Leadership and Change
Leadership and Change
Leadership and Change
Leadership is the capability to guide a grouping of people within an organization with definite
principles and regulations of attitude in an effective approach. The present condition in the world
market, where there is a massive contest between various organization while leading to the
substantial sustainable growth, the scope to a massive demand for a useful and a successful
leader. The soaring complication of the technology, political financial and social factors make all
the more complicated to take a decision by leader.
The cutting edge of wrong decision taken by the leader will put the entire group of people into
wobbly situation. The organizational viability development corrected and improves are based on
the person who leads or forms the structure. Leadership is continuously exercised daily whether
by a politician, priest, parent, boss or teacher. Everyone is always being led at everywhere at
every time. Leaders they are grown and they are initiated through a never ending process of
learning, training and experience backed up with a strong desire and willpower. They are grown
out of opportunities and projects.
Leadership definition
Leadership is the skill of motivating a group of people to proceed towards
achieving a common goal.
ary !ukl "#$$%,p.&' defines leadership as (the process of influencing others to
understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the
process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared
Leadership Styles
)anaging a team at work, guiding a pathway or leading a major corporation, our leadership style
is essential to our achievement deliberately or subconsciously.*utocratic Leadership
One-ay !top to "otto#$
*utocratic leadership is the furthermost form of transactional leadership, where a leader has high
level of authority on the subordinates or colleagues. +eople within the team are given a small
number of opportunity for assembly suggestions, even the teams or organizations.
De#o%rati% Leadership or Parti%ipati&e Leadership
*lthough a democratic leader will make the final decision, he or she
invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision,making
process.. -uman resources sense to organize their own providence, and so are provoked to effort
by more than just an economic encouragement.
Laisse'-Faire Leadership
One- ay !"otto# to top$
This .rench phrase means (leave it be/ and is used to describe a leader who leaves their
colleagues to contract on with their profession. 0t can be flourishing if the leader monitors what
is being achieve and communicates this back to his or her group regularly. )ost often, laissez,
faire leadership works for teams in which the individuals are much practiced and capable self,
starters. 1egrettably, it can also refer to situations where managers are not exerting ade2uate
(Leaders3s are there to clear the track of any obstacles and make sure the individual and the team
as a whole is achieving both personal and corporate goals/
1esistance is an certain reaction to any key change. 0ndividuals as expected hurry to guard the
status 2uo if they feel their defense or position is defenseless. .olger 4 5karlicki "6777' claim
that 8organizational change can generate uncertainty and struggle in employees, making it
occasionally difficult or unfeasible to realize organizational improvements8.
Employees refuse to accept change because they have to learn a bit new. 0n many case there is
not a disparity with the benefits of the innovative development, but rather a fear of the
mysterious opportunity and about their capability to familiarize. )ost people are unenthusiastic
to leave the common following. 9e are all disbelieving about the strange: all are naturally
disturbed about how we will get from the old to the new, 0n particular if it involves learning
something new and risking breakdown.
Positi&e Resistan%e
)anagers often recognize confrontation pessimistically, and employees who resist are viewed as
defiant and obstacles the organization must overcome in order to realize the innovative
development of re2uirement. -owever in certain instances, employee struggle may play a
constructive and functional role in organizational transform. 0nsightful and well,intended
deliberate, analysis, or deviation do not necessarily e2uate to negative resistance, but rather may
be intended to produce better understanding as well as further options and solutions.
(hy the or)s for%e Resistan%e so#e ti#es*
0n current state of affairs business is changing its pace day by day due industrial revolution.
*nd to continue in this manic aggressive markets one need to be ready to implement the change.
* conflict arises when there is more than one path.
The conflicts opinions are paradoxical in the natural world and
never been accepted or aligned yet, including with ourselves
when are not living according to the core values, anxiety about
the unseen future and our values and perspectives are
venerable. ;onflicts are sometimes foreseeable and sometimes it
makes sense for the change or to adapt for new technology
Confli%ts are often needed+
0t helps to raise and address troubles, energizes work to be on the most suitable issues. -elps
people 8be authentic8, for example, it motivates them to contribute. -elps people learn how to be
ac2uainted with and promote from their differences. ;onflict is not the same as embarrassment.
The conflict isn<t the problem , it is when conflict is defectively managed that is the problem.
;onflict is a problem when its hamper efficiency Lowers confidence. ;auses more and
unrelenting conflicts ;auses unfortunate behaviors.
The leadership 2ualities explores the expansion arises from alliances between proficient
contemporaries who esteem each other3s area of expertise. 5o they can enhance an explode their
exclusive talents to train and to lead the organization.
0nfluence will gain by talent of individuals in particular fields. >y influence there is more change
will happen and developing gains. .or example a person with talent should maintain his job
stable and he will influence many people. * leader,member relation measures the confidence and
trust in the leader and the task structure will measure the procedure and success. +osition power
is leader3s ability to reward, punish the subordinates.
?sing his talent and emotions he can show the dominance with others. .or example group
discussion can show the pattern of dominance by sharing different ideas. 0f a person has got
crisis in his job he should use his talent to solve the crisis. Then only pattern of dominance can
be shown.
1oles are based up on character of person. 0f he has given a particular role he should reach goal
in time and ability to gain leadership 2ualities. -is decision making process is valuable in roles.
;ommunication skills are vital for any person, it will play major role in describing his work.
There is no single solution to deal with a conflict or to wipe a conflict. 0t depends on the existing
state of affairs. *t this point are the foremost ways that people use to compact with conflict are to
avoid it, accommodate it, contending, compromising, collaborating@.
0ndividual and proficient improvement is optimistic, as is the pursuit of one<s exclusive talents
and benefit. offers individuals the prospect to alternate within when the prospect arises. This
enables the employees to progress their skills and express their curiosity.