Create Your Own Civilization Project - 09-101
Create Your Own Civilization Project - 09-101
Create Your Own Civilization Project - 09-101
Purpose: To create a new civilization using the information that we have learned about the river valley
civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Part 1: Create a title sheet with your name (first and last), period, and the name of your
civilization (2 points)
Part 2: Write a paper that describes your civilization (!" points total)
paragraph: #ntroduce your civilization $ive them a name. Tell me about their natural
boundaries/geography. our paragraph should answer these !uestions:
1 What is the name of your civilization%
2 #f you were to describe your civilization to the world, what would you say%
& Which features of the land ma'e your culture easy to attac'%
! What defenses does the land provide naturally%
"1# points$
paragraph: %escribe the organized government of your civilization. our paragraph should answer
these !uestions:
1 What form of (overnment does your culture have%
2 )ow are the leaders selected%
& What are the titles of those in power% (*+ President, 'in(, ruler, all mi(hty one)
! What are the responsibilities of those in power%
, What ma-or laws have been made and why% (at least two)
. What punishments e+ist for law brea'ers%
"1# points$
paragraph: %escribe the religion of your civilization. our paragraph should answer these !uestions:
1 What (od(s) is/are worshipped by the people in this civilization%
2 #s your civilization polytheistic or monotheistic%
& )ow do the people show respect for their (od(s)%
! Who are the 0holy people1 of your civilization%
, What are the most important teachin(s, rules, or ideas that your civilization2s reli(ion teaches%
. 3escribe the most important reli(ious holiday in your culture 4ell what it is and how people in
your civilization celebrate it
"1# Points$
paragraph: %escribe the contributions of your civilization "things your civilization created for the
world$. (or e)ample: The *hinese created paper that we still use today.
our paragraph should answer these !uestions:
1 What is the name of the lan(ua(e your civilization spea's%
2 What are the ma-or inventions your civilization created% (5ou need at least four inventions)
& What was one ma-or discovery made by your civilization%
"1# points$
Part &: #llustrations (,6 points total)
7ap: (16 points)
%raw a colorful map with a +ey that shows what your civilization,s geography loo+s li+e.
-n your map be sure to include:
(resh water source"s$
Main cities . including a capital "a total of four cities$
8rtifacts: (26 points total)
/rtifact: *hoose something that an archaeologist might discover from your civilization and illustrate
it. our choices might include a ma0or building1 a religious figure1 coo+ing materials1 or flag1 etc2
/rtifact: *reate a writing sample that your civilization has created.
9ocial Class Pyramid: (16 points)
*reate a pyramid that shows the class divisions in your society. 3abel the levels of the pyramid.
8rt of your Civilization: (16 points)
4llustrate or a design a creative model of art used in your civilization. E)amples include1 but are
not limited to: 0ewelry1 games1 dance1 musical instruments1 weapons1 architecture1 clothing1 or
$:83*: This pro0ect is worth 155 points. 4t is a ma0or grade6 7ee point values beside each re!uirement.
8o wor+ will be accepted late6