Rent Deed: Signature Signature Witnesses
Rent Deed: Signature Signature Witnesses
Rent Deed: Signature Signature Witnesses
I, Muhammad Sabir, H. No. 270, Street No. 8, Yaqoobabad, Burewala, Dist. Vehari, NI No.
!""0#$#8"7%8%$&, do hereb' with m' ow( )ree will *ut i( writi(+ that I ha,e obtai(ed a HIN-
.I/ -NDI0I-N1/ B2S No. M33 4 2%&0 )rom ow(er Mia( .bdul /asheed Shahid H. No. &0
Mahmood olo(', 3i(5 a(al /oad, Burewala, Dist. Vehari, NI No. !""0#$"0#7%#7$% a(d
terms a(d 6o(ditio(s settled as u(der7$
0he te(a(6' *eriod is starti(+ )rom the date o) this a+reeme(t till the *eriod o) 8 'ears.
0he mo(thl' re(t will be /s. #%0,0009$ :-(e Hu(dred a(d ;i)t' 0housa(d /u*ees< whi6h will be
*aid be te(a(t o( mo(thl' basis. 0he te(a(t will (ot *ra6ti6e a(' law)ul or u(ethi6al a6ti,it' o(
,ehi6le. 0e(a(t will (ot 6ause a(' dama+e or re*air, without the *ermissio( o) ow(er a(d i) do so
te(a(t will (ot 6laim )or its 6om*e(satio( )rom ow(er.
0hat a)ter e=*ir' o) te(a(6' *eriod, te(a(t will ha(d o,er ,ehi6le i( the same 6o(ditio( as it is
0he te(a(t will i(6rease the mo(thl' re(t > #0? a)ter o(e 'ear. I( 6ase te(a(t or ow(er wa(t to
e(d this a+reeme(t be)ore e=*ir' o) de6ided *eriod, both will se(d two mo(th *eriod (oti6e to
other *art'. I( 6ase o) a(' dis*ute te(a(t will *a' all e=*e(diture o) 6ourt *ro6eedi(+ et6.
whatsoe,er. Both *arties are bou(d to this deed@ there)ore, this a+reeme(t i( )a,or o) ow(er is
hereb' writte(.
Dated7 #&$#2$20#2
1=e6uter -w(er
Muhammad Sabir Mia( .bdul /asheed Shahid
Signature Signature
Shaha( .5hter S9- .5hter$ul$Ma(a( Ishtiaq .hmad S9- NiaB .hmad