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James Scholarship list, 2015-2016
See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details 0!"0!1# Misso$ri Cattlemen %o$ndation &mo$nts 'aries Requirements: Awarded to seniors with at least a 2.5 GPA who plan to attend college in the Fall 2015 and seek an agriculture related degree. For more inormation and application: http:!!!scholarshipprogram.asp" !"0!1# (den)a Mar*etin+ Scholarship ,500 Requirements: Awarded to seniors with a 2.5 GPA. #ust appl$ online and asnwer the essa$ questions. %e&site: http:!!www.oden'!awards!(!eligi&ilit$)oden'a)marketing)group)scholarshi p.php 10!02!1# -endy.s /i+h School /eisman &0ard 'ario$s Requirements: Applications must &e re*iewed &$ a school representati*e. +eniors who ha*e a ,.0 GPA- in*ol*ed in school athletics- and ha*e leadership skills should appl$. Applications a*aila&le online at: www.wend$ Applications are to &e su&mitted &$ 5:00 pm ./+01 on 2ct ,- 2013. school 4nalists are announced at the end o 2cto&er- and state 4nalists announced in 5o*em&er. 10!01!201# &2S 2n+ineerin+ Scholarships ,500 Requirements: #ust &e a 6+ senior7 engineering classes 520 a requirement7 write a 1000 word or ewer essa$s answering the question- 8When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What people, things and accomplishments do you need?9 Application materials ound at: http:!!!scholarships.htm 10!23!13 Atlas +hrugged :ssa$ /ontest ;50< 10-000
Requirements: Respond to one o the three essa$ prompts %e&site: http:!!essa$contest.a$nrandno*!Atlas+hrugged.asp" 10!"0!1# /oratio &l+er Misso$ri Scholarship ,5,000 St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details Requirements: +eniors who meet certain 4nancial need and income guidelines- school and communit$ acti*ities- 2.0 GPA- and demonstrated integrit$ and perse*erance in o*ercoming ad*ersit$- essa$ required. Appl$ online at: https:!!!scholarships!appl$.cm 10!"1!1# Coca-Cola Scholars %o$ndation ,10,000 - 20,000 Requirements: +eniors with ,.0 GPA or higher- leadership skills- and communit$ ser*ice. For more inormation or to appl$: 11!0#!1# 20th &nn$al 3r$dential Spirit of Comm$nity &0ard ,1,000 Requirements: 6igh school students who ha*e made a di>erence in their communit$ through *olunteering. Appl$ online at: http:!! 11!01!1# 4on 5ro0n Scholar 3ro+ram Scholarships 6 10 Scholarships ,10,000 Requirements: 0he Ron ?rown +cholar Program seeks to identi$ Arican=American high school seniors who will make signi4cant contri&utions to societ$. Applicants must e"cel academicall$- e"hi&it e"ceptional leadership potential- participate in communit$ ser*ice acti*ities and demonstrate 4nancial need. 0o appl$: http:!!www.ron&!Appl$.asp" 11!1!13 @oice o Aemocrac$ +cholarship ;,0-000 Requirements: 0he theme is: %h$ @eterans are Bmportant to our 5ationCs 6istor$ and FutureD+tudents should record their reading o the drat to a /A. 0he recording can &e no shorter than three minutes and no longer than 4*e minutes .plus or minus 4*e seconds1. +ee we&site: http:!!www.*!/ommunit$!@oice=o=Aemocrac$! 11!15!13 6agan +cholarship ;23-000 Requirements: ,.50 GPA. +tudent must li*e in #issouri and &e graduating in 2015. 2, A/0 or higher. :liga&le or our $ear college onl$. St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details %e&site: http:!!!application.php 12!02!1# Most 'al$able St$dent Scholarship ,1,000 - #,000
Requirements: 6+ +enior- completed application- recommendation and orms. Application a*aila&le online at:!en!scholars 12!01!1" &7& &chie8ement &0ard Scholarships ,2,000 - 25,000 Requirements: Acti*e in communit$- led a proEect that &ene4ts others- o*ercome personal challenges- For more inormation and to appl$: www.a"a=achie* 01!05!15 John %. 9ennedy 3ro:le in Co$ra+e 2ssay Contest ,500 - 10,000 Requirements: %rite an essa$. For contest inormation- registration- and to su&mit $our essa$- *isit the Pro4le in /ourage Award Program at www.Ekli&rar$.org 0o appl$: http:!!www.Ekli&rar$.org!:ducation!Pro4le=in=/ourage=:ssa$=/ontest.asp" +tudents are also encouraged to *isit the Fohn F. Genned$ Pro4le in /ourage :ssa$ /ontest on Face&ook 1!H!15 @antage /redit Inion Juest or :ducation +cholarship ;1000 Requirements: #ust open an acocunt with @antage /redit Inion- 4ll out apllication- write essa$- and ha*e two letters o recommendation. %es&ite: https:!!www.*!education!quest=or=education=scholarship 01!1#!15 ;he <ates Millenni$m Scholarship 3ro+ram 'aries Requirements: Arican American- American Bndian!Alaska 5ati*e- Asian Paci4c Bslander American or 6ispanic American- I+ /iti'en- national or legal permanent resident o the Inited +tates- GPA o ,.,- will &e attending college Fall 2015- communit$ ser*ice leadership7 meet the Federal Pell Grant eligi&ilit$ criteria. For application and more inormation: http:!!!pu&licwe&!A&outIs.asp" 02!01!15 James =. and >ellie M. -estla*e Scholarship %$ll ;$ition and %ees Requirements: 6+ +enior who is a resident o #issouri7 must &e enrolling in an accredited our=$ear institution upon graduation7 must demonstrate 4nancial need .amil$ adEusted St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details gross income o ;50-000 or less and an e"pected amil$ contri&ution o ;K-000 or less17 ha*e a cumulati*e 2.5 GPA on a 3.0 scale. Applications can &e ound at: http:!!!westlake! 02!10!15 /y-'ee %o$ndation Scholarship ,1,000 Requirements: All 6+ seniors working or 6$=@ee- or who &egan their emplo$ment on or &eore +ept 15- 201,. +eniors who ha*e parents who work or 6$=@ee or at least L months .ull or part=time1 are also eligi&le to appl$. Applicant must &e enrolling into college or the 4rst time. For other criteria- requirements and scholarship application: www.h$=* .under compan$ inormation1. For questions- email M$nn 6oskins lhoskinsNh$=*ee.com7 +cholarship applications also a*aila&le in /areer /enter http:!!www.h$=*!compan$!scholarships!deault.asp" 02!20!15 ;he 'e+etarian 4eso$rce <ro$p Scholarship ,5,000 Requirements: Aue to the generosit$ o an anon$mous donor- 0he @egetarian Resource Group each $ear will award ;10-000 in college scholarship mone$ to graduating I.+. high school students who ha*e promoted *egetarianism in their schools and!or communities. @egetarians do not eat meat- 4sh- or owl. 0wo awards o ;5-000 each will &e gi*en. :ntries ma$ onl$ &e sent &$ students graduating rom high school in spring 2012. Aeadline is Fe&ruar$ 20- 2012. :arl$ su&mission is encouraged. 0o appl$: www.*!student!scholar.htm 0#!20!15 ;he &merican =e+ion ?epartment of Misso$ri Scholarships Millie Mois Ford +cholarship Fund = 2 Awards o ;1-000 each #.A. 8Fack9 #urph$ #emorial 5urses 0raining Fund = 1 Award o ;K50.00 Foseph F. Frank +cholarship = 5 Awards o ;500.00 each /harles M. ?acon #emorial +cholarship = 2 Awards o ;500.00 each :rman %. 0a$lor #emorial +cholarship = 2 Awards o ;500.00 each +hane Aean @o$les #emorial +cholarship = 1 Award o ;500.00 %or more information and to apply@ http:!!!molegion)01H.htm An$ urther questions should &e directed to: #r. Fohn ?uckwalter- /hairman O :ducation and +cholarship /ommittee = .LL01 L2K=3K1,. /ompleted applications should &e mailed no later than April 20- 2012 to: 0he American Megion Aepartment o #issouri- Bnc. Attn: :ducation and +cholarship /ommittee- P.2. ?o" 1KH- Fe>erson /it$- #2 L5102=01KH St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details 0#!26!15 ;he %o$ntainhead 2ssay Contest ,50.00 - 10,000 Requirements: +enior- write an (00=1L00 word essa$ on 1 o , topics listed on the we&site. Application- essa$ requirements: www.a$ http:!!essa$contest.a$!0heFountainhead.asp"DthemePgreen 06!15!15 &bbott A %enner Scholarships ,1,000 Requirements: 6igh school seniors who are registered in an$ accredited post secondar$ institution. A 500=1000 word essa$ is required on the topic: Aescri&e $our educational career and lie goals. :"plain $our plan or achie*ing these goals. Bnclude $our degree!maEor- wh$ $ou selected it- and how this degree!maEor will help $ou achie*e $our goals.For application and details: http:!!www.a&&!scholarships.htm St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details %B>&>CB&= &B? A SC/(=&4S/B3 -25SB;2S@ Dont ever pay for a company or organization to search scholarships for you. The information is FREE to fnd. Use these helpful wesites to fnd scholarships. %422 SC/(=&4S/B3 S2&4C/2S@ www.astwe&.com +cholarship search = o*er L00-000 scholarships- o*er 300 colleges and uni*ersities www.asa.ed.go* Free Application or Federal +tudent Aid Inder 8Pa$ing or /ollege9 click on 8+cholarships +earch9 /lick on #ach25 to access scholarship searches +tudent guide to 4nancial aid +allie #ae 4nancial aid inormation Alpha&etical list o colleges and some o the scholarships o>ered www.weekl$ Register to recei*e weekl$ scholarship opportunities +cholarship search +cholarship search www.disco* +cholarship search +cholarship search +cholarship search +cholarship search www.' More Scholarship (pport$nities for Seniors 3en+$in <ro$p Si+net 2ssay Contest +tudents in grades 11 and 12 can enter this essa$ contest sponsored &$ +ignet /lassics. Fi*e ;1-000 scholarships will &e awarded. 0his $earCs competition &ook is !ygmalion. Bnormation and contest details are a*aila&le online at http:!!!static!pages!ser*ices= academic!essa$home.html Aeadline: #!1#!15. Misso$ri Conser8ation &+ents &ssociation Scholarship +eniors who are pursuing a degree in &iolog$- wildlie management- orestr$- 4sheries- ecolog$- agriculture- criminal Eustice or a 4eld o stud$ closel$ related to these 4elds can appl$ or this scholarship. #ultiple ;500 awards will &e gi*en out this $ear. #inimum 2.5 gpa required to &e considered. Applications are a*aila&le online at http:!!!scolarship.shtml Aeadline: 2!1!15. St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details Colle+e 2xpress Scholarship +eniors can appl$ or a ;10-000 award in this random drawing. Applicants must plan on attending one o the (00Q mem&er institutions listed on the we&site. Get inormation and appl$ online at http:!!"!allo$)scholarship! &$ #!"0!15. Missouri Corn Scholarship must be a Missouri resident from a Missouri farm or rural area, planning on majoring in the field of agronomy or a related field of study, one letter of recommendation. 2/5/15 Missouri United School Insurance Council Scholarship open to anyone, any major. The school can only submit one application so you are competing with your peers. Deadline: 2/7/15 Missouri Association for College Admission Counseling Scholarship letter of recommendation from Ms. Coyne, submit a typewritten, double-spaced, two page essay telling about an obstacle you hae oercome and how this has motiated you to achiee your goals. !e can only submit one application so you will be competing with your peers. http:!!!assets!docs!#2A/A/scholarship!2013=2015R20moacac R20scholarshipR20application.pd Deadline: 2/25/15 National efense !ransportation Scholarships" ACA#MIC SC$%&A'S$I( ('%)'AM A" to encourage good college students to study the fields of logistics, transportation, supply chain, physical distribution, and passenger trael serices ACA#MIC SC$%&A'S$I( ('%)'AM *" to assist high school graduates achiee their academic goals in the fields of business / management, logistics, transportation, supply chain, physical distribution, and passenger trael serices ACA#MIC SC$%&A'S$I( ('%)'AM C" to encourage good distance learning college students to study the fields of logistics, transportation, supply chain, physical distribution, and passenger trael serices. "ee website for more details: http:!!!education)scholarship.htm Deadline: +/1,/15 -t. /ood Communit0 Spouses Clu1 Scholarship you must hae a #.$ or higher %&', a dependent family member of 'rmed (orces personnel, not eligible if you hae been awarded a full scholarship, admission to one of the ).". Military 'cademies, selection at a nursing institution of a Military medical center or receiing financial assistance from the military. Deadline: 2/27/15 St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details -arm Credit Ser2ices Scholarship https"//* must be a dependent of a (arm Credit "erices customer, in the top #+, of your class or a #.$ or higher %&' or #- or higher on your 'CT. Deadline: 4/1/15 Men of Achie2ement Scholarship556 must hae at least a ..++ %&', must be attending Mi//ou, open only to males, one letter of recommendation. 'pplication in counseling office. Deadline: 2/27/15 Missouri *an7ers -oundation majoring in a field related to ban0ing and obtain a signature of a ban0 officer who is a member of the Mo. 1an0ers 'ssoc. http:!!!uploadedFiles!#o?ankers)+ite)6ome!A&out)#?A!Aocu ments!#?FR20+cholarshipR20AppR202011.pdDeadline: 4/14/15 >ational MS Society Scholarship +eniors who ha*e &een diagnosed with #+ or who ha*e a parent with #+ can appl$ or a scholarship through this program. Awards range rom ;1-000=;,-000 each. 0he num&er o awards will depend upon a*aila&le unding. Mast $ear- o*er ;1 million was gi*en out to o*er L00 recipients. +election criteria: academic record- e"tracurricular in*ol*ement- leadership- work e"perience- goals- and communit$ ser*ice. Get inormation and appl$ online at www.national#+societ$.org!scholarship Aeadline: 1!15!15. <2-4ea+an %o$ndation Scholarship 0his national program awards college scholarships to high school seniors who em&od$ the ollowing characteristics: leadership- dri*e- integrit$ and citi'enship. Recipients recei*e ;10-000 renewa&le scholarships. Get inormation and appl$ online at!scholarships &$ 1!10!15. Shelter Insurance -oundation Scholarship must hae ..++ %&', participation and leadership in school and community actiities. 'pplication in counselor2s office. Deadline: 4/1+/15 -ederal #mplo0ee Scholarship dependent of a ciilian federal or postal employee, must hae a ..+ %&', copy of most recent standard form 50 Notice of Personnel Action. http:!!!storage!documents!scholapps!eea)2013.pd Aeadline: "!2C!15 Missouri +5$ -oundation Scholarships55 many scholarships aailable for 34 members, go to http:!!!oundation!scholarships!docs!scholarships.pd. /ontact $our local 3=6 clu& or more 6th &nn$al Create-&-<reetin+ Card Scholarship Contest 0his contest is open to all seniors planning on attending a two=or our=$ear college or uni*ersit$. 2ne ;10-000 scholarship will &e awarded and a ;1-000 pri'e or $our school. Appl$ online and get the oScial rules at http:!!www.galler$!greeting=cards= scholarship.htm Aeadline: 1!1C!15. 9idsD Chance Scholarship +eniors who are children o workers who were seriousl$ inEured or died in a work=related accident co*ered and compensated &$ workersC compensation can appl$ or a tuition scholarship through this #issouri program. St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details Applicants must &e enrolled at least hal time at a participating #2 institution and must show an :F/ o ;12-000 or less. Bnterested seniors must ha*e their FAF+A on ile &$ #!"0!15. Applications and inormation are a*aila&le online at w w w .m okid s cha n ce .org 5$ic* &chie8ers Scholarship 3ro+ram 2pen to high school seniors planning to enroll ull=time as an undergraduate. 2pen to students who plan to maEor in a course o stud$ that ocuses on science- technolog$- engineering or math. http:!!www.&uickachie*!home! Aeadline: 2!2C!15 2xxon Mobile 5ernard /arris Math and Science Scholarship 2pen to minorit$ students interested in pursuing a degree in +cience- 0echnolog$- :ngineering- or #ath. Applicants must &e accepted to a our $ear college or uni*ersit$ and plan to enroll ull=time. http:!!!!site!Aeault.asp"DPageBAP3K Aeadline: #!2!15 %oster Care to S$ccess Scholarship 3ro+ram--2pen to high school seniors and college students who ha*e &een in pu&lic or pri*ate oster care or a minimum o 12 consecuti*e months at the time o their 1(th &irthda$7 2R ha*e &een adopted or placed into legal guardianship rom oster care ater their 1Lth &irthda$7 2R the$ must ha*e &een orphaned or at least one $ear at the time o their 1(th &irthda$. http:!!!programs!scholarships=and=grants! 8outh 9olunteer Scholarship:must hae completed $+ hours of olunteer oer the past # years, maintained a %&' of ..$+ or aboe, essay. 'pplications can be found online at Aeadline: 11!2!15 Ur1an -light ; 'ural Needs Scholarship56 must hae a %&' of #.$+ and be pursuing a teaching degree.http:!!&unkerr,!counselor!+cholarship!Ir&an)Flight)Rural)5eeds)+c holarship)Application.pd Aeadline: #!15!15 St. <ames Alumni Scholarship555must hae a ..++ %&'. 'pplication in counselor2s office. Deadline: +/1,/15 Student 9ie3 Scholarship (rogram:must apply online at Deadline: +/2=/15 St. <ames &ions Clu1 cannot 1e in the top 1=> of the class but hae at least a ..++ %&'. 'pplication in counselor2s office. Deadline: 4/41/15 ;he Jac*ie 4obinson %o$ndationDs Scholarship 3ro+ram Applicants must possess the ollowing quali4cations: Inited +tates /iti'en- #inorit$- 6igh +chool +enior- 6igh le*el o academic achie*ement- Meadership potential- Financial need- Accepted to a our $ear accredited college or uni*ersit$- +A0 score o 1000 or a&o*e and!or A/0 score o 21 or a&o*e. http:!!www.Eackiero&!appl$!general= applicants.php Aeadline: 2!15!15 St. James Scholarship list, 2015-2016 See scholarship box or Ms. Coyne for more details =a0 ?ay 2ssay Contest 2pen to #issouri high school students. http:!!!#issouri!/ontests1!1.asp" Aeadline: 2!"!15 Masonic Scholarship %$nd (f Misso$ri Scholarships Applicants must &e a graduate o a #issouri Pu&lic 6igh +chool and enrolled or planning to enroll as a ull time student .12 hours credit per semester or term1 at an accredited college or uni*ersit$ in the Inited +tates. +election is made without regard to race- creed- se" or countr$ o origin. http:!!!programs=scholarship.asp Aeadline: "!"1!15 &M24BC&> =2<B(> &E7B=B&4F /6BMAR:5 2F %ARRB2R+ 5A0B25AM PR:+BA:50+T +/62MAR+6BP /andidates or this award shall &e daughters- sons- grandsons- granddaughters- great=granddaughters- great=grandsons- o *eterans who ser*ed in the Armed Forces during eligi&ilit$ dates or mem&ership in 0he American Megion. Aealine: "!1!15 https:!!www.alaor*!+cholarships!/hildren=o=%arriors=5ational= Presidents==+cholarship! Misso$ri 5roadcasters &ssociation 2pen to #issouri residents and must &e enrolled or planning to enroll in a &roadcast or related curriculum- which pro*ides training and e"pertise applica&le to a &roadcast operation. http:!!www.m&awe&.org!5(=2! Aeadline: "!"1!15 Misso$ri 5$siness =eadership >et0or* Mobility Scholarship 2pen to graduating high school seniors and current college students with Bndi*iduali'ed :ducation Plan .B:P1 or who are recei*ing ser*ices through the Aisa&ilit$ +upport Access 2Sce. http:!!!scholarshipinormation.html Aeadline: "!15!15 -almart ?ependant Scholarship 2pen to high school seniors who are dependants o %almart associates https:!!walmart.scholarsappl$.org!dependent! Aeadline: "!1#!15 Society (f MayGo0er ?escendants Bn ;he State (f Misso$ri 2pen to #issouri high school seniors who are residents o the state o #issouri and citi'ens o the Inited +tates planning to attend an institution o higher learning in the all. http:!!www.moma$! Aeadline: "!2!15 ;he 5i+ S$n Scholarship 2pen to high school senior athletes planning to attend college!uni*ersit$. http:!!www.&! Aeadline: 6!1!15