Whether The Assessing Officer Is
Whether The Assessing Officer Is
Whether The Assessing Officer Is
%hether the 'ssessing ())icer is l*ing to *ou+ ta,ing ad-antage o) *ou+ or bossing *ou around+ *ou
can read his/her intent and emotional state in their bod* language . i) *ou ,no/ /hat to pa*
attention to - 55% o) /hat *ou con-e* comes )rom bod* language+ 8% )rom the tone o) *our -oice+
and onl* 0% )rom the /ords *ou sa*. To ,no/ their thoughts *ou need to read their bod* language1
An expansive pose signals power and a sense of achievement.
2"pansi-e poses increase testosterone and con)idence. 3) the*4re leaning bac, and rela"ed+ the* )eel
po/er)ul and in control. 5imilarl*+research sho/s that e-en people born blind raise their arms in a 6
shape and li)t their chins slightl* /hen the* /in a ph*sical competition.(n the other hand+ a lo/-
po/er pose . seen /hen someone closes up and /raps their arms around themsel-es .increases
cortisol+ a stress hormone.
Crossed legs are usually a sign of resistance and low receptivity, and are a bad sign in a
(ut o) 2+000 negotiations -ideotaped b* 7erard 3. 8ierenberg and 9enr* 9. :alero+ the authors
o) ;9o/ to <ead a =erson >i,e a Boo,+; there /asn4t a single settlement /hen one o) the negotiators
had their legs crossed. =s*chologicall*+ crossed legs signal that a person is mentall*+ emotionall*+ and
ph*sicall* closed o)) . /hich ma* mean the*4re less li,el* to budge in a negotiation.
Eye contact shows interest both positive and negative.
Being stared at b* a stranger /ho appears large or ominous can be seen as a threat and elicit
a )ear response ... 9o/e-er+ the ga?e o) a potential s@"ual partner causes arousal that can be
interpreted positi-el* . as a s@"ual in-itation.
But if they look into your eyes for too long, they might be lying.
3n an attempt to a-oid loo,ing shi)t*-e*ed+ some liars /ill purpose)ull* hold their ga?e a touch too
long+ so that it4s slightl* uncom)ortable. The* ma* also stand -er* still and not blin,.
f they!re laughing with you, they!re probably into you.
3) someone is recepti-e to *our humor+ the*4re li,el* interested in *ou+ humor pla*s a pi-otal role in
human de-elopment. 3t ser-es as a /a* o) signaling a desire )or a relationship."ook for a lack of
crinkles around the eyes to detect a fake smile.
The smile+ it turns out+ is all about the cro/4s-)eet around *our e*es. %hen *ou4re smiling Ao*)ull*+
the* crin,le. %hen *ou4re )a,ing it+ the* don4t.
#aised eyebrows are often a sign of discomfort.
<emember /orr*+ surprise+ or )ear can cause people to raise their e*ebro/s in discom)ort. 5o i)
someone compliments *our ne/ hairst*le or suit /ith their e*ebro/s raised+ it ma* not be sincere.
f their voice goes up or down, they!re likely interested.
%hether *ou ,no/ it or not+ *our -oice range sho/s *our interest.
f they mirror your body language, the conversation is probably going well.
%hen t/o people are getting along+ their postures and mo-ements mirror each other4s. %hen *our
best )riend crosses her legs+ *ou /ill+ too.
A $cluster$ of gestures shows a real feeling of connection.
'ttraction isn4t communicated through one signal but a seBuence. ')ter ma,ing e*e contact+ she loo,s
do/n a bit+ gathers or other/ise preens her hair+ and then loo,s up at *ou /hile her chin is tipped.
A shaking leg signals a shaky inner state.
' sha,* leg signals an"iet*+ irritation+ or both.
A clenched %aw, tightened neck, or furrowed brow shows stress.
The bus lea-es /ithout us+ and /e are clenching our Aa/s+ rubbing our nec,s. %e are as,ed to /or,
another /ee,end+ and the orbits o) our e*es narro/ as our chin lo/ers.
Expansive, authoritative postures show leadership.
%hether the*4re innate or learned+ there are a number o) signals and beha-iors people use /hen the*
)eel that the*4re a leader+ or at least are tr*ing to con-ince *ou that the* are - holding an erect
posture+ /al,ing purpose)ull*+ steepling and palm-do/n hand gestures+ and generall* open and
e"pansi-e bod* postures.
Crossed arms can signal defensiveness, depending on the context.
3t4s eas* to sei?e on bod*-language cues+ but it4s important to be a/are o) the conte"t. %hile crossed
arms t*picall* indicate that someone is closed o))+ people are also more li,el* to cross their arms /hen
it4s cold and /hen their chair doesn4t ha-e an armrest.
Caveat& Be a/are o) the en-ironment be)ore ma,ing a decision or changing strateg* based on these
t*pes o) beha-iors.