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Reading List: Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Sacred Science

Prof. James Small Online Course

July 30, 2014

1. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Coming Forth by Day
2. Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
3. Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt by James H. Breasted and John A. Wilson
4. Ancient Egyptian Literature (Volumes 1-3) by Miriam Lichtheim
5. Oya: In Praise of the Goddess by Judith Gleason
6. Egyptian Mysteries by Lucy Lamy
7. The Parents Guide to Ancient Egyptian Religion to their Children by Muata Ashby
8. The Pyramid Text
9. Temples of the African Gods by Michael Tellinger and Johan Heine

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