Student Name: Student ID: Teacher: Elementary School: LANGUAGE ARTS STANDARDS Grade Two Standards-Based Report Card 2014-2015 PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTORS Exceeding the Standard Meeting the Standard Progressing toward the Standard Making limited or no progress toward the Standard Not Evaluated at this time 4 3 2 1 Magnet Program Certifcate Track MATH STANDARDS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 SCIENCESTANDARDS OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING (2.OA) Represent and solve one- and two-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 100. (2.OA.1) Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. (2.OA.2) Determine whether a group of objects has an odd or even number. (2.OA.3) Add and write an equation to represent equal groups of objects arranged in rows and columns. (2.OA.4) NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN (2.NBT) Read, write, represent, and count numbers up to and within 1000 including skip counting by 5, 10, and 100. (2.NBT.1-3) Compare two three-digit numbers using symbols (<, >, =). (2.NBT.4) Fluently add and subtract within 100. (2.NBT.5) Add up to four two-digit numbers using strategies based on place value. (2.NBT.6, 9) Add and subtract within 1000 using concrete models and drawings based on place value. (2.NBT.7) Mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 to and from a given number. (2.NBT.8) MEASUREMENT AND DATA (2.MD) Estimate, measure, and compare the length of objects using inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. (2.MD.1, 3,4) Describe and compare the relationships between different units of measure. (2.MD.2) Solve word problems involving length using a number line, drawings, and equations. (2.MD.5,6) Tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes using analog and digital clocks. (2.MD.7) Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using the dollar and cent symbols appropriately. (2.MD.8) Organize, represent, and interpret data in line plots, picture and bar graphs. (2.MD.9,10) GEOMETRY (2.G) Identify and draw shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes). (2.G.1) Divide a rectangle into equal rows and columns and count to fnd the total number of squares. (2.G.2) Divide circles and rectangles into two, three and four equal parts using the words halves, thirds, fourths, and quarters. (2.G.3) LIFE SCIENCE Investigate to understand and describe the interdependent relationships in ecosystems. (LS2A, LS4D, ETS1B) EARTH SCIENCE Investigate to understand and describe the patterns of land and water on Earth. (ESS1C, ESS2A, ESS2C) Investigate to understand and describe forces that change Earths surface. (ESS2A, ESS2B, ESS2C, ETS1C) PHYSICAL SCIENCE Investigate to understand and describe the structures and properties of matter. (PS1A, PS1B) SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES Learn to ask questions and defne problems; develop and use models; plan and carry out investigations; analyze and interpret data; use mathematical and computational thinking; construct explanations and design solutions; engage in argument from evidence; obtain, evaluate and communicate information. (SEP 18) LITERATURE AND INFORMATION (RL & RI.2) Key Ideas and Details Ask and answer questions about key details in a text (who, what, where, when, why, how); determine main message, lesson, moral or topic of grade 2 texts; describe response of characters to events or connections between events, ideas, or concepts in texts. (RL/RI.2.1-3) Craft and Structure Determine word meanings and describe how word choice affects the meaning of a text; describe the structure of stories; know and use text features; recognize character points of view; identify the authors purpose. (RL/RI.2.4-6) Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Use information from illustrations and words to show understanding of a text; explain how an image contributes to meaning; describe how reasons support points; compare and contrast two texts. (RL/RI.2.7-9) Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Read and comprehend literature and informational texts at the grade 2 level. (RL/RI.2.10) FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS (RF.2) Phonics and Word Recognition Use knowledge of letter sounds and patterns to read words at a second grade level; quickly recognize and read words that appear frequently. (RF.2.3 a,b,c,d,e,f) Fluency Read second grade level text accurately and with expression for the purpose of understanding what the text means. (RF.2.4 a,b,c) WRITING (W.2) Text Types and Purposes Write opinion pieces, informative texts, or narratives in a way that conveys ideas, information, and experiences clearly (including proper structure and details). (W.2.1-3) Production and Distribution of Writing Revise to make writing better and publish writing. (W.2.5-6) Research to Build and Present Knowledge Engage in shared research projects; use information from experiences or provided sources to answer questions. (W.2.7-8) SPEAKING AND LISTENING (SL.2) Comprehension and Collaboration Participate properly in conversations in order to share ideas, get information, or clarify understanding. (SL.2.1-3) Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Use relevant facts or details; add more details through descriptions or drawings; create audio recordings; speak clearly to express ideas and feelings. (SL.2.4-6) LANGUAGE (L.2) Conventions of Standard English Write and speak with proper English; use parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) correctly, in complete sentences that are appropriate to second grade. This includes proper capitalization, punctuation and spelling. (L.2.1 a,b,c,d,e,f, 2 a,b,c,d,e) Knowledge of Language Compare formal and informal uses of English when writing, speaking, reading or listening. (L.2.3 a) Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Using a variety of strategies, identify word meanings and how words connect to each other; use new words learned when writing and speaking. (L.2.4 a,b,c,d,e, 5 a,b, 6) MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 LEARNER BEHAVIORS Exhibits a positive attitude Respects people and property Cooperates with others Follows school and classroom rules Follows directions Contributes to classroom activities Exhibits organizational skills Completes class assignments Completes and returns homework Works independently Demonstrates effort RATING * Exceeds Expectations + Meets Standards Does Not Meet Standards MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 ATTENDANCE MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 Days Absent: Times Tardy: MATH FACTS ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2nd Grade End of Year Goal = Master Strategies (Levels 1-14) X = Mastery of Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Lexile Range for Fall: Winter: Spring: INSTRUCTIONAL READING LEVEL Grade Level Standard Fountas & Pinnell Instructional Reading Level ABCD DEFGHIJ JKLM MNOP PQRS STUV VWXY YZ F & P Level for MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS DANCE Performs a varied repertoire of dances. Applies dance content and skillsets between activities. Actively participates independently and with others. SPANISH Name some people, places, or objects. Understand familiar words and phrases when people repeat them and speak slowly. Identify familiar words with visual support. Write words from a model.
ART Apply media, techniques, and processes. Self-critique work based on subject matter, symbols, and ideas. Explore history and cultures. Use materials safely and appropriately. LIBRARY MEDIA Locate, evaluate and use resources/sources. Find, record, organize, and interpret data/information. Share fndings/conclusions in an appropriate format. Appreciate literature and connect it to learning. Apply digital citizenship and use of technology for learning/ collaboration. MUSIC Sing and perform on instruments, a varied repertoire of music. Listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate music and musical performances. Read, notate, compose, and arrange music. Demonstrate an understanding of music as an essential aspect of human culture. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Develop motor skills and movement patterns. Transfer skill sets between physical activities. Actively participate. Exhibit sportsmanship. CIVICS Understand the historical development and current status of the democratic principles and the development of skills and attitudes necessary to become responsible citizens. (MDSSC. 1) PEOPLE AND NATIONS OF THE WORLD Understand how people in Maryland, the United States and around the world are alike and different. (MDSSC.2) GEOGRAPHY Use geographic concepts and processes to understand location and its relationship to human activities. (MDSSC.3) ECONOMICS Identify the economic principles and processes that are helpful to producers and consumers when making good decisions. (MDSSC.4) HISTORY Use historical thinking skills to understand how individuals and events have changed over time. (MDSSC. 5) SKILLS Learn to develop questions and plan inquiries, apply disciplinary tools and concepts, evaluate sources and use evidence to communicate conclusions and take informed action. (MDSSC. 6) COMMENTS MP 1 MP 2 MP 3 MP 4