular or orbital injury or foreign body.


A. Outpatient Treatment

Superficial lacerations or lacerations not involving the lacrimal system or
entering the orbit may be repaired in the emergency room or office. Sutures are removed
over one to two weeks. Topical and oral antibiotics are usually prescribed. Analgesics
may be necessary for pain.

B. Inpatient treatment

Injuries involving the lacrimal drainage system or penetrating the orbit
should be repaired in the operating room. These repairs may require general anesthesia.
Intravenous antibiotics are often indicated. Depending on the severity of the injury and
overall condition of the patient, these individuals may be discharged from the recovery
room or may require a one to two day hospital stay.

C. Estimated Duration of Care

Return to work anticipated within two weeks in uncomplicated cases.
Medical follow-up four weeks if uncomplicated. Damage to the eyelid muscles resulting
in traumatic ptosis may require six to twelve months to resolve, or may ultimately require
surgical repair.

D. Anticipated Outcome

Resumption of normal eyelid function.



Laceration in the medial eyelid may injure the upper or lower canaliculus or
lacrimal sac. Disruption of the lacrimal drainage system may result in constant tearing or
the development of an abscess within the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis). Constant tearing
may be no more than a nuisance, but it may also obstruct vision and the presence of an
infection within the lacrimal system usually requires surgical repair.


A. Pertinent History and Physical Findings

There is usually a laceration in the medial eyelid. The laceration may at
first glance seem trivial, but any laceration medial to the punctum should raise the
suspicion of a canalicular laceration. There may be tearing or bloody tears. The punctum
may be displaced laterally.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist including
determination of visual acuity, slit lamp and dilated fundus examination to rule out other
orbital or ocular injuries is necessary. Probing of the canaliculus is indicated to
determine if the canaliculus is lacerated and the extent of the injuries. Orbital x-rays or
CT scan may be indicated if a fracture or foreign body is suspected.


A. Outpatient Treatment

Repair of canalicular lacerations requires the operating room, frequently
using the operating microscope. The lacerated canaliculi are intubated either with a
silicone tube or other stent and the cut ends reapproximated. Depending on the severity
of the injury, other complicating factors, and general condition of the patient, these
individuals can be discharged from the recovery room. Topical drops and oral antibiotics
may be indicated.

B. Inpatient Treatment

If the individual has eaten recently, it may be necessary to delay the
surgery for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Hospital admission may be required if the
wound is contaminated and intravenous antibiotics are needed. Admission is also
indicated in the presence of other complicating injuries. Complex reconstruction
requiring prolonged general anesthesia would also require admission.

C. Estimated Duration of Care

Return to work anticipated in two weeks in uncomplicated cases. Medical
follow-up three to six months. Occasionally the repair is unsuccessful, and lacrimal
bypass surgery is indicated.

D. Anticipated Outcome

Return of normal eyelid function and elimination of tearing.



An orbital contusion is usually a result of blunt trauma causing swelling and
ecchymosis of the orbit. A pure orbital contusion is not associated with any fractures or
significant lacerations. There may be significant swelling and initial double vision, but
visual acuity is not usually affected, and ocular motility and diplopia return towards
normal within several days.


A. Pertinent History and Physical Findings

If there is a history of blunt trauma to the ocular area, there may be
progressive swelling of the lids with ptosis, proptosis of the eye, and diplopia. The
swelling and diplopia should improve over several days. Visual acuity is usually normal.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

Orbital x-rays are indicated to rule out a fracture. A CT scan is indicated
if the diplopia persists or if there is suspicion of an orbital fracture in spite of normal
plain films. A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist, including assessment
of visual acuity, slit lamp examination, and dilated fundus examination are necessary to
rule out concomitant intraocular injury.


A. Outpatient Treatment

If there are no complicating injuries, an orbital contusion is treated as an
outpatient. Analgesics, ice packs, and systemic antibiotics may be indicated.

B. Inpatient Treatment

Diminished visual acuity or severe pain may indicate more extensive
injury and may warrant hospital admission for further evaluation and treatment.

C. Estimated Duration of Care

Return to work in one to two days in uncomplicated cases. Disability may
be longer if diplopia or ptosis persist.

D. Anticipated Outcome

Resolution of the swelling and diplopia with return of normal ocular



Fractures of the orbit may be indirect, resulting in blowout of the orbital floor
or medial wall, or direct involving fractures of the orbital rims. Fractures of the orbit
open communication between the orbit and the sinuses. Significant fractures may cause
ocular motility disturbance from entrapment of orbital content, enophthalmos due to
prolapse of the orbital contents into the sinus, and dystopia of the eye.


A. Pertinent History and Physical findings

There is a history of blunt trauma to the eye, usually by an object larger
than the bony orbital opening. The eye may appear proptotic or enophthalmic. Ocular
motility is usually diminished. The intraocular pressure may elevate when the eye is
turned away from an entrapped muscle. There is usually numbness over the cheek due to
injury to the infraorbital nerve. There may be a palpable fracture of the orbital rim.
There may also be a fracture of the zygomatic arch. This causes flattening of the cheek
and may interfere with opening the mouth.

B. Appropriate Diagnostic Tests and Examinations

A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary,
including a determination of visual acuity, slit lamp examination, and dilated fundus
examination to rule out intraocular injury. X-ray of the orbits may miss up to 20% of
orbital fractures. A coronal CT scan is indicated, especially if surgery is contemplated.


A. Outpatient Treatment

Not all orbital fractures require repair. If there is no enophthalmos or
diplopia, repair may not be necessary. It is appropriate to follow the patient on an
outpatient basis for the first one to two weeks to determine if the diplopia is resolving.
Oral antibiotics are usually given prophylactically. Analgesics may be required.

B. Inpatient Treatment

Severe facial fractures require hospital admission. Other complicating
injuries may also make hospital admission necessary. Surgical repair of the fractures is
usually undertaken within the first three weeks. This usually requires a one to three day
hospital stay postoperatively.

C. Estimated Duration of Care

Disability from orbital fracture is usually due to diplopia. Double vision
while looking straight ahead or down makes driving, operating machinery, reading,
typing, and close work difficult. Double vision within the central 20 degrees of the visual
field is considered a 100% loss of ocular motility according to the American Medical
Associations Guide to Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.

Diplopia may resolve spontaneously within one to two weeks with small
fractures not requiring repair. More severe fractures may have more persistent diplopia.
Generally, double vision resolves within two to three weeks after surgical repair unless
there is intrinsic damage to the extraocular muscles. It is rarely necessary that eye muscle
surgery or further orbital surgery is necessary.

Light work may be done when diplopia is resolved. Heavy work can
generally be resumed three weeks after injury if surgery is not required, or three weeks
after surgical repair.

Individuals with diplopia in primary gaze, down gaze, or within the central
20 degrees should not drive, operate machinery, or work in a dangerous environment
where good peripheral vision is necessary.

D. Anticipated Outcome

Resolution of diplopia and normal functioning of the eye. Numbness over
the cheek may persist for one year or longer and is not affected by surgical repair.



Corneoscleral lacerations are potentially severe injuries resulting from sharp
objects making forceful contact with the globe. The severity of such injuries is quite
variable and is dependent on the sharpness of the object and its velocity at the time of


A detailed examination by an ophthalmologist, including visual acuity, slit lamp
exam, intraocular pressure, and dilated fundus exam is necessary to determine the extent
of injury. If retained foreign body is anticipated, localizing radiologic studies (e.g., CAT
scan of orbits) may be required.


Small partial thickness lacerations may require only follow-up and/or patching.
More severe ones may respond to bandage contact lens application and follow-up.

Virtually all full-thickness corneal lacerations require very careful follow-up.
Very small ones may respond to bandage lens application with or without cyanoacrylate
tissue adhesive and protective shield. Larger ones require surgical repair under general
anesthesia and hospitalization.

The goal of management is to restore the eye to its normal anatomic configuration
and create a water-tight closure. If the lens is involved in the injury, it often must be
removed at the time of surgery. Prolapsing uveal tissue must be replaced. Vitreous must
be meticulously removed from the anterior chamber if it is present. Involvement of
retinal tissue in the injury can make the prognosis much more guarded, and a
vetreoretinal surgeon would then be required at the time of initial repair.

Postoperative management usually consists of forms of cycloplegic, steroid, and
antibiotic drops.


Partial thickness laceration patients may be managed as outpatients. The patient
should wear a protective shield for three to six weeks. Light work may be done after
several days. Usually recovery is quite good with normal visual function after six weeks.

Full thickness simple corneal lacerations require two to four months to heal and
remove sutures. Protective shield should be worn for six weeks. Light work could be
done after two weeks. Return to full work after suture removal in three to four months if
vision is adequate for tasks. Sometimes, corneal scar is extensive, and corneal transplant
for visual recovery would be necessary at a later date.

Lacerations involving lens, uveal tissue, and retina may require a weeks
hospitalization and perhaps six months to achieve stability. At that time, contact lens
correction of the aphakic condition may allow good visual recovery. Many patients with
these severe injuries may never recover full vision, either with later cornea transplant and
intraocular lens placement.



Chemical injuries may result from an almost infinite variety of agents contacting
the ocular surface. The extent of the injury is largely a function of the nature of the
substance involved, how much of the ocular surface is involved, and the duration of
exposure. In general, alkali injuries (e.g., ammonia, lye, potassium hydroxide, calcium
hydroxide (lime) are the most serious because these agents readily penetrate into the
ocular tissue. Acid burns (e.g., sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid)
may be serious but have less penetration than alkalis.


A detailed examination by an ophthalmologist is performed after copious
irrigation (see Treatment). It is vitally important to know the chemical causing the injury,
its concentration, and amount of exposure.

In alkali burns, the Hughes classification (grading of corneal haziness and loss of
blood vessels at limbus) is helpful in assessing long-term prognosis.


Acute phase (0 to 7 days). Immediate copious irrigation using any nontoxic
irrigating solution is the most important treatment of any chemical injury. It should be
continued for at least 30 minutes. Checking the pH until it returns to normal is a good
way to determine if enough irrigation is done.

After the irrigation, management by the ophthalmologist may include topical
steroids and the use of prophylactic antibiotic drops. Other agents, such as topical
ascorbate, cycloplegic agents, etc., may be warranted.

Severe chemical injuries should be hospitalized for treatment for several days.
For milder cases, outpatient care with frequent follow-up (every several days for first
three weeks) is appropriate.


Quite dependent on extent of initial injury. Milder injuries may return to work
after several days. Moderate chemical injuries (if bilateral) may need several weeks to
recover. Severe burns (if bilateral) may be blinding. In many cases, corneal transplants,
performed months after the initial injury, may be able to restore vision.

Passed: 12/15/1992

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