Umrah Guide

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(1) Ihraam & the Talbiyyah

Upon reaching the Meeqat, one assumes Ihraam & recites the Talbiyyah
'=` = , ` ,` , \\' =',` , \
He stands, facing the Qiblah & says the Talbiyyah for Umrah (mentioned above), and he says:
. '=` = . = ` ,` , \\' - ='=` = . ' ,', .' ,

And if a person fears that he may not complete Umrah due to fear or illness, one may say:
_ . .'= , = .', = '_ \ = = ` ,` , \\'

Then he says the Talbiyyah of the Prophet () outloud:
',` , \ =',` , \ ` ,` , \\' =',` , \ =',` , \ = \ =', = . =
= \ =', = . ` =\` =\' = \ - ='= .\' .'= =\' ` _

He may also say: _ =\' - \ =',` , \

When he reaches the Haram and sees the houses of Makkah he leaves off saying the Talbiyyah

(2) Entering the Haram & Tawaaf around the House of Allaah

When you enter the Masjidul-Haraam, you enter upon the right foot and say:
\\' , \ = .` = =` = _ \ = = ` ,` , = . ='= ,' ', ' _ \ '_ .' ` ,` , \\'

Then go to the Hajarul-Aswad, uncover the right shoulder by placing the Ihraam underneath
the right arm-pit.
If possible, he touches the Hajarul-Aswad with his hand, kisses it & makes sajdah upon it. If
he is unable to do that, he touches it with his hand and kisses his hand. And if he cannot
touch it, he makes a sign towards it with his right hand, making the Takbeer: ,> ' ` - \\'
doing this in every circuit.

One makes Tawaaf around the Kabah 7 times, the first 3 he walks strongly and briskly with
his shoulders thrust forward (raml), supplicating with whatever he wishes as there are no
dhikr specified for Tawaaf. One circuit starts from the Hajarul-Aswad and ends at the

During each circuit, while between the Ruknul-Yamaanee and the Hajarul-Aswad, he recites
} =.' _ - . = = ' ,.` .\' _ ' . .' ' .` , ' .\' ,' . = ' . - . = = {

He touches the Ruknul-Yamaanee with his hand each time he passes but does not kiss it. If he
is unable to touch it, he does not signal towards it with his hand. And he does not touch the
other corners of the Kabah at all, following the Sunnah of the Prophet ().

It is permissible to cling to the space between the corner (by the Hajarul-Aswad) and
the door, placing his chest, face and forearms on it.
So once he reaches the Hajarul-Aswad, he repeats the steps of Tawaaf until he completes 7
Upon completion of the 7
round, he covers his right shoulder and moves to the place of
Ibraaheem and recites:
_ \ =` = ,', =' ', ,' ` = '_ = '' . = .'
Then he prays 2 rakah behind the Maqaam of Ibraaheem, reciting Sooratul-Kaafiroon in the
first and Sooratul-Ikhlaas in the second.
Then he goes to the well of Zamzam and drinks from it and pours some on his head. After
this, he returns to the Hajarul-Aswad, says the Takbeer and touches it or makes a sign
towards it like before.

(3) As-Saee between as-Safaa and al-Marwah & Shaving ones hair

Then he begins the Saee at as-Safaa, at its foot reciting:
} '_ = - \\' .' = = '_ = ' =\' ' ` =\' ` _ ` = .'=' ' .', ,\' ` g = ` = , '_ ' -', \ = _' .` = '_ = ' = , ,
,', \ = >' = - \\' ` _ , '', = _` = . (
And he says: - , ` - \\' ' . , ' = , ' .', .
He climbs atop as-Safaa until he can see the Kabah, faces it and declares the Tawheed of
Allaah by saying:
,> ' ` - \\ ' ,> ' ` - \\ ' ,> ' ` - \\ '
.', =` , _ ,'=` , ` .'= =\' ` - \ ` =\` =\' ` -\ - \ =', = . ` .'= ` - \\' . - \ . ', . .'_ = > _ \ = ` = .
` .'= =. ' - \ =', = . ` .'= ` - \\' . - \
.'= ,' '= .' , = ` .', = = .
He says this 3 times, making duaa after each time for whatever he wishes from good.
Then he descends to al-Marwah, walking until he reaches the green signposts where he
runs until the next green signposts, walking until he ascends al-Marwah. Some of the Salaf
used to say during Saee
, > .' ` = .' .. ' = . , ='' ' =' ` ,
He faces the Qiblah and does the same as he did on as-Safaa. This completes one circuit.
After completing 7 circuits, he shaves his head (or takes from his hair). This completes the
Umrah and he is no longer in the state of Ihraam.

And he says, leaving the Masjid on the left foot:
, \ = .` = =` = _ \ = = ` ,` , \\' = \'= '_ = = \ ''= ' _ . ` ,` , \\'

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