Carl sbad Women s Cl ub 3320 Monroe Street Carl sbad, CA 92008
Joi n us for a fun, i nformati ve and i nspi rati onal event to rai se funds and awareness for the StandUp for Ki ds Oceansi de Center. A speci al guest speaker and former StandUp ki d, wi l l be on hand to share thei r story and the i mpact of StandUp on thei r l i fe.
Ti ckets can be purchased vi a donati on of cash, check or onl i ne at our Network for Good page: ht t ps: //donat enow. net wor kf or good. or g/st andupf orki dsoceansi de
Pre-sal e $25. 00/si ngl e & $40. 00/pai r | Day of $30. 00/si ngl e onl y
Questi ons? Pl ease contact us vi a oceansi de@st andupf or ki ds. or g