Republic vs. Bermudez

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 160258 January 19, 2005
Gloria Bermudez and Francisco Lorino were married in June 1987. The wife was unaware that
her husband was a habitual drinker with violent attitude and character and had the propensity to go out
withhis friends to the point of being unable to work. In 1991 she left him and returned to her parents
together with her three children. She went abroad to work for her support her children. From the time
she left him,she had no communication with him or his relatives.In 2000, nine years after leaving her
husband, Gloria filed a verified petition with the RTC under the ruleson Summary Judicial Proceedings
in the Family Law. The lower court issued an order for the publicationof the petition in a newspaper of
general circulation.In November 7, 2001, the RTC granted the summary petition. Although the
judgment was final andexecutors under the provisions of Act. 247 of the Family Code, the OSG for the
Republic of thePhilippines filed a notice of appeal.
Issue: Whether or not the factual and legal bases for a judicial declaration of presumptive death under
Art41 of the Family Code were duly established.
Held: Art. 238 of the Family Code under Title XI Summary Judicial Proceeding in the Family Law,
setsthe tenor for cases scoured by these rules, to wit:Art238. Until modified by the Supreme Court, the
procedural rules in this Title shall apply in all cases provided for in this Code requiring summary court
proceeding. Such cases shall be decided in an expedition is manner without regards technical rules.
The judge of the RTC fully complied with the above-cited provision by expeditiously rending judgment
within ninety (90) days after the formal offer of evidence by the petitioner.

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