Sample Lesson Plan Pro Forma

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Year 1
Curriculum Area:
(e.g. Mathematics)
Date: 30 May 2013 Time Period:
Specific Lesson Learning Goals (What will the students learn during this particular lesson?)
Students should demonstrate ability to match shapes (one- to ten-sided shapes) with their respective names,
number of sides and number of corners.
Links to Australian Curriculum
Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional obvious features
Students Prior Knowledge
Students had done lessons on 2-dimensional shapes prior to this class. Most students are able to identify 2D
shapes confidently and correctly.
Preparation: (classroom layout, resources, groupings)
Classroom layout
Students sit on mat.
- Shapes block
- Whiteboard
- Whiteboard markers
- Mathematics game
- Assessing checklist

1 mins

30 mins

10 mins

Lesson Progression
(Include: Introduction, Lesson Steps, Activities, Focus Questions and Conclusion)
Instruct students that they will be on different activities for today. One group will be on the mat with
me and the rest on their mathematics game.
- Assessed group
o Students sit with me on the mat with the shapes block, whiteboard and whiteboard
o Each student will be provided with a set of shape blocks, whiteboard and
whiteboard markers.
o Ask students focus questions and put a tick on the assessing checklist.
o Focus questions:
Could you draw me a
Could you pick out the shape that has ___ sides?
How many sides does ____ has?
How many corners does ____ has?
- Introduction to 3-D shapes
o Using the paper cylinder, get students to think of what shapes does the cylinder
made of
Assessment for Student Learning

What will you assess?
Ability to match shapes with their respective names
and number of sides will be assessed.
How will you assess? What evidence will you collect?
Ability to correctly identify shapes, number of sides
sides and corners indicates understanding.

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