Please answer the following questions.
My name is______________.
1. I am ___________________ years old.
2. I live in ________________, Georgia.
3. I am from_______________________________.
4. I have _____brothers/ sisters. Their/his/her name is _____________.
5. My Best friend is _______________.
6. I have _______________ pets Their/His/Her name is ___________.
7. I like to _______________ (hobby/interest)
8. My favorite food/meal is _____________.
9. My favorite show is ________________.
10. My favorite musician is _______________________.
11. My favorite song is _________________ by______________.
12. My favorite movie is ___________.
13. My favorite actor is ______________.
14. My favorite comedian is _____________________.
15. My favorite sport is ______________
16. My favorite team is _____________________.
17. My favorite place is ______________________.
18. My favorite book is ________________.
19. My favorite animal is __________________.
20. My least favorite class is ___________________
21. My favorite memory is __________________.
22. My favorite holiday is _______________________________.
23. My favorite vacation or vacation spot is ____________________.
24. My favorite class is _________________________
25. I am afraid of ______________________.
26. When I grow up I will _____________________.
27. If I had a $1,000,000 I would___________________.
28. If I had superpowers they would be__________________.
29. If I could meet a famous person it would be ________________.
30. If I were trapped on a desert island I would bring